Stories to read about the afterlife. Horror stories. all these stories testify that the other world exists according to some laws of its own, unknown to us, and its inhabitants are able to penetrate our reality in order to declare their needs. Rel

Every year in the summer I go to the village to my grandmother. Unlike most villages, our village is advanced. Almost everyone has a transport there (a car or a motorcycle), and there are almost no old houses left there. Mostly “cottages” (as the locals call them, but in general they are brick semi-detached houses with an attic and an underground floor (it’s hard to call it a cellar), almost every house had plastic windows, and gas is in every house. This is the house my grandparents live in. And it was in this house that the strangest events began to take place.

By the way, I come there with my cousins, I'm not the only one who feels all this. Every day, adorable friends whom we saw once a year, a river and grandmother's goodies. In the evening we went to the bathhouse, and then went to bed. For the first week, all four of us slept on the same sofa (me, grandmother, 2 sisters), this is in a three-room apartment (in one of which grandfather slept). Well, I, a fool, decided to try how it is, when the legs are on a chair, and the head is near the wall, and someone constantly puts their legs on you. After the first such night, when my legs almost hung on the floor, I decided to beg for a separate room, but I managed to beg only for a separate bed in the same room. Well, on the very first night, a little lump came to me. I thought that the cat had come, but no - the cat was kicked out for a walk. Yes, and the feeling was that he jumped from the next sofa, and our cat is not capable of this. This lump quietly sat next to me, and went somewhere ...
The next day, I was already waiting for the moment when he would come again (why did I decide that? I don’t understand myself), but this time his arrival was less pleasant for me, he began to tickle my heels, as if with needles. And the whole week went by like that. I began to think that I was going crazy, I decided to leave for the city for 10 days, to calm down and think about everything. I can tell you that nothing like this happened in the city, which is why I decided to go back, preferring to think that I dreamed everything.

When I arrived in the village, my cousin Nastya told me that some strange things began to happen with my departure, that some little man came to her at night, who either tickled her heels or ran his fingers over her. limbs (because she was under the covers, there was less fear than me, in my sleep I throw off the blanket). Then someone seemed to be climbing the walls, and finally, our younger sister, her own, my cousin, began to scream in her sleep: “Don't come near me!!! Dont touch me!!!" When asked what she dreamed about, she said that she did not remember.

We decided to go to the great-grandmother of my sisters (God rest her kingdom), she advised us to pick thistles and another herb (I don’t remember the name), and even if the grass dries up and starts to fall off, in no case do not remove it from the room. After listening to the advice, we did just that. And after a while, all the oddities of the night slowly began to leave our lives. In the meantime, the grass began to wither and the flowers and leaves fell from the stem. When the stalk of this grass became "naked", strange sounds and the arrival of this lump stopped. But as it turned out, in my life these oddities were only an acquaintance with the other world ...

Meeting with representatives of the other world happened before and happens now, in our days. Here is a story of a woman, what is called "firsthand" about such a meeting.

That evening I saw off the mother of my friend, who had lived in our small town for more than fifty years. I came home late at night and couldn't sleep.

Evgenia became a widow for five years and lived literally ten minutes walk from my house. Her daughter, Yulia, my childhood friend, begged her mother to move to live with her in another city.
- Mom, I want you to be there. I don’t want to wake up every morning with only one thought that you are alone there, a hundred kilometers from me and my grandchildren.

As luck would have it, my eyes literally stuck together, but there was no sleep. Several times during the night I turned on the TV, picked up a book.
Then I decided to get over myself. I turned off the TV, put down the book, turned off the light and started counting.
"One... two... three... ten... eighty... one hundred and thirty... two hundred and fifty..."

And then ... Then the action unfolded according to the scenario of a science fiction film. Lying in bed, already almost asleep, I heard a soft knock on the window through my sleep. Lazily getting up, she went to the window and, opening the curtain, was horrified.

On the road outside my house was a funeral home bus with a black stripe down the middle. From it, my acquaintances, who left this world and moved to the “OTHER”, looked at me through the windows.

I felt my hands and toes get cold, sweat on my forehead and nose, my legs become cottony, and my tongue sticks to my palate. Goosebumps began to run through my body.

Near my window stood the father of my childhood friend Yulka and the husband of Evgenia, who had to leave our town early in the morning, Uncle Lenya.
- Sonya, why are you looking at me so scared? - he asked and, smiling at me, continued, - I won't do anything bad to you. Get dressed and go outside ... You need to talk ...
I continued to stand and looked in horror at the street through the window pane.
people started getting off the bus. I personally saw many of them in the coffin. They were wearing the same things in which they were seen by acquaintances and friends, seeing them off on their last journey.

Uncle Lena was approached by Tamara, a former colleague of my sister who died of cancer, leaving a two-year-old son.
- Why don't you come to us? - Tamara asked, - Do not be afraid of us ... We will not do anything bad to you ... You need to be afraid of the living, not the dead ...
- What are you doing here? - I asked frightened, thinking that DEATH came for me, - I don't want to die! I do not want! It's bad, it's scary and it's dark there...
- Look at me, - Uncle Lenya said and smiled again, - Look at me carefully... Do I look bad?

For the last ten years of his life, Uncle Lenya was very often ill and was very overweight. In addition to asthma, he also had a bunch of other side diseases. Now in front of me stood a fit, lively man with clear eyes.

I live in a beautiful place, - he said, - in a pine forest ... This place is ideal for my health.
- What are you doing here? - I asked with a slurring tongue, - You are all dead.
- They came to visit you, earthlings, - a good friend of mine, who died in a car accident, intervened in the conversation.

I don't remember what happened next ... and how many minutes or seconds I stood with my mouth open. Then ... Then I asked them:
- What's there? On the other side of life? Is it scary there? Badly?
- No, - said Uncle Lenya, - the DEVIL is not so terrible as you draw it ... There is a different life ... Other concepts about life ...

Do you want to go back... to us... to Earth?
- We want peace... We want the Earthlings not to touch us, not offend us and remember that we are always there for you, we follow your life...
- Follow? I asked scared.
- So, I came to see how my wife will leave our house ... It's hard for her to do this ... It's hard ... So I came to help her, support her ...

Uncle Lenya, - after a short silence, I asked, - Do you want to join us? In our life?
- My mission on Earth is over... I did everything I could... Now I'm at home.
- Houses? - I asked in bewilderment, - How is it at home? I am at home... But you are not at home... You are in a coffin...
“Ha-ha-ha,” the dead men laughed merrily.

Sonechka, - said Tamara, - It's you who is a guest ... An earthly guest ... And the coffin ... So we leave your world ...
- Just don’t try to tell me that it’s good there ... That there is an afterlife kingdom, and everyone lives happily ever after, like in a fairy tale.
- Why does everyone live happily ever after, like in a fairy tale?! No... Life there is not heavenly either... One must also work and live there... There is eternity... And here is the stop...

I no longer remember what I asked, what they told me, I only remember one thing, that I asked several questions, which to this day make me think about a lot.
- How often do you visit us, and how often do you want to see us?
“Practically none of us is drawn to Earth… But there are exceptions… Grandparents who have small grandchildren want to see the kids… They come to them at night when they are fast asleep,” Uncle Lenya said.
- I want to see my son ... Hold him close ... I left him so small, so helpless ... I left him when he needed me so much ... I don’t visit him very often ... I don’t have time for this, - with annoyance in his voice said Tamara.

We have our own life, and don’t bother us over trifles… Don’t come to the grave when you feel like it… Don’t disturb us… Don’t torment us and don’t torment our souls… There is a church for this… Go there… Pray for the repose of our souls,” he said uncle Lena.
- Why?
- You are invading another world... A world incomprehensible to you... The time will come when you yourself will understand everything...

Who feels bad there, in this OTHER world?
- Who is bad? To the one who sentenced himself and took his own LIFE... It's scary... It's very scary... WE, our world, do not accept these people, and in yours they are already dead... They are trying to settle down with the dead, but this is impossible... God gave man life, and only God can take it away from us.
- Uncle Lenya, don't scare me. Are you trying to say that a murderer... A person who took the life of another lives better in your world than the one who decides his own fate?
- Probably, yes ... These people are slaves ... They accept newcomers ... They work with them ... They adapt with them ... They teach them to live according to our laws ...

The alarm went off in the room...

I stood in the middle of the room in clothes and was shaking with fear ... To this day I still can’t understand what it was: a DREAM OR ...

And if OR...

Stuttering, I began to talk about the night aliens.
After the story was told, there was silence in the accounting department. An older woman interrupted her.
“This is a miracle,” she said, “Formerly, those people who took their own lives were buried outside the cemetery gates and they were not buried in the church ...

A year later, my friend comes to me and says:
- I had one life situation... I didn’t see a way out ... My mother died, my husband went to another ... I didn’t want to live at all ... I decided to cut my veins ... I filled the bathtub with water, took a knife and ... At that moment I remembered your story about the night guests ... I felt scared ... Scared that in that world I do not understand, I will suffer even more. Two days later, I met Sasha ... Now we are waiting for our son ... There are simply no hopeless situations ... If you can’t fight, then you just need to wait out this unsuccessful period.

The leading designer of OKB "Impulse" Vladimir Efremov died suddenly. He coughed, sank down on the sofa and fell silent. Relatives at first did not understand that a terrible thing had happened.

We thought we were sitting down to rest. Natalia was the first to come out of her stupor. She touched her brother on the shoulder.

- Volodya, what's wrong with you?

Yefremov collapsed helplessly on his side. Natalya tried to feel for a pulse. The heart didn't beat! She began to do artificial respiration, but her brother was not breathing.

Natalya, herself a physician, knew that the chances of salvation were decreasing every minute. Tried to "start" the heart, massaging the breasts. The eighth minute was drawing to a close when her palms felt a slight push back. The heart turned on. Vladimir Grigorievich breathed on his own.

- Alive! his sister hugged him. We thought you were dead. That's all, the end!

“There is no end,” whispered Vladimir Grigorievich. There is also life there. But different. It is better...

Vladimir Grigorievich wrote down the experience during clinical death in all details. His testimonies are priceless. This is the first scientific study of the afterlife by a scientist who has experienced death himself. Vladimir Grigorievich published his observations in the journal Nauchno-tekhnicheskie vedomosti of St. Petersburg State Technical University, and then spoke about them at a scientific congress.

His report on the afterlife became a sensation.

- It's impossible to imagine! - said Professor Anatoly Smirnov, head of the International Club of Scientists.


