Kedmi new. Yakov Kedmi - International Review (Video) Last. Early years of life

Jacob Kedmi is well-known to Russian television shows on television shows. When they give the floor to the kedmi, few people are driving him to interrupt or burn. Impeccable Russian language, argument of arguments and iron logic cause the audience to listen carefully, interrupting his monologues only by deserved applause.

Surname Kedmi former Muscovite Jacob Kazakov received a few years after the scandalous history, which ended with his move to Israel. He was the first of those who, without having a single relative in Israel, received an official permission to leave this country. It was his first, but not the last victory. Therefore, his name is not so long ago of the published books "hopeless wars" should not be understood literally. The battle of him in his difficult life of the battle only from other skeptics could seem hopeless. In fact, the word "hopeless" should be added to add the words "it would seem" or quoted this word in the name of the volumetric and quite frank book by Kedmi. I use the following text of this book, but not only it.

Declassified service

The name of the secret Israeli service "NATIV" was made public quite by chance as a result of the reservation of the Minister of Finance of this country in the early 1990s. The reason for its particular secrecy was that the service actually worked against the USSR and the countries of Eastern Europe.

Jacob Kedmi 22 worked in the "native" (translated from Hebrew - "Trail"), of which 7 years was its leader. The service submitted directly to the Prime Minister of the country.

It should be noted that for about two decades ago, publications about the "native" began to appear in open print, so it was so secret, as it was often wrote, she already ceased to be. Even before Memoirov, J. Kedmi appeared the book of Isaac Doychman on the special services of Israel, in which it was written about the "most secret service" "NATIV", and about Yakov Kedmi. It was noted that Emissary employees "NATIV" carried out propaganda and organizational work on the stimulation of Soviet Aliya ("Aliya" - repatriation of Jews in Israel), and also conducted intelligence work. As for the "recruitment" activity, which was attributed to this secret service, then it affirms Kedmi, was not. The fact is that the need for such a recruitment disappeared due to the possibility of freely assembled in future repatriates of interaction on the political, economic and military situation of their current residence.

The leadership of the "NATIV" as its representatives carefully selected the hotly devoted caused by young Zionists-volunteers, well acquaintances with ritualness (for work in synagogues) and secular Jewish customs, as well as fluent in at least three spoken languages. Kedmi fully consistent with these requirements and got into the "native" not by chance.

First victories

The word "Jew" Moskvich Yasha Kazakov for the first time heard from his peers a three-year-old child, and with a clearly negative meaning. Educated and quite assimilated parents, Russian Jews, expressed the meaning of this word. Subsequently, he had repeatedly encountered anti-Semitism. Already being young people, Yakov plunged into reading serious literature. By turning around in solid Moscow libraries, the deposits of little-known literature, including the treatises of the Zionists and Anti-Semites, he concluded that further life in the Soviet Union for him, as a Jew, does not make sense. He had a burning desire to move to live in the country, where it, like other Jews, will not be considered a "ugly dunchon."

Yakov did not wait a long time and began decisive actions aimed at receiving permission to leave. In February 1967, he broke through the territory of the Israeli embassy and stated that he wanted to move to a permanent place of residence in this country. A week later, I repeated my audacious act and got the desired form for immigration at the embassy. In June of the same year, when the USSR ripped diplomatic relations with Israel because of the six-day war, the Kedmi responded to Soviet citizenship, demanding to provide him with the opportunity to go to Israel forever. Then he penetrated the US Embassy in Moscow with a request to help him in the way to Israel.

On May 20, 1968, Kedmi sent to The Supreme Council The USSR letter in which he hardly condemned the manifestations of anti-Semitism in the country, put forward the demand to deprive him of Soviet citizenship and proclaimed himself as a citizen of Israel. There was no such precedent in the Soviet Union yet. In addition, he was able to publish his relevant statements in the Western press. When he eventually, looking into his mailbox, found permission to depart in Israel in it, then his victorious crying permeed all the floors of the house, reaching the ears of the parents. Parents were shocked. But Kedmi did not change their plans and in February 1969 moved to Israel. He had three courses of the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers and Knowledge of Hebrew, which he mastered while waiting for departure permission. Upon arrival in Israel, Kedmi decided to go to the Faculty of Scientific Chemistry in Technion, but in a year he went to the army. Later he graduated from the Faculty of State Sciences and International Relations of the Haifa University, as well as the College of National Security with the General Staff of the Israel Defense Army.

