Why do souls from past lives meet? How to remember a past life? Past life regression. What is Karma

Do you believe in transmigration the way we do? Not? And how then to explain the feeling of déjà vu, at least once experienced by each of us? Parapsychologists explain the effect of déjà vu by the fact that in this way memories of our past incarnations come to us. Sometimes it happens that you feel some kind of inexplicable nostalgia when you hear an unfamiliar melody, or the landscape outside the train window suddenly seemed surprisingly familiar to you.

And it so happens that you experience a feeling of absolute recognition when meeting a previously unfamiliar person. Does this mean that you have recognized the person who was once your soul mate? Astrologers and parapsychologists cite eight main signs that you are facing your distant past.

Rapid development

What is commonly called love at first sight is a sign of a karmic connection. Instant sympathy and the rapid development of relationships indicate that you met a person from the past, and you already have your own, perhaps difficult and sad, perhaps happy, but definitely common story for the two of you with him. That is, according to the ancient Indian teachings, you are bound by one karma, and this meeting is not accidental. Apparently, you need to resolve some unfinished situation in your past life, or perhaps you are Romeo and Juliet, who were given another chance?

Emotions are off the charts

Unusual emotional states and uncontrollable physical attraction are also a sign of a karmic relationship. If you unexpectedly react strongly to an unfamiliar person, and your emotions, as they say, “go off scale” for a reason completely incomprehensible to you, you seem to be “hit”. Karmic connections explain the phenomenon of "love at first sight" - unexpected trust in a practically stranger or pathological dependence on a partner, which arises literally from the first hours of acquaintance.

Time flies by

When time passes by with this person completely imperceptibly, and you have the feeling that you have met a thousand times, and you are comfortable and cozy next to, this is another "bell". You simply lose track of time, and if you are not characterized by such "forgetfulness", and you are always not only punctual, but also meticulously track your time, then such a loss of "sense of time" is one of the signs that you are with this person already when - they were close friends, and perhaps you were desperately in love with each other.

Age difference

Astrologers say that the age difference between partners from 5 to 10 years indicates that their meeting is not accidental, and the difference of 15 years is already a clear evidence of karmic attraction. It is very difficult for such couples to part, because they must go in the same direction, help each other work off mutual debts and, possibly, in this life build those happy relationships that, through their own fault, destroyed in the past.

Surprise and strangeness

A sign of a karmic relationship can be unusual situations in which an acquaintance took place, and the unexpectedness of the acquaintance itself, when the relationship turns out to be unexpected both for the partners themselves and for their loved ones and relatives. When, as they say, nothing foreshadowed, and suddenly an all-consuming passion happened between people completely different in everything, including social and financial situation, temperament and race, this is definitely karma.

Dream Man

This point needs no special explanation. If you are in real life you meet a person who has been dreaming about you for several years with enviable regularity, this fact is not explained by anything other than your acquaintance in past lives. And it's good if you dreamed of an ardent lover, but if he regularly chased you in a dream with an ax, we would advise you to be on the lookout.

Sudden move

If, after marriage, you and your spouse suddenly change your place of residence, this can also serve as a sign of a karmic connection. It is believed that a distant move after a meeting, the termination of habitual relationships with loved ones and a complete change of scenery, that is, "life from scratch", is the most important "symptom" that you and your partner must solve a common karmic problem together.


If it seems that your relationship is fatal and predetermined in advance (and not always in a happy sense), and you cannot fix or change anything, then most likely you are in a karmic relationship. Such relationships, as a rule, include "love triangles" and forbidden relationships for various reasons, as well as situations when it is impossible to be together and there is no strength to part.

Karmic encounters can be destructive or healing, and you will certainly recognize your happy healing encounter by the immediate feeling of kinship. Distinctive feature such relationship is unconditional love... Love is accepting and generous, when a man and a woman love each other as they are, without any conditions and attempts to "improve" the half given by fate.

There are many strange coincidences in life, and sometimes it is very important to understand that you have met a person with an energy close to you. It is simply necessary to maintain further communication with such a person - you will be amazed at how much you have in common!

Here are five signs that you've met someone in a past life:

1. With him, you lose track of time.

One of the most obvious signs that you have already met a person in another life is that you are losing track of time and the days run by with them at an incredible speed.
You've spent so much time with him that it seems like you've met a million times already. Every conversation, every joint activity only makes you both want to escape from the whole world together. It's easy for you to be with him and even easier to be frank.

