Stagnant bruises on legs. Bruises on the legs in women for no reason: why and how to treat? Cosmetic clay applications

The formation of bruises on the legs without objective reasons is an alarming sign that indicates health problems. Often they appear unexpectedly, it is impossible to delay a visit to a specialist in such a situation, since with the proper condition of the vessels without injury, hemorrhage into the skin does not occur. With injuries, bruises persist for a long period of time and this will become a kind of norm that does not require special therapy.

A hematoma appears on the leg due to one of two factors:

  • Vascular diseases (high permeability of the vascular walls, weakening and decrease in their elasticity).
  • Blood diseases (pathological decrease in the content of platelets in the bloodstream, clotting disorders, leukemia).

In such situations, hematomas are formed from the average force of pressing on the skin or from the pressure of clothing. Sometimes this is observed without any objective factors.

The initial stage of vascular weakness can manifest itself in the fact that a large bruise is formed from a not strong blow, which does not pass for a long time.

The provoking factors of such vascular disorders are very different. In some cases, this may indicate a lack of certain components inside the body, and in certain situations, dangerous diseases heart and blood vessels.

Cause the occurrence of hematomas for no reason on the legs are capable of:

  • Lack of vitamin C or P. If their deficiency is noted, the strength and elasticity of the walls of blood vessels decrease, and the fragility of capillaries increases.
  • thrombocytopenia. Decreased platelet concentration leads to clotting failure and spontaneous bruising. Such a pathology is a side effect of medications, symptoms of viral mononucleosis, hepatitis, herpes, HIV and the consequences of influenza.
  • Liver failure. Dangerous violations in the functioning of the liver provoke the appearance of thrombocytopenia.
  • Alcoholism. Excessive consumption alcoholic beverages provokes thrombocytopenia.
  • Varicose veins. An extremely popular factor in connection with which an unpleasant pathology occurs on the lower extremities. With such a disease, the superficial veins become weaker and more brittle, which causes the formation of hematomas.
  • Climax. With inadequate estrogen levels, the strength of blood vessels decreases.
  • Leukemia.
  • Congenital disorders in blood clotting (hemophilia) - in such a situation, manifestations are noted from childhood.

Even when the fragility of the vessels is caused by a lack of vitamins, it increases the likelihood of internal bleeding and hemorrhage into the brain, in particular in persons with hypertension. Therefore, the problem must be taken seriously.

Diseases that cause bruising

Bruising on legs for no reason do not appear. The provoking factor of this condition is the internal processes that occur inside the body. Often, such symptoms appear during disruptions in the blood flow, thinning of the arterial walls, or internal bleeding. This is observed due to a lack or excess in the bloodstream of elements such as selenium, cobalt or calcium. In certain situations, hematomas are formed due to the formation of sepsis, suffocation or frostbite of the skin.

When hematomas on the lower extremities appeared for no reason, then the patient probably has some pathological processes that contribute to the destruction of capillaries and the deterioration of blood clotting.

They may be:

  • varicose veins;
  • various blood diseases, for example, hemophilia;
  • venous insufficiency;
  • erythema;
  • severe vascular fragility.

A fairly common provoking factor for this is an improper diet or vitamin deficiency. Sudden changes in body weight, regular psycho-emotional shocks, overwork can cause NS dysfunction, which also affects blood flow. Therefore, as a result, hematomas form on the lower extremities.

All of these pathological processes are quite dangerous and only a highly qualified specialist is engaged in their therapy. Here it is necessary to take special means that help strengthen the arterial walls and dissolve blood clots, when there are such. In certain situations, physiotherapy is required.


First of all, in a patient who applied with bruised legs to a specialist, a general blood test is taken. A large role in such a diagnosis is played by the total number of platelets. An insignificant deviation from normal indicators can be caused by stressful situations or a violation of lifestyle. A drop in platelet count below 100 * 109/l is considered thrombocytopenia.

According to this diagnostic method, it is possible to suspect leukemia. In the presence of blood cancer, the number of platelets, red blood cells and hemoglobin suddenly drops, and the number of white blood cells increases. When specialists suspect that a patient has leukemia, a bone marrow test is performed to confirm or refute the diagnosis.

When varicose veins are noted, duplex scanning of the veins is prescribed for the purpose of their detailed study. Women during menopause are also assigned a blood test for sex hormones.

Genetic abnormalities in blood clotting can be detected through a special test and a detailed blood test for specific proteins (clotting factor).

What to do if blue spots appear

First of all, it is necessary to identify the factor that provoked such a state. To do this, you need to seek help from a phlebologist, in order to eliminate difficulties with blood. Thanks to blood tests, it is possible to determine the number of platelets and, if their deficiency is detected, prescribe appropriate therapy. When there are no deviations from the point of view of hematology, it is necessary to examine the vessels.

