Hierarchy in the 3rd Reich among the top leadership. Who was who in the Third Reich. Bibliographic encyclopedic dictionary (1)

Today it is "The Mysterious Disappearance of the Leaders of the Third Reich". The Second World War was coming to an end, the highest German officials realized that the defeat of Germany was inevitable. Then, in 1945, the Organization of Former SS Servicemen appeared. The task of this structure was to provide assistance to high-ranking German war criminals, the organization had enough material resources. Values ​​stolen in countries conquered during the war and others material resources the Nazis now spent on preparing and carrying out the illegal transfer of SS men away from retribution, for example, to Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa.

SS-Sturmbannführer Fritz Paul Schwend

It should be emphasized that the former fascist leaders not only had the opportunity to escape punishment for their crimes. They also had chances to open their own business and become successful businessmen, because in many banks of the world they had opened secret deposits in advance. An example is the post-war life of SS-Sturmbannführer Fritz Paul Schwend. The track record of this criminal is mass executions of civilians. They searched for him vigorously, but in vain. Even during the war, P. Schwend organized a successfully functioning group in the economic department of the VI department of the RSHA. The basis of its activity was the sale of counterfeit money. Having acquired a solid account, P. Schwend also obtained forged documents. There were several of them: in the name of Vendich, Turi, Berkter and others. P. Schwend settled in Peru in the spring of 1945 and became the owner of a prosperous company.

However, not all German military officials managed to arrange their future fate so safely. Many of them were taken prisoner. For example, SS-Obersturmbannführer Adolf Eichmann was sent to an American transit camp. Nevertheless, he prepared to escape, and, it must be admitted, very successfully. Somehow (the circumstances of the escape remained unclear) he ended up in Latin America and lived there secretly for a long time. However, in the late 1950s. Israeli intelligence Mossad, or rather, first Khanokmin (punishing angels), a special Jewish unit, came on his trail. The fact is that even before the outbreak of World War II, A. Eichmann acted as an expert on Jewish issues of the Imperial Main Security Directorate. He (among other leaders of the Third Reich) had the idea to turn Auschwitz into a place of the “final solution of the Jewish question”, that is, a place where people were massacred.

"Punishing Angels" specialized in searching for Nazi criminals who killed Jews in concentration camps. The Israeli secret services got on the trail of A. Eichmann quite by accident. One L. Herman, an Argentinean of Jewish origin who lived in Buenos Aires, said that his daughter's young man boasted that his father had great services to Germany during the Second World War. After checking, it turned out that the “honored Nazi” was none other than A. Eichmann. However, all data had to be carefully checked to make sure the identity of the perpetrator was genuine. But while decisions were being made in the intelligence structure on how best to deliver A. Eichmann (if this is the same Nazi) to Israel to do justice, A. Eichmann disappeared. Then several Mossad employees arrived in Argentina, and one of them, E. Elrom, was especially eager to catch the criminal, since all his relatives died in a concentration camp. Mossad agents had all the necessary information on A. Eichmann. They were aware of all his family holidays (birthdays, weddings, etc.), had a detailed verbal portrait. The agents did not have only A. Eichmann's photograph.

It should be said that A Eichmann was ready to cooperate with Israeli agents, he frankly answered the questions asked of him, which were necessary for the subsequent trial of him. He was frightened and confused, kept repeating that he would either be shot or poisoned.
The search for A. Eichmann was crowned with success in 1959. The agents managed to establish that, under the guise of a bankrupt laundry owner, Eichmann lived in the same Buenos Aires, but already under the name of Ricardo Clement. Again, in order to obtain irrefutable evidence, R. Clement's house was monitored around the clock. The work of the agents was eventually crowned with success. Once R. Clement came home with a huge flower bouquet, as it turned out later, on the day of his silver wedding. The scouts checked their data and were finally convinced that this was the Nazi who managed to escape immediately after the war.

Mossad developed a plan of operation to capture A. Eichmann and deliver him to Israel. Israeli intelligence chief I. Harel flew to the capital of Argentina. The plan of the operation was thought out to the smallest detail, up to the organization of a special travel agency to deliver to Argentina under the guise of tourists a group of intelligence officers consisting of 30 people. Documents were prepared in advance for A. Eichmann. For the duration of the operation, a fleet of cars and other vehicles was specially rented.

One of the main points of the operation was the question of transporting A. Eichmann. Intelligence agencies considered two options: by sea(but it took at least two months) and by the plane of the Israeli airline El Al, which was supposed to deliver the Israeli delegation to their homeland, which had attended the celebrations on the occasion of the hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the independence of Argentina.

The beginning of the operation was scheduled for May 11, 1960. In the evening, on the street where Signor R. Clement lived, two cars stopped at some distance from each other. Their drivers began to fiddle with the motor. They were waiting for the bus in which A. Eichmann was supposed to arrive home. The former Nazi got off only the fourth bus, causing the scouts to get pretty worried. Everything happened in a matter of seconds. And Eichmann did not even have time to open his mouth, as he was dragged into the back seat. At the safe house, the scouts first of all checked the presence of A. Eichmann's personal number on his shoulder. In its place was a scar. However, A. Eichmann immediately confessed, explaining that he was the one they were looking for, and that he had destroyed his number while still in the American camp.

A. Eichmann signed a document confirming that he agreed to leave for Israel. The haughty and domineering SS man turned into a miserable and depressed person. Israeli intelligence could not be afraid that A. Eichmann would be searched for by his relatives: it was dangerous for them to contact the police, because then they had to admit that the wanted person was living on forged documents. Still, the scouts decided to play it safe. One of the crew members of the plane (of course, a dummy) was taken to the hospital with a "concussion." When he was discharged, a photo of A. Eichmann was pasted into the document. For the departure of other agents also prepared fake passports.

