Professional selection (profotbor). Professional Born Test Take the Military Entry Test

People always strive to check the truth of the words of a communication partner. To do this, you have to peer into facial expressions and gestures, listen to the intonation of the voice, analyze the information heard. Similar techniques are used at the household level.

However, there are areas where the veracity of the information received must be absolutely accurate. For the most objective assessment of a person's honesty, some structures use a lie detector.

The polygraph is used in Federal Service Security (FSB) when applying for a job. Let's find out how the verification process in the FSB goes, and can the results of a psychophysiological study on a polygraph in the FSB really be considered the ultimate truth?

The truth will win, but it must be decisively helped.
Julius Fucik

PFD in the FSB: what is it, duration, questions

PFO in the FSB is a Psycho-Physiological Examination of a person entering the service in the FSB.

PFD in the FSB includes includes the following types of testing:

  • Medical examination of the state of health.
  • Psychological tests, namely a set of specialized IQ tests (SMIL, CAT, Eysenck tests, etc.).
  • Tests for visual memory - the accuracy of memorization and reproduction of visual images, the speed of visual memorization.
  • Writing an autobiography by a candidate, an essay on a topic proposed by a psychologist.
  • Answers to psychologist's questions (about health, about sexual life, about the use of alcohol, drugs).
Further, all the material is analyzed and a psychological portrait of the candidate is compiled.
PFO duration: 6 o'clock.

Tip: Get a good night's sleep before PFO and polygraph testing! You will need a "light" head for the whole day.

Based on the results of the PFO (successful), a candidate for service in the FSB is assigned a polygraph test (more details below).

If a psychologist in the FSB, based on the results of the Volga Federal District, gives the candidate a verdict "Psychologically unfit for service in the FSB", then they will not be sent for a polygraph test.

Polygraph: principle of operation

The polygraph is a fairly complex technical tool designed to verify the veracity of the information reported by a person. The more well-known name of this device is a lie detector.

The polygraph evaluates the reliability of the data on the basis of monitoring and fixing the parameters of cardiovascular activity, as well as respiration, skin electrical resistance and other indicators of the physiological activity of the person being tested.

A modern polygraph consists of a portable PC, on the monitor of which the indicators are displayed, and all the information received is stored in the memory, as well as sensors that record the indicators of physiological parameters. Sensors record the following indicators:

  • breathing (thoracic and diaphragmatic or abdominal);
    electrical conductivity of the skin;
    pulse or blood pressure.

    These are the main indicators. An analysis of each of them is required to make a decision about the truth or falsity of the information received. If at least one of the listed characteristics is excluded, the results of the study are considered unreliable (invalid).

    There are sensors that check other parameters: voice changes, body tremors (motor activity). They are optional. It is impossible to make a decision based solely on these indicators.

    Polygram Structure Components

    Background - individual indicators of the physiological processes of the subject, who is at rest, when he is not asked questions.

    Reaction - a significant change in the dynamics of the flow of physiological parameters, observed in response to a certain stimulus (question). It can be expressed in strengthening or weakening the intensity of the dynamics of the processes.

    Artifact - a change in the activity of the flow of physiological parameters, caused by the influence of destabilizing factors (external or internal). It may be a cough, a reaction to external noise, pain. They are not related to the questions asked.

    The reactions that the subject demonstrates are not specific. This means that it is impossible to establish exactly what stimulus caused them (lie, fear, association). The main criterion is the stability and stability of a pronounced reaction in response to a stimulus (significant).

    Polygraph in the FSB: in what cases is it used

    All applicants for any position in the FSB pass a polygraph test.

    This is necessary to check the presence of hidden negative features of the character of a potential employee, selfish motives for joining the service, identifying "dark" spots in the biography (fraud, criminal record, addictions, corruption and other illegal actions).

    Also, to control the activities of employees, a scheduled polygraph test can be carried out. In some situations, it is used when dismissing employees. This is necessary in order to identify violations in the process of work.

    How to pass a polygraph in the FSB: procedure

    • First, the subject is instructed, signs documents confirming consent to the passage of a lie detector.
      To pass a polygraph, a person is located in a chair for the test. It is important that it is comfortable for him to sit, no factors (hard sitting, uncomfortable posture) cause discomfort.
      Before testing begins, all the necessary sensors are connected to the body, which will record physiological indicators during testing and transfer them to a computer (polygraph). To reduce psychological stress, the specialist explains what each sensor is intended for.
      Then comes the main test phase - answers on questions.