The reputation of Vladimir Efremov in scientific circles is impeccable.

He is a major specialist in the field of artificial intelligence, worked for a long time at the Impulse Design Bureau. Participated in the launch of Gagarin, contributed to the development of the latest rocket systems. Four times his research team received the State Prize.

“Before his clinical death, he considered himself an absolute atheist,” says Vladimir Grigorievich. I trusted only the facts. He considered all discussions about the afterlife to be a religious intoxication. To be honest, I did not think about death then. There were so many cases in the service that even in ten lives it would not be cleared up. Then there was no time to be treated - my heart was naughty, chronic bronchitis tortured me, other ailments annoyed me.

On March 12, at the house of my sister, Natalia Grigorievna, I had a coughing fit. I felt like I was suffocating. The lungs did not obey me, I tried to take a breath - and could not! The body became wadded, the heart stopped. The last air came out of his lungs with wheezing and foam. The thought flashed through my brain that this was the last second of my life.

But for some reason, consciousness did not turn off. Suddenly there was a feeling of extraordinary lightness. Nothing hurt me anymore - neither my throat, nor my heart, nor my stomach. I felt so comfortable only as a child. I did not feel my body and did not see it. But with me were all my feelings and memories. I was flying somewhere along a giant pipe. The feeling of flying was familiar, something like this had happened before in a dream. Mentally tried to slow down the flight, change its direction. Happened! There was no horror or fear. Only bliss. I tried to analyze what was going on. Conclusions came instantly. The world you are in exists. I think, therefore I also exist. And my thinking has the property of causality, since it can change the direction and speed of my flight.


“Everything was fresh, bright and interesting,” Vladimir Grigoryevich continues his story. “My mind worked in a completely different way than before. It encompassed everything at once at the same time, neither time nor distance existed for it. I admired the surroundings. It was like it was rolled up into a tube. I did not see the sun, everywhere an even light, not casting shadows. Some inhomogeneous structures resembling a relief are visible on the walls of the pipe. It was impossible to determine which was up and which was down.

I tried to memorize the area over which I flew. It looked like some kind of mountains.

The landscape was remembered without any difficulty, the volume of my memory was truly bottomless. I tried to return to the place over which I had already flown, mentally imagining it. Everything came out! It was like teleportation.

TV set

“A crazy thought came,” Efremov continues his story. To what extent can you influence the world? And is it possible to return to your past life? Mentally imagined the old broken TV from his apartment. And I saw him from all sides at once. Somehow I knew everything about him. How and where was it designed. He knew where the ore was mined, from which the metals that were used in the construction were smelted. He knew what steelmaker did it. I knew that he was married, that he had problems with his mother-in-law. I saw everything related to this TV globally, realizing every little thing. And he knew exactly which part was faulty. Then, when they resuscitated me, I changed that T-350 transistor and the TV started working ...

There was a sense of the omnipotence of thought. For two years our design bureau struggled to solve the most difficult task related to cruise missiles. And suddenly, having presented this design, I saw the problem in all its versatility. And the solution algorithm arose by itself.

Then I wrote it down and IMPLEMENTED ...

The realization that he was not alone in the next world came to Efremov gradually.

“My informational interaction with the environment gradually lost its one-sided character,” says Vladimir Grigorievich. - The answer to the formulated question appeared in my mind. At first, these responses were perceived as natural result reflections. But the information coming to me began to go beyond the limits of the knowledge that I had during my lifetime. The knowledge gained in this tube was many times greater than my previous baggage!

I realized that I was being guided by Someone omnipresent, without boundaries. And He has unlimited possibilities, is omnipotent and full of love. This invisible, but tangible subject of my whole being did everything not to frighten me. I realized that it was He who showed me the phenomena and problems in the whole causal relationship. I did not see Him, but I felt it sharply, sharply. And I knew it was God...

Suddenly I noticed that something was bothering me. I was dragged outside like a carrot from a garden. Didn't want to go back, everything was fine. Everything flashed, and I saw my sister. She was frightened, and I beamed with delight ...


Efremov in his scientific papers described the afterlife with the help of mathematical and physical terms. In this article, we decided to try to do without complex concepts and formulas.

— Vladimir Grigoryevich, what can you compare the world to which you found yourself after death?

Any comparison would be wrong. The processes there do not proceed linearly, as we do, they are not extended in time. They go at the same time and in all directions. Objects "in the next world" are presented in the form of information blocks, the content of which determines their location and properties. Everyone and everything is with each other in a causal relationship. Objects and properties are enclosed in a single global information structure, in which everything goes according to the laws set by the leading subject - that is, God. He is subject to the appearance, change or removal of any objects, properties, processes, including the passage of time.

- How free is a person, his consciousness, soul there in his actions?

- A person, as a source of information, can also influence objects in the sphere accessible to him. At my will, the relief of the “pipe” changed, and terrestrial objects appeared.

- It looks like the films "Solaris" and "The Matrix" ...

- And on a giant computer game. But both worlds, ours and the afterlife, are real. They constantly interact with each other, although they are isolated from each other, and together with the controlling subject - God - form a global intellectual system.

Our world is simpler to comprehend, it has a rigid frame of constants that ensure the inviolability of the laws of nature, time acts as the beginning connecting events.

In the afterlife, there are either no constants at all, or there are much fewer of them than in ours, and they can change. The basis for building that world is information formations containing the entire set of known and still unknown properties of material objects in the complete absence of the objects themselves. So, as on Earth it happens in the conditions of computer simulation. I understood that a person sees there what he wants to see. Therefore, descriptions of the afterlife by people who survived death differ from each other. The righteous sees heaven, the sinner sees hell...

For me, death was an indescribable joy, incomparable to anything on Earth. Even love for a woman is nothing compared to what she experienced there....


Vladimir Grigorievich read Holy Scripture after his resurrection. And he found confirmation of his posthumous experience and his thoughts about the information essence of the world.

“The Gospel of John says that “in the beginning was the Word,” Efremov quotes the Bible. And the Word was with God, and the Word was God. It was in the beginning with God. Everything came into being through Him, and without Him nothing came into being that came into being.” Isn't this a hint that in Scripture the "word" means some kind of global informational essence, which includes the all-encompassing content of everything?

Efremov put his posthumous experience into practice. He brought the key to many complex tasks that have to be solved in earthly life from there.

“The thinking of all people has the property of causality,” says Vladimir Grigorievich. “But few people know about it. In order not to harm yourself and others, you need to follow the religious norms of life. The holy books are dictated by the Creator, they are safety precautions for humanity...

- Vladimir Efremov: “Death is not terrible for me now. I know it's a door to another world."

Most recently, I wrote a story on the site and clarified that this is the only mysterious story that happened to me. But gradually more and more new cases surfaced in my memory that happened, if not with me, then with people next to me, who, of course, can not be trusted without exception. But if you do not believe everyone who is close to you, then you can not trust yourself.

Today I want to talk about own experience, but about the story told to me by close comrades, who could well be called a friend, if we communicate at least a little more often and we have more common interests. By the way, he Virgo, zodiac sign he has one like that. I want to tell you completely, the characteristics are the same, just to the point of being strange. So I could exaggerate something a little, but I certainly didn’t lie. During one of the gatherings, he said that his grandmother turned out to be a "witch", like her great-great-grandmother - according to the classics of the genre, the "gift" was passed down through the generation. True, by the time of the grandmother’s life, it was not worth “boasting” for a gift - and therefore it was considered more like a curse, and not something good. Be that as it may, some of the abilities were transferred to the sister of my comrade. Which diligently denied them and did not want to have anything to do with them. Apparently, such are her childhood impressions.

But let's finally get to the story. One day my sister fell ill with a serious skin disease. What exactly no one could understand from her - they called it both allergies and eczema, prescribed tons of medicines (fortunately, then there was no commercial medicine and doctors actually treated, and did not try to increase the number of visits to them), but nothing helped . For a “marriageable girl”, the skin condition was critical and the disease brought terrible suffering, not only physical, but also psychological.

This went on for several months, until one day the girl had a dream. She had this dream in the town where her grandmother lived (the grandfather had died by that time). In the dream, the girl left her house and went to her grandmother's house. And then, halfway in front of her, a hole began to appear on the road.

It looked very surreal - the thought immediately came to mind that it was not just a "pit", but a "hole into another world." Moreover, it was clearly not a “gate”, but a strange and not particularly beautiful “hole”. Before the girl had time to start to get scared, her dead grandfather crawled out of the "pit". His whole appearance spoke of the fact that where he got out from, he was not particularly well. He was all tired and worn out. He got out and immediately spoke:

- What, granddaughter, are you going to your grandmother?

Yes, to grandma.

- This is good. She didn't have long left. Soon to us, here to her.

They were silent for a while, then the grandfather looked intently at his granddaughter.

- You're sick, I'm looking?

- Yes, I'm sick.

- Nothing helps?

- Not. Several months already...

- And it won't help. Listen to me. You will come now to your grandmother, go to the garden. There are wild onions growing behind the toilet. Narvi it, crush it and smear it with juice. Then everything will pass. Otherwise, it doesn't matter.

Having said this, he again climbed into the hole and it gradually closed.

There was both good and bad in this meeting in a dream. The juice of wild onions from the back of the garden really helped the girl - everything went away in two weeks. But my grandmother died two weeks later. And judging by the look and words of my grandfather, she didn’t get exactly where we would like our dead loved ones to go.

