Transport accidents. Prevention of accidents in road transport, the main causes of accidents on the road Accidents in road transport

Contents Modes of transport Modes of transport Causes of accidents Causes of accidents Consequences of accidents Consequences of accidents Rules of safe behavior in case of accidents in road transport Modes of transport Modes of transport Causes of accidents Causes of accidents Consequences of accidents Rules of safe behavior in accidents in road transport Rules safe behavior in case of road accidents

Causes of accidents About 3.5 billion tons of cargo is transported in Russia annually. More than 100 million people are transported by all types of transport every day. But at the same time, a significant number of disasters, accidents and incidents occur in transport, from which a large number of people die and are injured, huge material damage and harm are caused. environment... About 3.5 billion tons of cargo is transported in Russia annually. More than 100 million people are transported by all types of transport every day. But at the same time, a significant number of disasters, accidents and incidents occur in transport, from which a large number of people die and are injured, huge material damage and environmental damage are inflicted. Leadership in the number of tragic consequences and material damage belongs to road transport - it is the most emergency not only in our country, but also in many developed countries. Every year more than 300 thousand people die from accidents in this type of transport in the world and about 8 million people are injured and injured. Leadership in the number of tragic consequences and material damage belongs to road transport - it is the most emergency not only in our country, but also in many developed countries. Every year more than 300 thousand people die from accidents in this type of transport in the world and about 8 million people are injured and injured.

The consequences of accidents, accidents and catastrophes occur suddenly, in most cases at a high speed of traffic, which leads to bodily harm to the victims, often to the occurrence of a state of shock in them, often to death; accidents and disasters occur suddenly, in most cases at a high speed of traffic, which leads to bodily injury in the victims, often to the occurrence of shock, often to death; untimely receipt of information about what happened, which leads to a delay in assistance, to an increase in the number of victims, including due to the lack of survival skills among the victims; untimely receipt of information about what happened, which leads to a delay in assistance, to an increase in the number of victims, including due to the lack of survival skills among the victims; difficulty in determining the number of victims at the scene of an accident or disaster, the difficulty of sending a large number of them to medical institutions, taking into account the required specifics of treatment; difficulty in determining the number of victims at the scene of an accident or disaster, the difficulty of sending a large number of them to medical institutions, taking into account the required specifics of treatment; the need to organize reception, accommodation and services (food, communication services, transportation, etc.) of the arriving relatives of the victims; the need to organize reception, accommodation and services (food, communication services, transportation, etc.) of the arriving relatives of the victims; the need for an early resumption of traffic on transport communications. the need for an early resumption of traffic on transport communications.

Rules of safe behavior The driver of the car is responsible for observing the safety measures for passengers, he must ensure that the car has a fully equipped first-aid kit, a fire extinguisher and personally observe safety and labor protection rules; the driver of the car is responsible for observing safety measures for passengers, he must ensure that a fully equipped first-aid kit, a fire extinguisher is in the car and personally observe safety measures and labor protection rules; passengers should not interfere with the driver of the car, and they should not restrict visibility. Rules of conduct in passenger car it is strictly forbidden to carry passengers in the luggage compartment, eat, smoke, drink alcohol while driving, open and close the doors of a car in motion; passengers should not interfere with the driver of the car, and they should not restrict visibility. The rules of conduct in a passenger car strictly prohibit transporting passengers in the luggage compartment, eating, smoking, drinking alcohol while driving, opening and closing the doors of a car in motion; while driving, it is strictly forbidden to talk on mobile phone to avoid creating emergency on road. If the telephone conversation is very important, it is necessary to stop the car on the roadside and carry out the conversation, and only after that you can continue driving. while driving, it is strictly forbidden to talk on a mobile phone in order to avoid creating an emergency on the road. If the telephone conversation is very important, it is necessary to stop the car on the roadside and carry out the conversation, and only after that you can continue driving.

Causes of accidents Causes of accidents and disasters in railway transport are errors of dispatchers, drivers, equipment failures, natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, landslides, mudflows, avalanches, hurricanes, wildfires, landslides); the causes of accidents and disasters in railway transport are errors of dispatchers, drivers, equipment failures, natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, landslides, mudflows, avalanches, hurricanes, wildfires, landslides); path faults; path faults; rolling stock breakdown; rolling stock breakdown; failure of signaling and blocking means; failure of signaling and blocking means; dispatcher errors; dispatcher errors; carelessness and negligence of drivers; carelessness and negligence of drivers; collisions, collisions with obstacles at level crossings; collisions, collisions with obstacles at level crossings; fires and explosions directly in carriages; fires and explosions directly in carriages; damage to railway tracks as a result of erosion, landslides, etc.; damage to railway tracks as a result of erosion, landslides, etc.; deterioration of technical equipment. deterioration of technical equipment.

The rules of safe behavior in order to avoid the harmful effects of the natural disaster on railway facilities are envisaged and appropriate engineering structures are being erected. So, to protect against rock and snow falls, special galleries and retaining walls are built, drainage and bank protection structures in the form of ditches, dams, traverses from erosion of the subgrade; in order to avoid the harmful effects of the natural disaster on railway facilities, appropriate engineering structures are envisaged and erected. So, to protect against rock and snow falls, special galleries and retaining walls are built, drainage and bank protection structures in the form of ditches, dams, traverses from erosion of the subgrade; introduction new technology and technology made it possible to exclude some hazardous technological operations and significantly change the nature of the work of many workers railroad... However, it is not possible to completely exclude the presence of people in the dangerous zone of the movement of rolling stock. the introduction of new equipment and technologies made it possible to exclude some hazardous technological operations and significantly change the nature of the work of many railway workers. However, it is not possible to completely exclude the presence of people in the dangerous zone of the movement of rolling stock.

