3 offers in English with translation. The Simple Satence simple sentences in English. provided that

- These are sentences consisting of condition and consequences (result), as a rule, connected by the Union if (if a). In other words, conditional proposals are about the same as the proposals with the verb in the subjunctive tilting in Russian.

The conditional proposal is one of the varieties of complex, respectively, it consists of the main and apparent part, in which a consequence and condition is expressed.

Conditional sentence \u003d Corollary + condition

For example:

IF You Forgive Me (Condition), I Will Never Forget IT (Corollary). - If you forgive me, I will never forget it.

Typically distinguish three types of conditional proposals that are distinguished by the degree of probability of action. Sometimes (especially in foreign textbooks) allocate the zero type of conditional proposals (Zero Conditional).

Note: Conditional proposals - a rather complicated topic, it means that you already know such topics as building.

First type of conditional proposals

The conditional sentences of the first type express the real assumptions related to the future of time:

The verb condition is used in, as a result - in.

IF You Forgive Me, I Will Never Forget IT. - If you forgive me, I will never forget it.

If The Movie is Boring, We'll Go Home. - If the film is boring, we will go home.

If You Are Late Again, You'll Get Fired. - If you once again be late, you will be fired.

The condition and consequence may vary in places, the meaning of this does not change.

WE'LL GO HOME, IF The Movie Is Boring. - We will go home if the film is boring.

noteIn Russian, we are both verbs in the future, and in English only verb in the main part (consequence). Often, by mistake, both parts put in the future - it is wrong.

  • Wrong: IF You. will Give. me a lift, i will Pay.
  • Right: IF You. give. me a lift, i will Pay. You. - If you bring me off, I'll pay you.

Second type of conditional proposals

The conditional proposals of the second type express unlikely or incredible assumptions relating to the present or future (but not to the past) time.

In the condition, the verb is used in, as a result - + (without a particle TO). Do not forget that the form of the past time is formed in a special way.

We give examples of unlikely assumptions.

If We Would The Lottery, We Would BUY New House. - If we won the lottery, we would buy a new home.

It means that the lottery is not yet played, the assumption refers to the future, but the speaker considers the winnings unlikely.

If We Received The Fuel Tomorrow by Friday We Would Return by Friday. "If we got fuel tomorrow, we would return to Friday."

It is unlikely that we will get fuel tomorrow, but if they got, it would be for sure to sleep back to Friday.

Examples of incredible assumptions:

IF Your Friend Had Time, He Would Help US. - If your friend had time, he would help us.

The assumption is incredible, because a friend of time is not.

IF Anna Knew Your Email, She Would Forward You My Message. "If Anna knew your email, she would have sent you my message."

But she does not know, and therefore not a shift.

Design IF I WERE You ...

The second type of conditional proposals includes a consultation If I Were You ... (I would in your place…)In this design, the verb is used in the subjunctive ignition - wERE(The form of the subjunctive ignition coincides with the form of the multiple number of past time WERE).

IF I. wERE You, I Would Not Ask Too Many Questions. - I would not ask too many questions in your place.

IF I. wERE You, I Would Take An Umbrella. - I would take an umbrella in your place.

Third type of conditional proposals

The conventional suggestions of the third type express assumptions related to the past time, and therefore being impracticable - these are the actions that could have happened, but they did not occur.

If I Had Made More Money, I Would Have Bought a Better House. "If I had earned (but I didn't work) more money, I would buy a house better."

If You Had Been Smarter, You Would Have Chosen Another College. "If you were smarter, you would choose another college."

I like an example from the novel Sidney Sheldon "The Doomsday Conspiracy". In one episode, the nurse is wounded by a wounded officer, whom the doctor has already waved his hand as a hopeless one. She believed that a man could still be saved, and he really came to himself. Then the sister leaned toward him and whispered:

IF You Had Died, I Would Have Killed You. - If you died, I would kill you.

Zero type of conditional proposals (Zero Conditional)

The zero type of conditional proposals is not allocated in all textbooks, more often, foreign authors mention it. In these proposals, there is actually no assumption (which can come true, or maybe not), but there is a condition and a consequence.

