Common female names. How to name a daughter: choose the rarest, most beautiful and unusual name for a girl. Foreign female names

For every future parent, the main question that he faces after the birth of a child is the name of the baby. He is chosen a few months before birth or on the day of discharge from the hospital. In this article, we will try to figure out what are the most popular names for girls.

Looking at others

If parents are completely confused, relatives or acquaintances will always come to their aid. No one wants your child to be called the same as the baby from the upper landing or from the next doorway. Although, probably, a child does not care at all how many children with the same name will be in the sandbox. This question is more worried about parents who want to somehow highlight their beloved child. At least with the help of the name.

The most famous

The statistics of common names confirm the statistics of government agencies issuing birth certificates. What are the most girls they know? It is generally accepted that parents' preferences change every year. They range from the most mundane to the most unusual, rare names.

For example, according to official data, in 2009-2011, the name Anastasia prevailed among newborn girls. As you know, one of the most beautiful female names is rooted in ancient Greece. However, this was the name of many of the heroines of Russian fairy tales and songs. Nastenka is characterized by tenderness and kindness. In our country, in some centuries, the name became widespread among the royal dynasties and ordinary peasants.

In the following year, Maria took the leadership position. Agree, there were also plenty of such girls in Russian epics. Nevertheless, choosing popular names for girls and opting for Mashenka, parents can be sure that their daughter will show a strong character in childhood, and will find many friends in adulthood thanks to her ability to listen and sympathize. Moreover, there are many female forces and she will not allow herself to be hurt.

Help books

In general, when choosing a name, parents often turn to the interpreter of the names. No wonder they say that it is the mother and father who lay the foundation for the fate of their child, which is directly related to the name given at birth. For those who do not know where to stop, we will give one piece of advice: open the book, intuition will tell you. Better yet, look at the child and you will understand everything.

Dasha and Polina are also popular girls' names in Russia. In previous years, they ranked first among newborns. Daria, as a rule, lacks the aforementioned intuition. But she is perfectly replaced by congenital ones. Such a girl is disposed to rash acts, often taking a step and only after reflecting on the perfect. Polina has severity, composure and love of life. She is distinguished by complacency and a cheerful disposition.

General principles

When choosing a name for your future princess, proceed from the fact that it should not only follow modern trends, but also be consonant, bright, beautiful. Remember: this is a reflection of future qualities, with the name given to her, the daughter will go through life, and it is important that she likes it herself.

Experts advise dwelling on lively, energetic names. Tracking of the so-called cold shade is permissible in them. Combinations of sounds, from voiced to deaf, are also favorable.

How to choose a name that is worthwhile for a child, because he will remain the best for you? How to choose the most popular names for a girl among the mass of options?

Such qualities as independence, purposefulness, independence will be reflected in the names Inga, Olga, Veronica, Oksana, Zhanna, Margarita, Nelly, Varvara. Pay attention to Eve, Albina, Victoria and Rostislav, who also enjoy recognition.

For the upbringing of a sensual girl who will leave her career and other everyday little things for the sake of a family hearth, the names Svetlana, Natalia, Ulyana, Yana, Milena are suitable.

Unusual Russia is not peculiar

Love for original names is widespread abroad. Hollywood cinema has a great influence. The stars themselves, who take on consonant pseudonyms, want to stand out among colleagues and fans. But will the child himself like the name?

So, actors Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis named their daughter Melody. Jamie Oliver's son got Barry Maurice (literally translated into Russian), and the children of Gwyneth Paltrow - Apple ("Apple") and Moses.

In our country, a couple of years ago, cases of special patriotism were recorded. The daughters were called Olympiada, Joy, Angel and even Russia. But it is still impossible to argue that they make up popular names for girls.

The new is the well-forgotten old

With all the variety of names that are most common in our time, many parents do not forget about old traditions. Here, too, love for their homeland is manifested. For decades, the tendency to choose old names has remained unchanged. Old Slavic (Yaroslav) give way to those bearing in themselves Latin or Greek roots. In this vein, popular names for girls include Arina and Vasilisa. You can always dwell on those who also carry a spiritual load - Faith, Hope, Love. Rare Aksinya, Thekla, Seraphima or Pelagia are almost never found.

Decided by fate

Don't rely on public opinion. It is the right of every parent to listen to experts who advise calling a child by a specific name in the current year. But, choosing a really fashionable name, remember that the baby will have to go all earthly path with it. Even the most common, popular names for girls will become a companion in fate. Undoubtedly, a competent approach to choosing a name will help in the development of certain qualities.

Psychologists identify another simple but effective way. Go outside, visit playgrounds, chat with those who have already become parents. What is the most common name?

The most popular girl names in Russia

Statistics provide facts indicating that parents like to call their daughters Anastasia, Maria, Daria. Valeria, Ksenia, Alexandra, Eugene, Alisa, Alena are put in opposition.

