Why is the face peeling. What to do if the skin on the face is peeling - see a doctor or act on your own? Lotion for normal skin

The problem of peeling skin is caused by various factors. There are preventive measures, and pharmacy products, folk methods and the services of a cosmetologist will help to cope with the disease.

The problem of peeling skin is quite common. Especially because of this, women suffer, because in men, the structure and work of the sebaceous glands is different. Climbs over the face. What to do? This unpleasant phenomenon catches up at the most inopportune moment. Most often, owners of dry skin and tanning lovers face this nuisance. Both pharmaceuticals and traditional medicine will help in solving the problem.

First you need to understand why the face will climb? The factors of this are internal and external reasons. They adversely affect the skin of the face and lead to the fact that it flakes.

The main internal factors are such:

In these cases, before starting treatment, peeling should be examined by a specialist and get rid of the main reason why the skin is peeling.

External factors that lead to the fact that the face flakes are as follows:

  • the harmful effects of the external environment (extreme cold, drafts, wind, exposure to natural ultraviolet radiation and in a solarium);
  • long stay in a room where the air is dry by heaters;
  • various skin lesions;
  • bad habits;
  • using soap for washing;
  • allergy to food and drugs;
  • improper use of cosmetics and unskilled actions of a beautician.

If it is not always possible to get away from the influence of such factors, then it is still quite possible to reduce their effect on the skin of the face.

Prevention of skin flaking

Despite the fact that the actions of internal causes cannot always be avoided, there are general tips to minimize their impact:

  • a healthy lifestyle, striving for proper nutrition;
  • avoiding unnecessary stress;
  • getting enough sleep and rest;
  • taking vitamins in the spring (the most common time of hypovitaminosis);
  • timely visit to the doctor and treatment of existing diseases;
  • taking medications under the supervision of a doctor.

If you follow these tips, the risk of facing the unpleasant phenomenon of peeling of the face will be significantly reduced.

The possibility of the influence of external causes largely depends on the person. In this case, there are also simple preventive measures:

All this is a guarantee that the skin will be healthy and will not flake off.

Sunburn as a cause of peeling and preventive measures

In the summer season, almost every woman wants to acquire a beautiful tan color. If the period has come when there is no longer any solar activity, people massively visit solariums. But exposure to ultraviolet radiation is one of the reasons why the skin peels off.

Exposure to the sun should be limited in time. Sunbathing is taken gradually, especially when the skin is still light. You can stay in the sun for no more than 15-30 minutes. It depends on the degree of tanning and the individual particular skin. You can sunbathe on the beach from morning until 10 o'clock or after 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

It is important to always wear special sunscreens, lotions and sprays. It should also not be forgotten that a single application is not enough. These products are easily washed off with water and require reapplication after bathing. After sunburn, it is useful to treat the skin with special cosmetics.

Water increases the effect of ultraviolet radiation, therefore, swimming in a pond, you can get sunburn faster.

You can stay in the solarium for no more than 10 minutes in one session. If these are the first visits, then getting a tan is limited to an even shorter period of time. Checked tanning salons should be visited where staff change lamps on time.

Pharmacy treatment

If the problem cannot be avoided in time, the skin is already peeling and peeling, pharmacy products will come to the rescue and medical procedures... They will help speed up healing and your skin will return to its healthy appearance.

If the cause of peeling is various internal diseases, you should consult a doctor who will select the right therapy. The list and dose of drugs should be selected by the doctor. He will prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, or antifungals for bacterial or fungal infections.

Ointments and creams that contain hydrocortisone can also help eliminate flaking. But the use of such drugs is strictly limited in time and frequency of application. Therefore, you must first consult a dermatologist.

One of the best drugs that have a healing effect is Panthenol and other drugs based on dexpanthenol. This drug is especially recommended for tanning lovers who have flaking due to sunburn.

After using “Bepanten” baby cream, peeling decreases and healing of minor skin lesions is accelerated.

If the peeling is strong, you cannot cope with it on your own, it is worth doing special procedures in a beauty salon. When the facial skin peels off, the beautician may suggest the following measures:

In the process of biorevitalization, special restorative preparations are injected directly into the problem areas of the face. After using cosmetic procedures, the skin becomes smooth.

Traditional methods of treatment

Do not forget that at home, those that have been tested for years are successfully used folk remedies... To do this, take natural ingredients: honey, milk, vegetables and cereal flakes, vegetable oils.

Bring honey to a liquid state and dilute with water in equal proportions. The resulting composition is washed instead of water. This recipe works well if there are peeling spots.

To warm milk oatmeal add a little honey and one spoonful of olive oil. Porridge can be replaced with chopped oatmeal, and instead of butter, take the yolk of an egg. This mask will effectively remove dead skin cells from the surface of the face.

