Communication with the subtle world. Real Contact with the Subtle World! (Mastercosta) Real contact with the subtle world read online

Arthur Ford learned that the famous illusionist who did not believe in mediums, long before his death, agreed with his wife Bess that he would try to send her a message from the other world: "Rosabella, believe." He will convey it in encrypted words, which they used when showing a trick with reading thoughts from a distance. Houdini bequeathed $ 10,000 to a medium who would be able to transmit this coded message.

In January 1929 - Arthur Ford in a trance state said: "Rosabella, answer, say, I beg ... answer, look ... answer, tell." Then he spelled a word that meant "Rosabella, believe."
Shocked, Bess confirmed their correctness and signed a statement, witnessed by three people, among whom was the deputy editor of the popular science magazine Scientific American. It said: "I want to declare that the message conveyed to me by Arthur Ford in full and in the agreed sequence of words is exactly the one about which Houdini and I had a preliminary agreement."

Since the end of the 20th century, almost simultaneously in different parts of the world, people began to see images of deceased relatives on TV screens. Here, for example, what happened to Elena Nikiforova (Novorossiysk).

“The TV program“ Vremya ”was on. Suddenly the screen became covered with stripes, and then a man's face appeared on it - as if in a haze, - says Nikiforova. It was motionless. I peered at him and screamed in horror. My late brother Misha was staring at me from the screen. A few seconds later, stripes ran across the screen, and then the TV started showing the program again ... "

And this happened in Riga. People gathered for the traditional commemoration of the mother - the head of a large Latvian family. Friends and relatives were all arriving, and there was no longer enough room in the apartment for everyone. We decided to move the commemoration to the dacha, since it was located not far from the city. The family returned home two days later. When the TV was turned on, the whitish face of the deceased grandmother clearly appeared on its screen ...

The most impressive success on the air was achieved by the talented engineer Hans Otto Koenig, who for contacts with the subtle world developed a new technology with the combined use of ultrasensitive devices. 1983 - he appeared on the air of the radio station "Radio Luxembourg". Presenter Rainer Holbe gave Koenig the opportunity to install his equipment in the studio. When everything was prepared, one of the engineers, who did not know that the presenter had already turned on the broadcast, asked with a doubtful voice: "Can they really speak right here in the studio?"

At the same moment, there was a loud answer: “We hear your voice. Otto Koenig entered into radio contact with the dead. " A shocked Rainer Holbe addressed the millions of radio listeners across Europe: “I swear that nothing was rigged. It was someone else's voice, and I don't know where it came from. " But, unfortunately, at this, the contact with the subtle world was interrupted.

Electronics engineer Klaus Schreiber did not think about contact with the subtle world at all, but simply developed a new television antenna, which he connected to a television in July 1990. And then, unexpectedly, instead of TV frames, an image of his beloved daughter Karin, who died in a car accident, appeared on the screen. The girl began to talk to her father, however, her voice was drowned out by interference.

After the first short session, Schreiber set about improving the antenna with renewed vigor. Soon he could see and hear his daughter, and then his deceased wife. Subsequently, other entities began to appear on the screen from a chaotic background, including Albert Einstein and actress Romy Schneider.

But, according to the researchers of this phenomenon, called instrumental transcommunication, screen images from the other world are more rare than recordings on magnetic tape. It is believed that today hundreds of people around the world are recording voices, but only a few manage to get an image on a television screen. Over the past 30 years, only 5 such cases have been reported.

Nowadays, the list of channels has also been supplemented by a computer. The first "glitch" on the monitor screen happened in 1980, when short phrases, accompanied by a "grave" voice, began to appear on it by themselves. Then people started getting e-mail messages from the other world, from relatives and friends, while their content confirmed that this was not someone's joke.

The most amazing story happened with Professor Ken Webster from England, who for 15 months communicated via a computer with a deceased who lived in the 16th century.

The scientist showed absolutely no interest, and even more so in contacts with representatives of other worlds, but somehow he received an e-mail message from an unknown person named Thomas Harden, who claimed that in 1546 he died in the house, in the place of which Webster's dwelling stands today. Probably, the professor would not have paid attention to the "stupid" message if its author did not speak in the Old English dialect, so Webster entered into correspondence with the unusual correspondent who wrote it. What a surprise it was for the professor when the personality of Thomas Harden, as well as some of the details of what he was talking about, were confirmed by old documents found in the Oxford library.

