Sith names Star Wars. Love and marriage in the orders of the Jedi and Sith at different times. Sitchi - who are these? What they differ from the Jedi

But, unlike the Jedi swords, his blade is most often red, and created, in the overwhelming majority, based on synthetic, and not natural (like the Jedi) crystal (although the red blade does not at all make the owner of such a default sieve After all, according to the history of the expanded universe, some Jedi also used swords with red blades).

Code Sitkov

As with the Order of the Jedi, Sitchov has its own code, it sounds like this:

Peace is a lie, there is only a passion.
Through passion I get strength.
I get power through strength.
Through the power I get a victory.
Through the victory, my shackles will be destroyed.
Strength will free me.

Original text (eng.)

Dark Vladyka Sitov

Dark Vladyka Sitov (Dark Lord Sith) or Dark Ladyer Sith (Dark lady Sitkhov) - the title of Chapter of the Order of the Sith (English. Dark Lord of the Sith / Dark Lady of the Sith ).

This title means the recognition of its carrier is the strongest of Sitchov. It is known that the first carrier of this title was Vladyka-Sith Dart Andddu. Until the times of Lord Caan could have been at a time to exist only one Dark Lord of Sith, but Kaan appointed the Lords of all the leaders of the Brotherhood of Darkness. After the death of Sitchov in the Ruusian battle, the Order was revived by Darth Bane, who installed the "rule of two", according to which there can be no more than two Lord Sith in the universe at the same time. They are both, despite the difference in ranks (teacher and student, as a rule) and strength, wearing the title of Dark Lord Sith. In the expanded Universe of Star Wars, this "rule of two" was sometimes revised and sometimes violated.

Dark Lords of Sitchov often used the title name Dart (eng. Darth) As the first part of the new name made by him when moving on the dark side. For the first time, this word is found in the initial version of the script of the film "Star Wars. Episode IV. New hope, "who had little in common with the final option. There "Darth Vader" appears as an imperial official who later began to call Wilhoff Tarkin, and the name Darth Vader moved to Sith in black armor (Anakin Skywalle).

Vladyka-Sith Skere Kaan canceled the Dart title to avoid civil-consumables among situnts so that all the forces were aimed at combating Jedi, as the title "Dart" usually took himself Sith, who considered himself the most powerful. In addition, if Sith took this title to himself, it was like a message to all the rest of Sitham, which reads: "Submit or die." While the student of the Sith Academy in Corriban, Darth Bane studied the ancient site manuscripts and came to the conclusion that Caan's Sithhi "did the essence of the teachings of the dark side and became only the shadow of who they were before," and therefore weakened. To show his rejection of new traditions introduced by Kanom, Darth Bane defiantly assigned a title "Dart" and left the Academy finally. With the death of Caan, which destroyed himself and all his students, the use of ancient reception of the forces known as the "mental bomb" during the 7th battle for Ruusan (Darth Bane deceived Caan, convincing the fact that the reception acts only on the Jedi), the position of Darth Bane as The new Lord of Sitchov was reproached, and his bold assignment to himself the title "Dart" was quite justified.

Long before that - about 4,000 years before the events of films (expanded universe) - at the time of the old Empire of Sith, the title "Darth" was awarded the strongest Sith. Thus, their abilities in the field of dark arts were recognized and respect was discussed. It should be noted that Darth Bane found his "rule of two" under the influence of the teachings laid in Gollycron Darth Revan, found by him on Planet Lehon, and which Darth Bane himself very read, considering it one of the greatest Vladyk Sith all time. Once in a conversation with his student, Darth Bane acknowledged that in Gollyron Darth Revan contained more useful information than in the entire library of the Sitchov Academy at Corriban.


According to books from the expanded Universe "Star Wars", the Order of Sitkhov was founded after the Great Hyperosparal War by Jediyami apostates, who considered that the "real" force can be achieved only through emotions, and not thoughtful meditation as they were taught. The friction in the Order of the Jedi was aggravated until seven thousand years before the Yavin battle were not transferred to an open conflict. This conflict, called Tsently Darkness or the second great split, led to the fact that the Dark Jedi were expelled from the republic. These rejecteds (including adjanta poll, Xochesan, Sorzus Sin, Carnes Moores and Drope Remilyus) settled on a distant Planet of the Corriban, the deserted world, inhabited by Sita, the racial of the Red Humanoids who had a close relationship with force (and with its dark side). They traveled to them dark Jedi-exiles, they began to read as the gods, because they were far surpassed in possession of the power of the sieves themselves. During the millennium, Dark Jedi lived among the sieves and gradually mixed with them. By the time Race herself almost extinct, the dark Jedi ruled by them began to call themselves the Order of Sith.

Leaders of Sitchov B. chronological order (Before the Board of Caan, only one person could carry the title of Dark Lord Sitchov, also after Darth Bane, only one person wore the title of dark lord):

the main galactic, Khattsky, Aqualis, Bokka, Lasatsky, ITORIAN, Robresky, Evoksky, etc.