      The check lasts approximately 2 hours:

      • First carried out instrument calibration(its setting). Its essence is that questions are asked, the answers to which are known and obvious. The subject must answer honestly or lie.
        Then follows testing phase. During the answers to the questions, the sensors constantly read the physiological parameters of the subject. When he lies, the indicators change. This happens because any lie for the human body is a stressful situation. The reaction is formed at the subconscious level, so it is almost impossible to control it consciously. This requires a high level of self-control, which is developed through long years of careful and systematic training. Scouts are taught similar tricks.
        In most cases, a “silent test” is performed at the final stage of the study. Its essence is that a person answers questions in his mind, without pronouncing the answers. This is necessary to exclude the possibility of using methods to counter the polygraph.
        After the test is completed, the polygraph examiner carefully analyzes the data (polygram). Based on this analysis, he draws conclusions about the reliability of the information provided by the person.

        Statistics show that out of 10 people, only 1-2 candidates for a certain position successfully pass a polygraph test at the FSB.

        The truth of life is that life is not easy for someone who always tells the truth.
        Avreliy Markov

        Questions Asked During Polygraph Testing

        For all those who pass the polygraph, the FSB is given standard questions. Their set does not depend on what position a person applies for.

        All questions are related to identifying whether a person has problems with alcohol, drugs and the law. It is determined whether there are ties with criminal groups, loans, debts, gambling addiction, experience of forging documents, whether a person took bribes, whether his relatives have problems with the law.

        There are also questions that are aimed at identifying the conscious intentions of the candidate to harm the organization.

        Questions are asked in a chaotic manner so that a person does not have the opportunity to psychologically prepare for it and think over the answer in advance.

        If the subject overreacts emotionally to the testing procedure itself, the indicators are very “blurred”. In this case, you have to ask important questions several times. The result is determined by statistical parameters.

        During the polygraph test, three types of questions are asked:

Questions included in the methodology of neuro-psychological diagnostics Forecast 2

1. It happened that I quit the business I started, because I was afraid that I would not be able to cope with it ..
2. I'm easy to argue with..
3. I avoid correcting people who make unsubstantiated claims..
4. People show me as much empathy and sympathy as I deserve..
5. Sometimes I'm sure other people know what I'm thinking..
6. There were times when I did not keep my promises ..
7. At times I am completely sure of my worthlessness ..
8. I have never had a run in with the law..
9. I often memorize numbers that have no meaning to me (for example, car numbers, etc.)..
10. Sometimes I tell lies..
11. I am more impressionable than most other people..
12. I am pleased to have significant people among my acquaintances, it kind of gives me weight in my own eyes ..
13. Definitely fate is not favorable to me ..
14. I am often told that I am quick-tempered..
15. It used to be that I spoke about things that I don’t understand ..
16. I easily lose patience with people..
17. I have no enemies who would really want to harm me ..
18. Sometimes my hearing becomes so acute that it even bothers me..
19. It happens that I put off until tomorrow what can be done today ..
20. If people were not opposed to me, I would have achieved much more in life ..
21. In the game, I prefer to win..
22. Often I cross the street to avoid meeting a person whom I do not want to see ..
23. Most of the time I feel like I did something wrong or even bad..
24. If someone speaks nonsense or otherwise shows his ignorance, I try to explain to him his mistake ..
25. Sometimes I have the feeling that so many difficulties have piled up in front of me that it is simply impossible to overcome them ..
26. At a party, I stay at the table better than at home ..
27. There are very nervous people in my family..
28. If someone is to blame for my failures, I do not leave him unpunished ..
29. I must admit that sometimes I worry about trifles ..
30. When I am offered to start a discussion or express an opinion on an issue in which I am well versed, I do it without shyness ..
31. I often play pranks on my friends..
32. During my life, my attitude towards my profession changed several times ..
33. It happened that when discussing some issues, I, especially without hesitation, agreed with the opinions of others ..
34. I often worked under the guidance of people who knew how to turn things around so that all the achievements in the work were attributed to them, and others were to blame for the mistakes ..
35. Without any fear, I enter a room where others have already gathered and are talking ..
36. It seems to me that in relation to me especially often they act unfairly ..
37. When I am in a high place, I have a desire to jump down ..
38. Among my acquaintances there are people who I don't like..
39. My plans often seemed to me so difficult to implement that I had to abandon them ..
40. I am often distracted and forgetful..
41. I rarely have attacks of bad mood..
42. I would rather work with women..
43. I am happiest when I am alone ..
44. Sometimes when I don't feel well, I get irritable..
45. Often I see dreams about which it is better not to tell anyone ..
46. ​​My beliefs and views are unshakable..
47. I am a nervous and excitable person ..
48. It annoys me a lot when I forget where I put things..
49. Sometimes I get angry..
50. I like work that requires close attention..
51. Sometimes I get so excited that I can't sit still..
52. It happens that an indecent or even obscene joke makes me laugh ..
53. Sometimes such bad thoughts come into my head that it’s better not to tell anyone about them ..
54. Sometimes I take valerian, elenium or other sedatives..
55. I am a mobile person..
56. Now it’s hard for me to hope that I will achieve anything in life ..
57. Sometimes I feel that I am close to a nervous breakdown ..
58. It happened that I did not answer letters immediately after reading ..
59. Once a week or more often I am excited and excited ..
60. It is very difficult for me to adapt to new conditions of life, work or study. The transition to new conditions of life, work or study seems unbearably difficult to me.
61. Sometimes it happened that I was late for work or a date ..
62. My head hurts often..
63. I led the wrong way of life..
64. Alcoholic drinks I use in moderation (or not at all).
65. I often indulge in sad thoughts ..
66. Compared to other families, there is very little love and warmth in my family ..
67. I often have ups and downs in mood..
68. When I am among people, I hear very strange things ..
69. I believe that I was very often punished undeservedly ..
70. I'm scared to look down from a great height..
71. It happened that I could not do anything for days or even weeks, because I could not force myself to take up work in any way ..
72. I drink an unusually large amount of water every day..
73. I had periods when I did something, and then I didn’t know what exactly I was doing ..
74. When I try to do something, I often notice that my hands are trembling..
75. I think that I am a doomed person ..
76. I have periods of such intense anxiety that I can’t even sit still ..
77. At times it seems to me that my head is working slower ..
78. It seems to me that I feel everything more acutely than others ..
79. Sometimes, for absolutely no reason, I suddenly have a period of extraordinary cheerfulness ..
80. Some things excite me so much that it’s hard for me to even talk about them ..
81. Sometimes my nerves let me down ..
82. Often I have the feeling that everything around is unreal ..
83. When I hear about the success of a close friend, I begin to feel that I am a loser ..
84. It happens that bad, often even terrible words come into my head, and I just can’t get rid of them ..
85. Sometimes I try to stay away from this or that person so as not to do or say something that I will regret later ..
86. Often, even when everything is going well for me, I feel that everything is indifferent to me ..