Yakov Kedmi immediately after arrival in Israel engaged in the repatriation of Soviet Jews. Before his pressure, the parents were not resistant. But the Soviet authorities prohibited them to move to him, and his mother in the relevant authorities even strongly advised to sagitate him to return to their homeland. In 1970, inexperienced Kedmi made a hunger strike near the UN building due to the fact that the Soviet authorities prohibited him to move to him. He achieved him, and on March 4, 1970, the family reunification took place. After that, Yakov became a fighter of the Israel Defense Army. Its service was held in tank units, and then in a military school and intelligence.

First chagrins

When Yakov studied in the general-official officer school, he, in addition to personal weapons, received a 52-mm mortar as a platoon weapon. However, the officer, he also really did not explain how to use a mortar, sent him to cadets, familiar with this "pipe". The cadets explained to him all as concerning a mortar, not touching the details of the technique of shooting. And when it came to the final teachings with a combat shooting, Yakov because of the tank habit of raising her head, and not bend it to the ground, he received severe auditory injury of both ears. There was a challency of the instructor and the "sprayer" attitude towards their duties. This happened two weeks before the end of the school, and the injury gained threatened from the course. The intervention of the Commander of the School of Team, to which Yakov appealed for help helped.

Yakov had to survive a big grief after his relatives moved to Israel after him. The press widely covered the arrival of his parents, especially the Father's meeting with Shimon Perez, who then the Minister of Transport and Communication. Perez, who broke out with an important speech, noted that he was glad that people like Jacob's father come to Israel, as a country need highly qualified specialists. When these enthusiasses got up and went to the weekdays, the father of Yakov was the work of finding it was impossible. Moreover, the standard argument for refusal was the verdict that he had "too high qualifying." After washing without work for several years, Yakova's father decided to try his happiness in other countries. Once in Canada, he soon died in a car catastrophe.

In one tank with the future prime minister

The vessel war could well be attributed to the category "It would seem" hopeless wars. The fact is that it began with the onset of Egyptians, to which the Israelis turned out to be absolutely not ready. Neither intelligence, nor command, nor the leadership of the country of strike did not expect and simply sprinkled him, having satisfied with the repeated teachings of the Egyptians. Calculate the missed at the expense of more human victims (2.8 thousand dead) and destroyed technology.

In this first, for Jacob, the Kedmi war he served as the head of the battalion intelligence and head of the operational department. All control was carried out from the tank of the battalion commander, which was Ehud Barack, the future Prime Minister of Israel. The war of the jet day they spent together in one tank.

It is noteworthy that Jacob Kedmi characterizes the opposition of Egyptians as very stubborn and even heroic. The episode was remembered when the Egyptian soldier grew up in front of his tank, who opened fire from the Kalashnikov machine on the tank. The soldier was not frightened by a tank that had fallen on him, harlened between the caterpants, and when the tank drove, he jumped up and continued to shoot. Obelchka had to shoot ...

In the situation of the battle, the most difficult for the entire War, Yakov had to survive many bright and dramatic moments. Member of his crew Major Ishai Yehara, friend of Ehud Barack, died literally on the hands of Jacob, eliminating his jumpsuit with the whole of the wound from the wound. But the rest had to continue shooting, breaking through through the flurry of anti-tank missiles. Death was near, and many warriors remembered by their smile turned into corpses. It is impossible without shuddering to read the lines on the participation of Yakov in identifying the corpses of burnt tankists. Hence, apparently, there is a conviction of the samples in the fact that it is impossible to miss any opportunity to solve issues in a peaceful way, and not on the battlefield.

Memories of Kedmi objectively restore the parts of battles, previously translated propagandists. So, the "heroic battle" of Israeli paratroopers at the "Chinese farm" was not heroic at all. This fight for the airborne battalion ended in deplorable. He was thrown against the positions better than armed and supported by the Egyptian tanks. As a result, the battalion was headed off and scattered with a more prepared enemy. And no "Egyptian attack" to stop them actually failed. According to Kedmi, this shameful fight, called "heroic", was a typical case of propaganda, whose task was to raise the morale and hide failures. Yakov before him did not put this task. And he, for example, truthfully described how the four of Israeli "Skyhokov" was trying to destroy the artillery battery several times during two hours, but did not get into it.

Along with such a "shown", Kedmi observed cases of genuine heroism of Israelis. It is described in his book, one of these actions committed by Yair Tal, the son of General Israel Tal. Genuine hero, skillful and courageous, looks like Ehud Barak.