The rest of the places are occupied by more rare names - Snezhana, Lydia, Anna, Elena, Diana, Inna, Lyudmila, Kira, Nina, Raisa, Larisa.

Although I am a physician by training, first of all I am a woman. Therefore, when someone asks how to name a child, I advise you to think carefully. After all, this not only determines the character traits, but also affects the fate of the baby as a whole. After all, as they say, what do you call a boat ... I wondered what modern and beautiful names for girls 2017 will bring. This post will focus on just that.

What will be a baby born in the year of the Rooster

Let's see how to name a girl in 2017. First of all, we note that children who will be born next year will receive from their patron - the fiery Rooster - not only a bright temperament, but also a lot of energy, endurance and hard work. The child will have leadership qualities and perseverance, will be successful in school, active and sociable.

You need to call such a crumb appropriately. To cool the hot temper of the girls born next year, cold names are suitable: Snezhana, Agata or Gerda. You can also soften the character if you call the baby gentle and feminine. But a bright name, on the contrary, can emphasize the fiery nature of the little Rooster. In addition, they are well suited for names that are both masculine and feminine: Valeria, Eugene, Alexander, Vladlena or Vasilisa.

Girl names by month for 2017

Over the past few years, parents have often turned to ancestral traditions. Previously, the choice was less long and less painful. The child was named according to the "calendar" or by months:

Popular girl names in 2017

Let's continue our review and get acquainted with the most popular girl names in 2017. But do not forget that any of them should sound harmoniously in combination with a middle name. This will save your baby from ridicule in the future, and also a successful combination of two names will positively affect her life. So, the most common names for girls in 2017 will be:

1. Anastasia;

3. Valeria;

7. Milena;

8. Miroslava;

9. Polina;

10. Ulyana.

But remember that you need to focus not on popularity, but on individuality. When our baby was born, Sofia and Eve were in fashion. My husband and I really wanted our daughter to be called Sonya, but when she was born, it became clear that we were in front of Martha. We can say that she herself suggested to us what to call her. By the way, we are not sorry, because in the group in the garden two Sonya are working with us and Sophie is growing on the floor below. So think before choosing from just the trendy names for girls in 2017. They, it seems to me, are very sonorous and beautiful, but any fashion is temporary, and most importantly - massively.

The choice of a name for a girl begins even in the exciting period of pregnancy, after determining the sex of the baby on an ultrasound scan. Parents-to-be are going through hundreds of options in search of the most beautiful one, perfect for their daughter. In this article, you will find the most common and most unusual names suitable for girls born in 2019.

How to name a girl in 2019? Name rating

According to Russian registry offices, certain trends are observed in the registration of birth certificates. Based on statistics and ratings, the following names will be trending in 2019:

  • Traditional: Anastasia, Alice, Sofia, Ksenia, Polina, Alexandra, Anna, Alina.
  • Vintage: Agnia, Evdokia, Ustinya.
  • Biblical: Eve, Leia, Dina, Seraphima, Sarah.
  • Cultural(in honor of the heroes of books, TV series and films): Arya, Ellaria, Theon.
  • Historical(in honor of prominent philosophers, actors, politicians, characters of myths and legends): Juno, Serena, Ophelia, Athena.

According to statistics, the most common name for girls in Russia in 2018 was Sofia. This option has retained its leading position in our country over the past 10 years. Maria is in second place in terms of the number of registrations in 2018. The third place in the ranking is taken by Daria. The top ten also includes Alisa, Polina, Anastasia, Victoria, Alexandra, Ekaterina, Ksenia.

According to the press service of the Ministry of Justice, the list of the most popular names of 2018 in Russia includes: Sofia, Veronica, Anastasia, Milana, Zlata, Victoria, Eva, Maria, Anna, Polina, Solomiya.

Among the rarest, unusual names in the ranking of last year: Uma, Ophelia, Faustina, Olympias, Bellatrissa, Priscila, Doll, Cinderella, Princess, Iyar, Eulalia, Madonna, Yapila, Nuh, Tissande, Panna, Osiyohon, Vevey, Caroline, Elizabeth , Francesca, Iris, Zinaida.