With the initial symptoms of varicose veins, it is required to use special medications that strengthen the vascular walls, but only a doctor will tell you about the appropriateness of their use. He will also recommend a specific drug and prescribe the necessary dosage. In this case, the problem of the frequent appearance of hematomas on the lower extremities will disappear. For prevention, it is optimal (even if there are no difficulties with blood vessels) to wear comfortable shoes, moderate physical stress, and prevent stagnation. Treatment should be comprehensive.

Treatment of bruising

The question often arises how to get rid of bruises on legs . In order to quickly disappear already manifested bruising, it is necessary to use such ointments:

  • Heparin;
  • Troxevasin;
  • Indovazin;
  • ointments containing arnica.

It is necessary to emphasize that most of the ointments for resorption of hematomas are prohibited for use in disorders in blood clotting. They can be used only when bruising is caused by a lack of vitamins, varicose veins or menopausal changes inside the body. Before use, it is imperative to consult with a specialist.

How to get rid of folk methods

Many are wondering how to remove a bruise on the leg . Therapy involves the elimination of the factor that provoked bruising. Treatment with traditional therapy is considered quite effective. Self-therapy is prohibited, since various medicinal plants have contraindications for use by certain categories of patients. Therefore, it is necessary to first consult with a specialist in order to prevent the occurrence of adverse effects.

With hypovitaminosis

When vascular fragility is provoked by a lack of vitamin C or P (rutin), the use of ascorbic acid, Ascorutin or combined vitamin complexes is prescribed. In addition, it is possible to saturate the menu with products with a high concentration of these vitamins:

  • Products that contain ascorbic acid: rose hips, citrus fruits, sweet peppers, currants, sea buckthorn, mountain ash, cabbage, parsley, strawberries.
  • Products that are saturated with routine: citrus fruits (in particular in the skin and peel), greens, rose hips, currants, apricots, cherries.

With thrombocytopenia

In such a situation, the remedy that provoked the pathology is canceled or the underlying disease that affects the composition of the blood is treated. When the decrease in platelet count was caused by medications, recovery will occur after 7 to 20 days after stopping their use. The same applies to alcoholism - the composition of the blood returns to normal after 3-5 weeks after giving up alcohol. addiction(however, only in a situation where alcoholism has not yet provoked dangerous liver problems). When the pathological process under consideration was caused by diseases, then therapy will be extremely laborious, and in some cases lifelong (for example, with HIV).

With varicose veins

The situation can be corrected thanks to surgical therapy (vein sclerosis or phlebectomy). Recovery will come within a few weeks after the operation. It should be carried out only if there are appropriate indications and taking into account individual characteristics the patient's body.

At menopause

Hormone replacement therapy is prescribed to normalize the estrogen content inside the body. It is possible to supplement it with traditional medicine in order to improve the health of a woman. Before using them, you should consult a specialist.

The most effective folk remedy during menopause, in particular when difficulties with blood vessels are expressed, - red clover. It is rich in phytoestrogens plant origin, which are similar to female sex hormones, as well as vitamin C, which helps strengthen blood vessels. 2 tbsp. l. dried clover is poured into 200 g of boiling water and infused for 8 hours in a thermos. It is taken 50 g 30 minutes before a meal.

In addition, dill is useful during menopause. Pour 1.5 tbsp. l. seeds with a glass of boiling water, infused inside a thermos for 60 minutes. Then dilute with a glass of water. Taken 100 g 3-4 times a day 30 minutes after a meal. Dill is prohibited for use with low blood pressure.

In addition, it is possible to diversify the menu with products that are rich in phytoestrogens. It includes soy, flaxseed, red grapes.

With leukemia

When leukemia is detected, the prognosis is poor. The final recovery is likely only after a bone marrow transplant. Otherwise, the probability of death is extremely high.


Preventive measures of factors that provoke what constantly arises on the body bruising on the legs , is easy to perform and does not take a lot of time. This involves a lifestyle that takes into account a balanced diet, the required physical exertion:

  • It is required to strengthen blood vessels by regularly consuming products that are saturated with vitamins.
  • Optimal control of the liver.
  • You can not use pharmacological agents that disrupt blood clotting yourself.
  • You should spend more time on the street, actively engage in sports. A contrast shower and walking will be effective.
  • With a predisposition to an allergic reaction, it is required to limit the risk of contact with viral agents. In addition, it is required to prevent infection and hypothermia, factors that can affect the state of immunity. Simple preventive measures make it possible to reduce the likelihood of vasculitis.
  • Bruising also occurs during varicose veins. Therefore, you can not wear narrow shoes, a long period of time to stay in a sitting position. It is required to control your own body weight and not abuse fatty spicy foods. If pathological processes are present, compression stockings will help to eliminate bruises on the lower extremities.

The appearance of bruises and bruises on the inner and outer sides of the legs is not always preceded by mechanical damage and injury. Similar anomalies can be independent. Often spots appear at night during sleep.

If bruises appear on the legs, they cannot be ignored. Neoplasms indicate that serious negative processes are taking place in the body in a latent form.

Should I be worried?

