What year was 70 years of victory. "70 years of victory" (medal). Jubilee medals Veterans of the Great Patriotic War

We remember, we are proud ...

A GREAT VICTORY. Virtual guide

http://www.may9.ru/ The official website dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. You can find information on the preparation of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Victory in all regions of the country, listen to the Soviet reports of the Soviet photo of 1945, familiarize themselves with the archival photographs and the newsreel of the Times of the Great Patriotic War. In addition, the resource suggests seeing military time films and direct broadcasts of victory parades from 14 cities in Russia.

http://22june.mil.ru/ "War started" - a section on the official website of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, containing unique archival documents - the undisputed testimony of Soviet military leaders, eyewitnesses of events on June 22, 1941 and the first days of the Great Patriotic War from the declassified funds of the Central Archives of the Ministry of Defense of Russia.

http://june-22.mil.ru/ "June 22, exactly at 4 am" - electronic information resource The Ministry of Defense of Russia, dedicated to the events of the first days of the most fierce and bloody war of the 20th century - the Great Patriotic War.

http://presentation.rsl.ru/presentation/view/72. "Great Victory of the Soviet People": a virtual exhibition showing different kinds Editions stored in the National Libraries of the CIS countries. The exhibition is prepared by the Russian State Library and Library Assembly Eurasia.

http://www.pobediteli.ru/ The search system for the lists of veterans of the Great Patriotic War, which helps people find each other. The project contains a "multimedia war map" with memories of participants and archival chronicles. it interactive Card.where the whole history of the hostilities of the Great Patriotic War is clearly represented. The key points are accompanied by additional information with photographs and video recordings, as well as audio recordings of veterans memories.

http://agk.mid.ru/ Historical and documentary online project "USSR and Allies. Documents Archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia foreign Policy and diplomacy leading powers of the antihytler coalition. " The project was prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the victory. This documentary array (circulated about 3900 archives) recreates an objective picture of the formation and development of the anti-Hitler coalition - unique phenomenon In the history of international relations of the 20th century, it clearly shows the key role that the Soviet Union played in the unification of the peoples of the world in the fight against fascism.

http://parad-msk.ru/ The official website of the Regional Patriotic Public Organization "Immortal Regiment - Moscow".

http: //mestopamyi.rf/ Military-historical Internet resource "Memory Place", which shows the burial places of soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War. The system allows you to get information about each soldier, as well as make a virtual excursion to the burial places. The project is initiated by the Ministry of Culture Russian Federation.

http://www.pamyat-naroda.ru/ The world's largest Internet portal "Memory of the People" about the fate of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. The single electronic database "Memory of the People" has become the development of previously implemented Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation projects on World War II "Memorial" and "Feat of the People". Anyone can learn about the exploits or find the fate of their ancestors who died on the fronts of the war in the 20th century, to find documents and make a personal family archive. Also in the database, archival documents and documents on losses and awarding soldiers and officers of the First World War are collected.

http://www.obd-memorial.ru. The generalized data bank (OBD) contains information about the defenders of the Fatherland, who died and missing during the Great Patriotic War and the post-war period. To date, 13.7 million digital copies of documents were introduced on the permanent loss of the Great Patriotic War of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, TsVMA, RGVA, the GA RF, regional archives of Rosarhiva and 42.2 thousand people of military burials existing places of military burials in the Russian Federation and abroad. Additionally, more than 1000 volumes of the memory book are uploaded to the OBD.

http://podvignaroda.ru/ The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation presents a unique information resource "The feat of the people in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 ", filled with documents available in military archives on the progress and results of basic combat operations, exploits and awards of all soldiers of the Great Patriotic War.

http://ko-dnu-vvs.mil.ru/ The steel character of the Soviet Sokolov is a multimedia selection of documents from the funds of the Central Archives of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, dedicated to the military pilots of the Times of the Great Patriotic War and their winged machines.

http://cgamos.ru/events/e29561/ "Muscovites - Heroes of the Great Patriotic War": Electronic editionrepresented by the central state archive of the city of Moscow.

http://mil.ru/winner_may/docs.htm Electronic Information Resource "Victory May" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation: Documents (orders of the Supreme Commander, the Directive of the General Staff, etc.), the Soviet reports of Sovinformbüro, photo album, music, letters of Frontovikov, etc.

http://encyclopedia.mil.ru/encyclopedia/books/vov.htm. 12-Tomny electronic encyclopedia "Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" on the official website of the Ministry of Defense of Russia. Chronologically encyclopedia covers events with "fatal forty" to the victorious end of the bloody and fierce war in the history of mankind. The twelfth volume is dedicated to the results and lessons of war. It also addresses the most discussion problems of its history.

