Rashkin held an educational program for Ivanov about corruption. Valery Rashkin: It is necessary to toughen punishments for corruption crimes in Russia Deal with Usmanov

On March 5, the Communist Party faction in the State Duma, together with the Foundation for the Formation and Development of a Labor Personnel Reserve, Providing Professional Realization of Youth "TIME FORWARD" held a round table "Development of measures to develop competence in the field of anti-corruption policy and improve the legal literacy of young people."

At this event, a State Duma deputy from the Communist Party faction, known for his analytical reports "United Russia and corruption" (the so-called Rashkin lists), presented an updated version of the last report. "I believe that corruption is birthmark power structures today, and this stain must be disposed of, ”the communist said in his speech.

The list includes 13 parliamentarians (deputies of the State Duma and members of the Federation Council) and 13 governors and heads of regions. Not all of them had the specified status when they committed criminal acts, but all were representatives of " United Russia". "For example, head of the Komi Republic Vyacheslav Gaiser, his predecessor Vladimir Torlopov and deputy Alexei Chernov - all from United Russia- are accused of organizing criminal community, created to commit more than two dozen episodes of fraud in especially large size, associated mainly with the seizure of assets of large enterprises, as well as for money laundering and bribery,” Rashkin said. – As part of the criminal case, investigators of the TFR, together with operational officers of the FSB of Russia, conducted more than 80 searches in the Komi Republic, St. Petersburg and Moscow. According to the results of the investigative actions carried out at the places of residence and work of the defendants in the criminal case, more than 60 kg of jewelry, 150 watches worth from 30 thousand US dollars to $1 million, more than 50 seals and stamps of legal entities involved in the implementation of offshore schemes, financial documents were seized on the legalization of stolen assets for a total amount of more than 1 billion rubles (total damage is 3.3 billion rubles). ”

The MP believes that there is no real fight against corruption in the country. Among the necessary measures to be taken, the deputy called the ratification of Article 20 of the UN on the fight against corruption and the law on the confiscation of property of corrupt officials - these legislative initiatives were proposed by the Communist Party faction in the State Duma.

Yury Sinelshchikov, State Duma deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, shared specific figures in his speech. He said that in no country in the world there is a system so tolerant of corrupt officials as in Russia. Real prison terms are replaced by fines, but they are often not charged, since according to the documents a person is as naked as a falcon - everything is registered with relatives. “As a result, 93% of bribe takers go unpunished,” Sinelshchikov said. He also said that in Russia, in fact, they are fighting not with those who take bribes, but with those who give them, often forcedly: “We have 3 times more convicted bribe givers than bribe takers.” The communist criticized a measure often proposed as part of the fight against corruption - raising the salaries of officials so that they do not want to steal. “The more money you have, the more you want,” the deputy believes.

The round table was attended by President of the TIME FORWARD Foundation Daria Yezerskaya, Development Director of the TIME FORWARD Foundation Artyom Khanani, as well as participants of the Youth Anti-Corruption Forum, who shared their initiatives to combat corruption. Artyom Khanani presented the all-Russian educational project "TO THE FUTURE - WITHOUT CORRUPTION".

Valery Rashkin offered the help of the Communist Party to the round table participants. He stated that deputies are always ready to help, at least with a deputy's request, if someone personally encounters corruption.

Press Service of the Moscow City Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation

Your attention is presented to the third edition of the analytical report "United Russia and Corruption", which provides up-to-date information about the functionaries of the party in power, suspected, accused or convicted of last years for crimes of corruption ( PDetailed information about United Russia criminals in your region can be found in the attached pdf-file).


One of the fundamental, stable and in many ways defining features of the power system modern Russia there is still a comprehensive corruption, fed by the energy and cadres of the "party of power" - United Russia. The heavy locomotive of this political force is dragging the country along the road of self-interest and bribery into the abyss.

Objective figures and precise facts, contrasted with the lies of the blue screen, eloquently testify to a long overdue and vital for Russia change of course and the departure from the dictatorship of criminals.

Your attention is presented to the third edition of the analytical report "United Russia and Corruption", which, with documentary accuracy, shows the true essence of the representatives of this party, leaving no stone unturned from the myth of the exceptional rarity and almost single nature of their crimes.

The analysis of data from open sources made it possible to identify more than 300 defendants in criminal cases from the “party of power” from all regions of Russia, including the newly annexed Crimea and Sevastopol, in a short time. Their list, without even pretending to be exhaustive, clearly demonstrates the systemic nature of corruption in United Russia. A brief dossier has been compiled on each of the representatives of this party.