Hematoma is a dense clot that is located in the cells of the skin. It is formed due to injury to a vein or artery and blood leakage into nearby tissues. Fragility and weakness of blood vessels provoke various factors.

Without treatment, the pathology can turn into a severe and prolonged illness. Therefore, at the first detection of alarm signals, you should immediately visit a specialist, undergo a full medical examination and start treatment on time.

The mechanism of bruising

Without getting hit, bruises on the leg occur due to ruptures of the vascular walls and blood flowing beyond them.

Allocate bruises:

  • Hematoma. Formed under the skin, in the depths of muscle tissue. The affected area hurts a lot.
  • Vasculitis purple. They are inflammatory in nature, accompanied by itching, rashes.
  • Microcirculatory. They are located on the upper and lower extremities, mucous membranes. Occur after heavy blood loss, even with a slight impact on the skin.
  • Microcirculatory hematoma. They are large, are a mixed form).

Causes of bruising on the legs

The presence of bruises that appear on the body for no apparent reason may indicate that a person has diseases of the internal organs. Among them:

  • dysfunction of the endocrine system;
  • disturbances in blood circulation and cardiovascular activity;
  • varicose disease of the legs;
  • immune problems (lupus erythematosus);
  • thrombosis;
  • pathology of the liver, kidneys, urinary tract;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • rheumatism;
  • vasopathy (intoxication of the body);
  • hemorrhagic vasculitis;
  • breast cancer in women;
  • oncological diseases;
  • damage to the brain and central nervous system;
  • subcutaneous hemangioma;
  • age-related changes associated with the natural aging of cells.

In children, the factors for the development of pathology can also be:

  • improperly organized daily routine;
  • low mobility;
  • worms;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • weakness of blood vessels;
  • thyroid problems;
  • transferred infections;
  • incorrectly made injection (use of a short needle, accelerated rate of drug administration, development of muscle spasm, allergies).

In children, the anomaly is often accompanied by:

  • increased body temperature;
  • violation of speech and motor activity;
  • short-term decrease in vision;
  • drowsiness, lethargy;
  • dizziness;
  • prolonged and frequent bleeding from the nose, mouth.


Lack of vitamins (C and P), minerals (zinc, iron, selenium, cobalt) can also provoke an illness. Deficiency of components necessary for health leads to a decrease in the strength and elasticity of cell membranes, which is associated with a lack of collagen. As a result, ruptures and destruction of the venous walls occur.


A decrease in the number of platelets leads to poor blood clotting, resulting in spontaneous bruising.


The appearance of bruises on the veins of the legs is due to the fragility of the superficial vessels.


One of possible causes explaining why bruises appear on the legs of women. The absence of menstruation is associated with a decrease in the level of the sex hormone estrogen in the blood. Occurs during hormonal changes in the body.


It is characterized by damage to the bone marrow and blood. Among the main symptoms:

  • overwork, lack of air;
  • active formation of bruises and hematomas;
  • bleeding of internal and external organs, mucous membranes;
  • swelling of the gums;
  • discomfort in the stomach;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • excessive sweating (especially manifested at night);
  • headaches, pain in the bones;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • skin rashes;
  • weakening of the immune system, frequent susceptibility to infections.

Joint fragility

Due to a lack of vitamins and minerals. Deficiency of substances useful for the body leads to the fact that blood capillaries and vessels become unnecessarily fragile and prone to frequent injury. This provokes subcutaneous hemorrhages.

kidney failure

Improper functioning of the kidneys and the entire urinary system can provoke a blood disease, lead to thrombocytopenia (insufficient blood clotting).


The appearance of bruises on the legs without bruising may also be preceded by medication: antidepressants, steroids, analgesics, anti-inflammatory, anti-asthma.


The location of the bruises depends on the root cause they are caused by. The disease can manifest itself not only on the lower extremities, but also throughout the body.

Most often, bruises occur on the legs (thighs, calves, shins, ankles) due to varicose veins, problems with blood vessels. They are accompanied by general fatigue, edema, and the formation of a subcutaneous vascular network visible through the light.

Diagnosis of hemorrhagic vasculitis determines the formation of bruises in the form of blood-red spots on the elbows and knees, buttocks, face, feet, palms. Small pathological dots can merge with each other into a single whole.

Bruises due to hemophilia are located on various parts of the body. Any, even the most minor bruises or damage, can cause their occurrence.

Erythremia (increased erythrocytes in the blood) is characterized by hematomas on the lower extremities, which are complemented by pain in the heart, arterial hypertension, and physical exhaustion.

Bruising in women after childbirth

Often, women in the postpartum period have bruises on their legs. This is due to varicose veins, which develops due to the fact that during pregnancy the blood vessels are subjected to increased pressure, the load on them increases, they become thin, lose strength and elasticity, beriberi and hormone imbalance are observed.

  • apply cold to the problem area;
  • lubricate the lesion with an ointment containing vitamin K;
  • organize the right diet.

