Fading early pregnancy symptoms. Frozen pregnancy is not a cross on motherhood. Early symptoms

Unfortunately, today there are sad statistics associated with cases of pregnancy fading. Studies show that the risk of developing this pathology after 45 years increases to 18%, while at the age of 25-30 this figure is only 10%.

However, the risk still exists, but, as they say, knowledgeable means armed.

The ability to determine the freezing of the fetus independently depends on the period at which this occurs. At an early stage, it is very difficult to understand at home that the pregnancy has frozen, since the fetus is still small and the mother does not feel its movement. But, if you carefully listen to your body every day, then this unpleasant fact can be immediately recognized.

The first thing that should be alarming - bloody vaginal discharge, the appearance of cramping pains in the lower abdomen and in the lower back, a sharp increase in temperature. If you had early toxicosis, but suddenly stopped abruptly (earlier than 12 weeks), this may also indicate the fading of pregnancy.

If you planned your pregnancy correctly, then you paid attention to change in basal temperature before and after conception. Normally, the temperature in the first trimester should be elevated (37.3-37.1).

By the end of the first month of pregnancy, it begins to gradually decrease. But, if this decrease was noticed by you earlier and by 1 degree at once, then this is a clear sign of a frozen pregnancy. The decrease in temperature is associated with a decrease in the level of progesterone in the blood. This hormone becomes unnecessary if the fetus does not develop, since progesterone is responsible for keeping the pregnancy safe.

Fading of pregnancy at a later date is primarily determined by lack of fetal movement... Do not ignore "Method 10", according to which you should count at least 10 movements of the child from 9:00 to 21:00 hours.

Fading of pregnancy in the second or third trimester can also be recognized by the appearance sharp painful contractions and back pain. The fact is that the body is trying to get rid of the fetus, which is no longer developing. There is a sharp change in overall health in the negative direction (nausea, weakness, fever). Sudden cessation of toxicosis, if any, and the absence of painful sensations in the chest.

It is also worth paying attention to vaginal discharge. If they acquire a brownish or red tint, then this is a reason to sound the alarm.

Temperature increase when the pregnancy fades, it can indicate that the body has been intoxicated. This is fraught with serious consequences for a woman's health, up to and including death.

Many people believe that a pregnancy test should be done only before this happy fact is clarified. But experts advise to go through it throughout the first trimester. The fact is that with a frozen pregnancy, the test will show a negative result. This is due to the fact that the level of the hCG hormone in the woman's blood falls.

It may also be effective to test for hCG several times after determining conception. As it was said, when the pregnancy fades, its level will fall, or in general, during the next analysis, it will be equal to zero.

How is a missed pregnancy diagnosed?

On examination, a gynecologist may suspect fading if the size of the uterus does not match the time frame. But the diagnosis "missed pregnancy" will not be delivered to you without an ultrasound. This stage of diagnosis can be omitted only with a late visit to the doctor, when the body intoxication has occurred, and inflammatory processes in the uterus have begun.

Treatment of a frozen pregnancy

On the early dates freezing of the fetus, medical abortion is used. If the fetus froze in the last stages of pregnancy, then labor is stimulated to cause the birth of a child. If it is too early to stimulate labor, and the size of the fetus does not allow the use of medical abortion, then scraping is used.

With a frozen pregnancy, it is important to undergo postoperative treatment. The doctor prescribes medications that will help the body recover and remove inflammatory processes, if any.

Be sure to prescribe a full examination after a frozen pregnancy. This is necessary to find out the causes of fading and exclude them in the future. Also, after the freezing of pregnancy, histology is carried out, that is, the study of a smear and a section of the uterus.

Why does pregnancy freeze? Can this be prevented?

Fading pregnancy can occur for many reasons, for example:

  • development of fetal pathologies incompatible with life;
  • frequent abortions in the past, resulting in the accumulation of antibodies in the body. The latter simply do not give the child a chance for survival, attacking him in the womb;
  • infectious diseases of the mother;
  • diseases of the kidneys, cardiovascular system of the mother;
  • trauma;
  • stressful situations;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • bad habits;

During the period of carrying a baby, every woman worries that the development of the fetus may stop. Unfortunately, this is sometimes the case. In about one in three cases, a frozen pregnancy is diagnosed after fertilization. Signs in the first trimester may vary. It is about them that this article will tell you. You will find out what causes in the first trimester, and also find out about the methods of diagnosis and treatment.

What it is?

What does it have in the first trimester? Symptoms of the pathology will be described below. For a start, it's worth saying what it is.

Fading pregnancy is the termination of its progression. At some stage, the fetus simply stops developing, but does not undergo a reverse change. As a result, its decomposition and decay of the masses can begin. It is very dangerous.

