Traditions and customs at school. "Our Family Traditions" Creative work in elementary school. Alley of outgoing childhood

School traditions and their role

In the formation of a creative personality.

Zhiltsova I.V.

English teacher

MBOU secondary school No. 4

One of the most important aspects of today's educational process is the development individual abilities each child, the formation of the student's personality, regardless of his mental development.

The personality of each person is always individually colored, interesting for its dissimilarity. You should look at the student through the prism of his originality, take into account and respect the dissimilarity, in no case extinguish the features.

From this side, every student is interesting, regardless of his grades, behavior in the lesson and attitude towards the teacher. The average approach is thus eliminated by the proclamation of the personal.

The theme of the experiment of our group is "A student-centered approach in the implementation of a holistic process of teaching and educating schoolchildren on positive traditions."

We believe that it is possible and necessary to educate a person on the traditions of our people, on the best traditions of the family and school. Then the little man will be proud that he lives in Russia, will be proud of his parents and his school.

Russians folk traditions have a great educational power, and at all times with their help the task of forming the rising generation of high moral qualities was solved.

Belgorod secondary school N4 in September 2001 turns 30 years old, its traditions have been established since the first years of its existence.

Our school traditions carry a certain charge of morality, which allows us to use their opportunities for the development of the student's personality.

We are convinced that school traditions are necessary, just as traditions are necessary in the life of the family, certain organizations, and finally, in the life of society.

Our land is the land of rich artistic traditions. It has long been woven, embroidered, spun, potters were famous for their products.

Already in grades 1-3, students get acquainted with proverbs, sayings, nursery rhymes, household items, old clothes. Teacher Goldakhe Oksana Anatolyevna has been teaching an optional course N.Yu. for the 4th year. Novitskaya "Introduction to Ethnology." The purpose of which is to introduce the children of the younger school age to the traditions of the Russian people. Children study folklore, ritual holidays, make attributes of ritual actions. With the help of parents and children, mass ritual holidays "Farewell, Maslenitsa" (I class, 1998), "Meeting of Spring" (P class, 1999), "Kuzminki" (Winter gatherings) (l999), "Christmas" (Winter Christmas time) (2000, 3rd grade). The spectators were students of 3rd-5th grades. These spectacular bright

activities contribute to the development of national self-consciousness, historical memory, development of creative abilities, educate a patriotic personality.

Works of boys of 9th grade students (teachers of labor services V.N.

Kopunov and d.p. Popov) - cutting boards; caskets with skillful wood carvings were exhibited more than once at the school and in the palace of creativity. Student trips to native land. Encouragement of excellent students and good students with such trips, free concerts for them by philharmonic artists.

This academic year, our council of schoolchildren visited the village of Kupino, Shebekinsky district. There, the children visited a unique museum of local lore, where the history of the village was lovingly collected, from the 7th century to the present day. Our students met an amazing person, the director of the Center for Folk Art Nikolai Nikolaevich Kuzyulev, a former teacher, author of thousands of articles on local history, a museum keeper, an enthusiastic person.

The children not only saw weaving products, but also worked on a loom themselves. In front of their eyes, a piece of clay within 10 minutes turned into an elegant flower vase under the hands of a skilled potter Vitaly Nikitovich Kalashnikov, and some also tried themselves as pottery masters.

Our students are frequent guests in Borisovka, where the guys also get acquainted with folk crafts, visited the Hogkovsky caves, in the house museum MS Shchepkin, in the village of Krasnoe, the house of V.F. Raevsky.

All this educates students in the spirit of patriotism - pride in their Belgorod region and its wonderful countrymen.

School traditions perform at least 2 functions in the life of the school. Firstly, they give it a certain reliability, strength. Traditions introduce stability into school life. They form common interests, give school life regularity, constancy. And one can partake of this reliable and constant, accept it and make it the property of one's personality. And, of course, traditions give their special, unique face to the school.

we have a lot of high school students who go to school from afar: from past. Reasonable, from Tavrovo, from Oak, from the village. Maisky, from the Old City. When asked what motivates them to spend so much time on the road, the answers usually follow: "School is interesting. Here they give solid knowledge."