In criminal cases, amounts with a total complexity of more than 130 billion rubles. This money was stolen, embezzled, laundered, illegally cashed or disposed of in any other criminal way. Enormous damage has been done to the budget system, citizens and organizations, public relations and the state as a whole, but this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Back in 2012, the speaker of the Accounts Chamber, Sergei Stepashin, noted that every year one trillion rubles is stolen from the funds allocated for public procurement. Citizens rightly complain that there are not enough schools, hospitals, kindergartens. Sophisticated medical equipment and medicines are also virtually non-existent. However, with the stolen funds, we could rebuild the whole country anew.

The cynicism, hypocrisy and connivance of those in power have caused Russia to find itself in a state of large-scale economic and political crisis today. They failed to take advantage of Russia's high world energy prices. They could not restore the existing industrial and agricultural complex inherited from the USSR, they could not create new competitive industries. It's time to place their faces on the board of shame, especially those of them who nevertheless became defendants in criminal cases.

The "heroes" of this crime are numerous and ubiquitous. Below is their appearance and a description of their criminal acts. Compared with the previous report, a significant increase in the ranks of corrupt officials is noticeable, as well as a change in the status of objects more early research from suspects and accused to defendants and convicts.

At the beginning of the list, its federal part is presented, which includes parliamentarians and officials of the federal level, and then the regional part - with deputies and officials of the subjects Russian Federation and municipalities. The analytical part of the report is presented in the conclusion.

I urge you to face the truth, no matter how hard-hitting and monstrous this truth may be. The era of inaction and silence is over. We need to cleanse the authorities of crime and return the principle of the inevitability of punishment, regardless of positions held or membership in a particular political party.

For the first time, “Information on criminal cases initiated against heads of administrations and deputies from the United Russia party” was published in 2007. The list included 107 representatives parties in power - defendants, convicted, accused and suspected of committing criminal offenses. The total term of imprisonment assigned by the court and the state prosecution to criminals from the “party of real cases” amounted to 590 years or 4 hours 20 minutes"imprisonment" for each member of the party. Based on this information, several reports have been published under the general title "United Russia" and corruption". Soon the Russian media dubbed these materials "Rashkin's List". "Rashkin's List" caused a wide public outcry and nervous reaction United Russia: the State Duma Commission on Ethics flatly refused to substantively consider the information provided, and Deputy Rashkin was deprived of the right to speak at plenary sessions of the State Duma for a month. In 2014 the second report ("Rashkin's List - 2") was published, consisting of 150 scrupulously checked United Russia members. At the same time, United Russia party functionaries hastened to disown their fellow party members, referring to the fact that the defendants in the criminal cases from the List are no longer members of the ruling party. However, no matter how quickly United Russia makes its criminal fellow party members former, it is not possible and will not be possible to hide the party affiliation of the criminals listed in the List at the time of the atrocities. The truth will always find its way. Especially in the era of the Internet and the still free access of citizens to information ...


So obviously: among the crimes committed by United Russia, one can meet, with rare exceptions, almost the entire Special Part of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

These are crimes against life and health, against freedom, honor and dignity, against sexual inviolability and sexual freedom of the individual, against constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen and against the family and minors.

Crimes against property, in the sphere of economic activity and against the interests of service in commercial and other organizations.

Crimes against public safety, against public health and public morality, environmental crimes and against traffic safety and transport operation.

Crimes against the foundations of the constitutional order and state security, against state power, interests public service and service in local governments, against justice, against the order of government.

The enumeration of the qualified components of the above-mentioned crimes would take several pages. From more than 830 criminal episodes, involvement over 300 representatives of United Russia to which has already been proven or verified by law enforcement, most associated with fraud, abuse of office and bribes.

However, there is also an abundance of forgery, abuse of office, embezzlement and embezzlement, and even crimes against the sexual integrity of minors and murder.

Formally, many United Russia crimes are not considered to be corruption, law enforcement agencies, for example, do not take them into account when compiling statistics, however, in fact, all of them are associated with the feeling of omnipotence and impunity that is characteristic of representatives of this still predominant political force. So in the broadest sense of the word, this is nothing but corruption.

For example, Deputy of the Dzerzhinsky District Assembly of the Kaluga Region Andrey Savenkov(ER) was convicted of seemingly non-corrupt inciting hatred or enmity on the grounds of nationality and beatings. In response to the claims of the inhabitants of the primordially Russian village of Ozero, he threatened them with reprisals from the Chechens, and in response to demands to dismantle the garbage site he had illegally installed, he beat a woman and a 74-year-old man who stood up for her.

However, the conflict with the villagers began only because Savenkov, reveling in power, illegally bought up plots of land near the lake, incl. in the water protection zone, blocked the passage of citizens to the reservoir and began to build a recreation center.

In other words, he would not have been a deputy from the "party of power", would not have felt impunity, would not have started illegal construction and would not have frightened Kaluga residents with Chechens. And so, he just stopped the illegal construction, paid a fine of 220 thousand rubles and gave the beaten woman and the old man several tens of thousands of rubles as compensation.