Prince Andrei stopped in Bunnne at his acquaintance, Russian diplomat.
"And a cute prince, no more pleasant guest," said Bilibin, going to meet Andrei prince. - Franz, to my bedroom the prince's things! - he turned to a servant who defeated Bolkonsky. - What, Victory Bulletin? Perfectly. And I sit sick, as you can see.
Prince Andrei, waving and dressed, went out into the luxurious office of the diplomat and sat behind a cooked lunch. Bilibin sat down at the fireplace.
Prince Andrei not only after his journey, but after all the hike, during which he was deprived of all the facilities of the purity and grace of life, experienced a pleasant feeling of rest among those luxurious living conditions to which he was accustomed from childhood. In addition, he was pleased after the Austrian admission to talk at least not in Russian (they spoke French), but with a Russian man who, he assumed, shared the general Russian disgust (now a particularly tested) to the Austrians.
Bilibin was a man of thirty-five years old, idle, one society with Prince Andrey. They were familiar back in St. Petersburg, but even closer I got acquainted at the last arrival of Prince Andrei to Vienna with Kutuzov. As Prince Andrei was a young man who promises to go far on a military field, so, and even more, promised Bilibin on diplomatic. He was still a young man, but already an elderly diplomat, as he began to serve from sixteen years, was in Paris, in Copenhagen and now in Vienna occupied a rather significant place. And the chancellor and our messenger in Vienna knew him and treated them. He was not from the large number of diplomats who are obliged to have only negative advantages, not to make well-known things and speak French in order to be very good diplomats; He was one of those diplomats who love and know how to work, and, despite her laziness, he sometimes spent the night at the desk. He worked equally well, whatever the essence of work. He was not interested in the question "Why?", And the question "How?". What was a diplomatic affair, he was still; But make a skillful, metro and elegant circular, memorandum or report - in this he found great pleasure. The merits of Bilibin are valued, except for written works, and according to his art, apply and speak in the highest spheres.
Bilibin loved the conversation just as he loved work, only when the conversation could be elegantly wit. In society, he constantly waited for the chance to say something wonderful and engaged in a conversation not otherwise, as under these conditions. The conversation of the Bilibina was constantly crouched by original incentive, complete phrases that have a common interest.
These phrases were manufactured in the inner Laboratory of Bilibin, as if on purpose, portable properties, so that insignificant secular people could comfortably remember them and transfer them from living rooms in the living room. And indeed, Les Mots de Bilibine Se Colportaient Dans Les Salons De Vienne, [Bilibin reviews were dispersed in the Viennese Living Room] and often had an impact on the so-called important things.
A thin, exhausted, yellowish face it was all covered with large wrinkles, which always seemed so clean and diligently washed as fingertips after a bath. The movements of these wrinkles constituted the main game of his physiognomy. I wrinkled my forehead with my wide folds, the eyebrows climbed up, then the eyebrows went down the book, and large wrinkles were formed at the cheek. Deeply delivered, small eyes always looked straight and fun.
"Well, now tell us your feats," he said.
Bolkonsky most modestly, never mentioning about himself, told the case and reception of the military minister.
"ILS M" ONT RECU AVEC MA NOUVELLE, COMME UN CHIEN DANS UN JEU DE QUILLES, [they took me with this news, how they take a dog when she prevents the game in the bow, "he concluded.
Bilibin grinned and dissolved the folds of the skin.
- CEPENDANT, MON CHER, - He said, examining from afar of his nail and picking up the skin over the left eye, - Malgre La Hause Estime Que Je Professse Pour Le Orthodox Russian Hospipe, J "Avoue Que Votre Victoire N" Est Pas Des Plus Victorieuses. [However, my dear, with all my respect for the Orthodox Russian army, I believe that your victory is not from the most brilliant.]
He continued everything in French, uttering only those words that he contemptuously wanted to emphasize.
- How? Do you have a mass of our masters in the unfortunate Morty at one division, and this ship is out of your hands? Where is the victory?
"However, seriously speaking," Prince Andrei answered, "all the same we can say without boasting, that it is a little better ulma ..."
- Why did you not take us one, at least one marshal?
- Because not everything is done, as expected, and not so regularly, as on the parade. We believed how I told you, go to the rear to seven o'clock in the morning, and did not come to five pm.
- Why did you not come to seven o'clock in the morning? You had to come at seven in the morning, "Bilibin said smiling," it was necessary to truth at seven o'clock in the morning.
"Why didn't you inspire Bonaparte with a diplomatic way, what should he better leave the genome?" - The same tone said Prince Andrei.
"I know," interrupted Bilibin, "you think that it is very easy to take Marshals, sitting on the sofa in front of the fireplace." It's true, but still, why didn't you take it? And do not be surprised that not only the Military Minister, but also the August Emperor and the King of Franz will not be very desperate with your victory; Yes, and I, an unfortunate secretary of the Russian Embassy, \u200b\u200bI don't feel any need for the joy to give my Frank Taler and release it with his Liebchen [cute] to Pratra ... True, there is no pratra.
He looked right on Prince Andrew and suddenly lowered the collected skin from his forehead.
"Now my turn ask you" Why ", my dear," said Bolkonsky. - I confess that I do not understand, maybe there are diplomatic subtleties above my weak mind, but I don't understand: Mac loses the whole army, ERCGERCOG Ferdinand and Ertzgercog Karl do not give any signs of life and make mistakes for mistakes finally, one Kutuzov wins the actual victory, destroys the Charme [charm] French, and the military minister is not interested even to know the details.

The world is a lie, there is only a passion
Only through her I will get power
Only through power, I will find power
Only through the power of the victory will be mine
Victory that will destroy my chains
Power will give me freedom
(Code Sitha)

Many years ago, the Jedi-Hehetics group found that much more power can be obtained not through meditation, but through the splash of emotions. So the first Dark Jedi appeared, and the name was Xendor.
So the Great Jedi Schism began.

It is quite clear that the republic tried to destroy heretics.
The remnants of Dark Jedi fled to the outskirts of the Universe, where they captured the Planet of the Corriban, the population of the primitive humanoid race of Sitchov. From now on, the invaders began to call Lord of Sith (Dark Lord of Sith). Since time, Sith and their gods became one of the whole. Already in those years, the prophecy of the Mesia Sithari appeared in their environment, which will come and restore the balance of power.

5000 years ago, the republic found Sitchov and tried to destroy them again. So the war-in-hyperperse began. The Sith fleet was destroyed, and the Lord of Sith Nagi Sadou went to Toror. His associates fled to unexplored regions of the Universe.

Ancient Sitk wars

A few centuries, Jedi Friedon Nadd fell on the dark side. On Javine-4, he found and brought out from Torora Nagu Sadou, who made normal sites from him. It is known that soon after that Friedon Nadd still killed his master, and he seized power in the Onderon system.

400 years later, another Jedi Exar Kun, found the grave of Friedon, which was simply filled with dark energy. Friedon's ghost seduced by Exar, but he himself was destroyed by the student of the latter. The continued search for Exar found the ghost of the Dark Lord of the Ragnos brand, which made him a full-fledged Lord Sith. Already being Lord Sith, Exar took himself in the disciples of the fallen Jedi Cael-Drom. So started Great War Sitchov.

During this war, a huge number of Jedi was used. In the end, the evidence realized his mistake and passed the Republicans of his master and his lair on Javin-4. Having drunk the energies of their warriors of Massussi Exar Kun left his physical body and made his spirit in the walls of the Massassi temple on Yavin-4. Many centuries later, his distraught from the loneliness of the Spirit will be destroyed by a group of Students Luc Skywalker.
During the legendary in their cruelty of the cleaning of nine houses, the republic again destroyed Sitchov.

Forty years later, Jedi Revan and Malak, the heroes of Mandorion wars with poor sichs, fell on the dark side and revived a dark Order. Using the detected factory of the ancient Rakan residents "Forgent of Stars", they brought themselves to themselves a powerful fleet and attacked the republic. So the Second War of Sitov began.
Revan was a gean-strategist, so the losses of the republic were especially terrible. During a conspiracy, the Malaka, which was placed becoming the main Sitch, the mind of Revan was destroyed and later restored as stronger Jedi. Revan found three Star cards, And with their help, the new Lair Sith. Revan attacked the "forge", interrupted the legions of dark Jedi, and then Malaka with his student Bastille Shan.
A year later, Reban will go in search of unfair situnts and will disappear forever.