Just before the flight, A. Eichmann was injected with a tranquilizer, picked up by the arms and dragged on board the plane. The guard, who watched as the whole trio, laughing loudly and waving their arms, headed towards the plane, was quite surprised, but they explained to him that this was allegedly a reserve crew that would not take part in the flight and therefore allowed himself to drink pretty much. Since all three were indeed wearing El Al uniforms, no one bothered to check their documents. On May 11, 1961, the trial of the Nazi criminal A. Eichmann took place in Jerusalem. He was accused of mass extermination of people and sentenced to death by hanging.

SS-Sturmbannfuehrer Eduard Roschmann

Another Nazi, SS-Sturmbannführer Eduard Roshman, nicknamed the Butcher, decided to fake his own death at the end of the war. When the Americans started looking for him, they found a mutilated corpse, which they recognized as E. Roshman, the killer of more than 40,000 people. Meanwhile, the "corpse" was in the Bavarian Alps, where, at the expense of the Organization, other similar criminals were waiting in a secluded shelter for the right moment to be sent to safe places. I must say that staying in the cold mountains did not benefit E. Roshman. He had frostbite on his toes and had to be amputated. An attempt to establish the identity of the doctor who operated on Roshman did not produce any results. But after the amputation, he had a special sign - a waddling gait, which later helped with his identification.

For some time E. Roshman (about three years) lived in one of the European countries. Since he was considered dead, no one was looking for him. Perhaps not only because they believed in his death - the considerable sums in the accounts of the Organization could well slow down any search. Then E. Roshman received false documents and went to Latin America. He lived in Argentina for a year under the guise of a Swiss citizen Fritz Werner, then the “Swissman” suddenly disappeared. E. Roshman was reborn under the name of Federico Bernardo Wegner, an Argentine citizen. After some time, someone sent E. Roshman a check for a fabulous amount at that time - $ 50,000, and the sender could not be found. Needless to say, this was the work of the same Organization, which carefully took care of former colleagues.

With the money received from the Organization, E. Roshman went into business. His company "Stenler and Wegner" sent precious wood to European countries. It should be noted that the Argentine authorities were not too curious about the personality of E. Roshman - again due to the fact that the Organization protected its wards from the police of those countries in which they were hiding from the international court. So E. Roshman lived comfortably in Argentina for about 20 years. However, in the 1970s he was identified by one of the witnesses of the brutal reprisals of E. Roshman with his victims. This became known to the German authorities. Anti-fascist organizations stepped up their activities, and Argentina had to agree to the extradition of a war criminal to Germany: in the face of the world community, it was impossible to continue to shelter the German executioner.

E. Roshman undoubtedly knew that they were going to extradite him to Germany for trial (most likely, he was warned about this in advance). Further events developed according to the classic detective story. E. Roshman was visited by an unknown person and ordered to move to Paraguay. The instructions Roshman received were very clear and precise: to get on the bus in the evening, to arrive at the designated place to the owner of the Pes-Mar bar and wait for further instructions from him. E. Roshman did just that. He was settled in a secluded boarding house. For several months he lived in a new place, trying not to draw attention to himself. However, one day he felt bad - it looks like something with his heart. He was placed in one of the hospitals. Some time later he died there. When the police began to study the documents of the deceased, they discovered that this was not the gentleman he claimed to be. The Paraguayan police contacted the Argentinean, and the latter confirmed that the deceased was a war criminal to be extradited to Germany.

The ending of this story is not quite usual: the body of E. Roshman was suddenly somehow stolen from the morgue. This suggests that Roshman's death is the work of the Organization. And the autopsy could somehow put the police on the trail of the one who followed the instructions of the Organization and ended E. Roshman in the hospital.

Martin Bormann

Another Nazi criminal who managed to avoid the International Tribunal is Martin Bormann. He was the head of the party office and the second person in Nazi Germany after A. Hitler. About how he managed to get out of the surrounded Soviet troops Berlin (and did it succeed at all?), When the Banner of Victory was already fluttering over the Reichstag, very little is known. Official information says: in order to bring up to date the new head of the German government - Grand Admiral K. Deinitz, M. Bormann got out of the capital, where the fighting was already on the streets. Together with him, in the group that tried to get out of the encirclement, there were: part of the SS division "Nordland", the remnants of the Berensfenger unit, which defended the Reich Chancellery, A. Hitler's personal pilot X. Bauer, his adjutant O. Günsche and driver E. Kempke. On the banks of the Spree, Soviet artillerymen fired on the group. The adjutant and the pilot were captured, the driver and one of the leaders of the youth fascist movement A. Oksman managed to escape from the encirclement.

Witnesses gave directly opposite testimonies about whether M. Bormann was able to get out of Berlin. Whether this was done unconsciously or with a well-defined purpose is also a question. The main version is that M. Borman was wounded, but he did not stop, but continued to walk, but in the end he was still killed. Whether this happened on the outskirts of the capital, or even in the central part of the city, no one could definitely say. At the International Tribunal in Nuremberg, M. Bormann was sentenced to death in absentia, since the Nazi criminal himself was not present at the trial.

Some time later, information began to leak into the press that M. Bormann did not die after all, but safely got out of Berlin. Regarding the further fate of M. Bormann, there are several versions. According to one of them, M. Bormann got a good job in Latin America.