Causes of pathology

Why does a missed pregnancy occur in the first trimester or later? Pathology can occur due to certain diseases. Infection with viruses is especially dangerous. These diseases include rubella, influenza, acute respiratory infections, toxoplasmosis and others. Often, the fetus undergoes changes that are incompatible with further development due to diseases such as chlamydia, trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis, and so on. These pathologies are sexually transmitted. That is why it is possible to name the frequent change of sexual partners.

A variety of can lead to a missed pregnancy in the first trimester. Its signs can appear immediately or be hidden for a long time. Often, the termination of the development of the embryo occurs due to previous abortions, diagnostic interventions and other manipulations on the genital area. It also includes congenital or acquired pathologies of other organs and systems. Hormones play an important role in this problem.

Another reason for a frozen pregnancy can be called genetic abnormalities. Often, such a fetus dies at the earliest stages. At the same time, the woman does not even have time to find out about her new position. In some cases, pathology develops due to external influences. For example, if the expectant mother uses alcohol, drugs, or leads an inappropriate lifestyle.

Frozen pregnancy: signs in the first trimester

The most reliable symptom that the fetus is no longer developing is the absence of a heartbeat. It is worth noting that in the early stages this can be checked exclusively with the help of ultrasound diagnostics. For long periods of time, such a manipulation can be performed using a special sensor or a cardiotocography apparatus.

During the study, the specialist always compares the estimated time and size of the embryo. Much attention is paid to the fertilized egg. Also, an examination is carried out on the area of ​​the corpus luteum. A frozen pregnancy in the first trimester has the following ultrasound signs:

  • inconsistency in the size and timing of pregnancy;
  • in some cases, the embryo is completely absent;
  • the contraction of the heart muscle is not determined;
  • additional defects are installed (absence of a corpus luteum, presence of detachment, and so on).

It is worth noting that it is impossible to talk about these signs without ultrasound diagnostics. It is this method of examination that is considered the most reliable in the formulation of the described diagnosis. Consider what signs of a frozen pregnancy in the first trimester still have.

Painful sensations in the abdomen

Up to 70 percent of missed pregnancies are accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. They develop due to the fact that the body is trying to independently reject the pathological. This is the way the human self-preservation system works. Pain occurs as a result of the production of certain hormones being stopped. The uterus becomes more sensitive and begins to contract, the cervical canal slightly changes its position and expands. A woman may experience unpleasant pulling sensations in the lower abdomen or feel severe cramping pains. Each situation is individual and does not depend on the gestational age.

It is worth saying that such sensations often arise when there is a threat of interruption. If a woman's body does not sufficiently produce certain hormones, as well as under the influence of other factors, the contraction of the genital organ may begin. This process can be reversed early on. You just need to take the appropriate medications and follow the prescription of doctors. That is why it is so important to seek help from a doctor if pain in the lower abdomen occurs at the earliest possible date and later.

Discharge from the genital tract of a different nature

What other signs of a frozen pregnancy have in the first trimester? A symptom of the development of pathology can be called vaginal discharge. During pregnancy, especially in the early stages, their number increases. This is considered the norm. However, the color of such a liquid should be clear or milky. Impurities of blood, pus and other substances are recognized as pathology. They should be a reason for immediate medical attention.

Bloody discharge may indicate that the process of rejection of the ovum has already begun. As a result, small capillaries are damaged. When the bleeding becomes violent, we can talk about a progressive spontaneous miscarriage. In the presence of purulent discharge there may be a suspicion that the fetal freeze occurred quite a long time ago, and the process of its decomposition has already begun. It is worth noting that, as in the previous paragraph, these signs can only indicate the threat of termination of pregnancy. The sooner you seek help from a gynecologist, the greater the chance to save the child.

Feelings in the area of ​​the mammary glands

What other signs of a frozen pregnancy have? Symptoms of pathology can manifest as the disappearance of pain and sensitivity of the mammary glands.

Under the influence of the pregnancy hormone (progesterone), the process of preparation for breastfeeding already immediately after fertilization. The mammary glands will undergo changes throughout the pregnancy. First, the breast becomes larger, it acquires a special sensitivity. Some women even experience painful sensations. All of these signs persist until about 12 to 16 weeks. It is then that the placenta begins to work. A sharp disappearance of breast sensitivity may indicate that there has been a stop in the development of the fetus.

Toxicosis and its absence

What are the signs of a frozen pregnancy in the first trimester? A photo of the embryo is presented to your attention in the article.

Most expectant mothers are faced with toxicosis. It appears within a few weeks after fertilization and can be more or less strong. The reliable reasons for this condition still cannot be stated.

The abrupt cessation of severe toxicosis may indicate that the pregnancy has stopped. This symptom is indirect, but, like all of the above, requires additional diagnostics and confirmation. It is worth saying that some expectant mothers do not experience such sensations at all. They safely tolerate the first stages of pregnancy. This does not mean that there is a risk of a frozen pregnancy.