Despite the victory, there were harsh times for the Jedi. The enemy was unknown and in addition struck the blows emanating from the power itself. It was the hand of the taste of the famine of Darta Nihilius and the lord of Darth Zion. They were students of the former Jedi Rela. Previously, he was a teacher of Rivan, and now he himself became Sith named Lord Treason Dart Try. One of the last survivors of the Jedi, former general Revan, he was able to draw a wave of dark power against them themselves. So three sites did not.

New Sith wars

2000 years ago, one of the Jedi Restored Order fell on the dark side. The new Sith wars began, during which Sith barely interrupted each other. Lord Kan, concerned about such intercrubs, decided to eliminate the problem. He created the "Brotherhood of Darkness" and gave the status of a dark lord to many so that they no longer gnawed together.

In the battle near Ruian, Jedi, led by Lord Hoz, was completely defeated by Sitchov. The dying kaan activated an ancient sitx bomb that destroyed everyone - and winners, and defeated.

Only Sitx Lord Bein survived, who then held the last reforms. From now on, Siths can be only two - a teacher and a student, although both have the status of Lord Sith. In addition to this, each SITH was supposed to be as in ancient times to take a new name, starting at Dart.

After that, Sitchi hid on the long age, while Dart Sidius and Darth Mal did not start the war for Nabu, what we already know from the first episode. Further events we know. Darth Mal died. Dart Tirannus appeared. Dart Tyrannus died with the republic. Darth Vader appeared. After that, in the sixth episode, Dart Sidius and Darth Vader finally froze each other during the battle for Endor. Both Sitchov did not, but we already know well that for them this is the end.

Six years later, the emperor returned as a clone. Because of a strong rotten, he was forced to constantly change the body and slowly go crazy. The co-devotees of his troops captured Coruscant, but the emperor himself finally died on Onderon, when the dying Jedi Impertaios Brand tied the spirit of the emperor with his own and dissolved them in force.

Jedi revived her order. Sithhi - too. It did Lumya, the emperor's hand and the secret student of Darth Vader. Although both of her student died, but she herself disappeared on the endless expanses of the universe.

Jedi and Sith, too, people (and non-people) and the topic of the carnal jellies was not alien to them. And at the young age and suppressed. But do not expect from this article by the pictures of Sitsko-Jedi kamasutra and any perversions. The article will be concentrated on such an important thing in the life of any society as a family, marriage, and what is customary to understand under the word "love".


If Sitham, as sometimes it may seem, for happiness, only power was needed, the power, and their favorite occupation would be cut-kill, to twist and select the Kurko's inhabitants, Malko, Yeko, they would extinct long before the first war with Jedi.

True followers of the "dark side" of strength, love and marriage not only did not take place, but even encouraged. The reason is obvious. Love and sexual attraction are the strongest emotions from any reasonable creature. And, as you know, Siths were not bent to use their emotions to manage the "dark side" of strength.

Already at the dawn of the existence of the Sith Order, shortly after the arrival of eleven dark Jedies to Corriban, often marriages between the extensions of people and the local sites. The possibility of the appearance of a healthy offspring from such connections was scientifically proven by Sizes Sin, the famous Sit scholars and a genuine legend of the Order. After a few hundred years of half-one, they became the usual phenomenon in the Sita society and many of them reached the vertices of power in the first Sita Empire. For examples, it is not necessary to go far - Mark Ragnos, Naga Sadou, Ludo Cresser ... Apparently, during this period, the extramarital connections for Sitchov were not considered immoral. At the very least, it was not necessary to have a harem and concubines.

After the Great Hyperospace War, two Sitis Socyum survived. One of them settled on Keshe, and the second - on Dromund Kaas.

For a start, let's say a few words about Sithah Kesha. On this planet, citizens of the Empire of Sitchov (Forsuzers and "Simple mortals") were forced. Their ship failed shipwreck during the hyperpriced war. A handful of three hundred survivors had to adapt to a new surrounding. Entertainment of a carnal nature not only cassed the difficult life of the first decades, but also were the key to the survival of society.

For the next five thousand years, Sith Kesha created a full-fledged state with a multimillion population and ... "This is the most" them in the order of things. Marriage for local sites had the same meaning as for us in real world. The difference was only that partners were selected with such a calculation so that children with a large share of probability were born by forsusers. But, as they say, the heart does not order and unequal marriages were also not uncommon. In this question, the fate of the Kai family is indicative. Gavar Kai was a Sitchi Sword (title a similar knight Jedi - approx.), And his spouse, lacquer kai, did not even have a sensitivity to strength and did not occupy how much or a significant place in society. Fortunately for the family of their daughter - the famous Westar Kai - was born with a gift of power. Yes, with what kind of gift!

Westar Kai

In the Empire of Sith Vichet, the carnal joy and marriages between Sithami were also encouraged. For the first hundred years, they had the same meaning as for Sitchov Kesha - ensuring the survival of society. In other words, to be a virgin in those times (especially for Sith) was not only unwise, but also smash anti-state activities. And homosexuality and was equivalent to betrayal. After the empire has grown, the carnal joy and the amourous relationship between Forcesusers became an ordinary business.

Moreover, in the Empire of Sith to family questions and marriage members of the Order were approaching with all seriousness, not even by Eugene. The members of the Order were selected the most promising partners, in terms of health and heredity.

After a few centuries, after the formation of the Empire of Sitchov, with the recruitment department of the Sith Order, an extensive database was created, where the information was entered into information about anyone who ever got into the Academy of Sitchov. Personal affairs contained data on the origin, pedigree, service history, potential, state of health, etc. Using the data of the card files, Sith from the recruitment department and other related services was selected marriage and predicted the potential of offspring. Sometimes the chipboard was engaged in the selection of pairs - the highest legislative and executive body of the Empire (after the emperor, of course). Such an approach was due not only to concern about the happiness of Sith families. The well-being of the entire empire depended on this, as it was the Sith-Forcezers that were her core. You can learn more about this in the novel "Fatal Alliance" and MMO " The Old. REPUBLIC. "

lord Tetsu

But it is not necessary to think that men of Sitchov turned into an analogue of a bull-seener. Sitham left the right to choose on the question with whom when, how and where. However, it happened that the Sitx "gave the duty to his homeland" with one lady, but married another.

Thanks to such a serious approach to the formation of families, as a basic cell of society, a multitude of Sitsky dynasties have appeared after several generations, most of whose members served in the Order of Sith. As an example, the Sith kind can be given to which the Sit Lords Prawen and Tetsu belong. The genus Tetsu numbered ten generations, and the genus Pravien was the oldest.

