Requirements for the profession of a locomotive driver. Presentation by profession "Locomotive driver" All-Russian competition for students "My profession is my future". State educational institution. Initial vocational education

Train driver- a railway worker, managing passenger and freight trains, electric trains of various communications and purposes. The driver is driving the train, driving the locomotive. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in physics and labor and economy (see the choice of a profession by interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

Trains differ in the type of locomotive (diesel / electric locomotive), as well as in the range and destination of the routes. For example, long-distance trains can carry goods and passengers for thousands of kilometers, while a commuter train does not leave the region and makes several trips a day. Large industrial enterprises (factories, mines, mines) have their own railways and trains - the routes of such trains are even shorter.

And each type of train requires special training from the driver.

The driver must drive the train exactly on schedule, observing traffic rules, semaphore signals, etc. The train route is practically unchanged. However, the situation on the road is constantly changing. It may depend on the weather, on the congestion of the train, on other road users. For example, a truck stuck on the tracks requires an immediate response.

Driving at high speed is often associated with unexpected events. The traffic situation, road signs, instrument readings in the cockpit - all this requires constant intense attention. Therefore, a long-distance driver always works with an assistant (an assistant driver, who may also eventually become a driver). On steam locomotives, a fireman is part of the brigade - he ensures the work of the locomotive, throwing up fuel. However, steam locomotives are very rare these days. In some cases (for example, in the subway) the driver works alone.

Long-distance train routes are divided into sections. And the driver is usually a connoisseur of one of the sections of the path. At one of the stations, one locomotive brigade is replaced by another and leads the train further. The old crew rests in the hotel and takes their place again when it is time to drive the train back.

Local or metro drivers also need a good rest. For example, in the metro, drivers have special rest rooms where they can sleep after a shift and before the start of a new day, if, according to the duty schedule, the driver has to put the train on the line in the morning.


Railways, subways, large factories, mines and other enterprises that use railways for the internal movement of goods.


Salary for 12/04/2019

Russia 40,000-120,000 ₽

Moscow 80,000—100,000 ₽

Important qualities

Self-confidence, high sense of responsibility, quick reaction, ability to concentrate, good vision (including color vision), keen hearing. Diseases of the heart, blood vessels, central nervous system, bronchial asthma, disorders of the vestibular apparatus, problems of the musculoskeletal system that restrict movement are contraindicated in such work.

Knowledge and skills

It is necessary to be able to operate a locomotive, carry out small locksmith work, use radio communications. Know the structure of a locomotive, traffic rules on the railway.

Where to study as a train driver (education)

Initial vocational education (NGO)

In one of the railway colleges, you can get professions:

  • Locomotive Driver Assistant;
  • "Assistant to the locomotive driver";
  • "Assistant driver of an electric locomotive."

Secondary vocational education (SVE)

In colleges and technical schools, you can get the specialty "Technical operation of rolling stock of railways." Qualification "Technician".

On-the-job training

To work in the metro, you can get a job in a depot (on the metro line) and there you can be trained as a driver. First, a locksmith practice is carried out, then the future driver studies the equipment of an electric train and learns to operate a train. In the Moscow metro, simulators are used to speed up the process.

The life of a modern person cannot be imagined without machines and other mechanized devices. It is only logical that there are people who operate such machines. And if machines used for personal purposes are operated by their owners, then only specialists - representatives of the machinist profession - can operate industrial or public equipment.

The life of a modern person cannot be imagined without machines and other mechanized devices that not only make our life easier, but significantly increase the productivity of specialists in various industries. It is only logical that there are people operating such machines. And if machines used for personal purposes are operated by their owners, then production or public equipment can only be operated by specialists - representatives profession machinist.

Since we are unlikely to live up to the moment when machines are fully automated (that is, they no longer need to be controlled by humans) in the next few decades, and the number of machines is steadily increasing, the labor market constantly needs and will need professional machinists for a long time. Therefore, many yesterday's schoolchildren prefer not to chase after fashion, choosing the professions of economist or lawyer that are popular today, but give up training in the specialty "machinist", since this profession guarantees a stable income, regardless of the economic situation in the country.

Who is a machinist?

A qualified specialist whose professional activity is to operate machines of various types and purposes. Note that depending on which machine the specialist drives, the term "driver" is always supplemented by the type of machine. At the same time, some professions associated with the management of certain types of machines have nothing to do with the term "machinist". For example, a car is driven by a driver and an airplane is driven by a pilot.

The name of the profession comes from the Latin māchina (tool, device, mechanism). It is interesting that in pre-Petrine Russia all mechanical devices were called "colossus", and only then this word acquired a slightly different meaning, and the mechanisms began to be called the German word Maschine. The first cars appeared in ancient times, respectively, at the same time the profession of the same name arose.

But if at the dawn of the formation of the profession, machinists controlled primitive lifting mechanisms (blocks and levers) and military equipment, then modern specialists control a huge amount of very different equipment, the control of which is akin to controlling a spaceship: cranes, trains, manipulators, excavators, etc. True, in everyday life, most specialists are called by the name of the equipment they control: a crane operator, a bulldozer operator, an excavator operator.

