Interrelation of categories of pedagogical science. Basic concepts and categories of pedagogy Education as a category of pedagogical science

Each science develops its own categorical apparatus corresponding to its subject. The totality of the concepts of any science is the most valuable part of its content, according to Hegel, its diamond net.

  • socialization;

Socialization is the broadest of these concepts. Socialization is understood as the diversity and multi-stage process of change and development of one's physical and mental qualities that every person inevitably experiences under the influence of the surrounding social environment. Initially, in primitive society, this process of introducing a person to the accumulated social values ​​was spontaneous, unorganized, uncontrollable. To a large extent, it remains so in modern societies, as evidenced by the persistence even in developed countries of significant groups of people with various forms of deviant behavior deviating from social norms in the form of crime, alcoholism, drug addiction, etc. However, in a developed civilized society, the process of socialization is becoming more and more streamlined, organized, and manageable. Plays a decisive role in it educational activity.

Education there is an organized, orderly, purposeful form of socialization which is carried out through a system of specialized institutions. Moreover, today, education is understood not only as the process of socialization of the younger generation, but also as a holistic process of purposeful formation of people at all stages of their life, including secondary and higher education. professional education. Moreover, in conditions when one or another result of education became a “perishable product”, the process of education began to include continuous self-education and self-development.

The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” states: “Education in this law is understood as a purposeful process training and education in the interests of the individual, society and the state”.

Education is interpreted by this law, as follows from the above fragment, as one of the most important components educational activities. Its essence lies in the joint activity of teachers and trainees in mastering a certain body of knowledge. The nature and scope of this knowledge is determined in modern educational institutions by curricula and programs that establish both the list of disciplines studied and the content of each of them. Learning is fundamental education.

Upbringing - there is a process accompanying learning, closely related to it, the process of transforming the knowledge gained during training into sustainable forms of activity and behavior, skills and abilities. You can’t teach a person carpentry, noted the German philosopher Hegel, and do not teach him to carpentry. In other words, education can be considered holistic only if it combines learning with upbringing, i.e. if the knowledge gained in the learning process is applied in real activities, and does not remain a dead weight.

To these main concepts, which make up the basic structures of the categorical apparatus of pedagogical science, modern pedagogy adds some others that reflect the latest trends in the development of the theory and practice of education. They can be categorized as "educational management", as well as the concept "computerization of education".

Educational management,or management of the process of providing educational services, - a category that reflects the process of planning, organizing educational services and monitoring their quality in a market economy at all levels - from individual educational institutions to its national and international levels.

The growing role of educational management is due to increased competition in the market of educational services between educational institutions various forms both within individual countries and internationally. The outcome of this struggle, the survival of individual educational structures today increasingly depends on the effectiveness of educational management, and on the degree computerization of education.

Computerization of education— widespread introduction of computers in the educational process. With its help, the transition from traditional education with the widespread use of live communication and printed media to its modern form based on indirect communication and the widespread use of electronic media, including the Internet, is ensured.

The computerization of education will create prerequisites for an unlimited expansion of the spatial and temporal framework of pedagogical communication, its accessibility, and openness. At the same time, the transition to computer learning also revealed a number of related problems, the most important of which is the problem of the lack of live communication between the teacher and the student. However, the prospects for using computers as an effective teacher's assistant are so great that there were even proposals to rename pedagogy in computer science.

The listed key concepts are common to the entire system of pedagogical sciences and constitute the main constructions of its categorical apparatus.

Ticket 1. Pedagogy as a science, academic discipline and field of practice.

Pedagogy as a science. Pedagogy explores and improves ways to manage human development in the unity of the natural, social and individual. Therefore, pedagogical theories, concepts, models, methods and technologies are built only on the foundation of a holistic and systematic knowledge of a developing personality, which is “extracted” by psychology, philosophy, history, sociology and other human sciences.