Among the sites of this empire, both uniform debuggers and womanists and decent family mans who took care of the upbringing and well-being of their children were met. An example of the latter can serve Darth Angral, Darth Jedus and Lord Grana.

Angral had a Tarnis son. Angral paid for them, often providing the opportunity to prove their utility of the Empire of Sitchov. Tarnis teacher was chosen by Sith, which An English trusted most. They became Lord Prawan, a former disciple of Angral.

The example of Jedus is even more indicative. The only student and the most valuable treasure of Jedus was his daughter, Darth Zorrid (the name given to her at birth is unknown). After Jedysy's death (in reality, it was a drag) Zorrid, according to the ancient sites tradition, took the chair of the Father in the Dark Council.

And finally, the third of the examples presented is the family of gradanov. Selvent Grana and her husband lived in a happy marriage for many years. Although Selvent married not only by love, but also due to the high position of the Graduate in the Sit Society. Their son, Bilzlit Grana, like the daughter of Jedus he studied at home. His mentors in the study of the paths of the dark side of force were only father and mother. By the way, on the example of this family, you can trace the attitude of the Sith to children. When Bilzlita threatened danger, the mother was ready to give life and even betray her husband, if only her child survived.

They did not disperse the sithi of this period and extramarital sexual bonds. Perhaps the most famous amateur " active rest"Was everyone famous Darth Malgus. His love was Elina Daru, formally considered the slave. Also among Sitchs and ordinary citizens, rumors were rumored that Malgus had a lover on the side. Moreover, this mistress was one of the high-ranking sites in the empire. Called her Darth Hatra. However, it was just rumors.

Elina Daru

You can also recall Sit Lord Shaa, in the youth of the long-term relationship with Lord Raxus. He marked in amur affairs and forever sullen Lord Spridge. This assistant Revan and Mitra, in the murder of Vischant, and then useful satellite Hero of Tytyton, before taking a place beside the emperor, managed to enjoy the company and the love of at least two women.

Returning a little back, I would like to note that in the history of the order of Sitchov, strong dynasties were met, the centuries ruled by states. An example of such a dynasty is the royal family of Onteron, leading their own genus from Friedon Nadda himself. In a certain period (comics of the Tales of the Jedi series) on Onderon ruled two strong forcesuzer: the king of the Ommin and the Queen of the Amanoa. And so would have rules further, if on the planet, without demand and knock, did not burn the Jedi with light democratizers and did not contribute to the early departure to the world of another royal couple. Alive was left only their daughter Galia, not engaged in learning the dark side of power and therefore was not the target for the secreh-ball in the name of good, light and other pathos.

Vilia Kalimondra

On the family life of the next well-worked temporary period in the franchise - new Sit wars is known to be known. With confidence you can only talk about the fact that the marriage and sexual relations were not condemned and, as well as in the old days, were in the order of things. In the ban, simply did not make sense, because to any Sitsky rulers of those times, to preserve the integrity of the state, heirs were needed.

Only one Sitian dynasty of this period is well known. Calmontra dynasty. Successful military leader and politician, Vilia Kalimonra for his long life I managed to marry several times and give birth to seven children. Alas, each of her siblings believed that he was the true heir to her empire. The struggle of sons for the parentherism led to the next feudal fragmentation of the Sith state and the long-lasting Sitian civil war. The main confrontation broke out between her son Chargas and the daughter of Zelian.

In addition to the impressive military and political achievements, Chargas Kalimonndra marked on a personal front, becoming the father of three children, the son of Quillian and two daughters - Arkady and Dromica.

For Zelian, the word family was also not empty sound. By marrying an unknown Sith, she gave birth to two children - Daiman and Odion. Subsequently, her sons also "poured oil into the fire" civil War, starting gnawing with each other. A narcissistic Daiman could not accept the fact that the mother was preparing to the heirs of the eldest son of Odion. About how this couple, in the name of the struggle for power, sent thousands of soldiers to death, you can read in a series of comics "Knight Errant" and the novel of the same name.

Total at Villa Calmontra was seven children and at least six grandchildren: Arkady, Dromic, Qillard, Malakit, Daiman and Odion. Such is the "friendly" Sit Family.

Zelian holds on the hands of a young diver

After the destruction of the Sith Ordena (Brotherhood of Darkness), the expected final collapse of Sit traditions occurred after the destruction of the Darth Light and Jediami. Including family and marriage traditions. Over the next centuries, until the death of the Jedi orders and the conversion of the Sith Order, Sith "Rules of two" did not start families and did not fall in love, rarely live a full-fledged life. A couple of student teacher had completely different goals in life.

Any exclusion looks awesome on this background. His name Darth leatis. Instead of the destruction of the Jedi - the ideas of Fix All Sitchov "Rules of two" - the lensus dedicated most of his life to leisurely knowledge of the strength, commerce, entertainment, collecting objects of art ... In general, entertained as he could. Unlike all Sitchi before and after it, which their own studies were killed at the first successful opportunity, the lenitiveness died by his death surrounded by friends and a loving family. Fortunately for the "Rules of the two", as a trained student of the prospector, after Sith death, continued the tradition of "One Teacher is one student."

At the same time, while the followers of the "rules of the two" in fear hid from the Jedi, lived and heard another self-stocked SITX. His name of Seth Hart. Immortal Hart adored entertainment, wearing a temporary body on numerous pirushki, sexual orgies and other decent fun of the highest society. Unlike the Sitchov "Rules of two", he did not hide from anyone and ... also remained unnoticed by Jedi.

Seth Hart

The destruction of the Jedi Order In 19, DBY and the transformation of the republic to the empire did not affect the cardinal revision of the views of the then Sith relative to family and marriage. In the Galactic Empire, the love relations between the members of the Order of Sith Darth Sidius were rare, and marriages happened even less often.

I will give a couple of examples. The result of the link Krunala (one of the strongest forces GI) with an unknown woman was the appearance of Sariss's daughter. True, there was no speech about any happy family life. Kronal often traveled in the Galaxy, fulfilling the secret instructions of Sidius, led the part of the remobator (imperial intelligence) and engaged in other state affairs. Raising and teaching the daughter of the art of the "Dark Side" of the Force, he fully entrusted the "prophets." Sarissa never learned that one of the most influential extruders of the empire is her father.

Another example is the married couple Hetrir and Rillao. They were imperial forcesusers (Vader's disciples) and before the time before the time, Pipatin served faithfully. The result of their cohabitation was the appearance of the son of Tigris.

And the emperor Palpatine itself loved to enjoy a female society. His mistress was Rogand Ismar, one of the hands of the emperor. Obviously, the Lord of All Galaxies had other concubines, but their names are unknown.

