Ophiuchus is new. Ophiuchus is the thirteenth sign of the zodiac, a characteristic of a person. Ophiuchus woman traits: magic fairy or unapproachable queen

Published on 9/23/16 4:58 PM

Ophiuchus, 13th sign of the Zodiac and new signs of the Zodiac by months 2016: Russian astrologers commented on NASA's information about changes in the horoscope.

Ophiuchus: from what date to what date?

Recently appeared in the media information about a new sign of the zodiac - Ophiuchus, discovered by NASA specialists - caused heated discussions in the press and social networks.

According to her, the zodiacal circle really consists of 13 constellations, not 12, and over time, this interval can change.

"And in Astrology, both in the ancient and in the modern, the Zodiac consists of 12 signs. But! The sign of Ophiuchus, as it were," with one foot "falls into the Zodiac, being a kind of projection of the exit to the big Cosmos - the door to another Heaven. in the birth chart for those who have already passed their earthly Path, and he is no longer interested in the world of people and things, everyday life and interpersonal relationships, little things in life, "Tamara Globa emphasized.

She considers such people "not overwhelmed by passions", people of "absolute spirit or on the way to it."

“Therefore, Ophiuchus seems to exist - and, at the same time, does not exist in the Zodiac, but we always take it into account. But not as a separate independent sign, under which, as some believe, they were born. People whose planets or other indicators are associated with the projection of Ophiuchus in the birth chart, they often experience its influence on their lives, and their aspirations often seem to be above the bustle, in search of truth.The awakened person hears the Call of the Universe, and the sleeping person is in the latent state of a person of the world and only the anxiety of something unknown or unfulfilled calls in everyone ways of life ", - she clarifies.

The specialist emphasizes that in both astronomy and astrology, the astronomical year begins at the same time - March 21 (sometimes 20), and only the boundaries of the constellations and signs of the Zodiac differ.

"And for astrologers, and for astronomers, and for a person living on Earth, regardless of whether he knows these sciences or not, this is an astronomical clock - the origin of time. The sidereal and time dial, which continues its work, regardless of the disputes around time deviations. Therefore, the 12-digit system is the most convenient and will take place for more than one century, "Globa added.

13 zodiac sign Ophiuchus: the opinion of Pavel Globa and Vitaly Osipova

In turn, Pavel Globa has long recognized Ophiuchus and believes that, as a rule, extraordinary personalities and even psychics are born under this sign. According to him, Ophiuchus were Paracelsus, Suvorov, Paganini, Kaganovich, Blok and Nostradamus. He noted that the 13th sign of the zodiac more often affects world events, and not a person's horoscope.

"The appearance of planets between Scorpio and Sagittarius can lead to large-scale changes on a planetary scale," he said.

However, according to astrologer Vitalia Osipova, the excitement around Ophiuchus will soon subside, and no significant changes will follow.

“It all depends on the (astrological) school, in the classical one - Ophiuchus will not be taken into account, everything was calculated there long ago by Ptolemy many centuries ago,” she told the RIA Novy Den journalist.

Osipova is sure that those who previously took into account Ophiuchus in their forecasts will continue to take it into account, but other astrologers can also "adopt" him. At the same time, she does not see a special practical need for Ophiuchus, explaining that astrology is an abstract science, and a prediction for a person can be made not only by his birthday.

"Everything is very relative. It all depends on thinking. If a person associates himself with Taurus instead of Aries, he will definitely find these new traits in himself. If they tell a person that he is Ophiuchus, he will definitely find something for himself from him. That's all. psychology by and large. In the end, everything comes from the head, "- she is sure.

And does he exist? You will find the answer to this astrological question in the materials of the presented article.

general information

At the end of the 1920s, the International Astronomical Union revised the concept of "constellation" anew. It was defined as a separate section of the celestial sphere, which has its own definite boundaries, drawn along the meridians and parallels.

All currently existing 88 constellations, as well as their exact diagram, were approved back in 1931. It was then that it was discovered that the ecliptic line, crossing a small section of heaven, forms the 13th sign of the zodiac. There were no serious reasons for taking this constellation into account in astrology then. After all, already existing signs were associated with the celestial sphere only conditionally. But it was since then that some astrologers began to actively use it in their practice. This is due to the fact that such a mysterious, unusual and eye-catching detail acted as a kind of advertisement for them.