Rules of safe behavior if an accident in air transport occurred in the vicinity of the airport, then the direct organization of the search and rescue of the crew and passengers of the aircraft is assigned to the head of the airport with the involvement of forces and resources from the aviation units (enterprises and organizations) based at this airport, regardless of their departmental accessories; if an accident in air transport occurred in the vicinity of the airport, then the direct organization of the search and rescue of the crew and passengers of the aircraft is entrusted to the head of the airport with the involvement of forces and funds from the aviation units (enterprises and organizations) based at this airport, regardless of their departmental affiliation; rescue operations in such cases are carried out by rescue teams, which include calculations from various services(dispatch, launch, fire and rescue, medical, engineering, special transport, transportation, police, etc.); rescue operations in such cases are carried out by rescue teams, which include calculations from various services (dispatch, launch, fire and rescue, medical, engineering, special transport, transportation, police, etc.); priority measures to save people in such an accident, in accordance with the requirements of the International Organization civil aviation(ICAO), all passengers must leave the aircraft through exits located on one side in 90 seconds; priority measures to rescue people in such an accident, according to the requirements of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), all passengers must leave the aircraft through the exits located on one side in 90 seconds; the evacuation of passengers should be carried out simultaneously with extinguishing the fire, opening the fuselage must begin with the doors, since they have a higher throughput than the various holes made. the evacuation of passengers should be carried out simultaneously with extinguishing the fire, opening the fuselage must begin with the doors, since they have a higher throughput than the various holes made.

Search and rescue operations when receiving a distress signal from an aircraft, as well as when receiving signals from emergency radio stations (beacons); when receiving a distress signal from an aircraft, as well as when receiving signals from emergency radio stations (beacons); upon receipt of a report from the crew of the aircraft that observed the distress, as well as reports from other eyewitnesses to the distress; upon receipt of a report from the crew of the aircraft that observed the distress, as well as reports from other eyewitnesses to the distress; if within 10 min. after the estimated time of arrival, the aircraft did not arrive at the destination and there is no radio communication with it for more than 5 minutes; if within 10 min. after the estimated time of arrival, the aircraft did not arrive at the destination and there is no radio communication with it for more than 5 minutes; if the crew of the aircraft received permission to land and did not make it at the set time, and radio communication with him was terminated; if the crew of the aircraft received permission to land and did not make it at the set time, and radio communication with him was terminated; in case of loss of radio communication with the crew of the aircraft and the simultaneous loss of the mark of the radar wire or loss of radio communication for more than 5 minutes, if the radar wire was not conducted; in case of loss of radio communication with the crew of the aircraft and the simultaneous loss of the mark of the radar wire or loss of radio communication for more than 5 minutes, if the radar wire was not conducted; in all other cases when the crew of the aircraft requires assistance. in all other cases when the crew of the aircraft requires assistance.


The main causes of accidents and catastrophes in railway transport are malfunctions of the track, rolling stock, signaling, centralization and blocking devices, dispatchers' mistakes, inattention and negligence of drivers.

Most often, rolling stock derails, collisions, collisions with obstacles at level crossings, fires and explosions directly in the cars occur. However, traveling by train is about three times safer than flying an airplane, and 10 times safer than traveling in a car.


Know that in terms of safety, the most best places on the train - central carriages, a compartment with an emergency exit-window or located closer to the exit from the carriage, lower shelves.

Once you are in the car, find out where the emergency exits and fire extinguishers are located. Observe the following rules: - when the train is moving, do not open the outer doors, do not stand on the steps and do not lean out of the windows; - Stow your luggage carefully on the overhead bins; - do not disrupt the stop valve unless absolutely necessary; - remember that even in the event of a fire, you cannot stop the train on a bridge, in a tunnel and in other places where evacuation is difficult; - smoke only in designated areas; - do not carry flammable, chemical and explosive substances with you; - do not connect household appliances to the wagon power supply; - if you smell burnt rubber or smoke, contact the conductor immediately.


In a crash or emergency braking, secure yourself so you don't fall. To do this, grab the handrails and push your feet against the wall or seat. The safest way is to lower yourself onto the floor of the carriage. After the first blow, do not relax and keep all muscles tense until it is completely clear that there will be no more movement.


Immediately after an accident, quickly get out of the carriage through the door or windows - emergency exits (depending on the situation), as there is a high probability of fire. If necessary, break the compartment window only with heavy improvised objects. When leaving the carriage through the emergency exit, get out only to the field side of the railway track, taking documents, money, clothes or blankets with you. In the event of a fire in the carriage, close the windows so that the wind does not fan the flames, and escape the fire into the front carriages. If not possible - go to the end of the train, tightly closing all the doors behind you. Before going out into the corridor, prepare breathing protection: hats, scarves, pieces of cloth soaked in water. Remember that in the event of a fire, the material with which the walls of the cars are lined - malminite - releases a toxic gas that is life-threatening.

Once outside, immediately engage in rescue work: if necessary, help the passengers of other compartments break windows, take out the injured, etc.

If fuel spills during an accident, move away from the train at a safe distance. possible fire and explosion.

If the current-carrying wire is cut off and touches the ground, move away from it by jumping or taking short steps to protect yourself from step voltage. The distance over which the electric current spreads along the ground can be from two (dry ground) to 30 m (wet).

Currently, any type of transport poses a potential threat to human health and life. Technological progress, along with comfort and speed of movement, has brought a significant degree of threat. Depending on the type of transport accident, multiple injuries and burns, including those dangerous to human life, are possible.


About 75% of all accidents in road transport are due to driver violations road traffic... The most dangerous types of violations are still speeding, ignoring road signs, entering oncoming traffic and driving while intoxicated. Very often bad roads (mainly slippery), malfunctioning of cars (in the first place - brakes, in the second - steering, in the third - wheels and tires) lead to accidents.

The peculiarity of car accidents is that 80% of the wounded die in the first three hours due to profuse blood loss.


Keep your composure - this will allow you to drive the machine to the last possible extent. Tighten all the muscles to the limit, do not relax until a complete stop. Do everything to avoid the oncoming impact: a ditch, a fence, a bush, even a tree is better than a car going towards you. Remember that in a collision with a stationary object, the impact of the left or right wing is worse than the entire bumper. Protect your head if a blow is imminent. If the car is going at low speed, press your back into the seat, and, straining all your muscles, put your hands on the steering wheel. If the speed exceeds 60 km / h and you are not wearing a seat belt, press your chest against the steering column.

If you are riding in the front passenger seat, cover your head with your hands and lie on your side, stretched out on the seat. Sitting in the back seat, try to fall to the floor. If there is a child next to you, cover him with yourself.