http://mil.ru/files/files/parad2015/index.html. Victory Parade: Special site dedicated to victory parades, which will be held on May 9, 2015 in 26 cities of Russia. The interactive map of Russia is represented, at which cities taking victory parades and detailed information on the number of attracted equipment and personnel.

http://900dney.ru/ "900 days of Leningrad": the Internet resource is constantly replenished e-library Multimedia Data - Texts, Documentary Video, Audio and Photo Materials - About Leningrad Blocade

http://mil.ru/files/files/camo/gallery_2.html Electronic exhibition "First Day of War" on the Internet Portal of the Ministry of Defense of Russia. The exposition contains a collection of historical documents from the funds of the Central Archives of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, dedicated to the events of the first days of the beginning of the Great confrontation.

http://children1941-1945.aif.ru/ "Children's Book of War" - the project "AIF". Collected 35 diaries, whose authors at the time of their writing were from 7 to 12 years. These are diaries from ghetto, concentration camps, blockade Leningrad, as well as front and rear diaries. The authors of the project pay attention to the fact that the Diaries of Anna Frank and Tanya Savicheva have long been known all over the world and "there is no impression that there are no more witnesses." The book "AIF" is the first and only collection of children's certificates about the events of the Second World War. Half diaries published for the first time.

http://mil.ru/files/files/camo/fr.html. Exhibition of works by artists "Front Picture". This is a creative online management project for the management of the press service and information of the Ministry of Defense and the Central Museum of Armed Forces, which reveals the previously few famous sides of the military culture of 1941-1945.

http://9may.ru/ "Victory Day. 70 years old "- Internet project" Mia "Russia today": photos, infographics, summaries of the Soviet Informburo, news of anniversary celebrations, recording of songs of military years.

http://paradpobedy.ru/ "Special project TASS" Parade Victory "- a unique photo of the tragic years, created by the agency photographers

http://berlin70.aif.ru. "Berlin Operation" - the project "AIF", dedicated to the last days of war, Berlin's storm. Many large and high-quality military photos, an interactive map of hostilities, active infographics - and all the details about how Berlin took, hoisted the flag over Reichstag, and how Nazi leaders ran from the city.

http://pobeda.snwall.ru/ Special interactive project "Victory Lesson" Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. Any social networking user can tell us exactly the holiday in his family, school, city, district. By May 9, an array of unique user content will be assembled here about how the month of victory throughout Russia has passed.

http://evacuation.spbarchives.ru. "Leningrad blockade. Evacuation "- an electronic database for citizens evacuated from the city in 1941-1943. The portal was created by the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory at the initiative of the Archival Committee of St. Petersburg on the basis of documents stored in the Central State Archives of St. Petersburg (CSA St. Petersburg) and part of the departmental archives of St. Petersburg.

http://pobeda.lar.ru/ The "Victory Calendar" - the project was implemented by Elarian employees, which, together with museums, archives and libraries, were engaged in the search for little-known and unknown general public information about the hostilities on the Soviet-German Front. Within the framework of the project, a huge job of finding and processing the colossal volumes of information was done. The actual material of the messenger constitute the descriptions of battles, interesting articles From front-line newspapers, stories about the exploits and destinies of individuals, military folklore (songs, poems, jokes), photos and illustrated materials (posters, drawings from newspapers).

http://victory.rusarchives.ru/ Website "Victory. 1941-1945 "is posted on the All-Russian Portal" Archives of Russia ". Coordination of work on the site is carried out by the Federal Archival Agency (Rosarhiv). The site includes the exposition of the most vibrant archival photos and film documents that reveal the greatness and historical significance of the admissions of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War, as well as information on the composition and volumes of photocouples of the military period stored in the State Archives of the Russian Federation.

http://war.gtrf.info/ The Multimedia Project of the Gosteraradioford is dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. See the exclusive video and audio war online online.

http://battlefront.ru/ Battlefront. History of the Great Patriotic War. Website sections: newsreel, music, photo gallery, battles and operations, equipment, weapons, rewards, personality articles. The site is interesting because the NEM presents various aspects of the war on both sides: Soviet and German.

http://pisma.may9.ru/ On the eve of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, Google together with the Russian Military Historical Society (RVIO) launched the site "Live Memory". With it, the world's largest online archive of military letters will be created. You can download your wartime letter to the site. Full version Site available from April 29, 2015.

http://pobeda70.lenta.ru/ "Victory" is a special project "Renta.ru" to the 70th anniversary of the end of the Great Patriotic War. Great domestic left a trace in the history of each family. Share the memories of your veterans.

