Cervicitis in older women. Detailed explanation of cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix): what it is, causes, symptoms and signs, treatment. Video: chronic inflammation of the cervix

Cervicitis in gynecology is customary to denote an inflammatory process in the cervix. The disease is characterized by a long course and lack of symptoms in the early stages. In order to consult a doctor on time, it is necessary to understand how cervicitis can manifest itself, the treatment of which is prescribed in accordance with the type and stage of the disease.

Cervicitis - types

This concept unites various inflammatory processes in the cervix. For greater convenience and understanding of the causes of the disease, cervicitis is usually divided into types. However, there are several classifications.

By the duration of the course of the disease:

  • acute cervicitis - lasts up to 6 months;
  • chronic - more than six months.

Depending on the cause of origin, there are:

  • specific cervicitis - caused by a certain group of pathogenic microorganisms, such as: chlamydia, gonococcus, ureaplasma, herpes virus;
  • nonspecific cervicitis - develops as a result of exposure to the neck of opportunistic microorganisms (staphylococcus, streptococcus, fungi).

By the nature of the inflammatory process in the cervix, there are:

  • purulent cervicitis - there is a large accumulation of pus in the cervical canal;
  • productive - regenerative processes with excessive formation of connective tissue predominate: septa, scars;
  • proliferative - accompanied by chronic inflammation with overgrowth epithelial tissue, the formation of polyps;
  • atrophic cervicitis - associated with age-related changes in the reproductive system, occurs in women during menopause.

Cervicitis - causes

The main cause of the inflammatory process in the cervix is ​​pathogenic microorganisms. At the same time, the pathogenesis of such forms of pathology as exocervicitis and endocervicitis is similar. Among the common microorganisms that cause cervicitis are:

  • gonococcus;
  • Trichomonas;
  • streptococcus;
  • virus;
  • staphylococcus;
  • papilloma virus;
  • chlamydia;
  • fungus Candida.

From this list, only gonococcus has sufficient aggressiveness, is able to penetrate through the cervical mucus into the neck and cause inflammation. The rest of the pathogens cause cervicitis, the treatment of which is discussed below, in the presence of additional factors that reduce the body's defenses. Among them:

  • abortion;
  • miscarriages;
  • surgical intervention on the pelvic organs - endoscopic examination of the uterus and appendages;
  • congenital anomalies of the reproductive system;
  • menopause.

Endocervicitis - causes

Endocervicitis is understood as inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cervix, in which the tissue of the canal itself is damaged. The pathology involves the distant parts of the cervix, from where the inflammation can go to the uterus. The predisposing factors of endocervicitis are:

  • inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs: erosion, ectropion, vaginitis, cystitis, salpingo-oophoritis;
  • injury to the cervix during abortion, diagnostic curettage, delivery;
  • prolapse of the cervix and vagina;
  • and menopause;
  • promiscuous sex.

Exocervicitis - causes

This type of cervicitis in women is accompanied by inflammation of only the vaginal part of the cervix. In this case, the deep parts of the reproductive system are not affected. Inflammation can be detected during a routine pelvic exam. Among the causes of pathology, it is necessary to highlight:

  • concomitant infectious and inflammatory process in the genitourinary system - colpitis, adnexitis, urethritis, cystitis, erosion;
  • genital infections - gonorrhea, chlamydia;
  • mechanical trauma to the cervix - abortion, diagnostic examination, childbirth;
  • the use of inappropriate contraceptives;
  • dysbiosis of the vagina;
  • lack of a permanent sexual partner.

Cervicitis - symptoms

The symptomatology of the disease directly depends on the stage of the pathological process. Signs of cervicitis do not appear immediately after the introduction of pathogenic microorganisms into the cervix, but with the onset of a period of their active reproduction and growth. The symptomatology of the disease depends on several factors:

  • type of pathogen;
  • the presence or absence of additional pathologies;
  • stages;
  • state of immunity.

Moderate cervicitis

Mild inflammation of the cervical mucosa can be almost asymptomatic. One of the first manifestations of pathology is discharge from the vaginal cavity. Against this background, a woman can record:

  • slight itching;
  • burning;
  • redness of the vulva.

Depending on the type of pathogen, the nature of the discharge may vary. Their feature is the appearance almost immediately, a few days later, after menstruation. In most cases, it is yellow with greenish or white discharge. Because of their abundance, they cause discomfort to a woman, and these inconveniences force her to see a doctor.

Severe cervicitis

With this type of pathology, the symptomatology of the disease is characterized by a large number of signs. Acute cervicitis always has a sudden onset and is accompanied by:

  • an increase in body temperature;
  • the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen, in the groin;
  • discharge mixed with blood during intercourse;
  • burning sensation during urination.

In the absence of appropriate therapy, an advanced form of cervicitis may experience soreness in the abdomen and lower back. At the same time, purulent discharge from the vagina appears, with unpleasant odor causing discomfort, itching and burning in the vulva. There is a deterioration in general health, the body temperature rises. Such cervicitis during pregnancy can lead to its termination.