Story from the afterlife

Part 1 I died quietly and almost imperceptibly, almost because I myself almost did not feel it, only suddenly I saw myself somewhere above. By old age I had neither relatives nor friends, I never had children and grandchildren, in fact, I lived all my life as an old maid. And who should you marry? Still, I am very ancient, born in 1900, until my youth I lived normally in our intelligentsia family, attended the institute and almost finished it, just the revolution, and there are red and white, who to marry? She didn’t accept the revolution, but she kept quiet for self-preservation, her former relatives fled abroad, and I couldn’t because of illness, then I got a job in the office, and they settled in a communal apartment, in which, with the exception of evacuation during the Great Patriotic War and lived all her life until the resettlement in the 1990s. Our house was to be demolished, so I got at least a small, but an apartment. For all my long life it always seemed to me that people after the revolution were somehow not the same, not only the proletarians, but also the nobles and the intelligentsia tucked their paws and shut up, and for the rest of their lives retained nostalgia for that pre-revolutionary intelligentsia, it seemed to me that only then people had bright ideals , and then everything is just tinsel. Therefore, she did not marry, because just as it did not appear on the map of Russia in 1917, so those people did not. Well, what’s really there, in the end, at more than a hundred years old, I didn’t fall into senile dementia, I can serve myself, maybe because I lived my whole life quietly and without adventures, didn’t climb on the rampage, and even formidable me years of repression no one paid attention. And now I sat down on a chair to relax, and found that I could not get up, but I separated my body and saw it from above. I knew right away that I was dead. I considered myself an educated person and read all the literature about death that I could get, so I can say that I met the end of my life prepared. Well, yes, my body is sitting below in an armchair, but there is no one to bury me, so it is lying around in the apartment. But now it doesn't matter, even if it decomposes without me, even if it turns into a mummy.
A corridor was formed, into which I went to meet my relatives and friends, the meeting was joyful, besides, in the afterlife, as you know, thought is more material than in ours, so I could afford that it didn’t work out on Earth - with one thought I changed clothes, expensive and beautiful, ate outlandish food that you can’t chic on retirement, and also went down to Earth to watch performances and movies. And everything is free, and as a stowaway no one will kick me out. And more for a short time you can travel without using transport. For all this interesting life, I completely forgot about my untidy body. I remembered, I decided to visit what was there and how. It turned out that my body still began to decompose, so the neighbors called the district police officer, they thought it was murder, but they only felt the stench. The district police officer entered the testimony in the protocol. and my body was taken to the crematorium to burn the remains. I was very close, but, of course, no one saw or heard me, it just became funny. I was attacked by a playful mood, which has not been since early youth. I tossed the policeman's cap off, patted my neighbor on the shoulder, and rapped on the wall of my apartment. People looked at each other.
“It seems that the spirit of the old woman has not calmed down,” the neighbor suggested.
- It is not surprising, there is no one to bury her. And I heard that all the unburied dead are restless, another neighbor added.
I giggled, in fact, I didn’t care what they would do with my body, it was just the mood. But then I decided that there was nothing interesting for me and went to my world in the Other World. There was my girlfriend Lida, who died back in the 1960s and did not even find the collapse Soviet Union. Now I told her my news, she told me hers. I even visited her cemetery, which is in Paris. Following my example, Lida also decided to visit my apartment, where death caught me, but I could not, there are also enough things to do in the Other World. Upon returning, Lida excitedly told that now it was announced that a ghost lives in our house, so it is full of visitors and tourists, the residents even got rich. But taking advantage of their gullibility, thieves are now robbing the apartment in the house.
- Now, do you understand what your playfulness turned into? - said a friend reproachfully.
- Yes ... Lida, let's peep and punish these thieves ourselves. Since we are invisible and inaudible to people, everything is possible for us.
Linda thought:
- I don’t really want to share your adventurism, during your life you were quiet and calm. Except for the sake of Mitenka...
- What Mitenki? - I did not understand.
- Dmitry Petrovich - your precinct. Don't you know what his name is? Weird. Well, I really liked him.
- I understand everything, - I answered, - But what if you liked it? The dead and the living cannot get along in the same harness.
- Shall we invite him over? No, I'm not suggesting killing, don't think. But now we know that during sleep, the soul also travels, so come on, Mitenka will visit us.
“Just don’t scare him too much,” I chuckled, “Well, he will come to us, stay for a while, and then what?” Will look for such a living one, but you're dead? You thought it was bad.
- He will not remember, we will force him to swim in Lethe before returning, - Lida developed her plan, - And at the same time we will see what kind of person. If standing, as it seemed to me, then I will try to incarnate in the near future.
- And I thought how he would live with a woman 100 years older than him, and even a ghost, - the irony did not leave me, - Okay, now the main thing is not Mitenka, but how to defend my house from thieves. Believe me, now I am very ashamed of my playfulness. Only now I realized how I let down all the good people living there. Part 2 I somehow don't really like to communicate in the Other World with people of my generation. His - these are those who lived in the 20th century. Still, quite recently, many were firmly convinced that after death they would be emptied and unconscious. And since thought is material, what you thought about, you got it. They walk like zombies, albeit without a body, their consciousness is half-asleep, some souls even resemble marmots, they ate - although the dead do not need food, they slept, although what kind of dream is there, if you sleep forever, communication is fragmentary, as if talking in a dream. Horror! It is terrible to look as if these souls have chosen their own disability and stubbornly adhere to it. Another thing is those who died a little earlier or a little later. Until the 20th century, the Church enlightened about the afterlife, however, one-sidedly and vaguely and without details, but everyone knew that the soul is eternal and does not die after death, so there is no reason to fall into unconsciousness. And in our time, more books have been published about that world, those who have been in clinical death say that science does not stand still, esotericists and psychics also help. In general, things are much better with education about life after death. I am glad that I do not have children and grandchildren, given that I lived on earth for more than 100 years, they could very well die without receiving proper training about the afterlife, and I would not like to see my children and grandchildren as comatose zombies in the other world.
Here is my friend and the same age as Lida - an exception to the rule, although she was also of the 20th century and died exactly almost in the middle of the century. That's why it's a pleasure to talk to her. Lida and I are still on a voluntary basis returning home, home in the sense of the reality of the Other World of lost souls. There are souls who have died, but they themselves do not understand that they have died, and therefore they resist in every possible way the transition to the subtle world. Usually they have some unfinished business in this world or from a sense of peace, there are those who are simply unable to part with the familiar reality. Probably, many owners of ancient castles should be very grateful to us that they cleared their possessions of ghosts, but they do not know that it was we who helped them. Of course, it was interesting to talk, not everyone can have an interlocutor who died several centuries ago and at the same time understand each other, especially from other countries. In the Other World, knowledge of languages ​​does not matter, since telepathy is the most common thing. But all the same, I did not make friends with ghosts from foreigners, but with quite our spirit. Even a war hero. Timofey during World War II and died in young age For 24 years, fighting for the village of Upper Wolves, Tim did not understand that he had died, and continued to mow down the Nazis and go with ours, but then he saw that no one was paying attention to him, but the Germans somehow quickly left the village, even none of them did not expect such a rush. There were rumors that supposedly ghosts help the Russians, but our atheists are something, especially since Timofey did not touch his own. He would have reached Berlin, if not for one circumstance. In order to travel in this world without interference, being a disembodied spirit, one must visit the world of the Other World at least once, appear, communicate there, and without this, the spirit of the deceased is chained to the place of his death. But Timothy didn’t guess anything, they were taught that the That Light does not exist, and after death, emptiness awaits, and once in consciousness, it means he is alive. So Timofey hovered around the village, he was not a noisy spirit, he was just an observer, he grieved for the death of the Russian village, but he did not express himself, so no one suspected him. Until we came with help. Unlike me, Tim supported the idea of ​​inviting Mitenka to the Other World for a tea party, I guess that he wanted to communicate with the living, and it’s not so easy, to come to relatives in dreams - they get scared, but you won’t ask for psychics, it’s not allowed in the Other World develop technical means of communication with this Light. Well, okay, the main thing is that Timothy agreed to drive the thieves out of the house of my last registration.
Having looked from our side, we outlined apartments with valuable property that would most likely be looted and began to wait, however, soon Lida said that she knew which apartment they would rob and called in:
- You know, Lelya, - she said, - I figured out how to scare thieves better, so that there would be no trace of someone else's covetousness. Here is the elixir, let's sprinkle it, and the thieves will see real ghosts, then there will be a lesson!
- And I took the machine gun with me, - said Timofey, - look!
- What about your machine gun, - I interrupted, - all the same, in your condition you can’t shoot anyone with it.
- Yes, I did not think to shoot people, - Tim justified himself, - This is for intimidation and self-defense. I suppose they got hold of something from weapons, and what are we, worse?
“Yeah, you can’t demand a license from the dead to carry weapons. Yes, why limit yourself to an automatic machine, it’s better to use a tank, there will be no harm to the apartment, it looks much more impressive.
Timothy did not understand my irony.
- And then, the idea, - he said, - Well, how is it, for the motherland, for Stalin!
- And you know that it turned out that Stalin was not a hero, but a villain, - I decided to enlighten the naive veteran, - even Khrushchev wrote a report about this. Well, this is who came to power after Stalin. Repressions, arrests, camps, however, no one needed me for nothing.
- Still, your generation did not appreciate Stalin, - Tim objected, - he carried out a major industrialization, he moved the country for almost 100 years.
- But at what cost! It is better to live in the countryside by subsistence farming, but to be healthy, happy and rich, and free, than to get 10 years for bringing a spikelet from a collective farm field out of hunger, - I continued to get excited.
Quiet, comrades! - Lida butted in, - let's leave the dispute for another time, our "clients" are coming.
“And yet, for some reason, in our time there is even more literature of various kinds about Stalin than about Lenin ...” I continued enlightenment.
“Shhh!” Lida and Timofey hissed at me.
Bandit-looking men entered the room. Both were in good mood and with bags for the loot.
- Ghosts, ghosts, - said one, - There are no ghosts in the world, it's stupid people who believe. I personally haven't seen one. But I support rumors about ghosts in our house, they are a great help in our craft.
- Yes, and what a ghost is in this house, - another supported, - an old woman of a hundred years. Would you be scared of an old lady?
The first one laughed.
- Watching what. If she guesses how death to dress, then perhaps. And so, the grandmothers of God's dandelions are harmless.
Lida pushed me on the elbow:
- It's time! Let's get the elixir!
My friend looked at me critically.
- You haven't prepared something suitable for yourself. Well, yes, in our position at any moment you can, the main thing is not to miss the exhibition.
- Quicker! - Shouted Tim - They are already collecting things!
I decided that the thieves gave me a good idea, and it's really nice to experience death.
We sprinkled ourselves with the elixir and appeared under the bright eyes of the guests. There was a scream in the room, the thieves dropped their things and rushed to run away. Here Timofey before that, in his translucent form, ran after them with a Kalashnikov assault rifle, but decided to go on a tank anyway. And to achieve the effect, I stood next to the tank, with a skull instead of a face, with a scythe and in a black cloak. At the sight of an approaching tank and swept away, one of the thieves fainted, the other, overcoming a fainting state, dragged his comrade to the exit from the house. Then I noticed that Lida was wearing ... a ball gown from the late 19th century. Seeing my astonished look, my friend explained:
- The appearance of a young lady in such an outfit is also spectacular, because now no one walks like that. And for a long time I wanted to show off in such an outfit.
- Yeah! - playfulness attacked me again, - come on, who has not lost his senses, we will finish.
And dressed in a no less spectacular outfit of the last century, she paraded with Timofey by the hand in front of the eyes of the criminal, even winked, and threw him an imaginary fan. The second one also broke off.
The thieves came to their senses for a long time:
“Listen, Kolyan,” the first one began, “what happened, tell anyone, they won’t believe it.” Maybe we were hallucinating? It seems that we didn’t drink singed vodka, at least not in such quantity that a squirrel happened in the midst of work. Have you also seen a young lady, a Red Army soldier during the Great Patriotic War and death?
