Jasmine bloom time. Proper care of jasmine at home. Types and varieties of jasmine, names and photos

Jasmine garden (mock orange, philadelphus) is the most common ornamental shrub that blooms in summer, belonging to the olive family. He was always respected in the East, his flowers were considered magical, as if they create harmony.
He does not require special conditions, frost resistant. Most of its forms are resistant to diseases and pests, but aphids can sometimes be damaged. Flowers appear in May and bloom until July, they are predominantly white, sometimes cream. But some species (Gordon) may bloom again in the fall. Flowers can reach a size of up to five centimeters in diameter. During the flowering period, the entire bush is covered with fragrant, white flowers, it seems that butterflies are about to take off. The flowers are very delicate, at first they are painted in White color when they fade, they take on a creamy hue. Today, jasmine has appeared with double and semi-double flowers, before that simple ones were common.
The jasmine bush will bloom when three years have passed after transplanting or planting in the ground. Long flowering of jasmine attracts gardeners, landscape designers and breeders. Therefore, today it has been created, according to different sources up to 200 types of bush.

Jasmine Care

In order to grow a good flowering jasmine bush, you need to follow a few simple rules care, which include:

  1. Transplant garden jasmine tolerates very well, its growth is not delayed. You need to plant it in a lighted place, in the shade it will not bloom well. The soil must be fertile and not saline. The soil around the bush must be periodically loosened, especially after watering, when a soil crust forms (it is advisable to prevent its appearance). If you carry out periodic feeding of the plant, then it will delight with beautiful, large and fragrant flowers. If it is planted in an open place and poorly watered, then the leaves will be small and twisted, the bush will bloom poorly or will not form flowers at all.
  2. Jasmine is planted mainly singly, however, it can be planted in composition with spirea, hydrangea. It is also used to form a hedge, it looks especially original during flowering.
  3. Do not water jasmine cold water it should be warm and soft. To do this, leave it for a day to defend. It is desirable to carry out watering in the evening, when there is no direct sunlight, so the earth will not crack and a crust will form. Watering should be moderate. In hot weather, you can spray the plants, so we will cool the jasmine and wash the dust from the leaves, thereby increasing the intensity of photosynthesis.
  4. You need to feed the jasmine during its intensive growth, for this you can use a diluted mullein. After flowering, it is imperative to feed the jasmine with complex mineral fertilizers. To feed the plant, you can use chickens, previously diluted with water. With such care, you will have not only beautiful flowers, but also the bush itself.
  5. Periodically, it is necessary to clean the jasmine, remove old, dry, thin, underdeveloped shoots and those that prevent others from growing. Do not be afraid to cut the jasmine well, it grows quite intensively, young shoots grow quickly. Once every 2-3 years, old branches should be removed. Also, after flowering, it is necessary to carry out thinning. If there are very long shoots, you need to shorten them. Bushes that are not systematically pruned can get sick and bloom very poorly.

Ensuring good and long flowering of jasmine

In order for garden jasmine to bloom well, you need to follow a few standard rules for its care:

  1. Be sure to carry out intensive pruning of jasmine every year. It is desirable to hold this event in late February or early March. It is necessary to remove old, dry, weak branches and shorten too long ones.
  2. The soil in which jasmine is planted should not be saline and waterlogged.
  3. It is necessary to carry out periodic and regular feeding of the plant.
  4. During the period of intensive growth, garden jasmine requires watering and spraying the leaves with water.
  5. The soil around the plant must be constantly kept in a loosened state, to prevent the formation of crusts and cracks.

Garden jasmine does not require any special care, but adhering to the above rules, then it will delight with unusual and abundant flowering, the flowers will be large and smell good.

Jasmine propagation

There are many ways to propagate garden jasmine, the most common methods include:

  • propagation by lignified cuttings;
  • propagation by green cuttings
  • reproduction by dividing the bush;
  • reproduction by layering - green and root;
  • propagation by seeds.

Propagation by woody cuttings

Lignified cuttings are harvested in the fall, annual shoots are cut out. You can use the branches that are cut when cleaning the bush. In the spring they are planted with an inclination, so that there are 2-3 buds on the surface. It is necessary to constantly maintain the optimum humidity of the environment. In autumn, the root system will form.

Reproduction by green cuttings

Reproduction by green cuttings can be carried out both in spring and summer. To do this, it is necessary to cut cuttings with 2-3 buds, cut off half of the leaf blade for better rooting. Leaves cannot be completely removed in order for photosynthesis to take place. The lower cut should be oblique, for better engraftment, and the upper cut should be made above the kidney. Prepared cuttings should be planted in a mixture of peat and sand in a greenhouse or greenhouse. For better rooting, you can use Kornevin, Heteroauxin or other preparations containing auxin. The greenhouse needs regular watering. In hot weather, you need to increase the frequency of watering, spray every 1-2 hours so that the cuttings do not burn out. In this case, the temperature should not exceed 20 degrees.

Reproduction by seeds

Today, few people propagate garden jasmine from seeds, but it is still possible. To do this, you need to wait for the bush to bloom, the ovaries to form, and when the boxes ripen, collect the seeds. In the second year (in spring), you need to sow the seeds in a greenhouse, before that, thoroughly wetting it in water and mixing the swollen seeds with sand. After germination, seedlings are thinned out and watered regularly, while destroying weeds and loosening the soil. In the second year of jasmine life, it is radically cut off: cutting off the aerial part almost completely for better tillering, due to which several strong shoots form in young plants. The resulting high-quality seedlings of garden jasmine in the fall can be planted in a permanent place in your garden or put up for sale.