Cervicitis - diagnosis

The doctor can make a preliminary diagnosis of "cervicitis" after examining the cervix in the mirrors. However, in order to establish the true cause and identify the type of pathogen that caused the disease, laboratory tests are prescribed. Their results are directly taken into account when drawing up an algorithm for therapeutic measures. Among the main methods for diagnosing cervicitis, it is necessary to highlight:

  1. Colposcopy - helps to detail the changes in the pathological nature with inflammation of the cervix (edema and hyperemia of the mucous membrane, the presence of vascular loops, erosive changes) determines the prevalence of the process (diffuse or focal cervicitis).
  2. Sowing pathological secretions.
  3. PCR - determines the type of pathogen.
  4. Bacterial culture for sensitivity to antibacterial drugs - helps to choose the right medicine.

How is cervicitis treated?

Treatment of cervicitis in women initially involves the elimination of the factor that caused the disorder, as well as concomitant pathologies (metabolic disorders, hormonal levels). In this case, antibacterial agents form the basis of therapy. Their choice is carried out taking into account the type of the identified pathogen. This takes into account:

  • stage of the disease;
  • severity of symptoms;
  • the presence of concomitant diseases.

Cervicitis - drugs for treatment

Treatment may differ depending on the type of pathogen that caused cervicitis. To exclude the disease, antibacterial drugs of various directions of action are used:

1. With bacterial origin of cervicitis:

  • Neomycin;
  • Metronidazole;
  • Terzhinan.

2. With fungal infections:

  • Fluconazole;
  • Natamycin;
  • Econazole.

3. With chlamydial cervicitis:

  • Tetracycline;
  • Azithromycin.

4. With atrophic changes in the neck:

  • Divigel.

Treatment of cervicitis with the suppositories mentioned above allows you to quickly achieve a therapeutic effect. With a decrease in the number of symptoms, an improvement in the general well-being of a woman, doctors treat the vagina and cervix. To do this, use:

  • 3% solution of dimethyl sulfoxide;
  • 1-2% chlorophyllipt solution;
  • silver nitrate solution.

Cervicitis - folk remedies

Talking about how to treat inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cervix, it is necessary to separately highlight folk remedies. Many medicinal herbs help relieve the symptoms of the disease, shorten the period of therapy. However, it must be remembered that you can use them after consulting a doctor. Treatment of chronic cervicitis is rarely complete without the use of these drugs.

Infusion of herbs against cervicitis


  • adonis - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • bitter wormwood - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • raspberry leaves - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • juniper fruits - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • thyme - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • mint - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • water - 1.5 liters.

Preparation, application

  1. The herbs are mixed and poured over with boiling water.
  2. Insist 1 hour.
  3. Strain it and use it instead of drinking.

Infusion of wormwood, oak bark, bird cherry flowers


  • bitter wormwood - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • chopped oak bark - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • cherry flowers - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • strawberry leaves - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • rose hips - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • water -1 l.

Preparation, application

  1. The ingredients are mixed.
  2. For cooking, take 2 tbsp. spoons of the mixture, pour boiling water.
  3. Insist 8 hours in a thermos, filter and take half a glass 3 times a day before meals.

Prevention of cervicitis

To prevent active cervicitis, a woman must follow a number of rules. Preventive measures aimed at preventing the disease can prevent cervicitis, correct treatment which helps to forget about the disease forever.

To prevent illness, doctors advise adhering to the following rules:

  1. Regular medical examinations - at least 2 times a year.
  2. Restriction on lifting weights to prevent prolapse or prolapse of the uterus.
  3. Full implementation of medical prescriptions, timely treatment of inflammatory processes in the small pelvis.
  4. Condom use.
  5. Exclusion of casual sex.

Cervicitis is a gynecological disease, inflammation of the cervical canal located in the cervix. Pathology is more common in women of reproductive age, accompanied by pulling pains, painful intercourse, specific secretions. Often it turns into a chronic form, since in the acute phase it can be almost asymptomatic. Lack of treatment is fraught with the spread of the pathological process to the rest of the reproductive organs, cervical erosion, problems with conception and bearing.

In the article we will find out what chronic cervicitis is, and how to treat the disease effectively. You should also know about the specific symptoms of pathology in order to timely contact a medical facility for diagnosis and treatment. A separate paragraph is devoted to the relationship of inflammation of the cervical canal with pregnancy problems. Of particular importance are preventive recommendations, the observance of which will preserve health and reproductive function.

The term "cervicitis" refers to an infectious and inflammatory process localized in the cervical (cervical) canal. This part of the uterus performs a barrier function, protecting the internal genital organs from the penetration of infections. Protection is provided by a combination of factors such as the narrowness of the canal, the presence of a mucous plug, and the production of a special secret. If, for any reason, the protective function is violated, pathogens penetrate the cervical canal and cause an inflammatory process.


