Modern image of a beautiful lady. Class hour on the topic "The image of the Beautiful Lady in art and in life" (senior classes). Some interesting essays

Julius Aikhenvald in the book "Silhouettes of Russian Writers" called Alexander Alexandrovich Blok the singer of the Beautiful Lady, recalling, of course, the famous Blok's "Poems about the Beautiful Lady", which appeared in print at the very beginning of the 20th century. The Beautiful Lady is an image that arose in the deep Middle Ages in the era of knightly worship of the lady of the heart and was sung by the troubadours of Provence. As you know, Lyubov Dmitrievna Mendeleeva, the daughter of the great Russian chemist, became the beautiful Lady of Alexander Blok. Shortly before the appearance of his first book of poetry, Blok wrote to Mendeleeva: "You are my sun, my sky, my bliss." Indeed, Lyubov Dmitrievna was distinguished by extraordinary charm, therefore it is hardly accidental that Blok, who has a subtle sense of beauty, saw in Mendeleeva an earthly reflection of a deity, the embodiment of Eternal Femininity. It is known that the image of eternal femininity originated in the teachings of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, which Blok knew very well.

Plato's cosmos was split into two worlds: the world of things - the sphere of the earthly life of plants, animals and humans, the existence of objects and the world of ideas - the heavenly sphere embodying beauty, harmony and wisdom. The desire for the world of ideas is Eros, which is spiritual energy, love and music emanating from the cosmos.

At the time of passion for the philosophy of Plato, A.A. Blok gets acquainted with the poetry and philosophy of Vladimir Solovyov, in whose works the image of eternal femininity was central. Solovyov proposed to meet the beginning of the 20th century with a new religion, in the center of which would be God. The Almighty will appear on earth no longer in the form of Jesus Christ, but in the form of the Great Wisdom - the Divine Sophia. This image has undergone many changes since antiquity, the main of which is that the faceless energy of the musical origin of the world, according to the Christian tradition, has acquired flesh and blood in a female form. The eternal feminine principle entered the history of world culture in temple architecture (the brilliant St. Sophia Cathedral in Kiev), in the strict face of the Virgin Mary with sad eyes. V. Solovyov emphasized that not only the Christian, but also the pagan beginning fills the image of eternal femininity, since she is the embodiment of the soul of nature and the universe itself. Sophia became the soul of the world, that universal love that united heaven and earth.

For A.A. Blok was important in Solovyov's philosophy precisely this idea of ​​combining musical nature with the image of eternal femininity. Blok perceived all the events taking place around him as mysterious symbols.

Blok's first book of poems was imbued with such sentiments. Under the beautiful lady, whatever the real prototype that evoked the verses dedicated to her, the poet saw the divine, eternally feminine principle, which should revive, resurrect the world. This idea was reflected, for example, in Blok's poem "My prophecy came true ...". The lyrical hero of this text, seeing her sanctuary, "is full of triumph, ... intoxicated with a great mystery." In his poems, the poet depicts himself either as a knight, or as a “guardian in the temple”, “keeping the fire of the lamps”, then as one of the faithful slaves guarding the queen at the entrance to her tower, then as a man performing “a poor rite in a dark temple” in anticipation of a beautiful Ladies, then a page that carries a veil behind the beauty. The entire book of Blok's first poems is imbued with the pathos of expectation; the words “I am waiting”, “we are waiting”, etc. are repeated repeatedly in poetic texts. For example, in the poem "" the poet writes:

“I feel for you. Years pass, I foresee you passing by -

All in the guise of one I foresee You.

The whole horizon is on fire - and unbearably clear,

And silently I wait - yearning and loving.

The same feeling is expressed in the poem “I am waiting for a call, I am waiting for an answer”, where there are lines: “I am waiting - and a new one is trembling,

The sky is getting brighter, the silence is deafening...

The night secret will be broken by the word ...

Have mercy, O God, on the souls of the night!”