Basal body temperature

What other signs of a frozen pregnancy have in the first trimester? The causes of the pathology have already become known to you. Another symptom of the problem is a decrease in high level basal temperature. If you observed the work of your body in this way, you may notice that immediately after ovulation, the level of the thermometer readings increases. After fertilization and implantation, it can become even higher. So, the average basal temperature in expectant mothers is 37 - 37.2 degrees. If the graph line suddenly drops to 36 - 36.5 degrees, then we can talk about a frozen pregnancy.

It is worth noting that this sign can only be checked by those women who previously conducted appropriate observation. The initial measurement in most cases turns out to be unreliable, because you will have nothing to compare with.


Another sign of a frozen pregnancy is an increase in body temperature. It occurs due to the fact that the fetus in the uterus begins to decompose gradually. It is worth noting that this symptom appears with a long course of the process. This can be very dangerous for a woman.

If you have risen heat, as well as there are additional signs described above, then you should immediately run to the hospital, and it is better to call an ambulance. The slightest delay in sepsis can lead to the death of a woman.

How to find out about a frozen pregnancy before an ultrasound scan?

If you have any suspicions, only an ultrasound scan can confirm them. Any indirect signs cannot become a reason for a diagnosis, remember this.

There are studies that can help you find out about the problem even before diagnosing. This is a blood test. During the study, the amount of chorionic gonadotropin in your blood is determined. The results are checked against generally accepted standards. Based on this, you can judge whether your actual date corresponds to the expected one. For a more accurate diagnosis, it is recommended to conduct the study several times with an interval of three or five days.

Frozen pregnancy in the first trimester: treatment

If you find out about the presence of this pathology, then it must be eliminated as soon as possible. In most cases, gynecological curettage is performed. At short periods of time, it is possible to use other methods of cleansing the uterus, for example, medical abortion or In some situations, when an abortion (bleeding) begins, doctors choose expectant tactics. If within a few days a complete cleansing of the uterus does not occur, then the patient is offered cleaning. What are the consequences of a frozen pregnancy in the first trimester?

In most cases, the pathology does not affect the future life and fertility of the patient. Only in especially severe cases can we talk about acquired infertility. Usually, the fairer sex is capable of a new pregnancy within 3 to 6 months after the incident. Often, after the manipulation, a woman is assigned medications to correct the condition. These can be antibiotics, immunomodulators, microflora restoration agents, and so on.

Instead of an article conclusion, or a short summary

You found out what causes a missed pregnancy in the first trimester. This is a very unpleasant phenomenon. It is especially hard for those women who want to give birth to a baby for a long time, but they fail. If the situation with a frozen pregnancy is repeated more than two times, then the fairer sex, like her partner, is shown a consultation with a hematologist and a geneticist. In such situations, it is worth starting a full examination and finding the reason why conception occurs, but the embryo at some stage simply stops developing. I wish you good health and success!

Recognizing a frozen pregnancy in the early stages is not easy. For this purpose, a number of studies are used, both in the doctor's office and at. There are a number of subjective signs by which such a diagnosis is suspected, objective criteria for its presentation. For a later period, the situation is different, a woman herself can often understand that a tragedy has happened to the fetus. What manifestations can become a cause for concern with an immediate visit to an obstetrician-gynecologist and an ultrasound scan?

Signs of a frozen pregnancy in early gestation

The growth and development of the fetus from the first days until the moment of delivery is subject to certain laws and has its own external signs, as well as ultrasound characteristics. The development of a frozen pregnancy has fairly clear symptoms that specialists can determine quickly and accurately. But the external manifestations, noticeable to the woman herself, are far from always clear and distinct.

One of the obvious and specific manifestations will be the disappearance of all manifestations of pregnancy - it passes, breast swelling, swelling and, the level of basal temperature decreases. But not all women have such manifestations strongly, therefore, mommy may not pay attention to small changes in well-being. Alarming signals will be such as a change in character, the appearance of a "daub" in the area of ​​the pubis and rectum. When contacting a doctor with such complaints, an unscheduled ultrasound is often prescribed, according to the results of which the diagnosis will already be accurate. Signs of a frozen pregnancy in the early stages will be:

  • discrepancy between the size of the fetus and the gestational age,
  • lack of movement of the embryo,
  • no heartbeat recorded,
  • revealed anembryonia (there is no fetus in the membranes, they are empty).

In addition, a decrease in the level of hCG in the blood test will be signs of a missed pregnancy. And thus, a pregnancy test from a pharmacy in some cases may show a negative result (but not always).

Symptoms of a frozen pregnancy in the second half of gestation

At a time when a woman already clearly feels the future life inside herself, signs of fetal death and pregnancy fading are more obvious subjectively... First of all, there are various, pubis, perineum, discomfort and reduction in the size of the abdomen. The manifestations of pregnancy, malaise and drowsiness, breast growth and a feeling of engorgement, increased sensitivity disappear.