According to other sources, M. Bormann made himself a plastic surgery and there was no need for him to hide in Latin America. There were witnesses who claimed that he moved freely around Europe. Other assumptions are based on the fact that M. Bormann was in fact none other than a Soviet intelligence officer. According to this version, in the 1920s. on the initiative of the German communist Ernst Thalmann, M. Bormann was sent to Leningrad under the name Karl. This action was known to a very narrow circle of people. Later, M. Bormann returned to Germany and gained so much confidence in the Fuhrer that he became his right hand.

Former member of the Reichstag Paul Heisslen claimed that M. Bormann showed up in Chile with documents in the name of Juan Gomez. This statement was disputed by the former Spanish diplomat in the UK, Ángel de Velasco. Allegedly, he helped M. Bormann get to Argentina. Along with Chile and Argentina, according to other sources, Paraguay appears.
When, on May 2, 1945, M. Bormann handed over to the Soviet Union a cipher in which he asked for help, he was rescued as a "Soviet intelligence officer" by the commander of the tank corps, General I. A. Serov. M. Borman lived in the Soviet Union for 27 years after the war, and after his death he was buried in the cemetery in Lefortovo. The author of the publication of the above facts was a certain B. Tartakovsky. However, he does not provide any serious and significant evidence.

More truthful is the assumption that M. Bormann committed suicide even when he was in surrounded Berlin. When he realized that there was no hope of salvation, he took potassium cyanide. This version is supported by a number of facts. First, the workers who in 1972 produced construction works in one of the districts of Berlin, they found a skeleton. Traces of poison were found in the oral cavity of the deceased. M. Borman's personal dentist identified the denture, which was made by him personally. Secondly, the genetic examination carried out unambiguously confirmed that the remains belong to M. Bormann. Consequently, he died in Berlin on May 2, 1945.

SS Gruppenführer Heinrich Müller

The fate of M. Bormann is to a certain extent reminiscent of the post-war vicissitudes of SS Gruppenführer Heinrich Müller. And here, as in the investigations in the case of M. Bormann, the main question is whether G. Muller survived? In this case, but still with a certain degree of caution, you can give an affirmative answer. First of all, history keeps numerous testimonies in this regard. In addition, it is documented that at the end of April 1945 one of the planes of Hitler's squadron delivered Muller to the area bordering Switzerland. Nothing prevented him from doing plastic surgery on himself in the future and living on the funds that were on numerous secret accounts.

Subsequently, specialists from the CIA came to G. Muler. They first established surveillance of Willi Kriechbaumann, who during the war was a subordinate of G. Müller, and found out that they meet periodically. After the war, V. Krichbauman was recruited by the West German intelligence - the BND, which was led by R. Gehlen. There is evidence that SS-Standartenführer Friedrich Panzinger, one of Müller's employees, began working in Gehlen's department after the war. During the Second World War, F. Panzinger was looking for Soviet intelligence officers and their German informants both in Germany itself and abroad. Thus, the exposure of Soviet agents in France and Belgium in 1942 was directly related to the activities of F. Panzinger, who was a very valuable personnel for Gehlen.

There is evidence that Gehlen wanted to get Muller himself into his department, since he knew very, very much. However, the CIA also became interested in G. Muller, and, most likely, it made him a more attractive offer. In any case, the American journalist Gregory Douglas found documents that indicate that contact was established between Mueller and one of the CIA employees.

The CIA, having previously made sure that G. Muller is perfectly versed in everything related to Soviet intelligence, and that the secret archives that he took out of Germany are of great value, made G. Muller an offer to become a CIA officer. G. Douglas believes that Muller agreed to this proposal, and as evidence of his version he cites the diaries of G. Muller allegedly found by him. In them, the former SS Gruppenfuehrer describes his marriage to an American from high society, his meetings with E. Hoover (CIA chief), Senator P. Macartney, and President G. Truman.

You can either believe or not believe the testimony of an American journalist, but the fact that American intelligence knew about the whereabouts of G. Muller is obvious. Moreover, some employees of the CIA, in the order, so to speak, of personal initiative, carried out their own searches. At the same time, top American intelligence officials kept all information about Muller strictly secret and prevented attempts by mid-level officers to get on his trail.

Another version concerning the life of G. Muller after the end of the war is based on the assumption that Muller collaborated with Soviet intelligence. SS Brigadeführer W. Schellenberg, head of SD foreign intelligence, claimed that Müller was recruited by the Soviets in the middle of World War II, and after the end of the war he joined the Communist Party, and that in 1948 he was seen in Moscow. There is no concrete evidence for any of these claims.

However, W. Schellenberg's statements are to a certain extent confirmed by the story of Rudolf Barak, who at that time (1950s) was in charge of Czechoslovak intelligence. On the instructions of the then head of the KGB, I. A. Serov, he and his employees carried out an operation to secretly transport G. Muller from Argentina to Moscow. Soviet scouts established and then conveyed to their Czechoslovak colleagues that Muller lives in Cordoba and, apparently, periodically changes his place of residence.

It turned out that he did not know Spanish very well. There was no exact information about his activities in Argentina. He could be in business, but there was no evidence to support this. R. Barak's employees managed to win the trust of G. Muller. When they made sure that in front of them was really the person they were looking for (according to the photo of Muller, one former Nazi), they mixed G. Muller with sleeping pills in a glass of wine and took him by plane to Prague. Then he was sent to Moscow.