Jasmine use

The aroma of jasmine flowers is known to all. For several millennia since people have been growing jasmine, they have learned to use it in various areas of their economic activity. Today, jasmine is most often used by people for the following purposes:

  1. Its extract is used in cooking and perfumery.
  2. Jasmine is a good honey plant, its flowers attract pollinators from all directions. Honey from its flowers is very tasty and fragrant.
  3. Dried jasmine flowers are added to tea, it provides a pleasant taste and aroma.
  4. The early leaves that appear in spring can be used as a salad dressing. They are rich in nutrients. After all, it is in the spring that we lack vitamins, microelements, these small leaves can provide us with all the necessary nutrients.
  5. Jasmine leaves have an antipyretic effect. They can be used to make hot compresses to treat ulcers. Garden jasmine root can be consumed raw for insomnia and headaches.
  6. The most common use of this plant is garden decoration, and is loved by landscape designers and ordinary gardeners.

Growing jasmine is not difficult and quite pleasant, as its long flowering brings great pleasure and admiration for this plant. Such a flowering bush will always become an adornment of your garden and will always have something to show off to your guests.

Modern gardeners are happy to grow different kinds ornamental shrubs. Among these plants, garden jasmine (Philadelphus) has gained particular popularity, capable of becoming a wonderful decoration for any personal plot. It is noteworthy that it is considered a representative of the hydrangea family and with genuine jasmine from the olive family it is united only by the presence of many flowers with a similar aroma.

In the jasmine shrub folks got enough interesting name- mock orange. This is explained by the fact that the twig-like, even shoots of the plant were used in the past to make chibouks of various smoking pipes. In addition, its solid wood is used by craftsmen to create flutes, pipes, and other handicrafts.

Looking through the description of garden jasmine, you should pay attention that it is a sprawling deciduous shrub with straight, long branches, which are covered with thin, gray bark. Dwarf varieties of jasmine in growth can reach a height of about 70 cm; stems of powerful, tall plants often have a length of up to 6 m.

Studying information on the topic of decorative jasmine: structure and description, you need to take into account that the leaves of the culture have a simple, elongated-ovoid or wide-ovoid shape. Their length is 2 - 7 cm.

Mock orange flowers (simple, double, semi-double) are collected in brushes that form at the ends of young shoots. The strength of their aroma can be different. Some species have a strong, sweet fragrance. Strawberry jasmine in particular, when flowering, spreads a magnificent berry scent. In other varieties, the floral aroma may be weak, barely perceptible.

Planting, growing a jasmine shrub

When growing a plant, it is worth considering the properties of the jasmine shrub in order to provide it best conditions growth. Culture can be planted not only in a well-lit, but also in a shaded place in the garden. Planting work can be carried out in spring or autumn.

landing site requirements

A spectacular ornamental shrub, jasmine is considered not a picky plant that adapts to soils of very different quality. The culture is able to grow even on depleted land, endure drought without problems, but it will not demonstrate high decorativeness in such cases. Planting a bush in a darkened area can lead to stretching of its stems, the formation of a small number of small flowers.

The priority is to provide the jasmine shrub with an open sunny area, the well-moistened soil of which will contain enough humus. Also, mock orange will delight with beautiful, lush flowering with slight lateral shading.

The plant is suitable for light, medium loam. The best will be the soil, which will include: leafy earth (3 shares), humus (2 shares), river sand (1 share).

The bush reacts negatively to stagnant water, so it needs to equip good drainage. To this end, it will be necessary to provide for the presence of a thick layer (from 15 cm) of such components as pebbles, gravel, expanded clay, broken brick, crushed stone, which will be poured into the bottom of the landing pit.

Due to the particular sensitivity of heat-loving jasmine varieties to drafts, it is highly desirable to identify them in places that have protection from cold winds.

The nuances of planting shrubs

As a rule, planting a jasmine bush is practiced in spring or autumn. Holes are dug for seedlings, the depth of which is about 50 cm. It will be necessary to cover only the root of a young plant with earth, and leave the trunk on the surface to prevent it from rotting.

According to experienced gardeners, it is preferable to plant a shrub in the fall (in the period: late September - early October) during a warm, clear day. Performing such a procedure in springtime involves planting before the formation of leaves.

The soil needs preliminary digging, enrichment with nitrophosphate fertilizers. The nutritional complex is applied to the bottom of the hole (30 g/plant). It is very important not to let the roots of the seedling rest against the walls of the excavation during planting. To do this, it is desirable to provide a gap of at least 10 cm. The root neck is deepened 3 cm from ground level. After planting the plant, the earth must be carefully compacted.

At the base of the seedling, you need to make a funnel-shaped hole directed towards the trunk at a slight angle. This will ensure the retention of rain moisture, water during irrigation.

After the seedling takes root, shortening of its main branches is performed, pruning of weak shoots. Such a procedure will make it possible to obtain a more sprawling bush with a symmetrical, well-groomed crown. Subsequently, many buds form on it.

The interval between planted plants is up to 1.5 m. If it is necessary to create a hedge of mock orange, it is worth reducing the distance between seedlings to 50 - 80 cm. At the end of the planting event, the soil is abundantly moistened. Up to 2 buckets of water are poured under each bush.

Jasmine care tips

In most cases, caring for jasmine shrubs is sure to be easy. A novice gardener should familiarize himself with the recommendations below in order to subsequently be able to successfully apply them in practice.

Pruning bush culture

After flowering, the plant must be carefully examined, wilted buds, weak shoots removed. Pruning of dry, damaged, inward-directed processes is considered mandatory. This procedure stimulates the development of new branches, starting in the fall. Then, during the coming spring, numerous buds will form on them. When a double or regular jasmine shrub takes root well (it will take about 3 years), it will need to remove old branches by cutting them to the stem base.

