“School years of my parents. Project "what and how our ancestors studied" A story about the school years of parents

3295653223260As in primary school my parents studied
00How my parents studied in elementary school

Completed by a student of grade 5A Gusakova Natalia
My parents studied in the last century in the Soviet Union. It's amazing that my mom and dad went to the same school, and my mom in elementary school studied in the same class as me and she also had an "A" class. But then he looked different:

On the first of September, as now, they went to school with flowers, just for one lesson. It was called "The Lesson of Peace". At first there was a ruler on which first-graders, just like now, read poetry. The line was held where we now have a football field.

Then graduates of the 10th grade escorted them to the class of the first teacher.

The first teacher of my mother was Ageenkova Olga Pavlovna, and my father was Ustinova Lyudmila Alekseevna.
Everyone walked in one school uniform. For girls: a brown dress, a black apron (for every day) and a white apron (for a holiday), for boys: a blue jacket and blue trousers. The girls never wore trousers. The brown dress was decorated with a white collar and cuffs. When collars and cuffs got dirty, they were ripped off and sewn on by others. At that time, wearing a collar and cuffs was mandatory.
Textbooks were given out, which were taken from the guys who moved to the senior class. On the last page of the textbook, the surname and name of the student who owned the textbook earlier were indicated, and it was always possible to understand from the textbook whether this student was a slob or a neat one. In elementary school, children studied from the first to the third grades. Notebooks, diaries and others school supplies everyone had the same ones, because the choice of stationery in the stores was not large.
In the first grade, in October, all first-graders were accepted into October children, they pinned an October badge in the form of a red star with the image of young Lenin, the founder of Soviet Union. The October people lived according to the rules that every October child had to know and follow:
Octobrists are future pioneers.
The Octobrists are diligent guys, they love school, they respect their elders.
Only those who love work are called Octobrists
The October people are truthful and courageous, dexterous and skillful.
The October people are friendly guys, they read and draw, play and sing, they live happily.
It was an honor to become an October child, and the October star was the pride of every first-grader.

In the third grade, Octobrists were accepted as pioneers. Pioneer means first. At the general school line, under the banner of the school, under the drum roll, senior pioneers accepted new members into the ranks of the pioneer organization. First, the pioneer leader spoke, and then the young pioneers recited the words of the pioneer oath in front of the whole school. After that, they were tied with a red pioneer tie. The red tie was the same color as the state flag of the Soviet Union, the color of the blood shed by our ancestors for the freedom and independence of the Motherland. The pioneers had their own laws that everyone had to follow:
The Pioneer is an active fighter for peace, a friend of the Pioneers and the children of the working people of all countries.
The pioneer looks up to the communists, is preparing to become a member of the Komsomol, leads the Octobrists.
A pioneer values ​​the honor of his organization, strengthens its authority with his deeds and deeds.
The Pioneer is a reliable comrade, respects the elders, takes care of the younger ones, always acts according to conscience and honor.
They could be expelled from the pioneers with shame, for example, for meanness, for disrespect for elders, for poor study. But there were very few such cases, because all the students valued the title of PIONEER very much.

Solemn oath of the pioneer of the Soviet Union.
I (Name, Surname), joining the ranks of the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, solemnly promise in the face of my comrades: to love my Motherland passionately. Live, study and fight as the great Lenin bequeathed, as the Communist Party teaches. It is holy to observe the Laws of the Pioneers of the Soviet Union.
This oath should have been learned in advance, especially carefully repeating it on the night before a significant day, so as not to forget or confuse the words in front of "the face of your comrades."
The pioneers had many responsibilities: collecting scrap metal and waste paper, cleaning in parks and squares of the city, maintaining a school wall newspaper, Timurov's work, and much more. But the most important thing is the patronage of the Octobrists. The pioneers were given a “sponsored” first class to introduce the children to the school, to help them get comfortable, they had to follow their appearance to help you study. Pioneers, having taken on the hands of gullible, frightened first-graders, were responsible for them in everything. The first months spent all the changes with them, leading everywhere by the hand. Girls brought bows and hairpins from home, braided pigtails for babies at breaks - after all, not all mothers had the opportunity to do this at home, many left early for work. The boys taught their patrons to play football after school, to skate. Made with first graders homework. They took them to the cinema after school, buying tickets with their own pocket money. Answered the first graders' questions.
When my parents were in school, everything was completely different, not like now ... There was a different time, a different attitude to learning and teachers, other opportunities. Then there was no Internet, and everyone went to the library, picked up books, wrote abstracts and reports by hand. There were no computers in the school then, they never saw a computer presentation. The teacher had only chalk and a rag. The office equipment was old. The students respected the teachers very much, treated them with respect. Everyone went to the demonstration on May 1 and November 7 with red flags.
Then there was such a time. Now everything is different. I don't know if it's better or worse. But we should be happy with what we have now and try to be honest, kind, purposeful, hardworking and decent people.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