In the end, it was interrupted as unexpectedly as it began.

There is no doubt that we sometimes hear phone calls from the other world. Here are some typical examples posted on the Internet:

“Not so long ago, my friend's cell phone rang,” says one user. "The number is hidden", - was displayed on the identifier. Her mom called:

Hi, Lenochka, how are you? Look, spring is coming, and little Zhenya is in old shoes, buy him something fashionable! How are you? Why don't you go to our grandmother - she got sick ...

Helen answered automatically, wanted to ask something, but her mother's voice was drowned in strange noises, and the connection was cut off. It seems to be the most ordinary conversation, if not for one "but": Lena's mother was buried 40 days ago. "

“Late in the evening, pensioner Maria Pavlovna got a phone call. She immediately recognized the voice on the receiver - it was Volodya, the son of her close friend. "Aunt Masha," he said, "come to us, mom is very bad." After that, the connection was interrupted. Without hesitation, Maria Pavlovna got ready and drove off. The arrival shocked her. As it turned out, Volodya, the same Volodya who had called the day before, died in a car accident two days ago.

2002 - Artem Mikheev, a lecturer at the St. Petersburg Radio Engineering University, set out to create a unique equipment that would facilitate contacts with “subtle levels of existence”. The experiment lasted two years. The day of August 25, 2004 in Russia was declared a day of national mourning - this day two passenger planes crashed at once.

Upon learning about the tragedy, Artyom wanted to know its reasons. Then the "radio communication" was carried out, during which the "other side" was asked the appropriate question. After that, a strange click was heard on the air. Slowing it down, the scientist made out a distorted, but quite distinct voice: "There was a terrorist!" A few days later, the message from the other world was confirmed by the official statement of the FSB ...

Friday, 14 Sep 2012

This video is one of the many sessions of communication with the mind from the subtle (parallel) worlds located near the Earth, through a human-mediator ... This contact is very instructive, we have a lot to learn, very philosophical dialogues from the recording make us think about it that most of our scientific, let alone spiritual, statements are not true.

Year of issue: 2012

Country: Russia

genre: Popular science

Duration: 01:20:32

Producer: Mastercosta

Description: The film tells about the research of Gennady Stepanovich Belimov, head of the Volga Group for the Study of Anomalous Phenomena, Doctor of Philosophy, writer, researcher, member of the Council of the International Ufological Association.


”Volga group for the study of anomalous phenomena was created on November 1, 1989 on the wave of publications of the Riga journalist Pavel Mukhortov about contacts with“ aliens ”in the so-called“ M-zone ”, in the taiga of the Cis-Urals near the village of Molebka. But before that, the Volga residents had three times visited the area of ​​the fall of the Tunguska meteorite, another group in the 80s traveled several times to the Tien Shan mountains in search of the "Bigfoot". In short, there was some research experience, so it was logical to create your own research group. Our goal was, firstly, to determine more precisely whether or not there are objects of research themselves - UFOs, aliens, contacts, poltergeist, anomalous zones, "yeti", clairvoyance, etc., etc., and secondly, to try to recognize their real nature.

We have managed a lot. For instance, we no longer have any doubts about the reality of UFOs; we have collected a lot of evidence of contact with aliens; it is clear to us that the otherworldly world exists and there is a lot of evidence for that that the Subtle energy world is also real, and it is there that most of the intelligent civilizations of the cosmos are concentrated.

Our group members themselves communicated with the Other Mind for four years, and this is evidenced by dozens of tape cassettes with the recording of our conversations and one video, which is widely quoted in the electronic media.

We have made sure that the basis of everything is energy-informational exchange in nature, and extrasensory perception and treatment of patients is by no means quackery. People with phenomenal inclinations have always interested us and received our support.

All this gave me, the head of the Volga group G.S. Belimov, materials for writing many articles and reports, as well as ten books, including two scientific ones. My other colleagues and associates have written and are writing on these topics.

