The largest vegetable. Giant vegetables. The world's largest fruit

Autumn is that time of the year when every self-respecting summer resident is preparing to harvest his huge harvest. Vegetables are a product without which no one can live, vegetables include a bouquet of vitamins, This is especially true for fresh vegetables, and not processed, collected from personal suburban area or a greenhouse grown on organic or mineral fertilizers purchased from Agroyal. It is these vegetables, grown with love, that achieve certain records. Every year, at various fairs around the world, competitions are held for the largest food products, some of which fall into the Guinness Book of Records. Let's see what ...

For example, the Japanese farmer Koji Ueno grew a huge pumpkin weighing 485.1 kg, thereby Koji became the title holder, more precisely, his pumpkin became the largest in Japan. By the way, this is Koji's second victory in a row. Such competitions are organized by the International Federation of Young Leaders and Entrepreneurs and have been held for 27 years in a row. The winners of the competition in their country are sent to the world championship

As mentioned above, such competitions are held everywhere, so in the USA, more precisely in the state of Oregon, Tad Starr won with his 700 kg pumpkin. Thad is professionally involved in the cultivation of giant pumpkins, travels with them to various fairs in the country. The largest pumpkin grown by Tadam reached a weight of 800 kg.

Englishman Joe Atherton won at a fair in Yorkshire for the largest zucchini weighing 44 kg.

But Joe Atherton is engaged in various types of gardening. In the photo you can see how he holds a cucumber - 80 cm, and a potato weighing 1.5 kg.

At the same fair in Yorkshire, the title of the largest cabbage was awarded to a head of cabbage weighing 30 kg.

And in the competition in Alaska, for the first time in 18 years of the competition for the largest vegetable, 10-year-old Kevan Dinkel won, who grew cabbage weighing 42 kilograms. For this achievement, he received $ 2,000.

A resident of China Yan Hua bought a raincoat mushroom weighing 4.5 kilograms from a seller with vegetables, and it turned out to be quite edible.

This beet crop was harvested in Hungary, the beets were not grown for competition, so the weight and length are not known.

Philip Wales grows different kinds vegetables, including pumpkins, and cabbage, and cucumbers. In the photo, he is just with a cucumber weighing 7 kg., Which got into the Guinness Book of Records.

In this photo, again, Vauls, but already at the age of another giant - a zucchini weighing 51 kg, grown in just 1.5 months.

This photo shows Peter Glazebrook with an 8kg bulb.

Yitzhak Izdanpana from Israel grew a 1, 2 meter cucumber, and he assured that he did not use any preparations. The cucumber is grown on organic fertilizer in 3 months.

This photo shows a 21 kg radish, also grown in Israel.

But a resident of China, Liu Fengbin, grows oranges in his field and they are huge to say the least. As Liu himself shares - there are a huge number of orange trees on his plantation, and only one gives such huge fruits.

In the photo below, a little girl Avishag from Israel, who shows us a huge avocado fruit weighing 2 kg. Such avocados are and are not inherently champions, but very rarely.

Huge fruit of the Bramley apple tree.

This 119 cm cucumber was supposed to become a record holder among its brethren, but the Englishwoman Claire Pierce late applied to the Guinness Book of Records and the cucumber, unfortunately, rotted away.

Yorkshire seems to be hosting the most popular gardening fair, and this tomato also earned the title of the biggest in the competition.

This pumpkin is smaller than that of Koji Ueno from Japan, but still in Sydney with a weight of 392 kg. she took first place in the large fruit competition.

Vegetables - very healthy foods saturated with vitamins and other useful substances. The more, the better. What about the giants raised by farmers? We present to your attention the giants among vegetables from all over the world.

1. There is never too much cabbage. The winning cabbage in 2012 grew in Canada without any fertilizers. And in another photo, the director of the autumn flower show, Martin Fish, carries a huge cabbage at the 100th anniversary of the flower festival.

2. English retiree Peter Glazebrook has found a way to solve the food problem. He successfully grows giant vegetables in a special way. For example, onions weighing 8 kg, the largest beet in the world and the heaviest potato weighing 3 kg. For 25 years, Peter tried to grow huge vegetables until he set a new record at last year's Harrogate Flower Show with onions.

3. Another Briton Philip Vowles has been growing vegetables for many years. He managed to grow giant pumpkins, cabbages, cucumbers and zucchini. In the photo he is holding cucumber weighing 7 kg, which got into the Guinness Book of Records.

4. Nissan Tamir from Israel has been growing garden crops for a long time and with pleasure. On its site, everything takes on gigantic proportions, even radish that gained 21 kilograms of weight.

