Says the former chairman of the KGB of the USSR General Fedorchuk. Biography Fedorchuk Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR

His head is a storage of secrecy, secret and completely secret information. Now he is eighty eight. In the Great Patriotic War, he fought for his homeland. Then, having received a special formation, served in intelligence, in Germany. When he returned to the union, the fate was pleased that it was he who was led to the KGB of the Ukrainian SSSR for more than ten years. Then he was the chairman of the KGB, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR. He survived all the storms, dramas, backstage clashes and wars for power, and for the fate of the country to the strange and amazing period, which then some "prohibit perestroika" because of their own scorement will be called "stagnation". He was associated with the bonds of personal friendship with Leonid Brezhnev and Vladimir Shcherbitsky.

Already in our time, when some of his former colleagues, the generals of the KGB hooks, Leonov, Drozdov, Pereshko, and even Bobkov, wrote sweatured books of memoirs, General Fedorchuk decade (since 1986) keeps silence. And only on the eve of 2007, at the urgent request of his colleague, whom he very respects, the former officer of the intelligence officer Nikolai, I agreed to give an interview with "2000".

- Vitaly Vasilyevich, before our meeting, I reread once again on the section from the book of Leonid Mlechin "Chairmanship of the State Security Bodies". Judging by the written, it may seek the impression that you are from Dnepropetrovsk.

- Nevertheless, I'm from Zhytomyr region. Born in a simple peasant large family. No "Hairy Hand", there was no Briton anywhere. Everything that happened in life took place, it is only due to its work, its energy and their will.

"Roughly speaking, a lot of disgusts wrote about you, and you do not answer, silent.

- I know, who is this Mlechin. Liberal to the bone's brain. What to discuss with him? Liberals, they are like worms, from the inside we are taking their states. And it is not difficult to notice in whose benefit. In favor of the USA. The ministeriality of them is on depending on this country - they receive various grants from it, alex. Merzko all this.

"I think it was not so simple in life as twice two to four, as Lionid Mlechin depicted. You stayed at the most important state posts (Chairman of the KGB of Ukraine, Chairman of the KGB of the USSR, Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR) at that time, which is frivolously called "stagnation", and in fact - this is the most interesting segment of history, which is still expecting an honest, unbiased research.

- Yes, an amazing time was. Outwardly, everything looked very calmly, and the fighter struggle went behind the scenes.

- Who with whom?

- Speaking by today's tongue, patriots and liberals-destroyers. In this case, I mean not the confrontation through the Dissida line - the part of the page. History with prisons and expulsion abroad some cultural figures, and even more frankly speaking - the history of artificial creation of the dissident movement is a separate topic.

When I talk about the struggle of liberals and patriots, I mean very secretive, skillfully disguised confrontation inside the part of the partEPARA, inside supreme manual THE USSR.

- In this context, it would be very interesting to know your opinion on Yuri Andropov, the Press of the USSR KGB with the image of a liberal intellectual, who knows the Liberal Intellectual foreign languages, fond of art and even allegedly secretly patronizing some writers, artists.

- My opinion about him is sharply negative.

- Why?

- Contrary to the present among the intelligentsia, the opinion about him is very much for the collapse of the Union Olyvilly or involuntarily did it.

- I'm shocked.

- And why? Have you expected from me in his address guarded?

- No, perhaps. I suspected that your opinion about him would be ambiguous. Just did not expect it to be so sharp.

- Here you arrived from Ukraine and probably want to ask me about dissidents - how, why and who sazed them?

Andropov demanded that we put

- This question really worries many. I am also very interested in the other - how did it happen that these repressions just accelerated the collapse of the Union?

"When I was the chairman of the KGB of Ukraine, the Chairman of the KGB of the USSR Andropov demanded that we put 10-15 people in Ukraine every year. And I was worth an incredible effort, right up to confidential appeals to Brezhnev, so that the number of Ukrainian dissidents is limited annually by two and three people. In addition, Andropov personally followed the course of the investigation on the affairs of some Ukrainian dissidents. Sometimes asked direction. Can you imagine? And then, with the help of some writers, the KGB of Ukraine, Fedorchuk, who allegedly heard in Moscow, were made to blame.

- when I think about dissidents, immediately remembers the well-known expression of Alena Dulles, the long-term chief of the CIA, from his book "CIA against the KGB", when he says that we, Americans, is very profitable that there are political prisoners in the USSR, and we need them in every way Support to keep when they are released, they had clearly pronounced anti-Soviet positions. It is also important, Dulles writes that the liberation of the dissidents coincides with the time when we, with the help of our friends in the USSR, we give the Liberal leader to power and will carry out transformations. It may not be surprised that the events in the USSR times of restructuring developed exactly according to Dulles plan.

- Yes, that's the point.

- And in this regard, the question is: But what about the intellect of Andropov? He is what - did not understand something?

- He understood everything. Moreover, he promoted the implementation of these plans. You probably noticed that in prisons were in the main state-of-state writers, liberals were sent abroad, such as Aksenov, Brodsky, Bukovsky. Some cultural figures were like half-fastened. In fact, Andropov them secretly patronized, defeated them, created a corresponding public opinion about them.

- Could you call these figures?

- You are welcome. It is Vysotsky, loved, some others. And what is his strange friendship with Evgeny Evtushenko? After all, it reached curiosities. It happened, a drunk Yevtushenko in the circle of writers' friends demonstratively called Andropov on a straight phone.

And a muddy story with Solzhenitsyn? Think: How can a rural teacher who left in prison was able to receive secret archives of the NKVD at the disposal? Moreover, in his books, many documents are tritely falsified, the scope of repression is repeatedly exaggerated. The way Andropov personally was led by Solzhenitsyn's exit to the United States, is a separate story. Asks - why? So that it is there, in the US, without the slightest difficulties continued to destroy the Union with his books?