Watering and irrigation of shrubs

Studying the information: how to care for jasmine, it should be noted that this culture likes the increased humidity of the soil and air. During the growing season, the plant needs to be provided with regular, plentiful watering using settled, soft water.

To avoid stagnation of moisture in the ground, to ensure its rapid absorption by the roots, it is advisable to use warm water. The shrub likes spraying, however, during the blooming of flowers from such irrigation, it is better to be there for a while.

Feeding and fertilizing

Initially, the plant will have enough fertilizer applied to the soil during planting. As the bush grows, it will need regular feeding. The culture responds well to the introduction of complex mineral preparations intended for flowering shrub crops.

Self-preparation of the nutritional composition by dissolving the following ingredients in water (10 l) will be justified: superphosphate (30 gr.), Urea (15 gr.), Potassium sulfide (15 gr.).

Weeding, loosening and mulching the soil

In order for flowering jasmine shrubs to look great, the gardener will need to engage in regular weeding and loosening of the soil. It is allowed to mulch the soil around the plant stem using peat, dry compost, leaf humus. This will improve air access to the root system. The recommended thickness of the mulch layer is 4-7 cm.

Jasmine Propagation Methods

Most gardeners are convinced that jasmine shrub propagation is not difficult. To do this, it is allowed to use different methods: seed, cuttings, breeding by shoots, layering of roots, dividing the bush. The most effective methods are discussed below.

Seed culture propagation

The choice of the seed method will be justified in carrying out breeding activities. As a rule, sowing occurs at the beginning of winter (before the onset of severe frosts, snowfall). Seeds go deep into the soil, covered with spruce branches. At the beginning of spring, the emergence of shoots can be observed. This makes it possible to obtain hardened seedlings, however, it will take about 7-8 years for them to mature and bloom.

Cultivation of shrubs by layering

This method is considered more popular. To obtain layering from a shrub in the spring, all shoots should be removed from it in order to stimulate the development of young shoots. The strongest, most healthy regrown specimens bend down to the ground, fit into pre-dug trenches, and fall asleep with a mixture of peat and sand. After 45 days, their branching will begin, and in the fall, young bushes are separated from the parent and planted in their permanent places.

Jasmine shrub cuttings

A summer resident who knows how jasmine reproduces can carry out a June pruning of a plant in order to obtain high-quality planting material. Cuttings 5-10 cm long are considered optimal. They need to be rooted in a container filled with a light, nutritious peat-sand mixture, with a slight depth at an angle of up to 40 °. The landing container is covered with a film or a piece of glass, and placed in a place with good lighting.

Cuttings need daily spraying. Rooted seedlings can be planted in garden soil, covered (during the first days) with plastic cups.

Useful properties of a wonderful plant

Scientists have concluded that garden jasmine contains many useful elements: essential oils, formic, benzoic, salicylic acids, minerals, vitamins.

This was the reason for the preparation of various means from the plant, the use of which contributes to the improvement of the human body.

Having learned medicinal properties jasmine, we can conclude that the use of preparations based on it provides pain relief. As a result, mock orange is an indispensable component of herbal preparations, which helps to neutralize muscle and joint pain.

Physicians who study beneficial features jasmine, were convinced of the ability of preparations containing this plant to have a beneficial effect on the stimulation of brain activity, have a tonic effect, and restore mental balance during periods of severe depression. In particular, the preparation of mock orange tea is practiced, the use of which gives a healing effect.

Jasmine shrub - garden decoration

With the help of a well-planted jasmine, you can give your backyard a touch of luxury and sophistication.

Jasmine ( lat. Jasminum, from Persian "yasemin") - a genus of evergreen shrubs from the family Olive (Oleaceae). Some botanists place it in a separate family - jasmine.

Jasmine is often confused with a shrub. Chubushnik, which belongs to the family Hydrangea (Hydrangeaceae), and resembles jasmine only due to a similar smell.

Jasmine- evergreen climbing or erect shrubs with simple, trifoliate or pinnate leaves without stipules and large regular flowers. Flowers are collected in corymbs, umbellate or solitary, apical or lateral. The corolla of flowers is white, yellow or reddish, separate, mostly with a narrow long tube, inside which 2 stamens with short filaments sit. The ovary is superior, turning into a berry when ripe.

The habitat of jasmine is a warm climate throughout the Earth - tropical and subtropical regions of Asia, Africa, Australia, the Mediterranean region (1 species) and South America(1 species). The place of origin of this plant, like the entire olive family, is not fully known. Written references to the olive branch, which is a prominent representative of this family, are found not only in Egyptian texts, but also in images on vases, amphoras, and storage vessels. olive oil found in the Palace of Knossos on about. Crete and belonging to the III and II millennia BC.

Jasmine is a beautifully flowering climbing and ampelous plant for rooms or a winter garden. The lower part gradually becomes woody, and the upper thin shoots need support. In addition, there are some species that do not bloom, but have small decorative leaves, and are used in landscape gardening.

In the genus Jasmine (Jasminum) there are from 200 to 300 plant species.

Jasmine species

. Originated in culture (ancestor Jasminum officinalis). Evergreens, shrubs, creepers up to 10 m long; run naked. Leaves opposite, pinnate; leaflets 5-7 in number, elliptical, orbicular-elliptic, 2-3 cm long, with a point at the apex. The flowers are collected in several (up to 10) umbellate at the top of the shoots, large, white, very fragrant. Blooms profusely and for a long time, in June-October.

An ornamental plant, also known as an essential oil plant (flowers are used to flavor tea).