R. Barak was sure that Muller began to cooperate with the KGB. However, the Czech does not provide specific facts. True, there was one nuance that deserves attention: when G. Muller was still in Prague, he exchanged a barely noticeable nod with A. Korotkov, the former resident of Soviet intelligence in Berlin before the war. It is noteworthy that R. Barak, after the operation to take Muller to Moscow, met with both A. Korotkov and N. Khrushchev (this was in 1958). But neither one nor the other said a word about the operation, which was carried out two years earlier.

Returning to the question of whether G. Müller really died in Berlin in May 1945, it should be noted that there is no definite answer. First of all, because, although the grave in which G. Müller was supposedly buried was found in Berlin, when it was dug up in 1963, not one, but three whole skeletons were found. Analyzes carried out by experts showed that none of them could belong to G. Müller. Therefore, the question of Muller's death in Berlin surrounded by Soviet troops remains without a definite answer.

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The history of Nazi Germany is short-lived, but very bloody. It was given a start (Great Depression) - the global economic crisis that began in 1929 and especially affected the countries of big capital: the USA and Canada, Great Britain, France and Germany. In he destroyed the Weimar Republic and contributed to the rise to power of Adolf Hitler.

Rise to power

Six million unemployed, the general growing discontent of citizens gave rise to a sharp radicalization (extreme uncompromising adherence to certain views) of society. Many supported the communists (almost 17%), but there were almost twice as many supporters of the NSDAP. Adolf Hitler destroyed both his own and others on his way to power, as a result of which, on January 30, 1933, he became the Chancellor of Germany.

Nazi Germany was a one-party system (like all such regimes), whose state policy was internal terror and external expansion.

fascist state

In the occupied territories, and the whole of Europe was enslaved, dotted with concentration camps, terror became the norm and the law. Nazi Germany died along with its possessed Fuhrer, but officially ceased to exist on May 23, 1945, at the moment when the Flensburg government, which was headed by Karl Dönitz, was dissolved. The destruction and discrimination of enslaved peoples is the official policy of this vampire state, which lasted 12 years. Who controlled the vast conquered territories, who was responsible for establishing and maintaining the "new order" on the lands entrusted to him?

Administrative-territorial unit

Gauleiter in fascist Germany is an official burdened with full power in that administrative-territorial unit, or "Gau", where the Fuhrer personally appointed him. Actually, this is the head of the district. In 1933, he was the head of the electoral district, of which there were 33. Subsequently, when the conquered territories appeared, the districts (not electoral) became 43. Back in 1925, after the failed "beer putsch", the NSDAP was reorganized, resulting in the post of Gauleiter. And in 1928, this position was included in the list of party ranks, and its emblem was two oak leaves in buttonholes.

Hierarchy in the Third Reich

Ranks in Nazi Germany, like ranks and signs, were army, SS, party. Since the head of the Gau belonged to the latter structure, it is necessary to consider in more detail the party structure of the Reich. The Reichsleiter (the most senior after Hitler) had the highest rank at the imperial level, then, naturally, the Gauleiter came at the Gau level, the Kreisleiter represented the district level, and the Orstgruppenleiter was the main one at the local level. It can be stated that the Gauleiter in Nazi Germany is the head of the NSDAP in the territory given to him for undivided use, that is, he occupies the highest party position in this area. His power there was undivided, he was faced only with the task of the Fuhrer. He had his own subordinates, namely: immediately after the Gauleiter was his deputy, to whom the Hauptamtsleiter, or responsible executor for internal party affairs, was subordinate. Then came the Amtsleiter, Haptstellenleiter, Stellenleiter and Mitarbeiter in order.

Party rank

As already noted, Gauleiter in Nazi Germany is one of the highest ranks in the National Socialist Workers' Party of Nazi Germany. Until 1939, "Gauleiter" was both a position and a rank, after - only a position. So was the Deputy Gauleiter - after 1939, functionaries with the title of Befelsleiter and Hauptdinstleiter could hold this post. They were required to wear an armband confirming their position. The party hierarchy of the Third Reich is rather confusing. Hitler created a unitary state, in which the government and party apparatuses were fused to the maximum.

Who is the Reichskommissar

Gauleiter in fascist Germany is at the same time the imperial governor. He was a kind of chief-president of the "Gau" entrusted to him. That is, there is no more important thing. The Gauleiter appointed by the Fuhrer, the provincial government was completely subordinate.

However, there were still posts of Reichskommissars or governors. In fact, the Reichskommissar performed the functions of the government, without being part of it, and was directly subordinate only to the Fuhrer. The most striking example is Hermann Goering as Reich Commissar for Aviation. But as more and more lands were enslaved, these posts began to be introduced in new territories to implement imperial policy on them. Its only goal was the following: at the first stage - to squeeze everything possible out of these regions, mercilessly exploiting economic and human resources, at the second - to clear, completely destroy or turn the local population into working cattle and prepare territories for German settlers-colonists.

Territorial division of enslaved territories

To maximize the enslavement of the annexed lands, the following Reichskommissariats were created: the Netherlands, Norway, Ostland, Ukraine (formed on August 20, 1941 with the capital in Rovno), Muscovy, the Caucasus and Turkestan. The last two were only planned, Muscovy was established, but for well-known reasons it was dissolved. Ukraine was less fortunate - in 1942, Gauleiter Koch took over as Reichskommissar of this country.

Who is he - Erich Koch, above which was only the sun, and cooler - only Hitler? He had plenty of posts and titles. In this regard, it should be noted that, in addition to all the above posts, titles, ranks, implying one single thing - unlimited power, there was also the position of head of the civil administration, and it was also held by Erich Koch (Bialystok district).