Cervicitis has been assigned the ICD-10 N72 code, which unites all types of the disease. The additional coding B95-B98 is used to designate an infectious agent. The inflammatory process can affect different parts of the cervical canal. If the vaginal segment is affected, the diagnosis is "exocervicitis", and if the inner lining of the cervical canal becomes inflamed, it comes about endocervicitis.

Like any disease of an inflammatory nature, cervicitis is subdivided into acute and chronic along the course. In the first case, the process is most often accompanied by soreness during intercourse, pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, profuse vaginal discharge (mucous or purulent). With the transition to the chronic form, cervical erosion or ectropion (eversion of the mucous canal outward) often develops. In addition, the infection spreads to other female pelvic organs and contributes to inflammation of the uterus itself, fallopian tubes, and ovaries.

The diagnosis of cervicitis is usually supplemented by an indication of the degree of tissue damage: they distinguish between focal and diffuse inflammation. In addition, during the diagnosis, a specific pathogen is identified, due to which several more varieties of pathology are distinguished. The names, causes and factors contributing to the development of the disease are discussed in more detail in the next section.

Causes of cervicitis

As already mentioned, the inflammatory process develops as a result of damage to the mucous membrane of the cervical canal by infectious agents. Depending on the type of pathogen, two types of pathology and its causes are distinguished:

  • Nonspecific cervicitis - the pathogen enters the cervix with the flow of lymph and blood, from the vagina or by contact from the rectum. That is, this type of inflammation occurs when the conditionally pathogenic microflora is activated and multiplied, which is normally always present in the body in certain quantities. This category includes candidal cervicitis, staphylococcal and streptococcal, as well as provoked by Escherichia coli.
  • Specific is a consequence of infection from the outside by viruses, protozoa, bacterial flora. In this case, infection occurs during intercourse. In accordance with the type of infectious agent, ureaplasmic cervicitis, Trichomonas, herpetic and others are isolated.

Inflammation is facilitated by factors such as weakening of the immune system, hormonal imbalance, chemical burns and mechanical trauma to the cervical canal during childbirth, abortions, diagnostic curettage, and the use of intrauterine contraceptives. Benign neoplasms and cicatricial deformities of the cervix also affect susceptibility to infection.

Symptoms of cervicitis of the cervix

The acute form of the inflammatory process can proceed in different ways, including asymptomatic. The general symptoms include, first of all, profuse discharge. They can be purulent or slimy. Sometimes the patient complains of dull pain in the lower abdomen. When viewed in the mirrors, swelling and redness around the external opening of the canal, small ulceration and hemorrhage, protrusion of the mucous membrane are revealed.

Depending on the type of infectious agent that caused the acute inflammation, characteristic symptoms may be observed:

  • Gonococcal (the most common) is acute, all the typical signs of this cervicitis in women are clearly expressed.
  • Trichomonas is accompanied by multiple hemorrhages on the mucous membrane - the so-called "strawberry cervix".
  • Herpetic cervicitis is defined by pronounced hyperemia and looseness of the cervix. There is also a symptom of "continuous erosion" - numerous ulcerations.
  • If the cause of the pathological process is actinomycetes, characteristic formations are found - a symptom of a "granular macula".
  • Chlamydial cervicitis has the least obvious signs, is often ignored for this reason and becomes chronic.
  • HPV-induced viral cervicitis is often accompanied by genital warts.

Often, inflammation of the cervical canal develops in parallel with erosion, and then the specific symptoms of cervicitis of the cervix occur along with contact bleeding from the vagina. If the infection spreads to the urinary tract, there is pain when urinating, a burning sensation. Damage to the walls of the vagina leads to colpitis.

The transition of the disease to the chronic stage in the absence of proper treatment occurs in 2-3 weeks. It is also called mild cervicitis because it creates the illusion of recovery. The fact is that the inflammatory process spreads deep into the tissues of the cervix, and the surface layer is restored. Discharge in chronic cervicitis becomes less abundant, more viscous and has a white or yellowish color. Laboratory blood tests often do not show signs of an inflammatory process. Examination reveals:

  • thickening of the neck and its increase due to edema;
  • the mucous membrane around the throat of the cervical canal is eroded;
  • an extensive ulcer that occurs when the squamous epithelium is replaced by a cylindrical one.

Since the regeneration of epithelial tissue is not carried out correctly, the ducts of the glands that produce cervical mucus are blocked. In them, nabotovy cysts are formed and cystic cervicitis develops. Chronic cervicitis during menopause is accompanied by mucosal atrophy.


It is difficult to establish an accurate diagnosis based on clinical symptoms, since discharge and painful sensations accompany many inflammatory diseases of the female pelvic organs. The initial examination, which is carried out by a gynecologist, reveals edema, hyperemia, ulceration and hemorrhage. After it, the patient is assigned a mandatory colposcopy.