We can say with confidence that in many ways the love for the school is determined by the traditions that make the school a little different from others, it becomes special, which you can be proud of.

The school's own anthem, which is performed by a first-grader and a graduate, a teacher and director, evenings of meeting with graduates, holidays of Knowledge and the Last Call, farewell of graduates to the school, the Student of the Year competition, sports holidays - all this creates a common experience, a certain unity, strengthens contacts, enriches the emotional life of the school, grows a creative personality.

We conducted a questionnaire survey in 1 l-x classes, students answered 2 questions: "What traditional school events do you like? Why? 85% of the respondents answered that these are Victory Street holidays, meetings with veterans, participation together with fellow Yunarmists in the May 9 parade on Revolution Square, Afghan Memorial Day , as well as traditional sports holidays, the contest "Student of the Year".

What attracts children and teachers to this or that tradition? Why do some of them live a long time, acquire new colors, others imperceptibly "wither", not having time to reveal their potential.

Let us outline our understanding of this issue as it evolved in the course of the practical life of the school. "Tradition, - we read in the dictionary of the Russian language by S.I. Ozhegov, - that which has passed from one generation to another, which has been inherited from previous generations ..."

To cultivate traditions, to preserve them is an extremely important task of educational work... After all, traditions adorn the life of children, students feel in the atmosphere of their own special collective law, are proud of it and try to improve it. Without such traditions, proper education becomes impossible.

The creation, accumulation and multiplication of school traditions encourages each teacher and student to behave, think, and work in a certain way. AND experience, serve as fertile ground for the formation of morally valuable habits. It not only binds the collective and its members to something, but also binds them with strong ties of cooperation and creative activity, embodying self-government in a certain way.

In educational work, school traditions are especially well traced in patriotic, aesthetic, sports, recreational and methodological work.

Traditionally, school teachers study new methods in pedagogy.

For several years we studied and tested Ivanov’s methodology, carried out KTD (collective creative activities) - For example, “The World of Your Hobbies”, where the guys clearly revealed their hobbies for painting, we saw different

The collections that our students collect, heard them play various musical instruments, saw their pets: dogs, cats, parrots, fish, turtles, and learned a lot about these pets and their owners.

4 years studied the methodology of N.E. Shchurkova "Group activities of students after school hours. This technique helps children communicate at ease, instills cultural communication skills with elders and peers. Only this academic year I conducted communication lessons in b-b, b-d, 8-c and 8-a We would like to have such lessons according to the method of Shchurkova N.E. in our schedule.The guys love these lessons, which allow them to feel like a person.Every year we summarize the experience of the best class teachers.The experience of Moskalenko N.D., Bozhkova has already been summarized N.K., Andreeva L.V., Svetlitskaya V.S.

Most of all, military-patriotic traditions are traced in our school.

For 15 years, on September 30, we have been celebrating the Day of Remembrance of soldiers, former students of our school, V. Malakeev, R. Meltoshinov, who died in Afghanistan and Chechnya. A good tradition has developed on the morning of September 30 to go to school with flowers. There is a stand in the lobby with photographs of our soldiers - internationalists. The best students stood guard of honor at the stand. First-graders and seniors come here, guides tell them about how gloriously our graduates fought and died heroically, honestly fulfilling their international duty. And after the lessons we go to the cemetery and lay flowers on the graves, meet with their parents. Svetlana Tikhonovna Malakeeva is an honored guest of the school and a friend of our children. She was invited to a seminar for school directors in Belgorod, her son was given a page in the "Business Card of the School", she visits our holidays and concerts, at class hours, she visits the Hall of Military Glory, where a stand dedicated to her son hangs.

Thanks to the courageous and resolute actions of Vladimir Malakeev, the crew of his tank managed to take an advantageous position in a timely manner and successfully complete the task of covering the motorized rifle units. For this feat, Vladimir Malakeev, like Valery Akimenko, was posthumously awarded the Order of the Red Star. Our students know a lot about the dead heroes and are proud of them. This academic year, the schoolchildren's council invited S.T. Malakeeva and handed her 500 rubles collected after the charity fair to provide financial assistance to the family. cabbage soup

One of the brightest traditions of military-patriotic education is the Victory Street holiday, which takes place on the eve of Victory Day on the site near the school porch.