middle School of General education

S. Red

Design and research work

What and how our mothers and fathers, grandparents studied in elementary school.

Sukhoverkhov, Danil

4th grade student

Supervisor: Andrienko L.V.

primary school teacher

With. Red


Project relevance

Each of you at least once heard the words "wonderful school years." Someone at school likes to get new knowledge more, someone likes to meet and communicate with classmates more. But for each of us, studying at school is a time when you can learn how to learn and become a full-fledged person. Years go by, does the school change? Do we know how our parents and grandparents studied at school? Many times I went through the photos of my mother's school years, grandparents, their notebooks and diaries, which have survived to this day. It is interesting for me to consider the school uniform of that time and compare it with my own, compare assignments in notebooks and grades in diaries.Therefore, I decided to work on a project on the topic “What and how our mothers and fathers, grandparents studied in elementary school.”

Objective of the project:

Find out always whether children studied So, how todaylearning we,how my dad and mom, grandparents studied in elementary school.

Project objectives:

    Collect and analyze information about the studies of my loved ones in elementary school.

    Learn about academic subjects, textbooks, extracurricular activities.

    Compare them with modern academic subjects and textbooks.

Object of study: photographs, school notebooks, textbooks that my father and mother, grandparents studied in elementary school.

Problem Statement

Is alwayswhether childrenstudiedSo,howtodaylearningwe?

Research methods:

    Survey of parents, grandparents.

    Analysis of photographic materials, school textbooks and notebooks

Studying at school, as many say, is one of the best years in life. My mother especially likes to talk like this and remembers with pleasure how she went to school with a portfolio, how she studied and rested with her classmates.

It is difficult to argue with the statement that school years are wonderful. Studying is easier for someone, harder for someone, someone tries to learn more, someone, on the contrary, tends to mess around, but for everyone, studying at school is a time of discovery and development as a person. Years go by, does the school change? How did our parents do in school?

In many ways it was different, because at least it was a different state. My parents studied in the USSR, it was a huge and powerful country, even more than today's Russia.

Our grandparents are now 50-60 years old, which means that when they were in grades 2-3, it was the sixties of the last century. It was a time when the Soviet Union (as our country was then called) was recovering from the Great Patriotic War when our Yuri Gagarin flew into space for the first time, when television appeared.

Looking at my grandmother, I can’t even believe that she was once a girl and ran to school with a satchel. My grandparents still remember their First of September, because this is one of the most significant holidays in life!

My grandmother is on the left.My grandfather is on the far left in the front row.

Look at grandpa. Is it possible to imagine that he was afraid to admit to his mother that he received a deuce for "homework"? And that was it! My grandfather went to high school in the village of Nadezhdino Sovietsky district Omsk region.

My grandmother is on the far left in the front row.

The first teacher was remembered forever by my grandmother! She studied at the Klevtsovsk elementary school. The first teacher of my grandmother was Klevtsova Zinaida Pavlovna. She was responsive, cheerful and friendly.

My grandfather is to the right of the teacher in the front row.

In the third grade, the best Octobrists were accepted as pioneers. Pioneer means first. In November, five candidates were chosen from each class (they were the best guys in the class), and at the school-wide line, under the banner of the school, to the drum roll, the senior pioneers accepted new members into the ranks of the pioneer organization. The young pioneers recited the words of the pioneer oath in front of the whole school. After that, they were tied with a red pioneer tie. The red tie was the same color as the state flag of the Soviet Union, the color of the blood shed by our ancestors for the freedom and independence of the Motherland. The pioneers had their own laws that everyone had to follow.

My grandmother is on the left.