Pedagogy as an academic discipline includes theoretical and practical aspects of teaching and educating a person at all age stages of his personal and professional development and which is studied by students studying both in pedagogical and non-pedagogical specialties.

Practical value pedagogy. It is considered as one of the spheres of human activity associated with the transfer of cultural and historical experience from the older generation to the younger in order to prepare it for independent life and work. At the same time, the interrelation of folk (everyday) pedagogy with pedagogical skills and the art of education is important. Not by chance supreme manifestation pedagogical activity called art.

Ticket 2. Object, subject and main functions of pedagogy.

Pedagogy is a science that studies the essence, patterns, principles, methods and forms of organization of ped. process as a factor and means of human development throughout his life.

An object science - a person in the system of pedagogical relations.

Thing sciences - pedagogical relations.

Functions of Pedagogy:

Theoretical (descriptive, diagnostic, projective);

· Technological (modeling, transformative, reflective (analytical));

· Management (normative, organizational, management).

Ticket 3. Branch division of pedagogical knowledge and its connection with other sciences.


1. general pedagogy - the main patterns of upbringing, training, education and personal development;

2. history of pedagogy;

3. comparative pedagogy - comparison different countries;

4. age pedagogy;

5. special pedagogy (defectology): deaf pedagogy (deaf-mute and deaf); typhlopedagogy (blind and visually impaired); oligophrenopedagogy (mentally retarded); speech therapy (speech disorders).

6. methods of teaching various disciplines;

7. professional pedagogy (professional training);

8. social pedagogy (education);

9. correctional labor pedagogy (re-education of persons in places of deprivation of liberty);

10. medical pedagogy.

Pedagogy associated with a number of other sciences: philosophy, psychology, sociology, ethics, aesthetics, etc. It is interconnected with methodology, philosophy and uses its main methodological approaches (systemic, personal, lean, polysubjective, etc.) to substantiate the essence of pedagogical phenomena and processes. Pedagogy interacts with such areas of philosophy as ethics and aesthetics. Ethics gives an idea of ​​the ways of the moral formation of a person. Aesthetics reveals the principles of value attitude to the world. Educators-researchers for the purpose of searching best ways the formation and development of personality are based on the provisions of the theory of knowledge, the philosophy of education. The relationship between pedagogy and psychology is already traditional. results psychological research embodied in laws mental development of a person, allow teachers to organize the processes of education and upbringing, relying on these laws and ensuring the formation of a person as a subject. Pedagogy and sociology are looking for ways to translate generalized results sociological research to the specific tasks of education. These tasks are jointly solved by social institutions: the family, educational and cultural institutions, public, political and state organizations. Pedagogy is connected with the economy, solving jointly the problems of the economics of education and the organization of the economic education of a modern person.

1) Development - driven by external internal factors the process of accumulation of quantitative changes that provide a qualitative leap in the functioning of the individual.

2) educate e - is understood in 2 senses: social - a general eternal category that has a specific historical character; intergenerational transmission of culture, the preparation of a person in this particular society. Pedagogical - purposefully organized activity of educational institutions for the formation of a worldview, a system of relations and a model of behavior of an individual.

3) Education - an interconnected process, consisting of teaching and learning, as a result of which the assimilation of a certain system of ZUN (knowledge, skills, skills) is ensured.

4) Education - the process of training and education in the interests of the individual, society, state with the aim of transferring social experience, meeting the needs of the individual in development, improving the well-being of the individual.

1.1. Pedagogy as a science, its subject and tasks.

1.2. Fundamental categories of pedagogy (upbringing, training, education).

1.3. The structure of pedagogical science.

The study of any discipline requires the concept of general theoretical provisions underlying this branch of knowledge. That is why the Department of Vocational and Pedagogical Training of the Agrarian University was the first to publish the educational and methodological manual "Introduction to Professional Pedagogical Activities", and then prepared this educational and methodological complex. The study of pedagogy, like any other science, requires familiarity with the history of the development of science, its subject of study.

