Daily facial skin care. Correct facial skin care, stages of care Complete facial skin care

The most exposed and unprotected part of our body is the skin. It is she who is daily faced with the impact of various external factors, such as climatic conditions, dust, air pollution and anthropogenic load factor.

The term "skin care" for each person has its own special meaning. Therefore, in order to clearly understand the tips for skin care, it is very important to know its features and functions. This knowledge will help you take care of your body properly.

Each of the layers of the skin has important functions and interacts with the rest. Human skin consists of epidermis, dermis and hypodermis. Let's move on to a detailed description in order to understand all the nuances of the structure of the skin.

  • Epidermis. Consists of five layers of cells. This layer of the skin contains melanins - pigments of various colors that appear during tanning. In other words, they stain living tissues of the human body when exposed to ultraviolet radiation.
  • Dermis. Comprises connective tissue... The dermis contains blood vessels, receptors, nerve endings, sebaceous and sweat glands, and hair follicles.
  • Hypodermis (subcutaneous fat layer). The main task of the cells of the hypodermis is the accumulation of nutrients for the full life of the body of each of us.

Sweat glands remove excess fluid from the body. The sebaceous glands provide protection to the surface of the skin by secreting fat. It is he who allows the skin to be softer and insured against cracking and drying out.

The most common skin problems are caused by blockages and congestion in the above processes.

Skin care

Skin health directly depends on the lifestyle we lead. You will always look great if you take care of your nutrition, become more mobile and learn to relate positively to all the ups and downs of life. Frequent stress and stress lead to increased skin aging.

Regular body skin care should also not be forgotten - this is a necessary measure in living conditions in a metropolis.

The main causes of skin problems

  • Chlorinated water;
  • Electromagnetic radiation;
  • Traffic fumes;
  • Temperature changes;
  • Household chemicals;
  • Stress;
  • Ultraviolet;
  • Bad habits (smoking and alcohol);
  • Lack of vitamins;
  • Improper nutrition.

Excess sebum, dust, dead cells, and regular use of foundation lead to various diseases skin, therefore, it is necessary to take care of the complete and correct cleansing of the skin in time. Diet and a healthy lifestyle alone will not provide youthful, healthy skin if not cared for.

A changeable climate brings a lot of skin problems. At normal temperature and humidity, the skin condition is close to ideal, however, at the first temperature fluctuations, we observe the opposite. In the hot season, the skin changes color, often dries up and, as a result, wrinkles appear. Frosty wind and low temperatures lead to coarsening of the skin, which cannot be called a pleasant phenomenon for humans. Any weather troubles - main reason early aging.

Imagine if the already problematic skin receives the wrong care. Poorly selected cosmetics (cream, lotion, scrub, makeup remover) will sooner or later lead to serious problems that cannot be dealt with on your own.

In order not to look for a way out of a difficult situation later, it is better now to do everything possible to avoid unnecessary problems.

Skin types

  • Dry;
  • Oily;
  • Combined.

Skin care depends on its type and condition. Of course, the real lucky ones are those who have normal skin - firm, matte, smooth and elastic. The pores on such skin are almost invisible, which makes it even more attractive. However, everyone needs to take care of their skin health.

Women of any age need to make it a habit to remove makeup as soon as there is no need for it, otherwise there is a huge risk of ruining the skin. Even the most quality cosmetics negatively affects her health.

Skin care: how to wash your face properly

What is the first handy tool skin care you know? Many people mistakenly assume that this is something from their cosmetic bag. In reality, this is nothing more than ordinary water. Pure water maintains the beauty and health of the skin in the best possible way.

When washing your face, we cleanse the skin from excess fat, dust, dirt and a mass of microbes. In turn, the cleansed pores of the face and body breathe better and absorb nutrients. Correctly selected water temperature improves blood circulation in the skin.

For washing it is better to use natural mineral or distilled water. You can also filter the tap water to remove harmful salts and impurities that can be detrimental to your skin. River water is also suitable for this procedure (provided that it has undergone heat treatment).

If you wash your face with tap water, your skin will become tough, dry and irritated. In this case, you can also face the problem of severe peeling of the epidermis.

Soaps, lotions and teas for washing the skin

Do I need to use soap during morning and evening washings? Experts in the field of cosmetology assure that you need to use soap no more than once a day (in the evening), and only for owners of oily skin. Other skin types can dry out and become inflamed even when washed with gentle cosmetic soap.