Bruises under the eyes

Bruises under the eyes indicate:

  • chronic infections;
  • diseases of internal organs (dysfunction of the kidneys and liver, cardiovascular and respiratory systems);
  • wrong way of life, the presence of bad habits;
  • long work at the computer;
  • eye diseases;
  • lack of food, sleep and rest.

To establish a reliable cause of the anomaly, a full medical examination is necessary.

Diagnosis of the causes of bruising on the legs

The diagnosis is made by:

  • blood tests;
  • radiography (if there are injuries of the limbs);
  • ultrasound examination of blood vessels;
  • visual examination by a doctor.

Additionally, it may be necessary to examine the whole body to establish diseases of the internal organs.

Metamorphoses of bruises on the legs

The presence of hemoglobin in the blood causes the blue color of hematomas in the first two days after their formation. Gradually, the protein breaks down into two components - biliverdin and bilirubin, the color of the bruise becomes green (on days 6-7), then acquires a yellowish-brown hue (on days 8-9). Under normal circumstances, bruises completely disappear after two weeks.

What treatment is needed

Therapy of the disease is also determined by the causes of its occurrence.

Who to contact?

If bruises regularly or periodically appear on the legs for no reason, which are not associated with mechanical injuries, then initially you need to seek help from a therapist or vascular surgeon (phlebologist). Depending on the results of the diagnostics, a treatment regimen is determined. You may also need to consult other specialists (endocrinologist, oncologist).

Treatment for beriberi

With beriberi, it is important to replenish the amount of missing vitamins and minerals. A person receives them with food. Therefore, recreational activities involve changing the diet, including foods and dishes containing rutin, calcium and potassium. The patient is advised to eat:

  • fish;
  • milk, cheese, cottage cheese;
  • dried fruits;
  • nuts;
  • fruits (citrus) and vegetables, herbs, berries;
  • buckwheat.

If necessary, you can use additional mineral and vitamin complexes. They should only be taken as directed by a doctor.

With hormonal failure

Women are more susceptible to hormonal changes. Pathology is observed during periods of menstruation, after the birth of a child. You can cope with a similar problem if you take the medicine prescribed by your doctor correctly. If the violation is caused by taking hormonal drugs, then treatment with them should be suspended or replaced with non-hormonal drugs that have a similar medicinal effect.

In case of violation of the cardiovascular system

If pathologies in the work of the heart and blood vessels are detected, drugs are used for treatment aimed at stabilizing the functioning of the circulatory system. The doctor prescribes:

  • drug therapy;
  • physiotherapy.

Symptomatic treatment

Ointments for external topical application help to quickly eliminate bruises that have arisen for no reason:

  • "Heparin";
  • "Troxevasin";
  • "Indovazin";
  • arnica based products.

These drugs should not be used for poor blood clotting.

Folk remedies for bruises

They are highly effective, often used to eliminate unpleasant manifestations, but have a local effect without affecting the true cause of the disease.

  • apply a cabbage leaf to a sore spot (crushed plant mass mixed with honey, alcohol or vodka has a healing effect faster);
  • make a compress of grated potatoes (a positive effect is observed after three to four days).

In the event of a bruise on the knee or other part of the leg, do not treat the place with iodine: this will increase bleeding.

How to prevent bruising on the legs?

To protect yourself as much as possible and prevent the formation of subcutaneous hematomas, it is advised:

  • Strengthen the body with vitamins, eat healthy and wholesome food: apricots, citrus fruits, carrots, kiwi must be included in the diet.
  • Practice a contrast shower or bath: procedures strengthen the walls of blood vessels, make them more durable and elastic.
  • Use ointments with vitamin K.
  • Use medicines "Bromelain" (break down protein), "Arnica" (prevents bruising).

All drugs should be taken only as prescribed by the doctor.

Complications of bruising on the legs

With the causeless and constant occurrence of bruises on the legs, it is necessary to seek the advice of a specialist. Otherwise, the anomaly is fraught with the formation of a bulky dense lump under the skin, which is caused by intense and prolonged outflow of blood from the damaged vessel.

Bruises on the legs are not an independent disease. Often they act as an alarming signal that not everything is in order in the body, and it requires increased attention to itself. Timely appeal for qualified help will help eliminate the source of the disease and relieve unpleasant manifestations for a long time.

Every girl has faced a problem more than once - bruises on her legs. They appear with bruises and other injuries. If bruising occurs on the legs for no reason, especially in women, you need to see a doctor. This may signal a disease. Seriously, you need to take the appearance of bruising on the thighs, legs, feet after scratching (due to itching).

Causes of bruising on the legs

There are three reasons leading to bruising on the legs in women:

  • capillaries pass near the skin, so the slightest touch leads to the formation of a bruise;
  • mechanical damage to the capillaries - bruises, falls and prolonged squeezing;
  • various diseases.

Determining the cause in the first days after the appearance of a hematoma makes it easy to get rid of even a serious illness.

