How to find out the exact size of your feet. How to correctly determine the size of your feet, tips and important nuances of measurement. What is shoe fullness and how to determine it

Shoes are an integral part of every person's wardrobe. But what are shoes for a woman? For a woman, this is much more. Shoes are our reflection, our image, our way of life, our business card and our pass to the "Fashion and Style" club. Where we definitely want to be, if not a mistress, then certainly a regular customer. In short, shoes are everything! Shoes can tell all the secrets about their wearer. This is why women pay so much attention to their choice of shoes. And fashion is so fleeting that almost every season women face this problem again and again - the acquisition of a new pair of shoes ...

What should be women's shoes?

But even the most fashionable shoes will look ridiculous if they are not chosen correctly. Shoes must certainly be, as they say, "on the leg", that is, must fit perfectly, hide flaws, emphasize advantages and be as comfortable as possible. Such shoes will not only be beautiful, but also healthy. At a minimum, women's shoes should be made of soft skin that allows the foot to breathe, it should not rub the toes, it should have a comfortable last and a stable heel. After all, a woman's foot is more fragile and delicate than a man's and is susceptible to negative influences and deformations.

Eight tips on how to protect the health of women's legs

1.Fingers should not be pinched. Tight shoes lead to painful calluses, curved toes, cracked heels, poor circulation and ingrown nails.

2.Do not buy shoes end-to-end in the hope that that it spreads. First, by wearing out your shoes, you harm your feet. Secondly, even leather shoes can be carried only in fullness, but not in length. It is better to buy shoes that are half a size larger than smaller ones.

3.At the same time, the shoes should not be too wide and loose... It will also cause calluses and chafing and may also cause bruising. You will not be able to walk confidently in them. Shoes should be easy to put on and take off. It is very important that the shoe has an adjustable way of fastening to the foot.

4.Buying winter shoes, you can choose boots one size larger than usual: in tightness, the leg will freeze faster. The bootlegs should not squeeze too much of the calves and rest under the knee when bending the leg. You can squat, twist your leg at the ankle.

5.The choice of sports shoes also has its own peculiarity, it needs to be taken half a size larger. Since its use assumes great mobility and maneuverability and, accordingly, the leg, even swelling from the sports load, should feel free and comfortable.

6. Once again about the heel: the optimal safe heel height for women is five centimeters, you can six. Doctors believe that high stilettos do not have the best effect on posture and the condition of the musculoskeletal system. And if you cannot do without high heels, then try to change shoes during the day to reduce the stress on the spine and give rest to your feet.

7. The sole of the shoe should be soft and flexible. It should have good spring properties, be reliable and comfortable. In everyday life, it is best to wear flat shoes or shoes with stable heels of medium thickness. Moreover, in recent times women's flat shoes are considered a fashionable attribute of women's wardrobe. There are enough options for stylish and comfortable women's shoes without a heel - these are ballet flats, moccasins, espadrilles and sandals.

8. The color and model of shoes must correspond to the data of your figure, age and tone of clothing.. With cleverly selected shoes you can visually improve the shape of the legs, and inappropriate shoes further emphasize the imperfections of the legs and feet.

How to correctly determine the size of women's shoes?

Currently, there are many shoe brands, the sizes of which differ from standard measurements, everyone wants to invent their own scale and consider it to be the standard. And How to an ordinary person understand the incomprehensible variety and choose exactly the pair of shoes in which your feet will feel comfortable. This question becomes even more relevant if you want to purchase shoes in the Online Store. Which is actually very convenient, but only when we know our size for sure!

Basic size parameters

Traditionally, two parameters are especially important for the selection of shoes.Dlin and width WITHtops ... The length of the foot is actually "the size", and the width of the foot is "Completeness". We want to clarify right away that completeness is taken into account when choosing "hard shoes", ie. one that keeps a constant shape. And sports shoes are soft enough and made from materials that tend to stretch over time. Therefore, the parameter "fullness" for sports shoes is not taken into account. But if you are choosing shoes, this is already worth paying attention to. To clarify the size, the main thing is to measure the length of the foot in centimeters .And look in Table of definition and conformity of dimensions for all specified systems, which, in order to facilitate your choice, we have placed below!