So who, if not Andropov, promoted the collapse of the Union?

Brezhnev his successor wanted to see Shcherbitsky

- In the spring of 1982, half a year before the death of Brezhnev, Andropov became the secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, and the USSR Chairman of the KGB was assigned to the freed spot. Is this an appointment at the initiative of Andropov?

- Not. He hated me just like me.

- How did you get that you were the chairman of the KGB of the USSR?

- on this insisted Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev. As you know, by that time more than ten years headed the KGB of Ukraine.

And now I remember, Vladimir Vasilyevich Shcherbitsky calls me. Says: "Be at the phone now will call Brezhnev." After a couple of minutes, Leonid Ilyich calls. "You owe," says, "to pass things in Kiev, to appear in Moscow and join the position of Chairman of the KGB of the USSR." That's how it was all.

- I had to hear that I wanted to see Brezhnev, and Shcherbitsky.

- It's true. Back in 1972, when he had the first serious health problems, he wished to leave, and at his place recommended Shcherbitsky.

- What prevented the implementation of his desire?

- Not that, and who ... all the same Andropov. In then through his trusted person, Academician Chazov persuaded Vladimir Shcherbitsky to abandon the offer of Brezhnev.

By the way, in 1982, already feeling that he died, Leonid Ilyich wanted, instead, Shcherbitsky became the head of the USSR instead. But Andropov played his game again. He did so that Shcherbitsky went on a visit to the USA, and at that time he, Andropov, got the post of secretary of the Central Committee. And in those circumstances of Andropov, it was simply forced to agree with the requirement of Brezhnev - to appoint me to the Chairman of the KGB of the USSR.

- When after six months, in the fall

1982, Brezhnev died, the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPSU became Yuri Andropov, he appointed you by the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. What was it connected with?

- By that time, for more than 20 years, the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR was the Liculor General. Andropov hated him with hatred hatred. Becoming the leader of the USSR, Andropov immediately Schellov sent a retirement. And I, too, hate and wishing to somehow humiliate, freed from the post of chairman of the KGB of the USSR and appointed the country's chief policeman. And nothing. I survived it. He worked as Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs until 1985. Worked in good faith, honestly. As in all previous high positions and in the KGB of Ukraine, and in the KGB of the USSR, for all years of service, no penny took a penny in the form of a bribe. He lived on salary and only for salary.

I freed me from the post of Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, only Mikhail Gorbachev is already - another embargent and student Andropov, who ultimately completed his teacher's work - ruined and threw the foreigners to foreigners our once great homeland - the Soviet Union.

- It would be interesting to know your opinion about Vladimir Shcherbitsky.

- I have always been very good relations with Vladimir Vasilyevich - and when I worked in Kiev, and when I moved to Moscow.

It - great person. He did a lot for Ukraine. I remember how he defended before the Brezhnev Ukrainian writers from Andropov. With some of them, he was friends, invited them to his home. Sometimes New Year With his wife, Rada met with the writer Pavel Zagrebelnoye and his wife Ella.

I was just shocked when I learned that Shcherbitsky committed suicide. It is also illudine: the case of his life collapsed, besides, he was very worried because of Chernobyl.

Why is such a hostility to Russia in Ukraine?

- Do you have friends now? You do not feel lonely?

- Unfortunately, some friends have already died, some began to serve America. And friendship ended. Sad all this. Do you think why in Ukraine such a hostility to Russia? Americans invest millions, inflaming this hostility against Russia. And they are based on this not only on the fall on dollars, but still not enough formed young people, but, to my deepest chagrin, and on some of my former colleagues.

- Yes, mostly on some completely immoral types, which at one time served in the fifth control of the KGB, created and put on the dissidents prisons, received awards for it, and now they are at the rehabilitation of Ukrainian fascists from the OUN-UPA and the SS division "Galica" .

- In fact of the matter. I understand everything, but understand me: I just inconveniently talk on this topic as a former head of the state security.

- Vitaly Vasilyevich, but with the current leadership of Russia, are you talking with Putin? Your experience is in demand today?

- Putin I had. He was sitting here, here in this chair, where now you are sitting. Unfortunately, Putin and his team consider me too old to call me. And the personal relationship is very good. We are talking.

- The state security bodies of Russia, you probably not only guard, but also control.

- Drink, eat. Drink vodka.

Ivan Immortens
======================================== =======================================

Former Chairman of the KGB of the USSR Army General Vitaly Fedorchuk passed away on February 29, 2008 in Moscow at the ninety year of life

Vitaly Fedorchuk was headed by the State Security Committee after Yuri Andropov and was in this position for about 8 months, after which he became the Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR.

At the Military Service Fedorchuk was since 1936. He graduated from the Kiev Military School Communications (1939), Higher school KGB at the Council of Ministers of the USSR (1960). Participant of the battle on the Khalhin Gol River.

Since 1939 - in state security bodies. He served as an assistant to the operational authorized Special Department of the NKVD of the Ural Military District. In the Great Patriotic War - Deputy Head of the Special Department of the NKVD of the 82nd motorized rifle division on the West Front. In 1942-1943 - Head of the Special Department of the NKVD Tank Brigade on the Kalininsky, West and North Caucasus fronts. Since 1943, the Deputy Head of the Division of the Counterintelligence of Sverdlem, Yaroslavsky, in 1944-1949 - Kalininsky garrisons.

Since 1949, he was appointed head of the department for the management of special departments of the USSR of the USSR on MVO, since 1950 - on the central group of troops. In 1952-1955 - Deputy Head of the Office of Special Departments of MGB (KGB) on the Central Troops Group. Since 1955 - Deputy Head, since 1958 - Head of the Special Department of the KGB on MVO. Since 1963 - Deputy Head, then Head of Special Departments of the KGB Group soviet troops in Germany.