Diseases manifested in the form of spots on the legs

After examination and a number of studies, it sometimes turns out that hematomas are a consequence of the disease. Which doctor should I contact to establish an accurate diagnosis? A dermatologist or surgeon will understand the problem of bruising on the body. They'll send you for an ultrasound of your legs. Based on its results, a preliminary diagnosis will be established.

Diseases that provoke the appearance of a symptom:

  • hypovitaminosis;
  • varicose veins - red spots appear on the lower leg, observed in women after 30 years, often after childbirth;
  • violation of blood flow in the limbs, chronic venous insufficiency;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis is a group of diseases accompanied by subcutaneous hemorrhages;
  • thrombophilia is a hereditary pathology that leads to the formation of blood clots, which provokes miscarriage during pregnancy or infertility.

When hematomas appear on the legs, a specialist consultation is needed, especially for those who have relatives suffering from thrombosis.

With hematomas on the legs, you need to remember about diseases of the blood system - thrombocytopenia, leukemia. They are characterized by bleeding and bruising on the legs. Such diseases are rare, the diagnosis is established by a general blood test. It should be the first study in the event of hematomas. Timely diagnosis, detection of the disease on early stage allows you to recover or achieve a long-term remission.

Factors unrelated to disease

Bruises do not always speak of illness, there are other factors:

  1. Insufficient amount of vitamin K. It is he who is responsible for clotting. Its total lack leads to hemorrhages in any part of the body. Pathologies can lead to a decrease in this vitamin thyroid gland, liver and pancreas.
  2. Low levels of vitamin C or rutin. The task of these nutrients is to strengthen blood vessels. Their deficiency leads to fragility and fragility of capillaries.
  3. Taking medicines. Often hematomas appear in those who take corticosteroids, Aspirin, Citramon. They reduce clotting. Also, a similar effect is caused by food supplements with antithrombotic activity, recommended for people with heart and vascular problems.
  4. Critical days. In women before menstruation, as well as in pregnant women, before the onset of labor, hematomas on the legs easily appear. The reason for this is weak blood vessels and a decrease in the number of platelets. In addition, pregnant women experience stress on the lower limbs, so bruising after childbirth is a frequent occurrence.
  5. The use of alcoholic beverages. The appearance of hematomas may be the result of alcohol intake. It thins the blood and reduces the amount of vitamin C in the body, destroys blood vessels.


What tests to take to find out the cause of bruises? This is a general blood test that allows you to determine the number of platelets. In women, the norm is no more than 320 * 10 9 / l, in pregnant women - 380, in adolescents - up to 480. A slight deviation is a consequence of a stressful situation or an unhealthy lifestyle, an inflammatory process, and a decrease in the level below 100 is thrombocytopenia. She is side effect some potent medications. If at the time of the test the patient does not take drugs, then he is additionally recommended:

  • do an ultrasound examination of the liver, pancreas, spleen;
  • donate blood for HIV, hepatitis and herpes.

Also, with leukemia, a patient may experience a decrease in platelets, while the level of leukocytes increases. To confirm the diagnosis, the bone marrow is checked.

What to do if blue spots appear

If the cause is identified, treatment should be started. It is necessary to improve blood circulation by such methods:

  1. Sports - daily walks in the fresh air, morning exercises, systematic visits to the gym. For those who spend a lot of time at the computer, it is recommended to take active breaks.
  2. Foot massage. To do this, use a cream with a moisturizing effect, apply to the legs and rub with light movements from the knee and above, and then go down.
  3. Shoes should be comfortable, preferably with small heels.
  4. No tight stockings.
  5. Rational nutrition, which should be enriched with foods with calcium and vitamin C, strictly observe the drinking regimen.
  6. Limitation physical activity, it is undesirable to lift weights.
  7. Body weight control.

All these rules will help to avoid bruising.

How to treat bruises

The treatment of spontaneous bruising (large or small) should be approached with caution, especially if they appeared without injury. An experienced specialist can easily find out the cause and select treatment options.

Important! Self-medication can be hazardous to health.

If bruises are the result of bruises, the healing process will be accelerated by drugs based on heparin and badyagi. These products may contain nicotinic acid and benzocaine. Heparin promotes blood thinning, due to which bruises resolve faster, swelling decreases. Nicotinic acid helps dilate blood vessels, benzocaine relieves pain and skin sensitivity.

Today, in every pharmacy you can find products that effectively relieve subcutaneous hemorrhages:

  1. Heparin ointment does an excellent job with any kind of hematoma.
  2. Troxevasin gel containing troxerutin helps to get rid of extensive bruising. How bruises hurt, only those who have encountered them know, so it is important to remove the pain syndrome, which is what the gel does. It also eliminates swelling in the bruised area.
  3. A cream containing vitamin K will help improve blood clotting and prevent bruising.
  4. Healing ointments promote the resorption of clotted blood, do not cause allergy manifestations. They can be used in the treatment of bruises in children and adults.