2. You know him like the back of your hand, and it has been that way from the very beginning.

Another notable sign that you were familiar in another life is that you see right through the person. You pay attention to subtle movements and gestures that he himself does not notice.
It is always obvious to you when this person is not himself or is simply in a bad mood. Sometimes it seems to you that he is able to read your thoughts, and sometimes you know exactly what he needs right now.

3. You fit each other from the beginning.

One of the main indicators - you just met, but suddenly you automatically find mutual language as if you were separated for a long time, and now you finally get back together.

This does not always happen, but if it does, then this is a truly magical sensation. When you understand each other perfectly in everything, this indicates that you were familiar in a past life. It seems as if you just resumed interrupted communication and are preparing for a new adventure together.

4. You find it difficult to hide your feelings from him.

Another sign that you were familiar with the person in a past life is that you simply cannot hide your feelings towards him. The only way to express your emotions in the presence of this person is to open up completely and completely. Moreover, he feels the same and reciprocates you.

Perhaps there will even come a moment when both of you will cry for no apparent reason - simply because you want to allow yourself to cry, as if you have not seen each other for a long time. In addition, it is very difficult for you not to express your feelings for this person: otherwise you will experience incomparable pain in your soul.

5. With him, you experience an overwhelming sense of "home".

You may be a million kilometers from your home, but nothing awakens a spark in you like the look of this person, giving you the feeling that you are always at home with him.
Such a connection is quite difficult to find, therefore, the feeling of home, arising from just looking at a person, is the surest sign that you were familiar in a past life. This person understands everything about you and is ready to do everything possible to make you happy.
We hope this article helped you better understand your closest friends and partners. Always be careful not to miss the person you knew in another life. Although even if you are not looking for him, sooner or later he will find you himself! Do you have such people in your life?

Incredible facts

Have you ever experienced an overwhelming sense of familiarity and joy when meeting someone?

But it is quite possible you have just met your partner's soul from a past life.

Meeting someone from a past life can shake you to the core. This means that you have an important mission on Earth.

So, here are 11 signs that you've run into a soul mate, someone you were close to in a past life:

Meeting people from a past life

1. You feel comfortable with him

You finally feel understood.

You can be yourself, and under no circumstances will he judge you. In fact, this person will accept you unconditionally for who you are.

You feel complete comfort when you look into each other's eyes.

You are on the same wavelength with him, you feel about the same as if you were connected with someone who knows your soul to the core.

2. When you meet him, emotions go wild.

The person you are dating creates a source of emotion within you. This flurry of feelings and emotions makes you inspire.

You can't really explain this feeling, but something about this meeting was incredibly powerful and life-changing.

You feel that in some unexpected and random way, your paths suddenly crossed. When you see each other, you do not want to let this person go for a long time.

Past life love

3. You have shared memories of a past life

You don't know how or why, but you both share past life memories together. It is hard to explain.

You might remember that you lived in the same place, did the same activity, or crossed the same trails on your travels.

You just intuitively know and remember this, and you transferred these memories into this life and shared them with this person.

4. You share everything with them

You feel that you can completely pour out your soul, tell about everything that has accumulated in your heart. At the same time, you are sure that you will never be judged.

You have never had such a thing that your every word was heard, every thought you expressed was so understood and accepted.

You feel that your words are important, you are being listened to, and you are being listened to.

Your soul mate makes you feel comfortable and comfortable. You can not be afraid to reveal your soul to this person. You have never felt so much alive before.

Karmic love from a past life

5. You lose track of time by being around such a person

You forget about reality when you are around him.

When you meet him, time passes quickly and imperceptibly. It may seem to you that minutes have passed, but, in fact, hours have passed.

You feel harmonious and calm and you can talk for hours about anything.

6. You feel connected spiritually, even when you are at a distance.

Even if you spend time apart at a distance, you still feel this invisible thread that binds you.

It is possible that you have thought about this person before or even saw him in a dream, imagining exactly how he (she) looks, even if you have not met in your life before.

But you always knew that your paths would cross sooner or later.

And now Fate decided that you should reunite in this life and gave a sign that you will meet your man long before the meeting.

A person from a past life

7. There is an instant connection between you.

You may have felt misunderstood and alone for most of your life, but meeting this person erased all those painful memories.