This is how non-corrupt crimes acquire completely corrupt features. And there are practically no serious barriers for malefactors, massively deploying criminal activity under the cover of United Russia. Only now those of them who nevertheless did not escape condemnation are expelled from the party (while declaring that United Russia is heroically fighting corruption).

In many ways, this is why more and more often among the members and nominees of the "party of power" there are impressive in scale organized groups, gangs and criminal communities from officials, deputies and entrepreneurs. Such formations are created, as a rule, for the systematic commission of numerous crimes.

For example, Head of the Komi Republic Vyacheslav Gaiser (ER) and his deputy Alexey Chernov (ER) accused of organizing criminal community, created to commit more than two dozen episodes of fraud on an especially large scale.

According to investigators, it includes 13 more suspects, including Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Komi Igor Kovzel (ER), Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Komi Konstantin Romadanov (ER), ex-deputy of the State Duma and ex-senator from the Republic of Komi Evgeny Samoilov ( EP).

As part of the criminal case, investigators of the TFR, together with operational officers of the FSB of Russia, conducted more than 80 searches in the Komi Republic, St. Petersburg and Moscow. Based on the results of the investigative actions carried out at the places of residence and work of the defendants in the criminal case, more than 60 kg of jewelry, 150 watches worth from 30 thousand US dollars to 1 million US dollars, more than 50 seals and stamps of legal entities involved in the implementation of offshore schemes, financial documents on the legalization of stolen assets for a total amount of more than 1 billion rubles. It was established that the stolen funds were successfully laundered, and the corresponding charges were also brought against the organizers of the criminal community.

The arrest was also particularly notorious. Governor of the Sakhalin Region Alexander Khoroshavin (ER) on two episodes of receiving a bribe on an especially large scale by him, together with his accomplices. According to the TFR, firstly, officials (including the vice-governor, who oversaw the fishing industry and the agro-industrial complex, Sergey Karepkin and the ex-minister Agriculture, trade and food Nikolai Borisov) received a bribe in the amount of at least 15 million rubles for actions related to the allocation of subsidies to support agricultural producers.

Secondly, according to the investigation, Khoroshavin, through an accomplice, put forward an illegal demand to the management of Energostroy Sakhalin Company LLC to transfer him a bribe in the amount of 6% of the amounts received under the state contract. As a result, over the course of two years, Khoroshavin received a bribe in the amount of over $5.6 million for the performance of actions in favor of the specified society.

A tangle of corruption in the power structures of Komi

Federal level.

MP State Duma(2007-2011), member of the Federation Council (2011-2014) Evgeny Samoilov.

Regional level.

Executive power: Komi Governor Vyacheslav Gaizer, his deputy Alexei Chernov, Deputy Prime Minister of Komi Konstantin Romadanov.

Legislative power: Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Komi Igor Kovzel.

local level.

Executive power: 2 mayors of Syktyvkar Roman Zenishchev and Ivan Pozdeev, mayor of Vorkuta Anatoly Puro, mayor of Inta Pavel Smirnov, head of the Knyazhpogost district administration Viktor Popov, head of the Pechorsky district Vasily Torlopov, first deputy head of the administration of the Pechorsky district Lecha Magomadov.

Legislative power: Chairman of the Council of Deputies of Syktyvkar Nikolai Kursakov.

In the Krasnodar Territory the tentacles of a corrupt octopus are also traced. For example, according to investigators, organized crime group(OPG) from among the leaders and founders of Avtoban OJSC, including Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of Krasnodar the edges Vladimir Volchikhin (ER), is suspected of fraudulent receipt more than 1 billion rubles loans in the Krasnodar branches of major banks Gazprombnk.

Another Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory Yuri Bondarenko (ER), who was the director of Sochi Bank, is accused of deliberate bankruptcy of the organization. The amount of unsatisfied claims of KIIB Sochi creditors reaches RUB 2.47 billion.

Bondarenko stopped appearing in the Legislative Assembly in December 2009, but fellow deputies did not deprive him of his powers for another year, until he was declared missing. He fled from the investigating authorities and was put on the international wanted list. The investigation became aware that Bondarenko changed his last name, first name, patronymic and lives in Ukraine. The investigation sought to recognize as illegal the granting of Ukrainian citizenship to Bondarenko and his extradition to Russia.

Third Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Territory Vitaly Korovushkin (ER) he simply deceived a woman entrepreneur for 5 million rubles. fourth - Andrey Shchennikov (ER)- the infliction of property damage to the budget of Krasnodar by non-fulfillment of obligations under the municipal property lease agreement was charged, however, when he was pressed by law enforcement agencies, he repaid the debt and the case was dismissed by reconciliation of the parties (due to non-rehabilitating circumstances).