V real life the hero of the book "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" feels lonely, the earth is deserted for him. Only in an ideal world does the poet feel the freedom and joy of being. The poet gives the meaning of allegory to all objects and experiences. For example, in Blok's early poems, the river appears not only as a water stream, but also as a symbol of the boundary that separates the lyrical hero from the ideal. Words such as door, steps, heaven, dawn are taken by the poet in a special, conventional sense. Only in the last poems of the book do the images acquire concreteness, become more vital, because of the domes of mysterious temples the walls of simple houses and even factories appear, the faces of angels disappear, but the faces of people appear. The world of hints and echoes gradually disappears, the world of dance appears.

If in the earliest poems of Blok (1904) the Beautiful Lady is shown most often as the Mother of God, then starting from the poetic texts of 1905 this image is transformed. For example, in the poem "Autumn Dances" (1905). A beautiful lady is shown in it as a dancing woman, and her dance is accompanied by “excitement”, a blaze of three elements at once: water (“streams fall”, “roaring moisture”, “splashes”), air (“a prayer goes to heaven”, “light-winged youth") and fire, which here figuratively characterizes the bright colors of autumn ("golden fabric", " Golden ring"). The autumn dance in this poem is not only the movement of moist air, wind, leaves through the golden forest, not only the whirling of the autumn maiden and her friends, but also the music, first of the “golden trumpet”, and then of the “ringing voice”, and, at the end after all, "music of moisture". In this poem, we have the soul of pagan nature personified, the pagan version of the Eternal Femininity, whose face is dissolved in the infinity of natural elements.

The Beautiful Lady will appear in Blok's poems either as a Stranger, or as a snow mask, or as Carmen, or as Columbine. There is a version that the main character of the poem "The Twelve" "fat-faced" Katya became the Last Beautiful Lady of the Block.

The cycle "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" (1901-1902) became the central one in the first volume of A. Blok's lyrical trilogy. In it, the poet was guided by the "new poetry", which reflected the philosophical teachings of Vl. Solovyov about Eternal Femininity, or about the Soul of the world. “Poems about the Beautiful Lady” were associated for Blok with his youthful love for his future wife, L. D. Mendeleeva, and therefore were dear to him all his life. Vl. Solovyov, in his teaching, argued that only through love can one comprehend the truth, unite with the world in harmony, defeat selfishness and evil in oneself. He believed that everything feminine carries a life-giving principle. Mother, wife, lover - they are the ones who save the cruel world from death. “High” love for a woman can reveal the hidden secrets of the world, connect a person with heaven. In this cycle, the lyrical hero of Blok no longer experiences longing, loneliness, as in early poems, the perception of the world and the emotional tone of the poems change. They acquire an elegiac connotation and mystical content. At that time, the poet was intensely waiting for a revelation, calling on the Beautiful Lady. He wanted the time of truth and happiness, the transformation of the world, to come soon.

Blok expressed his feelings by means of symbolism. He animated Femininity itself, called his dream Eternally Young, Eternal Wife, Princess, Holy, Virgin, Dawn, Kupina. The images of the Beautiful Lady and the lyrical hero, her knight, are dual. Poems where we are talking about “earthly” love, for a real woman, belong to intimate lyrics. The hero is waiting for his Lady, gives her description:

She is slender and tall, Always arrogant and stern.