It is helpful to make various scrubs, such as those made with coffee grounds, bread crumbs, or ground nut kernels.

Aloe mask will help speed up the healing of the skin, remove inflammation. To do this, grind the plant and the resulting gruel is first kept in the refrigerator for a while, then mixed with egg white. Apply to the face, having previously lubricated it with cream.

One of the proven ways to help eliminate flaking after sunburn is the use of masks based on fermented milk products. These recipes use fatty kefir, cream, yogurt, or sour cream. For example, you can make a mask from the pulp of cucumber mixed with one of these products.

Home remedies are used in complex therapy, it is not advisable to make them the only way of treatment. That is why it will not be superfluous to first consult a dermatologist, and then resort to them.


Various internal and external factors are the reason due to which the skin on the face flakes. Exist real ways prevention. But if you did not manage to avoid the problem, do not panic! To understand why peeling has appeared, and what to do to restore a beautiful face to the face, consultation with a specialist and selection of an individual treatment complex will help.

One of the problems that every woman often encounters is flaky facial skin. Because of this trouble, it is simply impossible to apply makeup normally: the foundation lays down in pieces, exfoliates, when applying powder, the face looks like cracked asphalt. In addition, there is a rather unpleasant sensation, itching. This happens especially often in the autumn-winter period due to vitamin deficiencies and the influence of weather conditions. In general, the reasons for this phenomenon can be very many, and conditionally they can be divided into external and internal.

External causes of peeling facial skin and how to deal with them

What can cause irritability and flaking of skin flakes? Most often these are external influences:

  • chapping;
  • frost action;
  • excessive sunburn (including those obtained in a solarium);
  • too dry indoor air;
  • allergy to flowering plants in spring;
  • allergy to water;
  • the use of low-quality decorative cosmetics;
  • contact dermatitis (when exposed to any irritants - chemical or physical), etc.

In addition to these factors, which are often beyond our control, the cause of peeling of the skin of the face can be in the cosmetics that we use. Creams, tonics, cleansing foams, etc. need to be selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of your body. If the skin is dry, you cannot dry it out even more, and use fatty creams for greasy creams, as this will certainly lead to a negative effect.

The skin can flake off due to improperly selected cosmetics

How to deal with external unfavorable factors so negatively affecting our skin? Here are some guidelines:

  1. Protect your face from wind and frost by using special creams before going outside.
  2. Use sunscreen with an appropriate level of SPF protection during summer, when the sun is especially active.
  3. Humidify the air in the apartment, especially when it is dry with heating devices.
  4. Wash your face with filtered or boiled water.
  5. Change the soap for washing for special products - foams, mousses, lotions. After water procedures, it is better to wipe off not with a coarse towel, but with special cosmetic soft napkins. If you still can't do without soap, choose those types that contain olive or almond oil.
  6. Even for oily skin, you do not need to use alcohol-based toners, as such products can "burn" the skin, and this will certainly provoke peeling. Also, make sure that there is no lanolin in the cosmetics you use, as this component often causes allergies, itching and redness of the skin.

Internal factors affecting skin health. How do you fix them?

If the cause of peeling of the skin was not external factors, but a disruption in the functioning of the body, it will be more difficult to cope with this. First you need to analyze what exactly could provoke a deterioration in the condition of the epidermis.

The main and most common cause of skin peeling is a lack of moisture in the body. The integuments simply receive less water, as a result of which they begin to corneate and crack. Therefore, you need, firstly, to drink more water, and secondly, to use moisturizers.

1. Lack of certain vitamins. When there is a simple lack of these substances, the condition can be corrected with the help of nutrition. If there is a real vitamin deficiency, then you cannot do without special mineral and vitamin complexes. It is good for the skin to consume the following foods:

    Vegetable fats - olive, sesame oil, cottonseed, linseed, etc. - are a real storehouse of vitamin E, in the absence of which the skin looks sluggish and begins to peel off. It is useful to add them to salads.

    Seafood, liver (veal, beef), dairy products, eggs are a source of vitamin A, which keeps the moisture of the skin at the required level.

  • Broccoli, various cereals, cottage cheese, almonds, bananas, avocados, nuts, fish, chicken liver and other products provide the body with B vitamins. These substances prevent skin aging, improve its color, and promote moisture.
  • Citrus fruits, sauerkraut, cranberries, walnuts, rose hips, etc. They contain a lot of vitamin C, which is an excellent antioxidant that fights free radicals. It is also thanks to it that collagen is formed, which is responsible for the elasticity and firmness of the skin.
  • Cheese, meat, fish are necessary for the body, since they contain vitamins PP, K, D. It is with a lack of these substances that the skin flakes, loses its elasticity and dulls.