Regardless of which machine the specialist works on, the professional duties of all drivers are approximately the same: operating a mechanical device, maintaining cleanliness in the workplace, strictly adhering to safety precautions during work, monitoring the condition of the vehicle and passing a technical inspection of the machine in a timely manner, etc.

What personal qualities should a driver have?

Since any machine belongs to the devices of increased danger, the driver must, first of all, be very attentive and responsible. Moreover, driver's work assumes that a specialist has such personal qualities as:

  • stress tolerance;
  • accuracy;
  • endurance;
  • concentration;
  • love of technology;
  • courage;
  • ability to react quickly in unforeseen situations;
  • developed hand coordination;
  • good reaction.

It is also necessary to understand that the work of a machinist is physically hard work, therefore representatives of this profession must be strong, not only physically, but also morally.

Advantages of the profession of a driver

Since not a single sphere of human activity today can do without the use of technical devices, the demand for specialists capable of operating machines has always been and will be steadily high for a long time. That is, immediately after graduation, a young specialist is guaranteed to be able to find a job in his specialty (although, in some cases, at first he will have to work for some time in the position of "assistant driver").

Another the advantage of the driver's profession we can safely name a fairly decent level of earnings - according to the latest statistics, the average salary of a driver in Russia is 40 thousand rubles. Agree, this is a lot for the working profession.

It is also important that the profession of a machinist, which, by the way, enjoys well-deserved respect, allows one to feel its significance and "usefulness" for society. After all, thanks to these specialists, we can quickly get from one place to another by train or subway, build multi-storey buildings, easily move multi-ton objects, etc.

Disadvantages of the profession of a machinist

Talking about disadvantages of the driver's profession First of all, it is necessary to note the difficult working conditions. As a rule, drivers work in shifts. At the same time, the shift lasts more than 8 hours, which is difficult not only physically, but also emotionally. Perhaps that is why this profession is considered exclusively "male" - it is difficult to imagine a representative of the beautiful half of humanity at the control panel of a tower crane or at the wheel of a bulldozer.

In addition, a great psychological stress in the work of a driver creates a huge responsibility, since the health and life of many people sometimes depends on his professionalism. Because of this, the driver can only get permission to work after a medical examination, including a psychological state.

Where can you get the profession of a train driver?

Get the profession of a machinist, regardless of the direction of the specialist's activity, it is possible in a secondary specialized educational institution. However, the learning process, most often, does not stop there. Firstly, since the technique is constantly being improved and updated, the driver has to periodically undergo retraining or improve their qualifications.Secondly, some specializations, for example, the profession of an electric train driver, involve not only obtaining practical skills in the position of "assistant driver" (moreover, in the case of an electric train driver, a specialist must work as an assistant driver for at least 3 years before he is allowed to independently manage the train), but also passing additional courses.

Among the many working specialties, there are those that have been dreamed of since childhood. They are shrouded in an aura of romance and high professionalism. One of them is the profession of "train driver". He is the most important in railway transport, and his activities are related to the management of a locomotive.

A brief excursion into the history of the profession

As soon as the first rails were laid and the first train was released, the question of its management arose sharply. For a trip to be successful, you need not only relevant knowledge, but also specific character traits.

In Russia, the profession of "train driver" emerged back in 1834. Initially, small trains of only four cars ran on the rails. Their speed did not exceed 33 km / h. But after the increase in power and speed up to 42 km / h, people were required to cope with the increasing load. Therefore, training courses were organized to gain knowledge and skills in railway transport management.

Machinists were especially in demand during the Soviet Union. The laying of the rail proceeded at a tremendous pace; various trains were produced in the country for the transport of goods and passengers. Required qualified people, fully trained to manage the composition.

Characteristic features of the specialty

The profession of a machinist is more often regarded as a purely male one. However, no one will restrict female representatives if they deign to learn this skill. But for the choice to be conscious, it is necessary to know exactly the description of the profession of "train driver".

The specialty has a number of specific features that you should pay attention to. The activity requires not only endurance, but also excellent health. Therefore, upon admission to the appropriate educational institution, a medical certificate of fitness is required.

The profession of "train driver" implies knowledge of the technical features of the machine and the automatic devices located in the locomotive cabin.

The utmost concentration of attention is required from the driver. To prevent an accident, you must pay attention to road signs, weather conditions and instrument readings. Long-distance trains are always equipped with assistants who provide insurance to the main driver and give him the opportunity to rest.

The main duties of a locomotive driver

When the train is moving, the driver and assistant perform the following main functions:

  • follow signs and signals on the railway track;
  • observe the readings of the dashboard, which indicates the uninterrupted operation of the entire rolling stock;
  • monitor the condition of the locomotive, its integrity;
  • give the set signals at the entrance to the station;
  • are responsible for the safety of maneuvers;
  • upon detection of malfunctions, they are obliged to immediately inform the station duty officer.

