How to lubricate the fittings of plastic windows. How to lubricate plastic windows - practical advice. Sash height adjustment

The warranty period of plastic windows, as stated by the manufacturers, is on average about five years - this is the life of the window profile and double-glazed windows. Fittings and sealing elements are covered by a guarantee that is valid for a maximum of three years.

In reality though specifications a plastic window can be significantly extended with proper care, which consists in timely cleaning of dirt and dust, regular lubrication of rubber seals and moving parts of fittings with special means.

Why lubricate plastic windows

  1. Wear of rubber seals occurs from the destructive effect environment - wind, heat, cold, which is accompanied by a loss of elasticity and, accordingly, tightness, which is why the thermal insulation properties are violated. To prevent this problem, emollients for rubber products should be used.
  2. Mechanical ones also wear out over time. This happens due to friction during the actuation of the mechanism. In addition, the accumulated dust contributes to severe clogging and grinding of metal elements, so the handle starts to turn poorly, the lock stops closing tightly, and the window that is not fully closed causes drafts. The presence of fresh grease will help prevent wear on the fittings.

How often to oil windows

  1. The first two years after installation, it is possible not to lubricate the fittings, as the factory lubrication of the parts is preserved.
  2. In the second or third year after installation, you need to regularly perform preventive actions, that is, lubricate metal elements and rubber lining at least twice a year, preferably at positive temperatures.
  3. In case of heavy contamination, cleaning should be carried out immediately and, preferably, after each washing of windows, lubricate moving metal parts.

What is window grease

Manufacturers of window products recommend using professional products for PVC and fittings that contain petrochemicals: they will increase the service life of metal parts by several times and increase the elasticity of the seal.

There are many lubricants:

The easiest and most high-quality way is to purchase silicone grease in cans, it is easy to apply by spraying and does not run. Of the wide variety of silicone oils, foreign brands are preferred, as they have a thicker formula and longer lasting effectiveness. When buying a silicone fluid, it is important to make sure it is used for PVC products.

Machine industrial oil, which is divided into synthetic and mineral. But, it must be remembered that mineral remedy has a very strong thickening effect at low temperatures.

For the treatment of rubber window gaskets, special preparations are used, you can use inexpensive, but effective remedy- medical glycerin, which is applied to the seal with a soft tissue.

How to properly lubricate plastic windows

When processing accessories, you should avoid getting the product on the rubber insulation - this will lead to its damage. Therefore, you need to know some rules of care.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Before processing, thoroughly clean and wash all elements, paying special attention to the places where dirt accumulates the most. To clean metal parts, you can use a brush with hard bristles, then remove the remaining dirt with a damp viscose cloth.
  2. The lubrication of fittings includes the processing of all moving elements, so it is recommended to inspect the sash from all sides and identify places that require special attention. For greater convenience, aerosol lubricants are used, they are carefully applied at a distance of five centimeters, and in case of contact with rubber parts, they are washed with soap and water. Drip agents are applied at the rate of no more than two drops per part using a long nozzle or brush. For uniform distribution of the applied substance, the flaps need to be opened and closed several times, while scrolling the handle.
  3. Lastly, rubber parts are processed with a specially designed liquid. Usually silicone oil is used for seals, it can also be used to process fittings.

What not to lubricate fittings

Some resourceful specialists use improvised home remedies for lubrication - vegetable or butter, lard or beef fat, which is fraught with consequences:

  1. Such a lubricant will dry in a short time.
  2. Vegetable fats leave a trace in the form of organic dust.
  3. Lubricated parts will attract dust and dirt even more.
  4. The consequence of all this will be the rapid wear of rubbing parts.

Checking and adjusting plastic window fittings

When the window sash does not close tightly or the handle turns with difficulty or blows from the window, you can independently inspect and adjust the mechanism:

  1. Pressure regulation. A tighter pressure is carried out in the cold season and, accordingly, a weak pressure is intended for the summer season. With the onset of cold weather, a draft is especially felt if the window is not pressed enough. To correct the situation, it is enough to adjust the position of the eccentrics, which are located at the end of the sash, using a hexagon, they are perfectly visible when the window is wide open. By tilting the position of all eccentrics somewhat to the left, it is possible to tighten the pressing of the sash.
  2. If the pressure adjustment action did not bring positive results and the window is still blowing through, the seal must be replaced. There is nothing complicated here, a special recess will open under the old rubber band, where you should carefully lay the new one.
  3. When the handle is turned tightly, when lubrication has not eliminated the problem, the loops are adjusted. Also, with the help of a hexagon, the upper and lower hinges are set in different positions until the problem is eliminated.
  4. In exactly the same way, sagging and bevels are eliminated. which inevitably occur during operation.