Rogand Ismar

Another well-known character who had a great influence in the Galactic Empire should be mentioned. The hand of the emperor Sarkhev Quest, after the formation of the empire, became one of the most influential members of the Imperial Sita Order. Sarkev officially listed by an employee of imperial intelligence. But he did not hide from anyone among the shadows, like a crown, and did not darken the head in the whole galaxy exterminating the enemies of the emperor as Mara Jade. Sarkhev openly appeared at the court in luxurious robes and led a typical secular life, secretly spying behind the political opponents of his Mr. Peers, balls and beautiful ladies are its field of activity. In the imperial secular society Sarkhev had a reputation between a walk and a woman. But there was in his life and love. The bed with him divided the aforementioned Rogand Ismar. The result of their union was the birth, in the 4th year of DBya, Irka Ismarren.

Fortunately for Sarkayev, Emperor Palpatine was not jealous. Moreover, for a good service, he provided Sarkian a place in the Imperial Board - the highest advisory and executive body Galactic Empire. It is worth noting that Sarkhev was the second Adept of the Dark Party to the meeting in the Council. His predecessor (Sly Moore) by that time came out of the Council and was engaged in other activities.

After the reasanced and final death of Emperor Palpatine, in 10, PBI, who survived the followers of the "dark side" was no longer before family life.

Darth Talon and Cade Skywalker.

Go ahead. During the time of the Sitsky Order of Darta, Children's marriages sometimes met between Siths. Darth Talon spoke. What "was born with Sith", like some other members of the Order of Khutna. They were all sichs from birth, that is, their parents were Sithami too.

But members of the Order did not disperse and the extramarital connections. For example, with joy delivered with someone's bed to everyone known Darth Talon, to which people like to look at unequivocal views school age, provoking the occurrence of a known itch in the lower abdomen. In general, Talon was still bl ... a girl of easy behavior. One of her temporary lovers was even treated to become Caid Skywalle, the History of Luke.

During this period, the Sith dynasties also existed. The most striking example is the Urlock Dynasty. Trusted Assistant Darth Kruti, Wirloka-III is not for nothing that the third name is. Three generations of his family were members of the Sith Order. In total, it is known about four generations of this family. Urloka-III had a daughter Saaray (Wirlock-IV).


To describe the carnal jellies, the Jedi fits well-known aphorism: " If it is impossible, but I really want, then you can».

Views on this topic in different periods of the existence of the Jedi Order of the Jedi varied from the ban of any relationship with sexual subtext, to full freedom.

Let's start in order.

As you know, the Order of the Jedia is a successor of a more ancient order, known as Ja'Daiy. Members of the Order did not prohibit families. Often there were even whole generations of adept orders. As an example of hereditary Je'daya, you can cite a semi, representative of the Sith race. At least three generations of his family were members of the Order. His grandmother was a skillful healer of Miart Sec, and the grandfather of Tok Rat is an outstanding warrior of his time and a sage. Or you can remember Tasha Ryo - the daughter of Master Jej'dayi Kora Ry and the Lord of the Criminal World of the System of Chicagu Volnas Ryu.

The Order of the Jedi, who formed after the Wars of Force (25.783 of the DBya), did not change the attitude to the questions of the Amur relations of his members and did not even try to atrite the traditions associated with marriage and family life. So many thousands of years continued, right up to the Great Sight War, she is the first Sit War, she is the war with Exar Kun (3996 DBI).

Nomi Sunrider and Newborn Vima

During this period, it is known about the existence of several Jedi families, all members of which were part of the Jedi Order. For example, the Sunrider and Dray family. Many generations of the Dray family are the wealthy kind of Jedi and businessmen - were Jedi. A family members of Sunrider served in the Order of hundreds of generations. Many of them were truly outstanding personalities, soving their names in the Annala History of the Order. Also, as in some Sitian dynasties, the children of the Jedi families often taught the azam use of force at home. It is worth noting that in those days there was no mandatory ligament teacher-student. Young Jedi was often trained at the same time several teachers.

You can also recall another contemporary - Jolie Bindo. This gray Jedi, who lived on the principle "as a strength indicates," once fell in love and married his own student. The Order of the Jedi at first did not interfere with their relationship, intervening only when his faithful turned to the dark side and arranged an artistic thread with a light sword on a carcass of several Jedi. Without assessing her "creative impulse", the advice of the Jedi ordered Jolie to kill his wife. They say, he trained himself, now and disassemble. Jolie defeated his beloved in a fight on light swords, but love prevented him to complete the started. Soon, his wife and student Jolie defeated the Jedi.

Little Lucien Dray

Attitude supreme Council Jedi orders to the family and marriage turned upside down on just a few years, without objective causes. It happened when the Council, to consolidate the Order, began to "twist nuts" introducing uniform rules for all enclaves. Marriage, although it was not strictly prohibited, but the relationship of this kind was now undesirable. It was believed that love and family approach the "dark side" of strength.

By the way, such views of the leadership of the Order were one of the reasons why the Jedi's crookedly looked at the marriage of Bastille Shan and Revan. And the pregnancy of Bastille and could not please them at all. The Jedi calmed down only after the unlawful world was concluded between the Council and the rebellious family, the Revan cease to express their "heretical thoughts" about the power out loud, and the Jedi cease to grieve into the topic of their family relationships.

Revan watching his wife and son

The situation has changed again after the Great Cleaning, carefully arranged the Order of the Jedi Sith triumvirate. Especially Darth Sayon then succeeded in reducing the Jedi Livestock.

After the death of the entire Council and most of the knights and masters, the new generation of the Jedi had to hastily restore the Order. In this situation, prohibit marriage and give birth to children, was tantamount to pest. There were new Dynasty of the Jedi, who were called the surnames Oveir, Shang and the Cast. But during this period old dynasties, such as Sunrider and Diath, continued to exist.

Although Oveir was not quite a Jedi family. Or rather, it's not a Jedi at all. At least four generations of the family secretly worked on the Empire of Sitchov, being the most valuable agents of Emperor Vichet in the republic.

By the way, it is worth saying that in subsequent epochs, when the attitude of the Jedi Order of the Jedi to personal attachments was finally changed from approval to condemnation and a strict ban, followed by Sunrider and Diath families allowed to marry.

Nima-Da-Boda is the last well-known representative of this kind and the straight practice of the PRA-PRA ... (and many times "PRA") of the great-grandfather of the Mother line served in the Order of the Jedi for several decades before the clones war. And another representative of the family - Vima-Da Boda, born in 190, DBI lived more than two hundred and fifty years, having time to visit both in the old one and in the new Order of Jedi Luc Skywalker.

master Niko Diat with Baby

The genus Diat existed more than four thousand years. The latest famous representatives of Diath dynasty - Padanava Te Diat and Master Niko Diath - served in the Order during the clones war. Ta died in battle with droids of separatists on Jabiima, in 21, DBya, and his uncle was died for seven months earlier in the battle for Kiyt.