Decide where in the car and in what position you are, whether the car is on fire and whether gasoline is leaking (especially when overturning). If the doors are jammed, leave the car through the windows, opening them or breaking them with heavy improvised objects. After getting out of the car, move away from it as far as possible - an explosion is possible.


If it falls into the water, the machine can be floated for a short time, long enough to leave it. Get out through the open window, because when the door is opened, the car will suddenly start to sink.

When diving to the bottom with the windows and doors closed, the air in the car is kept for several minutes. Turn on the headlights (to make it easier to look for the car), actively ventilate your lungs (deep breaths and exhalations allow you to fill the blood with oxygen "for future use"), get rid of excess clothes, grab documents and money. Get out of the car through the door or window when the car is half full with water, otherwise you will be hindered by the flow of water into the passenger compartment. If necessary, break the windshield with heavy tools at hand. Squeeze out, grasping the roof of the car with your hands, and then quickly swim upward.


When in public transport, in the absence of free seats, try to stand in the center of the passenger compartment, holding on to the handrail for greater stability. Pay attention to the location of emergency and escape routes.

The electric power supply of trams and trolleybuses creates an additional threat of electric shock to a person (especially in rainy weather), therefore, seating places are the safest. If it is found that the passenger compartment is energized, leave it. In the event of an accident at the exits, panic and crush is possible. In this case, use the emergency exit by pulling out the special cord and squeezing out the glass.

In the event of a fire in the passenger compartment, inform the driver of this, open the doors (using the emergency opener), emergency exits or break the window. If there is a fire extinguisher in the cabin, take measures to eliminate the fire source. Protect the respiratory system from smoke with a handkerchief, scarf, or other items of clothing. Get out of the passenger compartment, bending down and not touching metal parts, as electric shock is possible in trams and trolley buses.

If the bus falls into the water, wait until the passenger compartment is half full, hold your breath and emerge through a door, emergency exit or broken window.


Aircraft accidents and disasters are possible for many reasons. The destruction of individual aircraft structures, engine failure, malfunction of control systems, power supply, communication, piloting, lack of fuel, interruptions in the life support of the crew and passengers lead to serious consequences.


DECOMPRESSION is the vacuum in the aircraft cabin when its tightness is violated. Rapid decompression usually begins with a deafening roar (air escapes). The interior fills with dust and fog. Visibility drops sharply. Air comes out quickly from the lungs of a person, and it cannot be delayed. At the same time, ringing in the ears and pain in the intestines may occur. In this case, without waiting for a command, immediately put on an oxygen mask. Do not try to help anyone before you put on the mask yourself, even if it is your child: if you do not have time to help yourself and pass out, both of you will be without oxygen. Fasten your seat belts immediately after donning your mask and prepare for a sharp drop.


Remember that in the event of a fire on board an aircraft, the greatest danger is smoke, not fire. Breathe only through cotton or woolen clothing, moistened with water if possible. Making your way to the exit, move bent over or on all fours, as there is less smoke at the bottom of the cabin. Protect exposed areas of the body from direct fire by using existing clothing, blankets, etc. After landing and stopping the aircraft, immediately head to the nearest exit, as there is a high probability of an explosion. If the passage is blocked, make your way through the chairs, lowering their backs. When evacuating, dispose of carry-on baggage and avoid exiting through hatches near which there is an open fire or strong smoke.

After exiting the plane, move away from it as far as possible and lie on the ground, pressing your head with your hands - an explosion is possible.

In any situation, act without panic and decisively, this contributes to your salvation.


Adjust your seat belt carefully before every takeoff and landing. It should be tightly fastened as low as possible at your thighs. Check for heavy suitcases over your head.

Takeoff and landing accidents are sudden, so watch out for smoke, sudden descent, engine stalling, etc. Free your pockets from sharp objects, bend and clasp your hands tightly under your knees (or grab your ankles). Put your head on your knees or tilt it as low as possible. Put your feet on the floor, pushing them as far as possible, but not under the front seat. At the moment of impact, strain as much as possible and prepare for a significant overload. Do not, under any circumstances, leave your seat until the plane has come to a complete stop, do not raise a panic.


Most major accidents and catastrophes on ships occur under the influence of hurricanes, storms, fogs, ice, as well as the fault of people - captains, pilots and crew members. Often accidents occur due to missteps and errors in the design and construction of ships.

Among the preliminary protective measures, the passenger may be advised to remember the route from his cabin to the lifeboats on upper deck, since it is very difficult to navigate during a disaster, especially when there is smoke and the ship is heeling.


Remember that the decision to abandon the vessel is made only by the captain. When disembarking from a vessel, follow the instructions of the crew and observe the following rules:

First of all, the boats provide places for women, children, the wounded and the elderly;

Before boarding the boat or liferaft, put on plenty of clothing and a life jacket on top. If possible, load blankets, extra clothing, emergency radio, drinking water and food into the boat;

If you are forced to jump from the side of the ship into the water, then preferably from a height of no more than five meters, covering your mouth and nose with one hand, holding the vest tightly with the other;

Since heat loss in the water increases with each movement, swim only to the life-saving craft;

After loading onto a rescue vehicle, you must sail to a safe distance from the sinking ship (at least 100 m).


Whistle or raise your hand while in the water.

Move as little as possible to keep warm. The loss of heat in water occurs several times faster than in air, so movement, even in warm water, should be limited to just keeping afloat. Wear a lifejacket to keep warm, wrap your arms around the sides chest and lift your hips higher so that the water washes less in the groin area. This method will increase the estimated survival time in cold water by almost 50%. If you are not wearing a lifejacket, look for a floating object and grab onto it to make it easier to stay afloat until the rescuers arrive. Rest on your back.


Take seasickness pills. To keep warm, stay close to other casualties on the boat, do physical exercise... Only let the sick and wounded drink. On the high seas, if there is no reasonable hope of reaching the shore or entering the shipping lanes, try to stay with other boats near the site of the sinking.