I remain very convinced that when our delusions about the three-dimensionality of the world and the uniqueness of man in space are overcome, many sciences will receive a powerful impetus to further development, as it was already in the time of N. Copernicus, and most of the "mysterious" phenomena, finally , will receive an explanation. The real benefit to people will be in the fact that we will perceive the world not with blinkered eyes, but with a deeper understanding of the essence and laws of the universe. In the meantime, we represent ourselves as individuals in a dark room, examining it by touch with closed eyes.

But it would be wrong to say that the concept of multidimensionality and multiplicity of worlds has already been accepted and agreed with it. Many distinguished scientists, even academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences, cannot overcome the stereotypes generated by materialism. In one of my books, I wrote that, of course, the merits of materialist scientists, their degrees and titles, their contribution to the development of science are great, but with one clarification - they are significant "in the three-dimensional physical world." In a multidimensional space, the laws are different, and not everyone can understand them.

But what is great - the ice has broken! Now many serious scientists, doctors of sciences, leaders of new scientific directions They successfully work in the field of the unknown, and, thanks to them, a whole library of popular science books has already appeared under the heading "On the Threshold of the Subtle World." One of the recent editions is the book "In Search of a New World" by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor G.N. Dulneva. Gennady Nikolaevich was the rector of the Leningrad Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics for 12 years, and now he has become a leading specialist in Russia in the field of paranormal phenomena. Therefore, our efforts in the study of the anomalous are not in vain. Because these phenomena "have a place to be", they do not "seem" or "are invented."

Let me remind you that patent No. 000360 with priority dated June 14, 2000, the International Registration Chamber of Information and Intellectual Novelty at the United Nations recognized and registered the following discovery: humanity as a carrier of Reason in the Universe is not alone.

In the film, you will see one of the many sessions of communication with the mind from parallel worlds through a human-mediator. Recorded date: August 17, 1994 Duration: 1 hour 10 minutes

Audio recordings made in the 90s of the last century can be downloaded.

Communication with a representative of another dimension through a medium.

Brief explanation of the materials:

“Reality is organized by the type of onion layers or by the principle of nesting dolls, and the nesting dolls have the same size, but different energy density. You can put it differently: inside the world of sound waves, the world of light waves lives beautifully, the world of radio waves and the world of radiation, and also the world of elementary particles, live there.
They interpenetrate each other and live well without noticing each other, thus we do not notice radio waves and sound waves, but these are full-fledged worlds and practically the same laws operate in them.

This is what psychics use ... they use this energy to move from one layer to another. What they see and hear are real worlds, in this case they travel along the vertical of the worlds, never leaving their place. Shamans, sorcerers, mediums, etc. do the same. "

Session records 1993-1994.

Additional Information:

Belimov Gennady Stepanovich was born in January 1946 in the city of Chita into a military family. He graduated from high school in 1964 in Khabarovsk and entered the Tomsk State University at the Faculty of Radiophysics, receiving in 1969 a specialty “radio-electronics physicist”.

Arriving on assignment to the city of Volzhsky, Volgograd region in 1969, he worked as a technologist at the Meteor plant, head of a bureau at the Volgograd piezoelectric ceramic plant of electronic computing technology, moving from a design engineer to head of the warranty service department.

Active athlete: has sports categories in athletics, scuba diving, mountaineering, tourism, speleology, orienteering.

Since 1970 he began to publish in the newspaper "Volzhskaya Pravda" and other publications. In 1991 he was admitted to the Union of Journalists of the USSR, published about a thousand essays and articles on various topics.

The main hobby is traveling around the country. For fifteen years he was a member of the board of the Volga City Tourist Club.

After several expeditions to the area of ​​the fall of the Tunguska meteorite and other anomalous zones of the country, he became a convinced researcher of paranormal phenomena in nature. In 1989 he organized and headed the Volga group for the study of anomalous phenomena. In 1992, GS Belimov published the books "UFO over the Volga Region" and "Ghosts from the Heavens". He took part in scientific conferences and seminars in many cities of the country. He has published more than 180 articles on ufological and phenomenal topics in the local and republican press.

In 1995 he received academic title Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Informatization (MAINF) in the Department of Ufology and Bioenergy Informatics.

In 1996, he was invited as a senior lecturer to the Volga Humanitarian Institute of Volgograd State University and was one of the first in Russia to teach the course “Non-traditional and exploratory concepts in natural science”, dedicated to the scientific study of unknown phenomena. In 1997, he published two books: “Other Worlds Connected” and one of the first textbooks in the country on phenomenological topics “Non-traditional and exploratory concepts in natural science”.