Pedagogy is the science of the laws of upbringing and education of a person, it studies the patterns of successful transfer of the social experience of the older generation to the younger. It exists in order to indicate in practice the easiest ways to achieve pedagogical goals and objectives, ways to implement the laws of education and teaching methods.

V Ancient Greece a slave assigned to a student, whose functions were to accompany him to school, to serve in the classroom, was called a teacher. The teacher is a derivative of the Greek words "peida" - a child, "goges" to lead, literally "schoolmaster", "children's guide".

The modern science of "pedagogy" literally translated from Greek means "children's guidance". The root cause of the emergence of all scientific fields is the need for life. There came a time in people's lives when education began to play a big role.

It was noted that the success of the development of civilization largely depends on the upbringing and education of individual generations. There is a need to generalize the experience of education, the first attempts to generalize were made in the most developed countries ancient world– China, India, Egypt, Greece, when education starts to play important role in people's lives.

As a separate science, pedagogy appears much later. The prerequisites for the emergence of any science are the following provisions:

    formed under the influence of the needs of society;

    Any branch develops into a science only when the subject of its research is clearly identified.

Giving a more specific definition of pedagogy, we can say that this is the science of the laws and patterns of upbringing, education, training, socialization and creative self-development of a person.

Pedagogy in a broad sense - the influence of all external influences of the natural and social environment.

In a narrow sense pedagogy- purposeful activity of educators in the system of educational institutions.

Based this definition, the subject of pedagogy research will be an integral system of upbringing, education, training, socialization and creative self-development of a person.

Research methods– ways of solving scientific and pedagogical problems.

An object pedagogy is a person.

A.S. Makarenko, a scientist and practitioner who can hardly be accused of promoting "childless" pedagogy, in 1922 formulated the idea of ​​the specifics of the object of pedagogical science. He wrote that many consider the child to be the object of pedagogical research, but this is not true. The object of research of scientific pedagogy is "pedagogical fact (phenomenon)". In this case, the child, the person is not excluded from the attention of the researcher. On the contrary, being one of the sciences about a person, pedagogy studies purposeful activities for the development and formation of his personality.

Consequently, pedagogy has as its object not the individual, his psyche (this is the object of psychology), but a system of pedagogical phenomena associated with his development. So object of pedagogy are those phenomena of reality that determine the development of the human individual in the process of purposeful activity of society. These phenomena are called education. It is that part of the objective world that pedagogy studies.

Thing pedagogy is education as a real holistic pedagogical process purposefully organized in special social institutions(family, educational and cultural institutions).

Pedagogy in this case is a science that studies the essence, patterns, trends and development prospects pedagogical process(education) as a factor and means of human development throughout his life. On this basis, pedagogy develops the theory and technology of its organization, forms and methods for improving the activities of the teacher (pedagogical activity) and various kinds activities of students, as well as strategies and ways of their interaction.

The system of pedagogical knowledge- interrelated theoretical knowledge about the laws and principles of education and upbringing, about the facts of pedagogical practice, about knowledge of pedagogical theory.

Functions of pedagogical theory(according to Kononenko I., Mikhaleva L.):

    Theoretical functions:

    enrichment, systematization of scientific knowledge;

    generalization of practical experience;

    revealing regularities in pedagogical phenomena.

Practical functions:

  • improving the quality of education;

    creation of new pedagogical technologies;

    introduction of the results of pedagogical research into practice.


  • scientific foresight in the social sphere is associated with goal setting.

Tasks of Pedagogy:

    Scientific rationale for development education systems, the content of training and education.

    Study of the essence, structure, functions of the pedagogical process.

    Revealing patterns and formulating the principles of the process of teaching and educating people.

    Development of effective forms of organization of the pedagogical process and methods for its implementation.

    Development of the content and methods of self-education and self-education of people.

