Municipal Council. Structure and composition of the State Duma of the Russian Federation: list, duties and features. State Duma of the Russian Federation: general characteristics

State Duma (Russian State Duma)- lower house of the Federal Assembly Russian Federation. The work of the Duma is headed by the Chairman of the Duma and his deputies.

Elections to the State Duma are appointed by the President of the Russian Federation once every five years. The procedure for the election of deputies of the State Duma is established by federal laws "On the Election of Deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation", "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in a Referendum of Citizens of the Russian Federation" and a number of others federal laws.

A citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of 21 and has the right to participate in elections may be elected a deputy of the State Duma (moreover, the same person cannot be both a deputy of the State Duma and a member of the Federation Council)

The term of office of 2-5 convocations of the State Duma is four years. Starting from the 6th convocation, deputies are elected for a term of five years. All 450 deputies are elected from a federal electoral district, which includes the entire territory of the Russian Federation. Election takes place in proportion to the number of votes cast for the federal lists of candidates.

A deputy of the State Duma is issued a set of two breastplates of a deputy of the State Duma with screw and pin fastenings. The numbers of badges correspond to the number of the deputy's certificate. Signs of a deputy of the State Duma remain with the person who performed the powers of a deputy for commemorative storage.

Powers of the State Duma of the Russian Federation:

The Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 103) defines the following powers of the State Duma and gives the right to make decisions on them:

Giving consent to the President of the Russian Federation for the appointment of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation;

Hearing annual reports of the Government of the Russian Federation on the results of its activities, including on issues raised by the State Duma;

Resolution of the issue of confidence in the Government of the Russian Federation;

Appointment and dismissal of the Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation and half of its auditors;

Appointment and dismissal of the commissioner for human rights, acting in accordance with the federal constitutional law;

Announcement of amnesty;

Bringing charges against the President of the Russian Federation to remove him from office.

The State Duma adopts federal laws by a majority vote of the total number of deputies, unless otherwise provided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Under the adopted federal law within the meaning of Part 1 of Art. 107 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation are understood as: laws adopted by the State Duma and approved by the Federation Council in accordance with Part. 1, 2, 3 and 4 st. 105 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws re-adopted by the State Duma in accordance with Part 5 of Art. 105 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws approved by the State Duma and the Federation Council in accordance with Part 3 of Art. 107 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. In addition, the adopted federal law is signed and promulgated by the President of the Russian Federation.

In the same manner, an act of the legislative body must be adopted, signed and promulgated, by means of which an official clarification of the federal law having the force of law is carried out. If the clarification is taken in the form of a resolution of the State Duma, that is, without complying with the requirements of Art. 105, 106, 107 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which are required for the adoption of federal laws, then it cannot be considered as an act of the Federal Assembly - the legislative body of the Russian Federation. Being an act of only one of its chambers, such a ruling is not an authentic official clarification of the law. It cannot be recognized as a delegated official clarification of the law, since the Constitution of the Russian Federation does not grant the State Duma the appropriate right.

Dissolution of the State Duma may occur by decree of the President of Russia if she rejected the candidates submitted by him for the post of Prime Minister three times or expressed no confidence in the Government again within three months (if in this case the President did not decide to resign the Government). However, the Duma cannot be dissolved in the first year of its operation. In cases of dissolution of the State Duma, the president sets the date of the elections so that the newly elected Duma meets no later than four months from the moment of its dissolution.

Under the State Duma of the Russian Federation, the Office of the State Duma functions - a permanent body that carries out legal, organizational, documentation, analytical, informational, financial, logistical, social and welfare support for the activities of deputies, deputy associations, the Council, committees and commissions, the chairman of the Duma, his first deputies and deputies, head and employees of the apparatus of the Duma.

The State Duma forms commissions in the cases and in the manner prescribed by law. Commissions are formed for a period not exceeding the term of office of the Duma of the given convocation.