In 1967-1970, it becomes the head of the 3rd control of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR. Since July 1970 - Chairman of the KGB at the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR (since 1978 - KGB of the Ukrainian SSR). From May 1982 - Chairman of the KGB of the USSR, from December - Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR. (According to Wikipedia).

Abandoned from the KGB to strengthen in the Ministry of Internal Affairs Vitaly Fedorchuk arranged a real "cleaning" in police ranks. They were fired then not worst, but the best only on one den. Andropov appointed Fedorchuk to this post after numerous complaints to the department, and the last drop was the murder of Major KGB police officers, who was the head of the secretariat of Andropov himself.

In early 1986, when the new Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPSU Mikhail Gorbachev decided on personnel renewal in the party ranks, Fedorchuk was released from a ministerial office and was enrolled in the General Inspectors of the USSR Ministry of Defense, which remained until 1991.

The last decade was tragic for him: the Son first died, and in 1994 she did not and daughter. As Vitaly Vasilyevich, Vitaly Vasilyevich, noted, was almost Spartan until the last day.

Awarded the orders of Lenin, October revolution, two orders of the Red Banner, Order Patriotic War I degrees, three orders of the Red Star, medals, as well as foreign orders ...

Successor: Viktor Mikhailovich Chebria Religion: Birth: December 27th(1918-12-27 )
the village of Ogyevka, Skvirsky County, Kiev province, Ukrainian People's Republic Death: February 29(2008-02-29 ) (89 years old)
Moscow Silence: Lua error in the module: Wikidata on the string 170: Attempt to Index Field "Wikibase" (A NIL VALUE). Dynasty: Lua error in the module: Wikidata on the string 170: Attempt to Index Field "Wikibase" (A NIL VALUE). Birth name: Lua error in the module: Wikidata on the string 170: Attempt to Index Field "Wikibase" (A NIL VALUE). Father: Lua error in the module: Wikidata on the string 170: Attempt to Index Field "Wikibase" (A NIL VALUE). Mother: Lua error in the module: Wikidata on the string 170: Attempt to Index Field "Wikibase" (A NIL VALUE). Spouse: Lua error in the module: Wikidata on the string 170: Attempt to Index Field "Wikibase" (A NIL VALUE). Children: Lua error in the module: Wikidata on the string 170: Attempt to Index Field "Wikibase" (A NIL VALUE). The consignment: Lua error in the module: Wikidata on the string 170: Attempt to Index Field "Wikibase" (A NIL VALUE). Education: Lua error in the module: Wikidata on the string 170: Attempt to Index Field "Wikibase" (A NIL VALUE). Academic degree: Lua error in the module: Wikidata on the string 170: Attempt to Index Field "Wikibase" (A NIL VALUE). Website: Lua error in the module: Wikidata on the string 170: Attempt to Index Field "Wikibase" (A NIL VALUE). Military service Years of Service: - Affiliation: the USSR 22x20px the USSR Type of army: Lua error in the module: Wikidata on the string 170: Attempt to Index Field "Wikibase" (A NIL VALUE). Rank: Army General Commanded: 22px KGB of the USSR;
Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR Battles: Khalkhin-goal
The Great Patriotic War Autograph: Lua error in the module: Wikidata on the string 170: Attempt to Index Field "Wikibase" (A NIL VALUE). Monogram: Lua error in the module: Wikidata on the string 170: Attempt to Index Field "Wikibase" (A NIL VALUE). Awards:
The order of Lenin Order of the October Revolution Order of Labor Red Banner
Order of the Patriotic War I degree Order of the Red Star Order of the Red Star Order of the Red Star
40px Medal "For Combat Merit" Anniversary medal "For Valiant Labor (for Military Valor). In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin " 40px
Medal "For the Defense of Moscow" Medal "For Defense of the Caucasus" Medal "For victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945." 40px
40px 40px 40px 40px
40px 40px 40px 40px
40px 40px 40px 40px

Foreign awards:

Lua error in the module: Wikidata on the string 170: Attempt to Index Field "Wikibase" (A NIL VALUE).

Lua error in Module: CategoryForProfession on line 52: Attempt to Index Field "WikiBase" (A NIL VALUE).

Vitaly Vasilyevich Fedorchuk (December 27, 1918 - February 29, 2008) - Soviet state and military leader, army general (). Chairman of the KGB of the USSR (), Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR (-). Member of WCP (b) since 1940.


In state security bodies from March 1939. He served as an assistant to the operational authorized Special Department of the NKVD of the Ural Military District. Since the beginning of the Great Patriotic War - Deputy Head of the Special Department of the NKVD of the 82nd Motorized Relief Division on the Western Front. In -1943 - Head of the Special Department of the NKVD of Tank Brigades in the Kalininsky, West and North Caucasus fronts. Since 1943 - Deputy Head of the Council of Counterintelligence of Smerd Yaroslavsky, in -1949 - Kalininsky garrisons.

In January 1986, M. S. Gorbachev was released from ministerial post and enrolled in the General Inspectors of the USSR Ministry of Defense, liquidated in 1992. Then he was dismissed. According to the characteristics of E. K. Ligacheva was "very dry, a pale person with not very large intelligence."