You have an inextricable bond with him, which is much stronger than anything you have felt before, and you can talk with this person about everything in the world.

* Medium Michael Knight talks about past life connections:

"Each of us was in a situation when we met a new person on life path and felt such an unusual direct and deep connection - sometimes to such an extent that he could foresee what this person would say next.

At such moments it seems to us that these people have always been in our life.

In a spiritual sense, this can be interpreted as "instant karma" that we feel with certain people.

The karmic connection, the level of comfort and feelings that we already know, is nothing more than a common story from a past life, catching up with us and continuing in this life.

8. You can communicate with this person telepathically.

You can remember the messages he sent you even before you reunited. This explains such a strong bond with a person.

Your hearts and souls are intertwined through such a cosmic relationship. You have traveled to many places together.

No matter where you go, you can hear each other and know exactly what you think of each other at this very moment.

Very often it can happen that you are thinking about something, and this person voices your thoughts or finishes a phrase you started. And, conversely, the same thing you do in relation to your partner.

9. You have a deep spiritual connection.

Your connection with him is not superficial, it is much deeper.

While there is a strong physical bond between you, you are also united by similar views of spiritual values. You feel each other emotionally and mentally.

Both of you complement each other perfectly and feel completely comfortable expressing yourself in all aspects and areas of life.

You are connected with each other on a very deep level, you can talk for hours or, conversely, not talk at all, but, at the same time, understand each other without words.

You just sit by your side and feel this inextricable connection.

10. You have never had such a strong connection.

You cannot remember that something like this happened before.

You feel awe in the presence of this person, you feel a tremor to the core.

Surely you will never be the same after meeting him. Your soul mate will change you for the better irrevocably, make you a different person.

But not everyone is able to achieve such a result.

Met a person from a past life

11. He makes you feel like you are.

Your soul mate should lift you up for more high level, and not, on the contrary, pull down.

Having met such a person, you understand that become livelier, more energetic and fuller. All empty spaces are filled with light, and you notice that you are transforming spiritually.

Having become acquainted with him, you begin to understand yourself better and feel as if you woke up after a long deep nap.

Having met such a person, do not miss him!

Maybe it's just great passion and sympathy, or maybe you really were lucky enough to meet love and a kindred spirit from a past life. After all, these 11 signs clearly indicate that this is so.

Love is the most mysterious of human feelings. At all times, philosophers, writers and even doctors have tried to understand its nature. Even more mysterious phenomenon represents love at first sight.

It just seems incredible. People see each other for the first time, but it seems to them that they have known each other all their lives. Just met - and immediately became so close and dear! And it doesn't matter that their social status, character, nationality, age may be completely different. No logic or calculation works here. Everything happens at the level of intuition.

Those who are fortunate enough to experience such a feeling compare it with a mystical insight, an insight accompanied by complete confidence that this particular person is your destiny, a soul mate, a particle, and without him life loses its meaning. And even if it is sometimes incomprehensible to outside observers what is happening.

But these two know that they have found each other, and they do not need anything, only to be together.
One more distinctive feature love at first sight lies in the fact that people do not need to wait for months, years and seek reciprocal feelings - the attraction arises immediately and mutually.
What one experiences, the other experiences the same.

Happy together

The spouses, who have lived together for more than one year, understand each other from a half-word and a half-glance. Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Bill Clinton and his future wife Hillary, then still students, when they first saw each other at Yale University, literally froze in place. It is not known how long it lasted, but, finally, Hillary uttered a phrase that later became famous: “If you are going to look at me, and I - at you, we should get acquainted. I'm Hillary Rodham. " Spouses Bill and Hillary have been together for over 36 years.

Love at first sight broke out between David Beckham and Victoria Adams. The legendary footballer met his future wife, a member of the Spice Girls, at one of the football matches. In his book "Both Feet on the Ground" David wrote about his meeting with Victoria: "I immediately felt that we were created to be together."

When Michael Douglas met Catherine Zeta-Jones at the French Film Festival, he immediately announced that he would like to be the father of her children. The film actress also admitted in an interview that she immediately fell in love with her future husband, despite the big age difference. Since then, Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones have been happy together and have two children.