For the first time such a holiday was held in May 1979. The school staff is preparing for it throughout the year, all best drawings, crafts, amateur performances - for the holiday. Children decorate school windows with colorful balloons and posters. A sweet table is being prepared for veterans.

During the first five holidays, we met veterans of the 185th Infantry Pankratovo-Prague Division (there were more than 200 of them coming to us from all over the country).

The brass band rumbles. Children, dressed up and excited, form a living corridor, they have bright flowers. They take the hands of the veterans and lead them to the school. The rally begins. Then the children read poetry, sing songs about the war, dance, high school girls in tunics invite veterans to the waltz. And a treat is ready for the guests, a sweet fair begins.

Now, when the veterans of the 185th rifle division cannot come because of illness and old age, we invite the veterans of our microdistrict to the holiday, and send our congratulations to the veterans of the 185-0Y.

Veterans are assigned to each class of our school, the children take care of them, invite them to the Lessons of Courage, congratulate them on the holidays. As a gift to the Hall of Military Glory, a handwritten magazine "Veterans Don't Grow Old in Soul" was issued, which tells about meetings with their older friends.

Hero Soviet Union, a former military pilot Levin Grigory Timofeevich - our friend - comes to our concerts, to a reading competition, he can be seen with the guys of the 8th "B" class (class leader Bozhkova N.K.) - a detachment of young patriots of Russia.

For 7 years we were friends with a veteran of 185 s. division Alexander Stepanovich Shevchenko, who helped us in the creation of the Hall of Military Glory, students 1] "B" class (class leader Abrosimova N.D.). They conducted Courage lessons in Alexander Stepanovich's apartment on Vorovsky Street, drank tea, listened to amazing stories from the military life of veterans of the 185th century. divisions. On April 15, 2000, they congratulated their loved one on their 90th birthday. Belgorod television told about this friendship. The guys heartily read poems to the veteran, which were composed by Ekaterina Gavrilova, sang songs, gave gifts. Graduates recorded 2 cassettes with stories by Shevchenko A.S. and presented them to the Hall of Military Glory. JTOT the material is used in the military-patriotic work of the school. Since this year, the patronage of the veteran took 6B class (class teacher Uvarova T.A.) I would like to think that the connection between time and

men. Just like the graduates, they will be happy with these meetings, because, despite his advanced age, the veteran has retained a strong memory, emotional excitement of speech and consistency in presentation. Here is what A.S. Shevchenko Sergey Shopin, now a student at the Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, wrote: “Dear Alexander Stepanovich, we will never forget your Lessons - Life Lessons. I want to be a Personality next to you. Live long, we will come to you on your centennial anniversary Young people need you so much."

Competitions for the best performance of a military-patriotic song are traditional at school. We invite veterans, soldiers of the local garrison. When students sing these songs, they are imbued with the patriotic spirit of the songs, and join the military history of our Russia.

Thus, it does not happen that all children take part in our military-patriotic holidays: some draw, others sing, others dance, fourth decorate the school, fifth prepare refreshments. These holidays are the need for positive emotions, the need to be together.

Our everyday life, no matter how optimistic we were about it, is nevertheless monotonous, overloaded with difficult worries. And it's good when there is a holiday, when you can go out into the bright light from everyday life.

We try to make such holidays memorable for a long time, bright, colorful, uniting relatives and friends in their joy. They contribute to the development in children of a sense of beauty, self-awareness as a person. We weave search material into the fabric of the holiday, when children use the accumulated material for performances, as well as musical experience in dance and game improvisations.

It can be considered traditional competition "Student of the Year". The struggle of applicants for this title was not easy: good studies, respect for comrades, erudition, the world of hobbies. And finally, honoring the winners from each parallel. These are real creative personalities. Look at the faces of these guys: they all have smart, inquisitive eyes, a kind smile, and bright talent. This competition is a recognition of the personality of a developing person, respect for the uniqueness and originality of each child, recognition of his rights and freedoms.