Keep your feet as dry as possible. Raise and move your legs regularly to relieve puffiness. Never drink sea ​​water... Retain fluid in the body by cutting back on useless movements. To reduce sweating during the day, moisturize your clothes, and to reduce the temperature inside the raft, moisten the outer shell with water. Consume no more than 500-600 ml of water per day, dividing them into numerous small doses with the largest dose in the evening. Eat only an emergency food supply. Save the smoke bombs until there is a real possibility that they will be noticed. Do not use checkers all together in the hope of discovering yourself, entrust their use to one person.

Do not panic! Remember, the average adult can survive for 3 to 10 days without drinking. With a diet of 500-600 ml of water per day, a reasonably acting adult is able to hold out even in the tropics for at least 10 days without serious changes in the body. You can live a month or more without food.

It's hard to imagine modern life without a car. It is a necessary means of transportation, so every year more and more "iron horses" appear on the roads and in the yards.

Considering the not the best quality of roads, the love of fast driving and the low consciousness of individual drivers, accidents on the roads occur with enviable constancy. According to statistics, road transport is the most dangerous means of transportation. More than 1 million people die every year due to road traffic accidents.

Consequences and causes

Any emergency situation involving a car that occurs on the road and entails damage to cargo, various structures and the vehicle itself, as well as injury and death of people in the law is defined as a road traffic accident (RTA).

Collision and overturning of cars, hitting a pedestrian, departure from the highway are the main types of accidents on the road. The most serious consequence is the death of a person. The victim of an accident is a person whose death occurred at the scene of the accident or during the following week.

The severity of damage, the mechanism of their receipt and localization depend not only on the type of accident, but also on the speed of movement of the vehicle and its structure.

The main causes of accidents in road transport are associated with speeding, ignoring warning signs, poor visibility (, rain), poor track quality, non-observance of traffic rules and aggressive driving.

According to statistics, the risk of getting into an accident increases during peak hours (morning, evening), as well as on holidays and weekends. The greatest danger is posed by a winter road, especially during a thaw.

Rules of conduct in the event of an accident without fatalities

Since 2015, all drivers who have been involved in an accident have the opportunity to resolve the situation without involving traffic police officers, but subject to the following conditions:

  • The maximum amount of damage caused is 100 thousand rubles (since June 2018). For residents of Moscow, St. Petersburg and their regions, a maximum of 400 thousand rubles is set when an accident is recorded by a video recorder. (At the time of this writing, you can find out more accurate data from the changes in the legislation, use the search);
  • There must be no more than 2 participants in an accident;
  • There are no casualties, including pedestrians and passengers;
  • Both cars involved in an accident are insured in the OSAGO.

In such a situation, in the absence of disagreements regarding the accident, drivers need to draw up a Euro-protocol on their own. To do this, you should carefully fill out the form, which is most often attached to the OSAGO policy or issued in person on the day of the insurance contract.

However, there is a slight nuance here. If a motor vehicle with a trailer is involved in an accident, then the simplified procedure using the European protocol is not carried out.

In addition, according to the rules of conduct in case of an accident in road transport, you should take care of witnesses and evidence (just in case). Record or photograph the license plate numbers of vehicles passing by, and public transport... Subsequently, their drivers can be called to testify.

Record on the camera the position of the car and any damage received before removing the car from the road. It is imperative that the picture must show: the braking distance, the numbers of both cars, the location of the fragments or damaged elements.

If you have any comments on what is described in the protocol, do not sign it. Or you have the right to indicate what you disagree with. Never put your signature on a blank letterhead. Unfilled places in the document should be crossed out in order to avoid further additions.

How to deal with an imminent collision

In order to provide yourself and your loved ones with protection in case of accidents in road transport, you must follow the following recommendations:

  1. Control your emotions, do not let go of the steering wheel until the very collision. In this case, you will be able to drive the car to the end, and you may be able to rectify the situation or at least avoid serious damage;
  2. Passengers should group and provide head protection;
  3. The muscles should be in a tense state, so they will take on the entire force of the blow, and not the bones;
  4. Resist moving your body forward in every way;
  5. The driver needs to use the back of the chair as a support, strain his muscles, and press into it. You need to put your hands forward and rest them on the steering wheel;
  6. The lateral position is the safest, so if you are not wearing a seat belt, it is recommended to roll over to your side;
  7. Do not try to get out of the vehicle until it has come to a complete stop. The chances of survival increase 10 times if you are inside the cabin, and do not jump out of it while moving;
  8. In the event of a rollover or in the event of a fire, the car should immediately leave the passenger compartment;
  9. If there is a child next to you, then cover him with yourself and together take a lateral position.

The most dangerous passenger seat is the front seat. This is due to the fact that upon impact, the door can jam and you will have to leave the passenger compartment through the windshield or window.

How to get out of a sinking car

In most cases, when the car fell into a pond, the people in it begin to panic and take rash actions, which aggravate their situation. They just don't quite understand what is happening with their vehicle at the moment.

We provide first aid

In the event of an accident, it is not recommended to move the victims before the arrival of the ambulance, as this can aggravate the severity of the injuries. However, there are exceptions to every rule. You can read the note in our article.

If you witnessed an accident and smelled gasoline, as well as saw smoke in the cabin or the first signs of fire, it is necessary to remove the victims, despite the injuries. It is also not recommended to leave injured people in the car in severe frost, if there is no way to warm them.

There are 2 ways to remove an injured person from a wrecked vehicle:

  • not fixing the neck area with your hand;
  • fixing it.

In the first version, for convenience, slightly turn the passenger's back to you. It is easier to do this by holding it by the belt. Slip your arms under your armpits, and grab the person by the forearm of one hand. Pull out carefully from the passenger compartment.

In the second case, you need to perform the steps indicated above, but only with the hand that is closer to the bent elbow of the injured person, take him by the chin and fix it, pressing his head to his chest. Move the victim to a safe and level place. Wait for medical attention.

Air transport accidents and disasters

Air transport accidents and disasters can occur at the time of:

Engine start;

When parsing on the runway;


During the flight;

Etc. landing.

In such situations, there may be:

Destruction of individual aircraft structures;

Engine failure;

Lack of fuel;

Interruptions in the life support of the crew and passengers;

Disruption of control systems, power transmission, communications, piloting;

Explosions and fires on board the aircraft.