  • When deciding how to name a girl who was born in 2019, one should achieve a consonant combination with a patronymic and surname, in order to protect the child from the ridicule of peers. Nemytova Isabella Ivanovna or Pedalkina Aelita Petrovna will feel like black sheep in modern society... Exotic names are best combined with similar surname and patronymic. It should be remembered that a woman can change her last name after marriage, and her patronymic will remain with her for life.
  • In 2019, it is worth calling the baby by a name that will prevent other children from teasing her. Among the unsuccessful options: Noyabrina, Pear, Pizada, Svenja, Guadeloupe, Gabunia, Conchita, Sosipatra, Khavronia, Gorgonia.
  • When choosing a name for a woman in 2019, some parents are guided by patriotic tendencies, the origins of which are rooted in Soviet Union(Olympiada, Dazdraperma, Gertrude, Vladlena, Traktorina, Kommunara, etc.) In our times, girls live Russia, Prepuzasta (Putin's successor is a guarantee of stability), Mumeramka (Ramzan Kadyrov's dream man), Plapura (Putin's plan is working), Gryzloslis (Gryzlov and Sliska), Medmiya (in honor of Dmitry Medvedev). The imagination of the parents does not stand still, and every month new unthinkable options appear. But still, when determining the fate of your child, it is better to be guided not by patriotic motives, but by common sense. It is unlikely that a matured girl will be grateful for an ugly, albeit unusual name.
  • 2019 is not the best time to name a newborn after a relative: mom, grandmother or aunt. There is some belief that in this case the woman will live the fate of the person whose namesake she is. Many will agree that it is better to have your own special destiny, therefore they prefer to choose a unique name for the crumbs.
  • Psychologists advise against calling girls born in 2019 male sounds (Valeria, Cyrus, Anatoly, Bogdan, Pavel). It is possible that the girl will be teased, and overly masculine features will appear in her character.

Fashionable female names of 2019 in Russia

Following modern fashion, parents began to choose old, rare names for newborns more often. The desire to stand out and name the child in a special way leads to the fact that in modern playgrounds it is more likely to meet Aurora or Bella, and not Olya and Katya.

For women born in 2019, the following names are suitable: Natalia, Ulyana, Eva, Milana, Marina, Vasilisa, Victoria, Elizabeth, Margarita, Lada, Klara, Zlata.

The fashion returns to name children after celebrities: Diana, Ksenia, Emilia, Alla, Linda, Olga, Natalia, Irina. Psychologists say: naming a child after famous person, you automatically program it for success.

In 2019, beautiful foreign names are popular in Russia: Michaela, Dominica, Inessa, Amalia, Yesenia, Bella, Agata, Agnia, Paola, Julia, Juno, Serena, Beatrice.


According to professional psychologists, the name assigned at birth has an impact on his entire life path... It carries a certain energy and sacred meaning. It is believed that the future fate and dominant character traits depend on the choice of a name, therefore it is worth paying attention to its characteristics - this will help the girl to live in harmony with herself and the outside world.

Happy female names 2019

Names designed to bring good luck to those born in 2019: Milana, Taisia, Lilia, Nadezhda. Parents should take a closer look at such options as Anita, Nicole, Camilla.

According to the eastern calendar, 2019 is a period of decisiveness and creativity. The dog symbolizes purposefulness and imparts wisdom. To activate the power of the totem animal, astrologers advise using the letter "P": Arina, Christina, Ruslana, Margarita, Victoria, Irina, etc.

How not to call your daughter in 2019

Among the unlucky names for girls in the coming year are the following options: Vera, Alexandra, Nadezhda, Inna, Elvira, Lyudmila, Tamara. Their owners may face a difficult fate and many trials.

Orthodox names for girls according to the church calendar for 2019

Since ancient times, it has been customary to call newborns church name according to the calendar. The newly minted parents turned to the clergyman for help to find out which saints' name days are celebrated on the feast of the birth of the baby. Despite the fact that now this tradition has become less popular, some parents still follow Orthodox traditions. This method is especially convenient in cases where family members cannot decide and come to a unanimous decision on how to name the girl, and referring to the calendar will help to make a compromise and resolve family differences.

Church names by calendar by month 2019

January 2019

Anastasia, Vasilisa, Evgeniya, Maria, Antonina, Natalia, Polina, Anna, Elena, Neonila, Akulina, Tatiana, Nina, Ksenia

February 2019

Anna, Ekaterina, Inna, Ksenia, Maria, Vasilisa, Irina, Valentina, Vera, Olga, Svetlana, Galina, Zoya, Sophia

March 2019

Anastasia, Kira, Olga, Nadezhda, Maria, Natalia, Akulina, Anna, Daria, Alexandra, Elena, Martha, Antonina, Vasilisa, Ksenia, Galina, Ekaterina, Khristina

April 2019

Daria, Galina, Martha, Vasilisa, Maria, Alexandra, Larisa, Taisia, Irina, Sophia, Anastasia, Alla, Lydia, Nika, Anna

May 2019

Alexandra, Glafira, Tamara, Irina, Maria, Evdokia, Anna, Ulyana, Zoya, Nika, Khristina, Valeria, Anastasia, Julia

June 2019

Antonina, Valeria, Maria, Vera, Sophia, Elena, Anastasia, Anna

July 2019

Anastasia, Alexandra, Veronica, Inna, Angelina, Elizabeth, Anna, Tatiana, Evdokia, Vasilisa, Olga, Elena, Valentina, Julia