13 zodiac sign - which constellation?

Few people know that, in addition to the usual 12 constellations, there is also a 13th sign in the celestial sphere - Ophiuchus. In astrology, many mysteries are attributed to this symbol. Although in fact the constellation represented is the same as, for example, Aries, Aquarius, Pisces, etc. But in order to understand why the 13th sign of the zodiac does not appear in the horoscope, one should turn to history.

What does Ophiuchus mean?

In Latin, the constellation Ophiuchus sounds like "Apheuhus", which literally means "one who has a serpent" (literal translation - "a man carrying a serpent" or "a man with snakes").

As mentioned above, this constellation became known to the world for a long time. The 13th zodiac sign includes the karmic wheel of our planet. It is on it that the rings of rock connect and diverge. So for what reason this constellation was not included in the traditional horoscope?

Ophiuchus consists of 2 different halves: gold and silver (white and black). One of them is in the first seven degrees of Sagittarius, and the other is associated with the last degrees of Scorpio. For the reason that such a constellation literally intertwines with the two named, it was decided not to include it in the horoscope already known to us.

Constellation legend

Surely, many are interested in how the symbol of the 13th sign looks, which never entered the traditional horoscope. Ophiuchus is often depicted as a man (that is, Asclepius) entwined with a large snake. Why did they begin to use it as a symbol of this mysterious sign?

According to legend, Apollo himself fell in love with a beautiful young maiden named Koronis. But she was not faithful to him. While pregnant, she fell in love with a simple man. For this, Apollo severely punished Koronis, striking her with lightning. Beautiful maiden died, but her child was saved, although he was left to fend for themselves. The boy was found by an ordinary shepherd Arestan, who later became the father for the baby. He named him Asclepius. Many years later, the boy matured and began to study with the wise centaur Chiron. He taught him to communicate with snakes and use medicinal herbs. As a result, Asclepius became a healer. But one day, at the behest of Zeus, he was killed. Watching Apollo grieve for his dead son, the heavenly god decided to place Asclepius among the stars.

Features of the sign

Now you know the legend about the origin of such a constellation as Ophiuchus. Between which signs it is located, we told above. But for those who are passionate about astrology, such information may seem scanty. Indeed, to draw up a horoscope, you should find out other nuances of this constellation. For example, which dates of the month correspond to it?

So let's find out together what the Ophiuchus zodiac sign represents.

The date, or rather the number of months that corresponds to this constellation, were determined based on its location on the celestial sphere. Thus, if a person was born between November 30 and December 17, then we can safely say that he refers not only to Scorpio or Sagittarius, but also to such a mysterious sign as Ophiuchus. What does this mean for an ordinary person who always follows horoscopes? Such people can retain basic qualities in themselves and it should also be noted that an incredible fate awaits a person born under this symbol. According to astrologers, all Ophiuchus are endowed with a special task in their lives.

Zodiac sign Ophiuchus: characteristics of people

People born under this symbol are extraordinary personalities. They can easily disappear from your life, be reborn and become completely different by rebuilding everything.

Almost all Ophiuchus burn bridges behind them without any regret. This is partly because they are very much afraid of going back to the past, where they might be judged. It should be noted that they can be extremely dangerous. That is why you should not harm them or cruelly betray them. After all, Ophiuchus will never forgive and will not forget an insult. He will bring you big trouble and will take revenge until he calms down.

This is an extremely dangerous symbol. He can unconsciously take energy from his interlocutor, after which people begin to feel significant fatigue, irritation, etc. Such a person has a special prudence and intelligence than other signs of the zodiac. 13 sign can easily bring continuous setbacks in the lives of people around you. But often Ophiuchus becomes the center of all-encompassing joy and happiness. It is almost always followed by a train of mysterious and inexplicable events. It is this fact that attracts many people who are literally drawn to such a representative.