5. Lebanese farmer Khalil Semhat from the southern city of Tire could not believe his eyes when he discovered in his garden so much huge potatoes - 11.2 kg.

6. The longest carrot in the world was grown by Joe Atherton, its length was 5 meters 81 centimeters! Its secret lies in a special growing technique. Atherton filled long pipes with rich compost, where he planted carrot seeds. And as a result of fourteen months of courtship, he received the longest carrot.

7. Michael Kingston s 5.7 kg leeks bred by Joe Atherton for the 1999 Monster Vegetables Competition at Shepton Mollet, Somerset.

8. And here it is the largest broccoli weighing 15 kg, grown by John Evans. The farmer is famous for growing giant vegetables, one of which is cabbage, which weighs 34.4 kg. And he also managed to grow the heaviest carrot in 1998.

All people are used to certain sizes of fruits and vegetables. Apples should be no larger than a tennis ball, just like tomatoes. The bow is usually at least as large as a ball of thread. The list is endless.

However, there are craftsmen who have managed to grow fruits of unimaginable sizes in their plots. Introducing the world's 10 largest fruits and vegetables hitting famous book Guinness records.

Cabbage - 34 kg

The world's largest cabbage was raised by a family from America in Alaska. This place is not famous for the suitable weather for growing vegetables, but the Evans did it. In 1997, the world's largest white cabbage was grown, which immediately hit the Guinness Book of Records. Its weight was just over 34 kilograms. For comparison, this is the average weight of a child at the age of 8 years. Until now, no one has managed to break the Evans' record, the secret of which the family keeps secret.

Pumpkin - 1200 kg

The largest pumpkin in the world was grown in Belgium in 2016. In order to bring her to the festival, the farmer had to use the services of a forklift. Mathis Willemijns has grown the largest vegetable in the world, the size of a mountain boulder. Its weight was almost 1200 kilograms. The pumpkin was immediately recognized as a record holder and entered into the Guinness Book of Records. So far, no one has managed to grow anything more. The last maximum pumpkin weight was 1.08 tonnes in 2014.

Potatoes - 4.9 kg

Unfortunately, potatoes cannot grow as large as pumpkin, as they have their own characteristics. However, the English gardener presented the largest potato in the world at the exhibition. In 2011, another figure was entered into the book of records - 4 kilograms 900 grams. Peter Glazebrook was pleasantly surprised by this news, but refused to tell the secret of his success.

Turnip - 16 kg

The record for growing the largest turnip in the world belongs to a Chinese farmer. The vegetable was grown in Yun-Nan province in the south of the People's Republic of China in 2015. The turnip turned out to be 120 centimeters long and weighing 16 kilograms, and was entered in the Guinness Book of Records. The gardener himself says that he did not use any special fertilizers, but just watered her well every day.

Zucchini - 54 kg

Peter Glazebrk holds more than one record in the field of vegetable cultivation. The English farmer managed to create the world's largest zucchini according to the Guinness Book of Records. Its weight was 54 kilograms, and its height was 67 centimeters. In order to bring the giant to the festival, Peter asked his friend, the famous athlete Jonathan Walker, to help him with this. To date, there is no person who would break the Englishman's record.

Carrots - 10.2 kg

The largest carrot was registered in the Guinness Book of World Records in 2017. An American gardener managed to grow a huge vegetable 50 centimeters long in the United States. Christopher claims that no chemical additives were used to achieve this result. The weight of the carrot was 10 kilograms 180 grams. The farmer's family, thanks to their grandmother, still managed to try their creation. According to Christopher, the taste of carrots was no different from the usual.

Onions - 9 kg

The largest onion in the world was grown by the same Englishman Peter Glazebrk in 2015. Its size is more than 2 times the size of its head. The bulb weighs 9 kilograms, but in the photo, Peter holds the vegetable like a feather. It was possible to grow a miracle of nature in just 2 and a half months. This is the third English farmer's record in the Guinness Book.

Watermelon - 150 kg

The largest watermelon in the world was grown by an American farmer in Tennessee. The weight of the fruit was just over 150 kilograms. The Guinness Book of Records was replenished with a new result in 2013. A whole family can be fed with such a watermelon. Chris says there is no secret to his achievement, he just took care of the plant and watered it regularly. However, the climate of Tennessee in the United States is characterized by favorable conditions for growing the largest berries on the planet.

Pineapple - 8.27 kg

The largest pineapple was raised by a resident of Australia in 2011, breaking the previous record in 1994. It took a whole 17 years before the pineapple, weighing 8 kilograms and 270 grams, was born, just 210 grams more than the previous one. According to the survey, no artificial growth stimulants were used to grow the world's largest fruit. The hot climate of the remote mainland allowed Christine to introduce the world to another miracle in the field of fruit growing.