The proposals of this type speaks of a condition that necessarily inevitably entails a certain consequence. "B" follows "a" as the law of nature, scientific pattern. Along with the IF Union (if), in the proposals of this type, the WHEN (when) is often used.

And in the condition, and in the investigation a verb is in shape.

IF You Heat Water, It Boils. - If you heat the water, it will boil.

If You Fall, You Get Hurt. - If you fall, it will hurt.

When You Have Headache, You Need to See a Doctor. - When you have a headache, you need to see a doctor.

The proposals of this type can also be expressed by a subjective point of view, not an objective fact. In this case, the speaker emphasizes that he is confident in the causal relationship between two facts.

WHEN A GUY GETS MARRIED, HE GETS FAT. - When a man gets married, he gets fat.

It is not at all necessary that the man, marrying, will grow up, but the speaker emphasizes that from his point of view it is almost the law of nature.

Total table of conditional proposals in English

A type Condition Corollary Value
Zero type Pretty lawsuit.

If you win,

you get the prize.

you get a prize.

First type Real, possible investigation in the future.

If you win

you Will Get The Prize.

you will get a prize.

Second Type + Unlikely or impossible consequence in the future.

If you won (at the upcoming competitions),

you Would Get the Prize.

you would get a prize.

Third type + Unfinished in the past assumption.

If you won (at the past competitions),

you Would Have Gotten The Prize.

you would get a prize.

Unions in conditional suggestions

In conditional proposals, the pressing part is most often connected to the main one with the help of alliances. if (if when. (When), but other unions are used besides them, for example: unless (if not), provided That., providing that, oN CONDITION THAT (provided that…)

Soyuz unless Often used in colloquial speech.

I'LL BE OFF WORK TOMORROW unless Someone Gets Sick. - I have the day off tomorrow, if a no one not Written.

WE'LL Have to Call Police unlessyou pay for the Broken Items. - We will have to call the police, if a Only you not Pay for broken goods.

Unions provided That, Providing That, On Condition That Characteristic for writing speech. IN oral speech That "often descends.

We Can Deliver The Engine on Monday provided (THAT) We Receive Your Order Within The Next Two Days. - We can deliver the engine on Monday, provided that we receive your order for the next two days.

Video tutorials and exercises on the topic "Conditional offers in English"

Theme "Conditional sentences in english language"Well disclosed in Puzzle English video tutorials. Here is a review lesson on this topic:

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Suggestions in English may have a completely different order of words than in Russian. At the same time, during the translation, it is worth adhere to certain rules, for example, if in Russian we see first the main part of the sentence, and then to be subject to, then in English can be different. Consider various English sentences with translation to visually see how to translate proposals from one language to another.

  • GrandmoTher Has Come! \u003d\u003e Grandma came!
  • Daddy Has Arrived! \u003d\u003e Dad arrived!
  • My Friends Have Come Too Late \u003d\u003e My friends came too late.
  • You are Having Very Good Time \u003d\u003e You spend your best time.

Carefully look at these suggestions. You will notice that they consist of a different number of words. The first two are unprosted, the second two are common.

Unprosted - these are those in which only the main (main) members of the sentence are present, namely, the lean and subject. As for common, then there are other (secondary) members. They are the circumstances, definitions, additions, etc.

Examples of translation of simple proposals (common and unprofitable):

  • Mother Says. \u003d\u003e Mom says.
  • Children Are Playing. \u003d\u003e Children play.
  • Grandfather Has Done. \u003d\u003e Grandfather did.
  • Mary Is Her Best Friend. \u003d\u003e Mary her best girlfriend.
  • The Girl Is Enjoying The Sunshine. \u003d\u003e The girl enjoys sunlight (warm).
  • The Boy Is Smiling To Her. \u003d\u003e Boy smiles at her.

