Children's drawings on the theme of my hometown. Competition works of children on the topic: My favorite city. Learn to draw a city

Irina Pavlovskaya

“You are not remembering a big country that you have traveled and learned.

You remember the Motherland as you saw it in childhood ”

K. Simonov "Motherland"

Modern researchers consider the national-regional component as a fundamental factor in the integration of social and pedagogical conditions in the patriotic and civic education of preschoolers. At the same time, the emphasis is on fostering love for one's home, nature, and culture of the small homeland.

Acquaintance of children with relatives edge: with historical and cultural, national, geographical, natural features forms in them such character traits that will help them become a patriot and a citizen of their homeland. After all, vivid impressions of native nature, history native land received in childhood, often remain in the memory of a person for life.

We live in the old Borisoglebsk named after Saints Boris and Gleb. Small quiet streets, beautiful squares, Urban park of culture and rest, Vorona river - everyone can name their favorite place in the city... The pupils of our kindergarten also have such places. The guys, together with their educators and parents, decided to draw the most beautiful and "famous" sights of Borisoglebsk.

In their drawings, children drew sights and monuments that are in the city.

Another popular place in the city was easily recognizable in the pictures. city ​​- fountain.

Children also painted their favorite places of rest - a kindergarten, playgrounds, the banks of the Vorona and Khopra rivers.

And, of course, the most favorite place for entertainment - Urban park of culture and rest.


Pedagogical goal: to reveal the historical concept of "city"; to consolidate the knowledge of the streets and the name of the hometown; continue to acquaint with the hometown, enriching and expanding knowledge about the memorable places of the city; to form the ability to notice the shortcomings of their work and correct them, to foster love for their hometown; oral speech; analytical skills, the ability to compare objects with each other, to highlight the features of each object; to improve the ability to depict objects, conveying their shape, size, structure, proportions, color composition, to form a stable interest in visual activity in children.

Mastering the content of educational areas: "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Cognitive development", "Speech development".

Direction: Visual activity (drawing)

Target reference points of education: has a developed imagination, which is realized in a visual form of activity, shows curiosity, emotionally responds to the beauty of the surrounding world.

Activities: visual, communicative, motor.

Means of implementation: visual: a sample of pedagogical drawing; artistic: paintings depicting the landscapes of their hometown; verbal: poems; multimedia: presentation "Our city"

Equipment: for the teacher: watercolors, brushes, jars of water, napkins, easel; for children: watercolors, brushes, jars of water, napkins.

Organizational structure of the lesson

1. Introduction to the topic.

Guys, what is the name of our country? (Children's answers) Are there many cities in Russia? Look, this is a photo of our city (shows a photo of our hometown) What is the name of the city in which we live? What is the name of the inhabitants of our city?

My sweet, kind city,

You are very dear to me,

You best city in the world

All over the big Earth.

I love to walk with my dad

Through the great streets

And smile at people

Familiar and stranger.

O. Zykova

Today in the lesson you will draw your favorite places in your hometown. But first, we will take a walk around our city to remember its sights.

2. Cognitive activity.

1) Discovery of new knowledge. What is a city.

Do you know where the word "city" came from? Say the word "city" slowly, listen carefully to this word. In fairy tales, epics, the city was called in the old way the city: Kiev-city, Moscow-city. ”In ancient times, there were frequent wars for land, and in order to protect themselves from enemies, people fenced themselves with high fences, and then erected fortresses. words "fence", "fenced off" a familiar word? Since then, the fenced-in place has been called the city. So from the old word "grad" modern word"city".

2) Informative and informational conversation. Our city.

The teacher shows slides and invites children to tell about their city.

What is the name of the street you live on? What houses are there on your street? What shops are there near your house? Where do you like to hang out on weekends? Where do you go to watch children's performances? Where did you watch the circus show? Are there museums, theaters in our city ??? What corner in our city do you like the most ??

3) Didactic game "What is this?"

The teacher distributes fragments of paintings to groups of children of 4-6 people, offers to put together an image of one of the attractions from them and name it.

3. Creative practical activity.

1) Oral drawing.

Today I invite you to draw your favorite corner in our city. I have a park. Look at my drawing. What will you draw? (children's answers)

2) Demonstration of work techniques.

The teacher shows children drawing techniques, paying attention to how best to place objects on a sheet of paper, taking into account all the proportions, to convey their color, to draw a background.

3) Work on a creative assignment.

Task: complete a drawing of your favorite corner of your hometown.

Physical education

We spin the mill forward, and then vice versa.

We will all bend over, as if we are jumping into a pool.

And then we bend back

Let's warm up well.

And it's time for us to jump, we haven't jumped in the morning.

The step in place in confinement is also an exercise.

Galloped, stretched-

So we had a nice rest!

4. Reflection.

1) Exhibition of works. Children arrange drawings, admire them. Discuss them.

2) Summing up.

How well you know your city! What wonderful corners it has! I am happy to travel to these places and admire their beauty! Did you like your drawings yourself ?? And I really liked it.