The clearest signs by which a problem can be suspected is the absence of fetal movements for 12-24 hours or more, especially if the baby was actively making itself felt before this period. The abdomen may remain the same size as before, but the height of the fundus of the uterus does not increase, because the fetus does not grow and does not gain weight. In some cases, it occurs, due to which the growth of the abdomen becomes rapid, as well as weight gain.

Any sudden changes in condition and internal sensations are a reason to visit a doctor. If at the reception the doctor does not detect fetal movements, does not detect the baby's heartbeat with a stethoscope, an ultrasound scan is prescribed urgently, on which the diagnosis is made about the absence of a heartbeat, signs of death and decomposition of the baby's little body.

Fading pregnancy: what happens?

It differs from such a state quite strongly, although the reasons underlying both conditions may be the same. The fetus, frozen in its development, does not leave the mother's body, remaining in the uterine cavity from several days to several weeks or even months. Sometimes, without the intervention of doctors, the rejection of a dead embryo or fetus does not occur, which is dangerous to the health and life of the mother. A fetus that dies inside the uterine cavity may undergo three pathological processes in further development:

  • Maceration of tissues,
  • Body petrification,
  • Mummification of the embryo.

Each of these processes has its own manifestations and affects the woman's body. Up to 90% of missed pregnancies after the death of the fetus lead to its maceration. This is necrosis (death) of fetal tissues and membranes, the area of ​​the placenta due to swelling, without the addition of putrefaction. Inside the uterine cavity, conditions are sterile, and during the first days, maceration occurs aseptically, without infection.

Fruit, at macerating its tissues, soft and flabby, looks "steamed", the skin is wrinkled and exfoliated, in the presence of infection there may be a greenish tint to the tissues. This is important to determine the causes of fading, as well as further treatment of the woman.

Mummification- this is a kind of drying of the dead fruit, sometimes this happens when one of the fruits freezes in the development, when the second continues to grow and form. Often this can be with asphyxiation due to the tight neck of the crumbs with the umbilical cord. The fetus in this state is wrinkled and reduced in size, the skin looks like crumpled sheets of paper, the amniotic fluid is absorbed.

Rarely happens petrification of the fetus, this is the deposition of calcium salts in its tissues. Such a baby in obstetrics is called "lithopedion", a stone embryo, and such a fetus can be in the mother's body for a long time, sometimes for years without any symptoms.

Diagnostic methods: doctor's actions, ultrasound

First of all, it is important to examine the woman, determine the size of the uterus on the gynecological chair, and also carefully question all the complaints. The doctor will be worried about the change in the size of the uterus, if it does not meet the deadline, is reduced in size or greatly enlarged. Most often, a delay of 2-3 weeks is recorded, as well as the lack of dynamics of its growth in comparison with previous examinations.

The second alarming factor will be a decrease in the level of hCG in the blood test., its absence or reduced values ​​in comparison with the previous study. In combination with the woman's complaints about the disappearance of the subjective sensations of pregnancy, the abrupt cessation of toxicosis and the absence of breast changes, suspicions become very strong. But an accurate diagnosis can only be made by an ultrasound doctor... The criteria for a frozen pregnancy will be anembryonia (there is no fetus inside the ovum) and the absence of heartbeats.


It is especially difficult to diagnose such a condition at a very early date; often, due to the limited capabilities of the device, the picture will be dubious. In this case, it is recommended to repeat the ultrasound scan on a more powerful device or after 10-14 days. Against this background, the doctor may prescribe tracking the dynamics of hCG according to the blood test. This is necessary because there are cases when, according to ultrasound data, a frozen pregnancy was set in an early period, and analyzes and repeated ultrasound in another clinic revealed a developing fetus. But you should pay attention, this is relevant only for the early stages - 3-5 weeks.

Emergency measures, ambulance in case of pregnancy fading

It is important to immediately begin treatment measures after establishing the fact of a frozen pregnancy, when everyone possible methods fetal death in utero was confirmed. Abortion is carried out with curettage of the uterine cavity in connection with medical indications. If such an intervention is not carried out in time and all the remnants of the fetus and its membranes are not removed from the uterus, tissue decomposition will begin with the transition of inflammation to the uterus and appendages, poisoning of the woman's body with decomposition products and toxins. In some cases, an interrupted pregnancy forms a spontaneous miscarriage after a few days.

Doctors act in the presence of such a diagnosis in the early stages as follows:

The material obtained by scraping the uterus is sent for histological and cytological studies in order to find out the reasons for the fading of pregnancy, both spouses are examined, and the necessary therapy is carried out.

For some time, a woman is prescribed for full recovery, and in the future, pregnancy is already carefully with all the necessary preventive measures. It is important to realize that a frozen pregnancy is not infertility, not a sentence, and it is quite possible in the future to give birth to healthy children.