Vitamins are essential for healthy skin

2. Allergy to certain foods. In this case, the most important thing to do is to identify the allergen. To do this, you can pass special tests, as well as think about what foods you eat. Perhaps by eliminating certain foods from the diet, you will get rid of skin flaking. In addition, an allergic reaction can manifest itself as a result of the use of drugs. Therefore, before treatment, you must carefully read the instructions for use. medicines and find out about their side effects.

3. Skin diseases (dermatitis, ichthyosis, psoriasis, eczema, etc.) and fungal infections... In this case, you must seek the advice of a dermatologist who will prescribe the appropriate treatment.
4. Stressful state... It is necessary to avoid nervous shocks that negatively affect, among other things, the skin.
5. Hormonal problems in the body... With such disorders, which are especially common in women during menopause, the skin of the face can react with peeling. Especially its elasticity decreases with a lack of sex hormones and hormones thyroid gland... In this case, you need to regularly take tests and adjust the level of these substances with the help of appropriate therapy.

How to help flaky skin? Peeling

Peeling is a way of cleansing the skin from keratinized particles, impurities and clogged pores. After such procedures, the face becomes smooth, and its tone is even. This tool is often a preparatory stage before applying a cosmetic mask, as it makes it possible to access deeper layers of the skin. By the way, peeling can be not only mechanical, but also chemical, vacuum, laser. The first is used at home, while the rest of its types are available in beauty parlors and beauty salons. The advantages of peeling are also that thanks to it you can not only get rid of skin peeling, but also eliminate fine wrinkles, sebaceous plugs, age spots.

Peeling is the most popular peeling remedy

Mechanical exfoliation at home can be done through the use of cosmetics such as scrubs. You can buy them at pharmacies, cosmetics stores, or you can make them yourself. It is important to choose scrubs based on your skin type and age.

1. Scrub based on salt or sugar. To prepare such a product, you will need fine salt or sugar (1 tsp), fatty sour cream or cream (1 tbsp) or olive oil(1 tablespoon). You need to mix the ingredients and gently massage your damp face, then leave on the skin for a few minutes and rinse with warm water. This recipe is perfect for normal to dry skin.

2. Bran or oat flakes. To prepare, grind a handful of rolled oats or bran, slightly moisten the mixture with water and wipe the face, avoiding the eye area. Then rinse your face and apply your favorite moisturizer. You need to perform the procedure daily for two weeks before bedtime.

3. Coffee grounds. This scrub is suitable not only for the face, but also for the whole body. Take tbsp. finely ground coffee, moisten it with water, and rub it over your face in circular massaging movements. After that, leave the mass on your face until it dries, and then rinse off with cool water.

4. Soda peeling. This recipe is suitable for oily to combination skin. Before scrubbing your face with baking soda, lather your skin with laundry soap or other cleanser, then rub a pinch of baking soda directly into the soapy skin with gentle movements for a couple of minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

5. Fruit peeling. This method is suitable for very dry and flaky skin. For cooking, take tbsp. grated apple and the same amount of banana pulp, add tbsp. cream, honey and oatmeal. You can use a cotton pad to rub it into your skin. After this "massage" leave the product on the skin for 12-15 minutes, and then rinse.

6. Strawberry scrub. Take a couple of ripe medium-sized berries, mash into a gruel and add tbsp. natural yogurt. Rub the product into your face in the usual way, leave it on for five minutes and rinse it off. Well suited for oily and combination skin.

7. Clay peeling. This substance can be used both individually and with the addition of abrasive particles (bran, salt, crushed grape seeds, etc.). It is recommended to use it once a week.

Use clay to cleanse your body

How to cleanse your skin without peeling?

If your skin reacts extremely negatively to rubbing and using scrubs (this often happens with sensitive skin and a tendency to allergies), there is an alternative way to cleanse it. A remedy consisting of carrot, cucumber, lemon juice, and potato starch will help get rid of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. Take all the components one tablespoon at a time, mix and wipe the face with the resulting mixture. Then you need to wash yourself with warm water. After this cleansing, it is helpful to apply a moisturizer.

Decoctions of medicinal herbs - chamomile, calendula, mint, St. John's wort will also help cleanse the skin. You need to wash with such broths in the morning and in the evening.

Cosmetic masks to help flaky skin

After we got rid of keratinized particles with the help of peeling, it is necessary to moisturize and "saturate" the skin with various useful substances. For this, nourishing masks are the best suited. Of course, for these purposes, you can use products bought in specialized cosmetic stores or a pharmacy. But they may contain, among other things, preservatives and fragrances that provoke allergic reactions. In home-made masks, we can be 100% sure that they do not include various harmful components.

