Requirements for the design of the stand for career guidance. Information stand for career guidance. What is it and why is it needed

  • The size: 1.38x1
  • Vendor code: ShK-0255
  • Number of pockets: 8 pockets A4
  • Material: PVC plastic 3mm, film with photo printing 720 dpi. PET pockets 0.5 mm, fastening with double-sided tape.
  • Material:

Product description:

Such a multifunctional stand as a "career guidance corner" is necessary in every school. It will help students get acquainted with each profession, find out what its advantages are and what benefits it will have for society. There is a text on the stand about choosing a profession and about how important it is to do exactly what you love in the future. For any other additional information, the stand has 8 A4 pockets so that the school administration can supplement the stand with the necessary material about professions and future work. This stand model has a lot of colorful and rich patterns that retain image quality for a long time.

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Delivery cost from 550 rubles.

The goods are delivered to you in three ways:

  • To the terminal of the transport company of your city;
  • To the nearest branch of the Russian Post;
  • To your home or office.

Delivery time from 2 days.

The goods are delivered in reliable packaging that excludes damage.


Use the form of payment convenient for you:

  • through a branch of Sberbank
  • through a checking account
  • through the Treasury
  • cash on delivery through the Russian Post.
  • In advance, the client must pay 30% of the cost of the order in order to confirm the intention to purchase.

Our guarantees:

  • 100% delivery of paid goods;
  • 100% exchange of goods in case of marriage;
  • no negative feedback;
  • we are 10 years old and reputation is important to us.

Help for teachers

A visual reflection of career guidance activities with students at school will have an invaluable impact on the activation of the work of both the students themselves and the teaching staff and parents.

1 . Making a career guidance corner solves the following tasks:

  • Vocational education of schoolchildren, their parents, teachers (information about the world of work and professions), organization of wide propaganda of working professions needed by the economic region.
  • Assistance to graduate students in making decisions about the choice of professional and life path, assistance in choosing a profession.
  • Pedagogical and psychological education of parents, teachers and other persons assisting students in choosing a profession.

2. The main functions of the career guidance corner:

  • The Career Guidance Corner provides information and reference services to students, teachers, and parents.
  • The career guidance corner contains materials about local and other educational institutions (a list of specialties for which training is carried out, conditions for admission and study, distribution after graduation).
  • Information about the local organizations and enterprises.
  • Reference, popular science and other literature about professions, vocational schools, various sectors of the national economy, about working people.

3. Career guidance stand (it is desirable that a stand be made, the minimum size is 1m.x1m., which would contain the following sections and materials):

  • Stand name.
  • List of the school council for vocational guidance.
  • Information of the regional employment center.
  • Schedule for individual and group consultations.
  • Schedule of reference and information consultations.
  • Information of the Center for Career Orientation of Youth.
  • Information about the organizations and the enterprises of district.
  • Materials about the educational institutions.
  • Literature on vocational guidance.
  • The world of professions (acquaintance of students with professiograms).
  • "Know yourself" (tests to determine the personal characteristics of students).
  • The stand should be regularly updated (monthly, quarterly); be interesting and relevant in content.

A career guidance corner can be organized in the psychologist's office or in the school lobby on the first floor (any other place accessible to the student). Responsibility for the creation and maintenance of the vocational guidance corner lies with the specialist responsible for vocational guidance work at the school. VSchool Council for Career Guidanceshould include the head of the educational institution responsible for vocational guidance at school, the deputy director for water resources management and HR, a librarian, a psychologist and social teacher, one of the teachers of labor training, medical worker.A corner of the profession in the class space may include the following sections:

1. Tree (Galaxy) of professions (families of students or connections between a certain branch of professions and specialties).

2. Collage "About the profession ...".

3. Map of professions (poster / game): classification of professions into H-H, Ch-T, Ch-X, Ch-P, Ch-Z.

4. "Chamomile of professions" (different bases for classification).

5. Drawings "Professions of my parents."

6. Mini-essays "What do I want to be when I grow up ...".

7. Mailbox "Ask about professions you don't know."

8. Professions and the world"Do you know?".

9. Dictionary of professions.

10. Calendar of professions.

11. Maintaining "Profession Cards":

The material was prepared by Olga Zaichikova, methodologist of the professional career support department

List of educational institutions schools 1. Vyatka State Humanitarian University 2. Komi State Pedagogical Institute 3. Syktyvkar Forest Institute Secondary specialized and professional educational institutions: 1. Syktyvkar Trade and Economic College 2. Syktyvkar Medical College named after I.P.

Psychology. Full-time education Qualification: bachelor's degree Course duration: 4 years Entrance tests: Russian language (USE or testing), biology (USE or testing), profile, mathematics (USE or testing).