. It grows along the banks of rivers, in the mountains at an altitude of up to 2500 m above sea level in Western China. Evergreens, shrubs or vines up to 1.5-2 m long, with longitudinally furrowed shoots. The leaves are opposite, simple, ovate and lanceolate, 2.5-5 cm long, pointed, slightly pubescent below and above, dark green. Flowers collected 1-3 at the top of the shoots, 1.2-1.8 cm in diameter, pink, dark pink, fragrant. Blooms in May.

. Slightly branching shrub 1.5-2 m tall with curly shoots. The leaves are alternate oval with a pointed tip, slightly wavy along the edge, dark green. The flowers are numerous, narrow-tubular with a 5-lobed limb, collected in 3-5 pieces at the tops of the shoots. The buds are pink. The flowers are more fragrant than other species.

. Slightly branching shrub with long drooping, slightly leafy shoots. The leaves are small, trifoliate, bright green, some of them fall off in the winter. The flowers are egg-yellow, rather large, appear in the axils of the leaves along the entire stem from January to April. That is why the jasmine is called "Winter jasmine".

. Perennial climbing shrub with long thin, smooth, angular branches. Leaves 2-3 paired. The leaves are oblong-lanceolate, linearly pointed, smooth, ciliated along the edge, bright green above, light green below. The flowers are white, fragrant, on long stalks in small-flowered umbellate inflorescences. Flowering in April.

jasmine sambac , or Arabian jasmine , or Jasmine Indian (Jasminum sambac) . The homeland of the species is Tropical Asia. Evergreens, creepers up to 4-6 m long. Shoots thin, finely hairy pubescent. The leaves are opposite, rarely arranged in 3, ovate, 2.5-10 cm long, often rounded at the base, but pointed or obtuse at the apex, glabrous or almost glabrous. The flowers are collected in several (3 or more) umbrella-shaped, simple, semi-double and double, white, with a pleasant aroma. Blooms profusely and for a long time, in March-October.

A highly ornamental plant. The flowers are used to flavor tea. Sambac is the national flower of Indonesia, where it is called "Melati", and the Philippines, where it is called "Sampagita".

Jasmine the thinnest (Jasminum gracillimum) . Synonym: Jasmine multiflorum (Jasminum multiflorum) . It is found in the mountains in the northern part of the island of Kalimantan. Evergreens, shrubs or vines; shoots thin, pubescent. The leaves are opposite, simple, ovate-lanceolate, 2.5-3.5 cm long, heart-shaped at the base, pointed at the apex, light green above, pubescent below. The flowers are semi-umbellate, white, large, 2-2.5 cm in diameter, fragrant. Blooms profusely in January-March.

The juice of this jasmine has poisonous properties.




Jasmine Care

Lighting. Jasmine prefers bright diffused light; the plant is shaded from direct midday sunlight. Suitable for growing near western and eastern windows. At the windows of the southern direction, the plant is provided with shading from the direct midday sun. At the north window, jasmine may not have enough light to grow and bloom. In summer, jasmine can be taken out to the balcony or garden, in a place protected from direct midday sunlight. The plant is accustomed to a new level of illumination gradually, in order to avoid sunburn.

Temperature. Jasmine grows well in both warm and cool areas, however, for better flowering, it is desirable to ensure a cool wintering. In the period from spring to autumn, the temperature of the content of jasmine is in the range of 18-25°C. In winter, a temperature in the range of 8-10 ° C is desirable, otherwise there will be no flowers. If the temperature is too high in winter, jasmine grows very early and forms beautiful greenery, but not flowers. Therefore, the room must be regularly ventilated.

Watering. Jasmine is watered abundantly from spring to autumn, as the top layer of the substrate dries up, with soft settled warm water. In the fall, watering is reduced; during a cool winter, it is watered carefully to avoid overflow.

Air humidity. Jasmine prefers high humidity. Spraying with soft settled water is very useful, but not during the flowering period. To maintain optimal humidity, you can put the plant on a pallet with wet expanded clay or peat. To humidify the air in the room, you can also install a humidifier. In winter, the plant is not sprayed.

Bloom. Jasmine blooms depending on the species - from January to December. Jasmine flowers are small white or yellow, depending on the species, stars, collected 5-6 pieces in few-flowered brushes. The flowers stay on the plant for up to 20 days. By the time of wilting, the petals gradually acquire a reddish or purple hue. Derived forms with semi-double flowers. In order to prolong flowering in summer, pinch the shrub, leaving 6-8 pairs of leaves on the shoots.

Fertilizer. In order for the plants to develop well and bloom luxuriantly, they must be fed with organic and mineral fertilizers with trace elements. Useful watering slurry, diluted with water 1:10, or bird droppings, diluted 1:20. Mineral fertilizers are applied only 2 years after planting. The first feeding is carried out in mid-May, diluting 15 g of urea, 30 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium sulfate in 10 liters of water. This dose is calculated for 1 m2 of plantings. The second top dressing - after flowering (30 g of superphosphate and 1 glass of wood ash per 1 m 2). During the growing season, top dressing is carried out several times, but by August they stop so that the shoots stop growing and have time to become woody by winter. And so that the high sprawling varieties of mock orange do not suffer from the severity of snow in winter, a bush should be tied in the fall, and then it will not fall apart during a snowfall.

Growing features. When old plants get too big, they can be trellised or tied to any suitable supports.

Before the start of growth (in February), long shoots are shortened by a third. Dry, thin and underdeveloped branches are cut out inside the bush.

Transfer. Young plants are transplanted annually, older ones - after 2-3 years. A humus substrate (pH about 6) is suitable for transplantation, consisting of leaf and coniferous soil, peat and sand (1: 1: 1: 0.5). Grows well in hydroponics.

Reproduction. Jasmine is propagated in the spring and summer by layering and cuttings.