How to correctly measure the length of the foot in centimeters

In the table of correspondence between the sizes of women's shoes, there are several systems for determining the size at once - select the required column with sizes. For example, on the SportsTerritory website by default are given UK sizes.

T table of correspondence of sizes of women's shoes

European size (Euro)


UK size


US size (US)


CIS countries


* Explanations to the table:

Important ! Unfortunately, but true - different brands of sports shoes manufacturers have their own ideas about sizes. And the same size may not actually match.

British Shoe Sizes

American Shoe Sizes

International Shoe Sizes


Footwear fullness markings and how to determine it?

Of course, in order to optimally select a shoe model, it is necessary to know two main parameters with a high degree of accuracy: the length of the foot and the fullness. An important parameter is completeness, which mainly determines the convenience and comfort.When choosing casual shoes, boots and fashion shoes, you should also consider completeness!
Completeness of shoes according to the English marking system:

  • type "F" - for normal legs;
  • type "G" - for stronger ("massive") legs;
  • type "H" - for full legs (wide feet with wide bones);
  • type "H 1/2" - for very full legs (very wide feet with wide bones);
  • If the fullness is not specified, then the shoes are of normal fullness.

Finally! When you receive your order, try on your shoes. The most important sign that you have chosen the correct size is when the shoes do not press and fit tightly to the foot. Shoes should not fall off the heel! If there is free space in the sock, then there is nothing to worry about - most likely, this is a constructive feature of the shoe or a design decision.

Online store "Sports Territory" Offers a wide selection of original branded women's shoes from Europe.We wish you a good choice!

Today, there are many women's, men's and children's shoes on store shelves. Most often, coming to the store, there is no way to immediately choose shoes by size, since it is made in different countries... It so happens that the size fits, and the fullness is more or less than necessary.

If you choose the wrong shoes, then various health problems can arise. Therefore, you need to buy suitable footwear following the recommendations of experts.

To determine shoe size, the length of the foot in centimeters must be known. It is best to measure your foot in the evening. Many people ask the question: "How to measure the length of the foot." You should take a sheet of paper and completely outline both feet in order to choose a large one. 90% of the population has legs of different sizes, the differences can be from 0.1 to 1 cm. It is best to measure feet in socks, since the shoes are worn in them.

The drawn leg should be measured at its longest points. After the measurements of the two drawings have been made, the average value should be calculated from the results obtained. The measured parameters of the foot are the desired shoe size.

You can simply make marks at the most protruding point of the heel and toes, connect them with a straight line and measure the length. This is shown in more detail in the video. The width is measured at the widest part of the foot.

Different countries use different shoe sizes. For example:

  • Russian system (the size of the foot is measured from the thumb to the heel in millimeters, rounding up to 0.5 cm);
  • European system (the length of the insole is measured, which should be 6.7 mm larger than the foot.);
  • American system (measurements are made in inches, 1 inch equals 2.54 cm; the smallest size of a newborn baby's foot is 4 inches. The size itself is determined by the insole);
  • English system (the system is similar to the American one, but it is large).

Even knowing the size of your foot, shoes must be measured, since the fullness or height of the shoes may not fit.


Completeness calculation

To calculate the fullness of the foot, you need to multiply 25 mm by the girth of the foot in millimeters, then subtract 15 mm multiply by the length of the foot in millimeters and subtract a constant factor. For children, it is 16.5 mm, schoolchildren - 13.5 mm, women - 16 mm, men - 17 mm.

Size changes

Changes can be observed depending on the time of day. In the morning, the leg is rested, and has one size, by the evening the feet increase under the weight of their own weight by about 0.5 -1 size. Changes in leg volume also provoke edema and pregnancy. As soon as the swelling subsides, the limb returns to its previous size.

During pregnancy, under the influence of the hormone relaxin, which helps to relax the joints of the pelvis and ligaments of the foot, the size of the leg increases and does not return to its previous centimeters.