Fifth Deputy of the Krasnodar Regional Legislative Assembly Sergey Zirinov (ER)- the defendant, he is accused of organizing an assassination attempt on the deputy Cossack chieftain of the city of Anapa, Nikolai Nesterenko. He was later charged with creating a gang and three more murders.

But these are only deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory, and United Russia members of a lower rank, but also closely intertwined with business and crime, are still on the list.

V Primorsky Territory the saga continues with the criminal community, headed, according to investigators, by ex- Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of Primorsky Krai, Yuri Stepanchenko (ER) and former acting Igor Meshcheryakov, Head of the Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Property Relations of the Russian Federation for the Primorsky Territory. Interpol excluded Stepanchenko from their lists, because allegedly the file on the wanted list of the former deputy "was registered in violation of the rules of Interpol."

The criminal community included both officials of the administration of the Primorsky Territory, and a number of heads of federal and regional unitary enterprises, as well as a number of commercial structures (total 14 people).

According to the TFR, they removed buildings that were in federal and regional ownership from operational management, allegedly for use for the purposes of the statutory activities of enterprises, but in fact for the subsequent sale of property at auctions at reduced prices.

The auctions were carried out by commercial structures created by them. At the same time, "unnecessary" buyers, according to the TFR, had no access to information about the auction, nor to the auction itself. Therefore, the property was bought at frankly low prices and legalized. The investigation established more than 30 such objects. Damage is estimated at 547.5 million rubles.

In addition, according to investigators, the DV Stroysvyazkompleks company headed by Stepanchenko was involved in the theft from the Primorsky Territory budget of funds allocated for the implementation of targeted programs in the field of housing construction and communications, incl. "Apartment for a young family." However, Stepanchenko has his own apartment in the USA, he has not been extradited to Russia.

V Novgorod region in 2012 First Vice Governor Arnold Shalmuev (ER) in order to systematically embezzle budgetary funds allocated for the maintenance and repair of roads in the region, created organized crime group, which included the head of the state institution "Novgorodavtodor", deputy of the Duma of the Chudovsky district Nikolai Zakaldaev (ER), his deputy Georgy Vishnyakov and expert Vyacheslav Samoilov, Deputy of the Duma of the Borovichi District Anatoly Petrov (ER) appointed by Shalmuyev, the director of the State Unitary Enterprise "Veche" Oleg Orlov and his deputy Alexander Belov and a number of entrepreneurs in the region - Konstantin Bekchev, Alexei Tutykin, Nato Natanov. This is how the famous "road business".

GOUP "Veche" was supposed to win the auction for a set of works on the maintenance of roads of regional and intermunicipal significance in the regions of the region, but another organization won. Its CEO began to receive threats, and he refused to conclude a contract. After that, the malefactors who received the contract, according to fictitious primary accounting documents, transferred to the settlement account of the controlled enterprise more than 15 million rubles

All members of the organized crime group were convicted. Shalmuev was sentenced to 8 years and 10 months in prison with a fine of 900 thousand rubles and deprivation of the right to hold relevant positions for 2 years 10 months (the sentence can be appealed). It is important to note that the court satisfied the claim for the recovery of the amount of damage to the budget of the region.

V Novosibirsk region Alexander Solodkin (ER), first being deputy of the administrative center, and then becoming Vice Mayor of Novosibirsk, together with his father (at that time an adviser to the regional administration for sports) were in Trunovskoy OPG. Their role was to seek out and then control the objects of the economy, receiving illegal profits, which served as sources of financing for the criminal organization.

They, as acting officials, established and maintained contacts with the authorities and law enforcement agencies in the interests of the group, which, if necessary, covered them from criminal prosecution. According to the materials of the ICR, the Solodkins did not hesitate to participate in criminal showdowns, in particular, the eldest of the relatives is considered to be involved in the attempted murder of the businessman.

Several criminal groups at once, inextricably fused with the authorities, turned out to be in Tatarstan. First of all, terrorist attacks and other crimes of an illegal armed group organized by the assistant prosecutor of the city of Kizlyar received due assessment. One of its most prominent members - at that time Mayor of Makhachkala Said Amirov (ER) the first sentence of the court was sentenced to 10 years in prison in a colony strict regime, and the second - to life imprisonment in a special regime colony (the decision is being appealed to the Supreme Court of Russia).

The first verdict was the punishment for preparing, respectively, for the first terrorist attack. Amirov and his nephew were preparing to shoot down a MANPADS aircraft, which was supposed to be the head of the Dagestan pension fund department Murtazaliev. Thus, according to the TFR, it was planned to eliminate a political competitor by allegedly bandit formations, creating panic in the republic for its use for political purposes.