Propagated by cuttings in spring (ripened shoots) and summer (green cuttings) at a temperature of 20°C. For cuttings, shoots with three internodes are used, half lignified and located at the ends of the branches. They are planted in sandy-leafy soil or consisting of equal parts of washed coarse river sand and peat; heated from below. After rooting (after 30-40 days), the plants are planted in small pots. The mixture for it is made up of 1 part peat, 2 parts hardwood, 3 parts sod land and 1 part sand.

Transshipment is carried out in 9-11 cm pots by braiding a clod of earth with roots. In the next 2 years, transplantation is carried out annually.

Possible difficulties

In warm, dry air, in direct sunlight or with insufficient watering leaves may curl, dry out, shrink and fall off. In this case, the plant should be placed in a cooler place, you can spray the foliage (if there are no flowers).


In South and Southeast Asia, jasmine flowers are widely used as decoration. Jasmine in Indonesia the main flower at the wedding ceremonies of ethnic Indonesians. Jasmine white is the national flower of Pakistan where it is known as "Chambeli". Jasminum fluminense is a widespread weed in Hawaii, where it is called the inaccurate name "Brazilian jasmine". Jasmine is an excellent honey plant.

Also, literally one flower of this plant is able to fill the whole room with its wonderful aroma. Jasmine, like many dietary supplements, is able to keep the human body in a cheerful state, which is indifferent to the constant changes in the surrounding world.

Jasmine is a medicinal plant and is characterized by a huge number of useful properties. In folk and traditional medicine, all its parts are used. Jasmine leaves are used as an antipyretic. It is also used to enhance the allocated breast milk during lactation. With the help of jasmine leaf compresses, ulcers located on the human skin are treated. The raw root is used in the fight against headaches, insomnia, painful phenomena that are directly related to fractures. The preparation from the roots of this plant is prescribed to patients immediately before operations. Moreover, it depends on the length of the root of a given plant how effective it will be in the fight against existing painful sensations. The flowers of this plant, filled with a wonderful aroma, are added to tea.

Jasmine essential oil is recognized as a powerful antidepressant. It also stabilizes nervous system person and eliminates the existing feeling of anxiety and anxiety. Scientists in Japan have proven that the aroma of jasmine can have a stronger effect than coffee.

Perfumery is another industry that uses essential oil of this plant. Most often it is used for therapeutic baths. It is also an integral part of massage oils.

Useful properties of jasmine essential oil

Jasmine essential oil has become an integral part of almost all classic perfumes and aphrodisiacs that fill a person not only with sophistication, but also with sensuality. However, the essential oil of this plant is famous not only for its unforgettable aroma. It has also found its wide application in medicine.

Jasmine essential oil is one of the most expensive essences in the world. To extract one kilogram of essential oil, you need to manually sort out eight million flowers. This is done by the population of such countries as: India, Morocco, Egypt, France, Italy and some others.

Medicines based on jasmine essential oil are used in the fight against stress, fatigue and overwork. You just need to add about ten drops of this oil to a hot bath and soak in it, and you will forget about all the day's troubles and problems. If you add up to eight drops of this essential oil to a vaporizer deodorizer or put at least sixteen drops on the wood in the fireplace and light it, not only will your home be filled with the wonderful scent of flowers, but you will also feel much calmer and more relaxed.

In addition to all this, jasmine essential oil has a beneficial therapeutic effect on dry and sensitive skin, while increasing its elasticity. Used as a therapeutic agent in the fight against such skin diseases like eczema and dermatitis. Plus, jasmine essential oil is an excellent aphrodisiac. This gives him the opportunity to harmonize the female reproductive system, as well as stimulate the blood circulation of the pelvic organs. Jasmine essential oil is used for inhalations, baths and during massage. The essential oil of jasmine flowers has found its "place under the sun" also in the perfume and cosmetic industries. It is the basis of many elite perfumes, eau de toilette and lotions.

In aromatherapy, jasmine essential oil can only be used externally. The fact is that its composition may include soluble residues of toxins, which, when used internally, can have a negative effect on the human body. So, jasmine essential oil has antidepressant and antiseptic properties. It is able to stimulate the process of lactation, increase sexual desire, increase hormonal status. Very often it is used as an anti-spasmodic and balancing agent. Most often, jasmine essential oil is prescribed in preparation for childbirth, if a person has impotence or frigidity, in the fight against pain syndromes in the joints, muscles or spine. Like many dietary supplements (biologically active additives), jasmine essential oil can help a person overcome various emotional suffering, worries, depression, fears, paranoia, loss of self-confidence. If you start using jasmine essential oil, you will forever forget what the word pessimism is.

Jasmine essential oil is also excellently used in cosmetology. It nourishes, tones and moisturizes the skin, restores the structure and gives it healthy look, heals inflammation and small cracks, relieves irritation, corrects stretch marks and scars, improves elasticity.

With the help of natural jasmine oil, you can easily prepare an excellent tool for aroma massage of the face and body. By diluting it with jojoba oil in a ratio of 1 to 10, you will get an essential oil that can be enriched with all kinds of cosmetic products by adding a few drops to a single dose of the product for application.

By mixing jasmine essential oil with other essential oils, you can find a recipe for the care of any skin type. So, for the care of oily and combination skin, you need to mix the essential oils of jasmine, rosemary and bergamot. In this combination, jasmine will regulate the sebaceous glands, dry and heal inflammation. For sensitive and dry skin, a combination of jasmine, lavender and rose oils, as well as frankincense and golden sandalwood oils, is suitable.

A mixture of jasmine, lemon and grapefruit oils helps regenerate the scalp and is used to prevent hair loss.