And how our children love and wait for the traditional sports competitions "Olympic Regatta", "Holiday of Defenders of the Fatherland", the holiday "Sport. Grace. Health", competition of sports dances, Merry starts. Conducted by physical education teachers. And S.I. Dremov every year thinks how to make these holidays bright and unforgettable, for which he includes demonstration performances of gymnasts, taekwondoists, acrobats, demonstration of models of the artistic and aesthetic center "Sharm".

traditional events instill in children respect and love for sports and athletes, the desire to be strong and enduring, beautiful and healthy.

Traditionally, charity events are held at the school, because. they find a way to the hearts of children, educate in students responsiveness to someone else's grief, to someone else's misfortune, understanding of their own, albeit a small contribution to the general good deJYU. These are such actions as collecting books for the veterans' hospital in 1999, raising funds for the parents of dead soldiers - internationalists in 2000, a charity action to collect things for refugee families and the poor, this is the "Sending to Chechnya" action, helping orphans , abandoned to the mercy of disabled veterans.

There is another touching tradition: to see off graduates with the whole school. The principal of the school addresses them with an excited word to remember their teachers, to be proud of their native 4th school, to be worthy citizens of Russia. Excited graduates walk along the corridors of the school, all students say goodbye to them, give souvenirs, pies and cakes, bright balloons with wishes, sing songs, say sincere words, and the graduate feels like a person who brought up the school, as respectful relations prevail in the school between teachers and children, tolerance for students' opinions, kindness, attention, creation of a psychologically comfortable atmosphere.

And then there's the graduation party. In a ten-minute traditional business card, not only the life of the class passes before us, but also the personality of each graduate appears. This one is a poet, this one is an athlete, IT- fashion designers, these are workers, medalists, these are artists, and these are dancers and musicians. And the school helped them open up.

Thus, the role of traditions in the formation of personality is great. We will preserve and multiply the positive traditions of our school.

Our school traditions

SCHOOL is a state, it is a world in which our students live for eleven whole years. School traditions are the link that unites teachers, students, graduates and parents. The presence of established traditions is a sign of a mature team.
We feel the influence of traditions both on holidays and in everyday school life. The established traditions give the school something special, unique, which distinguishes our school from others, and thereby unites the school staff, enriching its life.
The extracurricular activities of our school are very multifaceted, over the 15 years of its existence, its annual integral events have developed: festive concerts, New Year trees for kids, themed discos for high school students, social events.

Knowledge Day is the first calls and excitement, a sea of ​​flowers and white bows. Every year on the first of September, a solemn line is held in the schoolyard, dedicated to the beginning of the school year. Greetings from the director, the best vocal and dance numbers, a solemn performance by first-graders, warm words to the children from guests and graduates. And, according to tradition, the holiday ends with the first school bell this academic year. A smile shines on the faces of the first-graders, and they go to classes impatiently. It should be noted that traditionally the ruler reflects the main theme of the main events of the year (the anniversary of the war of 1812, Winter Olympics etc.)

School Anniversary

Life at school contains eleven whole years, solemnly beginning with the first bell and ending with a nostalgic last bell and graduation ball. During this time, the school for each student becomes a second home, a second family. Like any family, our school has its memorable dates. Every five years, we celebrate the ANNIVERSARY of the SCHOOL. A solemn line is held in the schoolyard with a bright concert program and fireworks. Veterans of pedagogical work, graduates of past years, representatives of the Moscow Region are invited to the anniversary. A festive radio line, a humorous photo exhibition "SCHOOL PHOTO MIG -20 ..", delicious treats for all residents have become traditional school country(pies, ice cream, etc.) The next anniversary of our school will take place in 2017.

Teacher, before your name...

Teacher's Day is a national holiday. It concerns every person, it is a common holiday for teachers, children and parents, a holiday for all generations. Memories of the school, the image of a respected teacher accompany each of us throughout our lives. All of us - current or former - are someone's students. Sometimes, only when we become adults, we realize what efforts the responsible and difficult profession of a teacher required from our mentors. On this day, Self-Government Day is organized by the President's Council of the school. In the morning, music sounds in the school corridors, a solemn radio line passes,
For the festive concert, the guys prepare numbers and invite teachers, then in the school cafe all the teachers drink tea with pies.

