The cost of connecting communications to the land plot. Briefing: How to connect a country house to communications

Today, quite often among buyers of new buildings, such a problematic situation is found when the developer does not connect communications. As a result, it turns out that it is impossible to introduce a house into operation, i.e. Until the complete completion of construction with all the necessary communications in this house it is impossible to live. From such cases can be insured. About how to do this, we will talk in this article.

Communication problems may arise due to the lack of master plans for the development of the city. It often happens that the authorities provide areas in the construction where residential buildings are found that the connection of communications on them is problematic or impossible. As a result, new houses have to stretch multi-kilometer networks that require additional substantive costs not only from the developer, but also from shareholders. For example, in the construction of a project, located in the Moscow region, had to build power lines, main gas pipelines and thermal power station.

Another problem when connecting communications is the presence of a set of simultaneously under construction in the houses. Such a situation, for example, in Balashikha. Indeed, new buildings here are built a huge amount - a far part of them can be seen for example here - In this regard, the situation has developed so that the local administration is simply not able to issue all the objects in time due to the lack of human resources. And finally, the third problem when connecting communications is considered the lack of capacity, so it becomes necessary to build individual boiler rooms, especially in the capital or in the regions located nearby. For example, everything in Balashikh was roving for this reason the delivery time of the residential complex. The lack of electricity is particularly acute. In the Moscow region, its deficit as a whole is approximately 2-4 thousand MW.

There are also often situations when technical conditions. Documents required to obtain permission to connect the necessary communications, begin to coordinate only during the construction of the house or even after its completion, and not at the beginning, as it should be. With such a situation, buyers of some new buildings in Krasnogorsk were faced with such a situation, in particular, one of them is represented in the list /all/novestroyki-v-krasnogorsk-23/. There is no point in pointing to a specific object, because The problem was eventually solved, nevertheless buyers had to wander.

In such situations, the shareholder is best for solving such a problem to check the technical conditions for the presentation even before signing the contract with the developer. Moreover, these technical conditions should be with seals and signatures that suggest the possibility of connecting all communications. But, unfortunately, these documents are interested in the time of purchase quite a few shareholders. In addition, you need to know whether additional payment will be required when connecting communications, or all costs are already included in the price of the new building. All these conditions should be clearly fixed in the contract, but they are usually not even mentioned. Such a situation turned out in Domodedovo in the microdistrict. There in the shareholders demanded an additional fee for connecting communications in the amount of 3-12 thousand dollars from each family.

It is best from the very beginning to make sure that the construction of the house and the installation of communications is made by one company, for which all the terms of the contract should be verified, as well as the guidelines and initial and permit documentation. With several construction participants, the financial problems arising from one of the participants will give the main developer the opportunity to shift responsibility to other persons, as well as tighten the project.

According to practice, complaints about supervisory and law enforcement structures sometimes give certain results. You can also file a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor, the city administration, the Office for the Supervision of Share Construction, the Government, the Federal Property Management Agency or the Department of Land Relations. The more appeals, the greater the likelihood of receipt real care In your problem. With the inaction of the developer, the shareholders have the full right to apply to the court.

But there are cases when it requires costs in the amount of significantly higher than that have a construction company. In such situations, the decision of the judicial authorities is unlikely to help solvers. Unfortunately, it often remains for the shareholders only one way to resolve the problem in the form of connecting communications is the payment of the connections directly by the buyers themselves in the new building.

The above problem is much easier to prevent how to resolve it later. For this, it is only necessary to refuse in advance of a dubious agreement that is not confirmed. necessary quantity consistent documents for the selection and connection of all communications. It is much easier than to rely on the honesty of the developer, and then try to solve a sudden problem with the help of the authorities, as they are not always able to help the shareholders who, as a result, have to count only on their financial capabilities.

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One of the most expensive and complex stages of the construction of a private country house in Russia is to summarize communications. Especially with this question is difficult in the Moscow region and Moscow.

So, for example, according to the Civil Code, those organizations that provide services for energy saving must necessarily conclude the appropriate agreement. However, in fact, they often refuse to conclude such an agreement with individual developers. And here, even if you can force them to this in a court, then you still will not be able to make them give so much kilowatt as you need. Communals often tritely lacks technical capabilities available in their presence. And even when the power line passes in close proximity to your possessions, it is not a fact that you will allow you to connect. The fact is that this line has a limited power, which is divided into a certain number of users.