As with scrubs, before using a cosmetic face mask, you need to set your skin type - dry, oily or combination.

Here are some recipes:

  1. Carrot and curd mask. Suitable for dry skin types. Ingredients - carrot juice, olive (or any other vegetable) oil, warm milk, cottage cheese (15-20% fat). Take all the components in equal proportions and mix until a homogeneous slurry is obtained. Apply the product on the face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. It is also helpful to rub your skin with an ice cube afterward.

2. Masks from fermented milk products. You can take kefir, fermented baked milk, acidophilus or yogurt, apply to cleansed skin. It is advisable to apply a fabric mask on top and hold the product for 15-20 minutes. Such a remedy should be used before going to bed, since after it red spots may appear on the face, leaving several hours after the procedure. Suitable for combination and normal skin.

Peeling of the skin is a very common symptom of skin lesions.

Often, such a deviation is associated with a violation of regenerative processes, or with diseases - allergic reactions, fungal skin lesions, psoriasis, ichthyosis, vitamin deficiency.

No less often, peeling of the facial epidermis occurs due to the influence of various external or physiological factors. In this case, popular folk remedies and cosmetic procedures carried out at home will help get rid of the problem. But with pathological reasons for this phenomenon, it is necessary to first find out the exact reasons for it, and only then start therapy.

The causes of peeling

Increased dryness of the skin is not a hazard to human health. This nuisance can happen to anyone, especially during hot or cold months. Associated symptoms often itching, burning and hyperemia of the epidermis.

But it is possible to start the fight against such a deviation only after finding out its reasons. Most often they lie in:

  • dehydration of the body;
  • mycoses;
  • improper or irrational care of the skin, or in the complete absence of it;
  • frostbite;
  • dry air in the room;
  • negative effects of sunlight;
  • burns;
  • chapping;
  • disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, peptic ulcer;
  • lack of nutrients in the very thicknesses of the epidermis.

As you can see, there are quite a few reasons for skin peeling, so sometimes it is extremely problematic to understand them. And before they are installed, no action should be taken. At best, they will be ineffective, at worst, they will only exacerbate the situation.

When should you see a doctor?

It is mandatory to consult a dermatologist if:

  1. In women, peeling is observed on certain parts of the body - arms, legs, back, etc. In this case, they speak of diffuse peeling.
  2. In addition to peeling, the patient complains of burning, itching, swelling of the skin.
  3. In areas where peeling is noted, various pathological rashes or elements appear - pustules, papules, vesicles, wounds, erosion ulcers, etc.
  4. Peeling manifests itself on hyperemic, edematous skin.
  5. The scaly area has clear boundaries, itches and gets wet.
  6. The unpleasant phenomenon is accompanied by other alarming symptoms. It is imperative to consult a doctor if, against the background of peeling of the epidermis, the patient also notes the occurrence of dizziness, cephalalgia, general malaise, joint pain, allergic reactions, diarrhea, etc.
  7. On the affected area of ​​the skin, flaky areas are noted, in color sharply contrasting with the natural shade of the skin.

Also, you can not independently fight peeling, which is observed on the skin of the eyelids, eyebrows, nasolabial triangle and scalp.

What to do if the skin on the face begins to peel off?

Dehydration and dryness are the main enemies of the skin. And this applies not only to the facial epidermis. Therefore, to eliminate flaking, it is important to stop using antibacterial soaps. It must be replaced with softer skin care products - a special gel for washing or, at least, a mild cream soap.

Various tonics, lotions, fatty creams help to soften the skin well. But their choice must be approached responsibly. You only need to buy the product that is suitable for a specific type of epidermis.

Do not use alcohol-based lotions or facial toners when your skin is peeling. To protect the epidermis from the negative effects of sunlight, frost or cold wind, it is necessary to apply a protective cream half an hour before going outside. It is selected not only taking into account the characteristics of the skin, but also taking into account the season.

Treatment methods

First of all, you should find out the cause of the ailment, eliminate it, and only then, if necessary, fight peeling. For this purpose, dermatologists most often prescribe:

  1. Ointments, creams and gels for cutaneous application. Preparations and helps to remove flaking, itching and irritation of the skin. In parallel, they contribute to the healing of wounds and microcracks.
  2. Antihistamines tablet preparations (syrups can be used): L-Cet, Eridez, etc. They do not remove the peeling itself, but eliminate the allergy if it was the cause of the unpleasant symptom.
  3. - a hormonal drug that eliminates allergies, relieves inflammation, swelling and hyperemia. It is prescribed if the pathological process has affected not only the epidermis, but also the underlying layers of the skin.
  4. Antimicrobial and antimycotic agents. They are prescribed for infectious (bacterial, fungal) lesions of the skin of the face. Usually prescribed in the form of ointments and creams, but can be combined with oral antibiotics or antimycotics.