Jasmine tea. Beneficial features

Jasmine tea does not exist in its pure form - it is usually drunk in combination with black or green tea. Therefore, the beneficial properties are determined by both the jasmine itself and the type of tea to which it is mixed:

- jasmine has sedative properties;
- maintains good health;
- prevents the development of certain forms of cancer;
- helps to lose weight;
- is a good prevention of cardiovascular diseases;
- regulates the production of insulin in the body;
- Helps fight bacteria and viruses.

Since it is not used in its pure form, side effects are extremely rare.

Tags: jasmine, jasminum, indoor plants, home flowers, jasmine photo, jasmine, jasmine flower, jasmine plant, indoor jasmine, jasmine care, jasmine shrub, garden jasmine, jasmine flower photo, jasmine reproduction, jasmine flower photo, indoor jasmine plants, jasmine cultivation , terry jasmine, jasmine pruning, indoor jasmine photo, jasmine flower care, beneficial properties of jasmine, jasmine tea, jasmine essential oil, jasmine recipes

Jasmine is a shrub with very fragrant flowers. This is an evergreen plant from the Olive family. Thanks to the efforts of breeders, there are a large number of types of jasmine. In addition to aesthetic pleasure, it brings many benefits due to its properties.

A shrub with curly stems grows mainly in warm countries, but the development of selection has made it possible to develop plant species that are also suitable for the climate of Europe.

There are more than 200 species of shrubs. All of them have long flexible stems that reach 1.5 meters. Each type of jasmine has different types of leaves and flowers. The leaves may have a light or saturated dark green color, differ in shape: simple, trifoliate and paired. They can be with or without pubescence.

Jasmine flowers are double and smooth, differ in color (white, lemon, bright yellow, pink and red), grow in star-shaped inflorescences. The structure of the flower is tubular, inside there are stamens on short legs.

In cold climates, the shrub will die, but there is an alternative: grow it at home. One type of jasmine can be given two different shapes in a container. If you regularly trim the branches and keep in a sunny place, you will get a dense shrub. If grown in the shade, the plant will take the form of a creeper, and the leaves will become as dark as possible. In order for the flowering to be plentiful, it is necessary to prune the branches every time after it., since flowers are formed only on young shoots.

Gallery: types of jasmine (25 photos)

Jasmine care features (video)

Description of jasmine species

Let's get acquainted with some of the main types of plants.

Pink Jasmine Bisa

This type of shrub blooms in May. As is typical for jasmine, it is evergreen with long branches (1.5m - 2m), its shoots are longitudinally furrowed. The leaves are dark, medium length (from 2.5 cm to 5 cm), their structure is simple, ovate. They can also be described as opposite and lanceolate, having slightly pubescent upper and lower sides. Flowers in an amount of 1 to 3 are at the top of the vines, the diameter of the petals reaches 2 cm. There are different saturation of pink color. They have a delicate aroma.

Pink Jasmine Bisa

Jasmine yellow (shrub)

It grows up to one and a half meters in height, it is distinguished by erect shoots. The stems are flexible, smooth and rather thin. Leaves often grow in pairs. The flowers are shaped like semi-umbels, located on the side rods. In late August - early September, the bush bears fruit. The fruits are small spherical black berries with a slight sheen.

Jasmine yellow (shrub)

white jasmine indian

This type of shrub is called Sambac, it is called Indian, as it is believed that it was brought from India. Sambac is the most common type in Europe. It is distinguished by very long stems (from 4 to 6 meters), which tend to become woody and empty from the inside over time. The leaves are simple, opposite, light green in color, growing on short petioles. Their length reaches 10 cm, and the underside is pubescent.

Flowers bloom alternately, have a tubular structure and size up to 3 cm in diameter. There are semi-terry and simple shapes located on the tops and in the sinuses. They have a strong aroma. The flowering of one flower lasts no longer than a day. Withering can be recognized by the changing color: at first a pink tint appears, gradually darkens to a maroon color. Flowering time from early spring to late autumn. It is noteworthy that even one flower is able to fill the whole room with fragrance.

The most common types of Sambac are the Grand Duke with double flowers and the Beauty of India with oblong buds and snow-white flowers.

white jasmine indian

golden coastal jasmine

A very rare type of jasmine able to bloom all year round. Its flowers are snow-white, and the buds are dark pink. Glossy leaves give a special charm and decorative look this plant.

golden coastal jasmine

Jasmine multiflora (finest)

This shrub has poorly developed branching, so it looks more like a vine of standard length (up to 2m) with regular oval leaves. They have a sharp top, a light wavy edge and rich in green. Narrowly tubular flowers are located in 3-5 pieces at the tops of the branches. Like the previous species, they differ in snow-white flowers with pink buds. The aroma of this plant, compared to other types of jasmine, is richer. A flowers after the end of flowering are tied into peculiar inedible fruits.

Jasmine multiflora (finest)

medicinal jasmine

Jasmine stems are long-branched vines that are thin, angular, and smooth. The leaves on the branches are arranged in pairs or 3, have an oblong pinnate shape. hallmark is a different color of the lower and upper sides of the sheet: the bottom is light, and the top is bright and saturated.

The flowers are white, arranged in 5-6 pieces together, very fragrant. You can enjoy the flowering of this species from April to autumn.

medicinal jasmine

Jasmine grandiflorum

An evergreen type of shrub, the vines of which reach a length of 10m, the shoots are bare. The leaves are pinnate, the leaflets themselves are elliptical in shape, the number is 5-7 pieces, the size is small 2-3 cm, pointed at the tip. Flowers are collected in inflorescences from 6 to 10 pieces, they grow on the tops of branches. Differ large size, snow-white color and fragrant aroma. Flowering occurs from early summer to mid-autumn.