With a city water supply, the situation is no better.

Definition of connectivity

In this regard, before purchasing the land plot, it is necessary to accurately find out the possibility of connecting all the necessary communications:

  • is it possible to crash,
  • dust for all users will be water pressure,
  • will power also enough for your site,
  • is it possible to connect 380 volts and others.

Another important issue is the cost of connection.

The most significant costs will come to:

  • technical conditions
  • registration of the coordination project
  • "Connection right."

Technical conditions

Technical conditions for connecting residential buildings to engineering communications systems show the level of the highest possible load in the locations of a specific object to them, as well as the deadline for the intended connection. To learn about the organization that is engaged in providing these conditions in the local administration. As a rule, obtaining technical conditions is quite a long exercise (from 14 days to 90 days). In addition, you will need to collect many different documents for this.

Project connection

The Communication Connection Project also ordered a special organization. It must be coordinated with all the organizations that are responsible for summing up communications in your settlement. Undoubtedly, everywhere will have to dreamet.

Right connection

To obtain a document on the resolution of the construction of buildings with communications, it is necessary to contact urban planning and architecture. At the same time, you need to write a statement addressed to the head of the area.

In addition, it is necessary to collect the following documents:

  • The aforementioned statement by the district chapter.
  • The petition from the head of the territorial district education.
  • A copy of the certificate about ownership of the land plot. In the column about the target destination of the site, "individual housing construction" must be written.
  • Project Hoz. Buildings in two copies. This project Develops a private person or an organization with a license for this species Activities.
  • Cadastral site plan.
  • Technical conditions for connecting the house to engineering communications systems.
  • Land Plan (taken in BTI).
  • Topographic shooting of the site on 1: 500 scale.

Installing communications yourself

Many landowners were convinced that much cheaper costs the arrangement of autonomous communications (at least heating and water supply). To drill a well and set a high-quality (not cheap) pump is often cheaper than connect to urban water supply. In particular, if many works are carried out on their own without resorting to the help of hired workers. Or you can hire some neighboring "village lumps".

When installing the same autonomous heating, you will get an excellent opportunity to save on the increasing year from the year of utility bills. After all, firewood and coal can be purchased inexpensively (the firewood can generally be brought from the neighboring forest). In addition, a solid fuel boiler is much cheaper than an electric or gas analogue.

Also autonomous can be performed by the sewage system. However, you can't save on this. The fact is that you will regularly have to call special reservoir services. In addition, you will have to spend water more economically. Of course, it is possible to reduce the number of problems thanks to the arrangement of a good septica (and not an ordinary pit). Only its construction is quite expensive. But you will no longer depend on anyone. Yes, and often it happens that in the private sector and in rural areas, there is simply no other alternative.

So, you decided to build a house, requested the technical specifications from the operating organizations on the connection of electricity, gas, water (if there is somewhere nearby the water supply network), ordered a project of the house with the project organization. Project engineering networks And they will most likely have to connect to them in several places, and in each of the designer organizations you will seek a basic package of documents for a project that you have to collect or entrust this business to a lawyer. This basic package will include:

- documents for land and its plan;

- technical parameters received from the supply organization;

- Scheme of communications in topographic binding to the area where the house is located.

The rules for the connection and its cost for each enterprise-supplier its own, however, at the federal level there are uniform rules for joining engineering communications. The connection project made in accordance with SNIP and SanPiN requires coordination with the organization to connect to networks to be connected. After agreement on which it may take up to six months with a connection agreement, a connection is drawn up.

Features Connecting certain types of communications:

Connection of water supply is one of the easiest options for connecting communications, since the central water supply systems are provided almost everywhere. As a rule, particularly difficult approvals are not required here. However, water supply is inextricably connected with heating. Installation and connection of the latter does not require coordination, however, it is desirable to initially work out the project of connecting water supply and compatibility with it the heating system to subsequently avoid problems.