Volunteer actions

“If good feelings are not brought up in childhood, they will never be brought up”

V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

They say that if there is kindness, humanity, sensitivity, benevolence in a person, it means that he has matured as a person.

The following events are held annually:
. "Help Paw" - collecting food for homeless animals
. "Paper Boom" is a school-wide collection of waste paper, the proceeds of which go to the needs of the school.
. "Kind Heart" - a collection of things, books, toys that are sent as gifts to the "Child Protection" fund.
. "Memory Watch" - a block of events dedicated to the Day of the complete liberation of Leningrad from the fascist blockade, Victory Day.
. "Gift to a Veteran" - making souvenirs and gifts for veterans, organizing festive events by volunteers.
. "Action mercy" - collection of clothes, shoes, toys, stationery for homeless children who find themselves in a difficult life situation.
Volunteer campaigns that take place throughout the year give everyone the right to a good deed! Many good deeds are ahead, but first you need to grow up to be real people, kind, courageous, sympathetic, polite.

Congratulations to our moms!

Of all public holidays, we always celebrate International Women's Day with special warmth, which, in essence, is celebrated in every family as Mother's Day. But a new date has appeared in the country's holiday calendar - Mother's Day. And from that day on, we have a new tradition - to celebrate, congratulate our mothers, grandmothers on this day. Traditionally, a festive concert is held at the school, high school students write philosophical essays on the topic “Is it easy to be a mother”, cool watch with the participation of mothers of many children, in primary school creative tasks are performed and matinees are held with the invitation of mothers. On this day, we say words of gratitude to all Mothers who give children love, kindness, tenderness and affection.

New Year holidays

The last week of the outgoing year is full of fun and interesting events. On the eve of the holiday, our school holds "Santa Claus Workshops" for making New Year's gifts and decorations. New Year's interactive performances for younger students are organized and led by high school students. For middle and senior students, the Presidential Council organizes thematically creative disco programs.
According to the school tradition, the Presidential Council organizes the New Year's procession of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden around the school, and the Father Frost Post Office operates.

Subject weeks

Subject weeks are held throughout the academic year in all disciplines, and along with it, there is a school of pedagogical excellence for teachers, where each department shares its experience.

Valentine's Day is the day of love, the day of searching for one's destiny. The school hosts evenings-competitions, entertaining games, we write congratulations to classmates, teachers, the school mail of valentines works, there is a competition for the best and most touching valentine.

Farewell to the primer

In the first week of March, a very important day in the life of our kids “Farewell to the primer” comes. According to the established tradition, the leading and main artists of this interactive holiday are high school students. fairy tale adventure, funny contests, riddles, puzzles, parting words and orders are heard from parents, class teachers and a librarian. Commemorative books are handed out to first-graders. The holiday is especially dear to parents and students of the 1st grade.

"For real men!"

“Ah, come on, guys!” - students of grades 8-11 compete in running, tug of war, assembly and disassembly of the machine gun, putting on a gas mask, pulling up and pushing up, taking part in the team relay race.
Junior schoolchildren in the gym are "Ah, come on, boys"! with the participation of the popes. For grades 5-6, there is a review of the system and songs. Carrying out such events purposefully forms patriotism, loyalty to one's Fatherland, readiness to defend one's Motherland, motivation for a healthy lifestyle. This contributes to the revival of the traditions of holding military sports games; fosters discipline, organization, mutual respect and mutual assistance.

Courage Lessons

Our school always remembers and honors the Defenders of the Motherland. Anyone who is not indifferent to the fate of our Motherland can remember the past, pay tribute to the defenders of the Motherland. In all classes there are lessons, class hours dedicated to the Day Lifting the blockade, Victory Day. Day of the beginning of the blockade of Leningrad.
In elementary school, such lessons are prepared and conducted by students in grades 10-11. On Victory Day, a district holiday is held at the school stadium with the participation of our most talented children.
A concert is being prepared for the Day of the Blockade Lifting at the school and the action “Gift to a Veteran” is being held. Classy groups are invited to participate in the event, which present to the attention of the jury and guests of the review the performance of songs and poems on military-patriotic themes.