Unlike many European countries, where parliamentary traditions have developed over the centuries, in Russia the first representative institution of the parliamentary type (in the newest sense of the term) was convened only in 1906. It was called the State Duma. It was dispersed twice by the government, but it lasted for about 12 years, until the fall of the autocracy, having four convocations (first, second, third, fourth State Dumas).

The State Duma of the Russian Federation is a chamber of the Federal Assembly. In Russia, it is the highest legislative body of power. The final composition of the State Duma is elected term of deputy powers is 5 years.

Who is in parliament

The powers of the VII convocation came into force on September 18, 2016. On this day, popular elections were held, which determined the composition of the State Duma both on party lists and in single-mandate constituencies.

Voter turnout was almost 48 percent. To get into the federal parliament, parties needed to gain 5 percent of the vote. A simple majority was enough to win in a single-member constituency.

As a result of the vote count, only four parties overcame the 5 percent threshold. The composition of the State Duma included " United Russia", which received more than 54 percent of the votes, the second and third places were taken by the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the Liberal Democratic Party, who scored a little over 13 percent each, and the 4th place was taken" Fair Russia" with a score of 6.22%.

The composition of the State Duma of the Russian Federation was also formed by the deputies who won in single-mandate constituencies. In addition to the parties that passed the 5% barrier, the Duma included representatives of Rodina, Civic Platform, and one self-nominated candidate.

Parliament structure

The fundamental link in the structure of the State Duma is its apparatus. Its functions include the legal and activities of people's deputies. As well as work with documents, analytics, assessment of the informational, financial, material and technical condition, providing social and living conditions for deputies. Andrey Voikov became the first chief of staff in 1994. Now he holds this position Despite the fact that he was elected new composition State Duma, she retained her post.

An important role belongs to He is responsible for establishing interaction with other branches of government - the judiciary and the executive. In the first convocation, the head of the Parliament is now Vyacheslav Volodin.

The main bodies of the federal parliament that take part in the lawmaking process are State Duma committees. Their composition is formed according to the proportional principle: how many deputies from the parties are in the State Duma, in the same ratio they will be represented in the committees.

All issues that are subsequently included in the agenda of Duma sessions are initially discussed in the relevant commissions. Now the Duma has commissions on legal support, on budget and construction, and many others.

The function of planning the work of the Parliament is entrusted to the Council of the State Duma. He is also obliged to complete the development of bills for the next meeting of the lower house.

List of deputy associations

In each convocation, the deputies exercise their right to form factions, as well as groups. At the same time, inter-factional associations and independent parliamentarians work periodically.

Exotic deputy associations existed from the first to the fourth convocation. For example, "Anti-NATO" or "Women's groups".

The current composition of the deputies of the State Duma has currently formed factions in accordance with the party affiliation of the deputies in them. The same situation developed in the Dumas of the last three convocations. Independent groups and coalitions fade into history over time.

Rights and obligations

The duties of people's deputies who are members of the State Duma by parties and single-member constituencies are spelled out in federal legislation. They are divided into two groups.

The first includes those that a parliamentarian is obliged to carry out directly in the State Duma.

These are oral appeals to Attorney General and other high-ranking officials, speaking at sessions and meetings, participating in the work of Duma committees and commissions.

In his constituency, a deputy is obliged to apply to various state bodies, organizations and enterprises on the appeals of citizens that come to him and seek answers. The people's choice is freely required to receive officials, and he also has the right to receive and disseminate information, if it is not particularly closed.

What are MPs not required to do?

Despite the fact that the law lists not only the rights, but also the duties of a parliamentarian, one, very obvious, is not among them. It is an obligation to attend meetings of the State Duma.

The absence of this norm in the law is fraught with the fact that disciplinary measures are not applicable to the so-called absentee deputies. Unlike Russian legislation, in the practice of foreign states, the status of a deputy is spelled out in more detail, and much attention is paid to the penalties that can be applied to a people's choice if he fails to fulfill his direct duties.

Features of the State Duma of the VII convocation

The main feature of the State Duma of the new convocation is that for the first time in modern Russian history, one of the parties represented in parliament has a constitutional majority. That is two-thirds of the seats in parliament.