The scenes are impressive of the thoughtful relationship of the Israelis to the Egyptians, who fell into captivity on the West Bank of the Suez Canal. Focusing dinner, the Israelis sent them to sleep, providing blankets and food. And the next morning was observed with genuine idyll: the prisoners of the Egyptians with Israeli crews of tanks and armored personnel carriers were preparing breakfast, which turned into a joint meal. At the same time, the Egyptians volunteered to help in the distribution of food and washing dishes ...

When a truce came, Yakov Kedmi had to transfer the Egyptian side to death of frightened urban civilians who hid during battles. He did not feel the winner at all and was shame because he was forced to conduct a weapon in his hands in the city of people who are confident that their lives in his hands.

This war saved Yakov from almost the fanatical idealization of the Israeli state and its military-political leadership. He came to paradoxical conclusion: Although the Israelites won the battlefield, surrounding the Egyptian third army and putting it on the line of destruction, but in war actually defeated Sadat, since the results of the war corresponded to the goals set by him, not Israel.

From the Kedmi war, according to his confession, came out with another person. His credo, he formulated simply and distinctly: "There is nothing worse than self-deception, is a direct way to failure. The truth begins with the fact that a person refuses to lie to himself, and I decided for myself for myself never to deceive. "

Fight for the exit of Soviet Jews

Invitation to work in the "native" of Yakov Kedmi received in 1977 from recently before this elected Prime Minister Menachem Begin. Surname Kedmi ("East" in Hebrew) Yakov took, starting working in a special transit emigration center located in Vienna. In 1990, he became Deputy Director of NATIV, and in 1992 - the head of this structure. It was for the period of the leadership of the Kedmi in the "native" the maximum influx (almost a million people) of Jews from the countries of the post-Soviet space was coming. The essential influx of specialists and prominent scientists played a leading role in the formation of Israel as a state.

The share of professionals among the repatriates was higher than among the CIS's population and among Israelis-Old-timers. The percentage of higher and secondary special education among repatriates reached 55%, while among the old-timers of Israel, in 1989, it was only 28% from the beginning of mass immigration. According to the competent Israeli specialists, Israel would remain more retarded in the economical country, if not "Russians." Without them, the country's economy could not make that grand leap that occurred in recent decades. According to some estimates, if not "Big Alia", the share of professionals with higher education would not be 20.4%, as now, and only 10%. The volume of Israeli exports would not be 80, but $ 50 billion, while the share of defense expenditures in the state budget would be not 15%, but 20%. It was the "Russian" provided the colossal influx of qualified labor in the Israeli industry. Competent and skillful "Russian" workers, distinguished by high culture and discipline, provided a sharp increase in labor productivity, which for 20 years rose by 30%.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu In 2009, at the awarding ceremony of Israeli repatriate scientists, it was quite reasonably stated: "Mass immigration to Israel from countries former USSR Saved the country's economy, since many repatriates joined the institutions engaged in high technologies, medicine, and in various scientific circles. "

Huge merit in the resettlement of Jews to the historic homeland belongs to personally by Kedmi. It was as a result of his efforts that he managed to redirect the stream of Jews with Israeli visas to Israel, while to this 90% of the left went to other countries. Kedmi introduced new rules of departure, according to which the arrival of emigrants to Vienna was prevented. Thus, the "screening" of those who were leaving with Israeli visas to another country, almost ceased.

Soviet quenching

Yakov Kedmi happened for a long time to contact with the Israeli government elite. The delight of these contacts from him, as a rule, did not cause. In his book, very few of the highest leadership of the country are described with sympathy and respect. Portraits of famous Israeli politicians, officials and former intelligence officers who do without sticks gives Kedmi in their book with an indication of genuine surnames and facts, are a rich material for biographers and historians.

With eagerness of Ironia Kedmi describes the incident to the Israelis with the arrest of Joseph Kobzon, who arrived in Israel on tour. Or another story when in Moscow during the reception at the Metropol restaurant Kobzon on behalf of the Israeli delegation was banned from singing. The singer with tears in his eyes asked the then trembling voice to him to help him, and the started scandal managed to settle with great difficulty ...