If the appearance of hematomas is caused by a deficiency of nutrients in the body, it is important to make up for their deficiency. For this, it is useful to take complex vitamins regularly.

How to get rid of folk methods

Round spots and small bruises that appear for no reason are the result of injuries or illness. If they occur on the calves or inner thighs, first aid is to apply ice wrapped in a towel.

When cooled, blood vessels constrict, thereby reducing hemorrhage. Refrigerate the place for no more than 15 minutes. This procedure will only help on the first day after the injury.

For quick resorption of hematomas, such compresses are also suitable:

  • an aloe leaf cut lengthwise is applied to a sore spot and wrapped with a cloth; it is necessary to keep such a compress all night;
  • raw potatoes, grated, perfectly relieves swelling - night compresses are also made with it;
  • chopped parsley helps well;
  • cabbage leaf helps to cope with the resulting hemorrhages. Simply apply it to the affected area.

Blue and black clay helps well. It is diluted to the consistency of sour cream, spread on gauze and applied to the place where the veins protrude and hematomas are visible.

Salt compresses are also effective. 2 tsp salt is diluted in ¼ cup of water. The contents are transferred to gauze and applied to the hematoma for two hours.

If spots are often formed on the lower extremities, it is important to find out why this is happening. You should seek qualified help from a specialist, especially when bruises do not resolve for a long time. The doctor will pick up complex treatment which will help remove hematomas.

Bruises on a woman's leg for no reason can signal serious health problems. Different specialists can help to cope with the problem: hematologist, hepatologist, gynecologist, phlebologist and others. In this article, we will try to identify the main causes of bruising on women's legs and talk about ways to deal with them.

Bruises, or in other words - hematomas, are of different sizes and they appear as a result of hemorrhage in the upper layers of the epidermis. It is impossible not to pay attention to hematomas on the legs. They are bright and immediately catch the eye.

Near the surface of the skin there are a large number of capillaries and thin vessels. They may be injured and open for other reasons. The blood that is in the vessels cannot find a way out and spreads in the layers of the epidermis.

The place where it has spread gradually turns bright red or dark brown. After a while, it acquires a bluish tint.

Women's feet are affected much more often than men's. The capillaries are torn as a result of a strong load on the legs. High heels do not allow the legs to relax and they are in tension all day long, tight jeans or leggings put pressure on the thin walls of blood vessels, and even during brisk walking you can accidentally stumble and fall.

There are bruises on the legs and for other reasons.


Why do big bruises appear on the legs for no reason? The answer to this question can only be found by an experienced specialist after a comprehensive examination.

Their appearance is influenced by the following factors:

  1. Small vessels and capillaries are located very close to the skin. In this case, a bruise may appear even if you press hard on the leg;
  2. Serious health problems;
  3. Mechanical damage.

Each reason should be analyzed in detail in order to avoid the causeless appearance of bruises on the legs.

Reason #1

Close proximity to the epidermis of blood vessels and capillaries

This reason is the main one. A woman may not get sick with anything, but bruises still appear. This suggests that the vessels are located close to the surface of the skin and you do not notice how you injure the thin epidermis.

The formation of blue spots can be avoided, it is enough to follow some rules:

  • Refuse peelings and acid masks;
  • Don't sunbathe;
  • Do not stay long in the baths;
  • You need to bathe only in warm water;
  • Sudden changes in temperature can cause bruising;
  • Skip the massage.

Any, even weak mechanical impact, can leave a mark on delicate skin.

But you should not refuse medical help. In any case, you need to make an appointment with a doctor and try to identify the cause. Perhaps bruising without a reason is formed as a result of rosacea.

This disease is genetic. Fragile and weak vessels break at the slightest touch. It is impossible to get rid of the disease. No cream will be effective in this situation. Such an arrangement of vessels and capillaries is given by nature and a medicine has not yet been invented that would help to hide them.

The problem can only disappear if you start to take care of yourself and follow all the rules.

Reason #2

Mechanical damage

In women, bruises on the leg for no apparent reason may appear as a result of severe mechanical damage. You need to be very careful with your feet and avoid damage.

It can have serious consequences and it is good if the bruise resolves quickly. A blue spot may appear at the site of impact after a few hours. A small bruise will disappear in a few days and you should not seek help from a doctor.

But to prevent this from happening, it is worth remembering that the skin of the legs needs no less than the face and hands, shoes must be chosen carefully and not worn narrow and uncomfortable. But if a bruise has appeared, then it can be smeared with absorbable ones, for example, "Arnica", "Express bruise", "Heparin".

Reason #3

Serious illnesses

Bruises can form as a result of serious disorders in the body. Of course, you should not panic if a single bruise appeared on the leg and soon passed. You need to worry if bruises appear systematically and do not go away for a long time.

In order not to panic once again and puzzle over the reasons for its appearance, you need to seek help from a specialist. A hematologist will be helpful in resolving this issue. But if there is no such doctor, then you can contact a therapist.