To combat flaking on the face with the help of folk remedies, it is good to use masks based on honey, vegetables and fruits, and fermented milk products. Excellent results are obtained by scrubbing with steamed oatmeal.

Cosmetic procedures

For those people whose skin peeling on the face is a constant problem, there are various cosmetic procedures performed in specialized salons. This is:

  1. Peeling. Removal of dead skin cells is carried out through the use of special acidic agents. The choice of a specific drug depends on the type of skin and the intensity of the peeling. Peeling products may contain fruit, trichloroacetic or salicylic acid.
  2. Mesotherapy. This method is based on the injection of subcutaneous injection of special vitamin cocktails... In addition to the fact that it eliminates flaking, this procedure also helps to rejuvenate the skin.
  3. Biorevitalization... It is performed using hyaluronic acid injections. It is recommended to carry out this manipulation for women over 35 years old. Until this age, mesotherapy is a good option.

Prescribing any drugs or cosmetic procedures is within the competence of a dermatologist-cosmetologist. If the peeling is not too pronounced, he will advise special peeling creams or facial scrubs that can be used at home.

Folk remedies

The following folk remedies will be a good supportive method of dealing with flaking on the face.

Starch-tomato mask

Grate the tomato on a fine grater and add the same amount of potato starch to the resulting mass. Stir the mixture well, then add 5-10 drops of any vegetable oil to it. Mix everything well again, then apply the composition to the face. Hold the mask for 10 - 20 minutes, then rinse off the remains with a cosmetic disc dipped in chamomile decoction.

This remedy works well to relieve skin irritation in case of contact dermatitis.

Coffee scrub

For a scrub, only pre-brewed ground black coffee is suitable. This thicker is tougher, therefore, it scrubs the skin better.

Add 2-3 drops of any essential oil to the coffee grounds. Beat the mixture thoroughly so that all the ingredients mix well. Apply the ready-made composition to the face skin, avoiding eye contact with the mask. Lightly massage the skin with your fingers, then wash thoroughly. The procedure can be carried out in the morning and in the evening.

By the way, in addition to peeling, such scrubbing also eliminates small subcutaneous pimples.

Carrot mask

Peel and grate fresh medium-sized carrots. Add dry yolk of 1 egg and 2 tbsp. l. flour from potatoes. Beat all ingredients until smooth. Apply the mask to the face and distribute evenly over all its areas. Remove the rest of the mixture after 15 - 20 minutes.

The tool helps well to eliminate skin flaking that has arisen against the background of contact dermatitis.

Mask of cottage cheese and mint infusion

1 tablespoon of peppermint leaves pour 0.5 cups of boiling water. Insist covered for half an hour, then cool and filter. Mix the ready-made infusion in the amount of 30 - 45 ml with pre-mashed and mixed with sour cream in a ratio of 2: 1, respectively, cottage cheese.

All ingredients should form a homogeneous mass. The composition is applied to problem areas of the face for 20 - 25 minutes, after which its remnants are removed with a cotton pad. The face is rinsed with the remaining mint infusion.

The above folk remedies are suitable for symptomatic, auxiliary therapy for any inflammatory lesions of the facial skin. But in the presence of abscesses with them, you must be careful not to provoke the spread of the pathological process to healthy areas of the epidermis.

Skin regeneration with oils

Various vegetable oils are a great way to moisturize dry skin. They can be used independently, added to different creams for the face, or used as compresses. If essential oils are used for therapeutic purposes, they are pre-mixed with milk or other bases, since they can burn the skin and provoke intense allergic reactions.

The most popular remedies are:

  1. Avocado seed oil. The product is not only effective, but also quite inexpensive.
  2. Apricot kernel oil. It is quickly absorbed from the skin, nourishes and moisturizes it well. Also available at cost.
  3. Argan oil is a product made from argan fruits, which in recent times is increasingly used in cosmetology.
  4. Sesame oil. The product can be purchased at a pharmacy or supermarket. It is great for preparing a variety of face masks.
  5. Linseed and wheat germ oil. These products enrich the skin with vitamins, nourish it, contribute to its renewal, rejuvenation, and make it more elastic.
  6. Soybean oil. It is quite difficult to find it, but it is one of the best and effective means fight against dryness and flaking of the epidermis.

Olive and almond oils are equally beneficial.

For too dry skin, oils from plants such as geranium, lavender, myrrh, nerol, rose, patchouli, rosemary are well suited.

Oils can be added to face creams. If this essential oil, then 2 - 3 drops per tube will be enough, if the usual vegetable - 5 - 7 drops. Before applying the cream, the skin must be cleansed. You need to treat people with a cosmetic product in the morning and in the evening.