In October 1997, G.S. Belimov was awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. In the same year he was introduced to the Council of the International Ufological Association of the CIS. In 1998 he was elected a full member (academician) of the International Academy of Informatization.

In 1999, Volgograd University published his fifth book - the monograph "The Manifestation of Other Worlds in Earthly Phenomena".

The Volga scientist credits himself with the introduction of the course of ufology and bioenergyinformatics in high school, introducing students to the study of anomalous manifestations on Earth. He has been teaching a course at the Volga Humanitarian Institute for eight years, and students' interest in the problem of anomalous phenomena (AY) is not diminishing, but on the contrary.

Gennady Stepanovich is married, his son graduated from the Volga Humanitarian Institute.

G.S. Belimov considers the main priority of his activity scientific knowledge world, believes in the great future of Russia as a highly spiritual space power, appreciates human decency and determination in overcoming difficulties.

As Plait writes in Death From Above, a gamma ray burst is the brightest event since the Big Bang. No such burst repeats another, but they all arise due to catastrophes of a galactic scale: when very large stars die, ceasing to "burn" and collapse under the influence of their own gravity or, presumably, due to the collision of two neutron stars (objects the size of city, but with a mass, like one or two Suns).

In such cases, the energy is ejected not evenly in all directions, but in directed beams. This event is so grandiose that sometimes it can be seen with the naked eye for billions (!) Of light years. What will happen if such a beam hits the Earth?

Let's assume that the GRB happened very close: 100 light years away. Even at such a close distance, the diameter of the gamma-ray burst beam would be gigantic, 80 trillion km. This means that the entire Earth, the entire solar system would be swallowed up by it, like a sand flea captured by a tsunami.

Fortunately, GRBs are relatively short-lived, so the beam will hit us in less than a second to several minutes. The average burst lasts about ten seconds.

This is not long compared to the rotation of the Earth, so the beam would hit only one hemisphere. The second hemisphere would be relatively safe ... at least for some time. The most dire consequences would be in places directly below the gamma-ray burst (where the flare would be visible directly overhead, at the zenith), and minimal where the flare would be visible on the horizon. But still, as we will see, no place on Earth would be completely safe.

The unbridled energy that would be dumped on Earth is overwhelming. This is more than the worst nightmares of the Cold War: it is like detonating a one megaton nuclear bomb from the side of a gamma-ray burst over every 2.5 km2 of the planet. This is (probably) not enough to make the oceans boil or to rip the atmosphere off Earth, but the destruction would be beyond comprehension.

Keep in mind, all this is from an object located at a distance of 900 trillion km.

Anyone looking at the sky at the time of the flash could go blind, although the peak of brightness in the visible range would probably only be reached after a few seconds - enough to flinch and turn away. Not that it helped much.

Those who at that moment would have been caught on the street would have had big problems. Even if they had not been burned by the heat - and they would have been - they would have instantly received a fatal burn from a huge stream of ultraviolet radiation. The ozone layer would be destroyed literally instantly, and UV radiation from both the gamma-ray burst and the Sun would freely reach the Earth's surface, making it, as well as the oceans, barren to a depth of several meters.

And this is only from UV radiation and heat. It seems cruel to even mention the much, much worse effects of exposure to gamma and X-rays.

Instead, let's digress a little. Gamma-ray bursts are incredibly rare. While they most likely occur several times a day somewhere in the universe, the universe itself is very large. Currently, the probability that one of them will occur at a distance of 100 light years from us is zero. Perfect, absolute zero. There are absolutely no stars near us that could, in principle, generate a gamma-ray burst. The closest supernova candidate is farther away, and GRBs are much rarer than supernovae.

Feel better? Good. Now let's try a more realistic approach. What is the closest candidate for gamma ray burst sources?

In the sky southern hemisphere there is a star unremarkable to the naked eye. It is called Eta Carinae, or simply Eta, a dim star in a crowd of brighter stars. However, her dim light is deceiving, hiding her fury behind it. It is actually about 7,500 light-years distant - in fact, the most distant star that can be seen with the naked eye.