The profession of "train driver" involves frequent absences from home. But it gives the opportunity to see many new places. Therefore, people who crave new experiences and are ready to study the technical characteristics of railway transport often choose this specialty.

Toy railway

Those children who, during vocational guidance lessons, write an essay on the topic - "My future profession is a train driver", it is necessary to visit the children's railway.

Such organizations already exist in many cities of Russia. For those who dream of driving on rails not only a toy, but a real full-fledged team, special training is organized. After gaining the necessary knowledge, the guys can work as real guides, station attendants, and even help the driver to drive a real train with passengers.

The Children's Railway not only provides entertainment services for the skating of young children, but is also an institution of additional education. Children aged 8 to 15 can study various railway specialties and consolidate the acquired skills in practice.

The profession of "train driver" for children is mastered not only in classrooms. On real trains of a slightly reduced format and on a narrower rail track, under the careful guidance of an adult, a teenager learns the basics of a complex skill.

Everything is real on the children's railway. As far as technical possibilities are concerned, all equipment corresponds to the same on general purpose tracks. And, although the rails do not have access to a common track, the composition fully corresponds to a full-fledged passenger locomotive and the people are real.

Driving training

For those who dream of conquering a heavy car and becoming a manager of a long train, it is useful to know where to get the profession of a train driver. They teach specialties in railway technical schools, admission is possible after the 9th grade of a comprehensive school.

The main disciplines that future students will study are related to technical sciences, safety rules for transporting people and goods, and the basics of railway traffic.

In order to competently manage the whole composition, it is necessary to study its characteristics and have knowledge of the software and the principles of its operation.

To fulfill the dream, it remains only to choose the nearest educational institution, the list of which is quite extensive. Among the most famous are: Saratov, Samara, Orenburg, Penza technical schools of railway transport.

To obtain higher education, one must enter state universities of railways, where one can obtain the profession of a train driver and the qualification of a railway engineer. Universities are located in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara, Rostov, the Far East and other regions.

The demand for the profession

Before choosing a future profession, it is important to know its prospects. The specialization “locomotive driver” occupies a leading position in the list published by Rossiyskaya Gazeta a couple of years ago.

The demand is indicated by employers' inquiries at labor exchanges, among which 33% of the total number corresponded to the work of a "machinist".

The pros and cons of the specialty

Like any other, the profession of a driver has its undeniable merits. One of them is associated with a halo of romance, when a person is constantly on the road and sees many new places. But this advantage also gives rise to a disadvantage. The specifics of the profession forces a person to be separated from the family for a long time, which may not suit some.

But the colossal responsibility for the lives of passengers and the safety of cargo guarantees decent wages. Russian Railways, in addition to providing their employees with additional support in the form of bonuses, vouchers to a sanatorium and long vacations.

The downside is the high load on the body and the influence of harmful factors on health. The driver's shift lasts 12 hours, which he spends in a confined space and concentrates his attention to the utmost.

Thorny path

After training, all specialists begin their journey with an assistant driver. Depending on the basic education and practical skills, a beginner specialist can hold the position of an assistant from several months to two years.

Only after testing by a professional and passing the appropriate interview, the person is trusted to independently lead

A locomotive driver is a specialist in railway transport who controls a locomotive (steam locomotive, diesel locomotive, electric locomotive) or multiple unit rolling stock (diesel train, electric train).

In addition to the driver, the locomotive crew usually includes an assistant driver, and on the steam locomotive there is also a fireman. In some cases (for example, on shunting locomotives and on subway trains), the locomotive crew may only consist of a driver - the so-called "one-person control".

At first, after the transition from a steam locomotive to a diesel locomotive traction, the locomotive brigade, in addition to the driver and the driver's assistant, also included a diesel operator responsible for monitoring the proper operation of diesel engines.

Initially, the designation for the specialty of driving a locomotive on the railway was a mechanic; later, after the spread of the term machinist, the term mechanic remained unofficial, and even more common term for designating the specialty of a locomotive driver.


Management of a long-distance freight, passenger train, suburban and local traffic, a special train, an industrial locomotive (on intra-plant tracks, mines, mines, etc.);

Shunting movements;

Reception and technical inspection of the locomotive;

Ensuring a rational locomotive control mode;

Ensuring the correct operation of the locomotive, trailed cars and their units;

Control over signals, the state of the railway track and contact network, indicators of instrumentation along the route;

Ensuring safety and adherence to the train schedule;

Implementation of operational orders of employees responsible for the movement of the train and the production of maneuvers;

Control over the safe embarkation and disembarkation of passengers;

Informing passengers about the embarkation, disembarkation and departure of the train;

Control over the safety and timeliness of cargo delivery and the safety of passengers along the route;

Making emergency decisions in case of using a stop-crane;

Management and control over the work of the members of the locomotive brigade;

Timely elimination of faults identified along the route;

Performing service repairs of a locomotive as part of a locomotive brigade.

Personal qualities:










A responsibility;


Areas of application of professional knowledge:

General network railways;


Industrial enterprises (in-plant routes);