All holding Koch

In addition, this SA Obergruppenführer (Army Lieutenant General) was Gauleiter and Oberpresident. He stayed as Reichskommissar of Ukraine until 1944, while combining all of the above posts. And in all positions, he was distinguished by extreme rudeness, and cruelty surpassed all other Nazi executioners. This major Nazi functionary is more famous than others in our country precisely because he was the master of Ukraine, although his name is associated both with the disappearance and with the arrival of the Ribbentrop delegation in 1939 in Moscow.

Nazi boss

Erich Koch in the literal sense was not the Gauleiter of Ukraine, he was the Reichskommissar, because the title "Gauleiter" was abolished in 1939. Most likely, in the public mind, this term was inextricably linked with the concept of the owner, convicted of unlimited power, which he enjoyed in full. Although in some articles he is called "Gauleiter of the Reichskommissariat of Ukraine." In a word - a slave owner, who, in relation to Russians (or rather Soviet ones), was not going to be one. Koch stated that Greater Germany the life of this people is unprofitable, therefore, there is no question of any colonization and exploitation of them, they will all be simply destroyed. It can be added that this inquisitor spent 36 years in a rather comfortable prison, built by himself, and the Soviet government did not demand his extradition. He lived to be 90 years old.

The germs of neo-Nazism

The Gauleiters of Germany were the most faithful dogs Adolf Hitler. After the war, this title was remembered in the 50s in connection with the “Naumann Circle”, or “Gauleiter Circle”.

Then the movement of neo-Nazis very much revived in this country. Rallying around Werner Naumann (Minister of Press and Propaganda of the Third Reich), the former fascist functionaries wanted to infiltrate the highest legislative and executive bodies Germany.

Second World War, undoubtedly, became the most important and catastrophic event in the entire history of the world. Echoes of the most devastating conflict of all times and peoples are still heard and, probably, will always be heard. It is terrible to remember those times when humanity lost its human appearance, and real monsters broke out.

Looking at the main antagonists of the Second World War, walking under the leadership of Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany, and their crimes, it seems that humanity has forever lost its humanity. Of course, the Nazis are not the only ones who excelled in the competition for the most sophisticated atrocity, but this TOP 10 is dedicated only to the Nazis.

1. Friedrich Jeckeln.

Veteran of the First World War, Friedrich Jeckeln became the leader of the SS police in the occupied territory Soviet Union. He was also in charge of the Einsatzgruppen, which completed the final stage of the plan to purge the occupied territories of "racially inferior." He had his own system for committing massacres, from which even experienced executioners were shocked. He ordered to dig trenches where the future dead lay face down, most often already on fresh corpses, and then they were shot. He is responsible for the murders of over 100,000 people. In 1946, the Red Army hanged him.

2. Ilsa Koch.

Ilse Koch earned many nicknames during her meteoric career in the Buchenwald concentration camp. The Beast, the Bitch, the She-Wolf of Buchenwald - all these nicknames belong to the wife of Karl Koch, the head of this concentration camp. Officially, she was a simple security guard, but by abusing her husband's power, she eclipsed many Nazis on the issue of cruelty. Despite a happy childhood, she made souvenirs and jewelry from human skin. She especially liked the tattooed leather bindings. But this was not proven in court. She beat, raped and tortured prisoners without any reason, and if someone looked askance in her direction, then she executed the unfortunate person right on the spot. The SS themselves executed her husband for the murder of a local doctor who treated him for syphilis, and she was acquitted, but later the Americans arrested Ilsa. While in prison, she committed suicide.

3. Greta Bozel.

Nurse Practitioner before World War II, and then a staff member in concentration camps, Greta Bozel selected prisoners fit for hard work for the benefit of the Third Reich. The sick, crippled and other “defective” were thrown into the gas chamber without remorse. The motto of her heart was the words: "If they cannot work, then the path will rot." After the war, Bozel was accused of massacres and sentenced to death.

4. Joseph Goebbels.

Meet the man who coined the phrase "total war" - Joseph Goebbels. It was he who was responsible for all state materials and information released to the masses. In other words, it was the Minister of Propaganda. Because of him, the German people turned into aggressive fascist bastards, thirsting for the blood of the innocent. Even when the Germans began to lose all their positions at the front, he continued to firmly stand his ground, not allowing his faith in a just cause to succumb to doubts. Goebbels remained in Germany until the very end, until the Red Army found him in the 45th. On that day, he shot his six children, then killed his wife, and finally committed suicide.

5. Adolf Eichmann.

Using the knowledge of Hebrew and Jewish culture, this man became the architect of the Holocaust. He helped lure the Jews into the ghetto by promising them " better life". His person is most responsible for the deportation of Jews within the Third Reich. When his namesake gave the go-ahead to start, Eichmann took sole command of the distribution of Jews from the ghetto to the concentration camps. After the war, he managed to escape and hide in South America However, secret Israeli units tracked down and executed him in Argentina in 1962.

6. Maria Mendel.

A native of Austria, Maria became commandant of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp between 1942-1944. Known by the nickname "the monster," Mendel became the death scythe for more than half a million women. Her trademark was human pets, which she played with for a short time until they died. The Third Reich awarded her a second-class cross for her services to the Motherland. For her crimes against humanity, she was executed in 1948.