An airplane crash in the air can cause casualties and large losses of property not only on board, but also on the ground, etc., falling on industrial facilities and residential buildings. Crashes of airplanes and helicopters at nuclear power plants and chemical industry facilities can lead to great danger, which can lead to radioactive and chemical contamination of the environment.

On the roads of Ukraine there are about a thousand car accidents every year. So in 2005, 34 thousand accidents happened, 5269 died, 37 thousand people were injured.

The causes of road traffic accidents can be:

Violation of traffic rules;

Exceeding the speed limit;

Insufficient training of drivers; their weak reaction;

Technical malfunctions of cars;

Failure to comply with the rules for the carriage of dangerous goods and failure to comply with safety rules;

Driving while intoxicated;

Unsatisfactory condition of roads (opened hatches, not fenced and not lit areas of repair work);

Lack of hazard warning signs;

Defective alarm when driving through railway crossings;

Violation of traffic rules by pedestrians.

Utilities and energy facilities (networks)

Accidents occur annually at public utilities facilities. The main causes of accidents that occur in buildings and structures are:

Poor quality of projects and construction works;

Violation of technological discipline;

Depreciation of basic building assets;

The presence on the markets of construction services, low-skilled research, design, construction structures;

Imperfection of the regulatory framework;

Involvement in economic activity of significant territories with complex engineering and geological conditions;

Insufficient control by the relevant authorities;

Lack of regulatory framework, etc.

A rather critical state in the country developed in utilities. State of the art The water supply and sewerage system is characterized by an unsatisfactory technical condition of facilities, equipment, imperfection of the regional management structure and regulatory framework to ensure its reliable and regulatory framework to ensure its reliable and effective functioning.

The level of provision of the population of Ukraine centralized water supply and the sewerage state as of January 1, 1998 is determined in the table.

The level of provision of the population of Ukraine

A quarter of water treatment facilities and networks (in value terms) have actually worked out their service life, 22% of the networks are in emergency condition. The period of exploitation of every fifth pumping station has expired. In fact, the service life of half of the pumping units has ended, of which 40% require replacement. Preventive maintenance is performed by 73%. The number of accidents on water supply networks in Ukraine significantly exceeds the corresponding level in European countries. In sewerage systems, there is a depreciated 26% of 7% of pumping stations, as well as 48% of pumping units, 46% of which require replacement. Only half of the planned preventive repairs are being carried out.

Today, almost 250 m 3 of waste water is discharged into water bodies without prior purification. Over 1250 rural settlements are provided with imported drinking water... Almost half of the underground water comes across municipal water pipelines with a deviation from the standard: it has an increased total hardness, an increased content of the dry residue of iron, manganese, fluorine, nitrates and ammonia compounds, etc.

The entry into water bodies of a significant amount of hazardous and toxic substances, the discharge of urban and industrial wastewater, storm runoff from built-up areas, industrial facilities and agricultural land, damage to water supply and sewerage networks worsen the ecological state of water supply sources. Limited technical capabilities in purifying drinking water and providing it in sufficient quantities for the population of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Dnepropetrovsk, Donetsk, Ivano-Frankovsk, Lugansk, Nikolaev, Odessa, Kherson and a number of other regions, the city of Sevastopol lead to the risk of the spread of infectious diseases.

Dnipropetrovsk Vodokanal is 135 years old. Every year, at least 3 impulses! - 4904 accidents in 2005

Real water losses reach 40 - 45 %. On the territory of the region more than 600 enterprises which pollute air it's 5 % the number of all pollutant enterprises in Ukraine.

Discharge volume pollutants into the atmosphere is about 22% from the total volumes in Ukraine. V surface waters areas falls annually 2 bln. m 3 household waste water, which leaves 25 % from the total amount of wastewater in Ukraine. The groundwater most polluted in places of concentration of mining, coal, chemical, metallurgical industries - in the cities of Dnepropetrovsk, Krivoy Rog, Nikopol, Dneprodzerzhinsk, Pavlograd, Ozhenikidze, Zheltye Vody, Volnogorsk, etc.

Currently, 344 870 objects of public utilities are subject to inspection to determine their technical condition. 900 objects were identified as unsuitable for further exploitation, of which 250 are

th 4370 km engineering networks is in an extremely threatening technical condition. At the enterprises of Gosneftegazprom there are over 15,300 objects that are subject to inspection to determine their technical condition. Of this number, 7 objects were found unsuitable, as well as those that are in critical condition. At the enterprises of the Ministry of Coal Industry there are more than 49,850 objects that are also subject to inspection. During the survey, 380 objects were identified, the further operation of which is impossible. There are 22 objects in the system of the Ministry of Education, which are also impossible to exploit (educational buildings of universities, institutes, vocational schools).

Citizens of Ukraine who live in the "Khrushchevkas" built at the end 50s - early 70s run the risk of becoming homeless in the near future. Buildings built with a safety factor of 40 - 50 years old, today they are practically out of date and can become a mass grave for their residents. Those who have escaped the "happiness" of living in "Khrushchev" should not be happy either. We live in a country where basic industries operate 35 million tons load-bearing mechanical and more than 250 million m reinforced concrete structures. A significant part of them have already exhausted their design resource. The safe operation life of the ATS reactor casings is coming to an end. 77.2 yew. km water supply networks are in disrepair.

In the Dnipropetrovsk region there is 533 buildings and structures in disrepair.

Today in Ukraine over 17,000 bridges... Almost all of them do not have appropriate supervision, their condition is not monitored. On public roads 34% of bridges were built before 1961, although the estimated service life does not exceed 30-40 years. 147% of railway bridges are in poor condition.

In the Dnipropetrovsk region, the technical condition 17 (railway) bridges are in disrepair 15 bridges - in a state close to emergency.

More than 80% є at thermal power plants of Ukraine have already worked out their calculated resource, and 48% have exceeded the limit resource, 40 - 50 thousand. km of power grids put into operation before 1970 have practically exhausted their resource.

In Ukraine, over 35 million tons of load-bearing metal structures and over 259 million m of reinforced concrete structures are operated in the main areas of industry. They are concentrated, first of all, at the facilities of the basic regions: ferrous metallurgy, coal mining, energy, chemical, oil and gas, machine-building, shipbuilding industries. The structures have significant physical wear and tear.