However, back to ancient times. After an unidentified period of time, during which the Jedi was free to marry and loved each other as they wanted and where they wanted, the Council of the Order again introduced strict prohibitions. The exception was made only for some families.

But here it did not cost without double standards. The well-known Master of Jedi Satil Shan, Hero of the Great Galactic War, Grand Master Order, a strict defender of the rules of the Order, an indispensable champion of traditions and other-other things ... was not against dividing bed with a man. In her case, it was Jase Malkom, honored warriors and commander of the famous detachment of special forces "devastants". The result of their proximity was the appearance of Teron Shan, the future SIS legend (republican intelligence). Such here were immaculate grandmasters of orders who preach one but in practice ... "this most" involved with some kind of soldier. However, the majority of the Order of the Order did not even guessed the pregnancy of Satil. For the time being, even Jase did not know that for twenty years already for the twenty years, the boy has a father who performs deadly tasks in the enemy rear.

Newborn Teron and his mother Satil Shan

But not only Satil conscience was unclean. During this period, a few more Jedi who loved each other and forced to hide their feelings are known. For example, Knights of Lija cut (row) and Jomar Chul (Break).

Love arose not only between adult knights. Among young people, unambiguous views on the genitals of the opposite sex met much more often. One of the known examples were the relationship between the Padavans Moorence and Spanios.

In search of a "non-statutory relationship", the Jedi Master of this period did not disappear to secretly prying the students and force other students to spy at classmates. In particular, the Master of Jedi Jollo was resorted to the services of the pokcachi.

Sometimes the Jedic ban to marry led to very unpleasant consequences and even bloodshed. As evidence of this statement, I would like to bring one interesting couple - the nomar of the body and Rista. Nomar and Reanna loved each other and were going to marry. The engagement was announced. The leaders of the noble houses of the rist and the body did not prevent their relationship, because the marriage conclusion could put an end to a long enmity between the houses. It would seem that everything was evolved as it is impossible - a happy family and the long-awaited world. But when the news about the intentions of Nomar came to the Jedi Council, the masters were banned by young Padavan to marry. Forced to choose between the Order and the beloved Nar, still chose the Order. The Rist's House perceived the decision of Nomar as a personal insult. The bloodshed continued.

After the events described above, the celibacy was the unpretentious tradition of the Jedi orders even more than one and a half thousand years. But then the traditions again had to change, adjusting to the changed circumstances. These circumstances were the beginning of new Sit wars (NSV) followed after the fourth large schism. Almost a thousand years, in a series of long bloody wars, Jedi and Sith enthrainably cut into each other pharyes across the Galaxy.

During the NSV, some rules were safely committed by oblivion or temporarily canceled as not fit the spirit. Now, the Jedi often became the Supreme Chancellors, the commander-in-chief armed forces, they were given the titles of Lords, kings and barons, they owned property and finally got the rightful right to marry and marry. Jedi Lords were free to marry, and their titles, as a rule, were hereditary, transmitted from generation to generation.

By the way, the very fact of the existence of hereditary Jedi, which, despite the massive bloodshed of new Sith wars, rarely turned to the dark side, was sometimes considered proof of the erroneousness of traditional Jedi views on the inadmissibility of attachments, love and marriage. The hereditary Lords Jedi had such outstanding personalities in the history of the Order, like Valentin Farfallla and Roland Hot.

Queenlan Vos and Halin Hentz

Shortly after the end of the NSV, the end of the decisive victory of the "Army of Light" in the battle on Ruusan, the Jedi again took up the old, banning marriage. As they say, our song is good, start first.

Although this time it was not limited to marriage. The Council of Jedi offered the members of the Order to voluntarily abandon the titles and hereditary estates, castles and other material benefits, which were family-owned. As expected, not all the Jedi liked this "offer", more reminiscent of ultimatum. Many spun with their high status. In response to the requirements, some of the Jedic Lords and Barons were openly offered to the Jedi Council to follow a very famous sex route, wanting to see those who came up with the Jedic Vale of Celibacy at least in the coffin in intimate poses.

With celibate and several exceptions from this rule, the Order of Jedi existed up to his death at the end of the clone war.

T'Ra Saa and Tolm

But the nature of living beings cannot be canceled by artificial rules and norms. Many of the Jedies of this period had a love relationship, from light love, to long-term love and even weddings, played away from the eyes of the Council of the Order.

One of the most famous examples is a love romance of Tolm and T'Ra Saa. It must be said, it was quite, khm, an interesting relationship, because Tolm was a man, and T'Ra Saa is almost an immortal tree (or rather, the racial of reasonable tree-like plants). In this light, the potential continuation of communication in the beddown of Malvina and Pyratino does not seem to be strange in the genre of fiction. In their respect, the phrase "he was passionate and hot, and she was a log in bed" he has a little different meaning.

At one time, a lot of controversy and bewilderment of fans caused the fact of the existence of a volumetric chest that some earthly ladies could only envy. It would seem why the tree of SIS ... Milk glands or something very similar to them? But this is a reasonable explanation: T'Ra Saa just tried to give her body a more feminine look. She was not difficult to "inflate" the desired part of the body to pleasant, for fat, volumes. A completely understandable and reasonable step for a woman, even if it is whole.

It is also worth mentioning the relationship between the Navolanic Whale Fisto and Tweed Ayle Sever. True, in their case, there is no easy-to-face input and kisses.

But not only members of the Order were secretly loved by each other. The relationship between Jedii and, so to speak, "simple mortals". The most vivid examples of such relationships are the love between the Mastery of the Jedi Quinlan East and the Separatist Agent Khalin Hentz. Another secret union, which led to the birth of a child - the love between the Knights of Jedi Etain Tour Mukan and Klonom-Commandos named Darman.

Etain Tour Muang and Wreath (Fanart)

But there is no rules without exception, as no person without vulgar thoughts. In addition to the above-mentioned births in the last decades of the Old Republic, representatives of several more Jedi families served in the Order. The most famous examples are the characters of the Pole and Ki-Adi Mundi.

Directly during the days of the clone war in the Order he served as the Pie Coon, his brother (name is unknown) and the niece of the Poin named Sha Kun.

For Ki-Adi Mundi made an exception on the basis of the features of his race. The fact is that Cerean was very valued by men, since they were born much less than women. The average ratio was 1:20, which is why the typical Cerean village, at the ratio of floors, sometimes resembled a chicken coop. This feature of the race led to the lack of a monogamous family in the Cerean society. The norm was considered polygamine marriages.

