Unfavorable days in January and the schedule of magnetic storms. Unfavorable days in January and the schedule of magnetic storms Unfavorable days by geomagnetic factors

The beginning of winter will delight you with a relatively calm geomagnetic situation, which will only occasionally be disturbed by solar wind streams.

Already at the beginning of the month, a powerful magnetic storm will hit the Earth, the exact date falls on Sunday, December 2, 2018.

Strong magnetic storms in December 2018

An accurate forecast of solar activity suggests that three waves of radiation, unfavorable to health, await the inhabitants of the Earth. Strong magnetic storms in December 2018 fall on dates such as 2, 3 and 4, followed by a three-day break.

A new attack awaits the Russians from Friday 7 to Sunday 9 December 2018. The time period will have a higher than usual solar wind intensity, but it will do less harm, since it falls on a quiet period of weekends.

Third wave magnetic storms in December 2018 falls on the 28, 29 and 30, it will also be smoothed out by a positive pre-holiday energy. If you know that a strong magnetic storm is expected today, it is enough to exclude alcohol from the diet and be outdoors more often. This tactic will help you get through difficult times for your health with minimal health risks.

Magnetic storm forecast for December 2018

At the beginning of the month, geomagnetic disturbances will be local in nature and disturb the peace of people at night, in the interval from 3.00 am to 6.00 am. This is fraught with poor health after waking up, restless dreams and weakness.

The strongest magnetic storm is expected closer to the middle of the month, when the solar wind will blow toward the Earth in jerks, but throughout the entire 24 hours. Unfavorable days for health fall on such exact dates like Friday December 7, 2018 and two subsequent days after that. The forecast of magnetic storms for December 2018 warns that this time will be very unstable, since the geomagnetic background will fluctuate throughout the day and it is difficult to predict the exact time when magnetic storms will hit the Earth on these days.

The third wave of powerful magnetic storms will sweep our planet closer to the holidays and will be relatively evenly distributed over the days of the week.

Magnetic storms 2018

The Year of the Yellow Dog was distinguished by unusually strong geo-disturbances, which were most acutely felt in August and September. Scientists attribute this to the overall decreased activity of the Daystar, when individual flares shake the sky like the flashes of a dying fire. Another feature that distinguishes Magnetic Storms 2018 is that most often geo-disturbances occurred at night. On the one hand, it was easier for people with good immunity to tolerate, and on the other hand, it added problems to medical workers. After all, people with chronic diseases, children and the elderly were hit.

It has been noticed that the deterioration of health most dramatically occurs when magnetic storms coincide with the exact dates of the Full Moon and New Moon. In 2018, there were many such cases in the summer, but closer to winter the situation became more stable.

How to behave during magnetic storms in December 2018

On unfavorable days, the most common symptoms are increased blood pressure, depression, tachycardia, severe headaches, aggressiveness, overexcitement. Every tenth person feels the approach of the solar wind flow, so it is very important to know how to behave during magnetic storms in December 2018.

First of all, you need to postpone work that requires increased attention and concentration. It is not advisable to get behind the wheel yourself or go on a trip by plane, since at an altitude of more than five thousand kilometers above the Earth, magnetic storms are felt more strongly. You need to have on hand the exact dates of magnetic storms for today in order to know how to act without risk to health.

The calendar of magnetic storms for December 2018 gives a full alignment for the next month, but warns that a lot depends on the behavior of the person himself. It is no secret that more and more people are interested in information about what magnetic storms are every day, precisely because many of the problems that arise are associated with increased activity of the Sun.

If you know that a strong magnetic storm is expected today

Healthy sleep, healing herbs and avoiding debilitating physical activity... Doctors warn that if you know that a strong magnetic storm is expected today, it is necessary to reduce the rhythm of life to a minimum. Today, people feel magnetic storms more precisely because of the strong workload and the unwillingness to lead healthy image life.

It has been proven that previous trauma and surgical interventions increase people's sensitivity to natural disasters. On unfavorable days, even fractures, bruises or sprains that occurred several years ago make themselves felt more strongly.

In order not to overload the body on those days when changes in the Earth's magnetic field make themselves felt, you need not plan travel, air travel, work at night for this time. There is no single recipe for everyone on how to survive the magnetic storms in December 2018, but an optimistic outlook on life and respect for health significantly reduces the harm from the effects of geomagnetic disturbance.