Such a state of affairs with buildings and structures that were put into operation not only 50 - 70 years ago, but also over the past 10-20 years, indicates that there is no proper order in their maintenance, an appropriate system that would provide qualified

operation, engineering diagnostics of their condition, timely repair, and would prevent accidents, thereby ensuring the preservation of the national heritage, safety, unwanted violations of the ecological state of the natural environment.

As the results of accident investigations show, the main reasons that lead to accidents on buildings and structures in the country are: low quality of projects and work performance, violation of technological discipline, as well as the demolition of basic construction funds, the attraction of large territories with complex engineering and geological conditions, the presence on the market of construction services of low-skilled research, design, construction structures, imperfection of the regulatory framework, lack of necessary laws, insufficient control by the relevant authorities, etc.

Hydraulic engineering objects

Hydrodynamic accidents occur when various hydraulic structures are destroyed - river dams, sea and river dams, etc.

Breakthrough of dams can be triggered by geological or meteorological natural disasters, caused by excessive water pressure due to catastrophic floods, dilapidated structures, as a result of malicious intent.

When a dam breaks, it can form destructive force a wave dangerous for residents of settlements located downstream. Its size and speed of propagation depend on the volume of water held back by the dam, the height of its level above the terrain and the rate of destruction of the dam. Wave speed can reach 25 km / h in flat areas, and 100 km / h in mountainous areas! The force of the impact largely depends on the topography of the site. On a plain, where the wave has the ability to spread out to the sides, the shock of the wave is less significant and weakens quickly. In mountainous areas, in gorges, where the water has nowhere to go, and especially with strong elevation changes that contribute to acceleration, the shock force of the wave can reach catastrophic proportions and does not weaken until it reaches the "operational space". In addition, the water bursting through the dam, dragging stones along with it and undermining the banks, turn into a salt stream.

Parameters of reservoirs of the Dnieper cascade of hydroelectric power stations and zones of possible

catastrophic flooding

Name Kiev hydroelectric power station Kanevskaya HPP Kremenchuzhskaya HPP Dnepropetrovsk hydroelectric power station Dnieper hydroelectric power station Kakhovskaya HPP
Distance between dam axes km -
Reservoir volume km 3 3,7 2,6 13,9 2,4 3,3 18,2
Mirror area km2
Reservoir length km -
Depth maximum m 14,5 21,0 20,0 16,0 53,0 22,0
Length of dams km 40,9 - 10,7 8,1 - 3,2
Width of the ridge, dam m - -
Flooded area km 2 150,0 335,0 2250,0 840,0 342,0 640,0
Vego is flooded with settlements
Thousands of people fall into the flood zone 590,8 73,0 540,0 366,0 195,0 101,0
Falls into the zone of possible flooding of economic facilities that continue to work -

Hydrotechnical accidents that take place in Ukraine can be: breakthroughs of dams (dams, sluices) with the formation of breakthrough waves and catastrophic flooding or with the formation of a breakthrough flood;

The re-equipment of the banks of large reservoirs was extremely intensive in the first years after filling. The largest scale was reached on the banks of Kanevskaya (373 km, which is equal to 42% of the total length of the coastline), Kremenchugskaya (25% of the length of the coastline), Dnieper (195 km, 35% of the coastline) and on Dneprodzerzhinskaya (115 km, 32% coastline) reservoirs.

A significant part of the coastline is protected by engineering structures (along the Dnieper cascade 611 km or 17% of the entire coastline).

In Ukraine, according to the State Committee for Geology flooded close to 800 thousand hectares of land, which is 15% of the territory (including 200 thousand hectares in irrigated zones). The flooding zone includes 240 cities and urban-type settlements, 138 thousand private houses. The development of this negative process in urban areas is characterized by a wide variety of reasons and factors: water loss from water-carrying communications, unorganized surface runoff, elimination or deterioration of the filtration properties of soils of natural drainage systems (beams, channels of small rivers, etc.), a decrease in evaporation due to with asphalting, garages, foundations, collector tracks, tunnels.

One of the most important causes of land flooding is hydrotechnical construction, which led to a redistribution of river flow and blocking of natural drainage pathways for groundwater. Thus, the system of large reservoirs of the Dnieper cascade caused a rise in the water level in the Dnieper from 12 to 12 hectares, as a result of which huge areas of the Dnieper region were flooded. There is a catastrophic degree of damage to this process (50%) in the zone of influence of the Kremenchug reservoir. The main reason for the flooding of agricultural land was the construction of irrigation networks with untimely introduction of drainage facilities: including in the zone of influence of the North Crimean canal, 96 thousand hectares were flooded, the Kakhovka irrigation system - 5.1 thousand hectares. ha, Kalanchatskaya - 9.1 thousand ha. As you know, the flooding of significant territories is the result of a mismanaged attitude towards development, insufficient study of geotechnical conditions, the lack of the necessary investment for the design, construction and operation of facilities in difficult geotechnical conditions.

All this leads to extremely negative consequences - groundwater pollution, increased humidity and deterioration of the sanitary state of the territory, salinization and waterlogging of soils, soaking of green spaces, a decrease in agricultural productivity, deformation of buildings, the occurrence of processes such as shifts, subsidence, karsts, collapses.

The creation of the Dnieper cascade of hydroelectric power plants with large reservoirs, although it reduces the risk of flooding the territory during floods, nevertheless, creates the danger of catastrophic flooding when the dams of these reservoirs break.

The emergence of catastrophic flooding on the territory of the countries is possible as a result of the destruction of dams, dams, culverts at 12 hydroelectric complexes and 16 reservoirs of the Dnieper, Dniester, Yuzhny Bug, Seversky Donets rivers. Their total area can reach 8294 km 2, which includes 536 settlements and 470 industrial facilities for various purposes.

In Ukraine, close to 1 yew was built. reservoirs with a volume of more than 1 million m 3 and an area of ​​the water surface of about 1 million hectares and 24 thousand. ponds. Most dams are earthen (from local materials or alluvial).

Significant propagation velocity (3 - 25 km / h), height (10 - 20 m) and impact force (5 t / m2) of the breakthrough wave, as well as the rate of flooding of the entire territory, are characteristic of catastrophic flooding during the destruction of hydraulic structures.