Mixtures of several oils can be used. They are applied to the skin for 5-10 minutes, after which the remnants of the mask are removed with a napkin. An all-purpose moisturizer is an oil blend of:

  • avocado - 1 tsp;
  • apricot - 1 tsp;
  • geranium - 2 ml;
  • roses - 2 ml;
  • lavender - 2 ml.

For oily skin prone to flaking, you can use argan and soybean oil in a dose of 5 - 7 ml. Patchouli and lavender oils moisturize the epidermis well. They need to be taken in 2 ml.

Oil mixtures can be prepared in large portions and applied as needed. Store them in a glass container in a cool place. It is recommended to warm up the composition before use.

What to do at home?

To eliminate peeling skin on the face at home, you can:

  • start taking vitamins or multivitamin complexes;
  • enrich the diet with vegetables and fruits;
  • consume natural butter but in reasonable amounts;
  • make face masks based on fatty kefir, sour cream, yogurt, and even cottage cheese;
  • to treat the skin of the face with honey or vegetable oils;
  • refuse to wash with hot water;
  • lubricate the epidermis with fatty creams based on panthenol, 5% urine, glycerin, essential oils;
  • use only mild makeup removers;
  • lubricate flaky skin with Bepanten or Solcoseryl;
  • drink enough liquid.

Proper facial care and adherence to these simple rules- the main guarantee of the health of the skin. But if the peeling does not go away, or it becomes more intense, you cannot postpone the visit to the doctor. The dermatologist will accurately determine the source of the ailment, and will prescribe an adequate, effective therapy.


Dryness and flaking of the epidermis can occur in any person. Such an anomaly can be both a consequence of external factors and a symptom of certain diseases.

If the reasons for such an unpleasant phenomenon are not associated with pathological processes, then folk remedies and proper care behind the skin. To avoid this disorder, people with dry skin need to regularly use moisturizers, and make masks based on vegetable oils.

But in the event of itching, redness, swelling of the skin, we can talk about the development of a dermatological disease. Under such circumstances, only a doctor can accurately determine the source of the ailment and take measures to eliminate it.

Cosmetologists like to repeat about the main rules of healthy skin: cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing. They are equally needed for all skin types, but sometimes problems arise even with good external care. In the spring, many women - both young girls and mature ladies - note that the skin can become covered with red spots, dry out a lot and even itch. Although this problem, like the solutions, is universal (for both men and women) and does not depend much on gender.

It depends on the causes of peeling, because the ailment can be of both a cosmetic nature and be a symptom of serious internal disorders.

However, it is imperative to take steps to eliminate the defect: slight redness quickly turns into a drying spot, which actively peels off and grows, or its color becomes more intense and noticeable.

From a slight defect, the problem grows to universal proportions, spoils the mood and lowers self-esteem. And here it is almost impossible to cope without long-term treatment and the help of specialists.

Why is the skin on the face peeling?

The epidermis (the top layer of the skin) is renewed regularly. Peeling is a visual sign that the old cells, for some reason, did not have time to "leave" in time:

  • either new ones quickly share,
  • or the old layers are slowly peeling off.

Regular cosmetic procedures (the simplest and gentlest cleanings) help to cope with the problem and facilitate the process of replacing cells. But due to internal failures, only care procedures cannot solve everything.

In spring, the skin of the face flakes and turns red for a number of reasons:

  • cell renewal begins to occur at an accelerated pace;
  • redness and drying spots can be allergic;
  • seasonal rashes with certain skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis).

In the first case, you will need a complex of cosmetic procedures, in the second - special agents prescribed by a doctor (antiallergic pills and soothing ointments).

For treatment skin diseases you will need the help of a dermatologist to delicately solve the problem without aggravating the skin condition.

In any season, the skin reacts poorly to:

  • irregular care;
  • improperly selected cosmetics;
  • drying decorative cosmetics;
  • sudden changes in temperature, cold and weathering;
  • lack of water in the body;
  • dry air, excess of direct sunlight;
  • poor quality or unbalanced nutrition;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • weakening of immunity, nervous tension and stress.


I'll tell you a little more about some of the reasons that we often neglect.

About nutrition and health

You can talk a lot about bad eating habits (soda, salty and sweet snacks, pickles, smoked meats and delicacies), however, most of them affect the body in the following ways:

  • removes fluid from cells;
  • creates an additional load on the alimentary tract (stomach, pancreas, intestines);
  • complicates the work of the liver and urinary system.

All this leads to the fact that the body redistributes forces and sends less nutrients to the skin.

In certain diseases, non-observance of the food diet can provoke not only rashes, but also other serious malfunctions in the work of the organim. For relatively healthy people, this can be a test during times of stress and with a seasonal weakening of defense mechanisms.