The star itself (in fact, Eta may be a binary system, two stars orbiting each other. The material surrounding the star gives so much brightness and interference that astronomers are still not one hundred percent sure) is a monster: its mass can be 100 times the mass of the Sun or more, and it emits 5 million times more energy than the Sun - in one second it emits as much light as the Sun will emit in two months. From time to time, Eta has spasms, and she spews out huge amounts of matter. In 1843, she had such a violent seizure that she became the second brightest star in the sky, even at such a great distance. It ejected gigantic amounts of matter in excess of ten times the mass of the Sun at a speed of over 1.5 million km / h. Today we see the consequences of that explosion in the form of two huge clouds of diverging matter, similar to the shot of a space gun. That event was almost as powerful as the supernova.

Eta has all the signs of an impending GRB. It will surely explode like a supernova, but it is not known whether it will be a hypernova-type gamma-ray burst or not. It should also be noted that if it explodes and emits a gamma-ray burst, the orientation of this system is such that the beam will not hit the Earth. We can determine this from the geometry of the gas clouds ejected during the seizure of 1843: the portions of the swelling gas are tilted relative to us at an angle of about 45 °, and any gamma ray bursts would be directed along that axis. Let me explain more specifically: in the short or even medium term, the gamma-ray burst from Eta or elsewhere does not threaten us.

But it's still interesting to think about "what if". What if Eta had targeted us and turned into a hypernova? What would happen then?

Again, nothing good. Despite the fact that it would not even come close in brightness to the Sun, it would be as bright as the Moon, or even ten times brighter. You couldn't look at it without squinting, but that brightness would only last a few seconds or minutes, so there is probably no long-term damage to life cycles there would be no flora or fauna.

The ultraviolet beam would be intense but brief. People outdoors would experience moderate sunburn, but there is likely to be no statistically significant increase in skin cancer incidence in the future.

But with gamma and X-rays, the situation is completely different. The Earth's atmosphere would absorb these types of radiation, and the consequences would be much worse than in the case of a nearby supernova.

The most direct consequence would be a powerful electromagnetic pulse, much more powerful than the one generated in Hawaii during the nuclear tests of the Starfish Prime device. In this case, EMP (electromagnetic pulse - approx. TASS) would instantly destroy any unshielded electronic device in that hemisphere of the Earth, which was directed towards the burst. Computers, telephones, airplanes, cars, any object with electronics would stop working. This also applies to power systems: huge currents would be injected into the power lines, causing them to overload. People would find themselves without electricity and without any means of long-distance communication (the equipment of all satellites would have burned out from gamma radiation anyway). This would not be just an inconvenience, because it means that hospitals, fire departments and other services emergency would also be left without electricity.

But, as we'll see in a moment, we may not need emergency services ...

The consequences for the Earth's atmosphere would be severe. Scientists are studying this situation closely. Using the same models described in Chapter 3, and assuming that the GRB originated at Eta's distance, they determined what the consequences would be. And these consequences are not at all encouraging.

The ozone layer would be hit hard. The gamma rays from the burst would completely destroy the ozone molecules. The ozone layer worldwide would be reduced by an average of 35%, and in some selected regions it would be reduced by more than 50%. This is incredibly harmful in itself - mind you, our current ozone problems are caused by a relatively small decline, only 3% or so.

The consequences of this are very long-term and can last for years - even after five years, the ozone layer can remain 10% thinner. During this time, UV radiation from the Sun would be more intense on the Earth's surface. The microorganisms that form the backbone of the food chain are very sensitive to it. Many would die, leading to the eventual extinction of other species higher up the food chain.

To top it all off, the reddish-brown nitrogen dioxide generated by the gamma-ray burst from Eta Carina (see Chapters 2 and 3) would significantly reduce the amount of sunlight reaching Earth.

The exact consequences of this are difficult to determine, but it seems likely that a decrease in the amount of sunlight on the entire Earth by even a few percent (nitrogen dioxide would spread throughout the atmosphere) would lead to a significant cooling of the Earth and could, presumably, become an initiating factor for the ice age.

In addition, there would be enough nitric acid in the chemical mixture that acid rain would represent, and this would also theoretically have devastating consequences for the environment.