Lemon - 5.3 kg

The record for growing the largest lemon has yet to be broken since 2002. It was then that in Israel we managed to see a miracle of nature - a lemon, which weighed 5 kilograms 300 grams. The fruit was born in the southern city of Kfar Zeitim to the Jewish farmer Aharon Shemoel. The achievement was immediately entered into the Guinness Book of Records. Aharon himself said that he had never tasted so much delicious lemon in his life. It was as sweet as an orange, and despite its size, it was easy to peel.

Since carving is a curly carving on vegetables and fruits, one cannot but touch upon the achievements of a person in the field of growing these products. It is surprising and shocking how farmers from different countries have been able to achieve great results.

Below are the most outstanding Guinness World Records from the Big Food section.


Lloyd Bright and his Hope Farm Store have consistently grown giant watermelons since 1979. The last victory was a watermelon, weighing 122 kg. The world record for the speed of eating watermelon was set in 2001 by the Italian Francesco Traina. He managed to devour a kilogram watermelon in 1 minute


Soji Shirai from Ashibetsu (Japan) is shown next to a 440 kg pumpkin. A medium pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo) weighs 1 to 2 kg. The largest pumpkin in the world is grown by Gary Burke of Simcoe (Ontario, Canada) and weighs 495 kg. The record was registered on October 3, 1998.


The largest vegetable marrow in the world was raised by an Australian from the Norfolk Islands. It took two people to lift the 65-kilogram zucchini.


The world's largest cucumber grew in the garden of the British gardener Alfo Cobb. Its length reaches 91.7 centimeters. Moreover, this is Cobb's second world record. His previous record cucumber was 89.2 centimeters long.


John Evans from Alaska, USA, is famous for growing giant vegetables, one of which is cabbage, which weighs 34.4 kg.


John Evans also managed to grow the heaviest carrot weighing 8.5 kg in 1998.


Continuing his streak of records, Evans has grown the largest cauliflower, which weighed 14.1 kg.


The record carrot 4 m 57 cm long was grown by James Crowe.


Gordon Graham from Edmond in 1986 grew a tomato weighing 3.51 kilograms. He also grew a 16.3m tall tomato bush. It was reported that 12,312 pieces grew on a separate bush. tomatoes in 347 days. And the Japanese entered the Guinness Book of Records by growing on a special frame a tomato-tree as high as a three-story house.


Colleen Porter, a resident of Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, has grown the largest mango in the world. The record fruit weighs 2.46 kg! The Keitt variety, which owns the record fruit, usually does not exceed 1.3 kg.


Leeks weighing 4.34 kg were grown by Hankey Bishop in 1983.


Mel Edney from Anstrater (Fife, UK) in 1997 grew the world's largest onion weighing 7.03 kg.


Lebanese farmer Khalil Semkhat from the southern city of Tire could not believe his eyes when he discovered such a huge potato yam in his garden - 11.2 kg.


And then John Evans succeeded: he grew a giant broccoli weighing 15.8 kg.


A two-meter Vietnamese zucchini was raised by a 63-year-old pensioner from Chisinau, Nina Sychuk. Vegetable - the record holder was stretching by leaps and bounds. From time to time I added ten centimeters (!) A day. It was possible to eat zucchini in parts: just cut off a piece, and the vegetable, you know, grows further.


It was established that the British farmer J. Est from Spalding dug up a potato weighing 3.2 kg in 1963, from which the tuber grown in 1982 on the field of the British D. Busby from Atherston could not take a record just because he had such same weight. The 8.3 kg potato tuber, which is said to have been grown in 1795 in Chester, must be classified as a dubious legend.


Musatov Vyacheslav Fedorovich from the city of Bobruisk-25 (Belarus) took a large crop of potatoes from one bush. Under one bush of Sineglazka potatoes, 26 potatoes with a total weight of 3 kg 150 g grew.


The world's largest daikon was raised by a resident of the city of Sakurajima, located next to the eponymous active volcano on the southern Japanese island of Kyushu. Raised by 58-year-old Manabu Ono, the daikon pulled 29.6 kg and had no equal in the competition held in this city. Its organizers intend to apply for the entry of the miracle radish into the Guinness Book of Records. In it, by the way, while the record holder is the daikon, grown by the same enthusiast, who this time surpassed his own achievement by 8.4 kg at once.


Bernard Lavery from Rhondda (UK) has grown an ear of corn 92 cm long.


Pineapple weighing 8.06 kg was grown in 1994 by E. Kamuk from Ais-Village (Papua New Guinea).