For the hero, she is a deity whom he worships, although he sees her only from afar or in the evening "at sunset." Each meeting with her is a joyful and long-awaited event. Either she is dressed in "silver fur", then in a "white dress", she goes "into the dark gate". These features of a real woman suddenly disappear, and the poet already sees the mystical image of the “Virgin of the Rainbow Gates”, calls her “Clear”, “Incomprehensible”. The same thing happens to the hero himself. Now he is “young, and fresh, and in love,” then he imagines himself as a monk lighting candles in front of the altar in the Temple of the Virgin, then as her knight. Before us are living heroes, and the hard work of their souls, capable of feeling deeply and strongly. The dramatic expectation of the arrival of the Beautiful Lady is caused by the hero's doubts. He feels unworthy of her. Blok contrasts earthly and heavenly, physical and spiritual. The lyrical hero passionately longs for the arrival of the Beautiful Lady, but he is an earthly person, with weaknesses and shortcomings, lives according to earthly laws. Will he be able to start living according to the laws of love, truth and beauty? The hero calls the light and the deity, but will he survive? The hero wholeheartedly strives for the light, but is still in darkness. Hence, one of the central themes of the cycle is the theme of the path to the light. The hero repeats "Come!", referring to the Beautiful Lady. Her image is an embodied secret that she can reveal to people. Soberly assessing the state of human aspirations, the poet did not hope for quick changes in the souls of people, so he writes: “You are far away, as before, so now ...” Blok, using symbols, tried to tell readers that if people do not follow the path of good, love and justice, then a universal catastrophe awaits them. But still, his hero believes that someday life will change for the better: “But I believe you will ascend”; "You will open the Radiant Face." Blok used and transformed his personal experiences in his work. The cycle "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" should be considered as love and landscape lyrics, as a mystical and philosophical story about the poet's path to Sophia, that is, to wisdom, and the path of the world to spiritual Transfiguration.

Julius Aikhenvald in the book “Silhouettes of Russian Writers” called Alexander Alexandrovich Blok the singer of the Beautiful Lady, recalling, of course, the famous Blok’s “Poems about the Beautiful Lady”, which appeared in print at the very beginning of the 20th century. The Beautiful Lady is an image that arose in the deep Middle Ages in the era of knightly worship of the lady of the heart and was sung by the troubadours of Provence. As you know, Lyubov Dmitrievna Mendeleeva, the daughter of the great Russian chemist, became the beautiful Lady of Alexander Blok. Shortly before the appearance of his first poetic

Blok wrote to Mendeleeva: “You are my sun, my sky, my bliss.”

Indeed, Lyubov Dmitrievna was distinguished by extraordinary charm, therefore it is hardly accidental that Blok, who has a subtle sense of beauty, saw in Mendeleeva an earthly reflection of a deity, the embodiment of Eternal Femininity. It is known that the image of eternal femininity originated in the teachings of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, which Blok knew very well. Plato's cosmos was split into two worlds: the world of things - the sphere of the earthly life of plants, animals and humans, the existence of objects and the world of ideas - the celestial sphere embodying beauty, harmony

and wisdom. The desire for the world of ideas is Eros, which is spiritual energy, love and music emanating from the cosmos.

At the time of his passion for the philosophy of Plato, A. A. Blok got acquainted with the poetry and philosophy of Vladimir Solovyov, in whose works the image of eternal femininity was central. Solovyov proposed to meet the beginning of the 20th century with a new religion, in the center of which would be God. The Almighty will appear on earth no longer in the form of Jesus Christ, but in the form of the Great Wisdom - the Divine Sophia. This image has undergone many changes since antiquity, the main of which is that the faceless energy of the musical origin of the world, according to the Christian tradition, has acquired flesh and blood in a female form. The eternal feminine principle entered the history of world culture in temple architecture (the brilliant St. Sophia Cathedral in Kiev), in the strict face of the Virgin Mary with sad eyes. V. Solovyov emphasized that not only the Christian, but also the pagan beginning fills the image of eternal femininity, since she is the embodiment of the soul of nature and the universe itself. Sophia became the soul of the world, that universal love that united heaven and earth.

For A. A. Blok, it was precisely this idea of ​​combining musical nature with the image of eternal femininity that was important in Solovyov's philosophy. Blok perceived all the events taking place around him as mysterious symbols.