The consequences of a frozen pregnancy

Those young women who have experienced such a diagnosis attribute this life time to one of the most difficult tests, both physically and emotionally. In the future, with regard to pregnancy, they have a lot of worries, fears and phobias, which complicates the work of doctors with them. Women often worry about whether they will be able to have children in the future, whether pregnancy will occur and whether this situation will happen again. Doctors and psychologists say that often the consequences of a frozen pregnancy are gradually eliminated, and such a pathology, with timely detection and treatment, has no consequences and complications. It is important to follow all the recommendations of doctors, to be fully examined and treated in order to eliminate as much as possible all risk factors for a recurrence of the situation in the future. Most women, with a history of a frozen pregnancy, subsequently give birth to healthy children.

The most difficult thing is to identify the causes that influenced and eliminate them. If these are external factors, it will be simple, and if there are genetic pathologies, antiphospholipid syndrome or severe somatic pathologies, in some cases, doctors offer women with recurrent dying pregnancies a procedure and the use of assisted reproductive technologies as an alternative.

Planning a pregnancy after a frozen pregnancy

We recommend reading:

Physically, a woman is able to become pregnant again immediately after the termination of a frozen pregnancy, in the next cycle, during ovulation. But the risk of a repetition of the tragedy or miscarriage, failure of pregnancy, and developmental defects of the baby is very high. In addition, both the psycho-emotional background and the hormonal, general state of the body are too unstable. Therefore, after the pregnancy fades, it is necessary to systematically and carefully so that the next baby is born and born without any problems and pathologies. It is important to check the results of histological examination of the material from the uterine cavity in order to eliminate all negatively influencing factors at the planning stage.

The minimum period allowed for the restoration of reproductive health after a frozen pregnancy is three months, but according to WHO recommendations, it is worth waiting at least 6-12 months from the date of curettage in order to become pregnant again. This time is needed for the level of hormones to return to normal, and the effects of physical and psychological stress are eliminated. This is necessary in order for the pregnancy to fade and not repeat itself. Two or three or more or frozen pregnancies in a row are threatened, in this case, pregnancy can be planned by IVF or with the use of assisted reproductive medicine.

A frozen or advanced pregnancy is intrauterine fetal death, which does not manifest itself with clear signs of termination of pregnancy. The pathological condition occurs before 28 weeks of gestation. Most often, pregnancy fading occurs in the early stages of the first trimester before the 16th week of the child's development. Particularly dangerous is the period before, when the organs and systems of the embryo are laid, and the placenta has not yet been formed. After diagnosing a frozen pregnancy, the embryo is removed from the woman's uterus. In some cases, a spontaneous abortion occurs.

Symptoms of a frozen pregnancy in the early stages

The danger of an undeveloped pregnancy in the early stages of development is that the pathology can proceed without clinical manifestations... The retention of a dead embryo in the uterus leads to the gradual decomposition of its tissues. Toxic decomposition products are absorbed into the woman's bloodstream, causing poisoning of the body and the development of severe complications.

Explicit Clinical signs can occur 6-7 weeks after the death of the fetus, which indicate a disruption in the work of the woman's body. A frozen pregnancy in late terms in the 2nd trimester is detected faster - the fetal movement stops, which should alert the woman. Doctors warn that a planned visit to a gynecologist can eliminate not only the development of intoxication and others undesirable consequences in a pregnant woman, but in some cases it also prevents fetal death.

Clinical signs of non-developing pregnancy, if they appear, are rather weak. A woman may not attach any importance to this. It is necessary to know the symptoms of intrauterine fetal death in the early stages in order to respond in a timely manner and visit the doctor of the antenatal clinic, where the pregnant woman is registered.

Symptoms of a frozen pregnancy:

In the event of complications associated with the poisoning of the body with toxic products of decomposition of fetal tissues, there are clear clinical signs.

  1. Fever up to 40 degrees.
  2. Chills, increased sweating.
  3. Headaches.
  4. Intense pain in the lower abdomen.
  5. Constant nausea, repeated.
  6. Uterine, nose, internal bleeding.

Prolonged intoxication can lead to the development of sepsis (bacteremia, general infection of the body) and disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome (impaired blood coagulation, massive bleeding).

Signs of a frozen pregnancy in the early stages

A non-developing pregnancy can be diagnosed by a gynecologist based on specific signs that are characteristic of intrauterine fetal death. The specialist also prescribes additional examination methods that confirm the disappointing verdict. Only after contacting the antenatal clinic will it be possible to say with confidence that the embryo has died, and the pregnancy has stopped development. Before visiting a specialist, you should not draw premature conclusions.

You can suspect a frozen pregnancy at home by change. To do this, it is necessary to measure the temperature in the rectum with a thermometer in the morning after sleep, without getting out of bed. The female sex hormone is responsible for maintaining pregnancy, which causes an increase of 0.3-0.5 degrees.