- Yes, too .. - the second one paused thoughtfully, - And there was also a tank there, as if a soldier was running to himself with a machine gun and for no reason at all a tank that appeared out of nowhere sat down.
- I also saw a tank, - the first one said thoughtfully, - And then the soldier, along with the young lady, paraded past me. Although he is from the 1940s, and she is from the beginning of the century. And when the girl winked at me, I passed out too.
- Something new in our house? - Asked a passing old woman, - Again, our ghost has done something.
- You seem to have more than one ghost wound up, - the criminal said sarcastically. And he told everything as it was, concealing that they had come to the apartment to steal, according to his story, it turned out that he and his partner were going to themselves and did not touch anyone, and suddenly such an idea happened before them. The grandmother's reaction amazed the men.
- As the youth say now, cool! - the old woman beamed, - It must be such an effect! Now our house will become a full-fledged tourist attraction, and Afanasyevna and I will charge a fee. And the joyful old woman rushed, apparently, to Afanasyevna.
- It's great that an advanced grandmother got caught, - Kolyan rejoiced, - Another would have called a psychiatric hospital.
“It’s just that the house is considered special with a ghost, so they believe it,” the partner objected, “say thank you that we didn’t get caught on a hot one and no one asked provocative questions.
- You do what you want, but I won’t go to work here anymore, - Kolyan said, - It’s one thing if these ghosts just walked around like that, and another thing when they rush right at you. Thank you, I'm here.
“Maybe we’ll come up with something else, it’s not evening yet,” the second one replied.
And Lida scolded me and Timofey:
- How so, you threw the thieves? So what, even if a comrade was disconnected, but it is necessary to hand them over to the police, and not just scare them.
“They must have been scared for life,” I suggested, “they won’t steal anymore.”
- Well, they will not climb into your house, - Lida agreed, - but they will go to another. Therefore, criminals must be caught so that they commit less evil. And by the way... No wonder I want to invite Mitenka to visit us in the Other World. There I will tell him everything and hand over these as warm. You don't keep in touch with your precinct in vain.
“How do you know,” I said.
- Yes, we'll do that. Not because I really liked Mitya, and I want to see him, but also for the sake of our common cause and the preservation of order on Earth, - Lida reasoned, - You hissed at me in vain, one is inseparable from the other, but it should be so. And you, Timothy, look where our "clients" live. And then, friends, help me get ready for the meeting with Mitya... Part 3 Lida and I set the table, of course, no food is needed in the Other World, but for Mitenka you need to create a familiar atmosphere, even in a dream. Timothy symbolically washed his uniform and mentally dressed himself in everything new. As a war hero, he proudly wore the outfit of a Red Army soldier of 1944 and did not want to change for anything else. Lida and I made ourselves young ladies like that at the age of 18-19, what do you think, it’s customary to present ourselves as old women. We must use the opportunity to materialize thoughts.
Dmitry Petrovich, exactly as agreed, went to us together with Lida.
- Excuse me, young ladies, - the district police officer said cheerfully, - I won't be long, there is a lot of work and time is running out.
- So we're just talking about work, - I said, - You know the house on N Street, which is constantly robbed, we can tell where to look for criminals. Timofey, what did intelligence show?
- Intelligence showed, - Timothy hesitated, - I don't know how to say it. About the general, the robbers are not from our world?
- How not from our world? - we cried simultaneously with Lida, - They were alive!
- I'm not saying that the dead, - explained Timofey, - just from a parallel world. The scoundrels got the hang of coming into our world on purpose to steal, and with the loot to their home and covered, they think that the police will not find them.
- Wait, is there a police in that parallel world? What she does?
- If a parallel world exists, - the district police officer gave a voice, - But the local police will not be interested in them, because no one files a statement about the robbery, and other people's things can be carried in such a way that an outsider will not guess anything. We in the police do not grab everyone in a row - he stole or did not steal.
Dmitry Petrovich took a sip of tea:
- Yes, the situation... Haven't you heard that there are ghosts in that house? Could this be their work?
“We were those ghosts, how dare you accuse us?! - I got angry, - We scared the thieves to death especially for you, and decided to hand you over lukewarm, but you still don’t trust us.
Are you really ghosts? - Mitenka stared at us.
- Yes, and we want to help you, - said Lida, - Don't worry, we'll definitely think of something. Timofey, how did you get into a parallel world? So you can get there dead?
- It's even easier for the dead than for the living, - Tima replied, - But still, it's also on a subtle plane, and also, as it were, a different reality. Confused in general. Let's develop a plan together and decide how to proceed. I will be the conductor.
Timothy thought:
- You know what, girls, is strange for me? Criminals easily go from world to world, but they do not believe in ghosts! Don't they find it strange?
- It does not seem, - I answered, - Since they are still alive. They still have everything ahead of them. I mean the subtle plan and the other world.
- Well, it's time for me, I don't know why, but I feel that it's time, - Dmitry Petrovich was alarmed, - How can I find you girls.
- You don't have to look for us, - Lida answered with concern, - you won't find us yourself, we'll find you.
- Well, how can I not find it? I'm ashamed to say, I'm from the police and the search for people is our direct duty, - objected the district police officer.
- Mitenka, let's not ask us questions about that yet, I can't explain anything yet.
- All the same, I'll run you through the database, all of a sudden you're hiding something bad, - Dmitry Petrovich's professional pride was wounded.
We felt awkward.
- Dmitry Petrovich, we will see you off, - suggested Lida.
We got up and hit the road. Lida and her Mitenka are in front, Timofey and I are behind.
- You know, Lelya, - one thought came to my mind.
- Which? I asked.
- Come on, when the time comes to incarnate in a new life, then we will be born at the same time so that we can continue to be friends on Earth?
- Timosh, of course, I'm flattered, but don't forget that we have to redo our affairs here. Who among the living will help Dmitry Petrovich? Indeed, even during the war, the liberation of the motherland was in the first place, and personal - then.
But our lyrical conversations were interrupted by the cry of the district police officer:
- Misha! - he clearly saw some kind of soul, - You are here! And I thought, brother, that you crashed to death in an accident! And you are alive! Why don't you send news to me and my mother?!
The one who was called Misha looked strangely at Dmitry Petrovich:
- I'm dead and have been living here for a long time, and what are you doing here?
“You mean to say that we are in the Other World,” laughed Mitenka.
- Exactly! - Misha nodded, - and you thought where?
- How in the Other World? - the precinct looked at our faces in confusion, - Am I dead?
- Do not be afraid, you are alive, - Lida began to reassure him, - Now you are sleeping, that is, your body is sleeping, and yours is walking with us. And when you wake up, you will again be in your body and in your world. And you will catch a bunch of criminals on the left of your native police.
- Oh, what have you become! - Misha said mockingly, - Already dead girls are chasing you. But you really need to wake up, otherwise you'll be late for work.
We brought Mitenka to the border line, and he disappeared. Lida walked back thoughtfully:
- You know what I think? - she said, - All the same, in this world Mitenka will have to appear before her eyes.
- Are you kidding me? Only ghosts were not enough for him to see! - I was indignant.
- I feel that dreams will not be enough, - Lida admitted with a sigh, - Especially since he will still have to catch thieves in reality. So I decided ... for the cause it is necessary ... And not quite a ghost, I heard that some dead people successfully pretend to be alive, and the living do not realize that in front of them is one soul without a body. I'll try not to scare anyone...
- Well, just be careful, without any there ... - I was also worried, - Oh, what we got ourselves into.
- But with interesting people met! - objected Lida, - Not only do I not regret anything, but I'm even glad that it happened. We, including Mitenka, definitely need this experience, I feel.
I didn’t try to convince my friend, because it’s true, you need to think about a common cause, which is very difficult. Is the union of the dead and the living impossible? But it turns out that at least one living one is needed, and since they took up the tug ...
And Dmitry Petrovich woke up exactly on the alarm clock. “I need to have a dream, girls from the Other World, criminals, a parallel world, a deceased brother ... But still, I remember everything quite clearly, maybe a prophetic dream? lead and meet." With these thoughts, the precinct came to work. On the database, it turned out that Timofey went missing in the army back in 1944, presumably killed, and one girl died in the middle of the 20th century, the other quite recently and no longer a girl, but an old woman. "Some stupid things come out," thought Mitenka, "at least I know that these people actually existed. And how this relates to our business, I can't imagine. Suppose the old woman lived in the nth house, where theft became more frequent, then she died, but how can she help? Should I turn to an espresso? Some kind of spiritualist? The whole department will laugh, but I have to. There were cases when the police showed clairvoyants photographs of missing people. " With these thoughts, Mitenka left the department to drink coffee in a nearby cafe. An unusual girl caught his eye, he seemed to have clearly seen her, but some kind of alien, and most importantly, she looked like a girl from a dream. Dmitry Petrovich was not in the habit of making acquaintances on the street, he did not approve of this, but here he could not resist, as if an unknown force was pushing him:
- Girl, can I meet you? - He asked politely, - You are so unearthly that you need protection, - the district police officer decided that with a compliment, the chances of luck would increase.
“Lida,” the girl answered simply.
“Is she or not she?” thought Mitya, “It seems that she is, because the dead do not immediately incarnate into an adult girl. Maybe it’s just a similar girl, but if I tell her, she will still laugh and decide that something is wrong with my head. But anyway, I don't want to lose her."
And aloud asked quite a traditional question:
- Can we go to a cafe? It seems that you are not in a hurry, but I have a lunch break. By the way, what do you prefer? Part 4 Lida undressed, turned into a real live girl and went to where, according to her calculation, Dmitry Petrovich should pass, but approaching the meeting point she froze and stood up in her tracks. Mitenka was already sitting in the cafe with her an exact copy, but Lida knew that it was not her. Who is this girl and what does she want? Lida might have said goodbye if the girl had been alive, although she looked alive to the living, but Lida clearly felt that the girl was exactly the same ghost. like herself. The Enchantress smiled at Dmitry and made an appointment in the evening at the hotel, and Lida's heart sank, but not because of jealousy, but she simply felt that Mitenka might get into trouble. When another false Lida left the cafe, the real Lida called out to her, the girl did not respond, then Lida did what the dead do, who want to attract each other's attention - she breathed a grave cold on the girl.
- Wow, isn't he also in a warm grave? - mockingly held out the impostor.
"Don't pretend that our meeting is accidental," Lida said angrily, "what do you want from our Mitenka?"
- Need to? You just need warm blood, - the girl bared her fangs.
"Vampire," thought Lida, "but I thought they didn't exist."
- I would choose someone else, Mitenka needs to catch criminals, and they are from a parallel world. Oh, I know! Come on, will you help us, will you follow the thieves to a parallel world with us and there you will drink blood from those bastards, and Dmitry Petrovich will tie them up and deliver them to the police station?
Why did you decide that I would help you? - mockingly held out the girl, - He is a thief for you, and my lover. While still alive, she fell in love with Nikolai, but after death, love didn’t go away at all, so I’ll bite your throat for Kolya! And Mitenka to your first, since he stood in the middle of the road with me!
- What about Kolya? The dead and the living cannot get along in the same harness!
- Look who's Talking! She herself forgot who, and right there you are dragging after your Mitenka.
- I'm not dragging, where did you get it? - Lida defended herself, - Dmitry Petrovich and I have a common cause of capturing criminals, he, like a policeman, forgive the policeman, must catch them, but without our help he will not be able to do anything.
- I do not believe you! Why exactly Mitenka?
Because this is his area. What is your name? - I decided to divert Lida from the topic.
- What was my name when I was alive, you should not worry. And now everyone calls Manikle, from the word "manic", a bit like "maniac", but it is. I really like this foreign name goes.
- But you yourself are Russian? That is, when was she alive? - asked Lida.
- Not really. Who only in our family was not! But that during her lifetime she lived mainly in Russia, yes. Come on, try to save Mitenka if you can! Where are you chasing criminals! Manicle immediately vanished into thin air.
Lida thought: "What do you need from vampires? As I remember, aspen stake and garlic. Maybe Mitenka can give Mitenka an idea to order garlic salad in the room. But with aspen stake it's more difficult, how to bring it to the hotel? Maybe with the help of a souvenir."
Dmitry Petrovich passed by:
- What is Lidochka, so impatient? But I have important things to do, and you girls should be busy with your business, and not toil all day.
- Mitya, and Mitya. There are important things here, I forgot to tell you. In general, you will need to order a garlic salad in the room, I love it.
- Garlic salad? You don't eat anything else, do you?