To fully cleanse the skin of the face, you can use special emulsions, lotions and liquid creams. Herbal infusions and unrefined oils (olive, peach, flaxseed, etc.) are very popular in cleansing the skin.

Try to get rid of the habit of drying your face too thoroughly with a towel, because the skin is easily stretched, and you risk getting wrinkles ahead of time.

An effective barrier cream should be used before going outside. In the summer, it should be tonic and light, and in the winter it should be more oily.

Remember to protect yourself from the negative effects of UV rays while outdoors or on the beach. Use special tanning products, wear sunglasses and hats, and try to be in the shade as much as possible.

Skin care, homemade face masks

The use of nourishing and revitalizing face masks is a prerequisite for maintaining good skin condition.

Facial masks can be prepared on your own or purchased from cosmetic departments. The folk recipe is so diverse that everyone can choose a suitable skin care product.

Rules for applying a mask to the skin

  1. Wash your hands with soap and water and wash your face thoroughly;
  2. Apply the prepared mixture to the skin with a special cosmetic plastic spatula;
  3. Keep your eyelid skin intact. There is no need to use a mask in this area;
  4. Take a little rest after applying the product. Relax and do not make unnecessary movements. Try not to be distracted by other activities or talk;
  5. Remove the remnants of the mask with a moistened cotton pad;
  6. Remove the mask carefully. Remember not to stretch the skin.

Facial skin care at home

If your skin is too loose and lifeless, you need to arm yourself with cosmetics that will help tone it. Normal skin condition is impossible without proper nutrition. Include dairy products, fresh vegetables and fruits, seafood and eggs in your diet. Such a menu will improve the nutrition and blood circulation of the skin.

Homemade face masks should consist of egg yolks, natural juices, fruit pulp and yeast.

Advice: For maximum effect, it is better to consult a specialist. Regular massage courses in a beauty salon will help you quickly restore problem skin, make it smooth and attractive.

Cosmetics for face and body skin care

In modern times, many cosmetics manufacturers offer their customers natural and environmentally friendly body skin care products. So, you can buy gels and scrubs, creams and lotions that are good for skin health.

Before you start caring for your body skin with cosmetics, you must carry out all the morning procedures. In other words, your body must be prepared. Start with morning exercises, then take a contrast shower and cleanse the skin of dead cells with a scrub. These manipulations will improve blood flow and allow the skin to breathe.


A high-quality scrub will help to fully cleanse the body of impurities and dead skin scales. It should be applied to a damp body and rubbed smoothly in a circle. It is scrubs that allow you to rejuvenate and lighten the skin, but they must be used in moderation. People with dry skin should not scrub it more than once a week. For safe care of oily skin, two peels are permissible.

Shower gel

Gels provide a good effect in cleansing the skin. They not only remove dirt, but also moisturize the areas to which the product is applied. Gels are especially popular with consumers due to the effect of aromatherapy, which allows you to fully relax during water procedures. The individually selected scent will help you calm down and improve your mood. Natural skin care gels have a longer-lasting scent for freshness and comfort.


The final chord will be the use of cosmetic milk or skin cream. These funds are applied to the body with massaging movements. They should be rubbed in gently and gently. Wait until the cream is completely absorbed into the skin. Any manipulations during the procedure should make you feel good, so there is no need for haste and negligence in this matter. A good body cream will leave your skin smooth, velvety, toned and soft.

There is a wide range of cosmetic products to deal with obvious skin problems (cellulite, early aging, deep wrinkles, stretch marks, age spots). Creams and lotions with natural ingredients in the composition will help restore the skin to its former beauty and youth.

Home skin care: peels and baths

Natural peels and baths are one of the most affordable ways to care for your entire body. Baths can be taken with homemade fruit juices, herbal plants, green tea, essential oils, starch, bran and other useful additives.

To make an effective natural scrub, use honey, milk, sugar, oat flakes, sea salt, moderately hard fruits and oils vegetable origin... The main thing is that you are not allergic to any of the components of the product.

Rely on your imagination, experiment, and don't be afraid to try new things. Every girl, with a little patience, will find a suitable scrub recipe for herself, which will become an indispensable tool for skin care. Pick up pleasant aromas, high-quality components and correct proportions, and then your body will regain its former energy, beauty and youth. At the same time, your mood will always be on top!

Correct care behind the face skin - the basis of its freshness and youth. It is unreasonable to neglect this daily ritual, because problems like wrinkles, ptosis (sagging), pigmentation can be prevented or delayed. What kind of care can you call competent?

    Suitable for skin type.