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Everyone knows that solar activity is never the same - it changes by day, and sometimes even by hour. Sometimes strong flares occur on the Sun, which throw out negative energy into space, which can reach the Earth's magnetic field. At these moments, it begins to resist, "worry" and vibrate, from which many people begin to feel bad. This phenomenon is called magnetic storms.

Magnetic storms are the influence of solar energy on our planet and, of course, on every inhabitant of it. As you know, space greatly affects our well-being and destiny, and magnetic storms are no exception. Of course, many people do not pay attention to magnetic storms, do not believe in them, or simply do not notice. Some people are lucky and they do not feel on themselves all the excitements of the Earth's magnetic field, however, on some inhabitants of the planet, they are not reflected in the best way.

Magnetic storms are actually very dangerous for human health, because they can cause from mild illness to heart attacks. It is during the period of magnetic storms that most of the heart attacks and exacerbations occur. chronic diseases... If you are in poor health or are a meteorological person, it is vitally important for you to keep track of the schedule of magnetic storms.

Magnetic storms can be compared to any natural phenomenon that is scored. They are weak, medium and strong, and this assessment helps to determine how much a magnetic storm will affect human health. It is worth noting that a strong magnetic storm does not always mean a danger to physical health - sometimes magnetic storms affect the moral component more and can even lead to depression.

Fortunately, in January 2019, solar activity will be low and strong magnetic storms are not expected. The strongest of them passed at the beginning of the month, so if you were able to survive them, then all the worst is over. Ahead of the inhabitants of the Earth, only one strong magnetic storm awaits, but this does not mean that it is worth relaxing. Even one magnetic storm can cause serious health problems.

So, the first strong magnetic storm in January 2019 took place on January 4, and the next one will take place 16. These days the strength of magnetic storms will reach 4 points, so if you are subject to meteorological dependence, be careful these days. On all other days, magnetic storms will not exceed three points, so there should be no major problems. It is quite possible that you have mild malaise, lack of sleep, or weakness. However, all the unpleasant effects of magnetic storms will quickly disappear.

The most important thing in the period of magnetic storms is to continue living on. Of course, if you feel that you are very ill, it would be better to see a doctor. But if you just feel a little sleepy, it is better not to sleep, but rather work hard. Active work will help you cope with poor health and will only bring you joy. Excessive rest can lead to apathy.

An increase in solar activity always affects human well-being and mood. Even if you do not consider yourself a meteo-dependent person, you probably noticed sudden changes in mood or sudden illness. All of this can be a symptom of magnetic storms. A magnetic storm is a rather sneaky and unpredictable thing. You may not know how it will affect you, so you should always be careful.

First, if you suffer from chronic diseases or heart problems, it is better to visit your doctor right away and buy all the medications you need. During the period of magnetic storms, a relapse of the disease may occur or a heart attack may occur. Do not burden yourself with work and try to go outside as little as possible. Stay away from busy trails.

If you do not suffer from any disease, you still need to follow some precautionary rules:

  • it is advisable to limit work that requires increased attention and concentration;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • more rest and walk in the fresh air;
  • you need to monitor your blood pressure;
  • if necessary and on the recommendation of a doctor, take sedatives: valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, sage, soothing teas;
  • stick to a diet to lower blood cholesterol levels.

If you feel that during the period of magnetic storms you have become too ill physically or mentally, immediately consult a doctor. These symptoms may indicate a more serious medical condition that you were not aware of. To ease your condition during magnetic storms, if you feel unwell, you can use acupressure.

To prevent unfavorable days from coming unexpectedly, you need to familiarize yourself with the schedule of magnetic flares for the current month in advance. It is compiled by experts based on forecasts of increased solar activity. Knowing when to expect the next wave of disturbance in the Earth's magnetic field, you can have time to prepare for it in order to survive these days with the least loss of strength and energy.

  • Magnetic storm: what is it and how does it appear
  • Magnetic storms in November 2018: schedule by day and hour
  • Why and how geomagnetic vibrations affect the human body
  • How to make yourself feel better during magnetic storms


The sun emits billions of charged particles into the surrounding space every minute. They move in outer space at an enormous speed. Flying huge distances, a certain part of the radiation flux reaches our planet and causes significant changes in its magnetic field. Such periods are called magnetic bursts, flares, or storms. These days, the disturbances of the earth's "shield" reach their limit and cause problems with well-being in most people.