So, regular maintenance of plastic windows will help protect against breakage and costly repairs, you only need to thoroughly clean and lubricate window parts twice a year, as well as check the correct operation of fittings. This will not be very difficult and will protect you from troubles.

  1. Do not use powder detergents, acidic or alkaline solutions such as acetone or thinner to clean PVC windows, as this will damage the surface of the plastic.
  2. Liquid soap is ideal for removing dirt.
  3. The best option for lubricating parts are products specially designed for this purpose, which are not expensive and will last for a long time.
  4. The installation of PVC products should be entrusted to trusted companies, since the term of its operation depends on the correct, high-quality installation of the window.
  5. It is important to know: you should not press the new window as tightly as possible, as this will lead to rapid wear of the seal.

Despite the long warranty periods that plastic window manufacturers give to their products, fasteners, locking mechanisms, rubber seals and fittings require periodic maintenance. It consists in timely lubrication, cleaning and adjustment.

The performance of these works does not require special skills and may well be carried out by the owner of an apartment or house on his own. How to lubricate PVC windows or a balcony door, carry out maintenance of window elements and assemblies will be described below.

Why do you need lubrication of plastic windows

Everyone knows that rubbing and moving parts and components of mechanisms work much better in the presence of lubrication. It improves the sliding of individual parts, protects metal elements from corrosion and reduces their wear.

Each opening of the window sashes leads to the settling of street dust on the details and surfaces of the window. Gradually, the level of pollution rises, as a result of which the locking mechanisms and fittings begin to work worse, making it difficult to open and close. If no action is taken for a long time, an abrasive effect may occur in the working units, leading to the complete failure of expensive elements.

Most window manufacturers do not supply individual parts and spare parts for free sale. Therefore, the wear of locking elements and fittings may lead to the need for a complete replacement of the entire window unit. This will require much more financial costs than timely maintenance and lubrication.

Among the main signs of a lack of lubrication and window maintenance that has not been carried out for a long time are:

  • the appearance of extraneous sounds when opening and turning the sash;
  • the presence of fine metal dust in the friction nodes of the elements among themselves;
  • decrease in elasticity and sticking of rubber seals;
  • difficult to turn the handles when opening and closing the window.

Timely cleaning, lubrication and adjustment of all components and parts will help to avoid all this.

Lubrication frequency

Periodic maintenance of plastic windows with lubrication must be carried out at least once a year. This is best done when washing windows in the spring after winter operating conditions. In addition, when determining the frequency of lubrication, it is necessary to take into account:

  • presence near the house highways, construction sites, industrial enterprises and other dust-forming objects;
  • general dust content of air depending on natural and climatic conditions;
  • the frequency and duration of opening windows in the warm season.

If the influence of these factors is large, then the lubrication of plastic windows should be carried out more often. For instance, spring and autumn. Rubber seals are recommended to be treated every time the windows are washed, as the soapy solution used washes away the previous coating.

Main lubrication points.

The correct choice of lubricant depends on the materials from which the window parts are made and their operating conditions. Therefore, different lubricants are used to process different structural elements.

Locking mechanisms

  • special lubricants for plastic windows, made on a silicone basis and packaged in aerosol cans or tubes;
  • universal silicone compounds that can be bought at auto parts stores;
  • machine oil for sewing machines;
  • all types of semi-synthetic and synthetic oils, neutral to rubber and plastics.
  • vegetable and animal fats;
  • petrolatum;
  • shoe care products;
  • margarine and butter.

All these substances contribute to increased dust settling, are able to thicken in fresh air and lose their lubricating properties at low temperatures.