    Timely, that is, meeting age-related needs (you can start taking care of your skin from the age of 14).

Determine your skin type

When choosing the right skin care products, the first step is to determine your skin type. It is this parameter that determines which textures, formulas and product categories are right for you.

Choose care products by skin type © L "Oreal Paris


Happy (and, according to statistics, rare) owners of normal skin do not know the problems. Their skin does not peel off from dryness, does not shine from oily content, does not react with redness and irritation to cosmetics and temperature changes. These people are not aware of such troubles as blackheads and acne. But only as long as they take care of their skin. Therefore, it is necessary:

    thorough cleansing;

    regular exfoliation;

    maintaining moisture balance.


You will recognize dry skin immediately:

  1. 1

    it is more subtle;

  2. 2

    the vessels are located fairly close to the surface;

  3. 3

    there are no visible pores, their own sebaceous glands do not work intensively enough, so there is a lack of sebum components (lipids, triglycerides).

Dry skin often looks dull and wrinkles faster. Therefore, care should be aimed not only at hydration and nutrition, but also at the prevention of premature aging and antioxidant protection.

The main thing is not to confuse dryness with dehydration, which is associated with a lack of hydrofixers and increased evaporation of moisture from the skin surface. This phenomenon is often found in owners oily skin... Unlike a temporary state of dehydration, dry skin is a constant occurrence.


Oily skin is characterized by increased activity of the sebaceous glands. As a consequence, her main problems are:

    excessive shine;

    enlarged pores that quickly become dirty;

    unhealthy complexion;

    increased tendency to rashes and inflammation.

Oily skin especially needs cleansing, which should be soft and delicate. Choose alcohol-free products to stay hydrated. The main needs of this type of skin are matting.


Mixed skin is the predominant type. It is characterized by fat in the T-zone (forehead, nose, chin) and lack of fat in the rest of the face. Caring for such skin should also be combined, that is, meet the needs of different parts of the face:

  1. 1

    matting and moisturizing of the T-zone;

  2. 2

    moisturizing and nourishing other areas.

You can determine your skin type yourself © L "Oreal Paris


Your skin can be called sensitive if it is highly reactive, that is:

    reacts with redness and irritation to cosmetics;

    does not tolerate temperature changes;

    often peels and itches, and you experience a feeling of tightness and burning.

Owners of capricious skin usually know that they need special products labeled "for sensitive skin", avoid cosmetics with fragrances, dyes and essential oils.

Correct care steps

A complete daily facial skin care should consist of at least three mandatory steps:

  1. 1


  2. 2


  3. 3

    applying cream.

    exfoliating products to rid the skin of dead skin cells;

    masks for targeted care.

In addition, there are several optional products such as serums, essences, oils. "

Proper skin care is a guarantee of its youth © L "Oreal Paris


It is recommended to cleanse the skin twice a day - in the morning and in the evening to remove impurities. The morning ritual involves only washing your face (depending on the type of skin, a gel, foam or cream is used). The evening session includes makeup remover with milk or micellar water.


It is very important to promptly rid the skin of dead cells of the epidermis using exfoliating agents such as:

    scrub with abrasive particles of natural or synthetic origin;

    peeling based on acids or enzymes;

    gommage, which works on the principle of "rolling" dead cells.

The exfoliation procedure should be carried out 1-2 times a week for oily and combination skin, once every two weeks using mild delicate products for dry skin.


Many people are too lazy to use the toner, but this product, which completes the cleansing process, restores the pH of the skin and prepares it for application. following means... So you shouldn't neglect it. Choose a toner according to your skin type.

Recently, a fashion for essences has come from Asia to Europe - this is an intermediate product that is applied after a toner and before a serum and / or cream to improve the penetration of nutrients into the skin. This essence is, for example, in the arsenal of the brand. Kiehl's.

Three main stages of skin care - cleansing, toning, applying cream © L "Oreal Paris


Experts advise to apply face cream twice a day.

    Morning - daytime

    This cream performs a variety of functions - from moisturizing and nourishing to photoprotection and rejuvenation.

    Before going to bed - at night

    Night remedies have a richer texture. These funds, as a rule, perform the functions of renewal and regeneration, because it is at night that skin cells are intensively restored, without being distracted by stress and the fight against negative factors. the environment.

From the age of 25, an eye cream should be included in the beauty routine - at this age, the aging process begins in the body, although visually it is also imperceptible.


