How to travel through parallel worlds. My experience of traveling to a parallel world. Explorer between systems

This text is a description of personal spontaneous reflective experience, manifested in the form of controlled self-observation of the reflective split of consciousness and the form of dreams. Spontaneous reflection is common, but such an experience, i.e., the ability to control, is rare. The means of describing this experience, i.e., esoteric and partly mystical terminology, is explained by the fact that the author simply did not have and could not have any other; as he rightly points out, this is not taught in school. Therefore, he has to use the first suitable metaphors and expressions from fairy tales and fantasy, which, however, does not distort the meaning of the text in the least.

According to K. Jung, dreams most frankly reflect the state of human consciousness; replacing the subject area with twins, they nevertheless preserve relations between them that are relevant and problematic for a person in the real world. But in this world, the internal conflicts of a person are suppressed by his psychic defense mechanisms, squeezed out into the subconscious, and as a result, a person actually ignores them, and the problems generated by them are not resolved. In a dream, a person gets the opportunity to see what he would not like to see, in a more or less altered form. The only task is to correctly understand your dream - a skill that was in former times a necessary part of spiritual culture, and now lost.

A. I. Subbotin

My old dream(1971): I'm in my old apartment, in a large room, preparing the usual experiment, something like a meeting with the looking-glass world, but transmission time has come, and I, just to check in rough, take my transistor radio, go to the mirror-dressing table (standing against the wall, the window is on the right), look carefully into my eyes and at the same time turn on the receiver that I hold in my hand for three seconds; a voice from the receiver says a fragment of the phrase: "... one-to-one correspondence... "; during this time, I notice that my reflection begins to look away and turn to the right of itself; I stand still and look directly at him. Here I turn off the receiver, the voice stops, I turn away and leave, intending to conduct the experiment immediately after that.

A. I. Subbotin

Reading many books and stories of people who assumed the existence of other worlds coexisting simultaneously next to our world, created in me the assumption that other worlds really exist somewhere. But at the same time, no one has ever offered me to penetrate into one of the other worlds that exist besides ours. Therefore, my research and travel to other worlds ended in reasoning and fantasizing, like any other child or adult. For example, I reasoned, like many other people: - if there is our world, then it will certainly be the same, which is endowed with living beings? They just aren't available. And what if suddenly, at this moment, I exist somewhere else? Maybe in another part of the planet? What if someone is watching a movie about me, how do I live and act right now? For children, such questions and reasoning are typical. I am sure that many children ask themselves such questions. By the way, maybe you yourself had such reasoning? And do you know the experiences and feelings that I experienced at the same time?

It's certain that I didn't have clarity about what these worlds were and where they were. I really wanted to know the truth about how to get to other worlds. I wanted to be told how to get there. And I would immediately, with great effort, penetrate into them, study, the main thing is that it be true. But over time, my desire to know other worlds began to disappear, and there were reasons for that.

New worlds that I could penetrate, explore and study them, illumined by happiness, turned out to be a waste of time for me, because I was not taught them. That is, a person has not yet discovered these worlds, so he had nothing to teach. But man, however, managed to do without practice, and created many theories about the universe. And reflections on the theory of the worlds did not bring me closer to them at all. Therefore, I could not take seriously the possibility of penetrating and existing in other worlds.

I first learned about other planets (besides ours) from school. They could not be called worlds, because there were no living beings in them. The study within the framework of the school of our galaxy and the solar system, in which we found ourselves, ended in pictures where stars and round planets were small depicted. Once I even imagined myself as an astronaut, and dreaming I felt how wonderful it is to discover something new, to be recognized as a person. A man who did a lot for others, heroically making discoveries. But right then and there, “descending from heaven to Earth,” I realized that it was impossible to become one of these heroes. I didn't believe in myself. For me, the whole theory about the stars and the cosmos, as well as about the universe, remained something impractical and impossible to implement. And school education, nevertheless, immersed me in all the "unreal" complexities of our solar system and it was not clear where she was going and among what she was. I did not understand why I need to “cram” all this? The name of the planets, their sequence. It didn't interest me. It did not cause me any desire to study it all in detail. This is where my study of the universe stopped. It was the dullest period of my life and the most impractical. Time passed without stopping. I did not understand, so what is the essence of the greatest achievement of mankind, when he managed to fly into orbit beyond the laws of gravity? It seems to them that by showing photographs from a height of space, they can teach something, because to this day they remain, for now, just photographs. All my school time I felt like "not a researcher." I started to feel like a useless person. School time was some kind of lightning-fast, stupid passage of time, where paragraph after paragraph, beliefs and knowledge alternated, which did not arouse sympathy in me, from which I did not feel a change in myself. On the contrary, I felt that I was in trouble. As a result of the influence of school education on me, I began to forget not only my dreams, but acted contrary to my brightest feelings. School education has always been an external mechanism for me. A mechanism that was one-sided, rigid, hurting me. It was impossible to influence him, or from the influence of which I could evade. Some kind of defense mechanism was unconsciously working in me, I was always ready to resist the beliefs of teachers, and constantly believed that they only bring damage. I especially felt this harm when they forced me to learn something that made my head hurt, and my mood became very boring. I didn’t like it when they scared me with “deuces”, taught different morals, called names and called some mediocre. This aroused in me distrust of such people, therefore, distrust of what they teach. I did not believe until the end, everything that they tried to convince me of. For me, studying at school was like some kind of work, the essence of which is to do it, and it doesn’t matter how. In a job where the goal is simply to do, there is no happiness, understanding or friendship. I have always relied on the fact that one day I will be able to get the knowledge that compensates for everything that happens to me at school. Of course, this was expressed in faith, I believed in myself that one day I would figure everything out, I believed that I would be able to figure out everything that happened to me at school, I just needed to grow up. And I no longer believed in dreams, in some of which I would become an astronaut. Basically, my goal was like this - I needed to grow. Perhaps other students will find such a goal in themselves. I hope you understand what I'm talking about?

I didn't know what I was hoping for by doing nothing and not taking independent steps. And I could not imagine how my discovery of true knowledge would happen, which would give me all the answers to my own questions? Does such knowledge even exist?

My interest in other civilizations or worlds was erased by the external mechanism of "education", which did not see in me potential strength, opportunities. This mechanism gave me theories without practice. And in general, there was not even a hint of practice. My sources of information about the universe ended with school and peers. For independent knowledge of the universe, I did not have enough cunning and awareness. I was completely focused on my enemy - the school, which I could be offended by, think badly and blame my ill-fated fate. Instead, I could use the same amount of my strength in the opposite direction. But I didn't know where should I go? I thought of myself as a defenseless person caught in a series of crossfires. I felt stupid at school. He teased the girls, beat them, quarreled with peers, however, like any other schoolboy. But no one could change my direction, because this direction was formed by the school. And apart from the school, who would try to teach me the basics of the world and interaction with it, there was no one. And now I realize that the school is a primitive mechanism, the hidden purpose of which is to create an imbalance in the harmony of the students. The school absolves itself of responsibility for the broken lives of the people who left the school. Who is to blame for the fact that people often behave cruelly, there are many people who use products that destroy them from the inside (alcohol, tobacco, drugs, etc.)? The school cannot give an answer to this simple question and does not. Nevertheless, it has an impact on each of these future people, who for some reason choose destruction rather than creation. But my guess is very simple. It lies in the fact that we have hidden inner forces that each of us feels. Tell me if it's not? So the essence of learning should be built on the basis of the discovery of these hidden opportunities. And not to distract our attention with various lessons (subjects) that do not contribute to the discovery of hidden opportunities in us. The second question is: why are our abilities hidden in us and what do they look like? What part does the school take in revealing the inner hidden forces of a person? The following questions serve as an approximation to the answers to these questions: Why do we have an internal dialogue in the form of thoughts that we cannot control (stop)? And the second leading question: what happens if you try to stop the inner thoughts completely? There are a lot of such leading questions, for example, why can't we control our dreams? This is what makes the school primitive, it is not set by such internal simple questions but teaches thoughts and beliefs that are created by the activities of the mind. Why does "our" mind ignore internal questions and offer answers that are not relevant? Is it possible to assume that our mind, which we consider our own, does not belong to us? I would like to bring you to the following: what we receive and have now in the world is due to the participation of only "our" mind and feelings. Look at the destruction that man does? How does it not exist harmoniously?

Scientists put forward ideas, theories using the mind, but scientists did not try to study the mind first at the level of thoughts of feelings, in order to make certain discoveries through it with confidence. If we see a dying world in front of us, due to the activity of the human mind, then we can assume: is the mind that people use the right mind, perfect to rely on it throughout life? And most importantly, does this mind really belong to a person? But we can also assume that our mind may not belong to us at all. Think for yourself, please: why does a person do something that destroys him and his environment, while he is well aware of this? Why does a person do something that destroys him? Does he get some enjoyment out of it? Maybe the school is really a mechanism - a system that is created by a person through the mind. Why can't people really question their own minds? If destruction occurs through it. And if the mind is some kind of external mechanism that does not belong to a person, then a school is a system built through a person by the mind, which definitely pursues selfish goals. And the person, in turn, cannot maintain control over “his” mind and finds himself in a state of helplessness. After all, the mind is the only thing he used to have. And note that whatever a person does through this mind brings misfortune.

Perhaps it was the absence in me of such an assumption about “my” mind that gave rise to internal conflicts, disputes and disagreements in me. I couldn't understand why I'm doing bad things? Why don't I trust adults, while adults demand to be trusted? Why are we forbidden to smoke in childhood, but they themselves smoke, swear, and they themselves swear like that!? Who can trust themselves or others? Perhaps you also had similar internal conflicts?

Why didn't I know what to do? What to believe? I did not know at all which direction to move and whether it is necessary at all? Perhaps this is how it should be? I thought, is it possible that all people will deceive me. If there was something else, people would probably have been doing this a long time ago, I continued to think. In order to correctly answer these questions, I did not have a certain basis, without which I considered myself an ordinary schoolboy who had difficulty understanding unloved subjects. I didn't have a single favorite subject. What made me think, and who do I want to become? I honestly admitted that I don't know who I want to be. I was not satisfied with any of the prospects that the school offered. I no longer thought about other worlds and attributed them to useless things that would not help me decide in life.

I think there are many such students today. They act contradictory, one-sided and rely on adults. They do not understand that they need to look for answers themselves, and not wait for them. That they can change their lives and manage it as they please, regardless of the influence of external mechanisms on them.

Once again I will define what I mean by an external mechanism of influence. The external mechanism of influencing the consciousness of a person is a system in the form of beings of a different order that have seized power over a person and are built into all people from birth and manifest themselves in the form of a mind that mainly affects the state of consciousness of a person and his thoughts. A mechanism that is not the essence of our inner integral part. Where the opinion and purpose of the external mechanism dominates the human consciousness. With such a mechanism he created a school that he makes external. And what makes it external is that it is generated not by man, but through him. The goal of the current school, as it was when it was founded, is to destroy the child, introduce disharmony and switch the child's attention from the search for internal answers to false beliefs about the world. At the same time, the flow of time, the maturation of students and their “exit” into the world take place. At the same time, they do not know who they are, where they come from and where to go. If you think these are questions for which there are no right answers, then you are still being affected by a mind that does not belong to you. I assure you, there are such answers, and they do not belong to and are not based on religion. In addition to false reasoning, we also experience false feelings that make us act contradictory and harmful. But it is possible to question and own feelings? If on their basis we do things that we regret. It can make us doubt some of our feelings. Therefore, false feelings and a false mind are a single mechanism in the form of a single being.