This instrumental research method allows you to detect characteristic structural changes in tissue. In addition, in order to identify a specific cause of inflammation, laboratory diagnostics are carried out:

  • flora smear;
  • cytological examination;
  • bacterial sowing;
  • PCR diagnostics.

Blood for RW and the presence of HIV is also tested.

How to treat cervicitis?

In the acute period of the disease, conservative therapy is carried out. It is carried out in several sequential stages:

  • Eliminate the immediate cause of inflammation. According to the results of tests to identify the pathogen, appropriate drugs are prescribed for the treatment of cervicitis in women - antimicrobial or antiviral. It should be borne in mind that topical drugs are not relevant at this stage, since they fight the infection superficially. Usually, systemic antiviral drugs (interferons) and antibiotics for cervicitis are prescribed first. The latter include,.
  • As it decreases clinical manifestations local therapy is also prescribed for the disease. The cervix and vagina are regularly treated with solutions of dimethyl sulfoxide, chlorophyllipt, silver nitrate. Combined intravaginal creams and suppositories for cervicitis are also used. After the completion of antimicrobial therapy, preparations with lactic acid are indicated to restore the vaginal biocenosis.
  • Immunostimulants and vitamin complexes are prescribed to activate the body's defenses. Hormonal disorders require appropriate therapy, against the background of which inflammation of the cervical canal develops. Postmenopausal women who are diagnosed with an atrophic type of the disease should use suppositories for cervicitis with estrogen.

When sexually transmitted infections (trichomoniasis,) become the cause of the inflammatory process, both partners need to undergo antibiotic therapy. The effectiveness is monitored by laboratory tests and using colposcopy.

If a visit to a doctor for any reason was untimely, or inadequate therapy (self-medication) was carried out, the process usually becomes chronic. Treatment of chronic cervicitis of the cervix is ​​carried out mainly by surgical methods, since conservative ones are ineffective. Cryo- and laser therapy, diathermocoagulation are used. The infection is preliminarily treated with systemic drugs, and after surgery, rehabilitation therapy is prescribed.

Treatment of cervicitis with folk remedies

The use of alternative medicine prescriptions is possible only as an adjunct to basic therapy with the permission of a doctor. Basically, infusions of medicinal herbs with anti-inflammatory effect (eucalyptus, calendula) are used in the form of douching. You can also insert tampons soaked in them into the vagina. Self-treatment of inflammation of the cervical canal folk remedies unacceptable.

Is it possible to get pregnant with cervicitis

If the patency of the cervical canal is preserved, then the sperm may well enter the uterus. However, this process is hampered by a change in the acid-base balance of the vagina, the presence of secretions. When the epithelium grows and deforms, the cervical canal closes and fertilization of the egg becomes impossible. In order for conception to take place without problems, it is necessary even before pregnancy, at the planning stage, to undergo a full examination and cure all diseases.

Cervicitis during pregnancy

What is the risk of inflammation of the cervical canal in case of pregnancy? First of all, due to the lack of a protective barrier, the infection spreads freely along the ascending path. Infection of the fetus in the early stages most often leads to its death and spontaneous abortion. In the second and third trimesters, there is a high incidence of intrauterine infections. In addition, chronic cervicitis during pregnancy is fraught with premature birth due to cervical insufficiency.


Disease can be prevented if any genital infections and endocrine disorders are detected and treated in a timely manner. It is also necessary to avoid casual sexual intercourse, use contraception to prevent abortion.

A fairly common gynecological disease is cervicitis, the symptoms of which can be almost invisible. Because of this, timely treatment is not carried out, and the disease becomes chronic. Over time, unpleasant complications develop.

With cervicitis, the cervix becomes inflamed. Most women encounter him at least once in their lives. Unmarried girls who are actively engaged in sex are at risk.

Nonspecific cervicitis is caused by opportunistic flora. The most common is Escherichia coli, gardnerella, candida, streptococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus. Specific cervicitis is caused by an STD. Most often, the cause is trichomanada, chlamydia, gonococcus.

Viral cervicitis is also common today. They are more difficult to treat and take longer. They are caused by HSV and HPV.

The cause of nonspecific and viral cervicitis is unprotected intercourse. Inflammation caused by opportunistic flora can provoke its trauma during abortion or childbirth, and a decrease in immunity. Hormonal disorders can also be the cause of this disease.

Cervicitis, the symptoms of which can be almost invisible, becomes chronic if left untreated. How clearly the disease manifests itself depends on the pathogen and the organism. For example, with gonorrhea, symptoms are more pronounced than with chlamydia. In the chronic form of the disease, they are practically absent.

So, acute cervicitis symptoms:

  • burning and itching in the vagina;
  • purulent mucous discharge;
  • pulling or dull abdominal pain;
  • painful and;
  • erosion, hyperemia and soreness of the cervix;
  • bleeding after sex and discomfort during it;
  • lack of sex drive.

It is diagnosed when viewed with mirrors and colposcopy. The causative agent is determined using the cervical canal. They are cultured with an antibioticogram, as well as PCR diagnostics.