Features of translation, when there is no subject to

If we talk about simple sentences, it is important to remember that they are divided into several species. Categories need to know to correctly translate proposals. For example, in personal proposals that denote a pronounced person or subject subject to be absent, but this does not mean that it is not necessary to translate:

  • MY. mother. Will coma in a minute. \u003d\u003e My mom will come in a minute (subject to being present).
  • She. Looks at the window. Stands Up. SITS DOWN. Again Stands Up. She Doesn't Know What To Do. \u003d\u003e She looks out the window. Rises. Sit down. Get up again. She does not know what to do.

From example, it can be seen that the word she. There is not in all sentences, but, nevertheless, it is meant there. No need to use the word "she" in each sentence. She gets up. She sits down. She gets up again. It is not right. Enough to translate she. Once, and then in meaning it is clear that the word in the sentence should be.

Features of translation with one and they

When we talk about uncertain and personal suggestions, then subject to something uncertain (object or face) expresses. So that this is something (uncertain) to pass in English, we use to translate one. and they:

  • One Can Study English Only If He Wants To. \u003d\u003e A person can learn English only if he wants (it is impossible to make a person do something).
  • One Can Bake a Cake Only If He knows how to do it. \u003d\u003e A person can bake pie only if he knows how to do it.
  • ONE CAN BECOME A POLICEMAN ONLY If HE is a Brave One. \u003d\u003e Police can only be the one who is brave.
  • THEY SAY, THE SUMMER WILL BE HOT. \u003d\u003e They say summer will be hot.
  • They Say, The Meeting Will Be Very Interesting. \u003d\u003e They say that the meeting will be very interesting.

Examples clearly show that when translating to Russian, we omit some words that are present in English. For example, they. Yes, we write They Say., not just Say, but we translate without they: speakand not they say. Similar situation with word One.. In our examples One. translated as man and policemanBut these words are not limited to these words. It all depends on the context.

Features of the transfer of impersonal proposals

An interesting situation with the translation is to be in impersonal proposals. The feature of such proposals is that they do not have acting person. How to translate them into Russian? Without subject.

We give examples:

  • IT IS Snowing. \u003d\u003e Snow goes.
  • IT IS Sunshining. \u003d\u003e Sun shines.
  • IT IS COLD. \u003d\u003e Cold.
  • IT Becomes Dark Very Early. \u003d\u003e Evening very early.

In English impersonal offers used iT.which in Russian is not translated. This member of the sentence we omit.

More offers with translation into Russian:

  • IT Sems That You Have Seen This Man Before. \u003d\u003e It seems that you have already seen this man before.
  • IT IS Known That These Guys Are Very Talented. \u003d\u003e They know that these guys are very talented.
  • IT Becomes Deeper and Deeper Step by Step. \u003d\u003e Step by step is becoming deeper and deeper.

Note! British offers can not translate the word for word. They need to be translated comprehensively. For example, in the last sentence, first we first translate STEP by STEP, and then - IT Becomes Deeper and Deeper, although in the proposal, the opposite. You can, of course, translate is getting deeper step by step, but step by step is becoming deeper better.

Features of the translation of complex proposals

Such proposals necessarily have written unions. neither .. .nor, as well as, not only ... But Also, But, etc. Such suggestions consisting of two to three parts are also separated between themselves and commas. It is easier for perception, and for translation.

On a note! Simple proposals in the composition of complex needs to be pronounced with downstream.

  • A Cold Wind Was Blowing and A Snowstorm Began. \u003d\u003e Cold wind blew, and a blizzard began.

In this proposal, writing awareness and, but the proposal is a complex, and not simple. The fact is that both suggestions (simple, part of the complex) have a legend and subject. If we took, for example, IT Was Cool and Windy, then it is clear that it is a simple sensence, because IT WAS. belongs to K. cool, and K. windy..

But in the sentence A Cold Wind Was Blowing and A Snowstorm Began We see two separate full-fledged offers - 1) A Cold Wind Was Blowing, and 2) a Snowstorm Began.

Let us give more examples:

  • The Metal Is Made Up of Irregularly Shaped Grains Are The Bundling Blocks of the Metal. \u003d\u003e Metal consists of grains incorrect formAnd these smallest grains are a construction mass.
  • I WANTED TO BUY A BABY Chihuahua, sO. I Started to Save My Money. \u003d\u003e I wanted to buy Chihuahua puppy, and Therefore, I began to postpone the money.
  • HIS Dog Has Won Many Prizes but. She Doesn't Know Many Tricks. \u003d\u003e His dog won many awards, but She does not know many tricks.
  • I Will Be Glad to Help You; I Love to Cook. \u003d\u003e I will be glad to help you; I like to cook.