- Please, order, please me. I need garlic for my health.
- And nothing can replace it?
- I'm allergic to everything else that could help my health. Here is such an irony of fate, - Lida composed on the go, - and also take a souvenir in the form of an aspen stake, I collect them. It's like talismans, if they give me a souvenir in the form of an aspen stake, it means that the relationship will last a long time.
“A strange request, and because of this you stopped a busy person?” And where can I get such a souvenir for you?
- At least do it yourself, and a homemade one will do. Believe me, the talisman will be very, very useful to us. And most importantly, I will not delay. Get ready for your business trip. This is related to the capture of criminals, and the room will only rest and discuss the details, so dress like a job, not a date. Till!
Fearing that Mitenka would be angry for the delay, Lida quickly rushed off. “A strange girl,” thought Dmitry Petrovich, “and her whims are interesting. Perhaps I’ll fulfill all her requests, especially since I can’t increase the disclosure rate. That’s all they expect from us in the department. affairs, even if I didn’t like Lida at all?
Returning home to the Other World, Lida decided to walk past the city cemetery. Manikle was already hanging out there in her natural form, invisible to the living eyes. As soon as they put a man in a coffin and fell asleep, Manikle, furtively looking around, unearthed the coffin, and dug into the blood that had not yet had time to congeal, after which she buried everything back.
- Hey, Manikle! And not ashamed? - Lida could not stand it, - You were going to drink Mitenka's blood. are you not enough?
- Few! - the vampire responded, - if I have dinner, this does not mean that I will refuse lunch. You need to eat well 3 times a day. But nobody needs the dead anyway, who cares if I suck their blood?
- Wait, you're dead, what will happen if you don't drink blood?
Manicle shrugged.
- Maybe nothing will happen, but I'm not going to deny myself the pleasure. You too, after all, kushpat, not always to survive, but often to please your taste. I also drink blood.
"It's a difficult situation," thought Lida.
I received a message from Lida that we are meeting in the hotel in the evening, we need protective equipment, but not from the living, but from the dead, or rather from vampires. I was surprised, because I also thought that vampires did not exist in nature, especially dead ones.
- What are we going to do, Timosh? - I consulted with Timofey.
- Yes, you can’t get by with one tank, - Tim thought, - but what if you make Manikle fight as if in hysterics? Then Dmitry will call the orderlies from the psychiatric hospital.
- You again argue as if alive, - I reproached my friend, - Until the orderlies arrive, Manikl will disappear from the room, maybe disappear before the eyes of the orderlies. And again our plans will be covered with a copper basin.
- Well, let him disappear, - Tim agreed, - then we will take Mitenka and go in search of criminals, thanks to my and Lida's intelligence, we know where to look for them.
- It would be necessary to make sure that not only the soul of Dmitry Petrovich went, but also his body, - I said, if we leave the body unattended, Manikl may well suck out his blood, and we need Mitenka alive. Do you know how to move in Parallel Worlds alive and in body?
- I don’t know, those gentlemen moved by themselves, we will have to rely on our ingenuity, they say, in moments of danger it escalates, but time does not wait for us. We will act according to circumstances.
We were silent.
“Tim,” I said again, “do you actually know that you’re dead?” Sometimes it seems to me that you still consider yourself alive and think like you are alive, I mean like you are alive in a physical body, you understand...
- Yes, I have long understood that he is dead, - Timothy answered sadly, - you know how you understood? When I didn’t eat or drink for many days, but there were no painful sensations, and generally no sensations. And since food and water are not needed, then this happens only to the dead. But these are the most primitive signs, there were others, but these are all clear. Part 5 While I was preparing for the meeting, my mother came up to me and began to scold me that she had completely forgotten her relatives and stopped visiting.
- And in general, you trample on the living, as if you have become a wandering spirit!
- Mom, you know that I'm not just like that, but for the cause, I help free wandering spirits, and now you also need to help criminals to be caught alive.
- That's it, but we must strive for other levels of the Other World, after all, it is a matter of the living, we must leave it alive. You know that you must strive to rise from one level to another until you reach the Absolute, where all souls merge in unison...
- Mom, you understand, the living do not cope with all the affairs on their own.
“Are you really carried away alive that you even made appointments?”
- No, mom, this is Lida, I myself do not approve, the living and the dead cannot get along in the same harness. Well, we will help the policeman with work, and then we'll see.
- Oh, you will cry, if you become too attached to earthly life and live its joys and troubles, then centuries may pass until you begin to rise to the levels of the Other Light. And you won’t have time to reincarnate in a new body.
I thought, indeed, although we know that we are dead, we still perceive ourselves as alive. Food, clothing, warmth, cleanliness - nothing matters in the Other World, because the soul itself is self-sufficient, but since we think in familiar categories. By the way, gender also does not matter, since that Light does not multiply, and souls are supplied either after the death of the body, or when a spark breaks off from the Absolute and turns into a soul, it does not have to be embodied in an earthly body, it may well develop here in subtle world, that is, in the Other World. Many souls did not even want to incarnate on Earth in a material body, we who lived on Earth are considered heroes of a kind, because there are no sorrows and barriers in the Other World, but development itself is extremely slow. What if you ask someone for help? Manicle is, after all, a serious rival, and it won't hurt the souls either. And we don’t have to appear in our own form, you can change not only outfits, but also gender.
- Timosh, could you be a young lady, if necessary? I asked.
- What? - Timothy already choked - you can always change clothes, but anyone will recognize a man in me, if not a fool.
- Tim, you're dead, but for the spirits of the sex does not exist, it's just that out of habit we hold on to the concepts of the living, and therefore we betray in our field. And so you can visit anyone without any operations, take the opportunity.
- Yes, it is unusual, somehow, and you will be my gentleman?
We laughed at the joke, I warned that I would take more help. And she ran to the abode of young souls who were not going to incarnate anywhere.
“Listen, let's help the living,” I said, “at the same time, your experience and development will be accelerated, and besides, you don’t need to stay in an earthly body for this.
3 balls popped up for my call. Well, how can I say, the souls do not really have their original form, they are blurred, like gas shells, we take the shape and shape after death out of habit from our body. So, for convenience, they will be shapeless balls. I told about the situation, along the way explaining some of the realities of earthly life, without which the situation is not clear.
“You don’t even have names,” I reasoned, “that’s not good enough. And since you have no gender or species, the names will be neuter. Well, for example, such - Elle, Galo, Lilia (composing on the go, I just added neuter endings to earthly names). And what to do, you will see along the way.
No matter how fast we were, we were still too late. In the room, Manicle sat next to Mitenka, eating a garlic salad and looking at a souvenir. She, of course, sensed us and said telepathically:
- Garlic, aspen stake. This is dangerous for living vampires, but what will happen to the dead? Naive.
We decided that we must still appear in a form that is visible to the living.
- Timothy, have you decided to change your gender? Linda giggled.
- Yes, Lelya advised me, - Tim answered, - she says that the dead have no sex, so it would be nice to try.
“Maybe not bad,” Lida agreed, “only I would choose something more modestly.
And Timothy probably overdid it, because his female appearance was most likely his male dream while he was alive, that is, it turned out a little obscene, ideal and magnificent. Linda and I couldn't help but smile. They knocked and entered.
The couple looked surprised.
- I did not order girls on call, - said Dmitry Petrovich.
- No, we are decent girls, we came to help about the criminals, - Timofey answered.
“It’s strange,” Dmitry thought, “more and more girls want to help me catch criminals. Have I really become so attractive? I wonder what exactly, I don’t see anything special in the mirror, there was no promotion, I didn’t become a star.”
- Could you come by later? Manicle said irritably, “you see, the man is busy.
- They couldn't, - I objected, - It's an urgent matter, if we don't go now, we might not be in time.
- Give me, I'll just kiss the cavalier, - the vampire went to the trick.
But I knew what to do, I gave a sign to the young souls, and they hung on Manikle, preventing her from approaching Mitenka, at the same time removing her human appearance from her. For a moment, fangs appeared and disappeared, and then it seemed to evaporate. Dmitry Petrovich felt that something invisible and inaudible was going on above him, but he was completely at a loss.
“Come on, Mitenka,” Lida held out her hands to him, “you don’t have to look here, you need to save your nerves for work.”
- But kiss?
- What kiss? I... - Lida realized in time that she almost said that she was dead, - Now, as you see, there is no time and no place.
The couple disappeared behind the door. And we continued to fight with Manicle. Suddenly the door opened and my mother was on the threshold.
- She has lived for more than 100 years, and you are still doing stupid things! she yelled at me. “Is there really no other business than a women's fight? I thought you were more of a spirit soul.
“Mom, we saved a man from a vampire here,” I boasted.
- There are no vampires, all this is fiction, - mom waved it off, here is another non-believer uniform, - and at least they chose decent outfits. This girl...
- This is not a girl, this is the hero of the Great Patriotic War Timofey, - I introduced, - I ask you to love and favor.
Timothy changed his appearance to the familiar look of a war hero and bowed to his mother.
“I don’t even know what to think,” my mother drawled, “I know that when you were alive, you shied away from any communication with the opposite sex, but then what did you decide to catch up with?
“The dead are not dangerous,” I said.
“I am ready to ask for the hand of your daughter,” Timothy bowed gallantly.
“Now it doesn’t make sense,” my mother said, “anyway, in a few years you’ll forget which gender you belonged to and dissolve in the absolute, and even here gender doesn’t seem to exist.”
“When we are alive,” Tim explained.
“You won’t be alive for another hundred years, and then everything will be forgotten,” mother said instructively, “and now march home!”
- No, no, Lida needs help! we shouted in unison.
Then the door of the room opened, and the servants saw us, and although we managed to assume our usual invisible appearance and rush out of the room, the servants noticed us:
- And in this hotel ghosts live! - joyfully rubbing her hands, said the maid, - we need to advertise and crowds of visitors will rush to us.
- Oh, Manikle, Manikle has disappeared without enough! - I realized.
“Therefore, we must hurry, while she has not defended her Kolya, you never know what comes to her mind,” Tim replied.
And the young souls followed us.
“Learn while I’m alive, that is, while I’m dead,” I immediately corrected myself, “what forms human souls have, and what forms should be embodied. This will come in handy, because our business has just begun. Part 6 Mom scolded for a reason. The fact is that, according to legend, some old maids and old bachelors who did not find their soul mate during their lifetime try to find it after death. It’s not that there are fewer opportunities in the Other World, quite the contrary: there are no conventions of our world, there is no language barrier, social, social and ethical barriers, in addition, telepathic communication between souls is restored, and therefore you can understand much faster who is who, without even communicating with the spirit they liked. But the thing is that the search for a life partner is for the earthly world, and in the Other World, souls have completely different tasks - introspection, preparation for a new life or for merging with the Absolute, development of plans for individual development, forms of extraterrestrial life. And fixation on finding your soul mate only distracts from the main tasks, and it is especially sad if the dead loves a living person, as happened with Lida. I am still here recently, I have no experience of what to do in this case, so I don’t know how to help Lida.
Young ephemeral souls, of course, asked me on the road what my mother didn’t like, what kind of second half, I tried to explain, but should I, an old maid, get into such a jungle. In addition, all my life, and even now, I also always felt whole, and not someone's half. In fact, the soul is born whole, there is no separate female or male soul, and separation according to different sexes is necessary precisely for earthly life. What is love, I could not explain, especially since there is no definite definition about love on Earth. She simply said what is necessary for communication and for joint improvement, and if the soul is your mirror diary, then it is easier to compare your development with others, as if trying on each other. She tactfully kept silent about the importance of love on Earth, but she told how it is difficult to meet a kindred spirit on Earth because of the many conventions. The souls were silent:
- You know, Lelya, did we see those you were talking about?
- Yes? That's great! Who are they? How are they? It would be nice to chat, otherwise I'm new here, and in fact I don't know much. Is it so sad if the spirit here, in the Other World, fell in love? I mean those who did not love on Earth, but here, afterlife love.
“They disappear from sight after a while,” they told me, “Unless those who are attached to the living for some time in sight and hearing, like your Lida, and then, if their beloved / aya ​​also dies, sometimes they go together to the Absolute, sometimes reincarnate on Earth, and more often they simply remember the tasks of the Other World.
- An interesting observation, - I said, - But it seems to me that this is not all. Something gnaws at me about hidden possibilities.