At first, the father of Ki-Adi-Mundi did not want to give the son of the son Jediam. The Order of the Jedi, who desired to get a promising student, had to make a compromise, allowing Ki-Adi Mundi to marry after puberty and continue the genus. At the time of death in 19 Year of DBya, Masters Jedi Ki-Adi Mundi had five wives and eight children. And now imagine the envy of the rest of the Jedi, who remained only to dream about it.

Ki-Adi-Mundi and his wife

Listing the Jedies of varying degrees of eccentricity, it would be a mistake not to mention Trascia Cho Lim. This miniature woman was a contemporary Mace Windows and one of his few close friends. Their friendship did not interfere with even the unorthodox views of the traction, her manner is fashionable to dress and full spontaneity on strict ordinance rules. Trance was distinguished by amazing ability to heal with the help of power, was a good diplomat and inquisitive researcher.

Tracing took only girls in the disciples, because of which it was expected to provoke the appearance of vulnerable rumors and impartial mutters behind her back. At the same time, she could teach several students. Her favorite student was Verger - another very different madam. Although it is not surprising: the apple falls near the apple tree.

There were tracia and other quirks. For example, she openedly violated the branded Jedic Vale of Celibacy. Jedica has many times joined intimate communication during tasks in various corners of the galaxy. The number of those who divided the bed with it is not calculating. The result of "Jedi's friendly sex" was the birth of several sons and daughters. But this is not all, the tracus several times married.

The Jedi in general and the Council in particular looked at the whole case of a spark and with bewilderment, angry grumbled, but did not undertake anything. On their happiness, a loving healer rarely attended the capital, preferring to seek adventures to his soft place far beyond the commander. This circumstance could not not please the Council of the Order. As you know, a bad example is infectious. The further the traction from the temple, the less influence on the rapid Padavan minds they provided.

In the 29th year of DBya, her adorable student disappeared. Finding Verge failed even Obi-Vanu and Anakina - famous lovers to poke her nose in all unlocked gaps. When both were returned to Coruscant and told that Verger kidnapped an unknown race, the traction collected the little things and quietly retired without explaining the reasons. History is silent, as the Order responded to this. But, probably, their collective opinion sounded like this: "What a pity that she finally gone." No one has seen her more.

Trance Cho Lim

It would be a mistake not to mention another loving character. Obi-Vana Kenobi. Yes, yes, this great Jedi in his youth did not miss a single skirt. However, I exaggerate somewhat.

Obi-Vana's first love, after his Padavan, was a red-haired girl named Seraci, with whom he met during the task of Melid Daan. Love interest in the girl was one of the reasons for prompted Obi-Vana to temporarily leave the Order and even to expose the sword against his teacher. Alas, their relationships did not last long. Sierasi died in 44 DBya.

Then there was a blonde Siri Thachi. Although their romantic relationships did not go far, but left in the soul of Obi-Wan an indelible mark. Only the order rules prevented their relations to grow into something more.

The next in line was another blonde - Mandalor Duchess Satin Krav. But this time it did not work out. Although during the war, the clones of the relationship with satin still brought the benefit of the Order in general and Obi-Van in particular, when it came to the non-interference of Mandalor in the clone war. Especially undesirable then was the accession of the entire Mandalorian people to the CNS.

Siri Tacha

Sometimes celibacy led to sad consequences. In addition to the well-known Pair of Anakin Padme, there were several other cases when the ban love relationship Aucorated the Order most unpleasant way.

One of the most interesting examples was the fate of Padaik Mouong. In recent decades, the existence of the Galactic Republic has studied in the Alsian Academy of the Jedi Order of the Jeden. For the time being, her fate was cloudless - a good potential in force, a diligent attitude towards studying, the beautiful skills of treatment with a light sword ... But, alas, in the way of her formation, the Knights Jedi had ordinance taboo and feelings for another student of the Academy. Once she fell in love with the young invenue named Nos Lausirk. But ne, relying on the rules of the Order, strongly rejected all its claims. Some told about the happening of his teacher and, like a broken heart, there was little, Raik with disgrace was kicked out of the Order.

Raik Mouong, called the whole world and wishing to take revenge on the Jedi, soon turned to the "dark side." Although the purpose of her retribution was supposed to become not some, to whom she probably still experienced warm feelings, and Master Kirokka, head of the Academy. It was this Vuki that took the final decision on its exile. The case was introduced during a peaceful conference held, on a luxurious liner, hung on the orbit of the planet Rennock. Raik launched a ship T'Salakov, whom she managed to find in Kularin and force his will. The creatures killed Kirokcake and hardly injured several knights.

Talent and perseverance allowed Rake to complete the training independently, becoming a powerful force, although not able to really control his gift. When Raik heard that the Jedi was announced outside the law and the cleaning began, she hurried to the coruscant to catch the revenge of the offenders before others do. But instead of a long-awaited battle with Jedii Rake, I collided with Valin Drayko. He was also once a Jedi, was also offended by the Order and also wanted to take revenge. But unlike the girl Valin served the empire, being one of her inquisitors.

Raik was credited to the Inquisitorius, becoming a student of Drayko. Couple turned out perfect. Raik was very talented, but unrestrained, insecure in himself and poorly controlled his gift. Driteo, on the contrary, was a skillful and decisive warrior, consistently approaching any problem. It sometimes lacked emotionality inherent in Raik. Thus, the advantages of one compensated for the disadvantages of the other. Ex-Jedi, and now a couple of inquisitors, Valin and Raek faithfully served the Galactic Empire, eating fluent Jedi throughout the galaxy.

Remember! Do not break the girl's heart. It may not end.

Callist Ming

However, it is worth noting that among the Jedies of this period there was a group of those who resolutely rejected the restrictions of the Order, following the ancient Gedi traditions. These members of the Order were called Altisian Jedi, by the name of their leader - Masters Jedi Ginn Altis. Master Altis said that the Order of the Jedi had now reminded the corporation than the spiritual association. Solid rules, taboos, rigid hierarchy, infrastructure, commission ... On the Altisians, the rest of the Jedi looked as in our history on Old Believers. It seems like the Jedi, and like a certain about-jedi sect. The Council of the Order so really did not decide what to do with the altysians.

The followers of the Altisian branch of the Jeden Order ignored many banners of the Order, limiting the personal freedom of the Jedi, including the training of Padavanov in the bundle of the student teacher (instead, one teacher could have several students) and, of course, love and family. The most famous (for us) in love with a couple among the Altysian Jedi was Kallist Ming and Gate Eris.