The second act of terrorism was completely implemented - it was a shot from a Bumblebee rocket-propelled flamethrower at the building of the Moscow cultural and entertainment complex, the chairman of the Board of Directors of which is a close relative of the mayor of Kaspiysk, on whom the criminals exerted pressure.

Moreover, after the start of an active investigation of the ICR, members of the gang, on the instructions of its leader, acting in the interests of Dzhaparov and Amirov, shot the acting. head of the investigation department near his house from a Kalashnikov assault rifle, for which Amirov and Dzhaparov received 500 thousand rubles each through Abdulgalimov.

The second criminal group in Dagestan also decided to eliminate the law enforcement officer who opposed them. According to the investigation, head of the Kizlyar region Andrey Vinogradov (ER) together with accomplices, incl. Deputy of the People's Assembly of the Republic of Dagestan Sagid Murtazaliev (ER) committed a number of murders, attempts (assaults), incl. to the deputy head of the center for countering extremism under the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Dagestan, and vice-mayor of Kizlyar, because their main crime was the financing of terrorism.

It should be emphasized that the work of investigators in a number of cases was done on high level, despite the connections and high position of the defendants in criminal cases. There is reason to believe that the federal center really shows the will to eliminate certain criminal groups in power, incl. the highest regional level. However, these actions are still not enough to destroy the criminal octopus that is suffocating our country.

It is important to note that if earlier sums of thousands, millions, occasionally billions of rubles appeared in criminal cases, today you can meet tens of billions, and even 100 billion

So, Deputy of the Levashinsky district of Dagestan Abdulla Gasanov (ER) accused of organizing criminal community, but already for illegal banking activities.

The attackers offered businessmen to cash out any amount, cash for this was delivered by couriers from Makhachkala. To give the transactions the appearance of legality, clients' funds were transferred to the accounts of one-day firms in Dagestan, where they were cashed out and returned in the form of cash under the guise of printed materials.

The money was accompanied by security guards of the Karat-1 private security company. According to investigators, the Karatov brothers were responsible in the OPS only for the transportation of money, and the deputy Gasanov led a group of financiers who created one-day firms and found bank details for payment documents.

The cashing channel operated for about seven years, up to 100 billion rubles. Bankers are also involved in the case. Since the initiation of the criminal case, the Central Bank has revoked licenses from 11 Dagestan banks.

However, unfortunately, even if the participants in such high-profile crimes are found guilty, there are no guarantees that they will be sentenced to real terms.

Most of the sentences (53%) are not related to real imprisonment, although one cannot fail to note the growing number of arrests (note to United Russia). Probation is still the most common primary punishment.

The number of fines and cases of termination of criminal cases on non-rehabilitating grounds (from active repentance and reconciliation of the parties to compensation for damages and the expiration of criminal liability) is also quite high.

For example, Head of the Mozhginsky District of the Udmurt Republic Vladimir Maksyutin Initially, he was accused by the investigation of taking a bribe in the amount of 1.25 million rubles, for which, according to the materials of the ICR, he promised to help the director of one of the commercial enterprises in acquiring a municipal boiler house.

The Investigative Committee of the ICR loudly advertised the ongoing investigative actions: “More than 80 witnesses were interrogated, his property was arrested, and these are apartments in Mozhga and the city of Balashikha, Moscow Region. A number of face-to-face confrontations were held, phonoscopic, evaluation, psychological and psychiatric examinations were appointed. Now he [Maksyutin] is under house arrest.”

However, soon the case was quietly reclassified as "illegal participation in entrepreneurial activity" and closed. Due to the expiration of the statute of limitations for criminal prosecution, the criminal case was terminated (albeit on non-rehabilitating grounds).

Or another example - Deputy of the Voronezh City Duma Alexander Tyurin. According to investigators, being the founder of Ecoliner LLC, he submitted to the tax service false information for VAT refund over 12 million rubles

The court reclassified the charge from “fraud on a particularly large scale” to “causing property damage without signs of theft,” and then decided to stop the proceedings. This time the case was closed due to the repentance of the accused (albeit on non-rehabilitating grounds).

Or here is another popular variation of this scheme for exemption from real liability. Deputy of the Tambov Regional Duma Boris Kopylov, according to investigators, revealed violations in the placement of gas stations and demanded that his representative transfer 500 thousand rubles for continuing his activities. to the account of the creditor of his acquaintance under the pretext of payment for the supply of crushed stone.

Initially, he was accused of a serious crime - "taking a bribe with extortion on a large scale", but the case was reclassified as "abuse of official authority" without qualifying signs, as a result of which Kopylov was sentenced to 2 years in prison in a colony-settlement, but only because that he was immediately released from serving his sentence under an amnesty.

There are also cases when United Russia members do not end up in the dock for some unknown reason. So, for example, there is simply no information about the criminal case Head of Administration of the Head of the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria Vladimir Zhamborov, accused of fraud on an especially large scale using his official position.