Achievements modern science allow scientists with minimal errors to determine the values ​​of all characteristics of the flow of charged particles, including its speed. This means that it will not be difficult for them to predict when it will reach near-earth space and provoke another magnetic storm.

National Geographic's 2018 documentary: Solar Storms and the Impact of Magnetic Storms:


International organizations regularly prepare forecasts of geomagnetic fluctuations. And the closer to the date the schedule was drawn, the more accurate it will be. This is due to the fact that long-term forecasts are calculated from statistical data for past months or even years, while accurate calculations taking into account the actual situation can be obtained only a few days before the date in question.

So all the forecasts of magnetic storms made at the moment for November 2018 are approximate, and will be corrected by scientists as new reliable information becomes available. They indicate only the days of a tense geomagnetic situation, since it is impossible to predict the increase in solar activity with an accuracy of hours in advance.

The schedule presented below was obtained on the basis of observations of previous years, taking into account the fact that solar activity regularly reproduces the established eleven-year cycle. In nature, as you know, many phenomena and events are periodically repeated, however, some nuances still change every time, and this fact must be taken into account.

So, the geomagnetic forecast for November 2018 looks like this:

  • November 5-11 - high intensity magnetic storm. These days, people suffering from chronic diseases can experience a sharp deterioration in their well-being. It is recommended to carefully monitor your health for people with migraines, hypertension and heart disease. Do not overload your body with heavy and prolonged physical activity. Many will experience severe headaches and dizziness, so experts recommend that you always have a first aid kit on hand.
  • November 15-18 - medium intensity magnetic storm. Elderly people should carefully monitor all changes in their condition - if it becomes bad, you should immediately seek medical help from professionals. You should not use air transport these days, especially in the case of long flights - it is better to postpone them for a more favorable time, when the load on the body will be less noticeable.
  • November 21-23 - the second magnetic storm of medium intensity. To alleviate the owl's condition, you need to heed all the warnings of doctors and follow their advice. In more detail, the recommendations of specialists are described below.


When the Earth's magnetic field is in a calm state, all organs and systems of our body work in their usual mode. At the same time, each component of the body carries a certain charge - erythrocytes, for example, negative. And they freely circulate through the blood due to the property of like-charged particles to repel.

But in the case of magnetic storms, some particles change their charge. As a result, some red blood cells combine into groups, which then turn into blood clots. That is why there are so many heart attacks and strokes during the increase in solar activity.

Due to an increase in blood viscosity, there are:

  • prostration;
  • headaches;
  • nausea and vomiting.

Due to failures in the work of the heart, people are faced with:

  • arrhythmia (abnormal heart rhythm);
  • a sharp increase or decrease in blood pressure;
  • difficulty breathing.

The brain also suffers greatly on such unfavorable days. As a result, the following are observed:

  • insomnia;
  • feeling of weakness, laziness, fatigue;
  • depression, apathy, excessive sensitivity;
  • irritability, aggression, etc.


  • Do not eat foods and alcohol that are too heavy for the stomach. Instead of black tea or coffee, it is better to drink freshly squeezed juice and herbal or fruit infusion. In any case, dehydration should not be allowed.
  • It is advisable for people with a weak psyche to take a sedative, for example, tincture of valerian, hawthorn or motherwort.
  • It is necessary, as far as possible, to avoid heavy physical and mental stress, stressful situations, quarrels.
  • Experts advise more time to rest and devote at least one hour a day to relaxing procedures: massage, meditation, hobbies, walking in the fresh air, and so on.
  • And finally, try to communicate only with those people who are pleasant to you, who can cheer and support you.

According to scientific data, most people feel any changes in the geomagnetic situation on our planet. Therefore, in order to painlessly join the work rhythm after summer holidays, they just need to know when there will be magnetic storms in September 2018. This is also due to the fact that unfavorable days can affect people's plans in the fall.

Why does the Earth's magnetic field change?

We know from school that there are constant bursts of energy on the Sun. They cause the release of a huge mass of charged particles into the surrounding space. All of them, overcoming millions of kilometers, reach our planet. Probably, if our planet did not have a protective shell in the form of the Earth's magnetic field, we would hardly have to talk about life. Despite the fact that all living organisms are reliably protected from the harmful effects of cosmic radiation, protons, electrons and other charged particles still affect the geomagnetic situation on our planet. The enormous force of the solar wind causes fluctuations in the Earth's magnetic field, which affects in a negative way to all life on our planet, including humans. The change in the state of our protective shell is called magnetic storms. Depending on the flow of charged particles, magnetic oscillations have a different character.