- Lelya, Lelya! - Timofey called me, - Why are we marking time in one place? Forward to save Lida and Mitenka! I am sure that they have already moved into a parallel world.
It is much easier for the dead to get into a parallel world than for the living, because in the Other World there are many portals-loopholes in different worlds. Another thing is in the living physical world. Here, either special abilities are needed, or you can get into a place of a break in time, and people say - to a dead place, holes in time and space often pass there and movement is very possible. But to get to exactly the right time and place, moreover, it is difficult to return alive, healthy and back at the right time, so the knowledge of these places and ways of moving remains secret so that people on Earth disappear less often. It was to one of these anomalous places that Lida took Mitenka.
- Mitenka, I will be invisible and inaudible, it is necessary, but we will mentally communicate with you, do you agree? - Lida asked excitedly, - This is necessary for business, do not be afraid of anything.
What are you, a witch? - surprised Dmitry Petrovich
“I’m dead,” Lida admitted, as if she fell off a cliff. What, turned pale? Is the valiant warrior of the order of dead ghost girls afraid? Especially those who help the investigation and the native police solve crimes!
- No, I'm not afraid, - Dmitry Petrovich was actually frightened, but did not want to admit it, - It is necessary, it is necessary. During the investigation, you don’t have to deal with such people! We, the police, do not disdain any methods of communication!
And he thought: “Well, well! Although what is the interest in helping the dead? Does she want to avenge someone? Or maybe she fell in love with me? understand".
And the policeman bravely stepped into the portal of the dead place.
At first glance, the parallel world was no different from ours: the same city, the same signs, the same clothes, the same faces. But this is at first glance. But that's exactly what comes first. Something elusive felt unearthly, the gait of people is slightly different, the expression of faces and eyes, even the clothes are the same, but not the same. Thanks to intelligence, the address was known to us, so we quickly found the lair of criminals. But here we were in for a surprise. A company was sitting at the laid table, and these were not our old acquaintances. Rather, Manicle alone was familiar, but she was accompanied by vampires, there was no doubt about that. Alternately, the living and the dead feasted on their bloody feast, blood dripping from their fangs.
- Well, have you eaten? - Manicle giggled mockingly, - I said that under no circumstances would I give offense to my Nikolai. And here I called for help, you see how many friends I have!
- You commit an illegal act and are arrested! Mitenka said sternly.
- What is interesting? - Manicle grinned, - this is not human blood and not even animal blood, in this world vampires officially live and are recognized by law and specially for them they produce and sell synthetic blood in an industrial way. Of course, there is also a natural one from donors, but it is very expensive.
- I'm not arresting you for this, - Mitya was not taken aback, - but for harboring criminals.
“Nothing will come of it, Mitenka, this is not your area,” Manikl cooled his ardor, “In order to arrest, you need to drag him into your world, and in this world no one has violated anything and they are clean before the law. You don't prove anything! You have an article in your world for false imprisonment. Well, here it is also there and it may well apply to you.
- I know what to do, - Lida whispered to me, - we need to move into the bodies of a policeman, Manikl and vampires. I will be Mitenka, you are Manikl, and let her friends be taken over by the young souls that are with them. And then in their body, they can’t help us in any way, only by exchanging bodies, we can manage.
- Good idea, but...
- No "buts," Lida snapped, "Mitenka!" - she called her district police officer, - let's change places for a while. I need, really need to occupy your body, and for now you will be me. You can't do it without me!
- Girl, - the astonished policeman telepathized, - I'm starting to be afraid of you, even though I'm a guardian of the law.
- Well, please, please, please, - Lida pleaded, - You don't know in your body and you can't, but I can. It won't do you any harm, otherwise you'll enjoy being a spirit. Honestly pioneer, I promise, as soon as we arrest the villains, I will immediately return your body.
- Well, to be honest, pioneering, she persuaded me, - Dmitry Petrovich sighed.
We exchanged bodies, that is, shells. Lida and Mitya had no problems, and I and the young souls with a fight, but still we turned out to be stronger and drove the souls out of the bodies. Timothy also wanted to join us, but someone must look after Mitenka and the souls of the vampires. Once in new bodies, we confidently went to the right address, looking around the area along the way. It was unusual to feel someone else's body in oneself as one's own, especially if it was the body of the opposite sex. But you can’t order real vampires to simply surrender, Manikl and his comrades suddenly escaped from our hands and moved into the body of Nikolai and his accomplice.
- Here you go! - the vampire screamed and dug into the body of Mitenka, I, for my part, bit into the body of Nikolai, which Manikl staked out for herself.
- Vampires are fighting again! - came from the open window, - Isn't it enough for them to buy blood or what?
Lida from the body of Mitenka tried to hypnotize the souls of vampires, the souls in the bodies of vampires too. From the outside, it looked like a complete mess. Timothy, having become visible, rode a transparent tank a couple of times. An audience of spectators gathered at the stairwell. Here, no one was afraid of either vampires or ghosts. But they were worried about something else:
- How easily these vampires go crazy! - said someone from the crowd, - Again, you need to call an ambulance psychiatric.
“Before that, they need to arrange a general blackout,” a woman resembling a gypsy stepped forward, “so that they don’t harm themselves or others.”
Booms! Yes, the professional turned out to be, we all lost consciousness, even those who were dead.
I woke up already in the other World and immediately remembered everything. Thinking of Manicle, I was immediately transported to the meeting place of the vampires. All the dead vampires returned to the Other World, I don’t know what is with the living.
- What have you done? - Vampire friends swore at Manikl, - you love your Nikolai, but you yourself brought you to a psychiatric hospital!
“Who knew that this would happen,” Manicle justified, “So-and-so would have taken the witches of that parallel world!”
- One thing pleases, we almost removed the guard, - someone told her, - after all, who turned into the bodies of the living, he did not return back.
Lida! A terrible thought pierced my mind and I rushed to call my people. So it is, here is Timofey, and here is Mitenka, so Lida remained in the body of Dmitry Petrovich. There is no need to talk about young souls, what is it like for them in the bodies of vampires?
But Mitenka himself was at a loss, he met his brother again. Misha was obviously delighted with him:
- Mitya! Hi bro. I see you are dead. And why?
- Who? I died! - scared Mitenka - I'm still alive.
- Yes, I remember you were alive last time, but now you are dead. You don't have to be ashamed of it, you have to admit it. Many of the dead consider themselves alive, and this is bad, because they cannot go to the Other World and develop further, but suffer between this and this Light.
- Why do you think I'm dead, Misha?
- Because this time I don't feel like you have a body. Okay, bro, calm down, it's even better and calmer here than on Earth. How did you die?
- I didn't die.
- Everyone says like that. Okay, what's the last thing you remember on Earth?
- Lost consciousness. And before that, he agreed to swap bodies with one girl.
And Dmitry Petrovich told his brother about Lida.
- Here, you bastard! - Mikhail turned pale, - You were deceived and your body was used. This is called the sharing of someone else's soul. Well, never mind, we will evict Lida from your legal body, and you will be alive and happy again! This bastard will pay for everything!
- Do not say that. Lida sincerely wanted to help us, and it was not her kind that it happened, and we did not have time to exchange shells.
- You were deceived and used, and you still justify it!
“Lida has always treated me well. She is good. I love her! - in desperation, the precinct gave an absurd argument.
- Exactly, I fell in love with you and took advantage of the situation, - my brother was angry, - But the dead and the living cannot get along in the same harness, don't you understand this?
“To understand, I understand everything,” Mitenka sighed, “but you can’t command your heart. But all the same, you need to know what is happening with Lida and how, I feel that she is also having a hard time. And here are our friends - Tim and Lelya, they will explain everything.
Timofey and I tried to convince him that this was a mistake, and Lida would definitely return this body to Dmitry Petrovich, and everything was started for the sake of the common good.
- Unlike you, I'm not so naive, - Misha answered this, - But anyway, I'm with you, I'll look after what and how. There must be at least one person with common sense in the whole company.
- And what about young souls in the bodies of vampires? - I reminded, - who will look after them?
- You hired them, you will look after them, - the company responded, - but here it’s a man’s business, we can handle it ourselves.
- But Lida is my friend, I worry about her more than others.
- You forgot about me! - Mitenka screwed in, - but I'm worried about her!
- And I, - said Misha, - Although for a different reason than you.
- In short, everyone is worried about Lida, - Timofey summed up, - Meanwhile, the criminals are not caught, and in that world a psychiatric hospital is not a prison, but a sanatorium. Let Lelya and the vampires go in search of Nikolai and his comrades, and we will bring Lida and Mitya there, not only to exchange bodies, but also to really arrest the villains. Don't worry," he put his hand on my shoulder, "we'll see you soon.
And Lida woke up in our earthly world in bed. "Strange," she thought, "where am I? Is it possible that I dreamed all this, but am I still alive?" But then Lida discovered that she was in a male body, and all the remnants of sleep completely disappeared. She stood up and stretched out in front of the mirror. other...". But for how long, shortly, Lida, in the body of Dmitry Petrovich, dressed, washed, shaved, had breakfast, went to the department and went again to the fatal place. First you need to get into a parallel world at the crime scene, and there it seems that something will happen. And friends will help, - she hoped. Part 7 Who lived in the Middle Ages, or even at the beginning of the New Age, experienced incredible relief when he noticed that consciousness is there, but all this is the stench on dirty streets, diseases, hunger and the struggle for life behind. Soar yourself in the sky and leave this mortal world is not at all a pity. Nevertheless, the inhabitants of the Middle Ages remained medieval, as they could not imagine their world and way of life otherwise. Even hell seems somewhat similar to the Middle Ages in its classic dark version.
I confess that I was a little offended by Timofey, I could have taken over our souls from the psychiatric hospital, and that is to say, the experience of being in the Other World is almost like mine, but I am still afraid for Lida. Therefore, I decided to walk into that parallel world through this branch of the Other World. Adventurers and romantics of all stripes are gathered here, taverns, cabarets, casinos and boutiques - the whole color of entertainment. Skeletons are dancing somewhere, not natural, of course, but those souls who wished to become skeletons. I thought about whether to take someone to our case, but I remembered that there are many people here who were in trouble with the law, not like in Russia, when the law is almost impossible to comply with, but real criminals. These will only support our crooks. But it would be nice to take ordinary adventurers into circulation. Passing by another tavern, I almost stumbled upon a very colorful spirit, dressed as if from a historical museum, resembling something between a nobleman, a pirate and a merchant of the 16th century in Europe.
- Young lady, how did you get here? There is no place for people like you, - the spirit suddenly said.
I grinned, thoughtfully did not think about my appearance, and therefore wore the usual outfit of a young lady of the early 20th century.
“I’m not just walking around, but on business,” I replied.
- On what business? - the spirit did not lag behind.
Yes, amazing things, I did not think that dead men also stick on the streets. But that's why they are dead, that they do not pose any danger.
- We catch criminals. Alive. And we hand them over to the live police. And here I am, because the road to turnout is shorter. Yes, I'm looking to see if anyone can help me. Just now ran into vampires, so help will not hurt.
- Vampires? - the spirit was surprised, - do they really exist?
- Yoprst! Why does everyone doubt until they see it? - I could not stand it, - I also thought that vampires were a legend, until I encountered reality. In our world with you, they are diligently encrypted, and in where I go, they are officially recognized.
- Great! - the spirit was delighted, - Can I be with you ?! I have never seen vampires, but I would like to. Are they alive or dead?
- Some are alive, and some are dead, but there's a catch. And I told about a bad experience when young souls moved into the bodies of vampires and they were sent to a psychiatric hospital.
- So, you can move into the body? I didn’t know, but here it’s boring, no taste and sensations than it was in life: wine, food and ... well, you understand.
"You don't seem to realize that you've been dead for a long time?" - I said, - We must stop thinking in terms of the living and understand that we are now just disembodied spirits. And our task in the Other World is to further improve the soul.
“So you are improving it,” the stranger said mockingly.
- I say that I am busy with business, there is no time to think about the soul. Living without our help will not do. So, if you are going with me for company, if you please help. And let's finally get to know each other, otherwise it's somehow uncomfortable. I am Lelya from Russia of the 20th century, well, I caught a little of the 21st century. She lived for more than 100 years, revolution, war, which she has not seen in her lifetime.
- Great! And I'm Robert from London, but in fact I haven't been there in my lifetime, all in the colonies and the sea. Killed during abortion. He lived in the 17th century, and lived compared to you for only 28 years.