Note! Complex proposals can be translated without unions. A visual example is the last sentence.

In addition to complex, the proposals are also complex, and they, in turn, also have their subspecies. This is another topic. We will look at it in our other articles.

Let's sum up

When we study English sentences with Russian to English, it is better to start training with simple, and then take a complex one. If you learn how to correctly translate light offers, then learn how to correctly cope with complex. In the latter case, it is necessary to learn the writing unions that are binding between offers. Perform regular exercises and improve your skills. Successes!

Views: 286.

In order to understand the essence of the conditional sentence, or rather putting proposal Conditions, Consider several examples:

IF You Win A Big Money Prize or Find Some Treasure, You Need to Pay Tax to the State.

If you win a large cash prize or find a treasure, you need to pay tax to the state.

I Have Lost My Wallet. IT May Be Somewhere in Your House.

OK. I'll Phone You If I Find IT.

- I've lost my wallet. Perhaps he is somewhere in your house.

- Okay. I'll call you if I find it.

IT's Raining. If I Had An Umbrella, I Wouldn't Be So Wet Now.

It's raining. If I had an umbrella, I would not have been so raw now.

I Didn't Know You Were in Hospital. If I Had Known, I Would Have Gone To Visit You.

I did not know that you were in the hospital. If I knew, I would come to visit you.

If I Had Gone To The Party Last Night, I Would be Sleepy and Tired Now.

If I walked to a party last night, I would be sleepy and tired now.

Conditional Sentence / Pressing Offer Conditions

As can be seen from the above examples, the conditional proposition is called an appropriate proposal expressing whether the main proposal is carried out or implemented. Such an appropriate offer answers the question of 'Under What Conditions?' - "under what conditions?".

Selection of commas Puttinglements in Russian and English has significant differences. For conditional attachments, these differences are manifested in the fact that the comma is separated, mainly an appropriate proposal located in the preposition, that is, standing before the main thing. Then as a conditional proposal, standing after the main, commas does not stand out.

Pressure offers are introduced Most often with the help of the Union if - "If". Conditions are less likely with the following alliances in the table:


if (not), except that; not yet

I am Not Going to Communicate with your Any More Unless She Apologizes for Her Behaviour.

I am not going to communicate with her more, if only she does not apologize for his behavior.

providing (THAT)

provided that

We Will Organize This Journey Providing That We Get Enough Money.

We will organize this journey, provided that we get enough money.

provided. (that)

provided that

This company Will Sponsor Your Event Provided That You Provide Good Advertisement for It and Its Goods.

This company sponsors your event. provided that you will provide good advertising for her and its goods.

supposing (that)

let's pretend that; if a

Supposing You Have Enough Time to Get Ready for Such a Travel , You Surely Won't Get Enough Money For It.

Even if you assume that you will have enough time to prepare for such a trip, you probably do not have enough money for this.


time; Once; if a

Once You Have Decided to Take Part in this Competition, You Should Try to Win.

Since you decided to take part in this competition, you must try to defeat.

iN. case.



In the event that you excellently hand over this exam, you do not have to pass other tests.


provided that

I Will Help You on Condition That You Help Me In Your Turn.

I will help you, provided you help me in turn.

All appropriate conditions in English are distinguished by one important grammatical feature - in them not used verbwILL And his form of past time will, even if there is an action that will be accomplished in the future. At the same time, in the main sentence, the future of time can be used, which will be described in more detail below. However, you should not forget that the IF Union is used not only in the meaning of "if", but also in the meaning of "Lee" and does not introduce conditional proposals. With the IF Union, the value "Lee" verb Will, as well as its form Would, are used. Compare:

In English, there are several types of conditional sentences depending on the time and reality of the conditions described in them.