The normal course of intrauterine corresponds to the temperature in the rectum at the level of 37.2-37.5 degrees. A decrease in this indicator indicates a violation of the course of pregnancy and possible fetal death. It must be remembered that a low rate is not an absolute sign of a frozen pregnancy. If a basal symptom is detected, it is necessary to seek advice from a gynecologist.

At the reception, the doctor collects the woman's complaints, conducts an examination, including on the gynecological chair, prescribes laboratory and instrumental examination methods. In the early stages of gestation, the most informative is ultrasound diagnostics of the embryo and laboratory analysis to identify the concentration (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the peripheral blood.

Causes of a frozen pregnancy

In most cases, it is possible to identify the cause of the undeveloped pregnancy and, with further planning of conception, take a course preventive treatment... Sometimes doctors cannot determine the cause of intrauterine fetal death. This does not cause concern in the event that such a pathology occurs only once. Repeated miscarriage indicates a severe pathology in a woman's body, which requires careful examination and adequate therapy. According to statistics, intrauterine fetal death is rare and does not have the usual character - for every 200 normal pregnancies, there is one case of embryo death in the womb.

Causes of a frozen pregnancy.

Habitual miscarriage often causes a combination of several unfavorable factors... Identifying the cause of the pathology is an important link in planning pregnancy and giving birth to a healthy child.

What diagnosis of a frozen pregnancy will be the most accurate?

Non-developing pregnancy in the early stages is detected using laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods. Before the appointment of the examination, a gynecological examination of the pregnant woman is carried out.

  1. Examination on a gynecological chair - allows you to determine the state of the cervix, the correspondence of the size of the uterus to the gestational age. If a discrepancy is detected or pathological changes appoint ultrasound diagnostics.
  2. Ultrasound examination of the uterus and fetus is the most accurate method for detecting intrauterine fetal death in the early stages of development. Signs of a frozen pregnancy: uneven contours and deformation of the ovum, localization of the embryo in the lower parts of the uterine cavity. In case of a dubious result, a second ultrasound examination is carried out in 5-7 days. Stopping the growth of the ovum or poor visualization of the embryo testifies in favor of a non-developing pregnancy.
  3. Blood test for content - effective method diagnosis of intrauterine fetal death at the earliest stages of pregnancy (up to 8-10 weeks), when an ultrasound examination is not informative. In the first weeks of pregnancy, the hormone level doubles every 24-48 hours. The absence of an increase in blood or a decrease to 5 mIU / ml (typical for non-pregnant women and men) speaks in favor of intrauterine fetal death. In some cases, the membranes of the ovum are formed and synthesized, and the embryo does not develop - the hormone indicators will give a false negative result and the diagnosis becomes ineffective.

The appointment of a method for diagnosing a frozen pregnancy and the interpretation of the examination results is carried out by a gynecologist. The specialist will correctly assess the risk of pregnancy pathology and determine the treatment tactics.

What to do if a missed pregnancy is found?

After confirmation of a frozen pregnancy, the dead embryo is removed from the uterine cavity. In some cases, the body rejects the fetus on its own during the spontaneous abortion. In case of miscarriage, the pregnant woman is prescribed medical procedures and surgical interventions that are aimed at removing the embryo and its membranes.

Methods for terminating non-developing pregnancies.

  1. Medication - intravenous administration of drugs that increase the tone of the uterus and cause contractions. The embryo leaves the uterine cavity naturally through the cervix and vagina.
  2. Curettage - cleaning of the uterine cavity with special surgical instruments. It is performed under general anesthesia. The cervix is ​​expanded, then instruments are inserted into the organ cavity. The embryo and the inner lining of the uterus are scraped out. The technique is dangerous by the development of complications: bleeding, inflammation, infertility. This method cannot be considered sparing in the early stages of pregnancy and is prescribed if other methods are contraindicated.
  3. Vacuum aspiration - gentle surgery by means of vacuum suction. Used for early abortion. The tip of a vacuum apparatus is inserted into the cervix without the use of dilators and the contents of the organ are sucked under pressure, removing the embryo and mucous membrane.

After termination of a frozen pregnancy, a woman should be under the supervision of a gynecologist. Outpatient or inpatient treatment is carried out depending on the type of resolution from the burden, the general condition of the woman, and the risk of complications. The therapy includes broad-spectrum antibiotics, hemostatic agents, vitamins. It is recommended to refrain from planning conception for six months.

To identify the cause of intrauterine fetal death, the mucous membrane of the uterus (endometrium) and embryonic tissue are taken for histological examination. When chromosomal abnormalities are detected, a genetic consultation of the parents is prescribed to establish compatibility. It is obligatory to test a woman's blood for the condition hormonal background, smear analysis for flora and the presence of genital infections. Identifying the cause of a frozen pregnancy allows you to prevent intrauterine fetal death during further planning of motherhood.