Face serums are targeted action products, in their formulas the active components are concentrated to the maximum. Serums with water, oil or gel base have the lightest texture and are applied before the cream. Modern products solve a variety of skin problems - from matting to fighting free radicals.

Optional skin care products - mask, serum, essence, oil © L "Oreal Paris


Once or twice a week, as well as in situations that are stressful for the skin (for example, after long flights), it is worth using face masks. There are a huge number of them, here are just three main varieties.

    Moisturizing- with hyaluronic acid or aloe extract saturates the skin with moisture, prevents its evaporation.

    Anti aging- for example, based on collagen, it has a lifting effect and makes the skin more elastic.

    Cleansing- based on clay (kaolin, ghassoul), it draws impurities from the pores and helps to control the production of sebum, therefore it is suitable for oily skin.

Masks can be:




Proper skin care includes a healthy lifestyle © L "Oreal Paris

Proper facial skin care is not only about adhering to a beauty routine. No cream will work miracles if you smoke, eat fast food, and regularly break your daily routine.

    Proper nutrition

    Milk, sugar, and gluten-containing foods have been found to be the least beneficial for skin health. According to nutritionists, the most suitable diet is fatty fish(trout, halibut, cod); rich fatty acids products like vegetable oils, nuts and spinach; vegetables and fruits which contain vitamins and antioxidants.

    Drinking regimen

    Depending on body weight, you need to drink 1.5 or 2 liters of water per day so that the body does not experience a lack of moisture. Tea, coffee, juices and broths do not count.

    Protection from negative environmental factors

    Unfavorable environmental conditions lead to the fact that skin cells are attacked by free radicals that damage them and lead to premature aging. Suitable for fighting free radicals antioxidant cosmetics: vitamins C and E, green tea extract, resveratrol.

    Sun protection

    Ultraviolet light is one of the main culprits of early skin aging, wrinkles and age spots. To prevent photoaging, it is necessary to protect the skin products with SPF 30 and 50 in the summer on the beach and SPF 20- under other circumstances.

    Healthy sleep

    A full 8-hour sleep is one of the guarantees that the skin will remain fresh and healthy. If not, a dull complexion is ensured.

    To give up smoking

    Cigarette smoke is another source of harmful free radicals and toxins. In addition, the skin of smokers suffers from a lack of oxygen and problems with blood microcirculation, therefore much ahead of time coarsens, dulls and acquires wrinkles.

You can start skin care from the age of 14 © L "Oreal Paris

Facial skin care rules at different ages

The care will become more effective if the age characteristics of the skin are taken into account when choosing products and formulas.

After 25 years

The main care at this age is moisturizing care for all skin types; plus matting - for oily and combined. It is believed that the aging process of the body begins after 25 years, and although it is still far from the appearance of visible signs, it would be nice to attend to their prevention:

    use antioxidant-based products;

    do not forget about SPF creams that protect against photoaging.

After 30 years

The thirtieth birthday is a kind of starting point. It is during this period that collagen synthesis in the body begins to slow down. It is worth strengthening antioxidant and sun protection.

After 35 years

Everything that was outlined in the previous period becomes visible to the naked eye: small mimic wrinkles around the eyes, the first folds on the forehead and in the nasolabial region. To help you - on the basis of collagen and hyaluronic acid.

Proper skin care is responsible for her age characteristics© L "Oreal Paris

After 40 years

It's time to fully combat age-related signs such as wrinkles, pigmentation, dull complexion. Pay attention to cosmetics with anti-aging and lifting effect, serious anti-aging ingredients:




After 50 years

During menopause, cellular metabolism slows down and changes hormonal background, and consequently, the structure of all layers of the skin changes.

  1. 1

    Due to the reduction in sebum production, dryness is felt.

  2. 2

    The skin becomes thinner and less dense.

  3. 3

    A mesh of wrinkles appears.

  4. 4

    The moisture reserves in the cells are reduced.

  5. 5

    The contours of the face lose their clarity, the eyelids begin to sag.

After 50 years - it's time for powerful hydration, nutrition, increased protection from UV rays and correction of age signs.

Funds overview


Name Active ingredients Act
Day cream "Radiance of youth 25+", Garnier
where to find?
plant cells, caffeine Stimulates cell renewal, smoothes the first wrinkles, moisturizes.

Night care "Expert Age 35+", L'Oréal Paris

collagen biosphere It has a triple action: it smoothes wrinkles, makes the skin more elastic and regenerates.

Serum for skin during menopause Neovadiol, Vichy

proxylan, hyaluronic acid

It activates the synthesis of collagen, thereby reducing wrinkles and tightening the oval of the face. Provides powerful hydration.