The school does not care about the opinion of the child, this already makes it alien, external. The goal is set by the school, as is the routine. As is the content.

Such a mechanism, created through people to its detriment, is the state, which has always been and will always be, only the generations that come to it change. The army and institutions also belong to this mechanism. Perhaps it is through these mechanisms, created through people and supporting it with a being built into all people in the form of the mind, that we all are controlled. And everyone considers himself through the mind, a useless person. Think about it. Many people have always been dissatisfied with the authorities. And now many are dissatisfied with the government of Putin and Medvedev. But if we assume systems theory. It turns out that Putin and Medvedev are just figureheads who have come to the established power. And the second question is how can only two people hold power over millions of people??? The answer is simple in every person there is an embedded mechanism - the mind - a being that makes us experience false feelings like patriotism, love for the fatherland, worry about the stability of power, as well as feelings of doom and weakness, or, for example, dissatisfaction with the authorities. And also it is worth considering that Putin and Medvedev are ordinary people, in which the system is also introduced - the mind that inspires them that they are "at the helm" and must fight for their stability. And a person, putting forward another aggression against figureheads, does not solve the essence of the problem. After all, how many revolutions have there been, and what is the use of them? A person is always dissatisfied with his life, believing that one of the people is to blame for this. Think about why we are so afraid and often talk about managing people? Is it awakening in us subconscious knowledge about the real management of us. If a revolution is to be made, then it must be made from within, without weapons and murder.

There is no quality in such mechanisms, as well as awareness. Arousing interest in the development and support of a person is not provided for by this mechanism. Or there is no elementary responsibility for the impact. Modern man, is a being that falls under a series of external mechanisms, unaware of what kind of manipulation is taking place with it. After that, a person becomes not powerful to make a change and question his own actions, thoughts, beliefs as the actions of other people. This is a man who is indifferent to his own destiny. Or a person who mistakenly, using a false mind and feelings (true enemies), makes judgments, misleading other people besides himself, creating a religion and its various directions.

However, our theme is still worlds. Let's continue about them.

Soviet films and cartoons served as one of the third-party sources of knowledge and ideas about other worlds. These "Fictions", I just wanted to take a word, because there was something interesting in them.

On such a fragmentary indistinct idea of ​​the universe, my school studies ended. I know the name of the first astronaut, and "I know" which animal was the first to fly into space. But it's not practical.

Although two years before graduation, I inadvertently began to study esoteric books, where I began to read the experiences of people who were engaged in various practices such as meditation. And then I first learned about karma, mudras, energy, energy vampirism, egregor. The question arose more than once in my study of a new direction that went beyond the external mechanism. Why don't they teach this at school? After all, this is much more interesting than boring writing, work? With the help of new knowledge, changes in the representation of the world began to occur in my mind. I wanted to believe about the archangels, which I read about, from the books of the "messengers"; At the same time, I was drawn to believe in God. I strove to believe in karma and the books of S. N. Lazarev, I believed in the series of books by Megre "Anastasia", and without analyzing, I absorbed all the new information that I liked, trusting every word and opinion. At a young age, I read many books of this genre, they were in me a certain hope that, after all, there was something “other” than what the mechanism of the school offered only one thing - the mind. I found answers in these books that I wanted to consider the only true ones now. Could not do without practical exercises. I have tried many times to go into light meditations and tried to stop my own thoughts. However, opening myself to new knowledge, I did not assume that I would fall under the influence of the same mechanism of influence, only with a different bias, but in which the mind was an integral component. Now, of course, I realize why there are different directions - witchcraft, white and black magic, "Tantrists", Satanists, Buddhists, Orthodoxy, Jehovahs, Protestants, etc. These are just systems of different content, but the creator of which is only one - an implanted external mechanism that is implanted in us and manifests itself as the mind - feelings that are false. And what makes them false is that they do not truly belong to us, but are generated by a mechanism embedded in us.

But another religious trend is interesting - which answers the question - What then is the state of a person when he is without the influence and impact on him of an external alien mechanism? Probably, this will turn out to be the only and true faith, a religion that can truly help a person.

Having found myself with new esoteric knowledge, which still did not solve the essence of my problem (I didn’t even know what problem it should solve at all), at that moment it suited me more than school. I drew an analogy of my new knowledge about my life with the knowledge that the school offered. And here I have decided, undoubtedly and with certainty, to definitively reject trust in the school system. I could replace them with others, relying on them with the same force as on school ones. Why my performance at school has declined, I have more fours. But I had a more expanded outlook, with the help of which I could look at my own school the world differently, where I figured out that the school is a stagnant phenomenon, thereby becoming isolated from it, but at the same time experiencing the discovered phenomenon. And until now I still did not know what I should do next? Which direction to go? Read more books? I could not answer who I am, where I am, and what I need to do, regardless of the books I read. I could only use one of the books I read and interpret my view of the world from its position. I thought I could look like this from every book without hurting myself. But I couldn't choose just one. I didn’t want to be a “Karmist” or look for “Anastasia”, to be a fan of the “Egregors”, while, by the way, experiencing feelings of various fears, this confirms that the directions are different in people, cultivated by the “being” (mind-feelings), and feelings same. What I mean: for example, a religious person who is convinced of faith in God, intellectually rejects attributing himself to any other religion other than Orthodox. And sometimes he feels a terrible fear of retreating from his faith (in order to move further in his development), being aware of the raging judgment of God. And he is forced to stop and return to faith in God under the influence of this imaginary fear - God's judgment (he does not try to separate which feelings he has and which are not, only if by bad deeds, but, alas, by good deeds, he did not try). But if he went further than his faith and began to study karma and believe in it, as the “karmists” believe, he would undoubtedly experience the same fear, only that the “karmist” is afraid to fart at all, otherwise he might some irreversible process occurs, and he is assigned a “working off” in the next life, which makes him, like a person who believes in God, not take steps in order to get out of the vicious circle, leading to convincing fears that he feels from the inside and takes them for his own feelings. What makes these two believers not different, but identical and colleagues. Mind - convinces them to accept only a certain "color" (in the form of religion), and feelings remain unchanged, which are generated by an embedded external device in our consciousness. Thus, keeping a person in ideological dependence, so that he does not dare to discover the "father-generator" of ideas that he considers his own. This is very easy to understand with a simple example. Take a look at our planet. It is united, and we perceive it as separate state entities. Who divided the planet? Mind. Who can now inspire people with the idea that they are different and provoke a war? Only some kind of external mechanism is really capable of this, under the influence of which we are with you, and what awaits new generations of born children.

Now I found myself among the new currents generated by the mind. Without questioning my mind, I was still not satisfied with all these organized "subclasses of the activity of the mind" in the form of an esoteric direction. I was not satisfied with something divine in the form of a god or Buddha. I continued to search, reading in a binge new books of the mystical genre. And one day, when I spent the last year of school in a hopeless state, while abandoning the study of esotericism, I realized that I had not found my path, from which I would start from the very beginning and in which I would reach the most high altitudes. And one day my hopes began to disappear.

No, I will not be able to meet such a teaching, - I gave up. But I didn't realize that I was actually seeking knowledge. I was looking for something that would change my life forever. But I did not understand that only real knowledge can change me no one else. And if this is the only thing that can change a person, then it is mandatory, somewhere there.

Having found myself endowed with esoteric fear, God's wrath, I entered into a new ideological system, which continued to negatively influence my consciousness through the mind and its feelings. The world didn’t change, I didn’t change, only my beliefs, which the “mind-feelings” used for their own purposes, changed, because I did not meet such knowledge that would question my own mind, from which the real change of me would really begin.

The school left behind with its experience and knowledge could not help me; life began. I carried the "mind-feeling" system in me, it independently continued to live, throwing me problems, to the point of bringing me closer to death. And just in such a current, one day I found the knowledge that met my strict requirements. So, I got real knowledge only by the age of 19. The knowledge I've been searching for all my life. Knowledge that can challenge my own mind and feelings, which I used to trust with my whole life and consider them an integral part of me. Knowledge that has a beginning, an end, and a continuation.

Such a theory gives answers to all questions that torment a person from birth, because it is true. There are no logical gaps in the explanation. Everything converges.

To the magic

Undoubtedly, this universal internal "system of the knowledge of magic" can be put in place of the system that was cultivated to our detriment by the "mind-sense being". And it will serve as a true support for conscious existence in this world.

So far, knowledge about magic exists in the form of cartoons, fantasy, fairy tales, that is, at a primitive level. The development of magical knowledge was not at all carried out by society. If at you suddenly, there is a question, about what magic there is a speech. Magic is our non-corporeal thoughts, why not magic? The death of organic beings (including us), isn't it magic? And the existence of us in a dream, after which, waking up, we do not remember anything about them in detail? And there are many more, our magical qualities that are blocked by the mind. For example, the mind blocked the magical ability to lucid dreams by the fact that the mind led the idea and explanation of sleep as a simple activity of the brain on a different level, like just sleep, rest. Or blocked by directing the person's attention to the study of the brain, with the help of external devices, and not by stopping their own thoughts. Consider also the perverse nature of the study of the human body - experiments on corpses.

I am aware of my role as someone who dares to build the accumulated knowledge of magic into a system that can influence people's minds. Such knowledge meets all human requirements and can, when formed into a system, be the ideal mechanism that will reveal and present knowledge about our life and the universe.

So, knowledge about magic in the world is neglected. No one has ever been closely involved in magic and has not tried to study it. And I understand that for the first time I find myself such a researcher-scientist, because I intend to do the opposite of the mind. Knowledge of magic is designed for any category of age. At the same time, I am aware of the lack of scientists who could contribute to the development of the education of magic. Magical education is fundamentally different from school education in that it will accompany a person throughout his life and after death, if there is one at all (since there is a theory in magical knowledge how to stop death). At the same time, magical education does not strive for totalitarianism. And does not reject the external system of education. Because it is impossible to believe everyone at once and doubt your mind. Someone has become so accustomed to him that he is ready to exchange his life, if only everything was as it is. And naturally, such people will die, no matter, even as a result of what, old age or accident. But there will also be those who doubt their mind and feelings, and by natural selection there will be a certain purification of the generations of mankind. The bottom line is that the main thing is to have knowledge and that's it. It came about as a result of which the real change is taking place. In the meantime, it is necessary to find a balance between the mind and magic. Because, one way or another, a student of an ordinary school is looking for knowledge about magic and strives to come to them. At the moment, the system of magical education has one important goal - to become accessible, and competently presented in the form of an uncomplicated, simple textbook.

The problem of the general recognition of such knowledge is relevant. Because not in one country of the world, in any city, until there is a school of magic, where subjects would be taught, and education for magic was created. There are centers for the development of paranormal abilities of gifted children. But it is not mentioned that every child is endowed with magical hidden abilities.

Magic, as a fact, a phenomenon, is not recognized in the scientific world. Not recognized in the society of all countries. Therefore, at the moment I find a way to create a textbook on magic, which everyone will learn different ages people. When their self-education in magic from these textbooks, or education at home, becomes a mass phenomenon, it will force other generations to take the next steps in this direction. In the meantime, the purpose of the work, in particular mine, is to build and methodically present the knowledge about the formation of magic, as an internal supporting system, in a modern version. At the same time, discovering new knowledge about magic, which is not based on the activity of an alien device embedded in my consciousness.