Smoking, coffee and alcohol have similar effects. Dehydration is a common problem for aspiring fitness enthusiasts.

About care and weather

There are also people who prefer to use a mixture of salt and soda for washing, and for peeling.

And cosmetologists are sounding the alarm: everything that you save now will have to be spent with a trinity in the future in order to maintain healthy skin:

  • special hypoallergenic moisturizers,
  • and in adulthood - hyaluron in all types and forms, to make the face a little bit younger, and wrinkles - not so deep.

Even oily skin it becomes dry and flakes from such a budget cleansing, but pimples and greasiness do not decrease. It is in vain to dry the skin and alcohol-containing products.

The sun, air conditioners, wind and cold are the enemies of a healthy epidermis if there are too many of them. These weather factors must be balanced with protective equipment.

If you often fly on airplanes, work in an office with dry air, then regularly use moisturizing and express products (now there are very funny and convenient disposable masks with a non-woven base and refreshing sprays for skin based on).

Of course, the whole problem cannot be solved this way, but the skin will become a little easier, and it will turn out to be in order much faster if the basic care is not neglected.

In the beauty salon

Professionals will also help you with peeling problems. Among their rich arsenal are the following:

Peelings(Ultrasound, hardware), based on fruit acids - they remove the upper stratum corneum, accelerate cell renewal and improve their nutrition;

Hyaluronic acid- this component does not cause allergies and moisturizes at the cellular level, replenishing the natural structure. Such techniques include peelings and masks with hyaluronic acid, injection techniques (mesotherapy, biorevitalization), which not only moisturize, but also rejuvenate.

The effectiveness of salon care depends on how carefully you take care of yourself in your daily routine, whether home procedures are enough. If the beautician is a proven one, then you should periodically ask for his opinion on how your skin is changing and what means will help maintain your youth and health. This will allow you to update your cosmetic bag in a timely manner and use really useful products.

At home

Useful peeling agents can also be used independently as prevention or regular care. Perfectly moisturize masks made from dairy products containing honey, cucumber or cucumber juice, eggs (you can quail), vegetable oil.

Choose formulations that are free of allergic components, pre-test unfamiliar ingredients on the bend of the elbow.

Examples of quick and effective masks are below:

  • Mix 1 tbsp. fat cottage cheese and 1 tsp. honey, add milk to a pasty consistency, apply the mask for 15 minutes, and then gently rinse with warm water.
  • Make a banana puree from 1 fruit, stir in 1 tbsp. vegetable oil (preferably olive), bring to a homogeneous state. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes, then wash off.
  • Flaxseed has good moisturizing and cleansing properties. 1 tbsp dry seeds need to be boiled to the state of porridge, and when it cools down a little add 1 tbsp. jojoba oil. Lubricate the problem area, and after 3-5 minutes, carefully remove the residue.
  • 1 chicken (or 2 quail) a raw egg shake and add oatmeal and olive oil (1 tablespoon each). After thoroughly mixing all the ingredients, apply to the skin. Wash off the mixture after 15-20 minutes.

Care after such masks is completed with a nourishing cream.

Among the popular beauty trends are natural vegetable oils (almond, cocoa butter, macadamia, argan, peach). Apply them to cleansed skin daily (for treatment) and 1-2 times a week for dryness. The excess can be blotted with a napkin after half an hour.

Facial massage will also be useful for improving blood circulation and nutrition - ideally, you can be like special sessions with a beautician, but at home you can do a light massage yourself for 2-3 minutes, patting, stroking and slightly pinching your cheeks, forehead, chin.

Instead of output

The skin is a delicate and sensitive organ that signals us about problems. If you have neglected your health for a long time, then get ready for a long “payback” in the form of care and treatment.

Many people may be at risk for flaky skin - due to predisposition, lack of proper care and cleansing, illness. But dryness and flaking is not an eternal diagnosis, they can and should be fought with. And believe me, the result is worth it!

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Many women believe that peeling on the face can appear only in severe frosts or due to excessive dryness of the skin.

In fact, completely different factors can cause flaky spots on the skin. And if they are not eliminated in time, the problem can grow and cause a lot of trouble for the owner of flaky skin. If your face is peeling, what should you do first? In getting rid of this scourge, it is very important to find out and, if possible, eliminate its cause.

Having found unpleasant scaly islands on your face that tighten the skin and unpleasantly fall off in whole pieces at the most inopportune moment, carefully analyze your lifestyle to find out why a face that has never suffered from such a problem before is peeling. And there can be a lot of reasons:

  • loss of moisture;
  • dry skin type;
  • hereditary factor: in this case, as a rule, dry skin extends not only to the face, but also to the whole body;
  • atmospheric factors: frost, strong wind, an abundance of ultraviolet radiation, an overabundance of sea salt, dry air in rooms;
  • any damage to the skin (cracks, wounds, inflammation);
  • allergic reactions;
  • long-term use of certain medications;
  • unsuccessfully made cosmetic procedures.