Next, there is a problem with subatomic particles (cosmic rays) from the burst. What damage would have been from them is not known specifically. But, as we discussed in Chapters 2 and 3, high-energy particles can have a wide variety of consequences on Earth. A gamma-ray burst 7,500 light-years away would launch a huge number of subatomic particles into our atmosphere, and they would fly at a speed just below the speed of light. Just a few hours after the burst appeared, they would have already burst into our atmosphere, pouring out a shower of muons. We constantly observe muons arriving from space, but in small quantities. However, a nearby gamma-ray burst would generate a mass of muons. One group of astronomers calculated that up to 46 billion muons per cm2 would fall on the surface of the Earth across the entire hemisphere aimed at the burst (such conclusions, however, are controversial. new area science, and the models are not entirely reliable. However, if you get something out of this, then just remember that a nearby burst of gamma radiation is bad - approx. author). It seems that this is a lot - well, yes, it is. These particles would cascade out of the sky and be absorbed by whatever gets in their way. Considering how well the tissues of the body can absorb muons, the astronomers who performed the calculation found that an unprotected person would receive a dose of radiation tens of times higher than the lethal dose. Hiding will not help much: muons can penetrate into water to a depth of almost 2 km and up to 800 m into rocks! Therefore, almost all life on Earth would suffer.

So ozone depletion wouldn't be such a big deal. By the time it became a problem, most of the animals and plants on Earth would have been dead long ago.

This is the nightmare scenario described at the beginning of this chapter. However, before you start to panic, remember: a possible gamma-ray burst from Eta Carina will most certainly not be directed in our direction. But, before we round off, I will say that there is another possible progenitor of the gamma-ray burst, which we need to remember. It's called WR 104 and coincidentally is about the same distance from us as Eta. WR 104 is a binary system, one of the stars of which is a bloated massive beast approaching the end of its life. It can explode, emitting a gamma ray burst, and it can be aimed more or less at us, but both of these assumptions are inaccurate. In all likelihood, this monster does not threaten us either, but it is worth mentioning.

“We told you about enemies and friends, but if you say“ enemies, ”their victory.

- We told you recently that if you say "enemy", it means that the enemy has won over you. No, there is an opponent in your concept.

If you use the methods of enemies against enemies, then the enemies have defeated you.

(thus, if you have an adversary, it means that he was sent to you to learn some lesson, in order to look at the world or at yourself from some new angle, to see something that was not previously paid attention to; you should not treat opponents with hatred, because they bring good for you, and, in fact, help you)

On this topic, a person recently asked such a question: what if someone is aiming at you, and if you kill him - is it evil or is it just a method of self-defense?

- More often the trouble is yours, your fault. Think like to like.

(here it means that your world is your own mirror, showing you your own flaws in the form of external images, so that you can see them in yourself, since a person by nature does not perceive other people in the same way as himself, and therefore the only way to realize the wrongness of your own actions is to experience them for yourself)

You say vampires come to you and suck energy from you. But think, you can say the same about the saint who will come to you. After all, he will take away your dark, black. You will feel the emptiness and say "taken, taken away - a vampire." Think, more often, more often you do this: when you feel that they are taking away from you, you do not understand good / bad, you just say "vampire".

(it says here that one should not label everyone as "good" and "bad", because everything is relative, and everyone acts with the same instruments, and it all depends on which side you look from)

Tell me, why did God create man?

- Why do you create yourself? Is it just instinct? That you create your own kind. That you grow them, feel sorry for them, suffer with them. For what? Can you explain this?

Probably thirst ...

- Maybe? I think that if we come to God and ask why he made a man, he will also answer, probably about the same: "yes, probably."

(it says here that the Creator is by no means a soulless logical machine, and he is as alive as everything like him is alive)

Should a person be passive in relation to political, social events? Or do you only do your own personal affairs, the affairs of your environment?

“We once told you about hermits. Do you remember? So, the hermits were egoists, just religious egoists. They were leaving the world, leaving to speak with God. Blind people. They left people. They said that God is in each of them and immediately left them. Where is faith, where? You say that you know and don't do it right away, because you don't believe. It's just a fact for you. And no more. You are only talking about yourself. Only. If you think only of yourself, you will only remain in yourself and nowhere else. You will remain in this flesh. And that's all. But it is not necessary to say that “let's think only about everyone, and not about ourselves”; if you do so, then you already do not care about everyone, because you are also part of these “everything”. You talk about unity and immediately separate yourself from everyone. Where, where is your knowledge? You know all this. Why don't you do it? And we do not envy you, for those who know are traitors.