August 2019

Daria, Evgenia, Maria, Tatiana, Anna, Evdokia, Christina, Ksenia, Iraida, Praskovya, Angelina, Anfisa, Elena, Irina, Anastasia, Sophia, Serafima, Eva

September 2019

Tatyana, Anna, Ekaterina, Fekla, Martha, Natalia, Elizaveta, Vasilisa, Maria, Ksenia, Anfisa, Evdokia, Lyudmila, Natalia, Love, Hope, Vera, Sophia

October 2019

Raisa, Vera, Ustinya, Pelageya, Alexandra, Sophia, Irina, Anna, Veronica, Praskovya, Taisia, Zinaida

November 2019

Elena, Anna, Anastasia, Martha, Dominica, Claudia, Maria, Elizabeth, Ulyana, Olga

December 2019

Kira, Anna, Vera, Ariadne, Zoya, Angelina, Tamara, Ekaterina, Anfisa, Sophia.

If the option you like is not in the calendar, at baptism, you can write a similar or consonant in the testimony. Name days are celebrated, even if the month of birth does not coincide with the day of remembrance of the saint - according to modern church canons, this is not necessary.

When choosing a name for a newborn, you don't have to rely entirely on fashion trends or Orthodox calendars. Make sure that it is in harmony with the surname, patronymic and, in general, is suitable for the child. And most importantly, give your daughter your care and love. Then the fate of the baby will definitely turn out successfully, despite the difficulties in life.

The vocabulary of female names is very diverse. Therefore, in anticipation of the birth of a girl, parents remember many of them, are interested in their meanings. How many interesting proposals and opinions can be heard at this crucial moment! Sometimes even disputes and quarrels arise between relatives. After all, you need to stop at the option that everyone will like and make the baby's fate happier.

If you are hesitant about how to name a girl, you will find beautiful names in our article. Indeed, the character of the baby and many events in her life may depend on how you call the baby. In the article, you will also learn how to name a girl according to the church calendar. Many parents rely on this very source.

Difficulty of choice

What can you call a girl today? This choice is both difficult and simple at the same time. At first glance, you have complete freedom, without legal restrictions. Nowadays, even rare names are normally responded to in society, therefore, more and more foreign ones appear among unusual names.

What is important to keep in mind before naming a girl who is born? Scientists have found that beauty alone is not enough to select a suitable name. Usually, preference is given to other factors: origin, sounding of a full and short form, a combination with a surname and patronymic. Some parents use the practice of choosing a name by the child himself. This experiment is carried out even when the baby is in the mother's belly. Parents make a list of names they like, read them out loud and wait for the baby to give them a nudge or wiggle signal.

If dad and mom very much doubt the choice, then they wait until the child is born. Sometimes the most suitable option comes to mind spontaneously and automatically.

What provisions to rely on when choosing?

Each child has its own destiny. How can you name a girl so that it promises her happiness, helps determine her life path? A few hundred years ago, women only led a life, kept the harmony in the family. For such a pastime, they needed patience, obedience, hard work, perseverance, love for children. Men admired their beauty, cuteness and appreciated beauties for their ability to dance, sing, and do needlework.

Each nation has its own traditions of how to name a girl. They try to give the child a name that is beautiful by ear, melodious. The chosen option becomes a kind of compliment for the newborn. The name should not sound harsh and rude, because girls differ from guys in tenderness and femininity. What is the name of the girl so that you can enjoy the melodic and beauty of its sound later?

International, Old Church Slavonic, short and fictional versions are considered topical modern trends in the choice of girls' names. After all, parents so want to be distinguished in this matter by sonority and originality. Each syllable in the name complements each other.

The beauty of Russian names

There is a mystery in the beautiful female name. Many young parents are at a crossroads - what should you call a girl? There are a lot of gentle, feminine and wise names.

Beautiful Russian versions come in different origins - Slavic, Greek, Scandinavian. This also includes the Catholic variants, in which Russians are showing interest. Most of these names have an Orthodox analogue, which is focused on sounding in the Russian language. Little Russian women are increasingly called in European. The most popular are also considered beautiful Russian female names.

Russian names are very beautiful and melodic. Among the many options, Anastasia, Alexandra, Sofia, Svetlana, Elena are traditionally preferred. Russian versions are also used abroad. Natasha, Tanya, Sasha, Maria sound the same among many nations. Orthodox origin have Catherine, Xenia, Eva, Irina, Elizabeth. It is also worth adding to this list Kira, Ulyana, Daria, Julia. Zlata, Milana, Yaroslava, Svetlana, Olga have Slavic roots. Lyubava, Milena, Lada are considered beautiful Slavic versions. Margarita, Christina, Taisia, Tamara, Emilia, Alice have foreign roots.

Evdokia, Anfisa, Zoya, Adeline, Antonina, Pelageya are considered rare and unusual. Still often called Ludmila, Olesya, Allami. Martha, Stefania, Carolina are often found. Slavic names are also used by Slovaks, Czechs, Poles.