At the end of his book, Jacob Kedmi confesses that its main qualities, which ensured success in the struggle and numerous wars, were acquired in Soviet Russia. It appropriate to his confession not to retell, but quote:

"My personality was formed in Russia, my moral and moral principles: respect for a person, regardless of its origin, national or religious affiliation, an exacerbated sense of justice both in society, and in general. In Russia, I learned love for my homeland, love for my people and readiness for self-sacrifice in the name of ideals in which you believe. In Russia, I learned to fight to the end and never give up, even when you are alone against everyone and you have no chance.

... In Russia, I was taught to appreciate the book, culture and education, good upbringing and art. Since childhood, I used to treat with disgust to cheap and primitive political propaganda, hypocrisy, especially the authorities of the pre-war and members of the party, to trade principles and lifestyle. In Russia, I learned to treat people with contempt for people who dedicated their life to nazhi and money. Despite the cruel regime, despite the hypocrisy and the lies that filled the Soviet society and eventually destroyed him, I acquired all our qualities in Russia and I do not regret it. "

On the screens of Russian television, you can see the speeches of an impressive erudite man Yakov Kedmi, who disubstates with opponents on the topics of world politics and problems in Russia. Many do not even suspect that this man in the 90s was responsible for the massacre of the Jews from the former Soviet Union to Israel. In many ways, thanks to Yakov Kedmi, Russia and the post-Soviet space were not subject to a million young, healthy, intelligent citizens.

Childhood and youth

Yakov Iosifovich Kazakov was born on March 5, 1947 in Moscow in the family of engineers. Yakov is a senior of three children. After graduation, I went to work at the factors-reinforcement plant. At the same time he studied in the Moscow State University of Communications.

Kedmi's biography is saturated with bright events. On February 19, 1967, Yakov broke through Cordon Militia to the Israeli Embassy in Moscow. The young man submitted to immigration to Israel. The diplomat Herzl Amikov, who met Yakov, refused to be a young man, adopting a KGB agent. During the second visit to the Israeli Embassy, \u200b\u200bthe guy issued forms for departure to Israel.

On June 5, 1967, a six-day war broke out in the Middle East between Israel and Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Algeria. Soviet Union June 11, 1967 ruined diplomatic relations with Israel. On that day, Jacob Cossacks publicly refused to Soviet citizenship.

On May 20, 1968, Yakov Kazakov sent a letter to the Supreme Council of the USSR with a statement about the refusal of Soviet citizenship, condemning the policies of anti-Semitism in the country. A bold public step was the first of this kind in the USSR. The young man refused the service in the ranks of the Soviet Army, stating that he was ready to serve only in the army of Israel's defense.

In February 1969, Jacob Kazakov received permission to emigration. The young man was prescribed for 2 weeks to leave the limits of the USSR. On the train Yakov got to Vienna, and from there flew by plane to Israel. Arriving to Israel, Yakov felt in motion supporting the repatriation of Soviet Jews. In 1970, he spoke before the UN building in New York demanding to release his relatives from the USSR.

The family reunited on March 4, 1970. Upon arrival, the family in Israel Jacob, as promised, was recorded in the ranks of the Israel Defense Army. Served in tank troops. He graduated from the military school and school of intelligence.

Yakov Kedmi in the army

Demobilizing from the army in 1973, Yakov Kazakov got a job in the security service of Arkia Airport. Entered the Israeli Institute of Technology. He graduated from the University of Tel Aviv and National Security College.

In 1977, Jacob Kazakov was invited to work at NAV. Bureau "Native" - state Institution Israel under the Office of the Prime Minister, engaged in ties with Jews abroad, help in emigration to Israel. At the dawn of creation, the NAV organization was engaged in the rights to repatriate Jews from the USSR and the countries of Eastern Europe, illegal emigration.

In May 1978, Yakov changed the surname of the Cossacks on Kedmi. He worked in the transit center for emigrants in Vienna.

Special services

In 1990, Yakova Kedmi was appointed deputy director of "NATIV". From 1992 to 1998, the intelligence officer was the head of the "Nat". At the time of operation, Kedmi in the "native" came the peak of emigration of Jews from the post-Soviet space - a million new citizens arrived in Israel. Such a tide of the intellectual mass played an invaluable role in the rise of the economy of Israel. The big merit in the resettlement of citizens to the historical homeland belongs to Yakov Iosifovich personally.

In the fall of 1997, the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu invited Jacob Kedmi to the Committee, which was engaged in the problems of the increasing military aggression of Iran and the relations of Tehran and Moscow. In the course of work in the Jacob Committee proposed the Prime Minister to connect influential Jews in Russia to counter Moscow's friendship with Iran. The proposal was rejected and served as the cooling of the relationship between Kedmi and Netanyahu.