  • 2 Orders of the Red Banner (1973, 1980)
  • order of the Patriotic War of the 1st Art.
  • 3 Orders of the Red Star (1943, 1952)
  • medals.
  • Sign "Honorary State Security Officer" (1965),
  • Order "For merits to the people and fatherland" I and II degree (GDR, 1970)
  • Order "For merits to the Fatherland" (GDR, 1975)
  • Order "September 9" 1 degree (NRB, 1974)
  • Order of the Red Banner (Czech Republic, 1970)
  • Officer of the Renaissance of Poland (Poland, 1972)
  • Order of the Suke Bator (MNR)
  • Order for military merit (MNR)
  • Order of the Polar Star (MNR)

Military titles

  • lieutenant (1939)
  • junior Lieutenant State Security (1939)
  • lieutenant State Security (1940)
  • senior State Security Lieutenant (1941)
  • major State Security (1939)
  • lieutenant Colonel (1947)
  • colonel (1951)
  • major General (02/18/1958)
  • lieutenant-General (10/27/1967)
  • colonel-General (12/14/1970)
  • army General (12/17/1982)

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  • Degtyarev K. Smered. - M.: Yauza Eksmo, 2009. - P. 641-642. - 736 p. - (Encyclopedia of special services). - 4000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-699-36775-7.


army General
Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov
Chairman of the KGB of the USSR
30 px.

May 26 - December 17
army General
Viktor Mikhailovich Chebria
army General
Nikolay Anisimovich Schelokov
Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR
December 17 - January 24
general - Colonel
Alexander Vladimirovich Vlasov
The famous joke states that career growth ends when a person reaches the level of its incompetence. The Chairman of the KGB Vitaly Fedorchuk denied this rule: his career growth has repeatedly exceeded this limit. The history of life and service Vitaly Fedorchuk to the 20th anniversary of his dismissal from the KGB restored the Observer "Power" Evgeny Zhirnov.

"I still have frost on the skin runs when I remember the first meeting with the Minister Fedorchuk," one of the former police generals told me. "And then I was shaking in the morning and almost until the end of the day. He sat, loud in the chair, leg. On foot, without a jacket. His predecessor of clicks and none of the leaders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs never allowed such a thing. In memory of his studded - in the palm - suspenders and the sole of the shoe, who drove in the table. I am in the police served far from the first decade. And he I spoke with me as no precinct would allow myself to talk to the Nashi-Khuligan Patcher. I was at first I thought: Well, Ham, but you never know people who have passed a long way from Sokhi and not learned anything. Then I I watched him during meetings, on the deposits of the ministry. And I had a feeling that he did not have everything safely with the psyche ... "
A similar opinion was adhered to other veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with whom I said. "Manically suspicious type" and "pathological personality" were probably the most soft of the definitions heard. And some deserved detectives were told that they received information about the oddities of Fedorchuk's sexual behavior.
Old policemen are the people biased. Rare of them did not affect the sharp personnel solutions Fedorchuk. But about the inadequate behavior of the chef, however, in much more cautious expressions, and served under the post of Fedorchuk employees of state security.

"You can't anyone else"
The situation in which the future head of the KGB grew, did not contribute to the strengthening of mental health. He was born in Ukraine during civil War, In 1918, when any village alternately occupied and robbed that white, then red, then green, the Germans. His father, as pointed out in the questionnaires Fedorchuk, before collectivization was a peasant-middle peasant. Similar status in the early 20s meant that the farm had a complete set of cattle: a cow and a horse. But after Senior Vitaly in the family, six more children were born. And on the dependency of the Father turned out to be, considering the grandmother, ten people. Therefore, the eldest son began to help his father for five to six years. Add to this the famine of the beginning of the 20s and terrible crop failure of 1932, when millions of people died in Ukraine, and it will become clear why Vitaly Fedorchuk, having graduated from the seven-year-old, chose a profession far from peasant labor. As he again wrote in the questionnaires, from September 1934 to August 1936, "he worked as an employee of district newspapers."
In one of his extremely rare interviews, Fedorchuk told that "maybe he would have become a professional journalist, without getting my editor with a sterrect character. In general, I could not stand - I slapped the door and went to Kiev." However, some of his former subordinates believe that the reason for the departure of Fedorchuk from journalism was different: he had a lot more ambition than the abilities; He never learned to be connected and competently express her nor or other people's thoughts. And many years later, he always had a person who wrote reports and speeches instead.
In Kiev, the journalist's career was also not set. In December 1936, Fedorchuk was 18 years old - he should be called in the army. But Vitaly was ahead of the events and, as he emphasized in the questionnaires, voluntarily entered the Kiev military school of the name of Kalinin. However, he did not have to serve as an officer-television. In December 1938, the freshly baked lieutenant faced the personnel from the NKVD, where after the arrival of Beria there was a complete change of composition. After brief preparation at the NKVD central school in Moscow, Vitaly Fedorchuk was sent to the Assistant Opera Compact to military counterintelligence - the special department of the NKVD of the Ural Military District. And then appointed the Deputy Head of the Special Department of the Division. Official growth was soon additioned and accelerated assignment of the title: Fedorchuk became a lieutenant of state security, which was equated to the Army captain.
The minimum level of preparation received by Fedorchuk, in his division seemed almost academic education. The usual infantry regiment was replenished for three days before the division of recruits, who did not see the rifles in the eyes, and sent to Mongolia, where the conflict with the Japanese was imported in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Khalkhin-goer. The most vivid impression of this small war for Fedorchuk was a meeting with the commander of George Zhukov, which he told with great pleasure many times.
"She occurred during the divisional part conference. A few days before that ... I cut the firewood, well, I gave myself an ax on my leg ... a foot, naturally, swallowed, and I had to go to the conference in the boots. And the beetles could not tolerate If someone put on the boots ...
And at the break of the conference runs to me the head of the political waste: "You call you a comk." I go to Zhukov. I did not have time to introduce myself, he screams on me as: "What kind of part conference came in?" In general, the inferior is good. I say: "I have a swollen leg." He again swear, and then says: "Go with my eyes, I will not be able to sense with you anyway." I left.
On the second day I call me again. Well, here I put on your boots, grieved my teeth ... I am. And the beetles are pleased: "Oh, quite another thing! It turns out that you can also be a person if you want". "