Marina Vlady told about her acquaintance with Vladimir Vysotsky in her book “Vladimir, or the Interrupted Flight”: “He comes up ... sits down opposite and no longer takes his eyes off me. His silence does not bother me, we look at each other as if we have always known each other. "

It is surprising that the first words that Vysotsky uttered that evening were: "Finally I met you."
Natalia Podolskaya met Vladimir Presnyakov on the set of the Big Races program. In an interview, the singer said: “It was love at first sight. An inner voice told me: "Here is your future husband." And so it happened. "

Mick Jagger and Jerry Hall, Muslim Magomayev and Tamara Sinyavskaya, Rodion Shchedrin and Maya Plisetskaya, Matt Damon and Luciana Damon, Vladislav Doronin and Naomi Campbell ... It is impossible to list everyone whose dating stories were marked by love at first sight. What happens at such moments?

Three versions

Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones are happy together.

There are several versions explaining this phenomenon. The first version is psychological. Experts believe that the reason for the emergence of love at first sight is hidden in a special emotional state... The famous Russian psychologist Nikolai Kozlov calls this state of pre-love, or the willingness to love and be loved.

For example, a girl is walking around the city, spring is around, her mood is romantic, and He is meeting her. Met my eyes. And a feeling flared up. Although psychologists suggest that this is not love at all, but just illusions and dreams-fantasies.

The second version is physiological. It is known that our bodies secrete special volatile substances called pheromones. It is their smell that affects the production of the hormone amphetamine, which can cause real love passion in our body. It turns out that our subconscious mind, with the help of the olfactory function, finds among many others the most suitable object for us in terms of biochemical parameters, so to speak, our soul mate.

Finally, the most common and most interesting is the mystical version. According to this version, the meeting of two loving people is predetermined from above, even before their birth. It is no coincidence that there is an expression that marriages are made in heaven. One of the legends says that shortly before the birth of each person, angels gather and indicate with whom he is destined to meet in the future. And people, obeying a vague deep memory, recognize each other.

Research by Dr. Michael Newton

Marina Vladi claims that when he saw her, Vladimir Vysotsky said: "Finally I met you."

Perhaps the most striking argument in favor of the mystical version is the works of the American researcher Michael Newton, based not on legends and hypotheses, but on real scientific experience.

Dr. Michael Newton, a certified hypnotherapist with 45 years of experience, has treated patients with regressive hypnosis for many years. Purpose: to awaken people's memories of what their soul did between physical incarnations. He described the acquired scientific experience in detail in his books written in the form of conversations with patients.

These recordings reveal the peculiarities of life in a space unknown to us.

The scientist managed to establish that before each new birth we meet in the spiritual world with soul mates, as well as with those who will subsequently have a strong influence on our life. This is especially true of the main soul mate. We may have met in past lives and were in close relationships. The memory of past meetings again attracts us to each other. Before going to Earth from the world where souls dwell, loving partners agree in advance how they can get to know each other. Some identifying marks act as memory levers here.

They can be various inconspicuous, at first glance, little things: perfume, certain jewelry, clothes, manner of speaking ... One of the patients, whom Dr. Newton put into a trance using the method of regressive hypnosis, said that he had to recognize his future wife by the original silver pendant on neck and ringing, like a bell, laughter, and she should have remembered him by big ears and awkwardness during their first dance.

In this regard, the love story of supermodel Heidi Klum and British musician Seal is curious. The couple met in the lobby of a New York hotel. Heidi noticed her future husband when he was leaving gym... “I was amazed,” she later said in an interview with Oprah Winfrey. - I looked at his sports shorts and was the first to go to get acquainted.

Love at first sight is the awakening of the memory of past meetings, the sacred moment of recognizing a soul mate, which will fill our life with new meaning, regardless of the duration of the relationship.

Perhaps those readers who have already found their mate will be able to recall the passwords during the first meeting, which helped them to recognize each other. Of course, it happens that for some reason we did not react to an important meeting, did not recognize the secret signs. Then fate, according to Dr. Newton, will "accidentally" collide us over and over again.

We often visited her when I came to Russia for the holidays from Dusseldorf. Anastasia Aleksandrovna is a very pleasant woman, she often told us something interesting, but what she told us at our last meeting amazed me. I knew that Anastasia Alexandrovna's beloved husband had once died, I hardly remembered him, but my mother told me that he was unusually smart, interesting person... He was almost 17 years older than Anastasia Alexandrovna. I also heard that they had some unusual love story. And then one evening, when the conversation touched love, I noticed something in the eyes of this old woman that silenced me. And then Anastasia Alexandrovna told me what happened to her many years ago. I did not sleep all night ... And in the morning I wrote down her story almost word for word.