In 1999, Yakov Kedmi resigned. She was preceded by a number of scandals associated with the "native". Against the work of the "NATIV" and the Kedmi itself, the Israeli Foreign Ministry, intelligence "Mossad" and "Shabak" spoke.

Personal life

Still serving in the army, Yakov Kedmi married. Edith's wife emigrated from the USSR in 1969. Chemist in a specialty, she worked in the Ministry of Defense. The pair of three children: two sons and the daughter of Revital. Yakov and Edith children received a higher education in Israel.

Jacob Kedmi now

Having retired, which, according to Kedmi, is equated by the General, the Kedmi actively engaged in politics. He spoke with a sharp criticism of Netanyahu, accusing in the destruction of relations with Russia. Using the authority among Russian-speaking Israel, agitated to vote for the candidate Ehuda Barak to the post of Prime Minister.

According to Yakov Kedmi, the entrance to the Russian Federation was prohibited by former intelligence officer until 2015. Now he is a frequent guest in Russia. Speakers on television in political shows. Spectators are watching bright and laconic performances of the Israeli public figure in transmissions. The topics affected by the ex-reconnaissance ("finally woke up", "O" and others), worry the audience. Video from speeches collect millions of views to YouTube. The public bribes the opportunity to hear an independent point of view of the expert of world politics.

Yakov Kedmi - a constant guest of the "special folder" program of an independent Russian-speaking Internet channel of Israel "ITON TV". Within the framework of programs, the public figure answers the questions of the viewers. Themes are concerned not only by the urgent problems of Israel. Kedmi speaks of Ukraine, Russia, Donbas and Crimea. Often the audience are interested foreign policy America and. Articles Kedmi are of interest among the thinking policies of the public.

Jacob Kedmi can hear on the air of Russian radio. Interesting speeches of 2017 on the transfer of Yevgeny Satanovsky. The guest of Ether raises issues of international politics, the global economy, tells about everything interesting, currently occurring in the world. The last interview concerned the Middle East.


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Jacob Kedmi on Yaton-TV 13-09-2018 In Syria, everything is ready for an attack

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Yakov Kedmi in Vladimir Solovyov 11-09-2018 Syria and the world

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Yakov Kedmi, Vladimir Vasilyev and Mark Sorkin 05-08-2018 Trump and Ukraine

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Kedmi in the Solovyov program 10-04-2018. Even step and Russia will erase the United States

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Kedmi in the program evening with Solovyov 02-04-2018. What will Russia answer the West

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Yakov Kedmi in the program Evening 27-03-2018. Confrontation of Russia with the West

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Yakov Kedmi about the ultimatum of London and the attempt on the violinist

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Yakov Kedmi about new weapons of Russia

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Jacob Kedmi and Mark Sorkin 14-02-18. International Regulations

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Yakov Kedmi on the air Evening with Vladimir Solovyov 12-02-2018

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I. Kedmi answers to the questions of the Latvian publication today 12-02-18

Analyst Yakov Kedmi in the studio ITON-TV answered questions from readers of the publication "Today" in Latvia. In the release: what to expect in Donbas and Ukraine; Russian plans for the coming years; What will happen in Syria; Future of the Baltic countries.

Yakov Kedmi on the channel ITON-TV 10-02-18. Kurds hoped on Trump

In the next international viewing of the Canal Yaton-TV, Mark Gorin and Israeli political scientist Yakov Kedmi discussed today's situation in Syria. A complex combination and confrontation between several countries in the region is caused by an irresponsible statement of the American general. Who and what goals pursues in the Middle East.

Watch in YouTube

Last review from Jacob Kedmi on the Channel of the ITONTV 04-02-2018 Situation in Syria

The main theme of the program was the meeting of Vladimir Putin with the delegation of Israel and negotiations on Syria. Iran is dissatisfied with the weak efficiency of weapon transfer to Lebanon and this affects its position. What will change after Putin's conversation with Nitaniahu and how the situation in the Middle East will change.

Kedmi also identified his vision of Russia's goals in the region. Watch in YouTube.

Update regularly, come

Jacob Kedmi 05-05-2017. Ukraine and world

An Israeli analyst, political and public figure of Yakov Kedmi on the eve of Victory Day answered questions from Mark Sorkin (Icebreaker agency) about events in Ukraine and the military-political situation in the whole world. The confrontation between Russia and the West, the situation in Syria, Europe today.