Blok's first book of poems was imbued with such sentiments. Under the beautiful lady, whatever the real prototype that evoked the poems dedicated to her, the poet saw the divine, eternally feminine principle, which should revive, resurrect the world. This idea was reflected, for example, in Blok's poem "My prophecy came true ...". The lyrical hero of this text, having seen her sanctuary, "is full of triumph, ... intoxicated with a great mystery." In his poems, the poet portrays himself either as a knight, or as a “guardian in the temple”, “keeping the fire of the lamps”, then as one of the faithful slaves guarding the queen at the entrance to her tower, then as a man performing “a poor rite in a dark temple” in anticipation of a beautiful Ladies, then as a page, which carries a veil behind the beauty. The entire book of Blok's first poems is imbued with the pathos of expectation; the words “I am waiting”, “we are waiting”, etc. are repeated repeatedly in poetic texts. For example, in the poem “” the poet writes:

“I anticipate you. Years pass, I foresee you passing by -

All in the guise of one I foresee You.

The whole horizon is on fire - and unbearably clear,

And silently I wait, yearning and loving.

The same feeling is expressed in the poem “I am waiting for a call, I am waiting for an answer”, where there are lines: “I am waiting - and a new one is trembling,

The sky is brighter, the silence is deafening ...

The night secret will be broken by the word ...

Have mercy, O God, on the souls of the night!”

In real life, the hero of the book “Poems about a Beautiful Lady” feels lonely, the earth is deserted for him. Only in an ideal world does the poet feel the freedom and joy of being. The poet gives the meaning of allegory to all objects and experiences. For example, in Blok's early poems, the river appears not only as a stream of water, but also as a symbol of the boundary separating the lyrical hero from the ideal. Words such as door, steps, heaven, dawn are taken by the poet in a special, conventional sense. Only in the last poems of the book do the images acquire concreteness, become more vital, because of the domes of mysterious temples the walls of simple houses and even factories appear, the faces of angels disappear, but the faces of people appear. The world of hints and echoes gradually disappears, the world of dance appears.

If in the earliest poems of Blok (1904) the Beautiful Lady is shown most often as the Mother of God, then starting from the poetic texts of 1905 this image is transformed. For example, in the poem “Autumn Dances” (1905). A beautiful lady is shown in it as a dancing woman, and her dance is accompanied by “excitement”, a blaze of three elements at once: water (“streams fall”, “flowing moisture”, “splashes”), air (“a prayer goes to heaven”, “light-winged youth”) and fire, which here figuratively characterizes the bright colors of autumn (“golden cloth”, “golden ring”). The autumn dance in this poem is not only the movement of moist air, wind, leaves through the golden forest, not only the whirling of the autumn maiden and her friends, but also the music, first of the “golden trumpet”, and then of the “ringing voice”, and, at the end after all, “moisture music”. In this poem, we have the soul of pagan nature personified, the pagan version of the Eternal Femininity, whose face is dissolved in the infinity of natural elements.

The Beautiful Lady will appear in Blok's poems either as a Stranger, or as a snow mask, or as Carmen, or as Columbine. There is a version that the main character of the poem "The Twelve" "fat-faced" Katya became the Last Beautiful Lady of the Block.

So, if the early poems of A. A. Blok were not so much love lyrics how much the “philosophy of cosmism”, which was addressed not to a specific woman, but to an ideal, divine woman, then the later poems of the poet take on a more realistic shape.

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Alexander Blok is one of the most talented poets in Russian classical poetry. His work is unusually elegant and mysterious. Particularly striking are the "Poems about the Beautiful Lady", which embodies the search for the manifestation of the "Women's Soul". Perhaps his fascination with the philosophical teachings of Vladimir Solovyov was revealed in verses in which everything is saturated with symbolism. In this collection, he addressed a woman with whom he was passionately in love, and, subsequently, became her husband. A woman, in the poet's verses, appears as a sublime and unattainable being. The poet represented her as "Princess" and "Star". “Sunset, Mysterious Maiden,” writes the poet. The image of the Beautiful Lady in Blok's poems exists in an aura of mystery and incomprehensibility. It is like a fog and an elusive haze permeates everything and everything.