Preferences of Muslims and Tatars

Each nation has many versions of how to call girls beautifully. Muslims prefer Aisha, Alsou, Gulnara, Kamila, Fatima. Leila, Jasmine, Amira, Dilya are considered beautiful among them.

Tatars are called both by Muslim names and by European ones. Among large selection you can meet Jamilya, Dinara, Elvira, Nailya, Nargiz.

Popularity of European names

The English variants are very popular today. There are several reasons for this. English names make it easier for girls of any nationality to adapt to European countries and America. After all, such versions do not cause bias. The second reason is that everything European is in vogue today. English language today the most common, it is spoken in all corners of the world. Today you can often meet Diana, Jessica, Camilla, Bella, Grace, Emily, Charlotte.

English literature and cinema also promoted the spread of some names: Daisy, Gladys, Isolde, Ebba, Jane. Russians from British names most often use the names Ani, Louise, Elizabeth.

It is customary for the French to give girls several names. One thing is recorded only in an official document, but in life they use another. For the names of girls, the French often take variants from the pedigree. In France, Lola, Lea, Karla, Axel are now often found.

Anna occupies a leading position in the world in statistics. Maria follows her. It is Anna and Maria who are considered the most beautiful.

The meanings of some names

We invite you to get acquainted with the meanings of the most popular and beautiful options. Alina has the meaning of nobility and stamina. Alice is a weighty and worthy girl. Alla means to become and nobility. Alexandra is a "protector of people". Anastasia is "resurrected". Angelina has the meaning of an angelic creation, a messenger. Anna has a cute and cute look. Angela has an angelic soul. Arina comes from Irina.

Vale is predicted to be in good health. Valeria is a strong girl. Veronica brings victory, as does Victoria. Galina has a calm and serene disposition. Daria is distinguished by great willpower. The first female name Eve has the meaning of life itself. Eugene is distinguished by nobility. Elizabeth is close to God. Jeanne is "the mercy of God." Inna is filled with violent emotions. Irina symbolizes the world, Zlata - gold. Karina always strives forward. Christina is associated with the restoration of Christianity. Xenia represents the stranger and the guest. Larissa is associated with a seagull. Love is always loved. People always like Lyudmila.

Malvina is associated with tenderness and weakness. Marina has a marine Latin meaning. Maria is sad, but always desired. In March they see the mistress and the mentor. The translation of the Latin name Natalia is "native". Olesya is a girl from the forest. Sacred and holy see Olga. Rita is formed from Margarita. The rose is associated with a beautiful thorny flower. Sophia brings wisdom. Tatiana loves to set her own rules. Julia - "fluffy, curly". The God-given girl in Hebrew is Yana.

Paired to male names

Some female versions were created paired with male ones. It is believed that such couples help to achieve perfection. Alexander is opposed to Alexander, Anton - Antonina, Valery - Valery, Vladislav - Vladislav, Victor - Victoria, Eugene - Eugene. Also from the male names Bogdana, Ivan, Julia, Daria were formed. Masculine features with notes of militancy, imperiousness are visible in Borislav, Amir, Augustine, Martha, Adeline, Alice.

Names associated with nature

Some versions emphasize the desire of women for peace, unity with nature. This is observed in Dragomira, Irina, Frederica, Salma. Many of them contain religious meaning, for example: John, Thekla, Bozena, Bogdan. In ancient times, people gave names in association with the world around them. So, Zarina identified the dawn, Kupava - a water lily, Ikrima - a dove, Rachel - a lamb, Tamara - a date palm, Esther - a star, Margarita - a pearl. Aurora is associated with dawn, Alsou - with scarlet water, Vesnyana - with spring, Inna - with a stormy stream. Pelageya is considered marine, Silva is forest, Seraphima is fiery, Snezhana is snowy. The sun glorifies Yaroslav.

Choosing Christian Parents

Believers dad and mom try to choose a name for the baby associated with a particular saint. How to name a girl according to the church calendar? To do this, they turn to the calendar, where the dates of the veneration of all the saints are recorded. A newborn is named depending on the Orthodox calendar day when she was born.

These names do not catch the ear at all, because they are constantly replenished. Months allows you to name the girl quite euphoniously, protecting her with a kind of amulet. Every month, according to the calendar, 30 or more female names are offered. Let's take the spring month of March as an example. From the 1st to the 10th, the girl is proposed to be named Anna, Nina, Marianna, Camilla, Alexandra, Varvara, Elizaveta, Irina, Anfisa. From the 11th to the 20th they are called Teresa, Marina, Kira, Victoria, Nadezhda, Vera, Daria, Antonina, Olga. From the 21st to the end of the month, they are named Maria, Ksenia, Ekaterina, Natalia, Alina, Olesya, Christina.