A frozen pregnancy is a tragic event in a woman's life, but not a sentence. If the cause of the pathology is identified, it is possible to prevent the death of the embryo, to preserve the vital activity of the fetus during the entire period of development, to give birth to a healthy child.

A common fear that haunts expectant mothers in the early stages of pregnancy is that they are afraid to detect the death of the embryo on one of the ultrasound trips. Sometimes this anxiety becomes so intrusive that the expectant mother is ready to literally live next to the ultrasound machine and constantly be confident in the child's successful development.

But a frozen pregnancy has certain symptoms that can be noticed if you closely monitor the general condition of your body.

Conventionally, these signs can be divided into 2 groups: the first includes those that a pregnant woman can observe on her own, and the second - those that are observed with the help of special studies and are not visible to the naked eye.

Symptoms of a frozen pregnancy in the first trimester

It is possible to determine that the ovum has died by observing the nature of the discharge from the genital tract, general well-being, toxicosis, as well as the behavior of the basal temperature graph. These will be only indirect symptoms of a frozen pregnancy in the early stages, but their presence will serve as a signal to consult a doctor and conduct more thorough research.


Despite the fact that the embryo dies, for some time the ovum is in the uterus. If the miscarriage did not occur in the first hours, then the body will get rid of the fetus gradually.

  • In the first 1-2 days after the onset of regression in the development of the fetus, the discharge has the usual whitish color and the usual consistency.
  • Over the next few days, the embryo begins to decompose. These processes affect the ovum, which begins to gradually exfoliate from the wall of the uterus, where it was previously implanted. Reddish streaks may appear in the discharge.
  • 2 weeks after the death of the embryo, detachment of the ovum is more obvious. The discharge becomes bloody, becomes reddish-brown.

As a rule, when blood appears, a woman turns to a gynecologist who diagnoses a lost pregnancy. But this symptom does not necessarily mean that the embryo has stopped developing. Perhaps he is alive, and the detachment began for completely different reasons.


If nausea began in the first weeks of pregnancy, then by the change in its frequency and intensity, one can judge that not everything is in order with the embryo. begins to appear after the implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterus, so an increase in the concentration of the hormone hCG in the blood causes nausea and vomiting to intensify.

  • On the first day after the embryo died, nausea can manifest itself in the same way as at the time while the pregnancy was developing.
  • On the next day, the level of hCG begins to decrease, therefore, if the expectant mother had vomiting, then it can turn into a slight feeling of nausea.
  • After 4-5 days, toxicosis disappears.
  • Another option for changing the manifestations of intoxication may be the sudden cessation of vomiting and nausea.

It must be remembered that a decrease in the number of vomiting may be a sign of the natural cessation of toxicosis due to the addiction of the mother's body to the presence of pregnancy.

General well-being

A decaying fertilized egg that does not leave the uterus will, over time, contribute to a deterioration in overall health. However, this symptom appears when the lost pregnancy is in the mother's body for a long time.

  • Weakness, dizziness and a pulling sensation in the lower abdomen appear about 3 weeks after the embryo dies.
  • Sharp pain in the uterus and a slight increase to 37.7 appears 4 weeks after the death of the embryo.
  • High fever and cramping pain in the uterus, accompanied by general weakness and loss of consciousness is observed 5 weeks after the death of the embryo.

Long-term presence of a decomposing ovum in a woman's body is fraught with severe inflammation, which can develop into sepsis. Therefore, you need to pay special attention to other signs of a frozen pregnancy in the early stages of pregnancy in order to carry out curettage of the uterine cavity in time.

Changes in BT schedule

Many women continue to monitor their basal temperature on a daily basis even after pregnancy. This will be another opportunity to notice the first signs of fetal death in time, and the temperature will react faster than all other symptoms.

  • After two days, the BT line on the chart will start moving down. Normally, the thermometer should show a temperature of at least 37 degrees. However, approximately 48 hours after the termination of the embryo's vital activity, it will drop to values ​​of 36.9 - 36.8.
  • After 4 days, the temperature will drop to 36.7 degrees and will hold at this value for several more days.
  • Further, the process of decomposition of the ovum will enter a more active phase, and the BT will respond to the occurrence of an inflammatory process in the pelvic organs with a sharp rise.

However, in some cases, the termination of the development of the embryo does not affect the basal temperature. Then the pregnant woman should rely on a number of the above symptoms.

Signs of a missed pregnancy in the early stages (I trimester)

The signs of fetal death are determined by the doctor, based on the results of the studies carried out. As a rule, a woman asks for help in the presence of pain and smearing meager (or profuse) bleeding, or a dead pregnancy is discovered by chance, during a trip to an ultrasound scan. In addition to the hardware study, the pregnant woman will have to take a blood test to establish the concentration of hCG.