It was known that business lady Madina Khatsukova, wishing to receive a Philharmonic building with an area of ​​​​more than 500 square meters from state property. m, turned to Zhamborov. He, according to investigators, gave an oral instruction to his brother (deputy head of the Ministry of Property of the KBR) to prepare orders for the seizure of property to the republican treasury and for the privatization of the building for 1 million rubles with a cost of at least 20 million. Later, Ms. Hatsukova became the owner of the building without an auction.

What happened next? The investigation simply died down (such "silence", as well as the banal lack of publicity, by the way, are typical for a number of regions). There is no information about his closure of the criminal case, nor information about his consideration by the court on the merits. It would not be surprising if, after 10 years from the date of the alleged serious crime, it was announced that the statute of limitations for criminal liability had expired.

It is important to note that this List did not include many defendants in resonant scandals who, for one reason or another, did not acquire the appropriate criminal legal status or at the time of the crime were not formally related to United Russia.

For example, former Chairman of the Energy Committee and engineering support Petersburg Vladislav Petrov(member of the United Russia party), despite numerous media reports that he is a suspect in embezzlement 3 billion rubles within the framework of the resonant "pipe case", officially he was only a witness.

Charges in the case of fraudulent embezzlement of budgetary funds allocated for the development of public utilities in St. Petersburg were brought against Konstantin Mosin, Director of the State Institution "Customer Administration of St. Petersburg", Chairman of the Committee for Energy and Engineering Support of the Government of St. Petersburg Oleg Trishkin, founder and executives of LLC "Petrocom".

Found during a search in the apartment of Vladislav Petrov 18 million rubles, $ 100 thousand, € 100 thousand, a Sberbank bearer certificate for 11 million rubles, jewelry (gold rings, cufflinks, several expensive watches), a gold bar of the 999th samples, it turns out, honestly earned by the official, as well as apartments in the elite areas of the city and suburban real estate ...

Sentenced to 12 years in prison in a strict regime colony for 4 episodes of sexual assault against a teenager under the age of 16, one of the founders of the regional children's public organization Historical scout center "Tsarskoye Selo" Andrey Smirnov was not included in the list for the reason that he committed crimes from May 2004 to March 2006, but was elected Deputy of the municipal council of the Komendantsky airfield of St. Petersburg from United Russia only in March 2009.

Not included in the list and various "self-nominated", the election of which is agreed with the "United Russia". For example, Deputy of the Rezhev City Duma(Sverdlovsk region) Evgeny Surnin with a tattoo, typical for those who have served time, right on his head, as it turned out, he had two convictions under the article “hooliganism” and one under the article “malicious violation of the rules of administrative supervision”. As a result of the elections, candidates from United Russia took 17 mandates out of 20. Self-nominated candidates received three mandates, agreed by the administration of the governor of the Sverdlovsk region.

It is impossible not to note the suspicious attraction of United Russia to students. More and more rectors of state universities turn out to be party members. So, rector of the Mari state university Vitaly Makarov together with the university accountant from the budgetary and non-budgetary funds of the university funds illegally received bonuses in the amount of over 2.6 million rubles for work that was not actually done. Makarov coordinated and signed orders for bonuses, and appropriated more than 1.8 million rubles(800 thousand went to the accountant).

Rector of Tuva State University, Deputy of the House of Representatives of the Great Khural of the Republic of Tuva from the party "United Russia" Nikolai Dubrovsky received a bribe for the reinstatement of a student expelled from the university, and subsequently assisted her in the successful graduation from the university. In addition, he received bribes for helping three applicants get admission. In total, Dubrovsky received in the form of bribes at least 752 thousand rubles

Rector of the Dagestan Institute for Advanced Training of Pedagogical Personnel(former First Deputy Minister of Education of Dagestan) Idris Musaev accused of abuse of power and fraud. A criminal case was initiated on the fact of illegal transfer 2.138 million rubles for the provision of educational services for training students in advanced training courses that were not fully conducted.

Rector of the Far Eastern Federal University(Former Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation) Sergei Ivanets accused of organizing abuse of office. According to investigators, he instructed two vice-rectors of FEFU to prepare and sign acts of acceptance and delivery of work on one of the stages of the execution of the contract for the creation of the information and technical system of the university in the amount of 647 million rubles, concluded in 2011.

Work on this stage should have been completed in 2013, but in fact this did not happen. In September 2015, Ivanets ordered the chief accountant of the university to pay for the work in accordance with falsified acts, as a result of which more than 20 million rubles

Separately, it should be noted that the tendency to impose inadequately large fines or so-called fines has not yet been fully overcome. Medvedev's system of multiple fines. Shortly after its introduction in 2011, the Federal Bailiffs Service (a body authorized, among other things, to collect fines for criminal offenses) was forced to state that out of about 2 billion rubles of fines imposed per year, only about 155 million rubles are paid.