Smears are taken for atypical cells and flora. A vaginal ultrasound is also prescribed. If no infection is detected, then it is advisable to conduct a hormonal examination.

Quite often, a woman learns about this pathology out of time and accidentally at a scheduled visit to a gynecologist, which must be held annually. She inevitably raises the question: "Chronic cervicitis: what is it and how does it threaten?"

Over time, this disease leads to changes in the mucous membrane, erosion occurs, and then dysplasia. This condition leads to cancer without the necessary treatment. Particularly dangerous in this sense is the combination of HPV and HSV type 2.

Today, cervical cancer is easily treated if detected early. In time, a smear helps to identify pathological changes, which it is desirable to take annually. In antenatal clinics, it is performed free of charge.

Chronic cervicitis and pregnancy do not go well together either. This disease can lead to pathologies, infection of the fetus, miscarriages, postpartum complications.

In addition, over time, inflammation can spread to the uterus and then to the tubes and ovaries. This leads to infertility and dysfunction of the reproductive system.

Only a qualified gynecologist should treat cervicitis. The drug of choice depends on the pathogen found. If these are viruses, then vitamins and immune preparations are necessarily prescribed. The therapy will take more time and money. In the presence of erosion, its surgical treatment is carried out.

Thus, cervicitis, the symptoms of which are often overlooked, can lead to dire consequences. The most common of these is erosion, which requires surgical treatment... Without proper therapy, cervicitis eventually leads to dysplasia and cancer, especially in the presence of HSV and HPV. It also negatively affects the ability to give birth to a child.

Inflammation of the cervix caused by the presence of an infection is called cervicitis. This disease is most common - according to statistics - half of the female population has suffered cervicitis at least once in their life. Women of any age are affected. Rarely, latent forms are found in adolescent girls who are not sexually active, due to the presence of infection in the body and low immunity.

Acute inflammations caused by the presence of a specific microflora are more often treated, as they have pronounced symptoms and create inconvenience in everyday life - profuse discharge, odor, and itching sensations in the vagina. In this case, there are more chances that a woman will come to the gynecological office for examination and be treated.

Nonspecific flora does not cause symptoms (or very mild), so patients rarely see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. The disease can be detected by chance when a woman is registered with a pregnancy. By the time of detection, the process can be chronic. During the examination, the diagnosis is made - a chronic low degree of activity of cervicitis.

Chronic cervicitis - what is it?

An unnoticed disease that has lasted for a long time and has not been treated is called chronic. Symptoms are smoothed out so that a woman can lead a normal life and not experience discomfort or pain. Contributes to this condition:

  • low immunity, when the body is not able to cope with the infection on its own, since it does not have the necessary resources (poor diet, smoking, alcohol consumption);
  • concomitant diseases (lack of sex hormones, thyroid dysfunction);
  • a constant change of sexual partners, which contributes to an increase in the number of types of sexually transmitted infections;
  • allergic diseases that reduce the protective potential of the body;
  • viral diseases;
  • mechanical damage to the cervix;
  • the presence of gynecological diseases and inflammation of the pelvic organs.

With an inadequate sex life (lack of orgasm), chronic cervicitis may develop due to blood stagnation, even in the absence of specific pathogenic microflora.

Important! Without going to a medical institution, without taking measures to eliminate the disease, a woman exposes herself to the risk of malignant neoplasms developing due to the constant presence of infection and pathological change fabrics.

By origin, they are distinguished:

  • getting a sexually transmitted infection;
  • structural changes in the tissues of the cervical canal;
  • activation of opportunistic flora (thrush).

At the location of the inflammatory process:

  • the entire mucous membrane is affected - a diffuse process;
  • spotty (macular) chronic cervicitis, in which separate foci of inflammation are formed;
  • exo and - either the vaginal part of the cervix or the mucous membrane of the cervical canal is affected.

Distinguish between the acute stage of the disease with characteristic symptoms and the stage of remission.

Pathogenic organisms causing cervicitis

Among the infectious agents that cause inflammation of the cervix are:

  1. Specific microorganisms. These are chlamydia, ureaplasma, Trichomonas, amoeba, tubercle bacillus, gonococcus, genital herpes. In the presence of this infection, the process is acute and requires urgent treatment with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, that is, chronic cervicitis of a high degree of activity is observed;
  2. Non-specific. Candida fungus, gardnerella, Escherichia coli. These microorganisms provoke moderate chronic cervicitis.

In both cases, inflammation develops - this is how the body's protective reaction to microbes manifests itself.

The bacterial nature of cervicitis

Bacterial cervicitis can occur against the background of an already existing viral infection, which weakens the defenses. In this case, there is chronic active cervicitis with periodic relapses and remissions, which is difficult to treat until immunity is restored and the viral agent is eliminated.

Caution! Against the background of viral infections, bacteria can transform into inactive forms, which, under favorable conditions, restore their activity. In this case, the woman will be a source of infection, without knowing it. In the medical literature, similar cases with Trichomonas are described.