Yablonovskaya secondary school - 6th grade, Class teacher - Pletneva Galina Mikhailovna.

(My grandmother is on the far left)

My mother started school in 1987. She went to school5 in the city of Yelets. On the first of September, as now, all schoolchildren went to school with flowers, just for one lesson. It was called "The Lesson of Peace". Pupils were given textbooks, which they got from the guys who moved to the senior class. On the last page of the textbook, the surname and name of the student who owned the textbook earlier were indicated, and it was always possible to understand from the textbook whether this student was a slob or a neat one.

Lessons lasted forty-five minutes, and in elementary school children studied from first to third grades. The main subjects were arithmetic (mathematics today), Russian, reading, physical education, work and drawing. The highest score is FIVE, the lowest is ONE. All the children went to school in school uniforms. Each school had its own canteen, and after the first lesson the whole school was filled with the aroma of a delicious lunch.

My mom is in elementary school

The name of my mother's first teacher was Zaitseva Olga Viktorovna.Mom is happy to talk about her. She was very strict, but fair, like our Lyudmila Vladimirovna.

The study was also somewhat different from the current one. Since there were no computers, all abstracts, posters and wall newspapers were drawn up by hand. Beautiful calligraphic handwriting was highly valued, as well as the ability to draw well and design newspapers. To prepare a report on some topic, write an essay or essay, the students sat for a long time in the reading room in the library. They did not even imagine that one day any information could be found sitting at home at the computer, and there would be no need to rewrite the damaged page, it would be enough to correct the error in the text and print the sheet again. The main subjects were arithmetic (mathematics today), Russian, reading, physical education, work and drawing.

Everyone had the same notebooks, diaries and other school supplies, because the choice of stationery in the shops was small.

Now the school program is diverse. There are many training programs available. In our school, for example, this is the “School of the 21st century”, “Planet of knowledge”. I study under the program "School of Russia". Every year the program becomes more complicated, new circles, sections appear, new subjects are added.

These are my notebooks control works for grade 3

This is my regional charter

And this is my favorite 4G class

(I am in the middle row second to the left of Lyudmila Vladimirovna)

Now it seems amazing to me how my parents could do without computers, the Internet, mobile phone. It seems almost unbelievable, but they found other activities that were no less exciting for them: reading books, just walking in the yard, visiting each other. In general, in childhood, my parents had quite interesting life. In the summer they went to pioneer camps, where they went in for sports, went hiking, and swam in the river. They knew how to do a lot with their own hands: at the lessons of labor, the girls learned to sew and cook, the boys planed, sawed, made, learned to repair furniture and appliances.

Of course, a lot has changed since my parents were in school. Although they did not have computers or telephones, they school life was rich and interesting in its own way. I hope that when my children go to school, I will also have something to tell them.

>Essays on topics

My mom's school years

“We all learned little by little, / Something and somehow ...” - wrote A. S. Pushkin in his novel “Eugene Onegin”. Therefore, just like we do now, our parents once went to school. What were their youthful school years, I decided to find out from my mother during a family conversation over evening tea.

To refresh her memories, my mother brought a school photo album from the room, and together we began to look at the pictures placed in it. It turns out that in the lower grades she was still an October student and wore a special star on her uniform, but her mother no longer became a pioneer, since by that time this organization had already been abolished.

In all other respects, the school life of my parents did not differ much from ours today. They also went to classes, carried heavy briefcases with textbooks, and wrote in notebooks with ballpoint pens. Of course, in those days there was no Internet yet, and having a computer in the house was considered a luxury, so my mother and her friends spent a lot of time reading books and often visited libraries.

After classes, students sometimes gathered in the school yard. The boys were playing football on the grass, while the girls were talking quietly on the bench. Sometimes, my mother recalls, they went in a big company to see off the one who lived the farthest to the house, and then they all returned together in the same way.

Leafing through the album, I find color photographs from school holidays. In one of these pictures, my mother is shown on stage with a guitar. At that time, she studied in a music class and therefore often performed at concerts and sang songs for her peers.

Mom says that at school they had fun discos just like we do now. These events usually took place in the presence of parents and always ended with a friendly tea party.

Mom has many pleasant memories of her school years. Even now, he and his classmates sometimes get together for a get-together and, as before, have fun.