Rubber seals

Quite different materials are used to lubricate rubber seals. Answering the question of how to lubricate the sealing gum on plastic windows, experts talk about the possible use of the following professional and household products:

  • technical silicone is the best and most inexpensive colorless and odorless product that retains its properties in the range from -40°C to +150°C;
  • special lubricant for window seals produced by the German company Fenosol;
  • lubricants for rubber materials recommended and produced by window manufacturers;
  • petroleum jelly, provided that the outdoor air temperature is not lower than -25°C and not higher than +27°C.

Regular glycerin softens rubber well, but its ability to dissolve in water limits the scope for outdoor elements. Well, or allows, but by increasing the number of periodic maintenance.

The use of WD-40 is not recommended as it chemical composition the manufacturer classified and the effect on rubber products is not known. However, there is information that seals made of artificial rubber harden, become brittle and break down over time with repeated exposure to WD-40.

Lubricant for fittings

The answer to the question of how to lubricate the fittings of plastic windows is simple. For this, the same materials are used as for locking mechanisms (with the exception of sewing machine oil). But lubrication with spindle oil is allowed.

Correct execution of the lubrication process

Some window manufacturers list lubrication points directly on their products or in the accompanying sales documentation. In the absence of this information, below is a lubrication scheme for the most common window designs.

Maintenance of a plastic window begins with cleaning its elements from dust, dirt and remnants of old lubricant. To do this, open the doors, wipe them with a rag and wash with warm water. After that, thoroughly wipe all nodes and surfaces with a dry cloth or cloth. Completely dry the moisture by airing and only then proceed with the application of lubricant.

Lubrication of locking mechanisms and fittings

When preparing a window for lubrication of metal elements, it is not recommended to use active detergents and solvents. It is best to work in calm warm weather, as the wind can bring dust, soot and other pollutants.

It is most convenient to apply the lubricant with a syringe. It is enough to take 2-3 drops of material from a tube or bottle to lubricate one point. The use of aerosol cans leads to a clear overrun of the lubricant and its entry into neighboring areas. All nodes are processed at once.

After applying the lubricant, the window sashes must be opened and closed several times, moving them in each working plane. As a result, the lubricant is evenly distributed over the entire surface of metal parts and assemblies.

Rubber seals

To clean the surface of the rubber seals, you can use a warm soapy solution, a sponge or a soft cloth. After washing, the rubber must be wiped dry and air-dried. For two-lobed rubber profiles, the inner surface is initially lubricated and only after that the outer surface is lubricated.

To apply bulk lubricants, a cotton or gauze swab is used, aerosol products are simply sprayed on, thick substances can be smeared with a finger or a brush.

Requirements proper care rubber seals should be treated at least twice a year.


Proper execution Maintenance plastic windows with the use of appropriate materials will increase their service life by several years. Therefore, preventive maintenance must be carried out regularly, at least once a year for metal elements and every six months for rubber products.

Plastic windows are becoming more and more popular among the owners of city apartments and suburban housing due to ease of use, tightness, high degree sound insulation, simplicity and unpretentiousness in caring for them, and also due to the fact that they do not require additional insulation before the onset of cold weather and painting to give decorativeness. However, you still cannot do without such a procedure as lubricating plastic windows with your own hands. In addition to lubrication after long-term operation of mechanisms, sometimes they need additional

To carry out these processes correctly, without resorting to outside help, you need to study some of the nuances associated with them. Moreover, to do this work is quite easy, having the necessary tools.

With long-term operation of plastic windows, especially if they are installed in the houses of large cities, where there is a high intensity of traffic, a large amount of dust and dirt gets into the mechanisms.

These unwanted contaminants settle on the lubricant used in their manufacture, mix with it, which begins to make it difficult for mechanisms and fittings to open and close. In addition, the old dirty grease, saturated with microparticles, gets a pronounced abrasive effect, instead of preserving parts and imparting antifriction properties, on the contrary, it leads to their accelerated wear and can completely disable them.

If to not pay attention to malfunctions in the operation of the valves, before they completely break down, they kind of “warn” that they urgently need prevention, starting to make a sound of clicks, creaking or grinding.

Such sounds indicate that there is practically no high-quality lubrication in the mechanisms, and individual metal parts of the window rub against each other, and this leads to metal abrasion. The tyranny process adds metal dust to the dust and dirt from the street, which can interfere with the normal operation of the lock, and the handle will be hard to turn without completely closing it. These processes will violate the tightness of the fit of the sash to the frame, and cold air will gain access to the premises.