By numerology and seasons

Some parents who do not know how to name a child (girl) turn to numerology. In this case, they pay attention to the date of birth of the baby and take the signs of the zodiac for help. It is believed that this will bring harmony, positive emotions and luck to the baby's life.

Sometimes, when choosing a name, they pay attention to the season. To restore balance, those born in winter are given warm and soft names. Spring and summer girls are named more rigidly and firmly. Catherine, Polina, Natalia will suit emotional and hot-tempered December girls. January crumbs are called Lyudmila, Love, Anastasia. February are advised to choose Asya, Svetlana, Veronica. In March Antonina, Ruslana, Margarita are born. In May, they prefer Julia, Marina, Tamara, in June - Elena, Sofia, Maria. July girls - Elizabeth, Olga, Angelina. In August, it is advised to call Christina, Tatiana, Maria. In September they prefer Sophia, Love, Hope. October offers Zlata, Taisia, Sophia. In November, they choose Evgenia, Natalia, Ulyana.

The most beloved names among men

There has been a lot of research into which female names like men. Most of all they like Katya, Nastya and Vika. Also, many people love Ksyusha, Tanya and Natasha. Some representatives of the strong half of humanity prefer more exotic options - Angela, Veronica, Margarita, Violetta. Masha, Lena, Dasha also attract many. Valentina and Irina remain pleasant to the male ear. The happiest couples are Alexander and Alexandra, Eugene and Eugene.

Elena Zhabinskaya

Dear future mothers, most likely you already know the gender of your unborn child and are expecting a little princess.

You know exactly what she will be - beautiful, funny, mischievous, inquisitive and kind, and you want to give her all the best. Therefore, you already know how to choose the right one and which one to buy.

The most important, pleasant and significant remains: to sort out all the names for girls and choose the most beautiful and best for your little princess. This is a very responsible choice, because it will leave an imprint on the whole future life and fate of the child.

Will your girl grow up to be a downtrodden, quiet person, following the lead of someone else's, stronger opinion, will she be aggressive and ready to repel an invisible attack every second? Or will it develop into harmonious personality with an even character and a benevolent disposition? Believe it or not, a lot depends on the name you give her. That is why it is important to make the right choice and consciously.

Numerous scientists have long noticed that people with the same names have similar character traits.

The phenomenon of "name music" is cited as one of the explanations. According to him, some names sound melodious, literally caress the ear and evoke positive emotions in the one who pronounces and the one who hears. Others, on the contrary, make you cringe and tense.

Each name is a set of sounds of one or another pitch and tonality. All sounds affect different parts of the brain in different ways. Since a person hears what they call him several dozen times a day, this forms a certain psycho-emotional state and certain character traits. There are hard, hard names: Zhanna, Dina, Tamara. They contribute to the formation of a persistent, stubborn, decisive character. There are soft and melodic ones: Svetlana, Natalia, Anna, which will be the prerequisites for the formation of a soft and docile character.

In addition, there is another reasonable explanation for the influence of the name on fate. Hearing the name, we draw conclusions about the nationality of the person (Maria, Olga, Anna, Ekaterina), the possible religion (Gulnara, Zulfiya), the alleged character traits (calm Elena, fiery Tatiana). Having succumbed to the first impression, we draw some conclusions about the person. And, of course, when thousands of people "endow" someone with certain qualities when meeting, it leaves an imprint on the personality.

An interesting fact: scientists recently conducted a study and found that girls with attractive romantic names (Angelina, Angelica, Milan) are worse on the career ladder, but much more successful in a creative environment and in show business.

How to choose

When choosing a name for a girl, you can be guided by different theories and principles (we will talk about them below). However, there are some general guidelines to consider.

The name must match the nationality of the child. This is a fairly obvious rule, and usually in a family of Orthodox Christians, it would never occur to anyone to name their daughter Khadizha, Alfiyo or Alsu. In the same way, the presence of a child, for example, with the name Vera, Anna, Olga, in a Tatar or Muslim family immediately creates a dissonance.

The name must be combined with the girl's surname and patronymic. Various combinations of full name the child will have to hear very often. First name and surname at school, then name and patronymic in adult life at work. Therefore, say all these combinations several times, so to speak, taste them.

If the surname and patronymic are long, then the name should be chosen shorter. It is convenient to show this by my personal example. When we were choosing how to name our daughter, we saw that we just had a long surname and patronymic, so we chose a shorter name so as not to fall asleep while pronouncing it in full. It turned out like this: Zhabinskaya Eva Dmitrievna. Both together and separately, the combinations are not quite long and euphonious. Compare, for example, as if it were Zhabinskaya Ekaterina Dmitrievna, or Zhabinskaya Anastasia Dmitrievna. For me - a very long time.