The problem in choosing shoes appears for both small and large feet. Today, the centers of orthopedic cosmetology offer to make the size of the foot larger, but in this case, the size will have to be reconciled for life. In the same centers, you can also reduce the size of the foot.

Choice of shoes

When choosing shoes, you should definitely measure them, as the sizes differ from different manufacturers up to several centimeters. And also the right foot can differ from the left one not only in size, but also in shape and width. The rise of the foot is also individual. If there are lacing or straps on the shoes, then the width of the shoes can be decreased or added.

It is better not to buy tight shoes, as this leads to calluses, sweating, impaired blood flow, and the appearance of edema. A model that is large will subside and possibly chafe the heels. If the pair is suitable in size, but does not match the width or height, most likely this will lead to flat feet and deformation of the bones, and gait may also be impaired.

It is better to make a purchase in the afternoon, when the legs increase slightly in width from fatigue. If you buy shoes or boots in the morning, then there is a possibility that by the end of the day your legs will be very tired and swollen.

If we talk about the material, then natural ones, such as leather or fabric, have a more beneficial effect on the skin of the legs than artificial ones. You should also pay attention to the number of seams. The fewer the better.

It is better to try on both shoes, if there is lacing, lace them up. Walk for a couple of minutes, you can sit down. There should be no discomfort in the legs. The size of the feet and the size of the shoes must be exactly the same. The pair should not be bought end-to-end. 0.5-1 cm of free space from the longest toe is allowed, especially for winter models, because in cold weather, warm socks are most often worn.

Video: How to accurately determine your shoe size

Sources of

  1. Traumatology and Orthopedics. A textbook for students of medical institutes, edited by G.S. Yumashev. Publishing house "Medicine" Moscow. ISBN 5-225-00825-9.

From the moment the first pair of shoes was made to the present day, several size correspondence tables have been formed. Shoe size is an alphabetic or numeric designation code for a certain linear dimension of the size of a shoe, most often determining only the length of the sole of the foot.

Shoe sizes

Today there are 4 different size charts:

  1. International standard ISO 3355-77... The size of the shoe is the length of the foot in centimeters with an error of 0.5 cm. The length of the foot is measured from the heel to the most protruding toe. This system is easy to use, since there is no last correction (functional allowance). This system is used in Russia.
  2. European system- metric, along the length of the insole, that is, longer than the foot, since the so-called functional allowance is taken into account. Therefore, the European designations of shoe sizes are larger than in the first system!
  3. English system- inch, measured along the length of the insole. Smallest (original, zero) size = 4 inches (newborn baby's foot size). Numbering - every 1/3 inch (8.5mm).
  4. American system similar to English, but the original size is smaller and women's sizes are allocated in a separate system (the difference with English is even greater).

Fullness of the foot

The fullness of the foot (width) is important when choosing a stiff shoe that does not stretch over time! These are usually boots for snowboards, skis, inline skates, as well as some shoe brands, such as Salomon. In Russia, according to GOST 3927-88, numbers from 1 to 12 are used to indicate the completeness of men's and women's shoes with an interval of 4 mm, In Europe - a gradation from 1 to 8, every 5mm, In the UK and the USA - letter designations fullness: A, B, C, D, F, b / z 5mm,

How to find out your shoe size

First you need to measure the length of the foot. This is best done at the end of the day, when the legs are "trampled" and get bigger. Standing on a piece of paper (in socks if you are going to wear them), circle your leg with a pencil. Measure the distance between the outermost points in the picture. Measure both legs and choose a longer length. Round off the result to 5 mm and find your size in the table. The fullness of the leg (last) is measured at the widest points of the toe with a centimeter. The second way to find out your size is to take the shoe insole that suits you best and try it on. It is important to keep in mind that despite the existence of clear standards, not all manufacturers adhere to them! Unfortunately, very often two identical sizes of two different pairs of shoes, even from well-known manufacturers, actually mean something quite different from what was expected. Therefore, you should carefully read the size chart on the website of the online store or even contact the support service! Sizes of men's shoes