Name Active ingredients Act

Mask “Magic of Clay. Detox and radiance ", L" Oréal Paris

black coal, clay kaolin, ghassoul, montmorillonite Removes impurities from the skin, removes toxins, evens out the tone and relief of the face.

Moisturizing and comfort sheet mask, Garnier

chamomile extract, hyaluronic acid, moisturizing serum It moisturizes and soothes dry and sensitive skin, relieves redness, and gives a feeling of comfort.

Night mask against traces of fatigue énergie de Vie, Lancôme

extracts of goji berries, lemon balm, gentian During the night, the energy formula restores strength and youthfulness to the skin, relieves signs of fatigue caused by stress, poor ecology and lack of sleep.


Name Active ingredients Act

Cleansing gel for washing "Absolute tenderness" for dry and sensitive skin, L "Oréal Paris

jasmine and gallic rose extracts Delicately removes impurities and make-up residues, moisturizes the skin.

Milk for removing makeup Aroma Cleanse, Decléor

neroli essential oil Easily removes makeup, moisturizes and soothes the skin, prevents inflammation, and is suitable for the eye area. absorbent carbon, salicylic acid Reduces skin imperfections such as blackheads and comedones and prevents their appearance.

Soft Scrub, La Roche-Posay

glycerin, soft polymer abrasive particles, no soap, alcohol, dyes, parabens Gently exfoliates the skin, evens out its color and relief.

Face scrub "Pineapple and papaya", Kiehl's

pineapple and papaya fruit extracts, sesame oil, apricot seed powder Fruit acids and natural abrasives gently remove dead skin cells, leaving the skin radiant and refreshed. extracts of calendula and burdock flowers, allantoin Soothes and softens the skin, relieves irritation, normalizes the hydrolipidic film.

Perfecting tonic Pureté Thermale, Vichy

vitamin E, glycerin, thermal water Removes makeup residues, refreshes and soothes the skin, suitable for all skin types.

In skin care, the first and foremost rule is to use cosmetics specially formulated for your skin type. The needs of dry and oily skin differ significantly.

RULE 2: Pay special attention to sensitive skin areas

The skin in certain places on the face is thinner and more vulnerable. It requires special care, especially the skin around the eyes and lips. These areas are the most sensitive and require special attention.

RULE 3: Gentle Cleansing

Sensitive skin care starts with removing makeup. To avoid stressing it and maintain its natural balance, use pH neutral makeup removers that are specially formulated to gently cleanse the skin.

RULE 4: Eyes: risk zone

The skin around the eyes is ten times thinner than the skin elsewhere. Use a special eye makeup remover.

RULE 5: Peeling (exfoliation) is a necessary procedure for skin care

Use a peel that is suitable for your skin once or twice a week. The peel should be effective but gentle and not injure the skin. Choose pH neutral products that cleanse and soften the skin while maintaining its natural balance.

RULE 6: Moisturizing is imperative

The dermis is 70% water and the epidermis 15%. To keep your skin well hydrated, choose moisturizers that maintain a constant level of moisture in your skin. You can also regularly use a moisturizing mask to remove excess with Thermal Water.

RULE 7: Give preference to hypoallergenic makeup

To avoid the risk of allergies associated with the use of cosmetics that are not suitable for your skin type, choose hypoallergenic makeup specially formulated for all skin and eye skin types, including sensitive skin.

RULE 8: Sun protection

Use cosmetics with sunscreens regardless of the season. They help reduce the harmful effects of sunlight, which accelerates the aging process.

RULE 9: Avoid external adverse factors

Environmental pollution, smoking, stress ... All this has Negative influence on the skin. Use cosmetics that protect your skin from unfavorable factors before leaving the house, and thoroughly cleanse your skin when you return home in the evening.

RULE 10: Don't forget your lips

As soon as you feel you need it, use a regenerating lip cream. You can reapply the cream as often as you like.

Regular facial care is the key to maintaining the beauty and youth of the skin. Acne, blackheads, expression lines and freckles will not go away by themselves if you do not make any effort to do so. Well-groomed skin will look great anytime, anywhere, despite the complete absence of makeup and weather conditions.

Determination of skin type

Competent facial care begins with an individual selection of cosmetics, preparations and procedures. The cream, which fully meets the needs of dry skin, will cause a "flash" of acne and acne in the owner of oily epidermis. Combination lotion will cause allergic rashes on sensitive face. If you want to solve the problem of cosmetic imperfections once and for all - carefully read the labels on tubes and jars in the store. How to properly care for the skin of the face and at the same time be sure that the product is selected correctly?