Zero Conditionals / Conditional Suggestions of Zero Type

Such conditional proposals are not often used in speech, as they denote some well-known truths that are repeated from time to times and not related to any specific time or a separate case from life. Such proposals indicate the actual condition. In the appropriate sentence, the conditions in this case are permissible only use of various times of the PRESENT group, whereas in the mainly used or in or in the imperative inclination Imperative :


Ifyou are Buy Something Online You Have More Chance to Save Your Money.

If you buy something online, then there is more chances to save money.

PRESE.nt.Continuous in Podepot Offer I. Imperative in the main sentence

Try not to Speak if you are chewing. IT CAN BE HAZARDOUS.

Try not to say if you are chewing. It may be dangerous.

Present Perfect in Podep Offer I.PRESE.nT SIMPLE in the main sentence

You shaldn't take Another Task Unless You Have Done The Previous One.

Do not take another task until the previous one.

Zero Conditionals are used in cases if the supply tells about:

well-known truths

If You Leave Meat Or Fish in A Warm Place, It Will Go Bad.

If you leave meat or fish in a warm place, they will ruin.

scientific facts

If Temperature Falls Under 0º Celsius Water Turns ICE.

If the temperature drops below 0º Celsius, the water turns into ice.


Press This Button If You Want To Turn the Printer On.

Click this button if you want to enable the printer.

obvious consequences of a certain action

If You Drive A Car Without A Driving License You Surely Get Problems With The Police.

If you drive a car without a driver's license, you will definitely have problems with the police.

familiar (routine) actions

My Granny Puts on Her Glasses If She Wants To Read Or to Knit.

A distinctive feature of zero-type conditional proposals is the ability to replace the IF Union on When ("When"):


One of the most common types of conditional proposals are First Conditionals. They are characterized by the presence real Conditions (Real Possibility)concrete in the future or present.

IF I. have time., I. will Go To the Cinema With you.

If I have time, I will go with you to the movies.

Ann. will Pass. This Exam If She gets.rEADY FOR IT.

Ann will hand over this exam if it will prepare for him.

For the formation of conditional proposals of the first type is characterized by consumption Future Simple. (Will + Infinitive) or Imperative in the main sentence and Present Simple. In the apparent:

Second Conditionals / Conditional Offers of the Second Type

Along with the conditional proposals of the first type of Second Conditionals occupy a leading position in popularity in speech. Such proposals are denoted unreal condition (Unreal Possibility)

Which would make a possible situation in the present or future:

If we didn't work, we. wouldn't have Any Money.

If we did not work, we would not have money.

I. wouldn't Mind. Living in England If The Weather wEREbetter.

I would not mind living in England if the weather had been better.

In this kind of unreal suggestions finds its application conditional moodConditional Mood. - the form of the verb formed by adding to auxiliary verb Would (or Should, but in the conditions of this topic, it does not represent much interest in us) an indefinite form of verb (The Infinitive) without a particle to or similar to the forms of the PAST group. CONDITIONAL MOOD partly corresponds to the Russian subjunctional challenge. It shows the attitude of the author of the statement to a particular action, reflecting his personal perception. The verb form shows the action not as a real, but rather as an estimated, desirable or possible. The conditional inclination finds its use in both simple and complex proposals, but the main sphere of its application is the Conditions Conditions:

Looking at the examples presented above, it is easy to notice that after being in the third party the only number is used by WERE (for example, ... IT Were Possible). No, this is not an error, but a distinctive sign of conditional inclination - the use of WERE is permissible for all persons. If in such a proposal to use WAS, not WERE, this will not be an error either, but WERE in unreal suggestions occurs more often.

Let's return to the conditional proposals of the second type. For their education in the main sentence, the faeed is put in the form would + Infinitive Simple (Simple infinitive is the original form of the verb), and in the main sentence, the fae into a form is similar. Both forms, as we have already identified above, correspond to the conditional inclination.

We. would Need a car if. we Lived. In The Country.

We would need a car if we lived in rural areas.

IF You. didn't Live. SO Far Away, We would Visit. You more Often.

If you did not live so far, we would visit you more often.