At the junction of the surname and first name, first name and patronymic, there should not be a pile of consonant letters that complicate pronunciation. In this case, the child will strain in advance in anticipation that something may be incorrectly pronounced, which will form uncertainty and stiffness. For example, it is more difficult to pronounce Stern Christina than Stern Alice.

You need to try so that the name easily forms a diminutive form, so that communication with the baby can be colored in a different spectrum of emotions.

How not to call a girl

Choosing how to name a girl in 2017, you must always remember that a baby with this name will live: go to kindergarten, school, university, build a career. Therefore, it is inappropriate and stupid to be guided by momentary fashion or emotions in such an important issue.

You should not give difficult-to-pronounce, unpronounceable and strange names. For example, Tractorina, Wilhelmina, Gloriosa, Eupraxia, Xanthippus, Mitrodora. The child will feel awkward from birth at every need to identify himself, which can develop an inferiority complex and insecurity.

Do not name children after historical events or outstanding people. Events go down in history, and politicians are often criticized over time. As a result, a name that seemed meaningful and relevant to you, after a dozen years will sound ridiculous, inappropriate and stupid, embarrassing the child and developing complexes for him. For example, Dazdraperma (Long live May 1), Olympics (in honor of the Winter Olympics in Sochi), Crimea (in honor of the annexation of the peninsula), Stalin (in honor of Stalin).

You should not call the baby as well as relatives who died a violent death or tragically. You may or may not believe in mysticism, there are statistics according to which such people are more likely to repeat the fate of unlucky ancestors.

IN recent times there is a fashion for double names (Anna-Maria, Victoria-Elizabeth). Mommies explain this choice like this: the queen has a royal name (hinting that all the reigning persons always had two names). But firstly, we are still not royalty, and secondly, this is not a game of princesses, but a real child's life. I do not see the need to create additional difficulties and awkward situations for the child in communicating with peers.

Names for girls by month according to the church calendar

Our ancestors did not have to puzzle over a suitable name for a child. It was enough to look at the calendar - the church calendar with the names of the saints.

It was believed that the saint, on whose day the baby was born, would be his protector and patron, respectively, this name was given to the baby.

In our time, although the saints have already played their role, and the choice of the child's name is left to the imagination of the parents, sometimes it is still possible, and even necessary, to look into the church calendar.

Who knows, perhaps it is there that you will draw inspiration and, according to the calendar, you will find an unusual name for a girl, which, in addition, will carry a secret spiritual meaning, because the guardian angel himself will protect such a baby.

Now the church canons are not so strict, and in order to provide parents with more choice in names, the calendar is used by months, and not by day. This means that the name of the patron saint can be selected from the list relating to the month of birth of the baby.

  • Girls born in September can be called the following names of the patron saints: Thekla, Martha, Natalia, Maria, Kira, Anfisa, Anna, Elizabeth, Tatiana, Natalia, Ksenia, Vasilisa, Sofia, Lyudmila, Vera, Love, Hope, Raisa, Evdokia, Seraphim.
  • In October they patronize: Elizabeth, Zlata, Zinaida, Pelageya, Taisia, Tatiana, Nadezhda, Veronica, Anna, Alexandra, Maria, Sofia, Iraida, Ariadna, Irina.
  • November: Anna, Elizabeth, Nina, Alexandra, Klavdia, Elena, Anastasia, Maria, Pelageya, Matryona, Olga.
  • December: Zoya, Vera, Marina, Alexandra, Tatiana, Anna, Anfisa, Varvara, Ekaterina, Julia, Kira, Tamara, Maria, Margarita.
  • In January: Maria, Sofia, Nina, Tatiana, Julia, Anastasia, Vasilisa, Eugene, Polina, Melanya, Maria, Anna, Varvara, Augusta, Claudia.
  • In February: Sofia, Anna, Vera, Svetlana, Irina, Zoya, Maria, Christina, Ekaterina, Pelageya, Ksenia, Anastasia, Agnia, Vasilisa, Rimma.
  • In March: Marina, Christina, Vasilisa, Anastasia, Alexandra, Antonina, Nadezhda, Elena, Julia, Olga, Kira, Eugene, Varvara, Valentina.
  • In April: Galina, Lydia, Svetlana, Maria, Daria, Sofia, Alexandra, Anastasia.
  • In May: Claudia, Julia, Christina, Irina, Pelageya, Zoya, Nina, Ivanna, Tamara, Susanna, Matryona, Alexandra, Glafira, Anna, Taisia.
  • In June: Pelageya, Anna, Antonina, Martha, Valeria, Maria, Julia, Ulyana, Thekla, Susanna, Vera, Elena, Efrosinya, Nina, Thekla.
  • In July: Marina, Margarita, Alevtina, Valentina, Julia, Maria, Olga, Elena, Evdokia, Ioanna, Agrippina, Zoya, Anna, Rimma, Zina.
  • In August: Maria, Sofia, Eva, Daria, Nona, Evdokia, Elizabeth, Elena, Anfisa, Christina, Susanna, Mavra.