For a long time I did not realize my vocation in the world, science, school, as a teacher of magic. It took me a long time to acknowledge this. My disagreement was expressed in the fact that I did not want to take responsibility, I did not believe in the implementation of such a grandiose discovery. And most importantly, I didn't know where to start. I did not believe that I could become such a source. And this revives in me the character of a new scientist - a discoverer. Which, by the way, no one prepared for me.

It all started with the fact that I began to study in the pedagogical direction. I did not particularly like the fact that my life is now connected with teaching. In general, my destiny to be a teacher caused me mental rejection. I knew that it was just a social status - an invention of the human mind. But I couldn't realize that it was an activity. An activity in which I am already immersed, by the fact that I am studying to become a teacher. Having already been at school, as an experimental "mouse", I was aware and often felt on myself its terrible mechanism for endowing with stupidity and inaction. And now to become a screw in this system caused rejection in me. I realized what that meant. I will be forced to teach children in the same way as they taught me, shouting somewhere, forcing them to learn and experience. And in fact, I will be forced to cultivate the activity of alien beings in them by developing their complete trust in the “invading mind” and awakening in this “invading mind” the generation of feelings through which it will begin to control the child, inducing imbalance and imbalance in him. I have to convince them of that non-functional thing that everyone believes, but which I personally do not believe. I was in an unenviable position. All alone in front of such discord. I had to either become, like most teachers, a worthless, life-destroying machine that itself needs to be trained, or choose and follow my heart's call, which kept saying about the magic hidden in me. Naturally, there were no thoughts. I turned out to be “not a standard”, something like a virus, only in a positive way. This means that I was categorically against the external system that existed in me. I wanted not to learn to be a teacher, but to change unconscious professors. I went against the system, internal struggle. But at that time I lacked one thing: experience, the ability to have a targeted impact on the system. I came and encountered the source of the system that recreates - "stupid" teachers, more than eleven years in school was a kind of only one way, to the source who came up with this road. And I walked only to find out where this road came from, to realize and understand. I did not believe in the scientific world, as before the school. When I met a new source of knowledge about magic, I immediately started from theory to practice. Which is what I did most of the time while studying at the university. I understood that I was given very little time to make a total re-organization in myself (learning magic), which had not been carried out since the age of eight (since at the age of 8 years, last time magical actions in which, instead of a body, I became energy, like the whole world around me, from which I was in a completely different natural state). Since I also studied as a teacher at the institute, I was forced to devote some of my time to him. My repeated retakes of tests and exams created an image of me among professors, including the dean, as a negligent slob student who did not understand what he was doing and why he was studying. And the students had a different opinion, a very simple one - a fool. To which I treated with humor and played along with their false impression, changing my names, and doing non-standard actions that the mind could not perceive. I didn't have time to dive seriously into the scientific knowledge that was being offered to me.

After some time, discoveries about magic began to awaken in me, I became a participant and witness of incredible hidden abilities in a person, and these abilities turned out to be magical. And they were opened not at the expense of devices, but at the expense of the elements of my constituents, which are already contained in me. Involuntarily, I became aware that my choice of refusing to study the sciences in depth was ideal. While time moves, everything moves. The last year of study at the university approached, apparently, in magic too. And the magical discoveries that took place in me became more and more. I began to realize my destiny in other facets. It turns out that there is no fate, there is only my choice. That to which I am not indifferent, and I am ready to devote my whole life to this - this is fate. The choice to do what I like, from which I get happiness and joy. I was glad that I managed to complete the training of myself in another system of cognition of the world, a system that is an integral part of me. And in this direction I have achieved great internal success. Successes that I can rely on at any moment. I was not interested in my classmates and their opinions about me. I began to dream that I could achieve even greater achievements, now it is clear that if I am a teacher, then not like the majority. That's for sure. And finally, since childhood, I dreamed of changing the world. I began to realize that I can make discoveries and changes not only within myself. I started believing in myself.

I was about to finish university. I still did not know how to express precisely and clearly what I now want. At some point, I became indifferent to myself. Although the moment of truth overtook inexorably. Before me, the doors to the scientific world opened, while not directly related to pedagogy, but affecting it. And I myself, already could choose which door to step into.

Explorer between systems

From the very beginning, at the moment of entering the university, I was introduced to a professor or already a doctor of some kind of Philosophical Sciences (at that time I still did not understand the hierarchy, the status of scientists). We met in the hallway when we were doing paperwork in admission committee university. My friend approached me, who helped me with my admission, and with him was a man, about 40 years old. like he knows more about me than I do. I decided to be polite.

So this is the Sanek? Your friend told me a lot about you,” he turned to me. He asked me some scientific question to see how I could answer it. I didn't know what to say other than with a smile. He said something else, and then added, grow up, learn, then we'll talk more seriously. What slipped through my mind: after such a long time, we are unlikely to meet.

I did not pay attention to this meeting, because it happened once, but I remember it well. The only thing I liked was the soft and polite attitude from an adult. After school, human behavior from adults, which is common behavior, was perceived by me as gentle and respectful. And in parallel with all my studies at the university, this professor was at the same university. But we never met. And once it happened, we met again six years later, already on our own initiative, through a well-known friend who was friends and introduced this professor for the very first time. This time he looked very different. He reminded me of some modern man. I did not begin to determine how old he is now, he looked cheerful and alive with interest in his eyes. With a well-chosen taste and style, which was very suitable for his status and age. He was told many stories about my studies at the university by my well-known acquaintance, who introduced us for the first time. And the professor had the opinion that I was an indigo child. My acquaintance viewed me more as a freak than anything more, to which his professor acquaintance revealed the true essence of me. And one morning, when I met with my friend and his work companion, I could not understand why they greet me as a pop star, after the first handshake they shook it again ??

When meeting with me, the professor wanted to hear from me about what I do, what worlds I came from. My younger brother was with me, who also walked in an approximate direction, and studied all six years with me at the same faculty as me, so the professor had two indigo children in his hands at once! At the meeting, I was in a different state of being of consciousness, since during this period of time it happened that for the first time in my life I freed myself from an alien consciousness that had been living in me all this time. I was in a silent state, and at the meeting I truly felt and analyzed, according to the professor, the thoughts that belonged to him and the thoughts that were dictated by the being implanted in him. His thoughts and feelings prevailed over the thoughts and feelings of the creature, although he did not know about it, I knew without words why we had met at all.

Well, that's where we met! Indigo children.

To which I smiled with my younger brother.

Well let's go….

The meeting was scheduled in the lobby, after which we occupied a free auditorium and talked for a long time. I began to hear the words of Professor Alexander Ilyich.

I do not consider myself an indigo child, I am the result of learning the knowledge of magic. But what makes me the only one is that I became interested in this knowledge, and not in any other way.

I had to continue studying. At the same time, I had to leave my university and move to a more serious institution as a graduate student. Only now, when I began to finish studying at the university, I felt a true wave of happiness, from the fact that I finally have to really study! I had an amazing feeling that this was the end of some era of promiscuity and stupidity, where I could not exert any influence and influence. Naturally, the dean's office, who learned about this event, was, to put it mildly, shocked. All the “bosses” had one thing in their eyes: what kind of scientist would he become?! He'll probably mess around again! Even in response to a note certified by the head of the Department of Philosophy that they were ready to accept me as a graduate student, “our” dean’s office convicted my younger brother and I of forging a signature. To which the head of the department reacted with an obvious joke, calling them "goat faces"! Such a dismissive attitude towards my brother and me on the part of our deanery evoked in us, instead of resentment, a kind of justice. After all, I trusted my source of knowledge, and not theirs, and now they are nothing of themselves (creatures instead of people), they are angry that we have won some part of our freedom. But I still lacked a goal clearly expressed in words: what do I want to accomplish in the scientific world? The only thing is that I still knew that I would choose a direction in philosophy that affects pedagogy in itself. That is, I understood that pedagogy does not study people - their hidden abilities and knowledge, which are capable of influencing human consciousness. The teacher is just a methodologist who manages the acquired knowledge. But philosophy is able to explain what a person is. And it is she who can give out knowledge that was once inaccessible to a person and was not perceived by him. And yet I did not know how it is possible to prove everything that I am presenting here now? I liked that the direction was called anthropology.

But I decided not to go to graduate school. I wasn't ready. And I also didn’t want to read and study the classics of philosophy. I considered them people already dead, if their knowledge was worth something, they would not die, but would use their discoveries. Studying the dead knowledge of dead people was not in my spirit and requirements. I did not dare to express my difficulties to the professor, because that would mean that I refuse to study. And he wanted me to start cultivating scientific literacy in myself. What do I want then? I understood that I would still have to overcome my reluctance to make contact with a science that lacks a heart and start wasting time reading such books. Although I felt in myself my own seething knowledge, and activities that have more depth than anything external. I was afraid that I might give up the opportunity to believe and trust my own knowledge. At that time, I already approximately assumed how my training would be built: in the form double action. The first is to pretend that I believe in the soundness of science. The second actions do not at all believe in its reasonableness and truthfulness, while looking for loopholes where you could introduce your knowledge, improving your protection against an alien device. It is not surprising that the presentation of knowledge about magic to the scientific world is something of a fantasy. What I did not dare at that time, unlike the present. Everyone got out of their childhood, becoming reasonable adults, serious people. How am I going to prove to them all the existence of magic through which you can make a change in the world? I did not have the proper experience (to some extent, I still do not have it). I realized that this is not possible yet. And I decided not to graduate from the university and leave the state of affairs as it is. At the same time, I realized that it is stupid to prove to a person that there is something inside him until he himself sees it. The ancient Chinese said: "You can not pull the carrots by the tops, trying to help her grow faster. You just need to water." But if you want to engage in self-development, then you need to pull yourself up by the hair (the favorite slogan of G.P. Shchedrovitsky). That if a person is smart and not indifferent to himself, then he should begin to study magic himself, and it didn’t look like someone was forcing him. I wasn't afraid that this was the end for me. I took advantage of the detachment that I learned from another system of knowledge. That's where the real truth will now appear on the stage, who will help me now? The knowledge that was given at the university or the knowledge that you chose with your heart? I did not worry that everything was lost, that this was the "end". I decided that I would do my research work on my own. At the same time, I knew that this is true work, which is not done for someone, but for me, as one representative of humanity. Now it doesn't matter to me whether one of the scientists believes me or not. I myself found a certain scientist in myself, the status of which is established not from the recognition of people (alien beings, forcing a person to do nothing and wait for them to start talking about themselves, and then the minds will say: prove that we exist ?!), but from actions . I know that I can make changes in our world without the consent of all people. Because, I will strive to make a change through a completely different world that I recently discovered, and it is closely related to our world. And in that world, everyone only agrees to this. Who exactly agrees and what you will learn from the experience of entering that world, which is described below. Be patient.