Field of activity

What can Ophiuchus do? Between which signs this symbol is located, we found out. Relying on the this information, it can be safely noted that such representatives realize themselves in life both as Scorpios and as Sagittarius. In other words, it is quite easy for Ophiuchus to master any professions that are inherent in the signs presented. However, they have one peculiarity. According to astrologers, such people are born with a natural gift. In this regard, from their youth, they may show a special interest in extrasensory perception and healing. Moreover, it is the representatives of the 13th sign that very often reveal in themselves such a rare gift as telepathy.

Communication with people around

How does Ophiuchus (zodiac sign) behave in the company of people? The horoscope of such representatives says that they are very freedom-loving and will never miss the opportunity to travel the world. The road for them is the meaning of life.

It should be especially noted that such people will always find mutual language with a complete stranger to them. Ophiuchus have the unique gift of living multiple lives at the same time. Representatives of such a sign are like chameleons. At the right moment for them, they always become those whom others want to see.

Essence of representatives

From the early childhood Ophiuchus really likes to take risks. With age, this quality entails a complete lack of fear, as well as a passion for various adventures and scams. Such representatives are surprisingly tenacious. They know how and love to have fun. Their position is enjoying life.

Ophiuchus will always walk in a straight line, without turning off and without any stops. His personality is twofold. And if you think that you know him like five fingers of your own, then you are not. After all, such a person can at any time from a completely different side.

Ophiuchus is the only zodiac sign for which any stops, conservatism and inaction are extremely contraindicated. If he stops wandering, then there will be a complete collapse and collapse, which will force him to move again.

Men and women born under this symbol are accustomed to living in difficult and inhuman conditions. And, it should be noted that such a field of incessant war and eternal battles suits them quite well.

Love relationship

Ophiuchus's compatibility with other signs is highly questionable. After all, such representatives are freedom-loving and never stay in one place. But, despite this, Ophiuchus also dream of love and a good family. So let's consider with whom the 13th sign can build love relationship and create a strong marriage union.

Who is it compatible with?

Recently, when drawing up horoscopes, the constellation Ophiuchus is often mentioned. Sometimes he is called the Ophiuchus, because in translation from Latin the word Ophiuchus literally means: "a man carrying (in his hands) a snake" or "a man holding (in his hands) a snake."

The sign, shrouded in mystery, raises many questions and curiosity. Where did it come from and why was it not mentioned before? Is everything really so mysterious or is there a simple explanation for this phenomenon?

How did this thirteenth sign of the horoscope come about? The 13th constellation of the zodiac has been known to people since time immemorial. About the zodiac sign - Ophiuchus was mentioned in the writings of scientists BC. NS. On ancient maps of the starry sky, he was designated by the word Serpentarius (Ophiuchus). According to legend, a man entwined with a snake, a serpentine, is the healer god Asclepius himself. According to legend, his mother, Princess Koronida, was chosen by the beloved god of the sun's luminary Apollo.

Coronis failed to remain loyal to Apollo. The sun god was angry with his beloved, and killed her with lightning. According to another version, Koronida was killed by the goddess Artemis, having slain the traitor with a cloud of arrows. The child, who miraculously survived, was abandoned by his father to the mercy of fate. The newborn was found and taken to him by the shepherd Arestan. The boy was named Aesculapius (Asclepius).

He was taught by the wise Chiron (centaur). So, the young man learned the secrets of medicinal herbs and learned how to use it. The training also included communication with snakes, which passed on their wisdom to the future doctor. The student has surpassed the teacher.

Asclepius learned to heal people. He found a means by which living people could gain immortality, and dead people could be resurrected. The god of death Thanatos found out about this and complained to Zeus. Thanatos could not allow people to live forever, because then he would have lost income.

Zeus had his own reason in this matter. He was enraged that people, having received immortality, would become like gods. Therefore, the thunderer killed the healer with a lightning strike.

Apollo took this loss hard. Then Zeus, wanting to make amends to the sun god, turned Asclepius with a snake into a constellation. And so it appeared, according to legend , new 13th sign of the horoscope - Ophiuchus.

On the star map, Ophiuchus is adjacent to the constellations:

  • Snake;
  • Eagle;
  • Sagittarius;
  • Scorpion;
  • Scales;
  • Hercules.