7. Josef Mengele.

"Angel of Death" Josef Mengele is the embodiment of the devil on Earth. Being the head of one of the many concentration camps and a doctor by education, he did not spare the prisoners in his experiments. His favorite paths were genetics and heredity. Mutilations, amputations, injections - a barbaric mockery of human nature. But his twisted imagination did not stop there. One day, Josef sewed his brother's twin eye onto the back of his head. He was one of the few who managed to escape at least some punishment for his crimes. In 1979 he died of a stroke.

8. Reinhard Heydrich.

"The executioner from Prague" is one of the most cruel and terrible Nazis in all of Nazi Germany. Even Hitler considered him a man with an "iron heart". In addition to governing the Czech Republic, which became part of the Reich in 1939, he was actively involved in the suppression and persecution of political dissidents. He is responsible for organizing the Kristallnacht, the Holocaust, for the creation of death squads. Even some SSovtsy were afraid of him, starting from Berlin and ending with the most remote occupied settlements. In 1942 he was killed by Czech special forces. agents in Prague.

9. Heinrich Himmler.

Himmler was an agronomist by training. On account of this "collective farmer" 14 million people, 6 of which are Jews. He was one of the "architects of the Holocaust" and became famous for harsh repressions in the Czech Republic. Repeatedly held conferences on the topic: "The extermination of the Jewish people." When Germany began to concede in the war, he secretly negotiated with the Allies from Hitler. Upon learning of this, the Fuhrer accused him of betrayal and ordered his execution, but the British caught the traitor first. In May 1945, he committed suicide in prison.

10. Adolf Hitler.

Elected in democratic Germany, Adolf became the epitome of horror in just 50 years. there is a dispute among historians who is more worthy of the first place in this list: Adolf Hitler or Heinrich Himmler, but both sides agree that without Hitler the world would not have seen Himmler.

An artist by vocation, a veteran of the First World War, an unsurpassed orator, was able to convince an entire nation that the Jews were to blame for all their troubles, and that the Aryans would be lost without a war. All of the above sins are listed first of all for him: genocide, massacres, unleashing a war, persecution, etc. He is personally involved in the death of 3% of the human population of the planet.

P.S. And you didn’t notice how unambiguously “SS-sheep” is written in Russian. Peace to you and do not be blind patriots.

The material was prepared by Marcel Garipov and Admincheg site

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The history of Nazi Germany is short-lived, but very bloody. It began with the Great Depression, the global economic crisis that began in 1929 and particularly affected the countries of big capital: the USA and Canada, Great Britain, France and Germany. In 1933, he destroyed the Weimar Republic and contributed to the rise to power of Adolf Hitler.

Rise to power

Six million unemployed, the general growing discontent of citizens gave rise to a sharp radicalization (extreme uncompromising adherence to certain views) of society. Many supported the communists (almost 17%), but there were almost twice as many supporters of the NSDAP. Adolf Hitler destroyed both his own and others on his way to power, as a result of which, on January 30, 1933, he became the Chancellor of Germany.

Nazi Germany was a totalitarian state with a one-party system (like all such regimes), whose state policy was internal terror and external expansion.

fascist state

In the occupied territories, and the whole of Europe was enslaved, dotted with concentration camps, terror became the norm and the law. Nazi Germany died along with its demon-possessed Fuhrer, but officially the Third Reich ceased to exist on May 23, 1945, at the moment when the Flensburg government, headed by Karl Dönitz, was dissolved.

The destruction and discrimination of enslaved peoples is the official policy of this vampire state, which lasted 12 years. Who controlled the vast conquered territories, who was responsible for establishing and maintaining the "new order" on the lands entrusted to him?

Administrative-territorial unit

Gauleiter in fascist Germany is an official burdened with full power in that administrative-territorial unit, or "Gau", where the Fuhrer personally appointed him. Actually, this is the head of the district. In 1933 - the head of the constituency, of which there were 33.

Subsequently, when the conquered territories appeared, there were 43 districts (not electoral). Back in 1925, after the failed "beer putsch", the NSDAP was reorganized, as a result of which the post of Gauleiter appeared. And in 1928, this position was included in the list of party ranks, and its emblem was two oak leaves in buttonholes.

Hierarchy in the Third Reich

Ranks in Nazi Germany, like ranks and signs, were army, SS, party. Since the head of the Gau belonged to the latter structure, it is necessary to consider in more detail the party structure of the Reich. The Reichsleiter (the most senior after Hitler) had the highest rank at the imperial level, then, naturally, the Gauleiter came at the Gau level, the Kreisleiter represented the district level, and the Orstgruppenleiter was the main one at the local level.

It can be stated that the Gauleiter in Nazi Germany is the head of the NSDAP in the territory given to him for undivided use, that is, he occupies the highest party position in this area. His power there was undivided, he was faced only with the task of the Fuhrer.

He had his own power structure, his subordinates, namely: immediately after the Gauleiter was his deputy, to whom the Hauptamtsleiter, or responsible executor for internal party affairs, was subordinate. Then came the Amtsleiter, Haptstellenleiter, Stellenleiter and Mitarbeiter in order.

Party rank

As already noted, Gauleiter in Nazi Germany is one of the highest ranks in the National Socialist Workers' Party of Nazi Germany. Until 1939, "Gauleiter" was both a position and a rank, after - only a position. So was the Deputy Gauleiter - after 1939, functionaries with the title of Befelsleiter and Hauptdinstleiter could hold this post. They were required to wear an armband confirming their position. The party hierarchy of the Third Reich is rather confusing. Hitler created a unitary state, in which the government and party apparatuses were fused to the maximum.

Who is the Reichskommissar

Gauleiter in fascist Germany is at the same time the imperial governor. He was a kind of chief-president of the "Gau" entrusted to him. That is, there is no more important thing. The Gauleiter appointed by the Fuhrer, the provincial government was completely subordinate.