Wedding hatch and mara

With the death of the Jedi Order during the order, 66 killed all the existing rules and taboos. Jedyam who survived cleaning nothing prevented married. However, they practically did not use sexual freedom on them.

Creating a new Order of the Jedi (Nod), Luke Skywalker did not shoot his followers with unreasonable limitations of the old Order. "Militant virgins" with a bright side of force for the whole head finally went into the past. Their place was taken by the younger generation not afraid to experiment in everything, ranging from the methods of use of force and ending with the marriage.

Many Jedi Noda, even before the start of the invasion of Wong, have acquired families and children. Among them was the hatch himself. Although it is worth noting that the hatch often doubted the correctness of the relationship with the mari. Sometimes the hatch seemed that marriage could start it on the dark side. On the moral torment of the hatch on this account, you can read in the novel "Survivor's Quest" (in Russian translation of the "path of the surviving").

Slock Kel-Droma and Nomi Sunrider

According to the author of this article, the ban on the establishment between members of the Order of the relationships of the friendly and strict celibacy was the greatest mistake of the Jedi. After all, in addition to spiritual and bodily rest, which interfered with the appearance of bad (and dark) thinners, celibacy led to withdrawal from the gene pool of society of gifted people and non-people and thus weakened future generation of forces. After all, it is known that as a result of the connection of Forsuzer and non-Forsuzer, children with a gift of strength were much more often born than without him.

Although at the same time it is worth recognizing that something in the Jedi was still right. It is still unknown that it would happen to the mind of Revan, he will continue to cohabit the bastille. It is quite possible to bastil, as it should be a typical wife, thoroughly "raped" to him the brain and household problems returned a poor fellow on the "dark side".

Sith (eng. Sith) - the depletion of the dark side of the force playing in the fictional universe of "Star Wars" the role of villains; Most situhs are the direct opposite of the Jedi. The name happened from the humanoid race from the planet Corriban, once enslaved dark Jedi. Like the Jedi, the main attribute of Sith - the light sword

Code Sitkov

Calm is a lie, there is only a passion.
Passion gives me strength.
Power gives me power.
Power gives me a victory.
Victory breaks my chains.
Strength will free me.

Another option code

"The world is a lie, there is only a passion";
"With passion, I acquire power";
"With force, I acquire power";
"With the authorities, I get victory";
"With a victory, I rupt my chains";
"And the great power will free me."

The slogan of the Great Sith

Absolute power

According to the books from the expanded Universe of "Star Wars", the Order of Sitchov was founded by the Jedi-apostate, who considered that the "real" force can be achieved only through emotions, and not thoughtful meditation as they were taught. The friction in the Order was growing up until seven thousand years before the Yavin battle were not transferred to an open conflict. This conflict called in Tsently Darkness or the second great split, led to the fact that the Dark Jedi were expelled from the Old Republic. These loops settled on a distant planet of the Corriban, a deserted world, inhabited by a primitive race of bispodynamial creatures, which, nevertheless, had a close relationship with force, enslaved it and gradually assimilated in this race.

Enemies sithov

Dark Lords Sith

Leaders of Sitchov, in chronological order (before the Board of Caan, only one person could carry the title of Dark Lord of Sitchov). Also after Darth Bane, only one person wore the title of Dark Lord.

* Ajanta Pall (Ajunta Pall)
* Datka grace (Dathka Graush)
* Tulak Hord (Tulak Hord)
* Dart Andddu (Darth Andeddu)
* Mark Ragnos (Marka Ragnos)
* Naga Sadou (Naga Sadow)
* Ludo Kreshesh (Ludo Kressh)
* Friedon Nadd (Freedon Nadd)
* Exar Kun
* Darth Revan (Darth Revan)
* Darth Malak (Darth Malak)
* Darth Ruin (Darth Ruin)
* Dark Lord (The Dark Underlord)
* BELIA Darzu (Belia Darzu)
* Dart Rivan (Darth Rivan)
* Vladyka Kaan (Lord Kaan)
* Vladyka Cordis (Lord Qordis)
* Vladyka Kopecz (Lord Kopecz)
* Lady Gitany (Lady Githany)
* Kaox Krul (Kaox Krul)
* Serviss VAA (Seviss VAA)
* Darth Bane
* Darth Zannah (Darth Zannah)
* Darth Millennial (Darth Millennial)
* Darth Plugueis (Darth Plagueis)
* Dart Sidius (Darth Sidious)
* Darth Maul (Darth Maul)
* Darth Tiranus (Darth Tyranus)
* Darth Vader (Darth Vader)
* Lady Lumiya (Lady Lumiya)
* Lord Flint (Lord Flint)
* Carnor Jack (Carnor Jax)
* Darth Caedus (Darth Caedus)
* Darth Krayt (Darth Krayt)
* Dart Nil (Darth Nil)

Minor lords Sitkhov
Ancient empire Sitov

* Shar Dakhan (Shar Dakhan)
* Dor-Gal-Ram (Dor-Gal-Ram)
* Horak Mul (Horak-Mul)
* Antistatic (Antistatic)
* Komok-yes (Komok-DA)
* Mondrak (Mondrak)
* Najus (Najus)
* Tritos Nal (Tritos Nal)
* Larad Noon (Larad Noon)
* Patron (The Patron)
* Poxal (Poxall)
* Bo Vanda (Bo Vanda)

Fridon's heirs Nadda

* Alima Keto (Aleema Keto)
* Satal Keto (Satal Keto)

Brotherhood Sitov

* Nayama Bindo (Nayama Bindo)
* Crado (Crado)
* Kel-Droma Hall (Ulic Qel-Droma)
* Rin Shuuir (Rin Shuuir)
* Utris (utris)

Empire Darth Revan

* Yutura Ben (Yuthura Ban)
* Darth Bandon (Darth Bandon)
* Bastil Shen (Bastila Shan)
* Jorak Uln (Jorak ULN)
* Wynn Wynn (Uthar Wynn)

Shards of the Empire Revan

* Vizas Marr (Visas MARR)
* Darth Nihilus (Darth Nihilus)
* Darth Sion (Darth Sion)
* Darth Traya (Kreiya) (Darth Traya (Kreia))

Brotherhood of Darkness

* Darovit (Darovit)
* La Tor (Lator)
* Kopeje (Kopeje)
* Cordis
* Kaz "them (kaz'im)

Emperor Delver

The Lord of the evil, the right hand of Satan himself, was the admiral of the troops of Darkness. However, after he narrowed the true light, betrayed his own and moved to the side of the good. For his diligence paid his power, knowledge and life. He was killed by his student Sveigom, who later took the place of his master. Now, Delver reincarnated on Earth and continues to fight against its former associates. His current embodiment of the Daulet Uysembes.