The creation of the traditional zodiacal circle, divided into twelve sectors, dates back to the time of ancient Babylon. Since then, much has changed on the sky map. The period of the passage of the Sun through the constellations is gradually shifting from year to year. As a result of this phenomenon, some astrologers insist that there are 13 signs of the zodiac.

The symbol of Ophiuchus and its designation is an image of a man with a snake. Considering that the constellation Ophiuchus, as it were, personifies the healer Asclepius, the symbol of medicine is his staff, entwined with a snake.

Some astrologers, given the constellation Ophiuchus, believe that there are thirteen signs of the horoscope. What characteristics does astrology give to people born under this zodiac sign, and how does it affect fate and relationships in society?

People born under the constellation Ophiuchus are endowed with conflicting character traits. Their ability to move from one state to another often confuses others. They know how to transform both externally and internally. But, despite their unusualness and seeming contradiction in character, people of this sign have and positive qualities.

Ophiuchus are smart and ironic. From the outside, it may seem that it is easy for them to walk through life. In fact, the bearers of the sign are able to endure difficulties, and if necessary, then adapt to the circumstances. Although it would have been more natural for them to go against everything.

Some people may consider the bearers of the sign to be selfish and arrogant, pushing themselves everywhere. The Ophiuchus have their own opinion on this, as always. They soberly assess their strengths and weaknesses. And, even if it seems to everyone around that the host is behaving defiantly, then he himself does not at all disgust.

Representatives of this zodiac have the following qualities:

  1. Originality.
  2. Talent.
  3. Willpower.
  4. Physical endurance.
  5. Straightness.
  6. Fearlessness.
  7. Adventurism.

They are strong and hardy people with a strong character. They are accustomed to achieving their goals, regardless of the methods of achieving them. The spiritual strength possessed by Ophiuchus grows stronger with age. These people definitely know the value of themselves and their capabilities.


It is not easy for women born under the constellation Ophiuchus to live in society. Men, who prefer to see a weak, “white and fluffy” woman next to them, come across a firm and unyielding character. The bearers of the sign do not bother themselves with purely female tricks and antics.

Life situations, whatever it may concern, women-serpentines decide with a purely masculine approach. It is not easy for men to feel like a superman next to such a "weaker sex". The bearers of the sign always achieve their goal. Sober calculation and rigidity in decision-making help them in this.

Women-serpentines are more interested in their own affairs and outlook on life than the opinions of others. They do not need someone else's advice or approval, because their own opinions rarely coincide with those of outsiders.

Men who were born under the constellation Ophiuchus are marked by intelligence. Excellent interlocutors and storytellers of anecdotes. An innate sense of humor and natural sociability allows them to establish the necessary contacts. Bearers of the mark, who have their own business, this quality helps in their work.

Too active and active to sit still, they constantly generate some new ideas and bring them to life. For them, life without movement is like a swamp with stagnant water. These people find something to their liking and devote themselves to their favorite pastime without a trace.

Ophiuchus, capturing part of the period in Scorpio and Sagittarius, has signs of these signs in its characteristics.

Ophiuchus compatibility with other signs of the zodiac, short horoscope

The description of the compatibility of the bearers of the sign with other representatives of the zodiac depends on the number and year of their birth. The sign of Ophiuchus suggests dates of birth: from November 29 to December 17. Due to its peculiarities, there is no need to talk about full compatibility with other representatives of the zodiac.

Given the element corresponding to the sign, the following zodiac signs are suitable for compatibility with it:

  • Aries - parity is possible based on mutual efforts and commonwealth. Strong and fruitful union for both sides;
  • Gemini - the union is overwhelmed by a flurry of emotions, both positive and negative. Regardless, there is a chance for duration;
  • Cancer - relationships will develop in terms of the physiological attraction of signs, the duration of the relationship is unpredictable;
  • Leo - good understanding gives a chance to develop relationships;
  • Virgo is a favorable union, if you do not contradict Ophiuchus and accept him as he is;
  • Libra is the perfect combination where both signs will complement and support each other;
  • Scorpio - a healthy spirit of rivalry between two strong and talented people does not hurt to be happy;
  • Aquarius - common interests contribute to the duration of the relationship;
  • Pisces - compliance and submission of one sign to another will allow you to be near.