However, there were still posts of Reichskommissars or governors. In fact, the Reichskommissar performed the functions of the government, without being part of it, and was directly subordinate only to the Fuhrer.

The most striking example is Hermann Göring as Reich Commissar for Aviation. But as more and more lands were enslaved, these posts began to be introduced in new territories to implement imperial policy on them.

Its only goal was the following: at the first stage - to squeeze everything possible out of these regions, mercilessly exploiting economic and human resources, at the second - to clear, completely destroy or turn the local population into working cattle and prepare territories for German settlers-colonists.

Territorial division of enslaved territories

To maximize the enslavement of the annexed lands, the following Reichskommissariats were created: the Netherlands, Norway, Ostland, Ukraine (formed on August 20, 1941 with the capital in Rovno), Muscovy, the Caucasus and Turkestan. The last two were only planned, Muscovy was established, but for well-known reasons it was dissolved. Ukraine was less fortunate - in 1942, Gauleiter Koch took over as Reichskommissar of this country.
Who is he - Erich Koch, above which was only the sun, and cooler - only Hitler? He had plenty of posts and titles. In this regard, it should be noted that, in addition to all the above posts, titles, ranks, implying one single thing - unlimited power, there was also the position of head of the civil administration, and it was also held by Erich Koch (Bialystok district).

All holding Koch

In addition, this SA Obergruppenführer (Army Lieutenant General) was Gauleiter and Oberpresident of East Prussia. He remained at the post of Reichskommissar of Ukraine until 1944, while combining all of the above posts. And in all positions, he was distinguished by extreme rudeness, and cruelty surpassed all other Nazi executioners.

This major Nazi functionary is more famous than others in our country precisely because he was the master of Ukraine, although his name is associated both with the disappearance of the Amber Room and with the arrival of the Ribbentrop delegation in Moscow in 1939.

Nazi boss

Erich Koch in the literal sense was not the Gauleiter of Ukraine, he was the Reichskommissar, because the title "Gauleiter" was abolished in 1939. Most likely, in the public mind, this term was inextricably linked with the concept of the owner, convicted of unlimited power, which he enjoyed in full. Although in some articles he is called "Gauleiter of the Reichskommissariat of Ukraine."

In a word - a slave owner, who, in relation to Russians (or rather Soviet ones), was not going to be one. Koch stated that for Great Germany the life of these people is unprofitable, therefore, there is no question of any colonization and exploitation of them, all of them will simply be destroyed. It can be added that this inquisitor spent 36 years in a rather comfortable prison, built by himself, and the Soviet government did not demand his extradition. He lived to be 90 years old.

The germs of neo-Nazism

The Gauleiters of Germany were Adolf Hitler's most devoted dogs. After the war, this title was remembered in the 50s in connection with the “Naumann Circle”, or “Gauleiter Circle”.
Then the movement of neo-Nazis very much revived in this country. Having rallied around Werner Naumann (Minister of Press and Propaganda of the Third Reich), the former fascist functionaries wanted to infiltrate the highest legislative and executive bodies of the FRG.

Wilhelm Keitel.

On November 20, 1945, the International Tribunal for the main Nazi war criminals began its work in Nuremberg. Prior to that, for several months, representatives of the victorious powers in World War II (the USSR, the USA, Britain and France) carefully studied the documents of the German departments and interviewed witnesses of Nazi crimes.

And now the accused were brought into the courtroom ...

The man, who took the far left seat in the front row in the dock, did not bear much resemblance to his former images in the ceremonial portraits. Once upon a time, his chest, hung with orders, was compared to a jewelry store window. Now he appeared before the International Tribunal greatly emaciated, without shoulder straps and orders. For many years he was the second person after Hitler in the Nazi hierarchy, was considered his official successor. This man's name was Hermann Wilhelm Göring (see document Göring), former Reich Marshal, former president of the Nazi Reichstag, former commander air force Germany. ... Next to Goering in the dock sat another man devoted to the Fuhrer - Rudolf Hess (see Hess's document). The behavior of this Nazi leader in court did not fit in with his appearance. Tall, athletically built, with a heavy gaze of deep-set eyes, he either pretended to be a mentally ill person and defiantly tried to commit suicide, then he referred to a complete loss of memory. At the request of the court, the doctors carefully examined the defendant and concluded that his actions were "consciously-intentional simulative." After that, Hess had no choice but to abandon the version of insanity. Next on the list of defendants at Nuremberg was Joachim von Ribbentrop (see document Ribbentrop), the former Foreign Minister of Nazi Germany.

Following him is Ernst Kaltenbrunner, SS Obergruppenführer, head of the Reich Main Security Office (RSHA) and the Security Police, Himmler's closest aide. From his office came directives on the extermination of millions of people in death camps, on the persecution of all opponents of Nazism.

Behind Kaltenbrunner is Alfred Rosenberg, Hitler's deputy for the "spiritual and ideological training" of members of the Nazi Party, the Imperial Minister for the Occupied Eastern Territories, one of the "ideological pillars" of National Socialism.

Next to him is Hans Frank, NSDAL Reichsleiter for Legal Affairs, Imperial Minister of Justice, Governor General of Poland. At one time he was Hitler's lawyer at the trial in Munich after the failure of the putsch of 1923.

Side by side with Frank - Wilhelm Frick, one of the oldest figures in the Nazi Party, the head of its faction in the Reichstag even before Hitler seized power, then the Minister of the Interior of the Nazi government. He led the development of barbaric racial laws, which served as the "legal" basis for the persecution and destruction of entire peoples.