The psychology of labor safety is an important link in the structure of measures to ensure safe human activities. The problems of accidents and injuries in modern industries cannot be solved only by engineering methods.

World and domestic experience shows that from 60 to 80% of injuries in everyday life and at work occur through the fault of the victims themselves. This is due to the low level of professional training on safety issues, insufficient education, a weak installation of a specialist to comply with safety, admission to hazardous types of work for persons with an increased risk of injury, people being in a state of fatigue or other mental states that reduce the safety of a specialist.

As early as 1919, the UK Industrial Fatigue Commission established a greater frequency of accidents (ceteris paribus) among those workers who had previously been injured. It was concluded that workers have different individual predispositions and susceptibility to accidents. Later, the German psychologist Marbe concluded that there are certain individual psychological properties that determine susceptibility to accidents, establishing a direct dependence on the following reasons: reaction speed, concentration, frivolity, carelessness, etc.

The prominent scientist Farmer separated the concepts of "predisposition to accidents" and "susceptibility to accidents." In his opinion, predisposition is an innate, stable quality of a person. The term "susceptibility" Farmer used as generalizing all the factors that determine the causation of injury. Susceptibility includes, and predisposition. But the exposure can be reduced by education, training, the use of technical security equipment, although the predisposition does not change. Such a division of the psychological causes of traumatism made it possible to shift the focus from the search for a factor constituting a fatal predisposition to the study of the personality as a whole, to the identification of factors that increase the possibility of a person's "susceptibility" to injuries and accidents at work. Among the psychological factors that increase a person's "susceptibility" to accidents, the following can be singled out as the most important: a person's inconsistency with his chosen profession (professional and psychological unsuitability), low skill level, unfavorable psychophysiological state of a person (fatigue, emotional tension, etc.), low stress resistance, personal characteristics (frivolity, a tendency to violate safety rules, etc.).

The suitability of a person for a particular type of labor activity is determined by the methods of professional orientation and professional selection.

Vocational guidance- this is a system of measures aimed at identifying the personal characteristics, interests and abilities of each person in order to assist him in a reasonable choice of professions that best suit his individual capabilities.

professional selection- this is a system of events that allows you to identify people who, according to their individual personal qualities, are most suitable for training and further professional activity in a certain specialty. Professional suitability is a probabilistic characteristic that reflects a person's ability to master any professional activity. In professional selection, professional suitability can be assessed according to several criteria: according to medical indicators (state nervous system, hearing, vision, cardiovascular and respiratory systems etc.); selection according to the educational qualification is aimed at identifying those persons whose knowledge ensures the successful mastery or performance of these professional duties; psychological selection is designed to identify individuals who, in terms of their abilities and individual psychophysiological capabilities, meet the requirements for the specifics of their activities.