(it says here that everyone's job is to interact with other people, helping them to develop, just as everyone else helps you to develop; there is no development in isolation - development, by definition, is possible only in the course of interaction; since the meaning of life is in development, then the meaning of life is in interaction, and true hermitism is assigned by fate to only a few, while the majority are simply selfish, and pass off their egoism for allegedly high spirituality, contradicting themselves in this)

- Imagine that all your thoughts will all come true. What will happen? Think about it. How much you have in mind today, and if it came true. What would be? What? Learn first to control thought, and then everything else. If you learn and get rid of the chaos from your head, everything else will be simple, very simple for you. You say you cannot lie down and talk to us. Cause? - fear. Fear of chaos. For chaos prevents you from focusing. Disbelief. What is unbelief? For there are many thoughts that say “no, you can't” or “it won't work”? Here is your chaos. And you are talking about thought control. You cannot control even a fraction, a fraction of a percent. And once we told you about it. And you all want to become superman. What for? Learn to be just human first.

- Please, Christ is in each of you, God is in each of you. You are his likeness. You are gods. But only if you talk about it with pride, with greatness: “I! - and everything else - phew "- this will not be said by God. It will be different. More often - greatness by you, greatness speaks only by you. You, having typed up a little something, having learned a little or noticed something, already say: “I! And all the rest ... "," I've already gone through this "," I already know ", I! -I! -I! and only one I. This is no longer God speaking.

- You are afraid to be the last. But you are also afraid to be the first. You prefer to hide in the crowd, be like everyone else, not stand out.

- If you are looking for evil, you will find it, if you are good, you will find good, if you are not looking for anything, then you will not find anything

Think, think, what drives you? Why are you creating, why are you writing, why are you looking? Your doubts, doubts. But think if you get proof of everything, what will you do? You will stop. You say, “Yes, it is. Why do I need more? " Understand, if we say "there is no that", you will say: "if not, then why am I doing this, if there is no that." Think, you, you are driven by doubt. Think, if you did not doubt, you would not do a lot, a lot. And therefore we say to you: you are not machines, you are not machines, and you know how, you know how to make mistakes, you know how to doubt. And be afraid of the time when there will be no doubts for you. Fear the time when there will be no feelings for you. And then you will not make mistakes. Then you are just machines.

In general, is it possible to end crime?

- Think. Take it and stop. Stop being a criminal yourself. Remember, remember yourself. Look at yourself, how many crimes were committed in your concept? And during life. Ask yourself. And then, when you are truly holy, even in your concept, then take on others. You, you, being dirty, want to cleanse others. You were told about energy. Remember?

But always, in your concept, always, until you understand about one thing, there will be “criminals” in your concept. Think about it. As long as there is a personal “I”, “I” that imagines itself, there will be crimes. Think, for a criminal more often, what does he do in the name of peace? No. He does it in his own name. As long as your "I", your own "I", is higher than the other - it will be

(here it is said that "evil" is just a model of perceiving oneself as something separate from the surrounding world; if one perceives oneself as an integral part of the surrounding world, then how can one harm the outside world without harming oneself? in any way; if one perceives yourself as something independent and separate from everything else, then, of course, you can steal, kill, and do whatever he thinks about, because a person in this case will convince himself that in this way he does not harm himself - he only benefits)

- The more you take, the more difficult it will be. Remember and name me a person who brings something new and lives beautifully. Can you give an example?

- (Translator) Well, okay. You will accumulate this knowledge, and what next? Just a big library and nothing more.

(Belimov) Why ...

- (Translator) Encyclopedic Dictionary.

(Belimov) Once they thought that the earth was flat, they switched to round. All science has moved forward, now ...

- (Translator) And you feel its roundness? Tell me, do you personally feel roundness? And if now, from childhood, we begin to teach you that the earth is flat, and if we can now reasonably prove to you that the earth is flat, you will believe it. Will you feel its flatness? You will feel that it is triangular, square, round, can you feel it?

(Belimov) Why don't you need to know the world or what? You need to know the world or what?

- (Translator) You don't have to be a library. You have to worry about everything, everything.