J. Willington collected a fruit weighing 2.966 kg. (Taskon, Arizona 12.21.84).


Kohlrabi 4.16 m long was raised in 1982 by B.T. Newton (Australia).


The lemon weighing 3.88 kg and 74.9 cm in circumference was harvested in California in 1982.


Melon weighing 118 kg. matured in 1985 in the USA.


A copy weighing 1.405 kg. was recorded in 1979 in South Wales.


Vegetable weighing 20.63 kg. was grown in California in 1974


Turnip weighing 15.975 kg. matured at C.W.Butler in Nafferton in 1972. A turnip weighing 33.1 kg was reported in 1768 and a turnip weighing 23.1 kg was reported from Alaska in 1981.


The specimen is 6.6 m long. was spotted in 1985-1986.


A bunch of tomatoes weighing 9.175 kg. raised C. Bowcock in Merseyside.

In the world for many hundreds of years there has been a competition between vegetable growers and gardeners trying to overtake each other in growing the largest vegetables and fruits. The largest of them (as of September 2013) are:

807 kg is the weight of the largest pumpkin. It was grown in greenhouse conditions in Alaska by Dale Marshall in 2010.

122 kg is the weight of the largest watermelon. He was raised by Lloid Bright from America in 2012. He breaks his own records almost every year.

65 kg - the weight of the largest zucchini. He was raised by Australian Ken Dade, who lives on Norfolk Island, in 2008. At the same time, the longest zucchini (160 cm!) Was grown by Briton Alberto Marcantonio in 2012.

57.6 kg - the weight of the largest white cabbage. She was raised by Stephen Hubandek, who lives in Alaska in 2009.

31.1 kg - the weight of the largest radish. She was raised by Japanese Manubu Ono from Kagoshima in 2003.

24.6 kg is the weight of the largest cauliflower. She was raised in 1999 by Briton Alan Hattersley. He broke the record of J. T. Cook Fungington (23 kg), which had been in the Guinness Book of Records since 1966.

17.7 kg is the weight of the largest turnip. And she was raised not by the fabulous grandfather and grandmother, but by the very real American Scotty Marty Robb, a resident of Alaska in 2004.

15.8 kg is the weight of the largest broccoli cabbage. She was raised by American John Evans, who lives in Alaska, in 1997.

15.6 kg is the weight of the largest lemon. He was raised by Aaron Shemel from Israel in 2003.

10 kg is the weight of the largest radish. It was grown in natural soil by an Israeli, Nissan Tamir in 2009.

8.6 kg - the weight of the largest carrot grown by Lebanese Kleiat Ahmed Ibrahim on his personal plot in 2009. Carrot length 130 cm!

8.2 kg is the weight of a bulb grown by Peter Glaserbrook of the UK in 2013. By the way, he broke his own record, entered in the Guinness Book of Records.

8.06 kg is the weight of the largest pineapple grown by E. Kamuk in Papua New Guinea in 1994.

5.9 kg is the weight of the largest parsnip. He was raised by Briton Peter Glazebrook from Somerset in 2009.

3, 76 kg - the weight of the largest potato. It was raised by the same Briton Peter Glazebrook on his site and presented at the Shelton Mallet fair.

3.5 kg is the weight of the largest tomato. It was grown by the American Gordon Graham (Oklahoma), back in 1986.

3.21 kg is the weight of the largest grapefruit. He was raised by Clay Diaz Dutro from Brazil in 2006.

2.19 kg - the weight of the largest avocado. He was raised by Venezuelan Ramirez Naim from Caracas in 2009.

2 kg - the weight of a cucumber grown by a resident of Belarus Zoya Leontyeva in 2012. The length of the cucumber was 175 cm, which is almost twice as long as that of the cucumber entered in the Guinness Book of Records. But the taste of the cucumber turned out to be atypical - orange ...

1.85 kg is the weight of the largest grenade. He was raised by the Chinese Aiguo from Sichuan in 2009.

1,849 kg - weight itself big apple... He was raised by the Japanese Chisato Iwasaki from the city of Hirosaki. Its dimensions are larger than the head of the Japanese himself.

1.19 kg is the weight of the largest head of garlic. She was raised on his backyard by Californian Robert Kerkpatrick in 1985.

0.725 kg is the weight of the largest peach. He was raised by Paul Faraday, an American from Michigan, in 2002.

0.5 kg - the weight of the largest bell pepper grown by farmers in the Israeli village of Ein Yahav in 2011. They broke the record of Edward Curry, who in 2009 grew a pepper weighing 290 grams and was entered in the Guinness Book of Records.

0.23 kg is the weight of the largest strawberry grown by Briton John Andersen in 1983.