Considering the theme of the "Beautiful Lady" in Blok's work, one can notice some transformation of his visions. It is quite possible that these changes are connected with dramatic events in Blok's personal life. But, nevertheless, the woman remains for him something divine and ephemeral. In the poem “The Stranger”, the theme of hopelessness and despair: “... And the spring and pernicious spirit rules the drunken shouts”, intertwined with the theme of reflections on the beautiful Stranger:

And I see the enchanted shore
And the enchanted distance.

In this poem, the poet in a rather concentrated form describes all the insignificance and vulgarity of big cities, with each line reinforcing the idea of ​​the doom of the world around him. And suddenly, "breathing in spirits and mists", the Stranger appears. Here you can see all the contrast and dissonance of the surrounding atmosphere. The Beautiful Stranger is a symbol of beauty and purity, she brings harmony with her. Interestingly, the light image appears only for a moment, then it disappears like a mist.

In general, in his lyrics, the poet contrasts the sublime face of the “Beautiful Lady” with material, devoid of harmony, things. But the world has changed, and with it the image of a woman. The years of revolutions and change of power in Russia left a characteristic imprint on Blok's work itself. In the poem "The Twelve", with the seeming simplicity of the ditty verse, "Ladies" appear in a completely different way:

Oh, you, Katya, my Katya,

The image of a woman is expressed in such an obscene way in the hope of rebirth and the transition from chaos and darkness to a “bright” future.

Time changes, and images appear in a different form. But Blok's "Beautiful Lady" is one of the most extraordinary images in Russian classical love poetry. Immersion in the secrets of the nature of femininity will always attract the outstanding poet Alexander Blok to the work.

Option 2

Alexander Blok appears to us as a romantic poet silver age, a representative of symbolism, glorifying the image of an ideal woman. His work was influenced by the philosophy of V. Solovyov about Sophia, Eternal Femininity. Blok's lyrics are saturated with the image of the expected, eternal, impossible and feasible meeting. She surprises with the beauty of the style, the richness of metaphors, and the deep content. Distinctive feature- a combination of mystical and everyday, detached and everyday, everything contradicts everything.

The plot of Blok's lyrics revolves around the image of the Beautiful Lady, a meeting with which is both desirable and impossible. “Poems about the Beautiful Lady”, a cycle written between 1897 and 1904, can be considered as a biography of the poet, since at that time he was acutely experiencing a stormy and intense romance with Lyubov Dmitrievna Mendeleeva. He turns his feelings and emotional excitement into a poetic form and conveys it to the reader.

The works of this cycle are imbued with platonic love, noble admiration for the ideal. The heroine is a god. Blok, through the mouth of his hero, calls her the Beautiful Lady, Eternally Young, the Queen. But the goddess is inaccessible, and the hero is only a man. He sees himself living "in the dust, in humiliation" as an obscure slave. And with the advent of the heroine, the world around the hero seems to begin to change, flash and be painted with different colors - gold, azure, blue, dazzling white.

However, in some verses, the image of the Lady is more concrete, she takes on an earthly appearance, without elements of the supernatural. The hero calls her a desirable friend. The image of the beloved is both a symbol of a certain Soul of the world, that same Eternal Femininity, and the image of a real girl.

The hero is anxiously aware that he will not reach the Virgin - she has remained a phantom. In subsequent verses, a new heroine appears. She is also an ideal, but different, comparable to a star falling from heaven to sinful earth. The Beautiful Lady - a symbol with an infinite number of meanings, is replaced in the lyrical world of Blok by the figure of the Stranger.

The romantic image of the beloved appears tragic in Blok's poetry. The ideal is not available - it is a symbol. The poet is looking for his Lady in real world. However, neither delight nor peace, the achievement of the goal does not bring, because the attainment of the ideal is impossible. In the works, the development of the image of the Beautiful Lady is traced - from the desired, impossible, unattainable goddess to a real woman.

For abstract, message, report.

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