"I did not drink alone, shared with the comrades"
In the same rank and positions, Fedorchuk remained in Mongolia until the fall of 1941. "They lived in tents, suffered," he recalled later. "Already the Great Patriotic War began. Finally, in the first days of October 1941, within six days the division was transferred to Moscow." In the battles near Moscow, Fedorchuk was injured, but in a week, as soon as the wounds were slightly delayed, insisted on returning to Division. And soon he was given how Fedorchuk wrote with pride, independent work - appointed the head of the special department of the Tank Brigade. For some reason, he did not particularly apply to this stage of his life. It may be because the special departments carried out the Stalin's order "Neither step back", which allowed to shoot without trial and the investigation of cowards and panickers. The merits of Fedorchuk in 1943 were marked by two orders of the Red Star. However, during the next re-formation of the brigade, he was transferred to the rear - deputy head of the Spearman of the Yaroslavl garrison.
The fact that happened in Yaroslavl, Fedorchuk told not too much, but willingly: "Sitting did not have so much in Yaroslavl as in the forest. There was a radio game with German intelligence, we delivered a lot of trouble. We regularly launched a" deso ", but The Germans filmed their reserves from the fronts and sent them to the sections specified by us. "
At first glance, this can be believed. Military education, a cheekist with experience, it would seem, could lead such operations. And the radio photo in Yaroslavl really was. However, she began long before Fedorchuk arrived - March 1, 1943, when the Germans were abandoned by three parachutist agents in the Yaroslavl region. The game "Lesniki" was called, but was not used to disinformation the enemy, but to lubricate all new and new German agents in the network. The Germans reported on the alleged diversions and constantly demanded to send money, explosives, blanks of documents and new assistants. In total, as a result of this game, as the Deputy Head of the Radio Conservation of Spear, Colonel Dmitry Tarasov, managed to arrest six traitors. And in this, Fedorchuk was probably participating. However, the large strategic value of the radio game did not have. All plans were developed in Moscow, in radio conservation. So, only secondary roles remained the share of Yaroslavl Smesssev. This is confirmed by the fact that no government awards for the radoigru Fedorchuk did not receive (His, however, were raised to the head of the special garrison department) and continuously bombed his leadership reports with a request to transfer to the front. But he was held in Yaroslav for several years.
"Of course, he wanted to exaggerate his merits a little," he told me one of the colleagues Fedorchuk on military counterintelligence. "The head of the special department of the garrison is his ceiling." Everyone knew that he was not enough of the stars from the sky. Nearby, in one word. I became mistaken. But In Smeress, and then in our third chief master in the MGB, the team was strong, he was not issued. And he in our environment from the assistant Opera Compact grew. The authorities corrected him where necessary, the subordinates corrected his decisions, if something is not the case. He was generally Not bad. Good, you can say. Choosing, Kompansky. Alone did not drink, shared with the comrades. "
Apparently, Fedorchuk was regular cleaning in the state security, which took place in the late 40s - early 50s. As a person with experience, but without any thoughts in the head, he was raised in the titles and positions. But to cope with the ever-increasing amount of duties, he managed with great difficulty. In Austria, where he was sent by the deputy chief of the special department of the central group of troops, he became famous for, and not mastered German, went to meetings with Austrian agents together with the translator. "He's used to working with what agent," the former high-ranking employee said to me, "soldiers, superforgeons, officers. I put the agent at the Rack" Smirno "and listened to his information."
After Austria, he was sent to the special department of the Moscow Military District. But here, who became already General Fedorchuk, borrowed all the work. The curator of the district from the third main control of the KGB gave a categorically negative feedback about him. To retire at least another 50 years, the general could not. It is also impossible to dismiss on illness too: the dear and strong Fedorchuk was distinguished by excellent health. It was also inconvenient to grault it to another department: everyone would see what footage of "silence-silence" (as the military counterintelligence names called) will listen to wide lamps. And Fedorchuk was transferred to the Deputy Head in the Office of Special Departments of the Soviet Forces Group in Germany.
It is said that in GDR General Fedorchuk personally headed the surge of the American spy. It turned out an event worthy of films about James Bond. Behind the enemy agent chased throughout the city, broke the many cars, paralyzed all the movement, but did not catch anyone. According to the statements of veterans, Fedorchuk was punished for this lack, declaring ten days home arrest. Then the punishment was reduced to five days, which he never left. And soon he received the position of chief military security officer in the GDR. "This place gave unlimited possibilities in terms of the bosses to the bosses," recalled Subordinate Fedorchuk from military counterintelligence, and in this he, it must be recognized, was a master. Hunt, banquet to organize - to search for him. "
So in 1967, he returned to Moscow by the head of the third head of the KGB. "What he bribed all of all," the other veteran of the same service told, "so it's its kindness. His former head of HSVG, who often attached him about the table, turned out to be his subordinate. So, Fedorchuk called him and said:" Come on all Forget and we will work as if nothing had happened. "Therefore, they treated it well. True, he fussed before the authorities overly. I remember, they told such a story. Over 50 years old from the date of creation in the Red Army of Military Counterintection Bodies." Red Star "ordered Anniversary article. Someone from our writers of our wisestly. Recoved Fedorchuk. And he ran to the head of the head - deputy chairman of the Committee Semen Kuzmich Zevigunu. Like, you don't want to sign. At that of his deeds, I have not yet refused The date and passed. And the "Red Star" article did not printed. "