The zodiac signs Taurus, Capricorn and Sagittarius have no compatibility with Ophiuchus. Even if at the initial stage they will be connected by friendship or romantic relationships, they will not receive development.

The constellation Ophiuchus, the astrological horoscope of which worries the bearers of the sign, is calculated taking into account the date and exact time of birth. It is believed that it is influenced by the constellations that are nearby: Scorpio, Sagittarius and Serpent, in which Ophiuchus is located.

Astrologer P.P. Globa believes that every Ophiuchus has a horoscope, the personality of which is influenced by the stars located in the constellation. The individuality of the horoscope depends on the presence of the stars included in the constellation.

Summarizes all horoscopes that Ophiuchus has the ability to practice extrasensory perception and healing the sick. Perhaps that is why the constellation sign was chosen to symbolize medicine.

The thirteenth sign of the zodiac is significantly different from the rest. And the people born under it are also extraordinary and unique. Among the bearers of this sign there are many famous people: Eldar Ryazanov, Mikhail Lomonosov, Indira Gandhi, Maya Plisetskaya. Who knows, perhaps a mysterious and unusual constellation influenced their fate in this way, and it was it that brought worldwide fame.

IN last time increasingly, the main news of all media is scientific discovery in astrology - 13 zodiac sign "Ophiuchus". The message about this discovery appeared on the scientific portal NASA Space Place. The authors stated that for 3000 years since the founding of the calendar, the planet Earth has changed its position in relation to the zodiacal constellations. And in general, in their opinion, the system of signs of the Zodiac, numbering only 12 constellations, has long outlived its usefulness, since it was invented in ancient times in Babylon, when there were no such technical capabilities as now to reliably assert anything. However, as historians are convinced, the ancient Babylonians knew about the existence of the constellation "Ophiuchus", they simply did not give it a separate place in the table of zodiacal signs for the reason that it is multidimensional and associated with the constellations "Scorpio" and "Sagittarius". In addition, the inclusion of the sign "Ophiuchus" in the horoscope would violate the whole harmony of the constellation sequence corresponding to 12 months of the year.

Note that this attempt by American scientists to introduce "Ophiuchus" as the 13th sign of the zodiac is not the first. In 2011, they also announced the need to revise the modern zodiacal system, but to no avail. Despite this, for 5 years now astrologers have been studying in detail the question of the likelihood of introducing a new zodiac sign, and I must say that opinions among them are divided. There is a group of scientists who are categorically against any changes. They explain their point of view by the fact that "Ophiuchus" is an invisible constellation that cannot be distinguished as a separate sign, it can only be taken into account when drawing up horoscopes as the 13th house, in which the Sun is located for two weeks, covering the last week of November and the first week December. Therefore, the role of the constellation serpentine in astrology can be considered controversial. But in case it really is officially recognized as a new zodiac sign, we will tell you about its meaning and characteristics.

Zodiac sign Ophiuchus: meaning and dates

The constellation Ophiuchus is depicted on star map like a man entwined with a snake. According to ancient legends, this man is the god of healing Asclepius, who healed people from deadly diseases with snake venom. It can be found between two zodiac signs - Scorpio and Sagittarius. Consequently, the dates of the standard bearer fall on some dates of November and December, namely, for the period from November 30 to December 17 (14 days in total). In accordance with these changes, the dates of other zodiacs have changed somewhat:

The constellation of Capricorn from January 19 to February 15;
Vodoleev - from February 16 to March 11;
Pisces - from March 12 to April 18;
Aries - from April 19 to May 13;
Taurus - from May 14 to June 19;
Gemini - from June 20 to July 20;
Rakov - from July 21 to August 9;
Lviv - from August 10 to September 15;
Dev - from September 16 to October 30;
Libra - from October 31 to November 22;
Scorpions - from November 23 to November 29;
Ophiuchus - from November 30 to December 17;
Streltsov - from December 18 to January 18.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign "Ophiuchus"

Since the constellation Ophiuchus is special, then people born in the days of his patronage are endowed with a special mission. Astrologers say that life is not easy for the owners of the zodiac sign "Ophiuchus", because they often have to sacrifice themselves and their interests for the good of other people. It is among the serpentine people that you need to look for psychics, healers. It is easy to recognize superpowers in such people, since they have a special mark on their body (usually on the back, abdomen or lower back) - moles, located in the shape of the letter "Y". These moles are the same size, not red or bulging. In appearance, they resemble ordinary small spots on the skin.