- So few! I involuntarily screamed.
- For my time and lifestyle is quite enough. And that's what, Lelya, I was interested in incarnations in someone else's body. Can I take the body of one of the vampires, otherwise I'm tired of being a disembodied spirit?
- It is forbidden! I exclaimed.
- But why? Since the body still does not belong to them.
- Because it is against the free will of the creature, if the vampire himself allows you, then please.
- Trivia! Whoever conquered, that and prey! - Robert grinned, - Have you occupied someone else's body?
- Not! - I already regretted that I told everything like that, you have to be more restrained even in the afterlife, but now it's too late.
- Could you? Well, at least for business, - continued Robert, - Well, for example, to take my body and finish some business on Earth.
- For the cause, maybe, but not for yours, - I said sternly, - And in general, it’s better to fuck off, I changed my mind, taking you with me.
- Late! - the spirit laughed, - After your stories, I will not leave you for a long time.
- I'll tell the groom! - I decided to scare the red tape.
- Do you have a fiance here? - Robert laughed again, - And what's the point, anyway, there is no body and you can only tell each other bedtime stories.
- You can tell fairy tales, you are such a materialist, this does not concern you!
I did not notice how I crossed the border between the worlds and found a psychiatric hospital. Part 8 As soon as Lida reached the dead place, she felt that someone was hovering behind her soul. "It was Mitenka who came to the rescue," she thought. But it was too early to rejoice, because Misha, worried that a strange soul lives in the body of his brother, immediately rushed into battle with screams. She flew out of the body, but Dmitry Petrovich, instead of taking his rightful mortal shell, rushed to protect the passion, and Timofey - both of them.
- Well, I ate it! You can not take other people's souls! Misha shouted.
- Well, I myself am glad that I stayed forever, now I will explain everything. Mitya, quickly occupy your body before it becomes dead!
The warning came too late, because Dmitri Petrovich's body swayed and fell right under the train, onto the rails it was about to cross. The wires screeched, the engineer jumped out: "Eva, the cop was crushed. Was he drunk or something?"
Lida and Mitya froze in horror:
- What have I done? I should have slammed you right into your body! And now a new head won't grow! Lida wailed.
- Yes, I'm not glad that I became truly dead! Who will solve crimes now? Mitenka, in turn, was upset.
“It’s all because of you, you shouldn’t have contacted the dead with the living, even for noble purposes,” Mikhail raged, “Okay, brother,” he turned to Dmitry Petrovich, “don’t worry, sooner or later, we all end up here. And it’s not bad at all here, no matter what the living people say there. If desired, then again it will be possible to be born.
- Yes, I'm not worried about this, - Dmitry Petrovich waved it off, - I talked to solve the crime and did not reveal it, it turns out that the whole department failed!
- Come on, - the brother consoled, - now nothing is required of you, what a demand from the dead!
- Like "what demand." I know everything, and I can be useful, but without our help they will not find anything. We need to find ways to let our precinct know about the perpetrators and how to find them.
- And all your native branch will also become dead? Brother smiled wryly.
- No, Misha, I will take into account this mistake and I will not climb into anyone's body, even with noble bodies. I will find a way to let everyone know that everyone is still alive and everything is fine.
- The living are usually afraid of the dead and ghosts, do you think it's so easy to communicate and make contact? - Misha continued to insist on his point, - come on, the living should solve their own problems.
- You do as you wish, Misha, but I will not give up my idea, - Dmitry Petrovich objected, - I feel that we will succeed, we just need to try. Yes, and Lida will always be there, which is also good.
- Well, I'm washing my hands. By the way, since you're already dead, can you turn into a girl and things will go better? Linda did it.
- Guys! - Timofey intervened, - It's not a question for me to help the police or not, of course, we will help anyway. Here, too, Lelya is tormented by her conscience that it was because of her that the theft occurred in the apartment, and if the deceased is tormented by conscience, then this is a bad thing, because he will not be able to truly calm down and develop, to know That Light and other souls. I'm also a lost soul, and it was our girls who saved me. We don't keep you, Mikhail, are you with us or will you go your own way?
- No, not with you. I consider your idea stupid and dangerous, - Misha answered, - However, I will not leave you, I will follow the events if it comes to critical point, if there is absolutely nowhere for you to retreat, then so be it, I will help in any way I can. I can’t just leave my brother to the mercy of fate, but it’s not in my rules to support a stupid adventure.
- Thank you for that, too, - said Lida, - Don't be angry with me, if I unwittingly harmed your brother, then tell me how you can compensate, otherwise I don’t know the right how to ask for forgiveness, still death, albeit accidental is irreparable.
- Well, goodbye, friends, long farewell - extra tears. Do not look for me, I myself will go if necessary.
And with these words, Michael evaporated.
- Well, let's go to the department, - suggested Dmitry Petrovich, - in our disembodied state, going to a parallel world is somehow pointless. We need the living, because, having become a spirit, I can no longer arrest anyone.
- Directly so and we will appear before militia? - Timofey doubted, - Still, your Mishan is right about something. You shouldn't scare the cops too much.
- They are experienced people, which is why they didn’t call the police at one time! Barabashki, poltergeists there are all sorts, - Mitenka stood up.
- All the same, you should be careful and not take all the employees at once, after all, traveling to parallel worlds, even if for criminals, is not a very safe matter, - Lida got worried.
Meanwhile, I didn’t know how to get rid of Robert’s annoying influence, even remembering that now I was free to change my appearance at the wave of thought, I turned into an old woman, which I actually was in last years life. He just laughed, so we made our way to the psychiatric hospital. Who cares, but our young and previously shapeless souls Ella, Galo and Lilia liked life in the body of vampires, and even life in a psychiatric hospital. Needless to say, we don’t even have sanatoriums like this - you don’t have to work, and so they feed you with fresh blood at public expense, and even entertainment - psychos consider themselves to be anyone, the most violent ones are pumped up with drugs anyway, and who is more or less normal, well pure actor! Souls greeted me joyfully:
- Hello, Lilya, why did you turn into an old woman? Better when I was young and beautiful.
- Yes, here's one moron sticking to me, - I nodded at Robert, - And I want him not to like it, and he fell behind.
- And it seems to us that an interesting soul ...
- That's why it seems to you that you have never been alive on Earth.
“By the way, will anyone give me the body of a vampire,” Robert impudently intervened, “I have long wanted to be a vampire, but I don’t want to be born again as a helpless baby. Well, who will serve?
Souls were silent.
- No, we won't give up. We liked to live in the body.
- And in a psychiatric hospital?
- Yes, it's very interesting here. Live a little, you will see for yourself.
- Guys, - I intervened, - but what about our "clients". Have you missed them?
- Well, they “missed” it right away - they are in the next room. And nothing, it seems, not violent, but they stole all the small things from the staff.
- You know what? - I suggested, - now our people will come here, and of course, Dmitry Petrovich, could you suck the blood of our thieves a little so that they would be arrested without any problems, huh?
“It’s better to get married right away and write blood like that of legal spouses,” Robert quipped, “do you at least know that you are all girls?”
Vampires looked at each other, but they had only recently been formless and incorporeal entities that had no sex, and therefore had little idea of ​​what a man and a woman were, probably even now, having received a physical body, they only vaguely guessed who they were.
- The idea may not be bad, - I thought aloud, - But what kind of wife would agree that her husband would be arrested for a long time, besides, they would still not stay long in the bodies of vampires.
- And I'll become a real vampire! said Robert happily.
- No no no! - immediately shouted the newly-minted vampires.
- Something Dmitry Petrovich is not going, - I got worried, - Maybe something happened?
“For example, I changed my mind,” Robert chuckled again.
- You should only laugh, but I know my friends better! - offended I, - And I feel, and I know that Dmitry Petrovich will not quit his job, even if he himself turns out to be dead. You know what, please look after our company, and I'll go and see what happened to ours.
- With pleasure, - said Robert, - It's really an interesting atmosphere, for nothing that a psychiatric hospital, and during my life in my reality the psychiatric hospital was worse than prison. Part 9 Manicle was very surprised when Nikolai came to her, unharmed, but no longer alive.
- Were you killed in a psychiatric hospital? - the vampire was horrified
- Pardon me, they don't do murders there. It’s just that I’m already tired of living, so I exchanged places with one visitor.
- Robert? He kept dragging after Lelya, I thought that this was a personal interest, but it turned out that he wanted to return to earthly life, but not as an unremembering baby, but already as an adult. Well, I have my own interest, so we hit it off.
- But you seemed to be invulnerable in earthly life.
- Well, this, of course. I didn’t switch bodies with another spirit at all because it’s dangerous to live, but I just wanted to be with you all the time.
"I'm a vampire," Manicle lowered her head, "did you know about that?" How did you even know and find me?
- I saw you in a dream, don’t look like that, it’s very real, and I felt that you were not in earthly life, but in Heaven.
- Yes, you are a romantic, something I didn’t notice about you before.
- What is, that is, - Kolya grinned, - let's go where thieves and vampires are at ease, that is, to hell.
Hell was not so much boiling cauldrons and red-hot pans, but people's ideas about this side of life, naturally the killer got to the killers, the thief to the thieves, etc., and that murder and theft are essentially ephemeral in the Other World, no one cared . And what will happen to someone if they are already dead, but, of course, there was no development of the soul, and frankly boring. And it is difficult to break out, because the rooted imagination, even materialized, no longer gave other images, as if there was no other life. However, under certain circumstances and skills, anyone can be imprisoned in a "real" hell. So passing by dens and taverns, our heroes were surprised to find a prison where their partner was sitting.
- Hey buddy! - Nikolai called, - how did you find yourself here?
The police tied me up and arrested me.
- What is the police here? Do the police here judge for earthly affairs?
- You won't believe it, it was one of those earthly policemen who imprisoned me. He himself is here, he took and created a prison with his imagination, and in order to serve his term, he called the sorceress, she cast a spell.
- Wait, is that cop dead? And how did he know about earthly affairs?
- Because recently was alive. But he didn't die, no. He switched bodies with his partner, Mitenka really wanted to be alive, but there was no other body. And Ivan, on the contrary, really wanted to live the afterlife, especially since there is enough work here. But unlike earthly life is not dangerous.
- Wonderful things in the world! - exclaimed Manicle, - who will be born now, if people themselves transfer bodies to souls from hand to hand?
- Apparently, such times have come when ideas about death and life have changed upside down and the partition between This and That World does not exist.
- Well, yes, - said Manicle thoughtfully, - People have become more conscious, as it were, and no longer consider the end of life as a personal end of the world.
- Hands up! - came suddenly behind them.
Manicle and his lover shuddered and succumbed in surprise. In front of him stood an unfamiliar policeman.
- You systematically violated the law, citizen Nikolai, and you, Manikl, were an accomplice of the criminal, for which a term of imprisonment was established.
And the couple ended up in prison, in different cells, by the way.
“The cells are under spells, so that until the end of the term, all attempts at release will be useless,” said the policeman.
- Wait! shouted Manikle, “I’m terribly curious, are you Mitenka’s colleague who pursued my Kolya?”
- Yes! They're all right, don't worry! Lida also took a new body, changed with one of your vampire friends, this is a young soul who nevertheless decided to return home to the Other World, and Lida and Mitya just need a physical body.
- It's okay, but how did you find us and get here? How did Dmitry Petrovich tell you, if by the last moment he was already dead?
- So he said - he came and appeared. I have been called before about perfumes and drums, and Mitya is my friend, that's why he believed.
- Just fantastic! - Manicle was amazed, - you, the living ones, are afraid of incorporeal spirits!
- Yes, now you know how many institutions have become popular thanks to perfume! - Ivan laughed, - Even tourists are trying to get into our site, but we are watching this. To the police - only on business. But here the police are not equipped, that's why I came here.
- And do not you feel sorry for earthly life? the criminals asked in unison.
“But I didn’t have anyone in my earthly life. My parents died, I didn’t start a family, so no one is killed about me, but for my colleagues, I was still alive as I was. After all, Mitya occupied my body, you have not forgotten.
- And what about Lelya and Timofey? Excuse me, female curiosity.
- Everything is fine, too, - Ivan shrugged his shoulders, - they just decided that they don’t need to come true, but for now they need to improve their soul in the Other World. Climb to other levels.
“You still didn’t tell how you died,” Manicle knocked on the wall to Nikolai’s sidekick.
- The cabinet fell and crushed the brain, what they store there.
Manicle looked at Ivan incredulously.
- He speaks the truth, - the policeman interceded, - what an absurd and ridiculous death! That's one of the reasons why I chose to become dead too, no one should escape justice.