    Study of the features and content of the teacher's activity and ways of forming the development of his professional skills.

    Development of methodological problems of pedagogy, methods of its research, generalization, dissemination and implementation of teaching and upbringing experience.

Categories of pedagogical science

Categories are the most capacious and general concepts about the essence and properties of science. Pedagogical categories are the main pedagogical concepts expressing scientific generalizations. The main pedagogical categories are upbringing, education, education. Our science also widely operates with general scientific categories, such as "development" and "formation". Among the main pedagogical categories, some researchers propose to include such rather general concepts as "pedagogical process", "self-education", "self-education", "self-development", "products of pedagogical activity", etc.

Upbringing occupies a unique place in human development. Today in pedagogical science there is no more differently defined term.

In a broad social sense:- this is the process of transferring socio-historical experience to a new generation in order to prepare for life (education, training, development);

In a narrow social sense:- this is a directed influence on a person by public institutions with the aim of forming in him certain knowledge, views and beliefs, moral values, political orientation, preparation for life (family, religious, school education).

In a broad pedagogical sense:- a specially organized, purposeful and controlled impact of the team, educators on the educated person in order to form the given qualities in him, carried out in educational institutions and covering the entire educational process (physical, moral, labor, aesthetic, patriotic education);

In a narrow (local) pedagogical sense:- this is the process and result of educational work aimed at solving specific educational tasks (education of certain character traits, cognitive, creative activity, etc.).


Education as a term, it is most often considered as a verbal noun from the verb "to form" and has the meaning "to create", "to form", "to grow", "to develop mentally", "to give a look, an image" (V. Dahl), to create something new, whole .

The concept of "education" was first introduced into pedagogical science by I.G. Pestalozzi (1746-1827), he understood his essence as the formation of an image.

For a long time, the concept of "education" was used as a synonym for the concept of "education" in a broad sense.

In Soviet pedagogy, this concept was narrowed down and began to be understood as the process of equipping students with a system of scientific knowledge, practical skills and abilities.

Today education is understood as:

    the value of a developing person and society;

    the process of training and education of a person;

    as a result of the latter;

    as a system (network educational institutions different types and levels)

Education is a process and a result (with a focus on performance) assimilation by a person of the experience of generations in the form of a system of knowledge, skills, attitudes obtained as a result of training and self-education (this is the process and result of training and education).

Education in the literal sense means the creation of an image, a certain completeness of education in accordance with a certain age level. An ancient aphorism says: "Education is what remains when everything learned is forgotten."

Education is associated with the formation of human abilities, the development of general abilities: intelligence, creativity, learning.

The main criterion for education- systematic knowledge and systematic thinking, the ability to independently restore the missing links in the knowledge system.

In education, processes are distinguished that directly designate the act of transferring and receiving the experience of generations. This is the core of education – learning.

Pedagogy exam questions.

1. General concept of pedagogy. Its subject, goals and objectives, functions.

Pedagogy is the science of the upbringing and education of a person at different stages of his age development.

Pedagogy is a science that studies the essence, laws, principles, methods and forms of organization of the pedagogical process.

Pedagogy - from Greek "paidos" - a child, and "ago" - to lead. "schoolmaster"

Pedagogy studies the patterns of successful transfer of the social experience of the older generation to the younger. It exists in order to indicate in practice the easiest ways to achieve pedagogical goals and objectives, ways to implement the laws of education and teaching methods.

The subject of pedagogy as a special kind of human relationships.

The pedagogical process is a specially organized interaction between seniors and juniors, the purpose of which is to transfer social experience to seniors and to assimilate juniors. Necessary for life and work in society.

Tasks of pedagogy.

1. development of theoretical problems of upbringing and education

2. study and generalization of practical experience of pedagogical activity

3. predictive education

Pedagogy, unlike other disciplines that study certain aspects of human development, deals with the person as a whole and is looking for the most effective ways to form a holistic personality.