"Come on, girls!"

Defender of the Fatherland Day is celebrated all over Russia on February 23, and two weeks later - on March 8 - International Women's Day. It is not surprising that our school does not stand aside from these joyful events. Girls congratulate boys, and boys congratulate girls - and, of course, their favorite teachers. At the same time, there are traditions everywhere. Girls take part in the competition "Come on, girls", "I am the best."
The concert dedicated to the holiday of March 8 became traditional. Each class has its own creative task: someone sings songs and dances, someone learns congratulations. Leading, of course, high school students.

NPK "Scientific-practical conference"

In order to develop the research and intellectual activities of schoolchildren, to identify and support gifted children, a school scientific and practical conference is held annually. The conference gives every student the opportunity to express themselves in research activities and contributes to the development of such an important quality as the desire for success. Participants present their works, which are devoted to research in a wide variety of fields of knowledge. The scientific-practical conference on the protection of design work elementary school students.

Children's Art Festival "Blue Bird"

The traditional annual school-wide festival of creativity "Blue Bird" is the main event of school life. They are waiting for him, everyone at school is preparing for him. The competition is open and accessible to every child. The main objectives of the competition: providing opportunities for the implementation and improvement of creative abilities, conducting meaningful leisure activities, raising the moral and spiritual level of development of the young generation, promoting a healthy lifestyle. Traditionally, the competition is dedicated to the theme of the current Year (Year of Culture, Year of Cosmonautics, etc.)

Memory watch

Every year students and teachers take Active participation in celebration of the Great Victory Day. There are meetings with veterans. Members of the Great Patriotic War share their memories in Lessons of Courage. The students are preparing a concert and dedicate it to all the veterans of MO KOLOMYAGI. On May 9, children and teachers participate in a solemn procession, visit museums and take part in laying flowers at memorials.

Military sports game "Mobilization"

Formation of a positive attitude towards the best traditions of previous generations, patriotic education worthy citizens of Russia - this is the main goal of the Spartakiad in military-applied sports. This is a kind of exam for physical and psychological readiness for survival in extreme conditions and army discipline. The mobilization program is held annually for high school students.

Last call

This is a special day for the school. On May 25, the student team says goodbye to this year's graduates. School newspapers of different years, the design of the school and the Last Bell holiday, to which all teachers, 11th grade students, and parents of graduates are invited to create an atmosphere of farewell to childhood, school life, help to create an atmosphere of farewell to childhood, school life. Graduates solemnly enter to general applause. They are greeted by the school principal, parents, class teachers. A surprisingly touching moment is the performance of the first-graders and, finally, the floor is given to the graduates.


The solemn ceremony of presenting certificates of graduation from the school begins with a greeting from the director of the school. Then it's time for the certificates to be handed out. Before a graduate or graduate receives a certificate, a few kind words will be said about him about their school achievements. Traditionally, the floor is given to teachers, class teachers and parents.

The school has developed a traditional system of collective creative affairs:

“Knowledge Day”

"Teacher's Day"

"Mothers Day"

New Year holidays

Exhibitions of applied and artistic creativity

Victory Day

"Last call"


Traditions, traditional… How often do we pronounce these words, not really thinking about their meaning and meaning. What exactly is "tradition"?

The Dictionary of V. Dahl says: “The rooted order in something ... elements of the social and cultural heritage passed down from generation to generation…”. From time immemorial, a society in which traditions were preserved was stronger and more stable.

The school is part of society. A school without traditions is a dead building in which children and teenagers serve their tedious hours of study. A school with traditions is both a club and a family, it is a place where children receive not just scientific knowledge, but also knowledge about themselves, about the world, about society, about the possibilities of self-realization. Traditions allow you to establish emotional contact between students, students and teachers, teachers and parents, and even teachers with teachers. School traditions should be considered as customs, procedures, rules that are firmly established in the school, protected by the team, transmitted from one generation of students and teachers to other generations. What becomes a tradition is what has received the support of the collective, what is accepted not by order from above, but at will; something that they are proud of, which is not a one-time event.