Six months later

The living and the dead came to the wedding of Lida and Dmitry Petrovich. The living ones are Mitenka's colleagues, now bearing the name of his friend Ivan in his passport, relatives and also Robert with another vampire, who also decided to remain in a physical body. Tables were bursting with food, including scarce fresh blood. But, after tasting, when the guests tasted the vodka, the newlyweds noticed that, having wrested for their health, the guests no longer move or even breathe.
- Vodka is singed, everyone died, - said the bride.
- Yes, I told my aunt, you can’t keep vodka with cherry pits for more than a year, I didn’t listen.
The newlyweds stood together in a circle and turned:
- Our dear spirits, we ourselves were spirits recently, so we understand everything, and that you are feeling good now. You can't move your bodies because the dead, but it's not scary, ahead new life, and in the Other World there is something to do. And now we drink to your health. - Mitya and Lida poured themselves fresh juice.
- How unusual, - said Lida, - here we are, surrounded by spirits alone, and not only not scared, but not even sad, since I feel everyone.
- Yeah. I feel that if we conceive a child, then there will be many souls who want to get into his body.
- No, I don't want anyone. Here your aunt would give birth back. I want to educate, otherwise they obviously launched education.
- Well, tomorrow is the funeral and so on, not everyone knows the dead and their world, - Dmitry Petrovich became sad, - Let's just tell all the relatives tomorrow.
And we, the spirits, decided that it would not hurt to send news to relatives again, they should know that with us in the Other World everything it's alright and don't kill too much wa...