Sizes of women's shoes

Sizes of children's shoes

Fullness of shoes

Completeness table for each size

The size Completeness (rise) in cm
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
35 19,7 20,2 20,7 21,2 21,7 22,2 22,7 23,2 23,7
36 20,1 20,6 21,1 21,6 22,1 22,6 23,1 23,6 24,1
37 20,5 21,0 21,5 22,0 22,5 23.0 23,5 24,0 24,5
38 20,9 21,4 21,9 22,4 22,9 23,4 23,9 24,4 24,9
39 21,3 21,8 22,3 22,8 23,3 23,8 24,3 24,8 25,3
40 21,7 22,2 22,7 23,2 23,7 24,2 24,7 25,2 25,7
41 22,1 22,6 23,1 23,6 24,1 24,6 25,1 25,6 26,1
42 22,5 23,0 23,5 24,0 24,5 25,0 25,5 26,0 26,5
43 22,9 23,4 23,9 24,4 24,9 25,4 25,9 26,4 26,9
44 23,3 23,8 24,3 24,8 25,3 25,8 26,3 26,8 27,3
45 23,7 24,2 24,7 25,2 25,7 26,2 26,7 27,2 27,7
46 24,1 24,6 25,1 25,6 26,1 26,6 27,1 27,6 28,1
47 24,5 25,0 25,5 26,0 26,5 27,0 27,5 28,0 28,5
48 24,9 25,4 25,9 26,4 26,9 27,4 27,9 28,4

How many problems and difficulties have previously stood in the way of a person who decided to buy himself a new pair of shoes. Now everything is much simpler: a large number of shoe stores, a rich assortment - all this helps the buyer to make the right choice and purchase the most suitable model, at a decent price and with good quality.

However, in order to buy shoes, you need to know one more thing - at least important information concerning the size. It would seem that this is so difficult? But nowadays, online purchases are gaining more and more popularity, moreover, from foreign countries, where, as you know, the numerical sizes do not coincide with the Russian ones. In this situation, it is no longer possible to do without knowledge, how to determine your foot size.

TO ak without knowledge determine the size of the foot

As correctly measure your foot size so that the ordered shoes come in time and do not cause such problems as refusal, shipment, etc.

Currently, it is customary to distinguish several measurement systems, namely:

  1. CIS numbers;
  2. system of the French method;
  3. inch system.

CIS measures the foot from the most prominent part of the heel to the tips of the toes. Measurements must be taken on bare feet, determining foot size in cm ( not even a thin toe is allowed). It is this method that is used in most cases to get the most accurate results. In the future, mm is converted to the size of a particular country, and the buyer, from whatever country he is, can choose shoes in the most convenient way for himself. That is, this option gives a clear answer, how to determine your foot size by cm.

The second method - insoles - is not very convenient because the unit of measurement in this case is a stroke of 2/3 cm. In addition to the size, you have to take into account the extra 10 mm allocated for decorative trim. As a result, many people just get confused and give up what they started without completing it. Maybe 2/3 cm is understandable for the French, but other peoples prefer determine your foot size by cm.

The inch system is based on the length of the infant's foot, but it also causes a lot of confusion and often confuses people with the correct calculations.

That is why, wishing to facilitate the work of those who wanted to know the length of their feet, people made special tables in which the comparison of the sizes of different countries is clearly visible.

How to determine the size of a child's feet

How to determine the size of a child's feet- a frequently asked question, which, as a rule, are asked by young mothers. The growth of the foot in childhood happens very quickly, and it can be extremely difficult to keep track of this process, so mothers often have to carry out calculations.

And to get the right results, you just need to know how to accurately determine the size of your feet.

The surest way, which can give the most accurate results, would be as follows:

1) With bare feet, you must put the child on a blank sheet of paper.

2) Next, carefully trace the contour of his foot, using simple pencil(so that you can correct the contour in case of something). For more accurate result you should press a little harder on the pencil, leaning it firmly against the paper.

3) It so happens that one leg may be longer than the other, then you should focus on a larger value.