"Shcherbitsky immediately after the election invited me to the cottage"
The new round of Career Fedorchuk began in 1970. About the helpful Chekist remembered when the question arose about the replacement of the Chairman of the KGB of the Ukrainian SSR. Formally, it was necessary to strengthen the struggle against the growing Ukrainian nationalism, for which a Ukrainian was needed, in which there would not be a drop of nationalist spirit. And in the hardware plan, it was necessary to gently shift the Ukrainian "head" - the first secretary of the Central Committee of Peter Shelest, which was the strong character and independence of judgments. Replacing him in the person of Vladimir Shcherbitsky was found for a long time, but shellest kept his defense, relying on the chairman of the Republican KGB Nikitchenko.
Fedorchuk always denied that he played some role in the shift of the rustle. However, he recalled the following time: "About Shcherbitsky I have preserved the best memories ... But with the rustle, the relationship did not work out. Very ambitious was a man and at the same time a little ones, limited. No other opinions except for their own, loved self-government. Not I liked it, apparently, and the fact that I was sent to Ukraine from Moscow. He wanted with nationalists, on what the end is and regained, or, as they were joking in the people, "Pobedel" ... Shcherbitsky immediately after his election first The secretary of the Central Committee of the CPU invited me to his dacha. And there, discussed in detail the situation, we agreed that he would continue to work in close contact. "
Apparently, it was then Fedorchuk lost a sense of measure. Sherbitsky feared him. The Moscow authorities were far away. The environmentally familiar to military consignment, which corrected his behavior was not. And Fedorchuk began to see. For example, on weekends he traveled around Kiev, recording the rooms of CEGEBESHER cars, found out on the streets of the city. And on Monday, I found out who enjoyed for personal purposes by official transport, and arranged the preinstial. Naturally, the Committeeship Opera found a way out: police friendly mined rooms with civil series used on weekends.
However, against the background of the country's leading insights of the country's leadership, these tricks looked no more than innocent killing. Fedorchuk still farewell to any authorities. And therefore, when after the death of Suslov, the question of the transition of Andropov to the post of second person in the party, the Brezhnev team decided to replace the liberating position of the KGB chairman, such an absolutely loyal and executive person like Fedorchuk.
As the deputy Andropov Viktor Chebricov told me, also claimed this post, Brezhnev at the captivity of the Central Committee in May 1982 could not even remember who the Central Committee recommends that the KGB chairmen: "Leonid Ilyich stood and said:" Comrade Nikitchenko ". At this time Chernenko, who was sitting next to Brezhnev, sharply jerked him over his sleeve and whispered in his ear. Brezhnev repeated: "No, Comrade Fedorchuk".

"Moskali is greatly lungs"
In Moscow, on Lubyanka, returned, as it seemed to employees of the KGB, completely different Fedorchuk: "It was sometimes very difficult to explain how frankly" chickens "and the ability to quickly catch the meaning of complex documents. Duality in the nature of Fedorchuk was also manifested in another. With One side, he, looking at him by no means a luxurious, but just a decent situation in Andropov's office, said that "Moskali was great here". And on the other - on the first Sunday, I brought my wife and daughter on the first Sunday and with undisguised pride showed They are a spacious office and numerous telephones of government communications. He called for economies of public funds and had worried about the comfortable life of his family. Immediately drove into one of the best apartments in Moscow, gave a daughter an apartment in the Committeescomcomcomment House.
When Fedorchuk came to Moscow from Kiev at a meeting of the KGB board, he was always emphasized polite and causing. Some managers, he even hugged and kissed. Now his style has sharpness and derogatory rudeness. It was felt almost undisguised by a man's desire from the periphery to show where the crayfish winter to those who had recently took the "Pan's head" with their instructions.
He tried to destroy the system of "impersonal report" to the chairman of the KGB, when, due to the huge amount of incoming information and the need for its preliminary processing, all documents were reported through the chairman's apparatus. And only in exceptional cases, the information was reported personally leaders of the divisions. Fedorchuk demanded that all information the heads of departments report to him personally. But Moscow is not Kiev. The volume of information is ten times more. And every day, waiting for the addition of depressed generals was sitting at the reception office for a long time. The discussion was not allowed: "Once I said, it means that it is right!" And if someone tried to say something else, passed on the mat. "
This, to put it mildly, incontinence played a fateful role in the fate of the Chairman of the KGB Fedorchuk. After the death of Brezhnev in December 1982, his deputy Chebrica came to his report. Without hearing his report, Fedorchuk grabbed a volumetric document brought by a deputy and threw to the side so that the sheets scattered around the cabinet. It is said that Chebricov scraped and said: "Comrade Chairman, lift!" Fedorchuk laid it - and then Chebricov silently came out, descended to the car and went to the Kremlin to Andropov report on the incident. And he decided to translate Fedorchuk to the Ministry of Internal Affairs (officially it appeared on December 17, 1982). To sweeten the bitter pill, Andropov promised Fedorchuk to give him the title of army general and submit to the title of the hero Soviet Union. But performed only the first part of the promise. They say that on Lubyanka a few days after the liberation from the "Khokhlats Iga" raised the toasts for the fact that they are "again the Chekists, and not Fedorchukists."