You can find out your skin type on your own without resorting to the help of a specialist cosmetologist. Thoroughly cleanse your face with a neutral wash gel or baby soap... After 2.5-3 hours, take an ordinary paper towel and press it against the T-zone for a few seconds. Are there greasy marks on the paper? Your skin suffers from overworking of the sebaceous glands. If you are worried about not only the oily sheen on the forehead and the tip of the nose, but also the feeling of tightness on the cheeks, you have a combined type of epidermis. Normal skin leaves barely noticeable traces of skin secretion on the napkin, and the contact of paper with a dry type generally remains completely invisible.

Each skin type has its own set of typical cosmetic problems. Oily epidermis is usually "accompanied" by enlarged pores, comedones and large inflammations. Normal skin can easily become dry or combination - you just need to make a mistake with the choice of tonic or not wash off the make-up a couple of times at night. The dry type is also called sensitive - it is characterized by allergic rashes, redness, age spots and early wrinkles.

Cleansing is the first step in skin care

To keep your face fresh and beautiful, you need to cleanse your skin of dust particles, excess sebum and makeup residues every day. Start your morning by washing your face with cool water, foam, gel or emulsion. Owners of oily and combination skin often try to cleanse their face "to a creak" with hot water. However, boiling water only activates the sebaceous glands, so the oily sheen will not only not disappear, but will appear twice as fast as usual. If you want to deeply cleanse your pores and get rid of acne and blackheads, it is better to choose a product that contains antibacterial and drying ingredients.

By cleansing your skin in the morning, you are preparing it for other cosmetic products (such as matte cream or foundation). Use a gentle milk or hydrophilic oil to remove makeup in the evening. The remnants of mascara and shadows are removed using a special liquid for removing make-up from the eyes. It does not cause tearing and does not sting the sensitive skin of the eyelids. With this liquid, you can also remove ultra-long-lasting lipstick or gloss from your lips as needed.

Owners of normal to oily skin can use a daily scrub to deeply cleanse the epidermis and exfoliate dead particles. It should contain small polymer particles, since dermatologists advise using a large fraction exfoliant no more than 2-3 times a month. The scrub is applied with massaging circular movements on previously cleansed skin, and after a few minutes it is washed off with cool water.

Care rules problem skin suggest regular mechanical cleaning of the face. If you ignore this procedure, you will not be able to get rid of acne and blackheads. First, the face is thoroughly steamed over a basin of hot water. You can add a few drops to boiling water essential oil rosemary, eucalyptus or tea tree - they have an antibacterial effect. A clean bandage or thin cloth is wrapped around the index fingers to prevent bacteria from entering open pores. Comedones are squeezed out alternately with one sharp push. After cleansing, wipe your face with a pore-thinning lotion.

Dry skin can be cleansed with warm milk, olive oil or curdled milk - just moisten a cotton swab with liquid and wipe your face with it. At home, it's easy to make a versatile liquid soap for all skin types. Take 2 tablespoons. shavings of "Children's" or "Glycerin" soap, 1 tsp. lemon juice, 1 tsp. aloe juice and 200 ml. boiling water. Combine the components and stir them in water until the components are completely dissolved. The composition should be stored in the refrigerator and used instead of the gel for washing.

Medicinal herbs are good for cleansing sensitive skin. Pour in 3 tablespoons. chamomile, yarrow or sweet clover with 2 cups of boiling water. Let it brew, refrigerate, and rub over your face as needed. Are you worried about age spots and acne marks? Wash your face with a decoction of flaxseed or St. John's wort - such care will allow you to quickly get rid of acne.


When cleansing the skin, pores open, make-up residues and sebaceous plugs are removed. After washing, you need to narrow them to improve the complexion and protect against dirt and acne and acne. The tonic copes with this task perfectly. In addition, it moisturizes the skin, eliminates redness and irritation, prepares the epidermis for a more intense treatment in the form of a mask or cream. Salicylic alcohol is usually the basis for toners intended for oily or combined type of epidermis. It dries out inflammations, eliminates greasy shine and brightens "blackheads". Alcohol tonic should not be used for dry and sensitive skin care. When choosing a tonic for this type, go for one that contains silicones or shea butter.