Also, the political scientist Kedmi told about the further development of events in the Donbas and the US attempt to control the seaports of Primorye. Analysis of the first months of the Board of Trump and the future European Union.

Fresh video regularly, come

Meet: Yakov Kedmi or Yakov Kazakov, born in 1947 in the city of Hero Moscow. Not graduated from the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers. Trying to leave to Israel, threw her studies. Since 1969 in Israel.

He studied at Khimfak Technone Haifa, and then at the University of Tel Aviv and National Security College - Mikhal Le-Bitomon Leumi.

Served in a tanker. Participated in the war of the Day of the Day of 1973.

Worked in dry. He held one of the leadership positions in the "Russian Department" of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Actively participated in the participation of the party "Cherut" and in 1978, on the recommendation of the Israeli Prime Minister, Menachem Begin, began working at NATIV.

1988-1990 Employee of the Consular Group of the Israeli Middle of the Dutch Embassy in Moscow.

If anyone remembers, the Dutch embassy was part-time by an Israeli consulate.


Last week, in an interview with Yakov Kazakov, he said as in the late 80s, with comrades, "fraudulent path" forced the Soviet Jews to repatriate on the historical homeland instead of emigrating in the United States.

About what was for the operation, I wrote more or less in the article "About Israel and not only - the times of repatriation of the nineties"

Journalist Ronen Bergman, specializing in terrorism and activities of the special services, published a "revelation" of the interlocutor, as a loud sensation. But it is possible and sensation for Hebrew-speaking reader.

Heinrich Himmler wrote a lot about herd subordination.

The Russian-speaking reader of the repatriate felt all the victories of Jacob Kedmi, scars left by these victories on their own skin. For some, it is still narrowing wounds.

But my comments are later.

Although, must recall that this is not the first such interview, our, today's "hero".

The US authorities decided that the execution of documents for emigration from the USSR in the United States should be translated from Rome to Moscow. That is, it was the best option that practically obliged - at least from the point of view of the law - those who want to go to the United States to submit documents not in Rome, but in Moscow. Americans expected that this should streamline the flow of immigrants, which intensified in the direction of the United States. Almost for all Israeli structures, the decision of the American authorities has become a surprise, including for dry. The new order was introduced only to ensure American interests.

He spoke to Kedmi eight years ago.

... In early September 1989, representatives of several embassies and I used to be invited to the American ambassador. Then, I have already spinning in Moscow in Moscow as part of the Israeli Consular Group under the Netherlands embassy, \u200b\u200bwhich mainly consisted of workers "NATIA". The American ambassador announced to us that from October 1, the United States introduces a new procedure. I listened, called Israel and said that I need to urgently come and talk to the head of government to discuss the situation. And drove.

We obeyed only the head of the government and reported only to him. Always, if the information appeared in Moscow, which I thought it was necessary to report to him, I said that I want to meet with him. Typically, the meeting took place within a day since my appearance in Israel. Sometimes I drove to the Prime Minister directly from the airport, but sometimes I had to wait a day if I did not insist on an immediate date. So it was this time. With the then director of the "NATIV", David Bar-Tov arrived at Itzhac Shamir. I reported to the situation. Said that, according to my estimates, there is a possibility to stop what was called "screening", that is, wrap all the Jews in Israel . I understood that the American system would not work, because there was no planned mechanism that would prevent the arrival of Jews in Vienna and in Rome ... I defined the task: you need to take advantage of the decision of the Americans and prevent the arrival of Jews from the USSR to Vienna. I came up with a mechanism that could prevent it. I proposed the Prime Minister to introduce a new order at the embassy: People will receive a visa, only when will show tickets for departure to Israel through Bucharest or Budapest. By that time, Native already created his bases in these cities

From Bucharest was not "dropping". We have promised Ceausescu in due time. That is, from Bucharest, it was possible to get only to Israel. And from Budapest too. These were the countries of the Socialist Camp. There was order, and everyone was driving in accordance with the document that he had. It was clear that from there people would only fall into Israel. I planned so that in Budapest people were as little time as possible, and that they had the smallest degree of freedom of movement. I understood too well with whom I deal with .