"Stop listening to me!"
The first steps of Fedorchuk in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of His new, unfamiliar with the minister of subordinates took not without enthusiasm. He took the first thing with his post, and then sent a sense of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of General Kalinin to the court heated to everyone. However, then the police began to dismiss dozens and hundreds daily. The boss of the Communication of the Ministry of Fedorchuk dismissed the rustle, which was heard in the handset. And how much he explained that the telephone station of the MIA trophy served as the Nazis in Germany and could not work otherwise, the minister was adamant: "Stop listening!"
Firing the packs of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Fedorchuk only with his characteristic diligence performed the instructions of Andropov on the cleaning of the internal affairs bodies from the rotational elements. To help the Minister of the KGB, several hundred employees defined for senior positions were sent, and the conveyor earned. "Varyagi" reported every day the information about colleagues collected by them. A specially dedicated employee in the minister's apparatus issued it in the form of anonymous and mail sent to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. And on the basis of these "letters of workers", inspections were organized and dismissal. Prior to resignation in 1986, Fedorchuk dismissed on various estimates from 80 to 120 thousand employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
The style of communication of Fedorchuk himself with subordinates from the Cabinet change has not changed. He screamed on everyone, threw the documents. On one of the teams of the ministry, where his first deputy was sitting on the right, the son-in-law of the late Brezhnev Yuri Churbanov, Fedorchuk unexpectedly stated: "Here you all go to the Central Committee, ask to appoint Churbanov's minister. So I will not be: Churbanov never will be the minister!" And soon Churbanov was under investigation. "It was really the case," the retired police general said me, "and wrote, and walked. Churbanov was still a fruit, they knew all this. But we have been agreed on any, just to free yourself from this abnormal."
Nevertheless, the police exaggerated the degree of inadequate Fedorchuk. One of the well-known KGB employees remembered: "In case of multi-day contacts with Fedorchuk, the belief was made up that his nervous system And the psyche is bullied. Not everyone knew that he suffers insomnia. Often in half the eighth in the morning he stood at the window of the office and looked at the area of \u200b\u200bDzerzhinsky. A number of employees have developed a firm conviction that the deliberate rudeness and sharpness of Fedorchuk were only a mask, behind which he tried to hide uncertainty, incompetence, and sometimes a human timidity. Sometimes during rare frank gusts, he said that he had a spray and legs to be woven on the meetings of the Politburo.
You know, his appearance as Chairman of the KGB and the Minister of the Interior was not only a personnel mistake. It was a tragedy of a man who was in unnecessary time in an unnecessary place. "

* This material continues a series of publications about the heads of state security bodies. Essay about Alexander Shelepina, see # 40 for 1999; about Lavrentia Beria - in # 22 for 2000; About Philippe Bobkov - in # 48 for 2000; about Ivan Serov - in # 49 for 2000; About Yuria Andropov - in # 5 for 2001; About Victor Chebrica - in # 7 for 2001; About Vladimir Semypatnaya - in # 14 for 2001; About Semen Ignatiev - in # 13 for 2002; About Viktor Abakumov - in # 19 for 2002; about Vladimir Kryuchkov - in # 26 for 2002; about Felix Dzerzhinsky - in # 35 for 2002; Interview with Vadim Bakatin - in # 48 for 2001; With Leonid Shebarshin - in # 50 for 2001.

With the assistance of the publishing house Vagribus "Power" represents a series of historical materials in the heading archive

Vitaly Vasilyevich Fedorchuk (December 27, 1918 - February 29, 2008) -Set state and military leader, army general (1982). Chairman of the KGB of the USSR (1982), Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR (1982-1986). Member of WCP (b) since 1940.


Born in the village of Ogyevka Ruzhinsky district of the Zhytomyr region in the peasant family. Ukraineman. At the end of the seven, in 1934 she got a job in multi-degenerate, worked in the district newspapers Zhytomyr and Kiev regions.

At military service consisted of 1936. He graduated from Kiev Military School of Communications by the name Kalinin (1939), after which he was adopted in the service of military counterintelligence. Higher education He received later by graduating from the Higher School of the KGB at the Council of Ministers of the USSR (1960). At the beginning of the distribution service was sent to the Far East, where he was among the participants of the armed conflict on the Khalkhin-goal river.

In state security bodies from March 1939. He served as an assistant to the operational authorized Special Department of the NKVD of the Ural Military District. Since the beginning of the Great Patriotic War - Deputy Head of the Special Department of the NKVD of the 82nd Motorized Relief Division on the Western Front. In 1942-1943 - Head of the Special Department of the NKVD of Tank Brigades in the Kalininsky, West and North Caucasian fronts. C1943 - Deputy Head of the Council of Directors of Smerd Yaroslavsky, in 1944-1949 - Kalininsky garrisons.

In 1949, Vitaly Vasilyevich was appointed head of the Department of Special Departments of the USSR MGB on MVO, in a year - on the Central Group of Troops in Austria. In 1952, he was lowered to the Deputy Head of the Deputy Header. Since 1955 - Deputy Head, since 1958 - Head of the Special Department of the KGB on MVO. Major General (1958). In 1963 he became the Deputy Head, and soon the head of the Soviet Union of Soviet troops in Germany in Germany.

In 1967, Fedorchuk becomes the head of the 3rd Main Department of the KGB of the USSR (military counterintelligence) at the Council of Ministers of the USSR. Lieutenant General (1967).

From July 18, 1970, the Chairman of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR. Colonel-General (1970).

From May 26 to December 1982 (with the transition of Yu. V. Andropov to the secretaries of the Central Committee of the CPSU and before it comes to power) - Chairman of the KGB of the USSR. However, he was not a member of the Andropov team and immediately after the election of the Last Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Fedorchuk was removed from the KGB of the USSR. "The discontent caused him and the activities of the new Chairman of the KGB Fedorchuk," Gorbachev's Gorbachev Gorbachev General Council noted, pointing out that "Fedorchuk's choice was made by Brezhnev himself," and the subsequent appointment of Fedorchuk to the post of Minister of the Interior occurred "in order not to conflict with Ukraine and Shcherbitsky. "

Decree of the Presidium Supreme Council The USSR dated December 17, 1982 was appointed Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR with liberation from the duties of the Chairman of the KGB of the USSR; On the same day, the newspaper "True" reported on the assignment of the title "General of the Army". The post of Minister replaced N. A. Shyokalov, against which a criminal case was initiated. "He conducted the first final expanded collegium not in the building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but at his Lubyanka, in the KGB building," he recalled the gen.-Colonel in / s I. Shilov.