If the frames have been installed for a long time, and one of the elements of the mechanism is out of order, it may also happen that such a spare part can no longer be found, due to the removal of this system from production. In this case, you will have to change the entire "stuffing" of the mechanisms to a new one, which will be very expensive. In addition, sometimes it is simply impossible to fit new mechanisms to previously installed frames, so you have to completely.

This explains the urgent need for periodic preventive maintenance of the working mechanisms of windows. These works are not difficult, but they will help to maximize the life of plastic windows and avoid expensive repairs.

You need to know that manufacturers give a guarantee for window fittings for only 4 ÷ 5 years - this is the period for which factory lubrication will be enough. Sellers do not always warn about the need for preventive measures, and the owner of the windows himself thinks about it only when a creak or rattle appears, although sometimes it is too late to do anything. Therefore, you should not rely on guarantees and wait until the end of the deadline - you need to make it a rule to regularly pay attention to windows.

Lubrication intervals

The frequency of lubrication of metal fittings may be different. If initially for this process were used quality formulations , and the house is located away from major highways, then it is enough to carry out prevention once a year, best of all - with the onset of warm spring weather. With more harsh conditions operation of windows, in which severe contamination of fittings occurs, it will be necessary to carry out measures to lubricate moving parts more often, about two to three times a year.

How is window lubrication done?

When it comes time to carry out preventive maintenance, the question arises of what is the best way to lubricate. In principle, any technical oil that lubricates mechanisms is suitable for this process. Most often, they use the usual machine, which is present in every home where there are sewing machines. You can also use a silicone-based lubricant. However, there are also special formulations designed for such a procedure.

They are sold in metal cans and in plastic bottles with nozzles convenient for lubrication.

One of the most popular lubricants among home craftsmen is WD-40.

WD-40 is one of the best and most user-friendly lubricants.

Processing must be subjected to all movable mechanisms of the system of fastenings and constipation. The process is carried out as follows:

  • The sash of the window opens, and all its sides are examined.
  • Further, with a soft cloth, dirt is removed from the fittings along with the old grease, since new composition must be applied to a clean surface. You can use a sponge or long-handled brush to clean some areas.
  • After cleaning, the mounting brackets, bolts, latches, handle mechanism and other moving parts that ensure the closing and opening of the sash are abundantly lubricated.
  • Spraying the agent from a cylinder is more preferable, since the agent applied in this way is able to penetrate even into the most inaccessible corners of the moving mechanisms. For convenience, many lubricant bottles are equipped with removable tubular "nozzles", with which you can apply the lubricant composition to the parts of the mechanism hidden by the frame body.
  • If grease is used in vials, then 1-3 drops are dripped onto each of the parts.

  • In order not to spoil the window fasteners, you should not experiment and use vegetable or butter, various cosmetic gels and petroleum jelly, as well as other similar substances that are not intended to facilitate the operation of moving mechanisms.
  • Lubrication of all elements of the window frame and sashes is carried out simultaneously.

Do not ignore the rubber seals. They must be treated with a composition specially designed for them, preventing them from drying out, losing elasticity, otherwise the necessary tightness of the window sash to the frame will not be achieved, the sealing of the window will be broken with all the ensuing consequences - penetration of cold, noise from the street, dust ingress.

If, however, timely preventive maintenance of all mechanisms and elements is carried out, then the window system will last a long time without failures and will not require the replacement of individual parts. In addition, lubrication will help eliminate the risk of drafts and heat leakage from the premises of the apartment.

Video: preventive maintenance tips for plastic windows

Prices for various fittings for pvc windows

PVC window fittings

Checking and adjusting plastic window fittings

Fittings include all metal and plastic elements that are supplied with plastic windows, both movable and permanently installed. If they break or become loose, the window system will not be able to perform the functions assigned to it hermetic closing, free opening of the sashes and setting them in different positions.

For example, the handle mechanism is designed in such a way that it allows you to open the window wide open or just open it slightly at the top for ventilation.

Some elements of fittings provide a smooth ride, thereby eliminating the breakdown of mechanisms. Other details are designed to regulate the uniformity and force of pressing the window sash to the frame, providing not only heat preservation, but also sound insulation.