It should be paid to the fact that would often used in abbreviated form - 'D., eg:

The bright manifestation of the conditional proposals of the second type is the proposals If I Were You ... - "In your place, I would ..." (Literally: "If I were you ..."), where were also applies instead of WAS:

If I Were You, I Wouldn't BUY THESE SHOES.

In your place, I would not buy these shoes.

I Wouldn't Wait If I Were You.

I would not wait, be in your place.

If I Were Your Boyfriend, I Wouldn't Let You Go.

If I were your boyfriend, I would not allow you to leave.

Third Conditionals / Conditional Suggestions of the Third Type

This type of conditional attachments serves as expression unreal conditionEvents in the past.

IF I. had Been. Tired At The Party, I would Have Gone. Home Earlier.

If I was tired at a party, I would go home before.

He. wouldn't Have Walked. INTO THE TREE IF HE had Been Looking Where He Was Going.

He would not crash into a tree if he watched where he was.

Because we are talking about the actions of the accomplished, or rather, and not accomplished in the past, the use of perfect forms is the use of perfection. At the same time, the form (less often) is used in the pressing sentence, while in the main one - Would + Infinitive Perfect (less often Infinitive Perfect Continuous.). Those who are not familiar with the topic in English, we will explain that Infinitive Perfect \u003d Have + V 3 (semantic verb in the third form), and Infinitive Perfect Continuous \u003d Have Been + Ving (semantic verb with ending -ing).

Mixed Conditionals / Mixed Type of Conditional Proposals

Sometimes the proposal combines a condition related to the action from the past (Third Conditional) in the attachment and its probable consequences for this or future (Second Conditional) - in this case, they are talking about a mixed type of conditional proposals, also called the fourth:

Our life depends on the huge number of conditions, and this is reflected in our speech. In English and Russian, the proposals that begin with the words "if" are very popular. After all, we say every day that we will do something if something happens, that is, we put the condition.

  • I will come, if a I will finish early.
  • I will buy you a radio-controlled helicopter, if a You will behave well.

How conditional suggestions are being built in English

The conditional offer consists of two parts: conditions and results. Condition is easy to find out, it always begins with the word if (if a). The result usually tells us what will happen if you perform the condition. There are 4 main types of conditional proposals in English: Zero Zero Conditional), first ( First Conditional), the second ( SECOND CONDITIONAL) and the third ( Third Conditional). All types use different times.

Remember the famous promotion: "If, yes, kaba, yes, mushrooms grew in the mouth, then there would be no mouth, but a whole garden." This is a typical example of a conditional sentence. Mushrooms in the mouth do not grow, that is, the condition is not fulfilled, it means that there can be no result, the mouth cannot be.

Condition can be both at the beginning and in the middle of the sentence. In Russian, we always separate the condition from the result of the comma. In English, we put the comma, only when the condition is standing at the beginning.

I will come if you finish early. - I Will Come if I FINISH My Work Early.

If I finish early, I will come. - IF I Finish My Work Early , I Will Come.

  • There are some more types of mixed conditional, you can read about them in the article "".

Zero Conditional - Conditional Suggestions of Zero Type

This type shows a condition that will always be true: scientific facts, Nature laws, generally accepted or obvious statements. Usually offers S. Zero Conditional Present times are translated because they are always true. Zero Conditional Forms according to the following scheme:

If You. cut. Your finger with a knife, it hurts.. – If you cut finger knife, he hood.

Snow mELTS if. The Temperature. rises. ABOVE ZERO. - Snow melts if temperature rises above zero.

Zero Conditional Also used to instruct or instructions. In this case, as a result will be used, and not Present Simple..

If You. don't Want. to be late hurry Up.. – If you do not want be late straight.

Take A NAP IF You. feel Tired.. – Jump, if you tired.

Check out an interesting video of zero-type conditional sentences:

First Conditional - Conditional Proposals of the first type

The conditional proposal of the first type is called the "real" conditional, because it shows an action that is likely to happen if you fulfill the condition. Such proposals describe the situation that will occur in the future.

When building such proposals in Russian, we use in the condition and as a result of the future time, but in English only as a result will be the future time, and in the condition - the present.