If you have oily skin, it is easy to replace the toner with red wine or light beer. To minimize pores and improve complexion, it is good to use a moisturizing toner that is easy to make on your own. 2 tbsp cucumber pulp and 1 tbsp. put the pulp of aloe leaves in cheesecloth and tie. Dip the resulting "bag" in a glass of boiling water and leave for several hours. A toner for normal dry skin can easily replace an ice cube. For this purpose, you can freeze herbal tea, cucumber or apple juice. Ice made from orange or lemon juice has good lifting properties.

Special care

How to care for facial skin suffering from inflammation, acne, age spots, freckles, age-related changes? After all, girls very rarely are completely satisfied with their reflection in the mirror. To solve dermatological problems and eliminate the existing shortcomings, it is necessary to apply intensive therapeutic agents - masks 2 times a week. The composition of this cosmetic product is usually "overflowing" with vitamins, valuable extracts and other active ingredients. If your skin is far from ideal, it is impossible to take good care of it using only lotions and creams.

Universal component for hand-made masks - cosmetic clay... You can buy it at any pharmacy. White and blue will help to cope with overactive sebaceous glands, green and yellow have a lifting effect, and red eliminates peeling and inflammation. The principle of preparation of the mask is the same, regardless of the color used: powdered clay is diluted with warm boiled water to the consistency of thick sour cream and applied in a thick layer on a well-cleansed face. You can add calendula tincture, milk or herbal infusion to the resulting composition. As soon as the mask begins to tighten the skin, it must be washed off with plenty of warm water. Due to the pronounced cleansing and disinfecting properties of clay, at the end of the beauty procedure, be sure to use a moisturizer.

Dry skin needs nourishing masks like no other. With a bang, ordinary oatmeal copes with flaking, redness and lack of moisture. 3 tbsp flakes must be ground in a coffee grinder or blender, mixed with cold milk and left on the face for 15-20 minutes. Dull skin is well refreshed by masks of strawberry pulp, grated carrots and boiled potatoes. Hot oil compresses have the same properties.

Preventive care for oily skin involves the use of antibacterial and drying masks. Whisk 1 egg yolk with 10 drops of tea tree essential oil and 2 tsp. soda, apply the resulting composition to the skin for 10 minutes. Tea tree is a great natural antibiotic that kills almost all types of bacteria that are the main cause of skin problems. Baking yeast can also help eliminate the oily sheen. 4 tablespoons dry yeast, dilute 2 tbsp. kefir or milk whey, leave the mixture on the skin for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

To care for red spots left after subcutaneous acne, use a badyag. The powder of this sea sponge stimulates the acceleration of skin regeneration. The thinnest needles bite into the epidermis, irritating it, so you need to use the badyag very carefully.

The last step: face cream

There is no better foundation for your makeup than a properly selected day cream. It moisturizes and smoothes the skin, contributes to an even distribution and minimal absorption of foundations. For dry skin, modern manufacturers offer creams with a dense texture with the addition of microcapsules and thermal water, for normal skin, products with a low content of silicones are provided, and for oily skin, light fluids, gels and emulsions are provided.

Night face care involves the use of a rich cream. While you sleep, there is an intensive cellular metabolism, so at this time of day you can safely use products with potent ingredients. It is the night cream that will help to defeat early wrinkles, eliminate freckles and "dissolve" blackheads. It is applied, like daytime, in a thin layer on clean skin. A thick "mask" of cream clogs pores and provokes inflammation.

A self-made face cream is no worse than a store one. Oily skin problems will be solved by a remedy based on honey and medicinal herbs. 2 tsp mix liquid honey with 20 drops of ginseng tincture, 2 tbsp. decoction of nettle and 1 tbsp. glycerin. It is necessary to store such a cream in the refrigerator. Dry and aging skin will benefit from a nourishing cream of lanolin and cottage cheese. 1 tsp mash fresh cottage cheese thoroughly with 2 tsp. royal jelly, add 100 gr. lanolin, stir and pour into a glass jar. Normal skin almond oil will be "to taste". To prepare a night cream, mix 20 g. heated oil with 3 tbsp. orange juice and 1 tbsp. cocoa butter.

You will achieve amazing results when you combine the use of facial skin care products with proper nutrition and healthy way life. Eat more vegetables and fruits, play sports and be outdoors more often - your skin will be grateful to you.

Discussion 6

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Our skin is the most exposed part of the body, which is constantly exposed to external influences. Weather conditions, anthropogenic load factors, various types of pollution can create problems for the skin. Skin care, this is a term that carries different meanings for different people therefore to understand skin care tips and adhere to the chosen care regimen, you need to know your skin, to know what functions it performs, which will certainly help you take care of it in the best possible way.