You've probably heard of reincarnation? She asked me. - Of course, yes, I'm sure, because now they write about everything. But in our time, not only was there no such word, but somehow the very concept of "transmigration of the soul" did not take place. What was happening to me seemed to be a slight shift in my psyche around me. Parents - hereditary doctors- dreamed of my career as a doctor. And I was drawn to music. I ran to the music school as if it were my own home. I was twelve when, one evening, returning from school in the evening, I suddenly felt ill. We lived then in Magadan. It was very dark - autumn, sleet was falling. I was walking down the street, and suddenly, as if something had shot in my mind, I saw that I was on a completely different street, somehow narrow and dirty. It was me and not me. It's so hard to explain this condition. “There” I was about fourteen years old. Blond hair, a cap on my head, a plaid woolen skirt, rough, heavy shoes - that is what I clearly remember. I also remember that I was going to a very important person on which my fate depended. Then again there was a sharp jolt, and I saw myself again real, on a bench, two women and a man, who asked me something, were wiping their face with a handkerchief. Weakened and confused, I was brought home and handed over to my parents, who were terribly frightened, because I had never been weak child in terms of health. I told my mother about what I saw, and she was even more frightened. I remember then she even gave me some injections.

Then everything repeated about six months later. I was sitting in a biology lesson, when suddenly everything "floated" and I saw myself in a large bright room, in a long pink dress. I remember very well the decoration of the room and the harpsichord. At the harpsichord was a handsome gray-haired man playing a waltz. I looked at him adoringly. I remember quite clearly that he was my guardian. My distant childless relative, a rich and noble one, who took me, the poor daughter of ruined parents for her upbringing with the aim of successfully marrying and thus finding heirs. Then the man got up and we began to waltz in one, two, three. He gently pointed out my mistakes, showing me how to turn my head. Then I returned to my present again. There was a feeling that everything lasted for several minutes, the lesson continued ... For a long time nothing like this happened again, and I already thought that these were really age-related mental disorders.

After graduating from eight classes, to the great chagrin of my parents, I entered the Khabarovsk Musical College. She studied well, met young people, dreamed of a career as a great musician, in general, she lived like many of my friends - nothing special. And here is the "inclusion" again. At that moment I was studying in the audience, playing Bach. I saw myself in a wonderful autumn garden. It was cold enough, but the rays of the sun were still playing. In the distance was a huge stone house, neat paths around the lawns. I walked, leaning on the arm of that gray-haired man, dressed in a warm coat with a cape. I was expecting a baby. Probably, these were the last months of pregnancy. My guardian said something, but I didn't listen. My heart was breaking with pain. I loved this man. And he gave me in marriage to a young noble youth and with rapture waited for the appearance of our firstborn. I walked and thought that I probably would never dare to confess my feelings. At some point, my adoptive father, freeing his hand, quickly walked up to a small rose bush and picked a lonely, already withered rose. Then he came up to me, knelt down and held it out. And there was something in his eyes ... I came to myself at the piano, my hands were on my knees, and something was torn in my chest. I didn't have any more inclusions of that life. Then I often thought about what language we spoke, and everything seemed to be in English. By the way, in my present life it came easily to me, I speak as if it were my own.

And then the events took place like this: the arrival of several members of the commission from Moscow was expected for the final exam, and, naturally, we were all terribly worried, because only some of the lucky ones expected a smooth transition to the conservatory. I go on stage, sit down at the piano. But before I play, I look at the examiners. And in the literal sense I am numb: in one of the chairs sits HE, a guardian from that life, only a little younger! I was unable to play. I felt so bad that it was impossible to convey. In the corridor, my fellow students amicably soldered me with water. A hand softly laid on my shoulder: “Don't worry, you'll hand over everything later. Don't go anywhere, I'll take you home. " This is how I met my future husband. Yuri took me to Moscow, where we got married. I was madly in love with this man, but still I could not find the strength to tell him about what was happening to me these years.