In fact, serpentines are "servants to the people." That is why it is believed that those born on the dates of Ophiuchus (from November 30 to December 17) are the lucky ones who, after leaving the other world, are guaranteed to have the Gates to Paradise open. In addition, selflessness and giftedness are attributed to the characteristics of Ophiuchus as the 13th sign of the zodiac. Serpentine people are the doers of great things on planet Earth and fighters who throughout their lives fight with their dark and light sides. And the side that, as a result of this struggle, wins, such Ophiuchus will be a man. That is why, when dealing with serpentines, you need to be extremely careful. You have to conduct a conversation either with the embodiment of the greatest evil, or with a heavenly angel. By connecting your destiny with a person born on the dates of Ophiuchus, you risk either ruining it, or vice versa. This is the peculiarity of the zodiac sign Ophiuchus - it brings happiness to some, and pain and disappointment to others.

Those who, according to the Ophiuchus horoscope, are constantly on the move and do not live in one place for a long time. Throughout his life, he meets a lot of people of different statuses. With each of them, the serpentine manages to build relationships - either friendly, or hostile, or romantic. Of course, making an enemy in the face of the serpentine is not worth it, because those who are, according to the horoscope, Ophiuchus, are very vindictive. If you hurt them, they will hurt you all their lives.

Ophiuchus are fearless and risky people. They can be considered people born in a shirt, because from all situations that pose a danger to life, the serpentine manages to get out without a single scratch. In addition, people born on the dates of Ophiuchus are lovers of entertainment and pleasure. They know how to relax well and enjoy life. Astrologers claim that the 13th zodiac sign Ophiuchus is also special in that only love can conquer it. If a person who was born under the auspices of the serpentine fell in love, being evil, he can be reincarnated as good and bright, or vice versa.

Women serpentines have special characteristics. Astrologers claim that they are very cunning by nature and vindictive. They have a highly developed intuition, excessive suspicion is inherent in them, they constantly seek out lies and always find it, so it is impossible to deceive them. However, female serpentines have one important positive trait. In a relationship, they are faithful, and for their loved one they can become a real friend.

What signs of the zodiac are serpentines compatible with?

Cancers, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Pisces have the most chances to build a happy relationship with Ophiuchus. Scorpions have fewer chances. Astrologers claim that there can be a marriage of convenience between Ophiuchus and Scorpio. The rest of the zodiac signs with the serpent will be either bored or scared.

Stones that fit serpentine

  1. Jet is a stone that will relieve the serpentine from doubts and nightmares;
  2. Zircon gives the serpentines physical and spiritual strength;
  3. Beryl is the best amulet for people born under the constellation Ophiuchus;
  4. Almandin - heals their soul and body;
  5. Turquoise helps to quickly achieve your goals;
  6. Sapphire gives wisdom and foresight to serpentines;
  7. Serpentine is the amulet of all those born on the date of Ophiuchus.

Famous people who, according to the horoscope, are serpentine

If you count the calendar for 13 zodiac constellations, then you can calculate which of the celebrities of history and modernity was born under the constellation Ophiuchus. Knowing their names and the main characteristics of the 13th zodiac sign Ophiuchus, we can already determine whether these people have fulfilled the mission that Ophiuchus gave them.