Skin structure

The skin is made up of three layers: epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis. A detailed description will help us understand what important functions each layer of the skin performs and how they interact.

Epidermis layer, consists of five layers of cells, which are responsible for various functions of the skin in general. Also, the epidermis layer contains melanin, which is responsible for the darkening of the skin under the influence of ultraviolet rays, for coloring the skin.

Dermis layer, consists of connective tissue and, in fact, represents the skin. Sweat and sebaceous glands, nerve endings and receptors, blood vessels, hair follicles are found in the dermis. It is in this layer of the skin that most of the processes associated with the aging process of the skin take place.

Hypodermis layer, or sub-dermis, or subcutaneous fat, the main function of which is to store and accumulate essential nutrients.

Sweat glands are responsible for the elimination and partial removal of water-soluble waste from the body. Sebaceous glands secrete fats that lubricate the surface of the skin, which prevents excessive dryness and cracking. Blocks and congestion in these processes are considered to be the main causes of our many skin problems.

The need for skin care

Skin care, this is a complex of procedures that are aimed at maintaining and strengthening the skin. Skin care exists at different levels in the life of every person. It can range from the use of simple soap and cream, to more significant treatments such as anti-aging therapy.

Skin Care Tips are of great interest to many and different groups of the population. Everyone wants to look good and be confident in their attractiveness.

Facial skin care procedures

Most popular and effective skin care which gives the most positive results, includes cleansing, exfoliating, moisturizing and using sunscreen.

Step 1. Cleansing

A cleansing treatment is the most important aspect of skin care. It is carried out primarily to remove makeup, cleanse the pores of the skin.

In this case, you need to find a good cleanser to which your skin will react well and, in the future, stick to it.

Can use a cleansing cream, without using water. You can choose a combination: remove makeup with makeup remover and use a little cleanser with water. Use only warm water. Never wash your face with hot or very cold water, this can negatively affect the function of the capillaries.

Morning cleansing includes a light wash with warm water. This is usually sufficient to remove excess nighttime skin moisture.

Step 2. Exfoliation

Scrubbing works to remove the top layers of dead cells that tend to give the skin a dull color. Most cosmetologists are of the opinion that peeling skin once a week, keeps your skin glowing all year round.

Most people skip peels often, but if you start exfoliate the skin properly, you will notice the difference very quickly. One of the reasons why men's skin looks younger than women's is because men peel off some of their skin every day when they use a razor, according to Ron Berg.

There are several ways to exfoliate your skin: microdermabrasion, chemical peeling.

Use gentle scrubs with small grains. The large grains in cheap scrubs can rip the skin and do more harm than good. One of the best microdermabrasion kits is made by Lancome.

Chemical peeling is aimed at exfoliating the stratum corneum of the skin with various chemical agents. Superficial peeling is carried out once a year. Medium peeling - two to six times throughout life. Deep peeling - up to three times for the entire period of life.

Step 3. Moisturizing

The basic law of skin beauty says that regardless of its type, the skin needs to be moisturized. Even if your skin is oily, it also needs hydration. The only exception is acne. How much hydration is needed? Your skin will tell you when and how much moisture and nutrition it needs. Be careful though, if you overdo it, it can clog your pores.

Is it necessary to nourish the skin around the eyes? The skin around the eyes contains no fatty tissue and is therefore very thin and susceptible to wrinkles. Special creams for the skin around the eyes "thicken" this area. Therefore, some beauty experts strongly recommend using a cream around the eyes.

Step 4. Using sunscreen

Many experts recommend using sunscreen. O Magazine published an article with interviews with leading dermatologists. Each of them said that sunscreens are an important part of skin care.

One of the reasons for the appearance of wrinkles, age spots and other skin problems, according to experts, is the influence of sunlight, so it is important to use sunscreen with early years, even in winter and on cloudy days. Use a broad spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15.

Healthy eating ... A healthy diet leads to healthy skin.

Sleep... You should sleep for eight or ten hours every night because the skin regenerates itself when you sleep.

Cleansing the body ... Eliminating toxins helps maintain healthy skin.

Emotions... Negative emotions can contribute to rashes and red spots on the skin. So smile more often.

Exercises... Deep breathing exercises are cosmetic treatments, especially when you fill your lungs with clean, fresh air. Oxygen is vital important element for the skin.

Skin care should be carried out comprehensively and regularly, according to an individual scheme for you.