Ultrasound indicators

  • The heartbeat of the embryo is not detected. Normally, on ultrasound, it is noticeable starting from the 5th week of pregnancy.
  • The fertilized egg does not have a diameter of the size that suggests the gestational age.
  • The size of the embryo in the ovum does not correspond to the gestational age.
  • If the period is up to 4 weeks, then a sign of the death of the ovum is deformation.
  • The embryo is not visualized at 6-7 weeks.

HCG indicators

  • The concentration of hCG is lower than the gestational age set on an ultrasound scan or during a gynecological examination.
  • For several days, there is a persistent decrease in the hCG hormone in the blood.
  • The hCG level rises, but very weakly and far behind the norm, determined by the duration of pregnancy.

To accurately establish the presence of a frozen pregnancy in the first trimester, the signs found on ultrasound and according to the results of hCG are considered in conjunction with each other.

Symptoms of a missed pregnancy in the II and III trimesters

With the increase in the gestational age, the child is making itself felt more and more clearly, therefore, if he dies in the second trimester, the signs of a frozen pregnancy will be equally noticeable both at 16 weeks and at 18 weeks. The same can be said for the third trimester.

Since the symptoms of fetal death in both trimesters have much in common, they can be combined into a single list:

  1. Sudden cessation of movement for several days.
  2. The appearance of pulling pain in the lower back.
  3. The appearance of bloody discharge.
  4. Discharge from the genital tract of amniotic fluid that has an unpleasant odor.

Unlike the first trimester, during a long period of pregnancy, the woman's body independently gets rid of an undeveloped pregnancy rather quickly - within a few days.

Factors provoking the death of the embryo

A frozen pregnancy is never unreasonable. It can occur due to a genetic malfunction, hormonal disorders, infectious diseases or due to autoimmune problems. Doctors identify two factors that cause the embryo to stop developing:

  1. Factors that contribute to the development of a potentially defective embryo (genetic mutation).
  2. Factors that create conditions that are unfavorable for the development of the embryo (hormonal disorders, infections, autoimmune problems)

The vast majority of pregnancies that freeze up to 8 weeks die due to a factor of genetic mutations. They can be spontaneous or they can be hereditary.

What diagnosis of a frozen pregnancy will be the most accurate?

The actions of a woman should depend on the way in which it was established undeveloped pregnancy... It so happens that doctors make mistakes when diagnosing, therefore, before going to curettage, you need to double-check the conclusions of doctors.

Diagnostics during gynecological examination

The size of the uterus may not match the gestational age that the doctor calculated based on the start date of the most recent period. If at the same time bloody spotting comes from the genital tract, then the specialist can conclude that the embryo has regressed in development and the ovum has begun to decompose.

It often happens that the period determined by the gynecologist differs from the actual gestational age by 2, and sometimes even 3 weeks. Bloody discharge can go on for completely different reasons, for example, the ovum began to exfoliate with a living embryo.

Therefore, if a frozen pregnancy is diagnosed only with the help of a gynecological examination, then it is better to double-check the doctor's conclusions by visiting an ultrasound office.

Diagnostics using ultrasound

Signs of a frozen pregnancy, for example, at 8 or 10 weeks, are clearly defined when the ultrasound procedure is performed for the first time. But if the period is still small, and does not exceed 5 weeks, then even hardware diagnostics can make a mistake: not to visualize the embryo or not notice its heartbeat.

Therefore, in a short period of time, when determining a dead pregnancy, ultrasound cannot be completely trusted. In this case, you should come in a week and make a new attempt to identify the presence of the vital activity of the embryo.

Diagnosis with hCG

The blood test results may not match the expected gestational age. But if the blood sampling for hCG was single, then when determining the death of the fetus, it is not informative.

Only a second test, done a few days after the first, is able to answer the question of the viability of the ovum. Even more accuracy will be if the results of hCG are correlated with the results of ultrasound.

What to do if a missed pregnancy is found?

If the child was desired, then his death at any stage of pregnancy will be a tragedy for the mother. But from the moment doctors suspect the death of the fetus, it is necessary to adhere to a certain scheme of actions:

  • It is necessary to make sure that the pregnancy is indeed fatal. To do this, you need to follow the results of the analysis of hCG in dynamics.
  • If the embryo has died recently, then you can apply expectant tactics - perhaps the body itself will reject the ovum. But this should be done only in consultation with a doctor who will carefully assess all the risks.
  • If the embryo died a long time ago, the doctor will prescribe a curettage of the uterus, which is carried out in a hospital under general anesthesia.

It is necessary to get rid of a frozen pregnancy only under the supervision of medical specialists. In no case should you self-medicate and try to cause uterine contractions at home using herbal preparations.

Firstly, you can lose time and the ovum that decomposes in the uterine cavity will cause serious harm to the woman's body.

And secondly, inept actions create the risk of partial release of the embryo from the uterus. The remnants of the membranes may still be in the woman's body, contributing to the onset of the inflammatory process.

In addition, self-treatment of a frozen pregnancy can provoke severe bleeding, to stop which you will have to go to the hospital.