I was in the last stages of pregnancy when my husband came to visit me at the hospital. We were walking in the hospital garden, it was the end of September. The trees were all yellow, the garden was empty. But in one of the corners we saw a rose bush with one, the last flower. I involuntarily stopped, and Yura, like a boy, jumping over the fence, plucked this rose and brought it to me, kneeling down, like “there”. Can you imagine what happened to me? My contractions have begun! I gave birth to twins, a son and a daughter. And six years later she lost her husband. I was called from the school where I taught, straight to the hospital: Yura was hit by a car. Ridiculous and accidental. The doctors did not hide anything and said directly that he had several hours left. I will never forget these a little over two hours ... Yura was without memory, and I was afraid that he would die like that without saying goodbye to me. But at some point, he opened his eyes and looked at me intently. I thought he was looking without seeing. The eyes were watering. I bent down, trying to make out what he was whispering. At first it was impossible to make out anything, then he suddenly tensed up and uttered quite clearly in the purest English language: "Do you remember I taught you to dance the waltz?" And then his mouth twisted into a cramp. In a few minutes he was gone ...

So many years have passed, and I keep asking myself the question: what was it, why? When various articles and studies on various unusual phenomena in our life began to be published, I eagerly read everything that related to reincarnation, but I did not find anything sensible. But once, having told this story to one, so to speak, a healer, I heard the following words: “You sinned in your past life, gave true love pass by and stayed apart, not having completed their life task. Life has given you a chance again. But you have to pay for everything, and your Yura paid the bill. "

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Recently, one of the readers asked an interesting question: “How to find out, from our loved ones and relatives, with whom we have met in past lives?”, “How many such people do we meet during our life?”, “Is it possible somehow at once to understand that we are meeting not for the first time? " Indeed, many people with whom we go through life, we have already met more than once in our past incarnations. And with many people, even if we are just getting to know them in this life, we already have a huge common history.

A joint story can be good if, for example, for several lives, people are friends, help and help each other out, etc. And there is also a very negative joint karma, when people for many lives are enemies, many times in the past they have killed, substituted and betrayed each other, etc. Remember for yourself, you first meet a person, start communication and you immediately feel something in relation to him. Tolya sympathy and trust, although, it would seem, there are no special grounds for this. Tolley has antipathy, rejection, aggression or fear, although, again, this person has not done or said anything bad to you in this life.

Where do these enduring feelings come from? Of course, from the past memory, which, upon contact with a person, is usually activated almost immediately. The joint accumulated karma (common destiny), either negative or positive, is also activated. If you meet a person for the first time, talk to him for 5 minutes, and you have the impression that you have known him for “100 years,” all your life - be sure you have already met him in past lives! And if there is a desire and psychic abilities, then you can sit down in meditation and see your joint past with any person - in what lives did you meet, because of what you quarreled, what harm did you do to each other, or vice versa, how much you loved and what you won victories together. Why do people meet many lives in a row over and over again?

Because all the accumulated tails, crimes against each other, mutual grievances, claims and debts - ultimately must be closed, forgiven and cleared. And until two people atone for their guilt before each other, they will meet in their new incarnations. This is one of the Laws of Karma. 50-70% of all our loved ones and relatives with whom we go through life are our old acquaintances from past lives. Sometimes this percentage can be less, and sometimes more. And believe me, we live next to those with whom we live - for a reason! We almost always have joint sins to atone for and joint tasks to learn to solve. And running away from these relationships and problems is useless!

The more a person runs away, the more painful and difficult it will be to solve them later. After all, it is not for nothing that many events in life are repeated many times, until a person finally turns to the situation and the person corresponding to the problem, and solves it. And if he does not decide in this life, then all the same, he will have to decide in the next, but already in more difficult conditions. There is such a thing as "Karmic ties" or "Karmic knots".

This just applies to complex, tangled relationships, when conflicts have not been resolved for decades, grievances and claims only accumulate, and people cannot get rid of each other. Serious "Karmic knots" cannot be untied just like that, according to one's own will. The help of the Healer is needed here. Working with a Spiritual Healer allows you to reach the root cause and events in past incarnations, where this karmic knot was tightened. A good Healer helps to quickly eliminate this root cause and help people to untie the corresponding black knot. Together with the knot, as if by magic, the negative to each other also leaves. It is not uncommon that after working with the Healer, people who hate each other for a long time become friends "on the water." So any problem can be solved! But it is important to find such a cool specialist who is able to solve this problem!

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Every day, leaving the house, we meet a huge number of people.

Someone will be a passing passer-by for us, who will not even be gazed at, someone will be a face from the crowd, something that attracted attention for a second, and someone seems to be the usual phrase: "Pass, please, for the passage", - will suddenly make you turn around excitedly.