I agreed with the Embassy of Austria and asked for his employees to act according to the law: that is do not put an Austrian visa earlier than the Israeli visa will be delivered. And after the issuance of an Israeli visa at five o'clock in the evening - to the plane, which flew to Bucharest and Budapest, remained three hours. All embassies were closed.

I am not afraid of anything. People are the least. We did what they were considered necessary for the state for the Jewish people. As a result, today in Israel per million Russian-speaking residents more. Those who know what Israel is and in what its complexity can imagine what the legal capacity of the Jewish state without this million citizens. My colleagues from other special services, after the implementation of my plan began, said: Guys, you just saved our country

The tumor did not understand that it was a pawn in the American plan for the destruction of Israel, because today he says:

The principle was that the one who received an attendance visa in Israel in Moscow was also a visa to repatriation to Israel. Without her, he could not leave the USSR, like entering any other country, only if I prevent tickets to Hungary or Romania. We took care of the transshipment points in Bucharest and Budapest them would not allow to go to any other place, except Israel .

In Hungary and Romania, we agreed with expensive Cheresska, and he rests with the world that the Jews who arrive to him will only go to Israel, and in most cases will not leave the airport at all.

In Hungary, we have achieved similar agreements.

Studinal subordination of repatriates, psychological pressure, Soviet education - all this played our hand.

I just want to remind you that I used to be kestmi, I used the same psychological mechanismThat before this was used by the Nazis sending the Jews to the gas chambers "Elderly submission".


Zionist not a motivated repatriate wave of the beginning of the 90s, led to power the government of Israel's liquidators. Rabin government.

Of course, few of our repatriation aware of what it threatens Israel and personally.

Yakov Kedmi was allowed to visit Russia

For a long time, the famous military-political observer, the ex-head of the Israeli intelligence agency "NAVA" Yakov Kedmi was in Russia a person "Non Grata". His arrival at the former Motherland was recognized as undesirable. And now recently, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov asked to inform Kedmi, that now he can visit their country at any time convenient for him. About this, as well as about events taking place on other political vectors in the new program Mark Gorina and Yakov Kedmi "Special Folder"

Jacob Kedmi: Israeli Scout of Putin's Sympathy for Jews

About the sympathy of Putin to the Jews, the Israeli Scout Yakov Kedmi personally found with GDP

The Israeli Military Political Analyst, the former head of the secret service "Native" Jacob Kedmi told about how, in his opinion, Putin refers to the Jews. The program was recorded shortly after the visit of the President of Russia in Jerusalem.

Curious moment - about Putin's sympathy for Jews in lately many times have spoken a lot of foreign citizens who are difficult to suspect material addiction from the Kremlin - ranging from former ambassador The United States in Moscow McFol, continuing to the Holy Rourest Berl Lazar, and ending with Israeli intelligence kedami, but only two persons with the propaganda state media of Rosia - Prokhanov, and Holmogorov, are stated about the sympathy of Putin's security officer.

P.S. What is characteristic who lives in Montreal Canadian dad of the launient redhead propagandon, has not spoken up of Putin's sympathies to none to anyone.

Today, Russian TV channels literally die with various popular talk shows on debate on the topic of politics and confrontation in this area. In one of these programs, an inquisitive viewer can very often see a person named Jacob Kedmi, whose biography will be considered as detailed in this article. This man is worthy of our closest attention, because he made a lot for the formation of a modern Israeli state.

Early years of life

Jacob Josephovich Kazakov appeared on March 5, 1947 in Moscow in a very intelligent family of Soviet engineers. In addition to him, there were two more children in the family. After our hero finished school, he began working at the factory as a concrete trainer. In parallel with this, the young man entered the correspondence department of the Moscow State University of Paths and Messages.

Manifestation of rebellion

Jacob Kedmi, whose biography was saturated with various interesting events, made an act of 1967, at which in those years he could only decide the extremely desperate and young man came to the goal of the Israeli embassy in Moscow and stated that he wanted to move to a permanent residence in this country. Of course, no one has let him down, then he strongly broke through the consulate territory, where in the end he met a diplomat named Herzl Amiks. The diplomat decided that all what was happening was possible by provocation from the KGB and therefore did not give a positive response to the request of the young man. However, in a week, persistent Yakov again got into the embassy and still received such desired form for immigration.

In June 1967, when the USSR ripped diplomatic relations with Israel because of the six-day war, Kadmi was publicly abandoned from citizenship of the Union and began to demand to give him the opportunity to go to Israel forever. At the same time, he penetrated the US Embassy in Moscow, where he spent a long conversation with the consul about leaving the country of the promised.