Selection process

First stage includes psychological study profession in order to identify requirements for a person and disclosure internal structure activities. Information about professional activities can be obtained from different sources: study of instructions regulating activities; monitoring the activities of specialists; conversation with specialists about the peculiarities of the profession, filming, timing. Information about the profession is summarized in a professiogram, which indicates the features of this professional activity, the main actions, operations, their sequence, the necessary special training, the required knowledge and skills, the regime of work and rest, sanitary and hygienic conditions, characteristic psychophysiological conditions (monotonicity, fatigue, emotional tension), the volume and nature of the processed information, the physical and intellectual severity of labor, the equipment used, the algorithms and the psychological structure of the actions performed by a person. Then, the degree of significance of various mental properties and personality traits is assessed for the effective performance of this activity. Such an analysis makes it possible to obtain an average assessment of the significance of each mental function in providing individual work operations and the labor process as a whole, which is necessary for ranking functions in terms of their importance for the activity being studied, and to formulate requirements for professionally important qualities, personality functions. Another approach to assessing personal qualities is to determine one or more integral indicators that characterize a person's ability to perform the most responsible aspects of professional activity. For example, for a diesel locomotive driver, it is a person’s ability to maintain a high level of readiness for emergency actions under conditions of prolonged monotonous impact, to remain vigilant, and for a driver, psychophysiological qualities that most strongly affect traffic safety: attentiveness, quick orientation and foresight.

Second phase selection includes the choice of psychodiagnostic research methods, including tests that best characterize those mental processes and professional activities for which professional fitness is to be assessed. The following requirements are imposed on psychodiagnostic methods and tests:
1) the prognostic value of the technique - characterizes the ability of the test to detect differences in psychophysiological functions in individuals with different levels professional readiness;
2) the reliability of the technique - characterizes the stability of the results obtained with its help in repeated studies of the same person;
3) differentiation of methods - means that each method must evaluate a strictly defined function of the human psyche.

There are a variety of tests, for example, tests to identify interests, aptitudes, preferred forms of activity, tests to determine whether a person belongs to one or another psychological type or type of nervous system, temperament; tests to identify the level of development of certain abilities of memory, thinking, attention, perception of a person, to identify giftedness. However, to accurately determine a person's professional suitability for a particular profession, it is more effective to use a specialized battery of tests selected to identify the level of development of precisely those psychological qualities and abilities of a person that are professionally necessary for this specialty.

Next stage selection involves a psychological forecast of the success of training and subsequent activities based on a comparison of information about the requirements of the profession for a person and the obtained psychodiagnostic data, with an emphasis on assessing personal characteristics; about the possibility of targeted improvement and compensation of professionally significant qualities (taking into account the time allotted for training); the likelihood of adaptation to the profession, the possibility of the appearance extreme situations and impacts.
Allocate two types of aptitude: absolute (to professions of this type that require special abilities) and relative (to professions that are accessible to almost any healthy person). Assessing professional suitability, professional selection is sometimes focused primarily on the search for persons with high level development of psychological qualities that are most important for achieving success in learning and performing professional activities (maximum approach). Sometimes a different approach is more effective, when they mainly try to identify and eliminate individuals with low scores in professionally important qualities (the minimum approach). By implementing the "minimum approach", minimum acceptable test scores can be clearly defined by the requirements of the profession.

At the same time, the low results shown by candidates in the selection for one group of specialties do not exclude, and sometimes even suggest, their successful selection for other specialties, where other psychological qualities are required.

In some cases, it is advisable to conduct a two-stage selection: first, selection is carried out by tests (first stage), which, as a rule, does not require a lot of time, and then candidates who have successfully passed the selection by tests are selected at the workplace (second stage), where perform professional duties for several hours or days and monitor changes in the quality indicators of human activity every 2 hours. The performance indicators obtained for each candidate are approximated and the time required for the preparation of the candidate is calculated, which should not exceed the time allotted for these purposes.

The use of selection allows you to reduce the dropout of students in educational institutions due to professional inability by 30-50%, increase the reliability of control systems by 10-25%, reduce accidents by 40-70%, reduce the cost of training specialists by 30-40%.

When conducting a professional selection, pay attention to the qualities of an employee that are necessary for effective work. Read more about the criteria in the article.