With a low immune status, the likelihood of developing sexually transmitted viral infections is high. These are:

  • herpes virus;
  • ureaplasma (intermediate microorganisms between bacteria and viruses)
  • human papillomavirus;
  • AIDS virus.

These pathogens weaken the body and create a favorable environment in which bacteria and fungi feel good, while actively multiplying.

Causes contributing to the formation of a focus of inflammation

An exacerbation of a chronic infection can cause:

With a combination of several factors - infection, mechanical damage, low immunity - there is a high probability of an inflammatory process in the cervix.

Highly active cervicitis is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • purulent discharge of yellow-green color in large quantities;
  • the presence of a specific smell;
  • dysuria - painful urination;
  • pulling pain in the lower abdomen;
  • the presence of ulcerative foci on the vaginal part of the cervix;
  • painful intercourse.

Chronic cervicitis is characterized by:

  • cloudy mucous discharge;
  • mild pain during intercourse;
  • itching or burning sensation in the vagina is possible.

Important! Chronic inflammatory process on the cervix is ​​much more likely to turn into malignant tumors and poses a great danger to women of reproductive age.

Asymptomatic process

With strong immunity and in the presence of infection, cervicitis may be asymptomatic. are found when a woman accidentally visits a doctor - for example, during a medical examination. The patient does not complain about anything and does not feel a problem. With inactive cervicitis, the cause may be the presence of erosion, ovarian cysts in the initial stage, (CIN 1), in which the dystrophic process is just beginning and does not make itself felt.

Without fail, a woman is given a referral for general tests to determine the pathogen and establish the degree of epithelial damage.

Low degree of activity of the inflammatory process

A moderate or low degree of activity of chronic cervicitis is not a safe condition, as it slowly erodes strength and causes changes at the cellular level, which can cause irreversible processes in the cervix without timely treatment.

Diagnostics consists in the following procedures:

  • A smear from the vaginal part of the cervix to determine an active or latent infection (in the acute phase of the disease and with a latent course).
  • Histology in the form of a smear to identify atypical cells after examining the smear and examination using mirrors.
  • ... If you suspect oncology or if you have a human papillomavirus of high oncogenic risk, you need to take a piece of tissue (or several) for examination under a microscope. It is prescribed to clarify the diagnosis of dysplasia or cervical cancer after receiving poor results from a cytological examination.

To diagnose the uterine cavity, if you suspect a doctor may prescribe a hysteroscopy. This is a procedure in which a device with a camera is inserted into the uterus, which transmits an image to a computer monitor. Thus, it is possible to identify the pathology of the inner layer, various thickening of the muscle layer.

Important! The use of several types of diagnostics is effective, allowing you to accurately diagnose and prescribe productive treatment. All types of diagnostics are prescribed when it is required to exclude the occurrence of a rare type of cancer - for example, papillary cancer.

When diagnosing HPV, the doctor must prescribe a biopsy in order to identify coilocytes - cells with modified enlarged nuclei. Koylocytic atypia is characteristic of papilloma of a viral infection: there are cells with two or more nuclei that have a peculiar glow around the center.

Coilocytosis is a long-term process of cell transformation. It is observed only in the active stage of HPV, which indicates unstable immunity and the need for treatment.

The danger of cervicitis - what is it

Cervicitis venereal can provoke the disease perihepatitis, mainly associated with the activity of chlamydia or gonococci. In the liver, capsules appear with an accumulation of microbes, causing. The symptom of this pathology is pain in the right hypochondrium. In 9 cases out of 11, chlamydial infection was found in history or in active form.

With untreated cervicitis, the inflammatory process can be upward and affect the uterus with the appendages, which usually leads to the formation of adhesions in the tubes and subsequent ectopic pregnancy.

Caution! The attachment of the ovum in the tube causes its rupture and the need for urgent removal. Subsequently, this leads to the need for in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Sometimes the ducts of the Bartholin glands become inflamed, which, when the process is running, leads to a purulent abscess and decomposition of the gland.

The emergence of erosion of the cervix against the background of a prolonged inflammatory process and hormonal disorders.

In the presence of HPV, the risk of magnetization increases tenfold. The initial symptom can be considered in which the epithelium of the cervix changes. White plaques appear, which stand out against the background of healthy tissue in the form of an elevation.

Chronic cervicitis can worsen during pregnancy due to a natural decrease in immunity and a high load on the body. With a low social status of a woman, this condition provokes poor malnutrition, which is not enough to meet the needs of a woman and a child. The body is programmed for the survival of the fetus, so most of the vitamins and minerals go to the formation of the systems and organs of the child. A woman gets very few nutrients, which weakens her body. The infection gets a chance to reproduce.

Chronic cervicitis treatment

The treatment regimen for chronic cervicitis depends on the type of infection, the age of the patient, the state of the immune system, and the presence of concomitant diseases.