Find out, and review the causes and remedies, from our new article.

In order for all these elements to work effectively, the prevention of windows, in addition to their lubrication, also includes the periodic adjustment of some parts. However, it should be noted that adjustment is carried out only when clearly necessary, and only in cases where the window does not close completely or the handle does not turn well. Both processes - lubrication and adjustment are usually carried out in combination. To do this, you will need some tools, which, by the way, may not be in the owner’s “arsenal”, but they can be purchased at hardware stores.

  • For example, you can not do without a 4 mm hexagon curved shape.

Such part keys are used when assembling furniture, so they are probably in the furniture fittings departments. In most window systems, it is this hexagon that becomes the main tool for adjusting mechanisms.

  • Certain difficulties may arise with a screwdriver. It’s good if the fasteners on the window are designed for a regular curly screwdriver (usually a “troika”). But there are window systems on which torx stars are used.
  • Pliers are likely to be in every home.

Adjustment of individual mechanisms of plastic windows is carried out to eliminate the problems that have arisen, which can include:

  • difficulty in moving the sash when opening or closing;
  • the occurrence of sagging windows or doors;
  • the appearance of cracks, that is, a violation of the tightness in the closed state of the valves;
  • if it is necessary to replace individual elements, due to their failure;
  • when the window system is switched from the "summer" mode to the state for winter operation.

Starting the adjustment, you need to know exactly how it is carried out, and which elements are subject to it.

The process of regulating the window mechanism is carried out according to the basic points, which include:

  • Accurate installation of the window sash horizontally;

  • Similar actions vertically;

  • Adjustment of the required tight clamping of the sash;

  • bottom opening angle of the sash in ventilation mode.

When adjusting the window elements, turn the adjusting screw clockwise or in the opposite direction with a key. Depending on the side where it turns, the sash will move.

When changing the position of the sash, after each turn or half turn of the screw, it is necessary to check the operation of the window system. If necessary, the screw is turned back a certain angle. It is not recommended to turn it immediately over a long distance - it is best to do this gradually, shifting the position of the sash by 0.5 - 1 mm.

In addition to the base points, the fasteners are adjusted, which are installed using bolts with a slotted head for a curly screwdriver. If necessary, you can loosen or tighten the fastening of the adjusting elements with the necessary change in their position.

  • adjust pins;

  • bolts in the "scissors" system;

The level of tightening of screws in the scissor system is checked

  • fastenings in the upper canopy;

  • fastenings in the lower canopy;
  • clamping mechanism;
  • balcony magnetic latch;

The handle can also become loose - the screws need to be tightened

  • window opening mechanism.

Video: how to care for plastic windows

The mechanical part in the plastic windows of different companies is arranged, as a rule, according to the same principle, so the adjustment instructions should fit any of them. Each manufacturing company that respects itself and its customers gives detailed descriptions their products and advice on how to care for them. If you wish, you can always refer to the primary sources, knowing which company's windows are installed in the apartment.

Having all the necessary tools and lubricants, going to work without haste and understanding the design of the mechanisms, it is quite possible to carry out this work on your own.

Find out what you need, as well as consider the types and methods of installation, from our new article.

The correct operation of PVC window structures depends on regular and proper maintenance. After prolonged use, the mechanisms require lubrication. How to lubricate plastic windows to extend their service life and ensure comfortable operation.

Carrying out cleaning at home, we do not forget about cleaning double-glazed windows from dust and traces of rain. However, not everyone thinks that window care is not limited to external procedures. Internal mechanisms and fittings begin to work incorrectly over time, and the decrease in the quality of factory lubricants is to blame. Dryness leads to the accumulation of dust from the street and metal particles. Faults can signal themselves with creaks, rattles, clicking, jamming of the door. When buying a new window, the manufacturer gives a guarantee of 4-5 years. This is the expiration date of the factory lubricant. Unfortunately, not all sellers notify buyers of the need to carry out preventive maintenance, and therefore situations are brought to critical moments. If you do not respond to the problem in time, then the end can be sad. Grease for plastic windows performs the following tasks:

  • reduces the level of friction of metal elements, increasing their wear resistance;
  • facilitates closing / opening of the valves;
  • protects against rust, creating a protective layer on the metal;
  • the rubber seal retains elasticity, does not stretch and provides the necessary tightness of the sash.