In this connection Supreme Court was even forced in the Decree of the Plenum " explain to the courts that the mere fact that the convict does not have money to pay the fine cannot be recognized good reason for failure to pay a fine on time". At the same time, in accordance with the decision of the Supreme Court, it is forbidden to change the fine to a suspended sentence for a corruption crime - the term should only be real.

For example, head of administration of the Pronsky district Ryazan region , member of the United Russia party Nicholas Maksimushkin sentenced to a fine of 65 million rubles(with deprivation of the right to hold relevant positions for a period of 3 years). He offered the general director of one of the enterprises assistance in resolving the issue of leasing land plot an area of ​​10 hectares for production purposes for 1.2 million rubles.

Maksimushkin was given an installment plan, he had to pay a fine for 5 years: 3.25 million rubles per quarter, but for two years he transferred only 133,926 rubles to the state income - he paid half of his pension per month, referring to the fact that other He has no income or property. In this regard, the court decided to replace the fine with 5.5 years in prison.

Head of the Verkhneuslonsky District and Chairman of the Local District Council of the Republic of Tatarstan Alexander Timofeev for accepting a bribe on an especially large scale was sentenced by a court to a fine of 300 million rubles.

Until the consideration of the issue of replacing the punishment, Timofeev was paid only 610 thousand rubles. The court found him maliciously evading the payment of a fine and changed Timofeev's sentence to 4 years of real imprisonment, moreover, in a strict regime colony (with deprivation of the right to hold relevant positions for a period of 3 years).

In 2015, a bill introduced by the president was adopted, according to which punishment under articles 290 and 291 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (taking and giving a bribe) provides for smaller fines, but the Communist Party of the Russian Federation insists on the need for real imprisonment for corruption crimes using the institution of property confiscation.

Only the severity and inevitability of punishment for corruption can force the representatives of United Russia to moderate their appetites. Law enforcement agencies should without fear identify their crimes and bring them to criminal responsibility, regardless of their position and status. For now it's hard to imagine how much moreundetected, unsolved, unconvicted crimes committedrepresentatives of the "party of power" ...

Rashkin held an educational program for Ivanov about corruption

MOSCOW, 9 December. Valery Rashkin, deputy chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, denied the words of the head of the presidential administration, Sergei Ivanov, that Russia had ratified Article 20 of the UN Convention against Corruption.

"It ratified it in full, without exceptions. Russian legislation fully complies with the convention," Ivanov said earlier.

Meanwhile, according to Rashkin, which are quoted on the website of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, if the 20th article of the UN Convention against Corruption were ratified by our country, then an article "Illicit enrichment" would appear in Russian criminal law, which would punish "a significant increase in the assets of a public official person in excess of his lawful income, which he cannot reasonably substantiate."

"I will open it to Sergei Borisovich (Ivanov. - Approx. "Rosbalt") terrible secret: there is no such article in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation". According to Rashkin, first of all, such a legal gap is connected with the unwillingness of the parliamentary majority to put to a vote the question of the full (without exceptions and restrictions) ratification by our country of the UN Convention against Corruption, despite the fact that that about a hundred deputies of three parliamentary factions at once became co-authors of the corresponding bill.

If the law proposed by the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is adopted, according to the communist, officials will not be able to explain where they get property worth millions of dollars with a salary of hundreds of thousands of rubles.

He believes that in such a situation, the only thing left for the country is to stay in a "parallel reality", where the GDP is steadily doubling, people live as well as ever." “If it is convenient for respected statesmen to stay in this reality, then let them stay in it. And the stagflationary spiral caused by their illiterate policy, which is steadily pulling the country into the abyss, will apparently resolve itself. sanctions," Rashkin added.

Valery Rashkin. About government corruption

The fight against corruption in Russia and the need to tighten anti-corruption legislation were discussed in the next issue of the "There is an answer" program. The guest of the program was a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, the first secretary of the Moscow city committee of the Communist Party Valery Rashkin.

Last week, the communist raised the topic of corruption within the walls of the Russian parliament. The speech of the deputy, posted on the Internet, was watched by more than a million people in a few days.

Did the parliamentarian expect such a reaction to his words? Did the Communist Party faction know about Valery Rashkin's intention to raise the topic of corruption in power from the rostrum of the State Duma? From what sources did the deputy take the data voiced in the speech? Why have the deputies of the State Duma been postponing for many years the ratification of the 20th article of the UN Convention, which refers to the need to combat the illicit enrichment of officials? Are the communists ready to support Alexei Navalny and his "Anti-Corruption Foundation", which, like the communists, stand up for the ratification of the anti-corruption article of the UN convention?

Valery Rashkin answered these and other questions in an interview with the host of the program Andrei Triadsky.