Exists different types traditions, each of which has its own educational potential. The main ones are school-wide traditions and traditions of the primary team. They contribute to uniting all class teams, and also bring up a sense of pride in their team, in their school.

School life is full of interesting holidays and events, most of which have become traditional. These are the lines "Knowledge Day", "Defender of the Fatherland Day", "Last Call". Holidays: Teacher's Day, Graduation Party, New Year's Day, This Victory Day. Months "Attention, children!", "We are for healthy lifestyle life!" As well as themed days. Traditionally, wall newspapers are published on memorable dates or following the results of various actions.

It should be noted that there are stable traditional elements in school holidays and affairs. The presence of such blocks contributes to their effectiveness and enhances emotional perception. So that school traditions do not lose their attractiveness, it is necessary to introduce something new, original, modern into them. To do this, we began to use computer presentations, videos accompanying the holidays. They really revived them, allow you to make the holiday more emotional.

Holidays in elementary school are distinguished by careful preparation, with the involvement of parents, are always interesting and informative. Participating in the holiday, the child has the opportunity to show their talent, abilities, get positive emotions, find friends. Our traditional holidays and events contribute to the formation of responsibility, organization, independence, discipline, and rapprochement. The tradition of congratulations on Mother's Day, Hello school, International Women's Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day, Victory Day, trips around the city and the region - these cool traditions affect not only external actions, but also affect the inner strings of a child's soul.

Summing up all that has been said: traditions are an indicator of the strength and stability of being, the stability of the surrounding world. Of course, it is necessary to take into account modern changes in the lifestyle and worldview of students and their parents. Some school traditions will leave, others will come, but their compliance with the spirit of the school and help in educating the younger generation will remain unchanged. School traditions carry a huge educational potential, and as K.D. Ushinsky said: “Education that is not imbued with tradition cannot bring up strong characters.”

>Essays on topics

school traditions

Each school has its own traditions. They relate to the organization of the learning process, the conduct of extracurricular activities and the uniform of students.

So, in our gymnasium, it is customary to start the academic year with the “First Bell”. This is a solemn event during which the students first gather in front of the entrance to the building. There, the director greets everyone with a short speech, after which one of the high school students carries a little girl on his shoulders with a large bell in his hands. The ringing of this bell invites children to enter the classrooms and begin their first classes after the summer.

At our school, it is customary to go to school in uniform. For girls, this is a plaid skirt and a blue vest with an emblem. educational institution. For boys - a blue three-piece suit.

However, on holidays, which are always very numerous at our school, as well as on Self-Government Day, you can wear any clothes. Self-Government Day takes place annually on the first Saturday in October. This is the time when teachers have a rest, and the lessons are taught by high school students. Of course, then something unimaginable, but incredibly fun, is going on in the gymnasium.

We have fun and extracurricular activities which are also an integral part of our school life. It can be not only concerts and discos, but also all kinds of creative meetings, literary evenings and charity fairs.

Once a quarter, our school traditionally organizes parent-teacher meetings. During these meetings, teachers tell parents about the progress of their children and about their future educational plans.

Moms and dads are also sure to be invited to New Year's concerts, which we prepare for them on our own. They take part in creative evenings and organize tea parties during discos.

At the end of the school year, the “Last Bell” traditionally rings for high school students. Those who graduated from school are awarded diplomas, and then the graduates go to celebrate their holiday in a restaurant, where a banquet has already been organized for them.

School years are special for almost everyone. Throughout the globe, there are peculiar and interesting traditions associated with admission to the first grade, with school days, with final exams. To learn about some of them means to get to know the countries and the mentality of the inhabitants better.

The first day at school

1 German schoolchildren honor the tradition of distant ancestors and prepare the so-called school bag. From bright thick paper, the guys make a shell, and parents are responsible for the "inside".