Apply to yourself all these causes of peeling of the face and think: what is the place to be in your life from all of the above? If you find out, consider that half the battle is done: the method of treatment will also depend on the cause.

What salon treatments relieve skin peeling?

If the face is peeling as a result of diseases of internal organs or heredity, you should not try to treat peeling on your own. Contact the specialists who will prescribe treatment and advise cosmetology procedures. As a treatment, they can prescribe:

  • cream with 5% hydrocortisone to treat problem areas for 2 weeks (but not more, as the cream is addictive);
  • pharmacy masks using aquaphor (also based on hydrocortisone);
  • drugs with dexapanthenol.

Of the cosmetic procedures that eliminate skin flaking, they can advise:

  • mesotherapy based on drugs with hyaluronic acid;
  • peeling with fruit acids;
  • biorevitalization;
  • various intensive moisturizing programs;
  • program peeling.

Even if you do not trust or are afraid of salon procedures that take care of your skin, only a specialist, after a thorough examination, can tell you exactly how to stop peeling of your face in accordance with the cause that caused it.

How to eliminate peeling at home?

If exfoliation of the skin on the face is provoked by superficial factors (weather conditions or dry skin type), home procedures and remedies will help alleviate the condition. To get rid of this scourge forever, you need to properly care for such skin.

  1. Do not use soap: wash your face with special moisturizing gels.
  2. After washing your face, do not wipe your face dry with a towel: it will injure the peeling foci. It is better to blot your damp face with a tissue.
  3. Immediately after washing your face, wipe your face with a moisturizing toner and apply your daily moisturizer (baby cream / petroleum jelly).
  4. Choose the line of cosmetics that will provide the skin with maximum hydration. The products you choose for your skin care should be free of alcohol, which dehydrates the skin, and lanolin, which can cause allergies.
  5. Use a protective cream half an hour before going outside.
  6. Try to cover your face from adverse weather conditions: in winter - with a scarf, in summer - with a wide-brimmed hat.
  7. The room should have fresh, slightly humidified air. To do this, ventilate it more often or put cups of water on a hot battery: after evaporation, moisture will be present in the air.
  8. Drink plenty of fluids.
  9. Increase your diet with fresh vegetables and fruits.

By adhering to these simple rules, making sure your skin gets the necessary care, you can stop the flaking of the skin on your face and help prevent it from appearing again.

Home remedies for flaking face

There are various peeling remedies that you can easily make yourself at home.

  • Washing with honey water

Mix honey heated to a liquid state with water (in approximately equal amounts) and use this product instead of the usual washing with plain water, which effectively fights flaky spots on the face.

  • Moisturizing Milk Olive Mask

Oatmeal, cooked in milk, in a warm state (one tablespoon), mix with heated honey (one teaspoon) and olive oil (one teaspoon). Such a face mask from peeling will remove dead, keratinized particles gently and quickly. You can take oatmeal, not porridge, as an ingredient, but first you need to grind them in a coffee grinder, and add one egg yolk to the mixture.

  • Natural home scrubs

You can take care of flaky skin with little or no time spent on it. Certain products contain solid particles (seeds, pieces of rind) in their composition, which effectively eliminate flaking. It is enough to wipe your face with them once every two days. These products include: coffee grounds, black tea infusions, watermelon or cucumber pulp, green apple pieces.

  • Moisturizing masks based on vegetable oils

Everyone knows the benefits of vegetable oils for facial skin. As part of the mask, they are able to eliminate skin peeling. To do this, 1 tablespoon of honey must be mixed with a tablespoon of one of the vegetable oils: grape, apricot or peach seeds, almond or wheat germ.

  • Milk mask based on vegetables

Grind oatmeal in a coffee maker, mix a tablespoon with grated fresh carrots (a tablespoon), dilute with warm milk until gruel is formed. You can replace carrots with raw potatoes, and milk with fresh cucumber juice or egg yolk, both of which perfectly moisturize the skin.

  • Dairy-based anti-flaking masks

Mix the cucumber pulp without peel (2 tablespoons) until mushy with kefir or yogurt (natural, no additives), sour cream or cream with a high fat content.

Remember that any peeling on the face is a signal from your body that certain malfunctions are observed in it, which must be eliminated as quickly as possible. Modern cosmetology and medicine successfully cope with such skin problems if the causes of peeling are recognized in time and seek help from specialists.

Any home remedies can only serve as additional care for flaky skin, alleviate its condition and prevent it, but not treat it.