Varieties of magnetic disturbances

Magnetic storms are classified according to the strength of the impact on a person. They are:

  1. strong;
  2. average;
  3. weak.

Let's take a look at how each of these types of storms affects a person.

The first type is the greatest danger to humans. These changes in the Earth's magnetic field are felt by almost all people on our planet. True, this is expressed in different forms... For example, young, healthy people hardly notice such magnetic changes. They may have a headache or excessive nervousness.

Older people are more sensitive to this type of magnetic storm. Their pulse may become more frequent, rise arterial pressure, spoil the mood, insomnia and a feeling of anxiety appear.

Middle-aged people at these moments may feel palpitations, exacerbation of chronic heart disease and nervous system.

Strong magnetic storms pose the greatest danger to the elderly, pregnant women and children. At this time, the likelihood of strokes, heart attacks and other diseases is high.

Medium magnetic storms cause similar symptoms, but on a smaller scale. During this period, you can observe a deterioration in general health, as well as the appearance of a feeling of anxiety. Medical workers noticed that during moderate to severe storms, people's nervousness increased. The mood can change several times a day for no apparent reason. Suicide cases are also on the rise.

Weak magnetic storms are not dangerous for most people. They are noticed mainly by people of a fine nervous organization. In the days of such storms, they may start to feel sad, lose their appetite and they will not find a place for themselves.

Schedule by day and hour

Magnetic storms in September will be intermittent. At the beginning of the month, there will be medium and strong fluctuations in the Earth's magnetic field. Then there will be some lull and meteorological people can breathe a sigh of relief. However, at the end of the month, the geomagnetic situation will again become tense. Literally in the last days of the month, our magnetic shell will again with maximum force restrain the flow of electron particles moving from the Sun.

Day by day it will look like this:

01.09.18 – 10.09.18 Average magnetic fluctuations will be observed. People with chronic illnesses need to be on the lookout. Necessary medicines should be on hand. These days it is worth taking care of yourself from emotional stress, great physical exertion. You also need to pay attention to your diet. It is required to exclude heavy foods from your diet and consume only natural food, if possible.
06.09.18 A dangerous moment will come for hypertensive patients, heart patients and all those who are not healthy. On this day, you need to spend more time outdoors. In case of a sharp deterioration in health, an urgent need to consult a doctor. In an unfavorable period, you need to get enough sleep, lead a healthy lifestyle and take care of yourself from a stressful situation.
10.09.18 – 26.09.18 The geomagnetic situation will be normal. Everyone will feel good about themselves.
26.09.18 A strong magnetic storm will occur. Older people and those with chronic illnesses need to listen to their health. You need to stock up on the right medicines and get more rest. Relaxing procedures will not hurt either. You can take a soothing bath or listen to good, relaxing music. To people suffering nervous diseases you need to restrain yourself emotionally.
27.09.18 – 30.09.18 Fluctuations in the Earth's magnetic field will be weak. These days, weather-dependent people can drink soothing teas and take herbal baths. You also need to keep your emotional condition... If the situation becomes more complicated, you can take sedative medications.

Unfortunately, it is still impossible to say about the exact time of the magnetic storms. Scientists have learned to make a more accurate forecast a few days before the onset of magnetic storms.

How to protect against changes in the magnetic field

Physicians and experts in the study of magnetic storms are confident that humans can minimize the effects of changes in the Earth's magnetic field. Knowing the date and time of magnetic storms, you can adjust your regime so as to give the body maximum rest on unfavorable days. On the eve of critical days, you should go to bed earlier. At the same time, if possible, recharge with optimism by watching a good movie or listening to pleasant music.

Sick people can, before the onset of critical days, carry out a set of preventive measures: take a course of medications, carry out the procedures recommended by the doctor.

On days of magnetic disturbances, it is necessary to give up heavy physical exertion. Consume only healthy food and drink clean water and natural juices.

Also, those who plan to get behind the wheel should remember that during this period the situation on the roads will be very nervous and tense. You must be extremely careful and careful. If possible, it is better to give up travel altogether, including business trips.

A decrease in solar activity is expected on November 5, 6, nevertheless, the influence of magnetic storms will be very noticeable. Experts recommend these days, do not engage in heavy physical work and do not plan business meetings, important matters. You can not overload yourself physically and mentally.