Diseases and additional factors that can affect the occurrence of blue spots on the legs

Hemorrhagic vasculitis

Hemorrhagic vasculitis is a serious disease that should never be ignored. If the disease is not treated, the bruising will become permanent. During an illness, the walls of blood vessels become inflamed and become fragile. After a certain time, they begin to break down and the blood that is contained inside spreads under the skin.

The causes of the onset of the disease are very different. It may also be a recent transfer. infectious diseases long-term use of antibiotics. Vasculitis is also dangerous because it affects small vessels throughout the body and all vital organs can suffer from this.

In addition to bruises, a sick person begins to feel unwell, his temperature rises.

Self-medication in this case is not worth doing. Only a qualified specialist can choose a comprehensive treatment. The doctor selects anti-leprosy drugs and purifies the blood with the help of plasmapheresis.


The disease is very difficult to diagnose because the platelet count is normal. Bruises with this ailment can form from the slightest pressure.

In a neglected state and without the necessary treatment, even bleeding is possible. on the skin can cause death of the patient.

This disease is incurable, but modern medicine allows to stabilize the condition of patients. In this case, hemostatic drugs are prescribed.

Poor blood clotting

There was a bruise on the leg and does not go away for almost a month? Perhaps the reason for its appearance lies in the low blood clotting. There are a lot of such diseases, but hemophilia is considered the most common.

The disease proceeds hidden and disturbances in the body can be noticed only by a large number of bruises and frequent bleeding, which are very difficult to stop. Diagnostics is very expensive, but without it it will be impossible to identify the exact reason why the blood does not clot.

Modern drugs allow you to maintain the patient's condition is normal. Doctors advise to periodically transfuse blood and follow a special diet.

Lack of essential vitamins

The lack of nutrients can cause various diseases that can affect the formation of bruises on the lower extremities.

For example, a lack of vitamin P can lead to thinning of the walls of small vessels. They become thin and brittle, and hematomas appear on the legs. In addition, bruises do not go away for a long time.

A lack of vitamin C can also affect the condition of the capillaries. Most often, bruises form on the legs, in the thighs and lower legs.

Lack of this vitamin can cause scurvy. As a result, the walls of the vessels will suffer and large and small bruises will appear on the lower extremities for no reason.

Coping with a lack of vitamins and minerals is very simple. It is enough to revise your diet and add foods containing required amount vitamins.

Varicose veins

When bruising appears too often. They come in different sizes. Associated symptoms there may be severe pain in the limbs that occur when walking, legs and the formation of blood asterisks.

A phlebologist will help in the treatment of the disease. The specialist will prescribe an examination and prescribe a medicine that normalizes blood circulation. Subsequently, bruises will cease to appear.

Infectious diseases

Infectious diseases can cause bruising. In this case, the treatment of blue spots is selected individually and only by the attending physician.

Perhaps the disease was treated for a long time, and the patient took serious antibiotics that affected the condition of the vessels.

Oncological diseases

Unreasonable bruising may indicate oncology. The disease consumes the entire body, all organs suffer. Cancer affects the decrease in platelets, which means that the blood loses normal clotting. That is why bruises appear almost every day. Usually they are very large and their borders are blurred.

In addition, the patient loses weight dramatically, the skin becomes pale, and the lymph nodes increase. In this case, you need to urgently consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

Hormonal imbalance

The hormonal background of a woman can change from taking contraceptives and with menopause. During this period, estrogen decreases, the blood loses viscosity, and bruises of various sizes form on the legs for no reason. They quickly disappear and do not require additional treatment.

In the diet you need to introduce foods rich in vitamins and proteins. If the hormonogram shows a strong lack of hormones, then the doctor prescribes medicines, which lead hormonal background back to normal.


Liver disease, in particular hepatitis, can be considered the cause of bruising. In this case, the disease disrupts the production of platelets, blood clotting decreases.

Hematomas in this case are colored yellow and are very different from the standard ones.


Another serious disease, when there are a lot of bruises on the legs. With this disease, serious changes occur in the blood.

The bruises appear every day. They are surrounded by a small rash and are painted in a specific color.


With this common disease, irreparable changes occur in the body. The patient often notices the appearance of bruises on the lower extremities.

In this case, it is very easy to confuse hematomas with black spots that occur with dermatitis. The blood supply in the epidermis is disturbed and the vessels lose their elasticity.


Bruises on the lower extremities are considered the main symptom of HIV. The infection damages a large number of microbodies that affect the production of platelets.

There are times when the patient's immune system takes platelets for harmful antibodies and begins to fight them.


Whatever the reason for bruising, they need to be eliminated as soon as possible, because women's legs are an ornament, and they attract the attention of the opposite sex.

Self-medication is not advisable. In any case, you need to see a doctor and get tested. The specialist must exclude serious diseases, and if they are, then proceed to the treatment of the underlying disease.