A few words, uttered from somewhere in a familiar voice, suddenly trigger an attraction to a stranger.

And after a couple of minutes you cannot stop talking, and your soul rejoices as if you have known each other all your life!

Or maybe more than one life?

Was it an accidental meeting of people from a past life?

Driving instructor

I never thought that I would dare to get behind the wheel.

The most that I considered myself fit was to be a navigator who understands the map, navigation, tells the driver where to turn in time, and on long trips also supplies water.

But closer to the age of 40, an idea appeared - if I don't learn to drive now, then I will never understand if this is mine!

And everything around me began to take shape so that I could go to a driving school. We found money for courses, conveniently distributed the schedule at work, and freed up time for driving lessons.

The acquaintance with the instructor began with a phone call: "Hello, I am waiting for you at the control room in a golden Lada Grant, cute blue-eyed!"

The beginning was cheerful, and I, having overcome the creeping excitement, ran to steer.

No sudden talent of a driver woke up in me, but Misha, my teacher for six months, was very patient and correct.

And everything would be fine, only from our first meeting I was tormented by a strange irresistible desire - to call Misha by a different name.

I understood the stupidity of what was happening and already imagined his reaction: “What an exam for her rules road traffic if she is unable to remember the name of the instructor! "

I had to fight the obsession and watch my every word.

But when, after a month, my problem did not let me go, I set out to get to the bottom of its source.

My brother

Memory painted a picture of my death in one of my past lives. Kazan, 1826. I am a young lady, dying of consumption.

Nearby is my brother - a handsome hussar, with a mustache and beard a la Nicholas II, who drove more than one lovely head crazy.

He does not hold back sobs, my departure is a great loss for him. We were very friendly, he is the only person in that life for whom I had very warm tender feelings.

And my brother is my instructor in this life ...

Looking at that incarnation, I classified it as "unsuccessful." My parents married me off for a man twice my age.

My beloved - the son of our servant - could do nothing.

I remember my mother’s desperate request not to do this to me and her response: “Do you think I was passed off as your father out of love? With time you will understand that this is better for you! "

But I did not understand and did not accept. On the day of the matchmaking, she cursed herself, who is not able to dispose of her fate, and the money because of which this marriage was concluded.

Consumption is my escape from bondage.

After death, the soul flew up to his brother and hugged: "Don't cry, we'll meet again!"

Scrolling through the footage of a past life, I stopped only one. Our family is walking in the park. Summer sunny day, lush green trees.

My brother and I (I am 5, he is 7 years old) ran away from our parents a little ahead and are playing catch-up. Happy, carefree moment for both of us!

The pact in the soul world

Driving school training is long over. But the feeling of incredible warmth for the instructor does not leave.

We rarely see each other, and we rarely correspond.

Although it does not leave the feeling that if something does not work out in his life, I experience it at a distance.

Of course, I did not dare to confess about the kinship of our souls. It is not customary for us to say: "Hey, you know, but we already met 200 years ago!"

But to find the answer for what we met again, I can do it.

It allows you to see those who will be important for you in your future incarnation, or those for whom meeting you will be decisive.

Agreements for joint incarnation can be bilateral, when souls go to help each other to gain some kind of experience, and there are also unilateral, when one must play a role in the fate of another at the right time at his request.

Our contract was one-sided - I had to appear at the moment when Misha's life comes to a turning point.

When it seems to him that he is at a dead end, he sinks deeper and deeper into unsolvable problems.

My task under the contract is very simple - firstly, to show that at any time, at any age, you can start everything from scratch, not regretting the accumulated experience and mistakes.

But Misha's soul is incredibly generous and kind, he could not come into my life without bringing anything into it in return.

Therefore, thanks to him, I learned to listen to the "eccentricities" of my heart, and, of course, to drive a car!


Through this story, I learned several lessons.

Lesson 1. Once again I was convinced that the meetings were not accidental.

Lesson 2. You need to listen to your soul, no matter how “stupid”, from the point of view of everyday consciousness, signals it gives.

Lesson 3. Each of us has our own experiences and paths, you should not try to drag over the solution of other people's problems, thereby depriving a person of the opportunity for development. In a disputable situation, you can take and remember!

Lesson 4. The most best help just selfless love and acceptance can become a neighbor!