The Maternity Portal together with the Museum of Moscow announces a children's drawing competition "MY CITY"!

  • Drawings in any technique are accepted (paints, pencils, felt-tip pens, crayons, etc.)
  • Children from 5 to 10 years old can take part in the program (age is limited by the scope of interest and the opportunity to take advantage of the main prize)
  • One drawing is accepted from the owner of the conference account with the status of at least "candidate".
  • The drawing must be done by the child of the conference participant who submits the work for the competition.
  • Drawings can be scanned or photographed (JPG file).
  • The application must be neatly framed (when scanning - unnecessary margins are cut off, when re-photographing, unnecessary objects must not fall into the picture, the picture must occupy the entire frame)
  • The size of the larger side is no more than 800 pixels (larger ones will be reduced to 800)
  • The caption must indicate the age of the child-author of the drawing.

Applications are accepted from October 8 to November 4, voting from November 5 to 11 inclusive. ALL ACCEPTED DRAWINGS WILL BE HIDDEN PRIOR TO VOTING. Results will be announced on November 12.
During the voting, 3 votes are taken from each viewer.

Grand Prize

Free participation in the unique and exciting interactive program "Solar Capital" from the Museum of Moscow.
The prize can be used on one of the following days: November 18 at 11.30, at 2.30 pm, November 22 at 17.00

Honorable Mention

Free admission to the museum for all other participants in the competition.
The prize can be used on one of the following days: November 22 or 25.

More about the prize - the program "Sunny Capital!"

Do you know why many people don't know history? Because they simply did not explain how interesting it was.

The game studio of the Museum of Moscow gives children the opportunity to immerse themselves in the fascinating world of ancient eras and become heroes of a historical novel for a couple of hours.

The studio offers the following programs:

"We meet by clothes"

Children will be able to become a medieval citizen of Moscow, try on city costumes, and also learn a lot about the life of those times. Kids will be able to take part in ancient rituals and make a rag doll - kuvadka.

"Building a city"

Who among us has not dreamed of participating in a real medieval battle? But in order to become a real fighter, you need to learn the basics - how defensive structures were built, what offensive weapons are, and what needs to be done in order to protect your city from the enemy. With the help of this program, children will learn everything about the traditions and customs of the construction of medieval Moscow. They will understand what caused the current appearance of the capital and how our city was able to repel enemy attacks. The program also includes a practical lesson. Each child will be able to apply the knowledge gained by building his own plan of Moscow with the help of the designer.

"Business - time, fun - an hour!"

If the child is tired of school, it doesn't matter. We can offer a short alternative education in medieval Moscow. With the help of a historical excursion, children will have the opportunity to visit educational institution of that time, to solve a couple of problems with the help of an abacus, to demonstrate the skill of calligraphy on wax tablets - tsera, and also to play Russian folk games at recess.

"Tsar's name days" (Birthday)

This game program will help the child learn about how the name day was celebrated in medieval Moscow. Children will be able to get acquainted with long-forgotten rituals and find out their meaning, play with traditional toys and even sit on a real royal throne.

"Dedication to classmates" (graduation party for students in grades 1-4)

IN game form children will be able to get acquainted with the life of a medieval school. They will be able to learn how the teaching of Old Russian grammar, writing and mathematics was conducted. But most importantly, they will have to immerse themselves in the world of school customs and traditions, as well as experience the most memorable graduation in their lives. At the end of the game, children will be able to eat buckwheat porridge from one pot and become real "classmates". As a keepsake, they will receive a certificate of successful
completion of training, signed by the clerk-teacher.

Works of my pupils

In our preschool educational institution, within the framework of the thematic week "My Little Homeland", an exhibition of works on the topic: "My beloved city" was held.
Together with the children, we did several works with non-traditional techniques.

Job title: "Hometown Street"(applique from boxes)
1. To form the ability to paste over boxes with colored paper, to supplement the craft with an applicative image of windows;
2. Develop the ability to establish a connection between the buildings and structures created by children and what they see in the life around them;
3. To develop in children the ability to work collectively, to combine their crafts in accordance with the general idea;
4. Promote the development of independence, creativity, friendliness.

Job title: "The ring of our city"(application in the technique of "tearing" paper; "roses" and corrugated paper balls)

Purpose: continuing training in compositional mastery. Using techniques and methods of paper plastic in creating flowers.
1. To improve the artistic and creative abilities of children in the process of productive activity;
2. Continue to master the skills of making paper flowers;
3. To develop artistic taste, imagination, creativity;
4. To cultivate an aesthetic attitude to the world around us.

Job title: "The house I live in"(cereal applique)
Goal: Development of fine motor skills of the hands; development of imagination, creative thinking.

A variety of cereals are useful for work, we used peas, rice, corn grits, pearl barley.
To make such an applique, you need to draw the outline of the drawing on paper, determine where the groats will be. then apply glue to a specific area and generously apply cereal of the desired color to the area covered with glue. Then remove the excess cereal.

Job title: "There are different houses"(fabric applique)

Job title: "The city I live in"(yarn applique)

I performed these works for an exhibition for my son's group.