And my goal became more directed towards my internal development, and not for the benefit of the mechanism. A few months after my expulsion from the university, new discoveries and changes took place in my inner development. Now I knew for sure what to do and how to act. Therefore, I began to get a lot in the field of magic. At the same time, I needed money for existence, from which a lot of energy for the study of magic became directed to work.

do magic

A year has passed, and in my life there was the most climactic and amazing moment, which I can now tell in detail. The only thing I can add is that this discovery made the biggest impression on me from what had happened before. After this event, it became even more indifferent to me whether the scientific world, like ordinary people, will share this truth or not, because nothing depends on you anymore, it is on your awareness of this. Undoubtedly, I stood on the ladder above all scientists, all people. But I don't care. It's just that if all people walked, trusting their own hearts, they would stumble upon just such discoveries. And if I become a scientist recognized by science, I will be among the new scientists, modern and true. My goal is to explore, to discover, no matter how the mind looks at it. I am a researcher who uses the magical inner will, which a person usually loses, starting from school and even kindergarten. My goal is to recreate the Magical Formation. All my research comes from the fact that our nature is magical. And it is important that this education be recognized as general scientific and applied in schools. Because for the child everything remains the same and the external mechanism of influence on his consciousness does not disappear anywhere. And the child does not just live, exists, he fights, argues, unconsciously seeks magic, he does not know what it is real, he feels it inside. And the child is forced to simultaneously study magic, which is still in a primitive state in the form of cartoons, books, films. But this time the magic will have a methodical and exposition achieved by simplicity, expressed in the form of a textbook on magic. I've never had to hold a wizarding textbook in my hand before. But something like this happened. Why do Children binge read books such as Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lord of the Rings. And you perfectly understand the naivety of their faith, because you yourself experienced it. Sometimes such works are fiction and awakened fantasy of the authors. And this is a valid argument. But the only mismatch. Why do kids still love to read this, and why do authors love to write about it? Why do we inspire our children that the world is colorful and consists of cartoons, and then make them wake up in adult reality. Where does this contradiction come from and the sharp drop in which children commit suicide or begin to take ... you yourself already guess what? This is exactly what I have to clarify to you, if it has not yet become clear in you, as well as to clarify what real magic is. I'm used to taking steps in this direction exclusively by myself. And I hope that one day I will not be such a unit.

Now I have a clear goal. It is also important to me whether it will be achieved or not find its recognition and application for adults and children. I do not know how it will be perceived, but, nevertheless, I act, I am forced to act.

Now I began to understand that I am a teacher not by profession, but by vocation. I realized that being a teacher is relevant. That a teacher can choose and manipulate external and internal mechanisms that can have an impact on a person's consciousness, and not be exploited by one harmful system. I began to believe that in fact every person has the right to be an experienced discoverer of secrets about himself. This is an obligatory, integral part of his state of awareness, which must begin its cultivation from childhood. Man should not become indifferent to his own life and death.

So, I present to your attention one of the magical discoveries that I made a few years ago.

Exit to a parallel world

I began the presentation of my experience with the fact that I once learned at a primitive level about the possibility of the existence of other worlds. At the same time, he also touched on completely different topics, but which are directly related to the problem of parallel worlds.

Studying the books of K. Castaneda, I read that there are other worlds in the universe that are in an accessible state for any person. And in order to get into any of them, you need to begin to develop magical abilities in yourself. Theoretically, the development of such opportunities assumed strict discipline (elimination of bad habits, self-control) and the realization that we are round luminous beings, consisting of clean energy in the form of light, and the totality of this energy is awareness. And besides the fact that we are made of fibers of light, the entire universe is also made of the same light. Each of us observes this energy, but cannot be aware of this, since a being, another energy form of life, which has infiltrated the energy structure of our awareness, that is, us, puts a barrier to this truth. And the world that we look at with our eyes is a product of the property or quality of our awareness, to transcribe energy into objects. And there are a lot of such properties in our awareness. Such a reorganization of ideas about oneself and the world is unacceptable for people (minds). The bottom line is that here you have to do with faith for the time being. The same faith as faith in God. There is a big difference between believing in God and believing in magic. The difference is that when we believe in a god, we don't personally testify to ourselves that he exists, we don't personally encounter him. And in the belief of magic, the point is that you really come to achievements and facts, evidence that magic exists, but which is already difficult to prove to another person who does not want to know himself. Especially if the idea of ​​God and other garbage has been deeply implanted in this person. I believed in a new magic, because a lot of things coincided. For example, the first question. Are we dying? Where does it all go? Is it supposed to be so that we live for no reason? I accepted this idea. But accepting an idea and doing nothing is a waste of time.

So, the idea is that we are energy beings whose consciousness has the ability to form dense objects from energy, creating the reality of our world. Also on our energy structure there is an intense luminous ball behind the right shoulder blade, thanks to which a stable picture of the world is assembled. If you learn to manipulate this ball (assembly point of worlds), you can control realities.

It was also theoretically stated in the books of K. Castaneda that, together with our world, there are Parallel Worlds, which is a twin world endowed with other forms of life.

This suggestion piqued my interest. At the same time, in the books of K. Castaneda, this was not determined only by theory. It said that the activity that a person who knows how to manipulate the assemblage point is engaged in is that he travels through different worlds.

It sounds quite fantastic. But I had a feeling that it was really, really, and possible to implement. And most importantly, no rocket is needed. You don't have to study to be an astronaut.

The idea was that by nature all living organisms, including people, the planet Earth has twins. And together with their counterparts they form one whole. We are divided into two parts, each of which exists independently of each other. And due to the influence of alien beings on us, we lost contact with each other. And they began to exist without being aware of each other. As a result, there is an imbalance and a violation in our harmony. But this connection can be established with the help of only one elementary technique.

I have been using this technique for six years. And once a moment happened to me when I discovered the existence of a parallel world, which refers to the second part of me, the second form of life, which we used to call the soul. A world I didn't know about. A world that is whole and productive like ours. It wasn't any unknown world. This world has a name. This is not a world that a person thinks is one of seven. This is a copy and twin of the world, our world. And it is still the only world to which it is necessary to direct all the efforts, aspirations, intentions of people in this world.

You can get there with only one special technique. You can't get there through some kind of tunnel, a portal that supposedly can be in our world.

This is new information that could have an impact on our world. And it's up to everyone to use it, how practical guide or reject.

This parallel world is endowed with a whole life, like ours, with the passage of time, events, memory and awareness.

Our world is dual, just like ourselves. We are double beings. This should not be distinguished as the existence of a second personality within us. It's about about two independent forms of life with which we are endowed. This is our nature. This is not a matter of our personal choice or imagination. This is the distribution of our existence.

So, I learned from the books of K. Castaneda that a person has his double, which appears at birth. This double is the energy structure of ourselves, which is ourselves and which is independent, different. I took it not just as a theory, but as something that can be confirmed for myself. At the same time, in his books, the author describes the collision with such double creatures from his own personal experience. And he outlines one technique that contributes to the development of the double. By using this technique, I only hoped that I would be able to provide positive influence to the unbalanced state in which he found himself.

My development of my double began with the redistribution of awareness and energy. All this was practice for me, although if I had not begun to improve my double, it would have turned out to be theory or probability for me. So for the time being I managed with the belief that I would be able to reorganize my energy. At the same time, I did not know how to understand whether I had achieved a result or not? I did not know how to determine whether I had developed this double or not? I didn't know what the result should be. In any case, I thought at that time, it is better to start acting than to do nothing. At the same time, in theory, I possessed the knowledge of what properties and capabilities the double is endowed with. He can go from his world in all his guise to our world, and do things that we are not capable of. He can pass through objects, move in space within the planet and beyond. Also, this double can find a connection and contact with any living beings living outside of our world. He is also endowed with such an ability as immortality. And I had to find out for myself. Because, I am a being who is endowed with such a nature of life. So, my research began not with arguments and the demand for evidence, but with faith. Moreover, ask, from whom should I demand proof? Here you have to believe or reject such an idea. But inside me, something was in agreement, and therefore I began to apply a technique that guarantees the awakening of a double from a lethargic sleep, and besides this, it helps to move on to a harmonious life. I rejoiced at my own independent development, which I began to accomplish on my own, on myself.

simple technique

The first part of the technique is recollection.

So, the essence of the development of your double was that it must first of all be endowed with the memory that we have and contain in ourselves now. This means that I need to transfer my accumulated life experience and awareness to my double. And this is done with the help of our memories. And here it was just necessary to take advantage of the abandoned days, which, as it seems to everyone, have left us forever. For a long time in my life I could not understand why I need the past? What is the practicality of bygone days? Where does the past go? For me, the past was something that I save up and put somewhere, I counted the days, even tried to divide them into different groups and keep a personal diary as a child. Usually, I used the past to remember the feelings of childhood and dream. Many days have passed, where behind, there are many memories and events that I did not try to use in any practical way. And besides, I did not know how they can be used somehow differently?

But now, when I was inspired by the idea of ​​the existence of our second part, and the technique of remembering, I was willing to do anything to try to experiment on myself. And I immediately set about using my accumulated past as the raw material that would serve to endow my double with awareness. The technique lies in the fact that first you need to allocate a special place and time for its implementation. Then start remembering any event that happened in our life. This means that it is necessary to remember again, in all details and try to "live" the day, which is taken from the "archive of the past", again. When you begin to perform the first part of the technique, you begin to get the impression that that bygone day is becoming more relevant than today. That is, those problems and sensations that were “buried” and occurred in the bygone day come to life. Now I began to realize that I can change my perception. And my opportunities to look more broadly at my life become greater. For me, the return of my past was an occasion to realize what I could not at that time. However, I did not fully understand that I had begun a great, vast work in my life that would lead me to massive discoveries.

The second part of this technique should immediately follow the first, consists in the fact that it was necessary, concomitantly after the awakening of memories, to produce a special breath, you need to turn your head to the right shoulder and start breathing in, at the same time starting to turn your head from right to left and when the head turns to left shoulder, the inhalation ends (turning and breathing is done smoothly and slowly), after which you now need to exhale, returning the head from the left to the right shoulder. At the same time, it doesn’t matter which side you start swinging your head from. A very simple technique that even a baby can do. However, this technique has great meaning and benefit. Without the use of breath, it loses all meaning. If we imagine us as a ball of energy that we are, then this ball is divided into two parts, and when we remember, we awaken energy in one compartment of the “ball”, and when we turn our head together with breathing, we transfer this energy from one part to the other part of the "ball". I pursued the goal as carefully and thoroughly as possible in this way to convey as many of my awakened memories through the breath. At the same time, the goal is not to use mechanical memory, which is accustomed to use in everyday life, but to try to start cultivating emotional, sensual, vital memory.

The essence of such manipulation of one's past can be considered even more simply. During our lives, we accumulate a bunch of bygone days, which are filled to the brim with our activities. The accumulation of days by us is similar to how we collect scattered apples in one bag (our days that we live). But suppose that in fact there are two bags that need to be filled with apples, where each should have them equally, while we somehow forgot about the existence of the second bag. Usually we stop at one “bag” in our life - Having accumulated days, while not knowing what to do with them next? And then we need to pour the apples from the filled bag into the second one. That is, to transfer your accumulated days to your double, using a special technique. I will repeat this once again an elementary technique that can be performed at home.

This technique involves recreating the harmony that was previously destroyed by the external mechanism implanted in us. This is magic - the return of the energy lost in the past days back. The past can be brought back.

For a long time I was engaged in just such an allocation of my own memory. The first improvements in my mind began with the fact that I began to awaken in my head, the clarity that is inherent in children, despite the fact that I was already an adult. Constant fatigue in the mind, from the days experienced, began to disappear. I began to feel in myself the ease of the flow of thoughts, their clarity and awareness. For me, this result was already acceptable in order to make sure that my choice was correct and continue to develop further in this direction.

With just one technique, we can open the hidden inner abilities, and we will be able to have an impact on alien creatures that block our life in the literal sense.

Also, if desired, there is another technique that is no less important than the first.