The periods when magnetic storms are affected are very dangerous. It is on such days that they register more cases of heart attacks, strokes. It is better for doctors not to plan operations. It is better not to leave people who are prone to suicide, who are in a depressed state. It is also advisable not to use gadgets or watch TV. It is necessary to ventilate the premises more often, do morning exercises and walk more in the fresh air.

November is the so-called "transitional" month, when the human body is most susceptible to climatic factors, the storm will pose a particular threat. The loss of strength, pressure surges, mood swings and other ailments, according to the doctors' forecast, will be felt by everyone without exception.

According to the forecasts of astrophysicists, November 2018 will start unfavorably for meteorological people. They will feel the influence of magnetic storms from the very first days. So, on November 3 - 6, they will be strong, and the peak of activity will reach the 4th. People who are most sensitive to changes in the magnetic field will feel unwell and will complain of decreased performance.

Magnetic storms in November 2018 schedule by day and hour. All the latest information.

“The number of heart attacks, strokes and hypertensive crises, unfortunately, is growing. In addition, mortality, the number of deaths, during these periods also increases. This is an absolutely statistically proven fact, ”he added.

“Ambulance makes statistics on the number of calls ... If we compare stress factors and the number of ambulance calls, they coincide by 100%. Considering that geomagnetic storms are a rather serious effect on our body, this can lead to serious consequences. First of all, the central nervous and cardiovascular systems are affected, ”Sidorenko said.

During the period of magnetic storms, the risks to human health increase significantly. The central nervous and cardiovascular systems are especially vulnerable these days.

On November 3, at the very beginning of the magnetic storm, the most powerful solar flare activity, so this is the most dangerous day from the point of view of meteorologists. On November 4, 5 and 6, the activity of the Sun will gradually decline, but still will exceed the norm. The problem with these three days may be that on the fourth day of the negative impact, small jumps are also noticeable, because it affects general tiredness organism. In addition, October 5 and 6 is the beginning of the working week, when productivity and concentration are especially important. Therefore, although the brightest flash will take place on the 3rd, its consequences will affect later.

Magnetic storms today. All the latest information as of 04.11.2018

Try to drink as much water as possible. Teas, compotes, herbal infusions are also suitable. And try to refrain from coffee, strong tea and any invigorating drinks - this can overload the cardiovascular system. This especially applies to the time before bedtime - these drinks will only worsen your well-being by the period of adaptation to a cold snap.

The November magnetic storm will begin on November 3, and will end only on the 6th, and by simple calculations one can estimate that the Earth's magnetosphere will be restless for four whole days. The experts of our site tell you how to protect yourself from the negative effects of magnetic storms, minimize risks and keep things out of the way these days.

This was told by the candidate of medical sciences, doctor Viktor Sidorenko, commenting on the approach of magnetic storms in November.

At the same time, according to the expert, healthy people tolerate magnetic storms quite easily, "if it is not a child or an elderly person with concomitant pathologies."

In such cases, you need to save your strength, if you do any work, then only light. It is imperative to revise the diet, do not cook fatty meals, do not eat everything fried. "Heavy" food is difficult for the body to digest, and it takes a lot of energy to digest it.

We also believe that it would be useful for you to learn about how you can strengthen your immune system in the fall. This must be done without fail, since the end of November will also be accompanied by magnetic storms.

From November 3 to 6, Ukrainians, like all other inhabitants of the planet, will have to survive a powerful magnetic storm. This is reported by the Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun of FIAN.

According to meteorologists, the most powerful solar flare is expected on November 3, this is the most dangerous day. In the following days - November 4.5 and 6, the activity of the Sun will decline, but will still exceed the norm.

During these 4 days, many may experience symptoms of weather dependence. This is an exacerbation of long-term or chronic diseases, general loss of strength, nervousness, apathy, migraines, problems with sleep, appetite or pressure, deterioration of immunity. Fortunately, November 3 and 4 fall on the weekend, so workers with a standard schedule can not burden themselves with work duties and devote these two days to rest.

Despite the outstanding achievements of mankind in the field of meteorology and medicine, magnetic storms have been and remain a problem. Because there is little that can be used to resist the phenomenon of a cosmic scale. You can only make your own life a little easier, but you need to act in advance. Therefore, Joinfo.ua will tell you now how things will be with magnetic field land soon.

Magnetic storms in November 2018 schedule by day and hour in Moscow. Recent events.