The emergence and development of pedagogy as a science. Sources of pedagogy.

The word "pedagogy" arose in ancient times and over the past millennia sounded on different languages, taking a strong place in the common vocabulary. It is used not only by specialists, but also by people who are far from the teaching profession. The word “pedagogy” owes its ambiguity to such a wide distribution. It has two meanings:

Pedagogy is an area of ​​practical activity, art, craft;

Pedagogy is a field of scientific knowledge, a science.

In the first sense, the word "pedagogy" began to be used much earlier than in the second. Pedagogy as a science arose many centuries later. Therefore, pedagogy is a relatively young branch among such ancient sciences as, for example, philosophy, medicine, geometry, and astronomy.

The need to prepare children for life, to pass on the accumulated experience to them, arose in mankind in ancient times. This was carried out not only in the course of the natural course of life in the family, community, when the elders taught, showed, carried away the younger ones with their example, introducing them to work, instilling the necessary skills.

With the development of culture, with changes in the economic and economic life caused by the transition to a slave-owning formation. There is a need to create specially organized institutions for the education and upbringing of the younger generation.

Sources of pedagogy.

1) Folk pedagogy (pedagogical experience that has developed in the history of the existence of a particular people)

2) Religion (the study of ways to use the positive core, religious teachings for the benefit of education and training)

3) Pedagogical practice (the experience of raising and educating children and youth, which has developed earlier and is being formed to this day)

4) Experimental research (scientific knowledge obtained in the course of experimental work in scientific institutions)

5) Data from related sciences (interdisciplinary approach)

Pedagogy, like any science, operates with its own concepts - categories.

Basic concepts:

1) Upbringing

Upbringing in a social sense is a social phenomenon, a function of society, which is to prepare the younger generation for life.

Upbringing in a pedagogical sense- This is a specially organized pedagogical process that contributes to the development of the individual.

Upbringing- this is an activity to transfer social and historical experience to new generations, a systematic, purposeful action on the consciousness and behavior of a person in order to form certain attitudes, concepts, principles, value orientations that provide the conditions for its development, preparation for social life and work.

2) Education- a specially organized, purposeful and controlled process of interaction between teachers and students, the result of which is the assimilation of ZUNs.

Knowledge- this is the result of the assimilation of facts, patterns, concepts, laws of development of nature and society.

Skills- this is readiness for practical and theoretical actions, performed quickly, accurately, consciously on the basis of acquired knowledge and life experience.

Skills- actions brought to automatism, performed without much effort on the part of the will and conscious self-control; formed by repetition.

3) Education- the process of mastering the system of ZUNs developed by mankind; formation on this basis of a holistic worldview, cognitive abilities, consciousness and behavior.

4) Pedagogical process- consciously organized, purposeful and systematic interaction of the teacher and pupils with the aim of educating and educating the latter.

Development- these are consistent and regular changes in the psyche and its biological nature that occur in a person (the process of movement, change, transition from the old to the new).

Formation- changes in the development of a person's personality or individual qualities that occur under the influence of a combination of external and internal, natural and social, objective and subjective.

Wednesday is a set of conditions surrounding a person and interacting with him as an organism and personality.

Let us analyze these definitions and show the relationship between them. Communicating this or that knowledge to students, teachers always give them the necessary direction, forming, as it were, along the way, but in fact very thoroughly, the most important worldview, social, ideological, moral and many other attitudes. Therefore, education is educative. In the same way, we must recognize that in any education there are always elements of learning. Teaching - educate, educate - teach. The areas of the concepts of "education" and "training" partially overlap. Education is a product of the processes of education and training. Since these processes are interrelated and cannot exist without each other, therefore, these concepts of upbringing, training and education have an educational character. This confirms the definition of a short, general and at the same time relatively accurate definition of modern pedagogy - this is the science of educating a person. Considering the concepts of formation and development from the point of view of various authors, one can come to the conclusion that these interscientific concepts are not yet established pedagogical categories. Analyzing these concepts, it is clearly seen that education is one of the most important, but not the only factor influencing the formation and development. The boundaries of the concept of "formation" have not yet been defined, they can be too narrow, or expand to limitless limits. Formation implies a certain completeness of the human personality, the achievement of a level of maturity, stability. But science is gradually developing, there are changes in various directions of life formation. Accordingly, it is difficult to say definitely what should be the goal of personality formation. Also, the boundaries of the concept of development in pedagogy are not defined. It is associated with constant, incessant changes, transitions from one state to another, ascent from simple to complex, from lower to higher.