The second part of the technique

It is also taken from the books of K. Castaneda, the book is called "Tensegrity", the practice of "Tensegrity" is that you need to use the usual gymnastics, which is described in it. The book of K. Castaneda "Tensegrity" is a set of exercises related to breathing, which at the same time resemble simple physical exercises, exercises, gypsy, yoga. This technique suited me again because there would certainly be no harm from simple exercise. At the same time, the section that related to the goals of the development of the double was called "Separation of the Left and Right bodies"

Its essence is that we can have an impact on our energy structure, regardless of whether we perceive it as energy or manage with a physical look. And doing exercises with special breathing, we manipulate with our hands and breathing the energy fibers of light, of which we are made. After these exercises, a person is endowed with a quality that helps through sleep to get into the parallel world of our twins. Armed with just two techniques, I began to feel positive changes in myself.

And one day I began to identify the presence in myself of really some second part.

Dream world

One day I went to bed. I lived at that time in a university hostel. It was night. But instead of sleeping, I began to watch as someone who resembled myself began to do something. He didn't know what he needed to do. He didn't know where he was or what happened to him. He was completely naked. But there was a feeling that something was clearing up in his mind. He began to brush his teeth with toothpaste, which he took from the shelf. At the same time, do not rinse your mouth. But he did not realize what was happening not only to him, but to everything around him. After a while, suddenly, he was lit up with a flash of awareness. He suddenly realized in a second who he was! He began to understand that he was the second part of me, which became aware of itself due to the fact that my first part began to manipulate its awareness in order to endow it with its own self-awareness, and as a result of this, he became aware of everything. He began to understand that he was not destined to brush his teeth, because he had no use brushing them. Brushing your teeth is only necessary for its first part, so that they do not suffer from caries. He was a completely different form of life. From this flash of awareness, my second part became happy. She woke up from a lethargic sleep. After some time, he moved from his unit to me. I immediately remembered everything that happened to him, exactly as with me, in my second part. And this meant that I got close to what I was striving for. My everyday boring day began to turn into a real activity, and my horizons expanded much further.

After this experience, I was convinced that these two techniques work perfectly.

Several years have passed. Not to say that everything went smoothly for me. Somewhere I stopped doing recollections, then returned to them again. And not because I wanted it myself. Think for yourself why we do not strive to reveal the real truth about us purposefully and continuously? I became interested in another inconsistency in the organized world of people. Why did it happen that I could not initially know about such a manipulation of my past? Why is this written only in K. Castaneda's textbooks, where magic is studied? Although accepting his knowledge does not mean that I will be a magician, especially as the opinion of him was formed by the mind (Predator). I just want to protect myself, to explore all my possibilities in life, and not after death. That by the way offers any religion. Notice the general similarity of religions? Religion offers and promises that the truth will be revealed to man, but only after death, and does not claim that the truth can be revealed while still alive. Thus, alien beings fetter a person, putting handcuffs on him, which will serve as a guarantee for these beings to be unnoticed among the human consciousness.

And I, fortunately, already know about this manipulation of people. At the same time, I do not look at people arrogantly, I also continue to interact with them only with understanding and friendship. Now you know the reason, even if it's just a guess for you.

So, how did I manage to travel to parallel worlds? I was not transported by my body into this world. Because my body (I myself) is limited by life in this world, but awareness can pass from me to my second part. Therefore, I was not transported anywhere and did not find myself anywhere, my second part already exists and has been in my world since birth, which I call parallel. It remained only to be his memory in his double. The catalyst through which "I" ended up in another world was a dream.

So, after about two years, my second part was able to exist in its self-awareness much longer than it did in the first such experience. This existence took place in his own world. Twin world. And with the help of the fact that I had access to his awareness and memory, I can describe this experience of his here. According to my feelings, now I will say only one thing - this is a strange world.

The new-old world is not more prudent than ours and is out of harmony. This is an unsystematic world, where double people exist without a system, chaotically, massively, stupidly. I was lucky to see with my own eyes the consequences of the indifference of the people of our first world to the knowledge of themselves. For him ("I") the first feeling was that he ("I") was in the world of primitive people, savages. Some people screamed wildly and crazy, it is not clear why at all.

I would also add that this new world does not lend itself to concrete representation, through mental reflection and imagination, and cannot accurately characterize and describe it. You only need to visit it to understand its state. The study of a parallel world is impossible, limited only by theory and assumptions. This is a matter of practice. I decided to tell about it with a purpose. My goal is to open the entrance to this world to everyone who wants to bring harmony into themselves. For those who want to understand themselves catfish. Who is interested. Or for those who are interested. Therefore, there is only one way out so far - just read, and whoever wants to believe me, you can believe. More is not required. Naturally, whoever wants to get into this world must apply certain efforts on his part, actions, to his desire. But regardless of desire or unwillingness, that world lives even now, and the twins of all people live there in an unconscious deplorable state. All the unconsciousness that occurs in this world is reflected in life in the next world.

Because when my double began to realize in his own world who he was, he began to live. And to be alive means to be aware. This is impressive when you find yourself in the midst of a lack of system. Because you can start doing whatever you want. This is exactly the position my twin found himself in. He possessed self-awareness and could begin to take any action. First, he knew that the state of separation of our worlds from each other is very bad. Secondly, he realized that he was endowed by nature with other properties and abilities than I. He did not need food for his existence, he could not feel the cold, he is not endowed with death, there is no density in him, like a barrier. In a word, it is the action of magic. He had no time to be idle. And the very first thing he began to do was to unite the forces of twin people. He began to gather around him many people; it didn't require much effort. Many people came up. For some reason, darkness dominates in this world, all objects and lighting are always dark. When people began to approach, he began to address them. He began to tell them who they really are, and about our world with you. He also began to explain that each of them is free. And it is not necessary for them to do the household chores they do.

To clarify a little what people were doing in that world, I explain: in all the people of our world, a certain external mechanism is built in, which is the reason for interrupting the flow of awareness to the world of twins through us; this mechanism has already been partly described. But in part, people doppelgangers still receive fragmentary memory, otherwise we would die, and this memory penetrates in a distorted form and in fragments. But remember: memory and awareness are two different things. Especially all the fears, worries that are generated through us enter the memory of our doubles, from which they are afraid not to sleep, eat, die.

Therefore, the lack of full volume memory input through the influence of an external mechanism limits not only our actions and theirs, but also creates a false idea of ​​ourselves both in this world and in the next.

Therefore, our doubles consider themselves mortal, that they can kill each other, and suffer from hunger.

And all this began to explain to all people-twins, my ("I") conscious double. To put it mildly, all the people-doubles seemed to him to be naive children who were intimidated and instilled fear. So, he could prove to them here and now that he was right. What made them smile. At the same time, my double gathered people more and less existing (understanding), when the rest were running madly for some reason. My double began to offer them to go into the tram, which was heavy and iron. By the way, the tram appeared simply from the expression of desire of my double. This means that in that world there is exactly the magic that we imagine it here. They went. Then he said to the "people": now with the help of your declaration of intent you can make this tram fly into the air. They did not believe and were afraid, considering "me" some strange "man" among them. He required them to simply express their desire aloud. Reluctantly, they repeated, and the tram began to shake, after which it took off. Everyone freaked out when it happened. Now that the tram was high in the black sky, it made everyone jump down. Why everyone was very afraid of heights and death. He explained to them that death was not characteristic of them. Why did some of them have to be dropped? They threw him only the last, doomed, unspoken look in the air, which meant: now I will die because of some kind of evidence. When everyone jumped down, he jumped laughing himself. At the same time, splitting into millions of pieces of awareness. In a moment, he gathered into a single "dense body" on the ground. Below, everyone was waiting for each other and looked at themselves in amazement.

Well, which of you has died, show me now, ”he turned to everyone sympathetically. They replied that no one had died. And they added childishly: “So now, then, you can be trusted?”

Of course, I proved to you not only vyav, but now I will tell you about the world that you do not understand, as well as the world that does not remember anything about you.

He began to tell the whole situation. Everyone was overjoyed because they became aware. Unlike you, they didn't have to make do with faith alone. These people have become flawless beings, they wanted to unite with us at this very moment. Now think about it, do we want to unite with them? Are we able to stop drinking (even on holidays), to question the mind that has imbued us with pleasures, passions and faith in God? Not everyone will agree, but it will be justified by the fact that you will begin to put forward doubts and indifference. We are afraid to part with the accumulated property related to this world, we are afraid to become impartial to power, but often we also experience fear that is introduced from the outside, forcing us to refuse to accept this discovery. While the "people" of the parallel world, on the contrary, want to put an end to such slavery and finally change us. A host of doppelgangers were in the new light of life, endowed with hope, good luck, and the feeling that they could now influence their own lives and the world. They did not need a state to rule them. They all together became a single state. Questions began to be shouted out in large queues from the twins to him.

Is it true that in order to marry a priest, one has to be married and divorced seven times?

What embarrassed everyone began to look at this woman. He became like an alien to them, and they were uncomfortable with the frank question asked.

What? he laughed. - Seven times?! Rave! You don't even have to marry anyone!

Why this woman, like the others, breathed a sigh of relief. Questions were asked such as:

Is it possible to unscrew an electric light bulb with a wet rag?

To which he stood on a stool and with a completely wet rag began to unscrew the red-hot lamp, which exploded.

Well, I'm dead, - he asked everyone, to which the rest shook their heads. Everyone was also in a very good condition. Knowing that his energy was running out, he managed to agree on one condition. That he will reappear among them and from time to time will tell them everything and teach them about the other world and this one, and they will have to tell me about their world in return, and he will tell about them in our world. Thus, a connection will be established between the two worlds, which are still separated.

With awareness, he moved to another world, which turned out to be mine, where I took over the baton. And my eyes were clearly rounded. I was so happy with such actions, I was very happy that I could understand, realize and remember.

Now I have begun to understand a lot and I want to convey to you that we really have a twin world where our twins live, who lack reason and awareness. They have a false idea about themselves. This is the idea that they are organic beings who have a need to drink, eat, wear clothes. That is, in fact, all this is not necessary there by its nature, this is a consequence of our unconscious existence in this world and not redistributing our memory. Another feature of that world is that there is no such rigid organization. For example, rules, norms of behavior. Therefore, they behave there like crazy, forgetful, stupid, very strange creatures. There is more unconsciousness. And what kind of unconsciousness from the description of events in that world, you see.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that even in our world there is an imposition that is not needed in our life. Such obsession as anxiety, quarrel, resentment is an illusion generated by "our" mind. Compulsion - watching TV, not knowing what else to do, or sitting at the computer, spending time aimlessly. Therefore, we in this world can be attributed to people living unconsciously. There is no particular difference between that world and ours, in this regard. Even if in this world we begin to consciously relate to ourselves, without redistributing our past, it will be mediocre work, empty. Undoubtedly, if you have children, do not be afraid to invite them to start using their past, you yourself will notice how much they will become balanced. Don't wait for school to teach them. Don't worry about something happening to them either. After all, terrible things are already happening to them in another world. And you, sheltering them from this information, doom them to become “weeds” in the middle of a deserted field, which, unfortunately, you yourself are.

We need to start with the problem of two worlds. And to start with our first part, because it is pointless to expect help from people of doubles. This is an opportunity to stop messing around and start developing yourself.

While I think it will probably be necessary for those who want to find answers. I invite everyone to start exploring another world and themselves. We can even unite in order to increase our chances of winning.

Man, as they used to say, is a mystery. We were given this. Let's stop talking about a person as a taboo. Instead, let's try to get out of the circle of theories and assumptions! What else could be more curious than trying to understand yourself, your nature, when you already have practical knowledge to implement this. We just need completely different mechanisms for studying ourselves, and these mechanisms have already been outlined. Why do we learn about these mechanisms from third-party sources, not from parents? Not from school? Not from grandma or grandpa? You already guess.