You. will Find. A Good Job if You. study WELL. - You find good work, if you are OK to study.

If The Weather. iS. Good, We ' lL Walk. Our Dogs in the Park. - If a weather will be Good, we let's go fucking Dogs in the park.

Also First Conditional Often used if we want to warn or warn from anything.

You. will Get. Into Trouble if You. continue. To Hang Out with Her. - You find in trouble if you continue Chat with her.

If You. dRINK. MUCH COFFEE, YOU wON'T SLEEP. AT NIGHT. - If a you will you drink a lot of coffee you will not sleep at night.

In order to better understand the conditional proposals of the first type, we recommend to watch this video:

Second Conditional - Second Type Conditional Offers

This type of conditional proposals is called "unrealistic". It shows an unlikely or imaginary situation that refers to a true or future time. This situation usually does not correspond to the facts in the present. That is, the chance that this action will happen, is small, but not excluded at all.

If I. wERE A Billionaire, I would BUY. An Island. - If I was billionaire, I. would buy Island.

If I. lived. In The Countryside, I would Walk. In The Forest Every Day. - If I housing outside the city i would golya In the forest every day.

On this duty SECOND CONDITIONAL Do not end. We also use this type of proposals in order to give advice.

I. would never do. THIS if I. wERE You. - I would be never this did not do, if it were you.

If I. wERE IN A TRICKY SITUATION, I would Take This Opportunity. - If I poal In a difficult situation, I would use This opportunity.

Pay attention to one feature associated with the verb to be. In the conditional sentences used one form wERE For a single and plural. WAS. - This is a conversational option, it is often found in everyday speech.

If I. wERE in your shoes, i would make up with HER AND. start. SPEAKING AGAIN. \u003d. If I. wAS. in your shoes, i would make up with HER AND. start. SPEAKING AGAIN. - If I was you, I. would have been made up with her I. started talk again.

Here is another interesting video that will tell you about the second type of conditional proposals:

Third Conditional - Conditional Suggestions of the Third Type

The third type is called "unreal past". All of its essence can be expressed by one phrase: regret about the past. Once in the past, something happened, we regret it, but we cannot change the event (if, of course, the time machine does not inve). This is the only type of conditional proposals, which relates to the past time.

If I. hadn't Missed. The Bus, I wouldn't Have Been Late For work. - If I not late by bus i if not late to work.

Ifhe. had Been. More Diligent, He would Have Been Promoted Long Time Ago. - If is he was more responsible, his would be long rose.

Also Third Conditional It is used when we criticize some actions that occurred in the past and which we cannot change.

If You. hAD LISTENED Carefully, You. wouldn't Have Made SO Many Mistakes. - If You carefully listened, you would not allow So many mistakes.

If You. hadn't Left. Your car OpenDe, IT wouldn't Have Been Stolen. – If you did not leave the car is open, her would not bother.

Third Conditional Shows not only a negative past. We also use it when we want to report good events that have occurred in the past and have a positive effect on our present.

He. wouldn't Have Made This Discovery. if He. hadn't Done Precise Calculations. - It would not commit This discovery, if it were not Very accurate calculations.

If I. hadn't Taken. The Wrong Way, I wouldn't Have Met. You. - If I did not go on the wrong road, I would not meet you.

In the third type of conditional proposals you will help you figure this video:

Please note that there are a pair of typos in the video: the Condition In The Past Didn "T Happen D and Insted instead instead..

Several facts about conditional sentences in English

  1. The main formula on which conditional suggestions are being built are the group times Simple + Modal verbs wILL/would. But it is far from the only one. Group times Continuous. And modal verbs cAN/could., may./might, must., shld Also found in conditional sentences.
  2. IF You. are Riding. A HORSE Backwards, You cAN Fall Off and Break A Leg. - If you are we go on horseback horse forever, you you can Fall and break the leg.

    IF You Hadn't Understood The First Conditional, You shld Have Looked At The Example. - If you do not understand the first conditional, you followed View for an example.