- (Translator) We, insulting you, calling you "books", forgive the expression ... Do you just want? We want to hammer it into your head that don't be just walking "encyclopedias"! You know everything you ask about. You know everything, but there is no sense in this knowledge. Because you are marking time. You speak beautiful words, and a lot of them, write a lot of everything, yourself not believing in this, what you wrote. In other words, any of your articles can be called fantastic, because you have not experienced any of them.

(it says that knowledge and information are completely different things; modern society believes that the main thing is to get more information into the head; but what is the use of this if this information will not give any understanding and no internal picture, because this is precisely the ultimate goal, the ultimate benefit; just collecting facts is the lot of an encyclopedia, a book, but not a goal for a creature that calls itself reasonable)

- Think, if we tell you this and that - you have two options: sit limp and wait for it to happen, then we will be liars. Do you agree? If we tell you, there will be such and such, you have another way - to strive for this. But then it will be our clue and we will guide you and you lose the initiative. You came here to choose for yourself.

(it says here that any interaction with the subject directs this subject along a certain path, blurring his true nature and his own creative manifestations; therefore, the task of everyone is to think with his own head and do what his soul wants, and this is precisely the meaning throughout this life - to reveal yourself, to know yourself, to reveal yourself by interacting with the world around you, which in this case is a tool)

- What is instinct in your concept? He is so dark to you and so frightening to you. You have accepted that instinct is bad. What, then, has nature created bad things? Maybe your mind is bad? You trust him too much. You have learned to destroy your feelings, you do what is good for you, but not for others. If the feeling suggests otherwise, you say: your heart hurts and you take the pill. I didn't mean a chemical pill. Ask.

(it speaks of the limitations of the mind and the fact that it has its own range of tasks, but if you pick up a hammer once, then from that moment on, any task seems like a nail; and a person is given a wide range of various tools)

- We told you: look. If we give you the answer, you will not be able to solve the problem in the next, more subtle body. You will remain at that level, you will remain, because we will push you there, and no more. Sooner or later you will fall, you will fall lower than you were. And therefore you must earn yourself, then the load that you have will help you, and not drag you down.

(it says that they can give us all the answers, and tell and show everything, give everything, but it will be like taking a student and putting all the A's in the magazine: there will simply be absolutely no sense from such a school, and only that student who will reach everything himself, with tips, with books, but mostly by his own efforts - only such a student will turn out to be an intelligent specialist who can be sent to the plant, and he will not fill up the entire production line there; the same student who was simply given grades, if sent by the director of the plant, the plant will collapse, and the director of such a person will fit, as a lesson)

Tell me, in Agni Yoga there is such a statement: there is a White Brotherhood, the so-called. There are teachers who help people. This is true?

- Imagine: they come and accuse the translator of the possessed that Satan is sitting in him. True believers come, in your understanding. And they begin to drive out Satan. What should we do? What should we do? If we leave so as not to violate their faith, not to shake their faith in God, we will leave - it means that we recognize ourselves as Satan. And that means that everything that we said is false. If we stay, we will shake faith. What should we do? How are we to be? How would you be in this place? What would you do? Either leave and plead guilty, or stay, but, therefore, shake someone's faith. Understand, we have no right, no matter who you believe in, even if you believe in what really exists or vice versa, it is very harmful - we will not dissuade you. This is your path, yours. Sooner or later you will come, you must come. For you are already talking, you are already thinking. And if we say: "this is false" or "not", it means that many, many lives will be destroyed by us. Imagine if we say that "no, this is not really." How many people can turn off this path? And, as they say, "out of grief" to wash it down. And if we say: “yes, this is true,” this does not mean that the multitude will immediately run to the White Brotherhood, no. But it will raise the pride of many who believe in him. Well, we, it turns out, are right, and the rest are not. And what is the bottom line? We supported the battle among the people.

(here it is said that even knowing the correct answer to the problem, it will be correct not to tell it to the solver, because the whole meaning of the "problem" is in the process, and not as a result, which is already known to the assignee. "path, you will deprive him of the skill of finding a way out of such a situation, deprive him of the necessary experience, and, possibly, deprive him of the opportunity to discover some new, previously unknown solution to the problem. Telling another that he is solving correctly, you will tell others that they are wrong, so the best way out is to let everyone go their own way)