From my point of view, this is the amazing strength of our spirit. Despite all the confusion, the past time, youth, you can find the answer, solutions. Practically implement what seems impossible.

And so we all become inexperienced beginners when we decide to intrude on the study of ourselves, which should actually be happening from birth. But it is pointless to postpone the study of ourselves, because once death will happen to us, we will be erased, and only then will we be united with our double, and then not by our will, which for a moment, as any religion promises, will be illuminated true who we are, but we can no longer act, it will be too late.

Isn't that what bothers most of all from birth - to know who I am? This is probably the most frequent and main question of all children, which remains in us even now. And it is not surprising that it may turn out that there are two of us. Maybe we are afraid of it? Accept the truth about yourself?

So, some time has passed; My experience has not been repeated for a long time. I could not even guess where my second part now lives. For a while, everything stopped. And now, after some time, I again found myself in another world. More precisely, it was no longer me, but my Avatar. I went to sleep, as usual, but instead of sleep, I went into a state where “he” felt his physical body (mine) and his energy body, and at the same time I was attracted to his other world. He ended up in a world that he already had general idea. He had already begun to annoy him by the fact that again he had to hear the insane cries of double people, to be a spectator of their madness. When he became aware, his attention was vague and scattered in all directions; it became difficult to concentrate. It existed in the form of self-awareness. And I found myself in an absurd, but familiar sensation, perhaps until the moment of awareness by the common memory, my double was in such a “vague” state all this time. There was no body. But since he was now self-conscious with the general consciousness, he was accustomed to seeing himself as the form of the body. And he just didn’t exist, but there was something that he was aware of. He didn't know where to start. He settled on the fact that, for starters, you need to become familiar to yourself. Then "I" tried to turn into an ordinary, familiar body, and began to intend. But it worked out with difficulty. He decided to experiment on himself. And he began to perform the second technique, which consists in performing Tensegrity gymnastics. This practice (tensegrity) I did quite often and diligently in this world. I exclude the word reality, because reality is just a feeling, while the world is something whole where one can exist, and I think that the word reality is inappropriate here. Such an understanding already gives a different scale, the world is more than reality, because you can live there, and the world itself lives independently of us. And the memory passed to my double about these "movements".

He barely coordinated these "movements" and felt a certain "vague" state, reminiscent of the feeling when you put on glasses for the first time. People began to walk around in droves. He began to transform into a human form.

He was constantly prevented from doing magical passes. Someone even tried to stop him by grabbing him with their hands. I had to do them even in front of people who danced and babbled in some kind of convulsions. This technique brought him back to normal. Perhaps not she, but the fixation of perception on the sensation of the body, made it possible to get an experiment, the name of which is transformation. He transformed. And he is a completely different person. He is not me. But he reminded me of myself. More precisely, the memory of me, which I gave him, and which I used, said that it was me. He did not dare, and he did not have such thoughts to abandon me and act independently. What, in principle, we do, for our part. On the contrary, he understood that we had a common destiny, in which death hung over me. He jokes just like me. In other words, the action of the redistribution of accumulated memories gave him the memory of who I am, and he willingly uses such awareness and successfully applies it in his world; at the same time, memory is awareness. He acts in that world not through the mind, but through the received awareness. Awareness is more than the mind. When you realize in that world, there are no reasonings that we used to use in order to come to an understanding, but there are already ready-made answers. But these answers are not just from somewhere, but from understanding the essence of everything around. Understanding that world in this way ensured the absence of the doubts that we often feel here in this world using our minds.

Intuitively, he began to fear that he would be discovered not like everyone else, that he was not like them, but understood (realized) everything. Twin people just swarmed around. Why was he absent from his world in a conscious state for a long time? What happened during this time that he began to fear? This fear was some kind of inner confidence that one should be unnoticed. The doppelgänger did not give rest. It was impossible for him to be left alone to weigh everything, think it over and decide what to do? So, he knew that he was in a parallel world, his own. And understands and realizes due to the transferred memory and awareness. He realized that we are one, but still different. At this time, everyone was walking, not understanding anything at all.

When he did magical passes in front of everyone, he felt uncomfortable because they were staring at him. There were a lot of these "people", and he had no idea how he would explain his actions to them, in which there was a grandiose meaning! But others just walked. Who stopped and stared. From the inconvenience of being noticed, he nodded his head with a restrained, friendly smile, saying that everything is in order, but, meanwhile, he practically continued to make passes. At the same time, he chose movements from the “masculinity series”, there was not enough memory for the rest. Then he “thought”, what else is there? But I could not know, since I have not yet reviewed all the memories in my life. One person was so staring with a half-mad silent look that my double wanted to laugh. But he didn't care anymore. After all, that stupid double, still looked, not understanding anything. So his body began to take shape. And all this has to be done right in front of passers-by! He wondered. Now he is completely himself. And the movements were already autonomous and coordinated. It was a great way out of the current difficult situation, where he did not know what to do. Now he could walk. People flitted around. Crowds for some reason. It was a strange world. And immediately the attacks began to fall.

The first attack was from a woman. She was dressed in a long black robe, it's hard to call it clothes. But reminiscent of the dress of a circus attendant. And on her stomach she carried a child. He is about eleven. He began to know without reasoning. She was a school teacher. And that child was one of her students. And she, seeing my double, grimaced. And hiding behind a child, she tried to attack my double. At the same time, her aggression was excessive, ferocious. The unconscious people were walking around in the same way as before. And they didn't seem to notice. He wasn't going to do anything to her. Or try to take away from her the baby whose energy she used. Obviously, the child was defenseless and helpless. Then the female teacher began to pursue him again. He didn't know what to do with her, crazy? At the same time, she stuck out her stomach, exposing the child to a blow. She thought he was going to take the baby away from her. And unlike others, he is aware of this anomalous phenomenon. She lived off his powers. So far, he has not experienced anything like this. And in general, I did not stay in the world of twins for so long! He did something to her with his eyes, and she stopped pursuing him. "Our" forces were different. And “we” dominated them.

He began to move, studying every detail of the new-old world, in order to convey to me the memory of him as much and as detailed as possible. It was a world very similar to ours, with its objects and buildings. And now it comes to young people; they are about 20-22 years old. They sit on the sidewalk near the houses and look at something, trying to understand. They tried to call in themselves the beginning of awareness, which was owned by my double, however, their methods were primitive and not effective. They believed that it was possible to be endowed with awareness through reasoning and exploring the world in which they now exist, trying to study its aspects, without the participation of the general awareness in which our everyday awareness takes part. Without the participation of the mind, he knew that these were other double people, more intelligent, different from those who went back and forth without any sense. They speak and listen to their own thoughts. But nothing works out for them, because they are in vicious circle. Pointing to their world, they said, this world is the second layer, parallel. And here is the potato layer. At the same time, they knew, but could not realize. The analogy is obvious. All the same people do in this world, they think about the world itself, trying to find answers, who they are due to its framework. But they cannot assume that the true answers are outside the limits of our world. He did not interfere in their judgments, adhering to a policy of stealth. He continued to walk, and the children began to run towards him. These are another more or less adequate twin people who met there. It makes you think right now about how children have more consciousness than other crazy doubles? The answer is simple. Children intuitively, from their inherent nature, have the quality of striving to redistribute their awareness and memory between two parts that are a single whole. They are not yet so strongly influenced by an external implanted being, and the penetration of awareness into another world to their counterparts is not blocked, and occurs naturally by the natural program. As a result, children so often tell their parents about their experiences of being in unfamiliar places, mentioning certain worlds in which they live. They claim that this is all true, to which the “adults” (and in fact, their built-in alien mechanism, convinces them that this is a fantasy, fiction) confidently suggest that this is a dream, being frightened (they experience feelings generated by a predator) that they children are not far from insanity. The parents are not to blame, because their parents in turn convinced them of this, and so it was all the time. But they themselves, nevertheless, behave in another world, like patients, psychos, where their children are more mature and more conscious.

The children began to meet him halfway (these are children from our world, where I taught them dance classes). They were glad, as he himself, such a pleasant meeting. The children began to exclaim madly from the realization that he was not like everyone else, who could change the state of all affairs. To which he asked them not to extradite him yet. They, barely restraining themselves, began to ask: Sam-Sanych (as they called me in our world, which proves that their awareness is redistributed; that is, it means that the manipulation of redistribution is already inherent in us by nature, just some external embedded mechanism makes us forget about the elementary things that we did with ease as children) what are we going to dance today? He, smiling, realizing their humor, says: Today, Latin American dances! Realizing at the same time that while things are “like this”, dancing cannot be for them. Meanwhile, people stood near them and also listened to it. It's like they're saying it.

Yes? - wondered the children.

Sam-Sanych did his best, and he remembers them by heart, - he answered the children with a special touch of humor. At the same time, he remembered how in this world I devoted five hours a day to them and then replayed them for hours, trying to remove the “fixation on the body”, since dancing is always work with your body.

He was very great! He knew where he was, what happened to him. And he rejoiced at his freedom! But all of a sudden, the gazes of some silent, ferocious people began to be fixed on him. Oh God! he thought. What now! Everyone realized that he was not them, and they saw him as a threat! And then his action outstripped the panic, and even the decision itself. The answer was without hesitation. At the same time, a lot of double people crowded around. They locked him in a ring and began to crush him with violence. But at some point the whole mass stopped and froze. By the way, one of the properties of our zombie twins is that they do not know how to speak elementary, they scream all the time. He wished from the inside to turn into a child. And according to the laws of his world, this is an ordinary thing. But nothing has changed in his eyes. It has not changed to a feeling that is inherent in children. But here's the problem: he hasn't changed. That is, he did not have time to even look at himself from the outside. He felt like a naked man, but only he knew that he was naked, and people were already looking at him. He felt and knew that he was the same, since nothing had changed in his sensations. And he looked at everyone with the same adult look. But he was surprised when the crowd began to say something kind. Hooting. There was a child in front of them! At the same time, the child saw himself from a distance. Hundreds of meters away was another person, who appeared as a result of another separation. He did not happen to see himself as a child, as he was surrounded by a crowd of people. This is another new property that has been revealed to him. He was not a child, but he saw everything from the outside. Although at the same time the child was on his own, with his own actions. And the one who looked from the side was invisible, powerful and very strong, he resembled the shape of a bell, and humanly looks like an elderly wise man endowed with a great experience of knowledge, while he was a child himself. At the same time, such a division was the most obvious and easiest thing to understand.

Suddenly, from the whole stupid crowd, lulled by childish charm, a plump woman came out. She seemed to order everyone to disperse, which is why the others silently began to part. She experienced aggression, it was not difficult to understand! The child prepared to put it in his pants, as he did not want to expose himself. And all his anxiety was directed to the other part, which was watching from a distance. This woman intended to take him away as another easy, naive prey. At the same time, her round eyes began to fill with yellow light. Everything became clear when the wise part saw the appearance of a woman. She is the counterpart of a woman from this world, and in this world she does some kind of sorcery. And due to the fact that she did not try to transfer awareness to her double, only the aggressive side got to the double, while it developed energetically. And, unlike the others, she was kind of more aware in the parallel world. But what attracted her so much, why did she want to take the baby to her. The child, out of all fear and with a request for support, turned his gaze to another part of him, more experienced and powerful, which, apparently, also showed special humor in this whole situation. And then he saw the eyes of the baby turned to the side. The child had indescribable beauty eyes. I have never seen such eyes! Really amazing! There was so much fullness in them that one glance could stop anyone! If this child were not me, I would certainly fall in love with him, simply because his eyes are crazy.