  3. Verbs would and hAD. have one abbreviated form - 'D.. Always look carefully, what a verb in front of you.
  4. IF I. 'D.known, I. 'D. Have Come. \u003d IF I. hAD. Known, I. would Have Come. "If I knew, I would come."

  5. And for dessert we will give another one interesting factconcerning conditional proposals. Inversion is possible in all types. You can read about it in the article "".

And we offer to take a look at the table with all types of conditional proposals of the English language, discussed in this article. You can also download this table:

Type conditional How to form Example
Condition Result
0 Conditional
Real always
If + Present Simple., Present Simple. If a Cat Sees a Dog, IT Runs Away.

If the cat sees a dog, he runs away.

1 ST Conditional
Real or future
If + Present Simple., Future Simple. I Will Have A Cup of Coffee IF I Have A Break.

I will drink a cup of coffee if I have a break.

2 ND Conditional
Unlikely present or future
If + Past Simple. , would + verb without to. If I Had Vacation in Summer, I Would Spend IT in Athens.

If I had a vacation in the summer, I would spend it in Athens.

3 RD Conditional
Unreal past
If + Past Perfect., would Have + past Participle. If We Had Taken A Taxi, We Wouldn "T Have Missed the Plane.

If we took a taxi, they would not be late for the plane.

(* PDF, 186 KB)

And now we suggest passing our test to consolidate knowledge of 4 types of conditional proposals.


Conditional proposals in English

- This is a combination of words expressing the completed thought. Offers are classified by the structure and purpose of the statement.

English sentences

For the purpose of statements, the proposal in English can relate to one of the types:

1. Narrative offer:

The Flight Has Been Cancelled - the flight is canceled.

2. Inspection offer:

Cancel The Flight Please - Cancel the flight, please.

3. Question supply:

Did the Cancel The Flight? - They canceled the flight?

4. Exclamation offer:

I Missed My Flight! - I was late for the flight!

English proposals

By structure, the proposal may be simple and complex. If the grammatical basis (subject to + is a fault) one, then the offer is simple, if more, then complex. In other words, the complex offer consists of two or simpler.

Easy offer in English

A simple supply in English includes one grammatical foundation (s). A proposal consisting only of the subject and fadly, called non-proliferated.

The Sky Is Clear - Sky Clear.

The Truck Has Stuck - Truck stuck.

Common The offer consists of a grammatical basis and secondary members: ,.

The Sky Is Clear Today - the sky today is clear.

The Truck Has Stuck In The Mud - Truck stuck in the mud.

In turn, it is difficult to comprehensively and complex, depending on how simple proposals are associated in its composition.

Different offer in English

In a complex sentence, both parts are equivalent, one does not depend on the other (this is called writing).

Mary Loves Tulips, Lizzy Loves Roses - Mary loves tulips, Lizzy loves roses.

Cats Are Cute But Dogs Are Loyal - Cats Mila, but dogs are true.

THEY CANCELLED THE MEETING AND WENTH HOME - they canceled the meeting and we went home.

Simple sentences in the complexity are connected by writing alliances, for example:

Compound Soyuz Example Transfer
And (and, a)

I Joined The Group and We Went To the Cafe.

I Love Cartoons and My Sister Hates Them.

I joined the group and we went to the cafe.

I love cartoons, and my sister hates them.

But (but)

I'll Try But You'll Have to Help Me.

I will try to help me.

OR (or) You Win or You Die. You will win or (you) die.

Complexed offer in English

A complex proposal in English consists of two (or more) non-equivance simple, one of them is the main one, and the second dependent.

Examples of complex suggestions:

As you can see, the main idea is concluded, and in the apparent - explanation for it.

In the proposal of the apparent can be replaced by any member of the sentence: there are apparent-subjectable, prudent-taent, appointed-supplements, apparent circumstances, apparent-definitions.

For example:

HE ASKED US. what We Thought of IT - Pressing-supplement.

The Problem is. tHAT I Have LOST HER PHONE NUMBER - Putting-failed.

The delivered proposal joins the main thing with the help of subordinate unions. For example:

Submitting Union Example Transfer
that (what)

I'm Sure That She Is Right.