Jasmine grandiflorum

Other varieties

flattened jasmine- a low small shrub with light leaves, its flowers are pale purple and fragrant. Variety Lerata differs from all species in long stems and flowers that have a mint aroma. royal jasmine has oval leaves, very large flowers that are absolutely odorless and bloom in the winter months. Multiflorum- an ampelous plant that blooms longer than other subspecies.

How to plant jasmine (video)

Options for using jasmine in landscape design

Mock orange is considered the garden flower of jasmine. Although it is not a true representative of the Maslinov family, it is often called jasmine due to pleasant aroma and a similar bush structure.

Mock orange is resistant to cool and cold climates. They love the sun, but at the same time are very shade-tolerant. You can admire its flowering in late spring - early summer. In addition to its decorative function, the shrub is often used as a hedge.

The variety of this variety allows you to satisfy any need.

  1. With a large crown - for high hedges.
  2. Medium size - for ordinary fences and barriers.
  3. Compact - for borders and decorative hedges.

The latter subspecies creates a special atmosphere in ornamental gardens and courtyard decoration in private homes.

Different varieties of mock orange will look good side by side due to their different sizes and different flowering times. If you create compositions with other shrubs, you can organize a thematic design of the garden.

Fragrance gardens gaining popularity, in which jasmine occupies a leading position with its fragrant aroma. There is a subspecies of the plant with yellow flowers, it can be used to bring contrast and liveliness to the composition of shrubs.

Mock orange is considered the garden flower of jasmine.

Potential Growing Problems

Jasmine is easy to grow indoors. To do this, you need to choose a spacious room, excluding the bedroom, in which it is impossible to create sufficient ventilation. A strong aroma can cause a headache.

It is desirable to maintain an average temperature regime, but being in direct sunlight is not critical, if it is not of a permanent nature, otherwise it may dry out. The higher the air temperature, the more abundant watering and spraying should be in order to prevent the soil from drying out.

In the early years, jasmine needs regular transplantation; after reaching its size, the flower requires this procedure less often (once every 3 years). The soil must be specially fertilized and fed. Like all plants, the flower loves pruning and pinching, after which it even visually transforms.

Despite its unpretentiousness, jasmine leaves sometimes turn yellow, and there is no flowering. The first problem can be solved by changing the watering. Water needs to be defended, because a hard liquid adversely affects the plant. Also, you can not violate the irrigation regime. Carefully monitor that the sun's rays, if possible, do not fall on the crown - this also leads to yellowing and falling leaves. The second problem is solved by changing the soil. If the wrong composition is chosen, which has a neutral or alkaline environment, flowers will never appear. In this case, the bush itself will look great. In specialized stores, you can buy acidic soil, which promotes flowering of jasmine.

Jasmine propagation (video)

The last thing worth noting is the observance of the correct landing. The neck of the trunk should not go deep into the ground, the roots like to be located near the surface.

Indoor jasmine is an incredibly beautiful and fragrant ornamental plant. The flower comes from the olive family. India and Arabia are considered the birthplace of culture.

Many people confuse shrubs growing in gardens with jasmine, however, this is not the case. In the gardens, a shrub called mock orange is grown, which belongs to the saxifrage family. The only thing these two plants have in common is the scent. Yes, and that, when compared, is different.

In the middle lane, jasmine is grown exclusively as a houseplant. Since these liana bushes are not frost resistant and endurance in our conditions.

When choosing a support for a flower, it does not have to be large

Indoor jasmine requires arches and supports to grow, as it has long climbing shoots. All varieties of culture have flowers that are collected in inflorescences. Depending on the type, the flowers are white, yellow, pink.

Most species have an incredible aroma, while some do not smell at all. However, the aroma of the plant is so strong that it is impossible to sleep next to the plant.

Home care

Indoor jasmine can hardly be called an unpretentious culture. To grow a beautifully flowering and fragrant shrub, you need to provide it with proper home care. Therefore, every rule for caring for him must be strictly observed.

Humidity and watering

In the summer, jasmine needs high-quality and very plentiful watering. The substrate must not dry out completely. Enough to dry out the top layer of soil. It is the control of dryness or soil moisture that will allow you to create a stable jasmine watering regime.

Drying out, as well as waterlogging of the soil, is dangerous for the culture.

In winter and autumn, watering the plant is required very carefully, especially if the room temperature is low. In no case do not over-moisten the soil. Its weak dryness at this time is a guarantee of the future lush flowering of the culture.

The watering schedule, as with other indoor flowers, requires seasonality.

Even if the apartment is warm, then in any case you need to water the plant less. In this case, you should wait for the top and middle layers of the substrate to dry out in order to maintain the level of humidity.

Water also has great importance. First, soft water is required, and it also needs to be defended for several days before watering. And, secondly, the water should be slightly warm.

In addition, it is recommended to use filtered, boiled water. To compensate for the salt in the water, periodically water the bush with water with the addition of lemon juice. You can also replace it with citric acid.

One of the most difficult rules in caring for a crop is maintaining high humidity. Dryness leads to poor development and lack of flowering and exposes the plant to pests and disease, causing it to die.

To increase the humidity, you need to regularly spray the flower. This is especially necessary in the summer.

At the flowering stage, spraying is also desirable, but care must be taken that the liquid did not fall on the flowers.

The use of humidifiers is also important. It is advisable to put moss or moistened pebbles in the pan.

If in winter the culture is at cool temperatures, then no measures to increase humidity are required. If the room is warm, then all the same procedures are done as in the summer.

Temperature and light conditions

In summer, the temperature of the content should be about 23 degrees. Jasmine calmly tolerates high temperatures.