All moving and rubbing elements, and seals on the frame and sash are subject to lubrication. On some models of PVC windows, you can see the corresponding marking with an oiler. Thus, manufacturers give a hint which elements need lubrication.

The situation is complicated by the fact that the structures installed with the advent of the first PVC windows have fittings and fasteners, which are now difficult to replace. Therefore, the wear of one or another element leads to a complete replacement of the internal mechanism or the entire unit.

How to lubricate plastic windows, types of products

Not all products are suitable for lubricating windows. On sale you can find ready-made kits for the care of plastic blocks, but their cost is not affordable for everyone. It is better to purchase everything separately, especially since half of these kits may not be useful.

How to lubricate the mechanism of plastic windows

The best choice for lubricating window mechanisms will be the following tools:

  • silicone-based products made specifically for window mechanisms. When applied to a metal surface, a thin resistant film is formed. The lubricant is available in tubes or sprays. Both options will work;
  • universal grease, which includes the same silicone. It is identical to a special tool, but can be used not only on windows. The consumption of funds is minimal, so one tube is enough for a long time;
  • lubricating oil for sewing machines or bicycles. The tool is similar to machine oil, but better cleaning. It is easy to use and stays on the surface for a long time;
  • mineral or synthetic lubricants. The main thing is to choose products that do not include acids, aggressive reagents and abrasives.

It is not recommended to use any vegetable fats, petroleum jelly, shoe polish for lubrication. This is due to the fact that vegetable oils leave a film on the mechanisms that dries for a very long time, about two weeks. During this time, a large amount of dust accumulates on it, which makes it difficult for the fittings to work, accelerating their wear.

How can you not lubricate the fittings of plastic windows? Means with acids and chemicals destroy the metal surface, “eat up” the anti-corrosion layer and oxidize parts. Gun and car oils are also not suitable. The former are expensive, and they do not perform protective functions in relation to windows. The latter have a low degree of purification.

How to lubricate rubber bands on plastic windows

Seals also need care. You can buy special lubricants, or you can use improvised means:

  • silicone-based lubricants;
  • silicone sponges;
  • pharmacy glycerin, but only in its pure form, without cosmetic additives.

Do not use Vaseline or baby powder. Also do not choose products containing a solvent, alcohol and alkali. They will lead to the destruction of the rubber structure.

Controversial opinion exists about the use of WD-40. Some argue that the use of an aerosol will create a protective waterproofing film on the surface. Others say that at low temperatures, the product can thicken and interfere with the operation of window mechanisms. If only this tool is at hand, it can be used to lubricate the seals.

Criteria for selecting window lubricants

It is necessary to take care of window structures with high-quality and proven means. Poor quality lubrication will reduce the life of the mechanisms. When buying, be guided by the region of residence, because some products tend to "tan" at low temperatures.

Ask the seller in the store which lubricant is suitable for your plastic window model. Choose aerosol products. This is the most convenient type of lubrication with economical consumption. With the help of spraying, you can reach the most inaccessible places of the mechanism. You don't have to buy expensive stuff. Often they include components found in inexpensive lubricants, and their principle of operation is the same.

How to lubricate plastic windows yourself

It is not necessary to be an expert to carry out preventive maintenance of window fittings. To do this, you need to know the sequence of actions and have the necessary materials on hand. Be sure to remove all decorative trims from the hinges and handles.

Cleaning plastic windows

Before proceeding with the lubrication of the elements of the window structure, you need to thoroughly clean them from accumulated dirt and dust. The window sashes open wide and look good. All brackets, bolts and other moving parts need to be cleaned.

For cleaning, use a damp soft cloth, sponge or brush. Along with the dirt, a layer of old grease is also removed. After wet, use a dry cloth and wipe all parts dry. In warm weather, you can leave the window to dry on your own. Remember not to use any detergents. You can use WD-40 for metal elements. The frame is washed with ordinary soapy water. For hardened dirt, use a stiff brush, paying particular attention to the joints between the door and the frame.