On May 20, 1968, Jacob Kedmi (the biography of which deserves respect) became the author of the letter, which was sent to the USSR Supreme Council. In it, the guy strictly condemned the manifestations of anti-Semitism and put forward the demand to deprive him of Soviet citizenship. In addition, he proclaimed himself to a citizen of Israeli powers. This statement was the first in the Union of such a plan. Ultimately, in February 1969, he still moved to Israel and, according to some data, even burned on Red Square his passport of the Soviet citizen. Although Kedmi himself this fact regularly denies.

Life in the new homeland

Jacob Kedmi, Israel for which became a new place of residence, on arrival to the country immediately took up the issue of repatriating of Soviet Jews. In 1970, he was even hungry near the UN building due to the fact that the Soviet authorities prohibited him to move towards him. At the same time, the Americans believed that the young Jew was the secret agent of the KGB. The family reunion occurred on March 4, 1970, after which Yakov immediately became a fighter of the Israel Defense Army. The service took place in tank units. Then there was training in a military school and intelligence school. In 1973, he was fired to the reserve. A year before him he had a son.

After serving

Becoming a civilian man, Yakov went to work in the security service of the Arkia airport. Also, he was in parallel with a student of the Israeli Institute of Technology, and a little later successfully completed training at the University of Tel Aviv and National Security College.

Transition to special services

In 1977, Yakov Kedmi, whose biography by that time was already filled with serious achievements, received an invitation to work at the Bureau of Nat. This structure was a state-owned Israeli institution, which operated under the office of the country's Prime Minister. The main responsibility of the Bureau included the provision of ties with Jews abroad and assist them in Emigration to Israel. At first, the "NATIV" existence was actively worked with Jews living in the USSR and other Eastern European countries. And at first, emigration passed illegally. By the way, Yakov got surname Kedmi in 1978, when he worked in a special transit emigration center located in Vienna.


In 1990, Kedmi advanced through the career ladder and became the Deputy Director of Nat. In the period 1992-1998 Yakov was already the head of the structure. It was during the period of the priority of the Kedmi to the Bureau, the maximum influx of Jews from the countries of the post-Soviet space was coming. During this time, almost a million people moved to Israel. Such a significant influx of specialists and prominent scientists has played an important role in the formation of Israel as a state. The colossal merit in the relocation of the Jews to the historic homeland belongs to the Kedmi.

Care from "Nat"

In the autumn of 1997, Yakov received an invitation to work in the Committee, which was engaged in the problem of increasing Iran's aggression and improvements to relations between Moscow and Tehran. It is worth noting that new job Kedmi offered a personally acting at that time, the Israeli Prime Minister in the course of the work of Yakov made a proposal to engage in deterioration of relations between Russia and Iran influential Jews Russian Federation. However, Netanyahu is a proposal of rejection, which served as cooling relations between him and kedi.

In 1999, Yakov finally leaves the special services. His resignation was preceded by a number of serious scandals, which were directly related to the "native". Such structures as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sabak exploration and Mossad advocated a categorically against the functioning of the "Nat". According to Kedmi himself, after the retirement, he became a regular pensioner, although receiving a retirement equal to general.

In the same 1999, Yakov became the initiator of a public discussion of his disagreements with Netanyahu. Former head of "NATIV" picked up his criticism of the premiere for the fact that he allegedly betrayed the interests of Jews and destroyed relations with the Russian Federation.

Family status

Yakov Kedmi, the family for whom his whole life plays a leading role, married for a very long time. His spouse - Edith - by education a chemist-food, was for some time an employee of the Ministry of Defense of Israel. After almost 40 years of continuous work, she retired. Couple brought up two sons and daughter.

The eldest son of the married couple has studied in an interdisciplinary college in Herzliya, has two diplomas about higher education. The daughter graduated from the Academy of Arts.

Our days

Yakov Kedmi about Russia says one thing - until 2015, this country was under the ban. But now the situation has changed, an influential Jew is a fairly frequent guest in the Russian Federation. He often visits a variety of political show on television as an expert. Most often, it can be seen in the transfer of Vladimir Solovyov, leaving on the channel "Russia-1".

In addition, the "Dialogues" is very popular. Yakov Kedmi in it discusses the topics of the Middle East, international politics and the world economy with another specialist in this area - Russian is quite often Jacob invited to the authoritative radio station "Vesti-FM".