Behind Frick is Julius Streicher, a Gauleiter, one of the founders of the NSDAP and an ideologue of anti-Semitism.

Further, Walter Funk is the Reich Minister of Economics, President of the Reichsbank and Plenipotentiary General for the War Economy. Under his leadership, weapons for the Wehrmacht were forged, and his Reichsbank accepted for storage gold rings and dental crowns taken from concentration camp victims.

Next to him is Hjalmar Schacht, the political representative of the German monopolies and banks under Hitler. Without the money that German industrialists and bankers transferred through this person to the cashier of the NSDAP, there would, perhaps, have been no Nazi dictatorship, no Wehrmacht armed to the teeth, no World War II.

No less representative is the second row of defendants.

Grand Admirals Karl Doenitz and Erich Raeder are state pirates who have violated all maritime laws and customs, giving orders to sink civilian ships.

Nearby is Baldur von Schirach, organizer and leader of the Nazi youth organization Hitler Youth, Gauleiter of the NSDAP and imperial governor in Vienna.

Following him is Fritz Sauckel, SS Obergruppenführer, Commissioner General for the use of labor, who drove millions of people from the occupied countries to forced labor in Germany and did everything so that almost every one of those driven was worked out to death.

Behind him - Alfred Jodl, Colonel General, Chief of Staff of the Operational Command of the High Command armed forces, and Franz von Papen, the former Reich Chancellor, who opened the way to power for Hitler, and then the German ambassador to Austria and Turkey.

Next to Palen is Arthur Seyss-Inquart, a prominent member of the Nazi party, imperial governor in Austria, deputy governor-general of Poland, imperial commissioner for the occupied Netherlands, a man who drowned the Polish and Dutch liberation movements in blood.

Behind him is Albert Speer, a close friend of Hitler, the imperial minister of armaments and ammunition, who created new types of weapons for the German army and led the work on the creation of rocket and nuclear weapons.

And two more - Konstantin von Neurath and Hans Fritsche. The first until 1938 was the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany and helped Hitler take the very first steps in his aggressive foreign policy, and then was the Nazi protector of Bohemia and Moravia. The second served as Deputy Reich Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels, led radio propaganda in the "Third Reich".

But not all Nazi figures who could be charged with war crimes and crimes against humanity were in the hall. Hitler and Goebbels committed suicide in a bunker under the Reich Chancellery: the first on April 30, the second on May 1, 1945. Heinrich Himmler, Reichsführer SS, one of the most sinister figures of the Nazi regime, escaped trial by poisoning himself with potassium cyanide on May 23, 1945. During the investigation in the Nuremberg prison, Robert Ley, one of the leaders of the NSDAP, the head of the Nazi "labor front", hanged himself.

Martin Bormann, Hitler's secretary and closest adviser, who headed the NSDAP party office after Hess's flight to England, was not in the dock either. Bormann was sentenced in absentia. For many years it was believed that he managed to escape from Germany and hide somewhere abroad. Only in the early 70s. convincing evidence was obtained that he could not escape from encircled Berlin and on May 2, 1945, he committed suicide (like many Nazi leaders, with the help of potassium cyanide) under the Bridge of the Invalids in Berlin.

On October 1, 1946, the International Tribunal at Nuremberg finished its work and pronounced a sentence on the defendants: 12 of them were sentenced to death by hanging (Goering, Ribbentrop, Keitel, Kaltenbrunner^, Rosenberg, Frank, Frick, Streicher, Sauckel, Jodl, Zeiss -Inquart, Bormann), 3 - to life imprisonment (Hess, Funk, Raeder). Doenitz, Schirach, Speer and Neurath received 10 to 20 years in prison, while Schacht, Papen, Fritsche, despite the objections of the Soviet judges, were acquitted.

An exceptional role in justifying Schacht was played by his close ties with American industrialists and bankers, as well as the desire of Western judges to exonerate the "captains of industry" of responsibility for the outbreak of war. If Schacht had been convicted, he would certainly have told the public about the role of American capital in arming Germany on the eve of the war and about the connections that were maintained by the German and American monopolies already during the war.

As for Fritsche and Papen, in comparison with other defendants, their guilt was much less and they could not be charged with the gravest war crimes and a conspiracy against peace and humanity. Fritsche was, in general, a small fry in the Nazi political apparatus, and Papen, a representative of the conservative Prussian elite, was not a member of the NSDAP. An important role in the justification of Papen was apparently also played by his close ties with industrial circles and the Catholic Church. It is known, in particular, that before the Nuremberg trials, the Pope petitioned the American judge for Papen.

On October 16 of the same year, the death sentences handed down by the International Tribunal were carried out. Only Goering escaped hanging. Two hours before the execution, he committed suicide with the help of potassium cyanide, unknown by whom and how it was transferred to him in prison.

The convicts who escaped the death sentence were placed in the Spandau prison in Berlin. However, already in 1954, Neurath was pardoned, and in 1957-1958. Funk and Raeder sentenced to life imprisonment. In 1956, Doenitz was released after serving his term, and in 1966 Speer and Schirach were released. Only Rudolf Hess remained in prison. In subsequent years, a sharp political struggle unfolded around him. Right-wing forces in Germany and other Western countries began to insistently demand his pardon. However, the victorious powers refused to commute the sentence. Hess remained in prison until his death on August 17, 1987. With his death, the last page of life was closed political leaders"Third Reich".