You can get rid of a hematoma with the help of drugs that include badyaga. They quickly relieve inflammation and, as well as reduce bruising. It is worth using the product until the blue spot disappears.

Folk remedies can also be useful in the fight against bruising. Before starting treatment, you need to review your diet and add plenty of fruits and vegetables to your food. Daily meals should be saturated with minerals and vitamins.

Removal of a hematoma is possible with the help of the following plants:

  • Aloe. Rinse a medium-sized leaf under warm water and grind in a blender. Apply the gruel to the bruise and tie it with a bandage. Leave for 8-10 hours;
  • Cabbage. A freshly picked cabbage leaf is tied to a sore spot and removed after 12 hours;
  • Potato. From raw potatoes make a compress. It is left overnight, and in the morning nothing remains of the bruise.

The place where the blue spot appeared can be “painted” with an iodine grid. It is done until the bruise disappears.

Be sure to do useful leg exercises that will help strengthen blood vessels and capillaries. For example, "Tiptoe", "Swallow Pose" and others.

In order for the bruise to pass quickly, it is necessary to choose the right method of treatment. But you should not treat them with all the existing means that are commercially available.

Later, you will not get rid of the bruise, and you will also get an allergy. A sore spot will cause a lot of inconvenience.

About the author: Andrey Stepanovich

Bruising on legs for no reason

good summer day, dear readers! Today I will tell you about the appearance of bruises on the legs and on the body for no reason and without blows - why they form and how to treat them. The problem is especially relevant for women. You can often hear complaints from them that a bruise appeared on their legs for no reason at all. It seems that she didn’t fight, she didn’t hit anything, but there is a bruise.

Bruising on legs without bumps

For most women, they appear from time to time. This is also delicate skin, when it really accidentally touched something, it didn’t even hit, but just pressed a little - and now the skin turned noticeably blue.

This kind of bruising appears primarily on the legs, since there is the weakest blood flow in the veins. Imagine how much effort it takes for the heart to pump heavy venous blood from the bottom up from the lower extremities.

Blue legs can occur in women of all builds - both overweight and thin. This indicator does not affect the formation of bruises.

Causes of bruising on the legs

Nothing happens without a reason, and even more so in the body. And if a woman at one fine moment discovers a semblance of a bruise on her leg, then, realizing that she did not hit, she speaks of the causelessness of his appearance. However, there are reasons. Only they are not on the surface (strike), but inside (lack of any substances or their excess).

For example, the well-known aspirin slows down the processes of blood clotting, thereby contributing to hemorrhages under the skin. Especially if you have fragile capillaries on your legs. All types of analgesics also contribute to the fact that you can find a bruise on your leg. This also includes Naproxen and Ibuprofen.

People who take aspirin to reduce the risk of blood clots or heart attacks may also experience bruising. In this case, you need to consult with the doctor who prescribed this drug.

Another reason may be a lack or excess of vitamin C, which is precisely responsible for the strength of our blood vessels. The juice of half a lemon, diluted with water and drunk, for example, after dinner, can compensate for the lack of a vitamin. Drink this elixir daily and many health problems will bypass you.

However, keep in mind that too much vitamin C can aggravate the problem with bruising on the legs! Note that mostly bruises appear in the summer, when women eat more berries, just containing a lot of ascorbic acids.

Also, vitamin K deficiency can cause bruising problems that appear out of nowhere. I advise you to add Brussels sprouts or broccoli to your diet.

How to treat such bruises on the legs

Rubbing vitamin K ointment into the legs over the entire area helps well. Rub into the legs twice a day to prevent bruising. If there is already blue, then it can be processed three times. Vitamin K improves blood clotting, prevents the capillaries in the legs from bursting, because it is through such micro-ruptures that blood seeps into the subcutaneous tissues, causing blueness.

Taking Bromelain

This is an enzyme extracted from pineapples that promotes the breakdown of proteins responsible for tissue inflammation and swelling. To prevent bruising, take 150 mg of the drug between meals.

Homeopathy: Arnica

Arnica should be taken as a preventive measure in one dose, as recommended on the package. In the beginning, you can take three days twice, with a break of four hours.

Heparin ointment for bruises on the legs

One of effective means in the fight against bruises on the legs. Contains a component of heparin, which dissolves bruises, thins the blood at the site of blueing.

Contrast baths strengthen the skin of the legs

This technique hardens the skin, making it more resistant to various kinds of influences. The capillaries also train, gradually becoming stronger and stronger. Alternate between cold and hot water while standing in the bath and pouring your feet all over the area. Do this procedure daily, in the evenings. Hardening is carried out in combination with the intake of vitamins and ointments.

Related video - why bruises appear for no reason and without a blow


I did not consider serious problems in the body, in which, it happens, bruises also appear on the legs. But these are not so common cases. Most often, blueing occurs precisely from a lack of vitamins, an excess of aspirin and similar complex analgesics. In any case, if the methods I have given do not eliminate the bruises, then go to the doctor and take blood tests.