As a result of the elections, United Russia won 343 seats out of 450 in the lower house. This means that the deputies of this party can pass any laws without the support of representatives of other political forces. After all, there are fewer members of other parties at times. There are only 42 Communists, 39 Liberal Democrats and 23 members of A Just Russia in the State Duma.

The State Duma proposed to equalize the salary of deputies with the average for Russia ... First Deputy Chairman of the Committee State Duma for control and regulations, deputy from the Just Russia faction Oleg ... The State Duma proposed to introduce "New Year's capital" for single pensioners ... Deputy Chairman of the Committee State Duma in education and science, LDPR deputy Boris Chernyshov proposed ... Anti-tobacco lobby: the MP announced the deadline for the adoption of the law against snus ... dragged on,” said the deputy in the program “Interview without a tie” by Andrei Kuzmin State Duma from Tatarstan Marat Bariev. The parliamentarian expressed hope that the draft law... has no right to do so. We have already accepted it State Duma", - said Bariev. He recalled that 2.5 years ago he contributed ... they are developing in the Perm Territory. With the initiative to introduce such measures in State Duma Deputies of the Parliament of the Krasnoyarsk Territory addressed. In Crimea, after being poisoned with snus... Echo of WADA ban: State Duma deputy predicted shortage of tournaments in Kazan ... MP State Duma from Tatarstan, Marat Bariev believes that Kazan will retain the right to accept ... goes within the framework of the concluded contracts. At the same time, MP State Duma reacted negatively to the idea of ​​boycotting Olympic Games. In his opinion... Oreshkin responded to criticism of Volodin for the "raw" investment code ... document in the government there were heated discussions. Speaker the next day State Duma Viacheslav Volodin at the final meeting of the autumn session noted that the deputies ... of the State Duma," Volodin said (quote from Interfax). The speaker recalled that State Duma On January 20, he plans to hold parliamentary hearings on this bill, and ... The State Duma appreciated the new rules for traveling to Russia introduced by Kiev ... which he cannot resist, the deputy chairman of the committee told RBC State Duma for International Affairs Aleksey Chepa. So he commented on the decision of the government ... The State Duma adopted a law on the electronic queue in kindergartens ... kindergartens through electronic queues. The document is published in the database State Duma. As noted on the website of the lower house of parliament, electronic queues for ... to enter kindergarten with brothers and sisters According to the chairman State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin, the bill should simplify the procedure for enrolling in kindergartens, as well as reduce corruption risks in this area. In November State Duma adopted a bill in the third reading, according to which children from one ... The State Duma adopted a law on the import of medicines not registered in Russia ... the patient's testimony. The relevant law, as amended, was adopted in the third reading State Duma, according to the website of the lower house of the Russian parliament. To receive such... prepared a group of deputies and senators. Among them is the first vice-speaker State Duma Alexander Zhukov, Vice Speaker of the Federation Council Andrei Turchak and the first... The State Duma adopted a law prohibiting the burning of unrecycled garbage The State Duma on December 18, in the third final reading, adopted a law that prohibits burning waste if it has not been previously processed to extract useful fractions. The document expands the concept of "waste disposal" - energy utilization is added to it, when municipal solid waste (MSW) is used as ... Volodin accused the Cabinet of delaying the execution of Putin's message ... Sinenko. According to Volodin, “it would be right to speed up the introduction of State Duma bills that should complete the legislative support for the solution of the tasks that have been set by ... ". “The government is dragging on, we are paying attention to this,” he said. Speaker State Duma instructed the heads of relevant committees to control the issue. "Of course it would be better... The State Duma established a medal for contribution to the development of parliamentarism ... . This was reported on the website of the lower house of parliament. Get a medal State Duma foreign citizens who have contributed to the strengthening of the multilateral or ... Russian Federation will also be able to”, on the other hand, the Tauride Palace in St. Petersburg, where State Duma met in 1906-1917, and the inscription "The State Duma of the Russian... TV channels presented operators with an ultimatum about broadcasting on the Internet ... a signal through Vitrina TV LLC, especially during the period of discussion in State Duma legislative initiative on a similar subject of regulation,” a VimpelCom representative told RBC ... a