In January 1986, M. S. Gorbachev was released from a ministerial office and enrolled in the General Inspectors of the USSR Ministry of Defense, a member of which remained until 1992. Then he was dismissed.

He died in Moscow on February 29, 2008 after a long illness. He was buried at the Moscow Cemetery of Moscow.


  • order of Lenin (1977)
  • order of the October Revolution (1971)
  • 2 Orders of the Red Banner (1973, 1980)
  • order of the Patriotic War of the 1st Art.
  • 3 Orders of the Red Star (1943, 1952)
  • Medal "For Martial merit"
  • medals.
  • Sign "Honorary State Security Officer" (1965),
  • Order "For merits to the people and fatherland" I and II degree (GDR, 1970)
  • Order "For merits to the Fatherland" (GDR, 1975)
  • Order "September 9" 1 degree (NRB, 1974)
  • Order of the Red Banner (Czech Republic, 1970)
  • Officer of the Renaissance of Poland (Poland, 1972)
  • Order of the Suke Bator (MNR)
  • Order for military merit (MNR)
  • Order of the Polar Star (MNR)

Vitaly Vasilyevich Fedorchuk (1918-2008).

Born in the peasant family, in the Zhytomyr region of Ukraine. Ukrainian.

After graduation, he worked as a journalist of various district newspapers for a long time. Member of the CPSU since 1940

In 1936, he was called up to the army, and soon graduated from the Kiev military school of communication, after which, in 1939, was hired to work in military counterintelligence. Much later graduated from the Higher School of the KGB. The participant of hostilities on the R. Khalhin-goal, was awarded for courage. (one)

During the Days of the Patriotic War V. Fedorchuk - a worker of special departments of the NKVD of various armies and buildings. In 1943, he was aimed at work in the rear - to Yaroslavl, and then - to Kalinin (now - Tver). Of course, it was a decrease in the service. Some of such "disadvantages" call it "excessive demand for subordinates": Already in those years, the "Occaraned", under which he was known for all KGB staff and during his leadership of this organization, was firmly entrusted. (2)

However, after the war, Fedo Ukraine begins to make a career again: Head of the Department of Special Departments in the Central Group of Soviet Forces in Austria, but because it promotion was promoted soon arrested V.S. Abakumov, who had previously headed the military counterintelligence, and well-known Fedorchuk, followed a new decrease, and from the arrest of Fedorchuk, only Stalin's death was saved - the authorities did not have before him. (3)

In 1958, Fedorchuk receives the title of Major General, and soon heads to work in the GDR - leads there by military counterintelligence bodies. Well showed himself in confrontation with West German intelligence - BND, managed to start a serious agent in Germany - including in American garrisons, and among citizens of neutral countries (Denmark, Austria, Switzerland). He showed himself a tough and demanding supervisor, did not know how to forgive the mistakes of subordinates, and punished for the smallest violation at the maximum possible "bar". Required strict adherence to the statutes and mandatory wearing of military uniforms - for an employee of the special services to wear military uniforms in addition to some parade cases - nonsense. But he insisted on this and being chairman of the KGB. (four)

From 1970 to 1982 Fedorchuk (Already Colonel-General) headed the KGB of the Ukrainian SSR. To the team Yu.V. Andropov did not belong, and its location never used; oriented on L.I. Brezhnev. Since he belonged to Fedorchuk positively, Andropov could not take anything against him. (five)

The 1970s in Ukraine was marked by a significant tightening of repression against dissenters. So, the forces of the police and the KGB were pretended by Shevchenkov's readings in Kiev, a KGB was defeated by several dozen groups and circles - mostly youth, who were fond of the history of Ukrainian nationalism and the ideas of S. Kanderi, as well as in general, "Ukrainian". Long-term conclusion of Fedorchuk "provided" V. Chernovil, L. Lukyanenko, other active dissidents. Lukyanenko, in particular, was charged with "Orthodox extremism". (5) The opposition-minded artist A.Gorskaya (with imitation of suicide) and human rights activist K. Bogatyrev (alleged, criminals) were killed at the same time. Subjected to arrests false accusations Active uniations and Greek Catholics (mainly in Ternopil and Lviv regions and Transcarpathia). (6)

From May to November 1982, V.V. Fedorchuk held the post of Chairman of the KGB of the USSR: L.I. Brezhnev tried to weaken the position of Yu.V. Andropova, whom, on the available data intended to shift. At this post, Fedorchuk was remembered by the KGB staff with the holding of "meetings", on which no one conscribed with anyone - all silently and without objections heard the long monologues of Fedorchuk, as a rule, with separation and spontaneum. In the political struggle "on top" at that time, Fedorchuk took a neutral position, and therefore was moved by Andropov, who became the Secretary General of the CPSU Central Committee, to the post of Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR. In 1986, he was withdrawn from this post - due to the old age, he was translated into the group of inspectors of the Ministry of Defense: the standard form of "honorary resignation" of the highest officials in the USSR.

In 1992, he retired. V.V. Fedorchuk died in 2008 Last years Life was seriously sick. Memoirov did not leave, and journalists were rarely communicated and reluctant: we are only a few of his interviews. (7)

1. Zenkovich N.A. Self closed people. M., 2003.
2. Degtyarev K. Smered. M., 2009.
3. Makarevich E. Political Check. Stories, fate, versions. M., 2009.
4. Ostrovsky A.V. Who put Gorbachev? M., 2010.
5. Alekseeva L. History of dissent in the USSR. The newest period. Vermont, 1984.
6. Solovyov V., Klepikova E. Andropov. Secret move to the Kremlin. M., 1993.
7. Alidin V.I. State security and time (1951-1986). M., 2001.