From the article you will learn:

  • what is professional selection;
  • features of professional selection of personnel;
  • how is the professional selection of employees;
  • about the adaptation of employees.

What is professional selection

Professional selection is an assessment procedure aimed at determining the suitability of a person. The possibility of mastering a specialty, achieving the required level of skill for the effective performance of duties is assessed. There are four main components in professional selection: physiological, medical, pedagogical and psychological.

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Research is based on three areas:

  • the study, using the methods of differential psychology, of psychological qualities, the degree of participation of functions in activities;
  • study of neuropsychic stress in the process of work;
  • creating models of the labor process, conducting a survey of candidates.

In essence and criteria, professional selection is a socio-economic event. By methods - biomedical and psychological research.

Goals and objectives of professional selection - attracting employees with the required qualifications and personal qualities. After the procedure, recruiters select people who are able to solve the tasks quickly and efficiently.

The result of professional selection is the selection of the most suitable employee - not the best, but professionally appropriate for the activity. Preference is given applicant, which is better than other candidates for the requirements.

The concepts of "psychological selection" and "professional selection" are often identified, since the former implies the diagnosis and prediction of abilities. The system of psychological selection includes a complex of technical means and diagnostic methods. They use methods of interpretation, generalization of the information received, and make forecasts of the success of the activity.

The main stages of professional selection:

  • Processing of initial diagnostic information.
  • Formulation of forecasts of ability to the type of activity, assessment of the level of suitability of the subject.
  • Confirmation of forecasts based on information about the performance of selected candidates.

In professional selection, with the help of tests and interviews, the correspondence of opportunities to working conditions in a particular position is determined. In small firms where there is no HR department, the decision on professional selection is made by the line profile manager. In large and medium-sized firms, recruiters and line managers are attracted.

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Features of professional selection of personnel

There are several types of professional suitability: relative and absolute. Absolute suitability is needed for professions, the successful mastery of which depends on the properties of the nervous system, the qualities of a person. Non-compliance with the requirements of the work leads to disruptions, errors, accidents.

Categorical assessments are applied to psychophysiological characteristics. These include sensorimotor, switching speed, RAM, muscle strength, endurance, etc. If some qualities are not needed at work, consider this when choosing a professional.

With regard to the level of education, special training, availability professional skills and skills proceed from the possibilities of their development, improvement in the process of training and work. Accept young but ambitious employees if they are able to professionally grow and develop, to benefit the organization.

Relative professional suitability is possible when choosing professions of a mass type, where there are no strict requirements for personality traits. Insufficient development or inconsistency of some qualities is compensated by the development of others.

» Professional selection

Personnel Management
Reference dictionary

Professional selection (professional selection)

Professional selection- a procedure for probabilistic assessment of a person's professional suitability, studying the possibility of mastering a certain specialty, achieving the required level of skill and effectively performing professional duties. There are 4 components in professional selection: medical, physiological, pedagogical and psychological. In its essence and criteria, professional selection is a socio-economic event, and in terms of methods - biomedical and psychological.

The main purpose of the selection is to attract employees with the necessary qualifications and the necessary personal qualities, capable of solving the tasks assigned to them as efficiently as possible. It should be noted that in a broad sense, the effectiveness of an employee's activity is understood as a measure of achieving not only production goals, but also social and personal ones, including the preservation of the employee's health and his development as a person.

During professional selection, the correspondence of the capabilities and views of candidates to the conditions and features of work in a particular position is determined. In small firms where there is no special department for working with personnel, the selection decision is made by the manager of the corresponding linear profile. In large and medium-sized firms, as a rule, a HR specialist (manager) and a line manager are involved in the selection decision.

The result of professional selection should be the choice of the most suitable employee (i.e. not the best, but the most professionally appropriate for this activity). In a normal (without special patronage) selection, preference is given to an applicant who meets the requirements more than other candidates.

The concepts of "professional selection" and "psychological selection" are often identified, because. the essence of the latter is the diagnosis and prediction of abilities. The main stages of psychological professional selection:

  1. Extraction and primary processing of the necessary initial diagnostic information;
  2. Formulation of forecasts of the ability to this species professional activities and assessment of the expected level of suitability of the subject;
  3. Verification of forecasts based on data on the actual effectiveness of the professional activities of selected individuals.

The system of psychological professional selection includes a complex of special diagnostic methods, technical means and standardized procedures. Also, methods of generalization, interpretation of the received diagnostic information and forecasting of the success of the activity are used.

The condition that determines the practical expediency of psychological professional selection is the proof of its socio-economic justification, the availability of a reasonable and proven selection system, and experienced diagnosticians.