Topic 10 Values ​​and goals of education

Section 4. Personality in education

2. Values ​​and goals of education

3. Pedagogical communication. Psychology of communication

In ancient Greece, teachers were called slaves, who were instructed by aristocrats to look after children. Greek word peydagogos(“peyda” - child, “gogos” - lead) means schoolmaster. Subsequently, teachers began to be called people who were involved in the education and upbringing of children. From this word the science of education got its name - pedagogy.

An object knowledge in pedagogy is a person developing as a result of educational relationships. Thing pedagogy - educational relations that ensure human development, the pedagogical process.

Pedagogy - the science of educational relations that arise in the process of the relationship of upbringing, education and training with self-education, self-education and self-training and aimed at human development. This is a body of knowledge that underlies the description, analysis, organization, design and forecasting of ways to improve the pedagogical process, as well as the search for effective pedagogical systems for the development and preparation of a person for life in society. Pedagogy can be defined as the science of translating the experience of one generation into the experience of another.

Pedagogy explores the following issues:

The study of the essence and patterns of development and formation of personality and their impact on education;

Determination of the goals of education;

Development of the content of education;

Research and development of methods of education.

The main categories include the most capacious and general concepts that reflect the essence of science, its established and typical properties. In any science, categories play a leading role, they permeate all scientific knowledge and, as it were, link it into a single integral system. Consider the concepts that form the categorical structure of pedagogy.

The category of "education" is one of the main ones in pedagogy. Characterizing the scope of the concept, they single out education in the broad social sense, including the impact on the personality of society as a whole, and education in the narrow sense - as a purposeful activity designed to form a system of personality traits, attitudes and beliefs.

Upbringing- purposeful formation of a personality based on the formation of: 1) certain attitudes towards objects, phenomena of the surrounding world; 2) worldview; 3) behavior (as a manifestation of relationships and worldview). We can distinguish types of education: mental, moral, physical, labor, aesthetic, etc.

Development - this is an objective process of internal consistent quantitative and qualitative changes in the physical and spiritual forces of a person. We can distinguish physical, mental, social, spiritual development. Human development is carried out under the influence of external and internal, social and natural factors.

Education is a specially organized system of external conditions created in society for human development. Education is interpreted as a process and a result of a person's assimilation of the experience of generations in the form of a system of knowledge, skills and abilities. In education, processes are distinguished that directly designate the act of transferring and receiving experience. This is the core of the education process – learning.

Education - the process of direct transmission and reception of the experience of generations in the interaction of the teacher and the student. How the learning process includes two parts: teaching(activity of the teacher), during which the transfer (transformation) of the system of knowledge, skills, experience of activity and doctrine(activity of the student) as the assimilation of experience through its perception, comprehension, transformation and use.

However, a person is not a vessel into which the experience of mankind “merges”, he himself is capable of acquiring this experience and creating something new. Therefore, the main mental factors of human development are self-education, self-education, self-training, self-improvement.

Modern pedagogy is characterized by interrelation with various natural and human sciences. However, the influence of philosophy, psychology, anthropology remains dominant. It is they who determine the main ways of development of pedagogical science.

At present, pedagogy is a science about the essence, patterns, principles, methods and forms of teaching and educating a person.