Reading 5 min. Views 3k. Published on 02.10.2014

because " corruption is rampant in the country, but don’t feed the opposition politician with bread - just let me sharpen such a problematic issue ”

Valery Rashkin decided on his scandalous exposure

This was stated in an interview by a political scientist, chairman of the board of the Center for Political Technologies Boris Makarenko.

“The problem of corruption really exists. The fight against her, to put it mildly, is not very impressive with its results. Well, here is also a populist moment - to expose the rich, because regardless of the names, such amounts that Rashkin voiced should make a strong impression on an ordinary poor Russian. The sin of the opposition party is not to take the opportunity to publicly sharpen this topic. There is a reason - he asks himself, ”Boris Makarenko commented on the sensational speech of Valery Rashkin in the State Duma, when the politician criticized the Russian authorities for corruption.

Recall that during a speech in the State Duma, which continues to haunt Runet, Deputy Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Valery Rashkin said that about 40 deputies provided information about their property abroad, but "even more of those who continue to hide their accounts, assets and foreign real estate." According to the communist, Russian officials, managers of state-owned companies, deputies and senators own fur coat stores and palaces, while about 18 million Russians live below the poverty line. " The salary of Igor Sechin in the state company Rosneft is 4.5 million rubles a day! The salary of Alexei Miller in the state company Gazprom is 2.2 million rubles a day! Think about these numbers!"- urged Rashkin.

The Russians have to the fullest. Exposing Valery Rashkin and Naryshkin's reaction. Video

MP's speech:

“People are sitting in this hall, many of whom know firsthand how to use their official position, power and the state budget for their own enrichment. About 40 State Duma deputies provided information that they have real estate and securities abroad. But even more of those who continue to hide their accounts, assets and overseas property.

"", villas and palaces abroad, ocean yachts worth tens and hundreds of millions of dollars, luxurious fleets maintained at the state expense of the harem - this is how Russian officials, managers of state-owned companies, many deputies and senators live today. This is despite the fact that in Russia about 18 million people live below the poverty line - more than 15% of the population. Moreover, over the past year, the number of beggars in the Russian Federation has grown by almost 300,000. Russians today need a "humanitarian convoy" no less than the residents of Donbass.

In Russia today, the minimum wage is 5,554 rubles, or 116 euros. That is minimum wage in Russia is 25% lower than in the poorest EU country - Bulgaria. From Portugal, which Vladimir Putin once bequeathed to catch up and overtake, Russia is almost 4 times behind in this indicator.

The salary of Igor Sechin in the state company Rosneft is 4.5 million rubles a day! Aleksey's salary in the state company Gazprom is 2.2 million rubles a day! The salary of Vladimir Yakunin in the state company Russian Railways is 1.3 million rubles a day. Think about these numbers!

According to sociologists, in Moscow and St. Petersburg every fourth resident is in need, in regional centers - every third, in small towns - every second, and in the countryside almost 65% of residents. This is also evidenced by the data of the Central Military Medical Commission of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, according to which 50,000 conscripts receive deferrals from service every year due to malnutrition. The majority of conscripts are residents of small towns and rural areas.

Nothing provokes social conflicts like a sense of inequality and injustice. Given the wave of protest already rising in the country, the Russian authorities need to take measures to reduce wealth inequality before it becomes the cause of social protests that are much more dangerous than the protests of the urban middle class. However, nothing is being done to correct this situation.”

Boris Makarenko said about the scandalous exposure of one of the leaders of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Valery Rashkin that nothing can be added or subtracted here:

“There is good news and bad news here,” the political scientist believes. - The bad news is that the Russian anti-corruption legislation suffers from one strategic gap... Well, it suffers from many gaps, but the strategic gap is that in normal anti-corruption legislation, in full accordance with the UN convention, there is the concept of a "publicly visible person". This is a category that unites government officials, deputies, and heads of state companies. And we don't have a similar concept. We just introduced a wider list of people who are required to disclose their income, and there were gray areas.” Makarenko noted that some officials, who had previously refused to disclose their income, just used this gray area.

In continuation of the conversation about the denunciations of the deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Valery Rashkin, our interlocutor said: "The good news is that the incomes of the heads of state-owned companies have nevertheless become public." According to Boris Makarenko, this indicates that “at our level legislative framework and law enforcement, there are at least some positive developments.”

Boris Makarenko also said that Valery Rashkin, who announced the daily salaries of Sechin and Miller, and also criticized his colleagues for hiding foreign property, must ultimately either provide the relevant facts or apologize. “In a specific statement - where it is said about corruption - it is necessary to provide specific facts. Allegations are always bad. But because they are bad, the number of unfounded statements, neither in our nor in the world parliamentary practice, unfortunately, almost does not decrease,” the political scientist concluded.