share in the Gazprom-Media project. In July 2019 in State Duma a bill was introduced providing for the creation of a single provider of television content on the Internet ... in the first reading. Date of the second reading State Duma not yet announced. RBC sent a request to the relevant committee State Duma on information policy, information technology... A draft law banning smoking in the kitchens of communal apartments was submitted to the State Duma ... , in which smoking is prohibited, may expand, the relevant bill has introduced in State Duma a group of deputies from the United Russia faction. The drafters of the bill propose to ban... The Duma adopted a law on compensation for improper detention ... State Duma in the third, final reading, adopted a law on compensation to prisoners for ... The Cabinet of Ministers did not support amendments to the law on the sale of medicines on the Internet ... prescription. This was reported to Kommersant by a member of the Health Protection Committee State Duma Deputy Alexander Petrov. So the Cabinet made a negative decision regarding the amendments ... The State Duma will award Russians and foreigners with its medal ... of the Federation. A draft resolution on the establishment of the award has been prepared and submitted to State Duma committee of the lower house of the Russian parliament on control and regulations. B... advice State Duma. The recipient, if the decision is adopted, will receive from the hands of the chairman State Duma copper-nickel medal with the image: on the front side - the building State Duma in ... the development of parliamentarism”, which is awarded to persons previously awarded a diploma State Duma. V last time, in December 2018, such signs were ... The State Duma appreciated the extension of EU sanctions against Russia ... to benefit in the field of geopolitics. This was announced to RBC by a deputy State Duma Evgeny Fedorov. Fedorov noted that the benefit of the European Union from the imposition of sanctions ... . EU leaders decide to extend sanctions against Russia Chairman of the Committee State Duma on energy, Pavel Zavalny, on the contrary, believes that the EU is not interested ... The Duma banned the use of data on capital amnesty in criminal cases ... criminal cases. Appropriate amendments are made to the Code of Criminal Procedure. accepted State Duma the law prohibits law enforcement agencies from seizing such declarations during investigations ... from co-authors of the law, chairman of the committee on state building and legislation State Duma Pavel Krasheninnikov. Putin demanded to monitor compliance with the law on... The State Duma proposed to punish for studying abroad with unwanted NGOs ... to investigate the facts of interference of foreign states in the internal affairs of Russia Commission State Duma to investigate the facts of interference of foreign states in the internal affairs of Russia ... Airports allowed to return smoking rooms ... so that the smoking process is not visible from other rooms State Duma in the third reading, it adopted a bill allowing smoking in special rooms ... away from the entrances to the passenger terminal building,” they said. V State Duma offered to return smoking rooms to airports To return smoking rooms to airports suggested ... passengers to the boarding gates and exits from the building. V State Duma offered to make smoking rooms at airports paid. According to the First Vice President... The State Duma adopted a law on raising the minimum wage by 850 rubles. ... Deputies State Duma at the plenary session, they adopted in the third, final reading a bill on ... rub. from the federal budget and regional budgets. The government has contributed to State Duma project to increase the minimum wage on September 30. Committee on labor, social policy... The State Duma supported the ban on fines for exceeding the average speed ... Russian roads will be allowed a speed limit of 130 km/h on August 20 at State Duma proposed to exempt drivers from paying fines for traffic violations if ... The court of Kiev in absentia sentenced the deputy of the State Duma to 14 years in prison ... The verdict was passed against the deputy State Duma from the Republic of Crimea and former deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Svetlana Savchenko. ... a Kiev court sentenced a deputy in absentia to 14 years in prison State Duma from the Republic of Crimea and a former deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea ... the prosecutor's office opened cases under the article on high treason against deputies State Duma from Crimea back in September 2016. Then criminal proceedings... The State Duma supported the ban on vapes and hookahs in public places ... from the database of the lower house of parliament. This bill was introduced in State Duma in 2017. It provides for distribution to vapes and hookahs... The State Duma approved in the first reading the bill on investment protection ... this is reported on the website of the lower house of parliament. According to the chairman