With a viral infection, the costs of treatment are disproportionately higher, since the use of stimulants, immunoglobulins, vitamins is necessary. In addition, it is necessary to strictly monitor the quality and diet.

The woman's age also plays a role. During menopause, additional hormone therapy and calcium supplementation may be required to balance the state of the body. Treatment of cervicitis during pregnancy is complicated by the fact that many drugs are contraindicated and you need to use homeopathic suppositories or tablets with bactericidal properties.

To improve immunity, you can drink plant-based dietary supplements. Alternatively, Entocid is a dietary supplement that tidies up the intestines.

Important! The main part of immune cells is located in the human intestine, therefore, the normalization of its work affects the general condition of the body.

All types of chronic and acute cervicitis can be treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics, for example, Azimed (the active ingredient is azithromycin). In addition, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. medications, which can be replaced with decoctions of herbs with similar properties: St. John's wort, sage, yarrow, oregano, echinacea.

Women during menopause can be advised to use decoctions of herbs that normalize hormonal levels, thereby contributing to recovery: boar uterus, red brush, flaxseed, sage, hop cones, licorice root, sesame seed. It is recommended to include in the diet apricots, which are rich in substances similar in action to estrogen. Dried fruits have the same qualities as fresh ones.

Recently, a drug for the treatment of animals ASD fraction 2 has become widespread. This drug, according to reviews, has a powerful healing effect, even with advanced forms of cancer. The disadvantage of ASD is that it has an extremely unpleasant smell and most people simply refuse to use it for treatment, moreover, the “aroma” does not disappear from the room for a long time, which creates problems for others.


Treatment of chronic low-level cervicitis is long-term and requires a responsible approach from the woman. If she is interested in the further birth of children, then it is worth devoting a significant part of her time to her health.

What is Chronic Cervicitis? Almost all women who have been given such a "tricky" diagnosis face a similar question.

Cervicitis (cervicitis; from Lat.cervix, cervicis - cervix) is called inflammation of the cervix. This ailment has 2 forms: acute and chronic. Since the acute form proceeds with practically no symptomatic picture (manifestations), women apply for an appointment when the disease has already acquired a chronic (sluggish) course.

Chronic Cervicitis is a fairly common gynecological pathology. It affects women who are actively sexually active, and these are representatives of the weaker sex of a fairly young and childbearing age.

Chronic cervicitis of the cervix: briefly about the types of ailment

In medical circles, cervicitis has a complex classification, but we will give brief information about its most common types. These include:

  • chronic papillary cervicitis. It manifests itself as multiple growths of papillomas - small formations that are of a benign nature;
  • cervical ectopia of the cervix with chronic cervicitis is a formidable disease that requires serious treatment;
  • chronic inactive cervicitis looks like cicatricial changes, thickening of the cervix with pseudo-erosion and the formation of cysts inside the cervix
  • chronic active cervicitis is manifested by redness of the cervical mucosa around the cervical canal (erosion), discharge, edema of the cervix
  • chronic nonspecific Cervicitis is caused by nonspecific infections - gonococci, Escherichia coli, etc. And specific cervicitis is caused by specific infections - gonorrhea, syphilis.

How and how the forms of cervical inflammation visually differ will be shown in the photos posted on our website.

Causes of Chronic Cervicitis

One of the most common causes of the disease is inadequate treatment of the acute form of Cervicitis. This happens as a result of improperly selected treatment, if the woman does not comply with medical prescriptions. But promiscuous sex life with frequently changing sexual partners, the presence of venereal or other infections in the body (human herpes, fungal colonies, gonococci, chlamydia, etc.) can trigger the onset of an inflammatory process in the cervix.

Chronic cervicitis. APA.

Chronic cervicitis. Treatment, signs

Chronic cervicitis Phonophoresis

Chronic cervicitis provokes long wearing of an intrauterine device, haphazard use of hormonal contraceptives (contraceptives), some sexual habits and features of sexual intercourse. Inflammation of the uterine neck appears after severe trauma to the internal genital organs, which is often observed after atypical, difficult labor, the presence of some congenital pathologies.

Early and late signs of chronic cervicitis

During a gynecological examination, the gynecologist will find local swelling of the uterine neck, its hyperemia, and ulceration of the mucous membrane of various sizes is possible. With hr. Cervicitis changes in a woman's self-awareness after intercourse - discomfort appears, weak pain impulses in the vagina, a small amount of blood may be released.

Vaginal discharge changes color. They become cloudy, opaque. Sometimes you can notice impurities of pus, streaks of blood. Natural mucus from the genital tract changes its consistency - women complain of smearing, serous discharge.

In severe cases, when the infection spreads ascending, there are complaints of dull pain in the lumbar region and pelvis. This suggests that in the reproductive system of the body, not only the uterus began to suffer, but also the ovaries, and even the oviducts (fallopian tubes).