Protect jasmine from direct sunlight - burns are dangerous

in winter only sambac(a variety of jasmine) needs high temperatures about 18-20 degrees, lowering the temperature will affect the flowering of this species. Other varieties, on the contrary, will bloom more profusely if the air temperature is within 10 degrees.

Dropping temperatures below 6 degrees is very detrimental to the culture.

Culture prefers good lighting. Not only flowering depends on this, but also the blooming of leaves. At the same time, he does not tolerate direct sunlight, and therefore jasmine should not be placed on the southern windows. The best choice will east and west windowsills. Artificial lighting is not suitable, as are shaded locations.

At the resting stage, it is not necessary to adjust the lighting. At the same time, some species even shed their foliage, so they do not need to increase or decrease the level of illumination.

Soil and fertilizer

The substrate for culture requires a neutral or slightly acidic. It should be of high quality, loose and enriched with nutrients. Ready-made universal soils are suitable.

With self-preparation of the soil, it is difficult to make a mistake in proportions - all components are present in equal parts

You can prepare the substrate yourself. It will require:

At the stage of active growth and flowering, the culture needs frequent top dressing. They are brought in once a week. Fertilizers for flowering crops are suitable as top dressing. At the end of flowering, fertilizer application must be suspended and resumed only when the first signs of growth begin to appear.

plant pruning

Pruning is carried out either in the spring before the start of active growth, or in late autumn before the flowering stage. Any and frequent pruning, including shaping, is suitable for jasmine.

shoots shortened by half or a third. When pruning, elongated, dry shoots and branches with deformed leaves will be removed. Pruning leads to the release of new shoots with buds.

Young specimens, whose shoots do not exceed 60 cm in length, do not need to be cut, it is enough to pinch the tops of the shoots.

Diseases and pests

Among the most common pests are:

  • Spider mite;
  • Leaf weevil.

It takes to fight them cut off affected shoots, treat the plant with soapy water, and if this does not help, then you need to use insecticidal preparations.

Often, jasmine owners have to deal with the following problem:

  1. Lack of light, low air humidity, drafts, drying out or, conversely, waterlogging of the soil can lead to dropping leaves;
  2. Wilting of shoots and leaves is a sign of too low air humidity or drying out of the soil;
  3. If the shoots of the crop dry, it means that poor-quality water is used for irrigation or the soil is not acidic enough.

Propagation of indoor jasmine

culture is multiplying two methods:

  • cuttings;
  • layering.

Jasmine propagation is a painstaking process, which is important to start at a certain time of the year.

For propagation by cuttings you will need:

  1. In spring or summer, cut cuttings from shoots that do not bloom;
  2. Plant the cuttings in a substrate of sand, peat and leafy soil 2 cm deep;
  3. The temperature for better rooting should be at least 20 degrees;
  4. After the cuttings release the roots, they must be planted in separate containers, the diameter of which should be about 5 cm;
  5. When the roots are fully developed braid the substrate in containers, seedlings need to be planted in wider pots;
  6. In the future, transplantation should be carried out every year, and after three years, the plants should be transferred to adult conditions.

To get layering, it is necessary to wrap a part of the shoot with an internode where a vertical incision is made with moistened moss. Roots form at the cut site after a month or a little more. It is only necessary to maintain a constant humidity of the substrate.

Transplant and pot

Young plants need replant every year. From the age of 3, plants are transplanted no more than once every three years.

Transplantation requires:

  • Carefully remove the plant with an earthy clod from the previous container;
  • In a new pot (its diameter should not be more than 3 cm) make a good drainage layer;
  • Plant the plant in a pot and fill it tightly with fresh substrate;
  • Abundantly moisten the soil.

What to do if the jasmine does not bloom

If the jasmine does not bloom, there may be several reasons:

  1. Too high or low air temperature. For lush and abundant flowering, the optimum temperature should be about 20 degrees;
  2. Lack of moisture in the soil. Required increase the amount of watering;
  3. Use of hard tap water. Attention needs to be paid to water quality;
  4. The soil is not acidic enough. It is required to replace the soil or acidify the water for irrigation;
  5. If, when planting, the root neck is deepened by more than 3 cm into the ground, then flowering cannot be seen.

Types of jasmine: multi-flowered, sambac, unflowered

Among the most common and most interesting species are:

  • Sambac is the most unpretentious variety, perfectly tolerates a warm winter. Its shoots grow up to 6 meters. White, fairly large flowers with a pronounced aroma are collected in racemose inflorescences. Blooms from early spring to mid-autumn;

The remarkableness of the Sambac variety is its unpretentiousness, in comparison with other varieties of jasmine
  • The multi-flowered jasmine is highly branched. It can reach a height of about 2 meters. The buds are pink in color, and the flowers after blooming are white. It is distinguished by the strongest aroma among other varieties. Blooming begins at the end of winter and ends in August;
  • The hololithous jasmine branches weakly, there are few leaves on the shoots. In winter, the leaves fall completely or partially. The flowers have a bright yellow bloom and reach a diameter of about 3 cm. Blooms January to April.

Healing properties

Since parts of the plant contain salicylic acid, the plant is used as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Indoor jasmine is actively used in the preparation of medicines that are used to treat diseases:

  • Hepatitis;
  • Cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Gynecological diseases;
  • Hypotension;
  • Insomnia.

Jasmine effectively used in aromatherapy, since the aroma of flowers has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, improving mood, normalizing sleep and suppressing depression.

Aromatherapy - a rare use for indoor flower

Thus, jasmine is a very beautiful and noble plant that will decorate any room design. In addition, the flowers of the plant have an incredible aroma. At the same time, jasmine is a very capricious culture, and caring for it requires serious skills in floriculture.