And now this woman wanted to take him away. But that part of him, which separated the elder and stood aside, simply looked at this woman. At the same time, he seemed to be looking not with his eyes, but with something else, squeezing her energetically. Which in one second convinced the sick woman to leave the child alone.

Periodically, he felt my physical body. And I also felt that now I'm here. But I personally was more interested in being in that world as long as possible, so I chose to stay there. And then I found myself in that world and realized that I was still in that world! Yet so much time has passed. And he learned so much in one day, there! Awareness began to dissipate, and this threatened to enter a state of ordinary sleep. We are used to understanding our dream as just a dream, something incoherent, where all sorts of events happen to us. But here's a new concept of sleep for you. Sleep is an unconscious state of our wakefulness in a parallel world. And now you can understand why he recorded so many inadequate doubles. Remember your dreams? Do you behave in the same way as this description?

Then, when self-consciousness ended, and he began to enter a zombifying dream, he saw a train. Everyone says it's not a dream. That is, he does not realize that this is just a dream, and it begins to seem to him that this is a physical reality. And he began to enter a drowsy state because the energy began to run out. In this physical world, I will never jump off the fifth floor. Because I appreciate my unique opportunity to live. And this will lead to death, which will be so. Whereas, if I'm having a dream, why not fold to question it. After all, this is a dream. Then I will understand that this is a dream. It is only necessary to overcome the fears of the laws of this physical world. And here is just such an opportunity. The train is coming, and my self-awareness has begun to end. And I decide that this is the real thing. But I decide to throw myself under the train. Because in the physical world, he would never have done such a thing. After all, in the physical world everything is more than real and you don’t need to check it for yourself in order to know whether I will die or not. And here I am, with all my impulse in a dream, running under the train! But nothing happened. In one second, the entire train, which, due to its physical and temporal qualities, should go for another five minutes, flashed in front of me before I reached its wheels. I regained my self-awareness. I remembered a familiar sensation here and there. And before me continued to be a parallel world.

He was in an open space, it was dark, as is inherent in a parallel world. On the sides were houses. There were fights all around, one doppelgänger fighting another, inflicting harmless injuries on each other; so everything is the same. At the same time, they fought just like that, it seemed to them that they should do so. Without understanding. The expression "herd of sheep", as never before, is ideally suited to the parallel world. There, there really is no control of order, comprehension, everything happens there openly, unconsciously and terribly. What would you like to hear, a beautiful story? This is the responsibility for our impotence in this world to be aware. Everything does not disappear just like that, but is deeply reflected in that world, and from it and on us. If in this world every person hides his desires or is afraid of misbehaving, then there, there is no such ability to hide, and everything is done as it is. Therefore, that world is a little strange, and ours is now no less. He understood what was going on and needed to be careful. Suddenly, a young guy of about seventeen runs away from teenagers. And they overtake him, and the young man takes out a grenade. Everyone was taken aback. At the same time, a small spark came out. Where is she from? Yes, and the matter is very serious, because everyone is endowed with the memory of the physical world and believes that they will suffer. Another question: where did the guy get the grenade from? This is the magic. In that world, you can perform exactly the kind of magic that we have an idea about in this world. But when there is no awareness, all this has no meaning and practicality. Everyone stopped. And he threw her. And he ran. But the guy standing closer to him, also young and outwardly normal, just stupid, who got involved in his usual fight and persecution of others, although he himself was not devoid of fears, stood closest. Everyone left, he was the only one left. And everyone understood that he was extreme and he would get it. And all this happened in three seconds. They stayed that way. There was no explosion. Then, my doppelganger ran in the direction where the guy was, who ran out the door, which he closed. The victim boy opened the door, and, looking out from behind the iron door, shouted to all of them:

What? Do you think it will be that easy?

They wanted to rush back to him, but he again took out another explosive. Then everyone understood that he wanted to die for himself. My double entered through his door and calmly told him: give it to me, don't be afraid. He believed and gave. Then he threw her out the window. The guy was in a panic. He did not have this "explosives", and he remains alone, and soon his pursuers will come. Then my double, realizing that his energy for awareness is running out, shouts to him: “Look! Watch me! This world is different." He reacted to this in the same way as if they would say about our world here that it is different. But he was afraid and looked at the door expectantly in confusion. And my double jumps down. There were no doubts before the jump. But when he jumped, the world still seemed this earthly. Why, flying from the fourth floor, there was a feeling of the weight of the body and its rapid approach to the asphalt. But he “thought”: after all, he must disintegrate into millions of pieces and gather again on earth. Failed to dissolve. Yes, I did not despair. And here he fell with a squat. He felt the guy think he had crashed. But getting up, he began to show him with all his appearance that nothing had happened! Alive! His jaw dropped. At the same time, my double began to be sucked in and carried away smoothly back. At the same time, he no longer stood, but hovered in the air and waved his hand to the boy in the window. The guy involuntarily began to wave too, only it looked like a person who is about to faint. He probably thought it was all a hallucination. He didn't seem to be bothered by his pursuers anymore.

The fact is that my double was not yet in total awareness, because of this, many actions were caused by an obsessive, physical world.

“I” moved into my awareness, which fixed the familiar world. I was in my world. I know for sure that real changes are coming now, which do not begin with war, but with awareness. For a long time no one taught us why we need awareness, how we can learn to manipulate it. And here are the simple answers.

Remember there is no where to wait for help. I often think about who of the people can help himself in such circumstances? At the same time, I understand that there is no God, who is blindly trusted, as well as to completely different ideological “currents”, in which they are introduced into a person, and he worships them. Holy people, and many of them, are busy with their own searches, ups and downs. This is where their development ends. That's how it is for many people. And I understand that only those who are looking for such techniques, who are really not indifferent to themselves, are able to make an impact in another world. I understand that these are units, but large units! The rest should not forget that regardless of what each of us does, the parallel world, as the second part of our life, exists in an abnormal state. And avoiding this problem, that world does not cease to exist from this decision. This rejection is reminiscent of a frightened ostrich that hides its head in the sand, believing that it has hidden and “ran away” from a predator, while you yourself are aware of what is happening to the “ostrich”. Or, as law enforcement agencies often tell us when issuing fines, etc.: ignorance of the law does not relieve us of responsibility. We are accustomed all the time to go in cycles in the problem of only our world and ourselves. We need to solve the problem at the level of the worlds.

Since the last stay in another world, a lot of time has passed in order to take stock and realize your calling. At the same time, the experiences of entering parallel worlds were no longer repeated. When I returned to the university to complete it, my untouched, abandoned cases awaited me. At the same time, I became even stronger, younger and more conscious. This is exactly what I wanted when I dropped out of university. Looking at my new classmates, I automatically remembered my old classmates. And my heart began to radiate energy, in the form of sensations and warmth, which awareness immediately expressed in the words: “Only light bulbs burn out!”

Now the "doors" of science are opening before me again. And I do not enter these "Doors" "empty-handed". With a lively heart, independence and the Intention to prove their discoveries to the world.

Thank you very much for your understanding.

Your attention was given a discovery in the artistic genre, which is called "The experience of entering a parallel world."

“And he realized that he was completely lost. Around the wall was a dark forest. And John was completely desperate, but suddenly, fortunately for him, a light flashed in the distance between the firs. He went in that direction, and went out to a large clearing, in the middle of which a fire was burning, illuminating those who were sitting by the fire...

They were strange people - tall, thin and as if transparent, like flames that cast their reflection on them. They danced round the fire and sang songs, quiet and resonant, captivating and somewhat frightening, but John did not have time to understand what exactly, because one of them, the tallest and most handsome, whose golden hair was decorated with a crown, suddenly frowned and told John to come closer. They offered him wine and refreshments, beautiful maidens and the young men joined hands again, the sounds of divine songs were heard, and John thought that he was in paradise ...

When he woke up the next morning, the clearing was empty. The sun beat into his eyes, the birds sang deafeningly. John got up and walked in the direction where he thought the village was. In less than half an hour, he came out of the forest and saw the familiar fields. However, the closer he got to the house, the more he was surprised. The street turned out to be much wider than the day before, and people, dressed in a strange way, now and then looked askance at him. He didn't meet anyone he knew. John was frightened and rushed, not understanding the road, and he ended up in a cemetery.

There he saw the graves of his parents, whom he left alive, healthy and vigorous yesterday. However, the inscription on the stone said that his father and mother lived to a very advanced age and died alone, left by their only son. “Where have I been? And what year is it now? exclaimed John, dismayed. A passer-by, who happened to be nearby, managed to answer only the second question. And John found out that he had not been at home for more than one night, but for a whole hundred years.

What can I say, we know a lot of such stories that mention breaks in time, the transition to the past and the future. All of them have one circumstance in common: a magical place has clear boundaries, and therefore the hero, getting into another world, crosses a certain line, opens and passes the mysterious Gates.


It's easy, of course, to dismiss the ancient tales, which people, by and large, do. And if something unusual happens, you can simply not notice it. Much of what we hear and see, our brain blocks, preventing us from thinking about what is happening and remembering it. This is a kind of protection against mental disorders and depression.

But no matter how hard we try to live in a straightforward and pragmatic world, we have to admit that people dissolving in the air still exist, just as there are many other worlds located in space parallel to ours and in contact with it, like threads in a tightly twisted bundle.

Such phenomena are called spatial transitions - transitions from one reality to another through energy tunnels. You can go through them, sometimes not even noticing the transition process, but - rest assured - fully feeling its result!


So, the path to the tunnel lies through the Gate, that is, a break or a crack in the energy space of a single world. So we get into the passage that connects the worlds, or parallels, with each other. In the old days, magicians mostly walked here. And even now the energy corridors are intended exclusively for the initiates. However, even a simple citizen, out of curiosity or negligence, can stumble and plunge into history.

The line between the spaces is thin, and, having taken a step, you immediately find yourself in a completely different reality: another sky, air, earth, people... You can, of course, step into the usual time gates, then you will just be mistaken with the era. And you can open the door between the two parallels. Our "parallel" neighbors live in a measured current time, just like ours.

Calculating the exact coordinates of the landing point you need is quite difficult. After all, the number of worlds in one parallel, or spatio-temporal spiral cord, is enormous. And each world has, in addition to parallels, several of its own mirror reflections, which, in turn, are connected to other reflections of parallel worlds. To understand this entire structure of the universe, you will have to completely change consciousness.


By their origin, the Gates are artificially created and natural. The second appear as a result of natural and energy cataclysms or are located in places where sources of various energies have been beating for a long time: these are ancient temples and places of Power. People call them dead, bad places.

As for artificially created passages, they usually serve those who opened them, and exist as long as they are used. They were marked with various marks, but the location was not particularly advertised. To use them properly, magicians estimated the position of the Sun and Moon, day, time, year, and even their own physical condition.

Sometimes Gates are found in places where, logically, they should not exist at all. This is either a half-cut grove, or a wasteland cleared for construction, or a narrow street between houses. They can also look like holes in the wall and even be located at a certain height. One careless step - and now you are in the village of the ancient Celts and whether you will return back - God knows.

The fact remains. According to statistics, about four thousand people go missing every year. As a rule, even more people disappear without a trace in leap years or years lying at the turn of the century. Of course, not all the missing disappeared into alien spaces.