Story. Full-time education Profiles: Historical local history, History of International Relations Qualification: bachelor's degree Duration of study: 4 years Entrance examinations: Russian language (USE or testing), history (USE or testing), profile, social studies (USE or testing).

Jurisprudence. Full-time education Qualification: bachelor's degree Duration of study: 4 years Entrance tests: Russian language (USE or testing), social studies (USE or testing), profile, history (USE or testing).

Advertising and public relations. Full-time education Profiles: Advertising and public relations in the commercial sphere Qualification: bachelor's degree Duration of study: 4 years Entrance tests: Russian language (USE or testing), social studies (USE or testing), profile, history (USE or testing).

Mathematics and Computer Science. Full-time education Profiles: Algebra, number theory and discrete analysis Qualifications: bachelor's degree Course duration: 4 years Entrance tests: Russian language (USE or testing), mathematics (USE or testing), profile, physics (USE or testing).

Design. Full-time education Profiles: Environmental design, Graphic design Qualifications: bachelor's degree Duration of study: 4 years Entrance tests: Russian language (USE or testing), literature (USE or testing), profile, creative exam creative works, composition).

Teacher Education. Full-time education Profile: Life safety Qualification: bachelor's degree Course duration: 4 years Entrance tests: Russian language (USE or testing), social studies (USE or testing), profile, mathematics (USE or testing).

Profile: Fine Arts Qualification: bachelor's degree Duration of study: 4 years Entrance tests: Russian language (USE or testing), social studies (USE or testing), profile, creative exam (interview, viewing independent creative works, composition).

Profile: Physical education Qualification: bachelor Study period: 4 years Entrance tests: Russian language (USE or testing), social studies (USE or testing), profile, general physical training (running 100 m; standing long jump; pull-ups on the crossbar - young men, lifting and lowering the body - girls).

Profile: Preschool education with an additional profile Additional education Qualification: bachelor's degree Duration of study: 5 years Entrance tests: Russian language (USE or testing), social studies (USE or testing), profile, mathematics (USE or testing).

Profile: Primary education with an additional profile Additional education Qualification: bachelor's degree Duration of study: 5 years Entrance tests: Russian language (USE or testing), social studies (USE or testing), profile, mathematics (USE or testing).

Representation in Syktyvkar: Sysolskoe highway, 64, Phone: (8212) Address: , Kirov, st. Krasnoarmeyskaya, 26. Tel. admission committee: (8332) www. vshu. Representation in Syktyvkar: Sysolskoe highway, 64, Phone: (8212) Address: , Kirov, st. Krasnoarmeyskaya, 26. Tel. admission committee: (8332) www. vshu.

Address: , Syktyvkar, st. Communist, d. 25. Tel. admission committee: 8 (8212) www. kgpi. ru/ priem www. kgpiwww. kgpi

Agricultural engineering. Full-time education Profile: Electrical equipment and electrotechnologies Qualification: bachelor's degree Course duration: 4 years Entrance tests: Russian language (USE), physics (USE), mathematics (USE, profile).

Forest business. Full-time education Profile: Forestry Qualification: bachelor's degree Duration of study: 4 years Entrance examinations: Russian language (USE), biology (USE), mathematics (USE, profile).

Management. Full-time education Profile: Production management Qualification: bachelor's degree Duration of study: 4 years Entrance tests: Russian language (USE), social studies (USE), mathematics (USE, profile).

Chemical Technology. Full-time education Profile: Technology and equipment for the chemical processing of wood Qualification: bachelor's degree Course duration: 4 years Entrance tests: Russian language (USE), physics (USE), mathematics (USE, profile).

Address: , Syktyvkar, st. Lenina, d. 39. Tel. reception room: 8 (8212) website: www.

Address: Syktyvkar, st. Kataeva, 37. Tel. reception room: 8 (8212) website: www.

Specialty: Medicine. Full-time education Qualification: medical assistant Training period: 3 years 10 months. Entrance tests: Russian language (USE), biology (USE).

Specialty: Midwifery Full-time education Qualification: midwife Training period: 2 years 10 months. Entrance tests: Russian language (USE), biology (USE).

Specialty: Nursing Full-time education Qualification: nurse Duration of training: 2 years 10 months. Entrance tests: Russian language (USE), biology (USE).

Specialty: Laboratory diagnostics Full-time education Qualification: medical laboratory technician Training period: 2 years 10 months. Entrance tests: Russian language (USE), biology (USE).

Specialty: Hairdressing art Full-time education Qualification: fashion designer-artist Training period: 2 years 10 months (11 cells) 3 years 10 months (Grade 9) Entrance examinations: according to the results of the Unified State Examination, the Russian language, the history of Russia, according to the results of the GIA, the Russian language, mathematics