Among the celebrities who, according to the horoscope, are serpentines:

  • Soichiro Honda - born on November 17th. He founded the company of the same name, is a famous Japanese engineer and industrialist.
  • Danny de Vito - also born on November 17, became one of the most popular American film actors.
  • Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre - born November 18. Considered one of the founders of photography.
  • Eldar Ryazanov - born on November 18. He entered the history of Russian cinema as a talented film director, screenwriter, playwright and poet.
  • Mikhail Lomonosov - born on November 19. Everyone knows his name from school. He went down in history as a Russian natural scientist of world importance.
  • Indira Gandhi was born on November 19. She made a significant contribution to the political development of India as Prime Minister of this country at the end of the twentieth century.
  • Calvin Klein - born November 19 - is a famous American trendsetter. His name has become a world famous brand.
  • Maya Plisetskaya was born on November 20. Outstanding prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater of the USSR.
  • Voltaire - born November 21 - is a classic of French literature.
  • Vladimir Dal - was born on November 22. He owns the authorship of the famous " Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language ”.
  • Dale Carnegie - born November 24. Famous American psychologist.
  • Alexander Maslyakov - born on November 24. Famous Russian TV presenter KVN.
  • Bruce Lee - born November 27. Popular film actor and Chinese martial arts reformer.
  • Boris Grebenshchikov - born on November 27. Famous Russian musician.
  • Yulia Tymoshenko was born on November 27. Well-known Ukrainian politician.

From this small list, we see that all the people represented in it are talented artists or politicians who have already fulfilled their main mission, if we assume that they are still serpentine according to the horoscope.

Anastasia Gridina

The constellation Ophiuchus was first described by the ancient Greek astronomer Ptolemy in the 2nd century. n. NS. A huge cluster of stars near the line of the celestial equator has the shape of a pentagon. In astrological catalogs, the constellation is usually depicted as a man with a snake in his hands. The head and tail of the snake are distinguished separately, representing independent constellations.

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Heavenly Ophiuchus is the 13th zodiac sign. The idea of ​​a new division of the zodiacal circle was proposed in the 70s. last century astrologer Stephen Schmidt. According to the new horoscope, Ophiuchus is ruled between November 29 and December 17.


    The existence of the 13th zodiacal constellation was known to the astrologers of antiquity. Ophiuchus was described in treatises Ancient India, Persia, Egypt. In the horoscopes, this sign was not indicated, since it was believed that it marks the entrance to other dimensions - the astral and mental.

      The origin of the constellation is associated with the famous ancient Egyptian healer Imhotep, who lived in the 27th century. BC NS. With his knowledge and medicinal art, he earned the grace of the gods and was taken to heaven. From here the constellation appeared.

      IN Ancient Greece told legends about another doctor - Asclepius. He saved people from death, thus earning the disfavor of the god of the underworld, Hades. At his complaint, Zeus transferred Asclepius from earth to heaven with a snake in his hands.

      In India, it is believed that Ophiuchus is a star image of the god Krishna, who defeated a huge cobra.


      According to astrologers, Ophiuchus is strongly influenced by two other signs, at the junction of which is Scorpio and Sagittarius. Therefore, Scorpio-Ophiuchus and Sagittarius-Ophiuchus are distinguished, in accordance with the numbers of birth.

      There are 2 options for dividing the zodial circle, according to which the dates of birth will differ.

      According to the new horoscope:

      • Scorpio: November 23 - 29
      • Ophiuchus: November 30 - December 17
      • Sagittarius: December 18 - January 18

      According to Avestan astrology:

      • October 24 - November 14 - Scorpio
      • November 15 - November 30 - Ophiuchus
      • December 1 - December 21 - Sagittarius.

      The Avestan School of Astrology extends the influence of the constellation over 15 days. They are called the "Burnt Path". This period brings fatal changes to people's lives, leaves an inevitable imprint of fate on those born.


      Astrologers believe that people born under this sign have a predetermined destiny and cannot change it. Throughout their lives, mysterious events and dramatic changes often occur to them.

      It has not yet been precisely established which element the 13th sign of the zodiac belongs to. Opinions were divided on this matter. Some believe that the active, dynamic nature of the sign indicates its close relationship to the element of fire. Others believe that the snake is closer to the water, so they attribute Ophiuchus to the water element.

      The sign is imprinted by two planets - Jupiter and Chiron. Magic stones talismans are jet, jasper, serpentine, aquamarine.

      The thirteenth zodiac sign, Ophiuchus, has an unusual destiny and controversial character.