We can say that the connection to the water supply is connected to the sewage connection (centralized sewage). It should be borne in mind that the water supply can be central, and the water disposal is autonomous, or both - and the other - autonomous. That is, in relation to these systems, the owner has a choice, depending on its desires, technical and material possibilities.

Connecting power supply, as a rule, is associated with a more significant number of difficulties - depending on how far the house is located on the main distribution sources of power supply.

The most difficult is the connection of gas supply, especially if the house is located at a considerable distance from the main gas pipeline.

As mentioned above, the connection of heating is interconnected with water supply, but also, it is directly related to whether electric and gas supply to the house will be carried out. It is possible to heat the water and dumping the house, both using electricity and with gas, in connection with this, initially finding out whether it will be possible to hold gas to the house, the owner will be able to choose the optimal method of heating its housing.

Thus, despite the fact that the connection of communications to the houses - the procedure is quite complicated, and depends on the large number of conditions, the current level of technical equipment allows the owners of houses, in a significant amount of cases, to use autonomous systems to maintain their home, thereby avoiding problems With connected to central networks.

At first glance it seems that the bulk of the work and the main cash costs fall on the structure of the foundation, the construction of the walls and the roof of your future at home. However, those who are in the construction process or have already completed it, know that in terms of time, the number of spent agents and nerves, the connection of all necessary communications is not inferior to the construction itself. In this article we will try to tell you which types of communications are needed so that you live in a house with maximum comfort. In addition, our task will tell you with what difficulties you will have to face this path.

Gas is a communication that allows you to equip it with maximum comfort. Heating at home, hot water heating, as well as cooking - in a gasified object you can use these benefits without special material costs, gas in the house is really profitable and convenient. However, connect the house to the highway itself is expensive and problematic enough.
Even if in close proximity to your site passes gas pipe (This is called "GAZ on the border"), in order to connect to it will have to get a special permission to get a long procedure for harmonizing technical conditions, then obtain a gasification plan and, finally, mount the gas supply system. Usually, the whole procedure takes no less than six months, the cost of connecting gas is estimated at least several hundred thousand rubles. And the farther from the site there is a pipe, the more expensive and more difficult to perform the planned plan.
But if you decide to build a house for permanent residence, then you should make maximum effort in order to connect it to gas highway. This will help make it most comfortable and comfortable for life. In addition, you will spend less funds for home service.

Electricity is the type of communication that should be on each site. Without it, the level of comfort of accommodation in the house cannot be called acceptable. However, in order to connect the house to electricity, you, as well as in the case of gas supply, will have to go through not one instance and get permission to connect. In addition, if the nearest electric pillar, from which you can stretch the wires to your home is far enough, in addition to installing the system inside the house, you will also have to pay for additional posts (according to some estimates the cost of installing one pillar can do in 60-90 thousand rubles) .
In the event that you do not have access to traditional sources of electricity, it makes sense to consider alternative options. For example, diesel generators are very popular, as well as autonomous solar systems Power supply and wind installations. However, they can be used as an auxiliary source of power supply in case of disconnection of the main one.

Problems of connecting a private house to water supply to date practically does not exist. If there is a central water supply in the village, then it is enough to contact the local administration to get permission. Most likely, you do not have to wait too long and spend serious amounts of money both on the design of documents and on the connection of the house.
If the water supply in the village is not provided, you can dig a well and also ensure uninterrupted water supply to the cottage. The cost of this service directly depends on the depth of groundwater in your site, such as the pump you choose, other parameters, and is determined by specialists in each particular case separately. In any case, in addition to connecting the water, it is necessary to take care of the installation of water purification systems - modern filters that delay harmful impurities and bacteria, allowing you to enjoy clean and useful water.

Previously, the device of the sewer system among the owners of private houses and cottages was most importantly in the last place. Today, any owner of the cottage is clear - only the correctly organized sewer system will allow you to live in a house with a real comfort. There are quite a lot of alternative systems today. Starting from low-cost breathetles that are suitable in the event that you always live in the country for several days a month, and ending with modern complete cleaning systems that do not require a challenge of special machines, pumping out the drainage of sewer wells. Here the question solves exclusively how optimal for you is the combination of cost and the level of comfort of certain sewage systems.