But the bulk of those not found are mushroom pickers, hunters and adventurers. So if one day in a forest or in a swamp you come across a standing menhir (a long stone dug vertically into the ground) or a labyrinth made of stones, think carefully before taking a step forward. After all, the gate is not only a curious door to another reality, but also a great danger to life.

Passing through the Gate, you can burn to the ground, flatten or, conversely, stretch in length. You can encounter the guardians of the Gates - enkhs, one of whose kind is capable of knocking the ground out from under your feet. And you still have to negotiate with them, and what fee they will require from you for the passage is not the last question.


There is such a phenomenon in nature as wandering zones. The results of their movement are clearly visible in the forests: these are long clearings, on which trees, shrubs and even grass subsequently do not grow. This is a scorched wasteland.

It is dangerous to cross such a clearing, but it is even more dangerous to meet a wandering zone on a freeway. One or more cars are capable of suddenly dissolving without leaving even a cloud of exhaust gas behind. This is explained by the fact that the freeway was crossed by an energy zone with an open passage at the moment.


The closest relatives of space-time gates are astral holes. These are peculiar holes in the energy layer between the real, physical world and the astral. And they usually appear in places where energies accumulate: above altars, in places of Power, and even in mirrors. Any old cloudy mirror can actually be a small gate to the astral world.

But they are not capable of transporting large objects, and even more so people. As a rule, small entities, small animals and insects pass through them. Therefore, if you have an astral hole in your apartment, get ready to meet a poltergeist, brownie, or even rats or cockroaches, from which there will be no end.

Only this living creature is capable of moving from world to world, in addition to man. In this case, the employees of the sanitary and epidemiological stations are powerless, and they will have to treat like with like, that is, with magic.


Astral holes and spatial Gates open in different parts of our world, regardless of the season. It's best to avoid them. But if you really want to travel, follow these rules.

Never be afraid of what you do not understand: confusion and fear are bad comrades in knowledge.

Try to adapt to your new environment, mimic, honor the charter of the monastery where you inadvertently arrived.

Do not be surprised at anything and do not make any sudden gestures. Just watch and analyze.

Look for the exit where the entrance was.

Have a good trip!

Alexander Ivako


Currently, the topic of traveling through parallel worlds has become popular in the media.

This assumes that there are many parallel three-dimensional layers in a continuous four-dimensional space, and one of these layers is our space. The transition from one layer to another is the basis on which all further intrigue unwinds. Let's take flying saucers as an example. Many people have seen flying saucers or UFOs, and are completely sure of their existence, but even more believe that flying saucers are just some kind of optical effects, multiplied by the increased imagination of the observers. In our article, we will not refute or confirm the existence of flying saucers, for the purposes of this article, a flying saucer symbolizes a device that can move in four dimensions.

According to people who have seen flying saucers, they appear suddenly, as if from nowhere, in some place in space, and also disappear completely suddenly, without a trace. One of the versions explaining this sudden disappearance is that the plate comes into our three-dimensional layer of space from another parallel layer of space, while, of course, it is assumed that the physical space is four-dimensional. This version looks attractive in its unusualness, in that it goes beyond ordinary ideas, intersecting in its basis with science fiction.

Let's accept this version as a fact for the time of reading this article and see what follows from it.



Consider the movement of a three-dimensional material object (flying saucer) in a four-dimensional space, assuming that the space in which we exist is continuous.

In essence, as it is easy to see, this version contains two hypotheses at once, not confirmed by experiments.

1. The first and main hypothesis assumes that our physical space is four-dimensional.

2. The second hypothesis is that some three-dimensional apparatus can travel in the direction of the fourth dimension, denoted by the index x(4).

Assuming that the first hypothesis is correct, let's try to understand how movement occurs in four-dimensional space. Since all four directions are equal, the movement in the direction of the fourth dimension x(4) occurs in the same way as in the direction of the first x(1), second x(2) or third x(3), that is, with the help of some engine, for example, jet, pushing the body in the right direction. This is where the contradiction arises. To carry out such a movement, the engine must emit a jet of gas along x(4) in the direction opposite to the movement of the ship. And this means that the engine and the ship are no longer three-dimensional, but a four-dimensional object.

Assuming that a three-dimensional object can move in a continuous four-dimensional space is comparable to the assumption that the shadows on the wall, which are two-dimensional objects, can suddenly begin to fly around the room, separated from the wall. In this way:

If a material body is three-dimensional, then its movement in a continuous four-dimensional space is impossible.


Let's take a three-dimensional material object (MO), for example, an electron, and apply the Heisenberg uncertainty relation to it

where D x and D p are the uncertainties of the position and momentum of the particle along the fourth dimension. Since MO has a zero "fourth" thickness, then, as follows from the uncertainty relation,

D x = 0 Þ D р = ¥ .

This means that all values ​​of the momentum in the x direction are equally probable. In other words, the speed of MO along the fourth axis can be any, and MO, in this case, an electron, must inevitably and rather quickly leave our three-dimensional layer. If this were so, then after some time our three-dimensional space would be completely empty, left without matter. The same will happen if material objects have a small four-dimensional thickness. Since this does not happen, and we continue to exist steadily in three-dimensional space, then something is wrong in this scheme (for example, this scheme is not correct if we adhere to the point of view that uncertainties arise only in the process of measuring MO parameters). We do not consider three-dimensional MOs for which D x = 0. Thus:

The stability of the existence of matter in three-dimensional space and the uncertainty relation contradict the hypothesis that

Space is continuous and four-dimensional

Material objects (for example, flying saucers) are three-dimensional.

It would seem that a deadlock has arisen, in which the existence of parallel worlds and objects traveling through them is completely impossible.

However, the situation is not as dramatic as it might seem if we assume that spaces, both our three-dimensional and hypothetical four-dimensional, are discrete, and not continuous, as humanity believed, from ancient philosophers to modern eminent scientific minds.

The continuity of space has in fact never been seriously challenged by anyone. Even in mathematics, the most abstract of the sciences, the theory of discrete space did not exist until recent years. The continuity of space was and is the point of view of ordinary common sense, which, however, is not always true. For example, ordinary common sense tells us that a piece of iron is solid, but we have known since school days that it is made up of atoms. crystal lattice.


Let's try to break the generally accepted canons and consider that: space is four-dimensional and digital (discrete), that is, it consists of atoms of space, just like a crystal consists of atoms of a crystal lattice.

Generally speaking, the idea of ​​discreteness of both abstract and physical space attracted the attention of both prominent thinkers and ordinary people from time immemorial.

Discreteness in its simplest form means that space is built from some identical indivisible finite elements. It would seem that everything is simple: by attaching elements one to another, we get a straight line, a plane, three-dimensional space, and so on, depending on our desire or need. However, even simple attempts to carry out this process encountered such psychological contradictions to common sense that even outstanding scientists made naive mistakes in interpreting the discreteness of space, which can be seen by opening at random almost any of the many thousands of works that touch on the topic of discreteness. To illustrate, let us cite the words of the outstanding German mathematician G. Weil about the discreteness hypothesis (G. Weil, On the Philosophy of Mathematics, p. 70, M.-L., 1934.).

“How should we understand, according to this idea, the relations of measures of length existing in space? If you make a square out of the “pebbles”, then there will be as many “pebbles” on the diagonal as there are in the direction of the side, so the diagonal should have the same length as the side.

Weil naively applies a continuous measure to a discrete space, which cannot be done. A discrete distance must be measured by a discrete measure, that is, by the number of pebbles. From this point of view, the diagonal does indeed have the same length as the side.

For the first time, the mention of a discrete representation of a continuous set according to (Jammer M., Concerts of Space, Harvard University Press, p. 60, 1954) is found in the medieval Arab philosophers Mutakallims, from the point of view of which, to form a square (or the border of a square, that is, a circle) four points are required. Albert Einstein thought a lot about the idea of ​​discrete space. In one of his articles, he wrote: “I adhere to the concept of the continuum, not because I proceed from some prejudice, but because I cannot think of anything that could organically replace these ideas. How should the most essential features of four-dimensionality be preserved if this idea is abandoned? (Einstein. A, Collection scientific papers, volume 2, p. 312, Nauka, Moscow, 1965.).


The solution to the problem of creating a discrete space, as often happens, came from an unexpected direction (a clear example of how the needs of practice affect science). Relatively recently, the foundations of mathematical multidimensional computer graphics, also called digital topology, have been developed. According to one of the definitions and, apparently, the first, digital topology (digital torology) is the science of the topological properties of digital images of various objects that arise during the operation of a computer (torologic properties of digital image arrays). Digital, that is, built from the same indivisible single elements, images of various objects appear due to the characteristics of a computer, where such elements are, first of all, memory cells. In addition, in any computer, the image of an object always consists of a finite number of elements, limited by the memory capacity of the machine.

In multidimensional computer graphics, there are several alternative approaches. One approach is called molecular space theory-TMT. Within the framework of TMT, discrete multidimensional Euclidean and curved spaces are constructed, their deformations are studied, preserving and changing spatial invariants [A. Evako, Dimension on discrete spaces, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, v. 33, pp. 1553-1568, 1994; A. V. Ivako, Four-dimensional computer. Reality or virtual reality?, Science and Technology in Russia, 4(27), 1998, pp. 2-6].

The longer we live, the more clearly we realize that life is not a destination, but a journey in search of truth, understanding and happiness. And although we don't call our own dreams a journey, sometimes we compare our real trips with the most remarkable dreams.

In many cases, the JOURNEY in a dream from one point to another is dictated by the need to complete some task. Then the journey becomes a real test, adverse and favorable circumstances arise.

A vehicle can be magically powerful and fast, or absurdly unreliable. We can walk across a field or along a road, climb a mountain, make our way through a forest thicket, or climb ROCKS. At the same time, the area can be familiar and inviting or unexplored and dangerous, etc. In any case, it is important to know the purpose of the trip and your fellow travelers.

Travel is a symbolic attempt to find a way to bring life into balance, the eternally pursued goal of finding one's place in the world. The journey is the archetypal search for the true SELF. The human soul is rarely at rest, and travel is the way to calm the soul.

V real life such anxiety manifests itself in the form of a constantly arising feeling that says: I want change. The process of dissociating oneself from the expectations of others causes certain feelings. In dreams, we often travel alone, leaving others at will or need to find out what our next target.

What kind of people you meet on the way, in what events you participate - the answers will tell you in which area of ​​your CONSCIOUS SELF the internal struggle is being waged.

On the way you may meet STRANGERS - rivals or nice people. Mystical images are not excluded, which will reveal unknown forces in you or, on the contrary, will deprive you of special abilities. In any case, travel is a personal goal, so how you treat others while traveling largely characterizes your relationship with people in the world of reality.

Do others know where you are going? Or do you keep your final destination a secret?

Are you invited to join or, on the contrary, do you invite someone to come with you? Or are you traveling alone?

Can others lead and guide you, or are you leading them in an unknown direction?

The answers to these questions will prompt a clue to the interpretation of the dream.

Interpretation of dreams from Loff's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation - Journey

If you dreamed that you went on a trip, success will accompany you both in business and in your personal life.

Traveling through gloomy unfamiliar places promises you danger in real life.

If in a dream you overcame bare, sheer cliffs, then luck will be followed by disappointment.

We saw green and flowering hills - ahead of happiness and prosperity.

A lonely trip in a car portends that the real trip will not be very calm.

If you travel in a car with other people, then exciting adventures and new interesting acquaintances await you.

A quick and unexpected return from a difficult and long journey means the successful completion of a great work.

If you saw a traveler in a dream, do not set off on your own: the trip will be useless.

Interpretation of dreams from