Catastrophic flooding can result from the destruction of significant hydraulic structures. The most dangerous in this respect are the Dnieper, Dniester and South Bug cascades of hydraulic structures. For example, in the event of the destruction of dams at all hydraulic structures of the Dnieper cascade, the area of ​​catastrophic flooding is about 7020 thousand hectares with a population of almost 1.5 million people. About 270 industrial enterprises, 14 power plants, 200 km of power lines, numerous networks and structures of gas and water supply, many bridges may be put out of action.

Significant activation of gravitational processes (shifts, landslides, etc.) occurs in connection with the operation of the Dnieper cascade of hydroelectric power plants. The intensification of abrasion and erosion of soils is noted in the areas of hydraulic structures on the coasts of the Black and Azov Seas, during work from changing river channels, etc.


Prevention and elimination of natural and man-made emergencies in the world, in Ukraine and in the Dnipropetrovsk region is the main task of the state and every citizen

Topic 2. Causes and classification of emergencies in Ukraine and Dnepropetrovsk region.


1. Classification of natural, man-made, socio-political and military emergencies.

2. Emergencies natural in Ukraine and Dnepropetrovsk region.

Natural disasters of a lithospheric (geological) nature (earthquakes, landslides, landslides, talus, karst).

Natural disasters of a hydrospheric nature (flooding, flooding).

Natural disasters of an atmospheric (meteorological) nature.

Infectious diseases people and animals. Plant diseases.

3. Classification of technogenic emergencies according to the scale of consequences and industry characteristics.

Technogenic emergencies (accidents, disasters) in Ukraine and the Dnipropetrovsk region.

At radiation hazardous facilities.

At chemically dangerous facilities.

At fire and explosive facilities.

At transport facilities (vehicles).

At utilities and energy facilities (networks).

At hydraulic facilities.



1. ML. Steblyuk, Civil defense, pidruchnik, Kiev, Znannya, 1994, pp. 13-66, 2004. pp. 30-114.

2. O.P. Deputy, I.V. Kovalenko, 1.S. Man Civilna Defense, Chief Owner, Lviv, Afisha, 2000, pp. 51-92

3. M.S. Nikolaev, Civil defense at the objects of the agro-industrial complex, student, Moscow, 1990, pp. 17-24.

4. P.A. Akimov, V.G. Ilyin, Civil defense at agricultural production facilities, textbook, Agroprom, 1984, p.

5. V.V. Sergeev, Protection of the population and territories in emergency situations, tutorial for universities, - Moscow, 2003. - 432s.

All activities and life of the population of the country depend on the reliable and safe operation of transport. About 3.5 billion tons of cargo is transported in Russia annually. More than 100 million people are transported by all types of transport every day. But at the same time, a significant number of disasters, accidents and incidents occur in transport, from which a large number of people die and are injured, huge material damage and environmental damage are inflicted.

In 1992-2000 alone, 852 emergencies occurred on the country's rail, air and water transport, as a result of which 3,815 people were injured, of which 2,111 people died. Leadership in the number of tragic consequences and material damage belongs to road transport - it is the most emergency not only in our country, but also in many developed countries. Every year, more than 300 thousand people die from accidents in this type of transport in the world and about 8 million people are injured and injured, including in the USA - about 55 thousand and 2 million, in Russia - about 30 thousand and more 180 thousand respectively.

Features of transport accidents (disasters)

When organizing rescue operations to eliminate the consequences of transport accidents and disasters, it is necessary to take into account the following features:

Accidents and disasters occur along the route, as a rule, suddenly, in most cases at a high speed of traffic, which leads to bodily harm to the victims, often to the occurrence of a state of shock in them, often to death;
untimely receipt of reliable information about what happened, which leads to a delay in assistance, to an increase in the number of victims, including due to the lack of survival skills among the victims;
the absence, as a rule, at the initial stage of work of special equipment, necessary means of extinguishing fires and difficulties in organizing effective methods of evacuation from emergency vehicles;
difficulty in determining the number of victims at the scene of an accident or disaster, the difficulty of sending a large number of them to medical institutions, taking into account the required specifics of treatment;
complication of the situation in the event of an accident of vehicles carrying hazardous substances;
the need to organize a search for the remains of the dead and material evidence of the disaster, often over large areas;
the need to organize reception, accommodation and service (food, communication services, transportation, etc.) of the arriving relatives of the victims and the organization of sending the dead to their burial places;
the need for an early resumption of traffic on transport communications.

accidents in road transport

There are the following types of rescuing victims during the elimination of the consequences of road accidents that occurred during: collision, overturning of cars and collisions; at level crossings; during the transportation of dangerous goods; in case of fires in vehicles; when cars fall from steep slopes; when cars hit by avalanches and sat down; when cars fall into bodies of water.

To carry out emergency rescue operations in the elimination of the consequences of accidents on vehicles, you must have:

Fire extinguishing agents;
tools and equipment (fixtures, machines) for lifting and moving heavy objects, cutting profile metal, unclamping (cutting) structures;
means of searching for victims and vehicles, lighting, communications, first aid to victims and their evacuation;life support equipment for working under water, collecting and disinfecting hazardous substances.

In some cases, climbing equipment may be required for rescue operations.

Depending on the situation resulting from a road traffic accident, the following groups may be involved in the work to rescue victims:

Emergency rescue, fire fighting, emergency recovery and emergency technical; institutions and services of executive authorities, including ambulance, disaster medicine units;
forces and means of territorial subsystems of the RSChS and their links.

Moreover, according to Federal law"On emergency services and the status of rescuers" dated August 22, 1995 No. 151-FZ, participants in this accident and, on a voluntary basis, individual citizens who find themselves in the accident zone can be involved in the rescue of victims of a road traffic accident.

In order to increase the efficiency of rendering assistance to victims of road accidents, service areas (responsibilities) of emergency rescue teams are determined, which are established by departmental regulatory legal documents, taking into account the capabilities of these formations. Service areas are agreed with the relevant commissions for emergencies subjects Russian Federation and municipalities and are reflected in the action plans for the prevention and elimination of emergencies of the corresponding subsystems and links of the RSChS.