If many years ago a bag served as a "reservoir" for sweets, then today it is filled school supplies, toys and books. To emphasize the solemnity of the moment, first-graders are photographed with this bag, after which the guys unfold it. Until the last moment, they do not know what is inside!

2 Israeli guys on your first day of school get to know each other first and then go to the line. At the end of the solemn event, newly-made schoolchildren are given balloons, on which they “fix” their dreams and desires and together send them on a long flight.

3 And in neighboring Palestine, first-graders are taken to school by their mothers, and first-graders by their fathers. The fact is that in this country, girls and boys are trained separately. On the first of September - also by tradition - there are no lessons in schools, and the children begin to gnaw on the Palestinian granite of science the next day.

4 Both old and young in Russia know that the first of September we call Day of knowledge. However, this holiday is quite young: it received its official name in 1984. Perhaps this fact is one of the most remarkable concerning the short stay of Konstantin Chernenko as General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the USSR.

5 And here in India, On the contrary, it has become a tradition ... no tradition! On the first day of school (which, by the way, falls on the first of June), there are no solemn constructions, nor a mandatory requirement to wear a dress uniform. It is also not customary for teachers to give flowers.

6 On the island of Bali Knowledge Day always falls on Saturday, it is fun and solemn. By the locals that day the goddess of knowledge and wisdom is honored, while students dance and sing songs.

School and school life

1 If school uniform mandatory in many countries hat for students- it is a rarity. This is what is remarkable australian students, gaining new knowledge while sitting in hats!

2 At the British Westminster School accepted joint dinners of students with teachers. Traditions prescribe to be one family for those who teach and those who are taught. Such informal meetings allow to establish interaction with each other. Usually, fun games are played during dinners.

3 In Italy, the most important and difficult lessons are set in the morning- For example, Italian language or math. And for lunch, the guys can easily go home - however, with the obligatory conditions that the young ladies and gentlemen will return to their alma mater!

4 Japanese children have the right to sleep ... right during the lesson! True, it lasts ten minutes - you still need to fall asleep during this time, but at least a short rest allows the guys with fresh forces to plunge into the abyss of knowledge. By the way, adult residents of the Land of the Rising Sun also have the right to visit Morpheus during the working day. Sleep - and again work effectively and diligently.

5 Every teacher, probably, would be glad if both the children and their parents appreciated his work. For instance, in the USA, letters to teachers from moms and dads have become a good tradition, in which they thank the mentor and emphasize how exactly he helped the boy or girl. Such messages are very valuable and important for portfolio and teacher status.


1 Germany is famous for the fact that many residents choose an environmentally friendly bicycle as a means of transportation. To pedal, keep balance and, most importantly, to follow all the rules of driving, children are taught at school. And after the course, an exam that has already become traditional awaits them - young Germans pass it to the police, who give successful students the real Bicycle license!

2 When school exams are held in South Korea, the whole life of a small state is subordinated to the fact that the guys adequately passed these tests. Lest they be late Attentive adults block roads and even ban aircraft flights! On the eve of exams, churches are overflowing with parents of students who pray that their children will be able to confirm their knowledge.

3 In China exams are traditionally tough and severe test. It is better to forget about using cheat sheets right away, otherwise, you can get a kind of “wolf ticket”: if a student is caught cheating, then, with a high degree of probability, they will be banned for life from taking state exams, which are called gaokao.

Traditionally, gaokao is taken by all students on the same day and at the same hour in all schools. You can only take some writing utensils, an eraser, a compass and a ruler with you. Even a bottle of water falls into the category of forbidden things! Moreover, vigilant teachers and their management "just in case" install detector frames, turn on "jammers" of mobile communications, connect surveillance cameras ...

4 Humane Swiss, on the contrary, too much loyal to those who fail written tests: the student has the right to "squeeze" the stubborn subject, using the right of an oral answer. Suddenly it's easier for him? Here they are moving forward.

Of course, in addition to the so-called nationwide, individual schools, gymnasiums or lyceums have special traditions - and they truly have no number! I would like the grown-up students to remember with pleasant sadness everything reasonable, kind and eternal that accompanied their childhood and youth.