Heating, HSV and ventilation

The type of communication data does not require the owner of the house of preliminary approvals with various instances. However, they should be foreseen in engineering plan at home before the construction began, since the installation of heating systems, HSV and ventilation has many nuances. We recommend that you consult with specialists regarding how to properly design your future house before starting any work on the site. This will save you time, money, as well as make a house truly comfortable.

In order for the country house to be no less comfortable than the urban apartment, it is necessary to provide it with electricity, gas, water supply and sewage. In the process of summing up communications, you can not avoid "paper" volokils by instances. In order to minimize it, read the requirements that you will be present and be ready!

The principle of coordination of the supply of all types of communications (gas, water, electrician, sewage) is the same and consists of several stages.

Stages of summing up communications

First of all, to equip the houses with communications, you need to conduct topographic shooting of the site, as well as create an engineering and geological supplement. Topographic surveys includes the shooting of underground and overhead facilities (communications), as well as (on demand) with high-screen surveillance. The result of topographic survey is the topographic area of \u200b\u200bthe area, i.e. The cartographic image of the elements of the site and the relief of the terrain, its planning, existing buildings and structures with their technical characteristics.

Topographic survey includes:

  • horizontal shooting - determination of the planned position of objects of the area: buildings, structures, coatings, types of vegetation, individual trees, i.e. any point on the topoplane must be confirmed by measurements;
  • vertical shooting - determination of the high-rise position of coatings, mapping the natural relief and its technogenic forms;
  • cameral processing is the creation of a topographic or combined plan, a digital location model.
Specialists of state cartographic and geodesic funds are engaged in topographic survey of the area.

After drawing up the topographic map of the area, the owner of the site should receive in Gorghaz, the Horsovet and Governer technical conditions for work. Technical condition is a technical solution of the public service on the necessary technologies for the production of works and connecting communications. It includes several sections, each of which describes the structure and parameters of one of the types of communications. In particular, in the section on heating Indicated:

  • all objects that will be heated - Batteries, Paul, Pool
  • availability and type of boiler, fuel type
  • characteristics of enclosing structures (roof, walls, floor)
  • orientation of structures in parts of the world (indicated on the plan)
  • preferences on equipment manufacturers

In technical conditions K. electricity You need to specify:

  • input parameters: phase (single-phase, three-phase), type of introductory cable (brand, amount of lived, section, al, copper), gasket type (underground or overhead), preferred location of the electric shield
  • place input
  • expustion and power of electrical appliances
  • location of switches
  • the presence and location of heated electricity of warm floors
  • it is necessary to indicate in what premises are increased humidity (s / y, saunas, pool), as well as the need to install wiring products in these rooms and the number of outlets
  • preferences on the installation of wiring: behind the ceiling, in the strokes, in the cable channels (hidden, open)
  • facades, roofing and shunts to design grounding and lightning protection
  • the need for an additional (backup) power supply device, such as a diesel generator
  • preferences on electrotechnical equipment and materials (price category, reliability, aesthetic properties)

To obtain technical conditions, you need to send an email addressed to the technical director of the relevant instance. The letter must be accompanied by the guidelines. This is a situational plan for the location of your site and houses on the ground, certificate for the right to own this land with a permit for the construction of the house.

Having technical conditions, you need to order in the project organization a project that will provide for all communications. A prerequisite is the presence of this organization a relevant license. In the project being developed, the location of gas appliances and pipes, electric devices (boiler, warm floors, the snowmate system, water heating devices, pumps, appliances) The necessary cottage power for the normal operation of all electrical appliances. In the future, it will relieve it from the need to make changes to the project.

The project should be agreed with Gores, Horsesive and Gorodokanal, and each of these organizations should approve the technical conditions for summing up communications. After that, the construction of water supply, sewage, gas and power supply facilities is directly carried out. The cost of design and construction depends on the location of the site, its complexity used by the materials.

It is necessary to take into account that this is usually no more than a year, therefore, if the owner of the site decides to get them without the help of professional designers, it is very likely that some of them will be overdue.

When the construction will be completed and the Commission from local governments and BTI bodies will officially receive a house in operation, the owner will receive an act of entering the facility. All work on summing up communications to the house should be legally. If the verification reveals violations, then at best, the owner of the cottage will be imposed a fine, and at worst - communications are cut off.