Hardware lubrication

Before starting the lubrication procedure, you need to understand where to lubricate plastic windows. The lubricant is applied to all elements that move during operation. If the work is done with an aerosol, then the process is greatly simplified. It is enough to spray the agent at a distance of 3-5 cm. It is necessary to lubricate with oils by digging them onto the guide rails of the products, all rotary mechanisms and grooves. 2-3 drops will be enough. For convenience, oil lubricant is drawn into a syringe or a small oiler, the tip of which is directed to the mechanism element. In order for the lubricant to penetrate well between the moving parts, the window sash must be closed. Opening and closing in different modes is best done several times. This will allow the tool to quickly disperse to all parts and lubricate them better.

Silicone is often used to lubricate the window. Before the procedure, the canister is shaken well several times. The spray hole is directed to the lubricated element at a distance of 3-5 cm. By pressing the valve, release the product for about two seconds. This will be enough for the grease to get inside. Silicone in cylinders is good because, due to its transparency, it does not leave marks on the surface. After lubricating all the fittings, the lubricant drips are wiped off with a clean cloth.

Lubrication of seals

In order for the sealing rubber on the plastic window not to dry out and ensure a snug fit of the sash, it must be regularly lubricated. Before lubrication, the window opens completely, providing access to all rubberized places. The sealant is thoroughly cleaned with a brush from dust, and also washed with a soapy solution and left to dry completely.

As a lubricant, professional products or those that are suitable from the home arsenal are selected.

The product is applied to the seals and evenly distributed over the entire surface with a cotton swab. You can choose grease in a container with a roller at the end. It will be more convenient for them to apply the product.

The frequency of the procedure for lubricating plastic windows

The frequency of lubrication of PVC windows depends on the frequency of their use. Living conditions also matter. For example, those windows that face the road will get dirty more and faster. Accordingly, they need to be cared for more often, about once a year. It is better to lubricate plastic windows in early autumn or late spring at positive temperatures. If you notice extraneous sounds coming from the sashes between periods of lubrication, then do not wait for the right time. Tightening with the procedure can adversely affect the quality of fittings and sealing elements.

Manufacturers and installers of plastic windows do not always warn or recommend lubricating their functional mechanisms, which after some time may become unusable.

Initially, window manufacturers lubricate all parts, but over time, the lubricant loses its properties and ceases to protect. In the first year of service, as a rule, there are no problems with fittings, but then extraneous noises and creaks are heard. Dust and debris that settle on the initial lubrication make it difficult to open and close the window sash.

All visible and audible small nuances from fittings can lead to breakage. In this case, you will have to change some elements or the entire window. To avoid an unpleasant surprise, it is necessary to monitor the presence of a sufficient amount of lubricant and periodically clean the accessible elements.

What threatens neglect:

  1. There is a rattle and clicks.
  2. Due to insufficient lubrication, strong friction occurs between the parts, causing the formation of metal dust, which leads to severe wear.
  3. Poor operation of the handle leads to insufficient pressure of the sash against the frame, which may cause blowing.
  4. In case of wear of individual parts, their replacement may be impossible, because often, an identical series of fittings is discontinued (you will have to look for spare parts for a long time).
  5. If the fittings completely fail, it is necessary to change it, but this is sometimes impossible. Different manufacturers have different profiles and parts - you cannot combine them together. Even in the case of a similarity of 98%, you will have to change the hinges and drill new holes in the profile for component parts.

In case of breakdowns of various categories of complexity, a specialist is called to the house for repairs, which is not cheap. It is better to monitor the condition of the fittings and lubricate them in advance.

How often is needed?

Professionals recommend cleaning and lubricating fittings at least once a year. This is provided that the house has not undergone major or cosmetic repairs, because in this case, the windows must be washed immediately after it is completed.

The most suitable periods for the procedure are spring or autumn, in summer there is a lot of dust, and in winter, excess moisture accumulates on the fittings due to sudden changes in temperature.

More frequent lubrication is necessary for fittings if the windows are very close to a source of severe pollution (for example, a factory, a nearby construction site, a dirt road). In this case, a “general” window cleaning is recommended 2-3 times a year, if not more often.

It is advisable to clean and lubricate the rubber seal after each washing of the frame and double-glazed windows. This helps to maintain the elasticity of the seal and a good fit to the frame.

How to properly lubricate windows?