State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin, the main purpose of the bills is to create favorable conditions ... for the Russian economy. The government has contributed to State Duma investment protection bill State Duma government. Its goal is to get... The State Duma adopted a law on extending the freezing of funded pensions Deputies of the State Duma adopted in the third reading the law introduced by the government to extend the freezing of the funded part of the pension until the end of 2022, TASS reports. According to the current law, since 2014, contributions to the funded part of the pension system in the amount of 6% of the salaries of Russians go to payments to current pensioners. This rule applies... The State Duma adopted a law on the abolition of "bank roaming" ... inter-regional discrimination of consumers of banking services,” the press service said. State Duma. The parliament explained that now “individual banks” charge for transfers ... announce which will remove this payment,” the head of Sberbank said at the time. accepted State Duma the law on the abolition of "bank roaming" must be approved by the Federation Council ... The State Duma will consider a bill to equate vapes to cigarettes ... Isaev. Previously, amendments to the law on smoking and the Code of Administrative Offenses in State Duma should have been reviewed on December 3rd. In early October, at the Ministry of Health ... if evidence of their mortal danger is collected. Later committee State Duma rejected amendments equating vapes to cigarettes. According to a survey by VTsIOM, in ... The Duma and the Federation Council appreciated the proposal to limit the collection of debts from pensions The collection of debts from pensions should be limited, but the issue of issuing loans to pensioners should also be resolved. This was announced in a conversation with RBC by a member of the State Duma Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs Sergey Vostretsov. “Definitely, you can’t take the latter, but you also need to think with your head,” Vostretsov said. However, according to him... Pushkina and Rodnina proposed to expand the circle of those protected from domestic violence ... the culprit to approach the victim closer than 50 m Deputies State Duma and human rights activists have prepared amendments (RBC has) to the not yet ... Human Rights Council. It is expected to be included in State Duma in two weeks. The head of the upper chamber, Valentina Matvienko, said that... The State Duma adopted a law on fines for violations for media-foreign agents The State Duma on Thursday in the third, final reading adopted amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses, which establish fines for media outlets that are foreign agents. The documents are published in the electronic database of the Parliament. Fines are set for mass media that perform the functions of a foreign agent, but violate the order of their activities. For... In Bashkiria, the potential number of self-employed people in 2020 was determined ... State Duma approved in the third reading a bill on the introduction of a tax in the republic ... to register as self-employed as early as 2020. 5th of December State Duma ... The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine found out that the Hungarian Parliament did not apply to State Duma with a request to help protect the rights of national minorities in Ukraine, said ... Zelenko, reports UNN. According to her, after the chairman State Duma Viacheslav Volodin reported on the request received from Hungary, the embassy in ... the lower house of parliament Viacheslav Volodin reported that the National Assembly of Hungary asked State Duma help protect the rights of national minorities in Ukraine. He added that... Experts assessed the possibilities of small parties to enter the new State Duma ... Russia” There is a risk of a decrease in the representation of voted (active) voters in the elections State Duma 2021, compared with the previous elections, despite the growth ... allotted to 13 "preferential" parties that can participate in elections in State Duma without prior collection of signatures. “We assess the current configuration of the party ... to avoid losing the votes of “active voters” who have chosen those who are not currently represented in State Duma party, it is possible with the help of legislative reform, in particular, by returning to ... Volodin announced the request of Hungary to help protect the diaspora in Ukraine ... with the diaspora and to resolve the issue with the language The National Assembly of Hungary asked State Duma help with the protection of the rights of national minorities in Ukraine, said the speaker of the lower house of parliament Vyacheslav Volodin. "to us in State Duma The Hungarian Parliament asked to unite efforts in order to ... the state language, national minorities were deprived of the right to learn their native languages. Speaker State Duma urged the European Parliament, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE...

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