4) The size obtained during the measurement should be rounded up to 5 mm (upward) - the final result is ready.

How to accurately determine your foot size

Thus, there is nothing difficult in determining the size of the foot. You just need to carefully and painstakingly complete the work, as well as follow a few simple rules:

  1. when measuring the foot, it is imperative to stand and in no case sit;
  2. it is also forbidden to curl your fingers (this primarily applies to children);
  3. the values ​​obtained must be rounded up, being guided by the principle - "great - not a little".

There is one more rule regarding the measurement of the child's foot and the subsequent purchase of shoes for him. How correctly determine the size of the child's feet? - measure it just before the moment of purchase (remembering that the child's leg grows very, very quickly).

How to determine your foot size by cm

Finding out the size of your feet, focusing on cm is the easiest way. This method does not require much thought and is quite understandable for most people. Russian cm is much more familiar to many than English inches, and this really makes the process of buying shoes easy.

It is enough to know your numerical parameters (in other words, the length of the foot), and then it will be easy to buy shoes in any country and in any online stores. And, having mastered the rules for measuring the foot on your own, you can teach this to all your friends and acquaintances, find out the sizes of loved ones and buy shoes not only for yourself, but also for them as well.

"Orthopedic footwear, uncomplicated" TU 8820-037-53279025-2004


Uncomplicated orthopedic footwear (hereinafter referred to as footwear) is footwear, the design of which is developed taking into account pathological abnormalities in the foot, lower leg or thigh.
Designed for adults and children with foot deformities and defects.
Shoes are made according to a medical order or custom made.
The type and design of the shoe depends on the anatomical and pathological changes the patient's foot. The footwear has special orthopedic parts and is made manually or mechanically.
Shoes are made everyday (summer, winter, spring-autumn, all-season) and home.
Correction, compensation, fixation of a deformed foot in orthopedic shoes is carried out by including special orthopedic parts in it. These can be hard or soft parts, interstitial layers, bottom parts of a special design.
Shoes are assigned for the purpose of:
- keep the foot in a corrected position
- rationally redistribute the load on the plantar surface of the foot
- compensate for the shortening of the limb
- hide cosmetic defects
  • Always choose the right shoes for size and fullness, take into account the seasonality.
  • New shoes should be soaked in special products and cleaned immediately after purchase.
  • Remember, leather shoes are not designed to be worn in wet, rainy weather. it is not waterproof (like rubber)
  • Do not leave your shoes in a dirty condition. this can cause discoloration and deformation of the shoe.
  • Dirty shoes should first be cleaned with a special brush, damp cloth or sponge, preventing dirt from absorbing into the skin. Only then can you take care of your skin.
  • Never dry wet shoes on hot surfaces, or near open flames. Dry your shoes at room temperature using special spacers, or pre-stuffing it tightly with paper. Dry removable insoles.
  • Clean your shoes at least once a week.
  • Nubuck and suede shoes should be dry cleaned with a special brush.
  • Leather shoes are cleaned of dust and dirt using a damp cloth soaked in soapy water.
  • After drying, the shoes must be processed. Treat leather shoes with cream, nubuck and suede shoes with a water-repellent spray.
  • It is not recommended to walk in shoes on gravel, crushed stone, surfaces where there is technical salt; avoid exposure of the upper material to alkalis, acids and other active solvents.
  • Avoid excessive mechanical stress, impacts, cuts, which, as a rule, lead to the separation of the sole and accessories.
  • When shoeing, be sure to unlace the laces, fasteners and always use a shoehorn, never take off your shoes when stepping on the heel.
  • Do not wear closed shoes on your bare feet. it is not hygienic and can cause calluses, skin imperfections and small wounds
  • Discoloration of the upper of the shoe due to water ingress is not a defect.
  • It should be borne in mind that with increased sweating of the feet or when wet, the shoes may be slightly dyed from the inside.
Dear Customers!
Please remember that with the help of our recommendations you not only extend the life of your favorite shoes, but also get good mood, a feeling of comfort and significantly save your family budget!