Chronic Cervicitis in Pregnancy

Pregnancy is the most important period not only for the expectant mother, but also for her unborn baby. Cervicitis chronic form can complicate the entire pregnancy process. The risk of developing insufficiency of placental blood circulation sharply increases, due to underdevelopment of the placenta. This pathology often turns for the fetus to a deficit in its mass, growth retardation and intrauterine development, which leads to the occurrence of congenital defects.

But the future mother also suffers from the disease. It becomes much more difficult to endure a pregnancy - often there are threats of miscarriage, which, if untimely seeking medical care, end in miscarriages or premature birth. Since the consequences of hr. Cervicitis is depressing, then at the first suspicion of an inflammatory process of the cervix, you should contact your attending gynecologist.

Self-medication during pregnancy must be excluded! When treating Cervicitis in a fertile woman, you can choose a safe course of treatment that will effectively relieve her of the disease.

Important! Is it possible to get pregnant with chronic cervicitis? The answer to this question depends on many factors - age, heredity, concomitant somatic diseases. If you have signs of cervicitis before conception, then contraception should become a routine procedure until the moment of complete recovery from this pathology.

Topical medications for the treatment of chronic cervicitis

It is important to remember that with chronic cervicitis, treatment with modern medications is the most reliable and fast enough way to get rid of such an unpleasant inflammation of the cervix.

In a medical institution, the ailment is treated by introducing into the cervical canal medicines... For this procedure, the Playfer metal probe is most suitable. To begin with, thoroughly cleanse the external pharynx from the remnants of mucus. Then:

  1. a probe is introduced, previously wrapped with cotton wool dipped in a soda solution. This helps to evacuate the plug and other contents from the canal cavity.
  2. Introducing the second Playfer probe, but already soaked in ordinary hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Through the third probe, the cervix is ​​treated with 1% brilliant green solution, 2-5-10% silver nitrate solution or 1-2% gentian violet solution.

Such medical manipulation should not be performed more often than once every 5-6 days.

In parallel with this procedure, it may be necessary to use vaginal or rectal suppositories that have anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antifungal effects. It should be remembered that medicines in this group have a fat base, therefore they should be stored on the lower shelf of the refrigerator. Before use, in order to facilitate the process of inserting the candle, it can be placed in the freezer for a few minutes. But it is forbidden to allow the preparation to freeze!

In the absence of positive results from conservative treatment, diathermocoagulation, diathermic or surgical conization of the cervix or its amputation are indicated.

How to treat chronic cervicitis with general medications

When treating chronic cervicitis medications of general action are guided by the root cause of the disease. If, in parallel with cervicitis, a fungal disease (thrush) proceeds, then antifungal drugs are prescribed.

With an infectious lesion, a massive course of antibiotics is required. They are selected from the group of a wide spectrum of action or after bacteriological sowing of the vaginal flora for sensitivity to antibiotics. The second method is the most correct, because it allows you to accurately select the most suitable means.

Chronic Cervicitis of viral etiology is the most difficult to treat, because viruses practically do not come into contact with most medications. After prescribing additional tests, which cannot be ignored, antiviral drugs are chosen. The prescription of medications for any cause of the disease is carried out by a gynecologist. He does this taking into account a detailed anamnesis (history) of the woman's illness and life.

How to douch at home

Douching is often prescribed for local treatment and in folk medicine. Douching is called irrigation of the cervix and vaginal walls with medicinal fluids. For this procedure, a special device is used - a medical syringe. The syringe looks like a pear with a long tip.

A rubber balloon is filled with a freshly prepared solution for douching at room temperature, the tip is inserted deep into the vagina, then the walls of the pear are slowly squeezed. After use, the syringe is thoroughly washed and stored in a dry place.

For therapeutic douching, the solution of Protargol, Chlorophyllipt, Dimexidum is most suitable.

Treatment with folk remedies: time-tested recipes

On thematic forums, you can find dozens of recipes that help get rid of the disease. Most often, traditional medicine suggests preparing decoctions for douching. The water from which you intend to prepare infusions or decoctions must be clean and boiled twice.

Important! You can not start treatment with folk methods until the root cause of the disease is identified!

If a fungal infection of the vagina and cervix is ​​found, then it is better to take herbs "mushroom killers" - raspberries, juniper, wormwood, sage, yarrow, tansy. It is better to purchase herbal raw materials in the official pharmacy network, and prepare decoctions taking into account the dosages prescribed in the annotations on the package.

According to a similar scheme, they douche with decoctions of anti-inflammatory herbs - chamomile, St. John's wort, pine needles. They have a local anti-inflammatory effect, which will significantly reduce the amount purulent discharge, will help the body suppress the growth in the number of pathogenic microflora - gonococci, E. coli, streptococci, etc.

There is no solid evidence of the effect of herbs on viruses. But with antiviral drug treatment it is better to take restorative, tonic, immunostimulating decoctions of rose hips, echinacea, lemongrass, etc. If massive antibacterial or antiviral therapy is indicated, then it is better to take herbs that protect and restore the liver for several months.