The procedure for lubricating parts is not complicated, and every owner of the house can do it. It will not take much time if you follow some rules and recommendations. Their observance contributes to proper processing and, accordingly, extends the operational capabilities of the window.


  1. The sash opens to the desired position so that you can inspect and get to all the details.
  2. If coarse (large) contamination particles are visually detected– they must be removed with a soft cloth or vacuumed.
  3. Next, the sash and frame are washed with warm soapy water. and left to dry for a while.
  4. After that, all accessible places are cleaned with a soft rag and a napkin. accessories. In this process, it is not recommended to rush, because small contaminants (dust) can be pushed inside the plastic profile and cleaning will not lead to anything good.
  5. Industrial silicone is used as a lubricant, which is sold in cans or you can use automotive (occasionally sewing) oil for lubrication.
  6. If liquid oil is used- it is necessary to put a few drops of it on all open fittings - locks, brackets, latches, handles. In order for the lubricant to disperse between the moving parts, the sash must be returned to its original state (closing). It is desirable to perform the procedure of opening and closing in various modes several times - this contributes to fast and high-quality lubrication.

Often parts are lubricated with silicone. To do this, take a can of lubricant and shake it several times. After, bring to the processing element at a distance of 3-5 cm and press the release valve.

A sufficient dose is considered to be holding the balloon valve for 2 seconds. There are practically no traces of the product, because it is available in a colorless version.

After lubricating the metal elements of the window, the rubber gasket (seal) should also be lubricated. To begin with, it must be cleaned with soapy water and allowed to dry. Both silicone and machine oil or glycerin can be used as a lubricant for the rubber material.

After passing through all the stages, the window and sash are washed in order to remove possible grease residues. Thus, all window details are lubricated and ready to serve the owner further without additional intervention and repair.

How to lubricate fittings?

Window care kit

Not all improvised oily products are suitable for lubricating such a fastidious mechanism.

Manufacturers and window repair specialists recommend using:

  1. Industrial silicone, in the form of a spray (transparent silicone in high pressure canisters).
  2. Synthetic automotive or bicycle oil.
  3. Oil for sewing machines.
  4. For sealant recommended - glycerin and silicone.

Not to be used as a lubricant:

  • vegetable or butter;
  • petrolatum;
  • margarine;
  • WD-40;
  • shoe gels and derivatives thereof;

All of them, when the temperature drops, are able to thicken and interfere with the operation of the entire mechanism. They are also dust collectors, not problem killers.

What other measures need to be taken?

Despite the annual lubrication of the fittings, sometimes there are problems with opening the window and insufficient adhesion of the seal to the frame, which can blow. To eliminate this problem, it is necessary to adjust the height of the sash and increase the pressure.

Clamping force

Loose fit of the sash to the frame means the incorrect position of the central part of the eccentric relative to the side surface of the plastic frame. To fix the problem, it is necessary to increase the distance (rotate) from its center point until the structural part is in exact contact with the plastic side inside sash profile.

To change the position of the eccentric, you must use a special hex key. Adjusting the position at one time is unlikely to happen correctly, but several adjustments and closing the sash will give the desired result and eliminate the possibility of air entering through the window into the room.

Sash height adjustment

For various reasons, the window frame may sag a little or stretch slightly, but these nuances can affect the location of the sash. Even millimeter deviations from the frame parameters lead to difficulty in the operation of fittings, which makes it difficult to close or open the sash.

The sash position is adjusted as follows - it is necessary to remove the decorating elements from the lower hinge of the sash. In its lower part there is a special hexagonal hole.

A key with a similar cut is inserted into it and turned. Turning the key counterclockwise will raise the sash, and turning it in the direction of the arrow will lower it. In the people, this system is called "microlift".

  1. It is not necessary to carry out work if there are no proper means and experience.
  2. It is necessary to carry out work at positive air temperature.
  3. Acquire different kinds high-quality lubricants are necessary, because the service life of the entire window depends on them.
  4. In case of serious breakdowns, it is necessary to call a qualified master, and not fix everything on your own.

It is necessary to take care of window fittings constantly. If small squeaks and cracks are found, immediately lubricate the parts or contact a specialized company for help. Neglecting excessive sounds from the sash leads to a complete replacement of its mechanical filling, and in some cases to the replacement of the window.