Beautiful Russian names

As you know, classics are always in fashion. And names are no exception. Most Russian traditional names are rooted in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome... But this only adds to their charm and history.

With such a name, the baby will feel comfortable, and it will most likely go well with her last name and patronymic.

Popular modern names for girls

Sociologists annually analyze which female names are more popular with parents. According to statistics recent years, in addition to the classic Russian names that we discussed above, the following are attracted to young parents.

Rare and beautiful

The classic names are beautiful and cozy, but nowadays they no longer surprise anyone. And I really want to show everyone that your baby is special. Therefore, I propose to go in search of not only beautiful, but also rare names for girls.

Old Russian

One of the latest fashion trends is to call children with old Russian names. I am wary of this idea, and here's why. As a rule, such names are still used extremely rarely in our time.

Accordingly, they are unusual for a child's ear, and again in this case we are faced with the danger that the baby will be a black sheep in the children's team, begin to be ashamed of her name, feel awkward when it will be necessary to call him, or when they will turn to her.

There is always such a danger, because we do not know in advance what kind of character and temperament we will have a baby. Perhaps someone will not be shy and will be able to stand up for themselves, while someone will withdraw and refuse to attend school.

Therefore, I do not see the need to give children too rare old Russian names, such as Martha, Thekla, Lukerya, Pelageya, Efrosinya, Agrippina, Aglaya.

There is a theory according to which people born at a certain time of the year have common character traits and inclinations.

Knowing these patterns, you can align and correct a person's character in the right direction.

So, for example, cold and harsh weather conditions form a tough, hard and uncompromising character in those born in winter. Therefore, there is a recommendation to try to give such girls soft, gentle and affectionate names, in order to add femininity and kindness in this way. In this case, such names as Elena, Alice, Sophia will be appropriate, and unsuccessful (they will only strengthen, aggravate the character) Kira, Olga, Zhanna.

Spring, on the other hand, promotes the formation of soft, indecisive personalities. It is difficult for such girls to resist other people's opinions, it is difficult to say a firm no, to suppress unpleasant statements or actions. On the contrary, they need to add hardness. The name Marina, Christina, Dina will do. Natalia, Dasha, Svetlana will be unsuccessful.

In the summer, emotional, impressionable girls are born, good-natured and often spineless. Their character should be balanced with firm, stable names, for example, Martha, Barbara.

Autumn is the best time for the birth of balanced, whole individuals. They can be given any name without fear.

I also suggest watching the video in which there is useful tips on this topic.


Muslim names are melodic and melodious, in addition, they always hide under themselves some unique quality that parents strive to endow a little girl with at birth.

Much attention is paid to the beauty of a woman, because she should delight and delight the eyes of her husband, as well as obedience and obedience.

Let's admire modern popular, unusual-sounding options and find out what they mean.

  • Yasmina - similar to a jasmine flower;
  • Elvira is the protector;
  • Shakira - who is grateful;
  • Samira - who knows how to listen;
  • Madina - in honor of Medina;
  • Leila - a girl with black hair;
  • Dinara - like gold;
  • Amira is a princess;
  • Alsou is the personification of beauty.


Tatars are a great people with a distinctive history and rich traditions. Needless to say, female names in Tatar culture are beautiful and unusual.

Often, parents create their own new name for the baby, comparing her with beautiful flowers, or a unique natural phenomenon. The names are somewhat bolder than in classical Muslim traditions, more attention is paid to beauty, less importance is the need for obedience and submission.

We have selected the most popular modern options for you.


The Kazakh people have an ancient and rich history. Traditional Kazakh names came to us from ancient times. Most often they are composite and represent admiration for the beauty of a young girl, her grace, love of life.

The names are often compared with beautiful flowers, the moon, precious stones, as well as admiration for some character traits, as a rule, meekness, helpfulness and humility, which is logical for Muslim peoples.

Let's look at modern beautiful Kazakh names for girls and admire their poetic explanation.

  • Janelle is blessed;
  • Aisulu - beautiful as the moon;
  • Meiram - festive;
  • Saule - like a ray of the sun;
  • Kanipa is a sincere girl;
  • Batima is a wise girl;
  • Aigul - looking like a moon flower;
  • Asiyana - a girl from the East;
  • Bibigul is the mistress of the flower meadow;
  • Guldana is an expensive flower.

When choosing a name for a baby, do not forget to prepare all the necessary things for her birth. Advanced mothers know that the most profitable thing now is to buy everything via the Internet: they save time, money, and there is much more choice. An excellent proven store with everything you need for a newborn -. Be sure to look into it, it once saved me a lot of time and nerves from shopping.

I hope this information was useful to you. I am happy to read your opinion on the choice of a name for my daughter, if necessary, I will prompt and advise, so do not hesitate to leave comments.