In practice, in case of road traffic accidents, the places of emergency rescue operations are divided into three zones. In the first zone (within a radius of 5 meters from the accident object) there are specialists who are directly involved in providing assistance to victims. In the second zone (within a radius of 10 meters), the remaining members of the rescue teams are located, who ensure the readiness of emergency rescue equipment. In the third zone (within a radius of more than 10 meters) there are means for delivering rescuers to the scene of the accident, lighting and fencing and other emergency technical means.

The time standards for the arrival of forces of various departments are determined by regulatory documents or commissions for emergency situations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities for each area of ​​responsibility in accordance with local conditions.

First of all, assistance is provided to victims who are not trapped, but only blocked in a deformed passenger compartment and can leave the car through non-glazed window openings, hatches, doors on their own or with the help of rescuers.

Then the clamped parts of the victims' bodies are released. Depending on the specific situation, bending of sheet and profile metal, biting of racks, partitions, and seats is carried out. Manholes are made in the body, roof, bottom, in some cases, the roof is removed completely.

To extract the injured from under the car, the car is lifted with the help of lifting mechanisms and devices, or digging is carried out in the ground.

When carrying out rescue operations, rescuers must be constantly prepared to extinguish a fire that may arise when working, especially with power tools.

In case of an accident on vehicles carrying dangerous goods

it is necessary to be guided by the information contained in the cargo documents (emergency card), as well as information tables on the vehicles. Info Tables contain Emergency Action Code, UN Dangerous Substance Identification Number and Danger Label.

A hazard symbol indicates the type of hazard through the use of five main symbols: bomb (explosion); flame (fire); skull and crossbones (toxicity); shamrock (radioactivity); liquids pouring out of two glass tubes and infecting the hand (corrosion). These symbols are complemented by four other symbols: oxidizing substances (flame above the circle); non-flammable non-toxic gases (gas cylinder); infectious substances (three crescents superimposed on a circle); various low-hazard substances (seven vertical stripes).

When transporting dangerous goods, organizations - consignors (consignees) must hand over to the driver (accompanying person) for each shipment an emergency action plan, which specifies the notification procedure, the time of arrival and actions of the emergency team, the list of necessary equipment and tools, their technology to eliminate the consequences of the accident. application. This information should be used in the preparation and organization of emergency rescue operations.

Measures to rescue victims during the transportation of dangerous goods are determined by the nature of the injury to people, the amount of damage to technical equipment, the presence of secondary damaging factors.

Traffic accidents when cars fall from steep slopes

usually have serious consequences, since in many cases they lead to the death of all or almost all of the victims in the cabin, cabin or body.

It is necessary to carry out rescue and other urgent work in such incidents, to retrieve and raise (or lower) to a certain site the injured or the dead and technical means, as a rule, using mountaineering equipment and climbing equipment. In these cases, rescuers must be appropriately trained, qualified and equipped. Illumination of the workplace is required at night.

Road traffic accidents associated with vehicles hit by avalanches and mudflows,

have a different nature of the impact and the severity of the consequences.

Avalanches, representing the natural collapse of a snow mass located on slopes with a steepness of more than 10-15 °, have a thickness of up to 10-15 m and more. The structure of avalanche snow, its density and air permeability are different and depend on the conditions of avalanche formation and weather conditions.

In most cases, people caught in an avalanche can remain alive for several hours, tens of hours, and even one or two days (depending on physical condition the body and the degree of injuries).

Mudflow, which is a viscous mixture of stones, soil, trees, etc. with water, caused by heavy precipitation, breaking through obstacles, moves unevenly. Depending on the profile of the bed, the steepness of the slope, the nature of the mudflow mass and other factors, the speed of the mudflow can be up to 8-10 m / sec. The degree of impact of the mudflow on a car that has got into it is determined by the power of the flow.

The detection of vehicles blocked by an avalanche or mudflow is carried out visually, according to eyewitnesses, using technical means of search and specially trained dogs.

If the location of the vehicles under the rubble is found, it is marked on the ground and unblocking is carried out by means of fragments of pits, trenches, manholes or continuous disassembly of the elements of the rubble using small mechanization means, if necessary, engineering equipment (bulldozers, excavators, truck cranes, etc.).

In order to determine the degree of road blockages, it is advisable to conduct aerial reconnaissance of the area using a helicopter equipped with a standard set of aerial reconnaissance. In some cases, to inspect hard-to-reach areas, specialists can be disembarked with a helicopter landing near the task execution areas.

In all cases, it is necessary to exclude work in the absence of visibility and in conditions conducive to repeated avalanches or the passage of a mudflow.

The area for clearing debris should be cordoned off to keep people and equipment out of the way.

In the area of ​​work, it is necessary to equip a heating point for personnel and a storage area for technical equipment, medicines, food and warm clothing.

Road traffic accidents associated with falling cars from bridges, overpasses, coastal roads into water bodies

(river, lake, sea, etc.), are aggravated by the following circumstances: receiving injuries by the victims, excluding their independent rescue; clamping victims in deformed vehicles; ice conditions or low water temperature; great depth of the reservoir.

If the injured vehicle is not visually visible on the surface and in the water, then according to the testimony of eyewitnesses who got to the surface, a sequential search for victims is carried out in the proposed sector, taking into account the course of the demolition.

Having found the victim, he must be captured and transported to the shore, where to provide him with first aid.

If the cabin or the interior of the car has maintained a relative tightness, then the remaining air for some time may be sufficient for the survival of the victims (in such cases, rescuers need to act quickly to rescue them). These operations are carried out by rescuers in light diving equipment in compliance with the established safety requirements.

The lifting of vehicles to the surface is carried out with a crane of the appropriate lifting capacity after securing the vehicle with a cable.

Road traffic accidents with road transport at level crossings

occur in the following cases: malfunctions of the automatic signaling at level crossings, when the level crossing remains open when a train approaches; due to the fault of the drivers of vehicles, who, trying to follow the closed crossing in various illegal ways, fall under the locomotive. These incidents are characterized by a high severity of consequences, which is associated with characteristic features railway transport: large mass and high speed movement of rolling stock, transportation a large number passengers, cargo (including dangerous), high voltage power supply of the locomotive, etc.

The features of eliminating the consequences of road accidents at level crossings are set out below.