http://waralbum.ru/ Military album: photos of the Second World and Great Patriotic War (1939-1945).

http://www.tassphoto.ru/ The photo project of TASS "of the city of Russia is 70 years later," dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. The project implemented the idea "was,": in each section the types of one of the Russian cities in the war years will be presented or immediately after its end and photography of the same place after 70 years.

http://militera.lib.ru/1/cats/wars/20/1941-1945.html Military literature. Books, collections of documents, memoir literature on the history of the wars of Russia and the world. Large section of publications about the Great Patriotic War.

http://www.1942.ru. A group of military archeology "seeker." Since 1988, he has been searching and reburied by the warriors who died during the Great Patriotic War. On the group's website, information on the search for relatives found soldiers and news about the upcoming search expeditions is exhibited.

http://41-45.su/ All-Russian project "Our Shared Victory". The goal of the project is to form a video archive of memories of veterans of the Great Patriotic War, which will subsequently transferred to the State Archive of the Russian Federation subsequently.

http://www.pobeda1945.su. The front-line portal is an information portal and a social network at the same time. The head of the portal concept is made by a specific front-line as a person (and the one who survived, and the one who died or disappeared) with the possibility of finding information as he personally and the unit, which fought.

http://iremember.ru/ Memories of veterans of the Great Patriotic War: Tankists, pilots, scouts, snipers, sappers, partisans, physicians - those who survived in those terrible years. Here you can read memories of the participants of the war, listen fragments of audio recordings with veterans, view scanned copies of letters from the front and photo album with photos of military years.

http://fotohroniki.ru/ "Family photo chronicles of the Great Patriotic War" - a digital archive of photos from family archives with brief comments on people and events presented on them. Project Organizers - Interregional Charitable Public Organization " Social network Volunteer initiatives "Neighbors" and the All-Russian Public Organization "Business Russia".

http://pomnite-nas.ru/ "Remember us" - the base of monuments, memorials, military burials soldiers of the Great Patriotic War created by enthusiasts in 2006. Contains information about more than 11 thousand monuments with 36 thousand photos. The creators of the project call on site visitors to send pictures of monuments, memorials or graves of unknown soldiers, made in various corners of Russia and abroad.

http: //Spatibesza- request The memory of the winners of the Great Patriotic War is dedicated - the history of the winners, the organization of events in the tribute to the memory of the defenders of our Motherland.

http://thefireofthewar.ru/1418/index.php/ The "Fire War" site is dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, its events and people, in them participating: the participants of the Krasnodon's underground "Young Guard", the underground organization of the city of Brest and other underground organizations and groups acting on the territory of the territory of the territory Soviet Union; defenders of the Brest Fortress and Adzhimushki Kamenolomen; And also on the site you will find poems about the Great Patriotic War.

http://www.world-war.ru/ Internet portal "Unadvisory stories about war" - an electronic periodic publication in Russian, German and english. It is an archive of audio, video and text files, as well as rare photos (including from family albums) of wartime

http://www.rkka.ru/ Site "RKKKA. Worker-peasant Red Army" - We site you will find materials on the history of the army from 1918 to the end of World War II: books; documentation; orders for the personnel of the army; Composition, organization, dislocation; weapons; a uniform; cards.

http://www.echo.msk.ru/programs/victory/ "Victory price" is a cycle of transfers of the radio station "Echo of Moscow". Answers to Eternal Questions of History Listeners will receive from leading experts. For non-essential discussion, a forum is open. The leading program offers listeners and viewers to join the discussion: to offer topics, share information, sources and little-known facts. Leaders: Editor-in-Chief of the Magazine "Dieletanat" Vitaly Dymarsky and politician Vladimir Ryzhkov.

http://warfly.ru/ Aerial view of the times of the Great Patriotic War - German aerial photographs of cities former USSR on Google Maps.

http://www.oldgazette.ru/ The site "Old newspapers" is a selection of newspapers published in the Soviet Union in different years and containing materials on the history of the USSR of military and pre-war years. Logos of publications available are located at the edges of the page. These are links. An opportunity is provided for free reading and downloading, referring to the source. A selection has been highlighted, testifying as the victory day noted in different years.

http://poklonnayagora.ru. Site of the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War. The Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War is a composite and at the same time the main part of the memorial complex of Victory on Poklonnaya Mountain in Moscow. On an area over 3000 square meters. Meters posted the main military historical exposition of the Museum "Feat and the Victory of the Great People", open in 2008. The main artist of the exposition - V.M. Eye, chief architect - I.Yu. Minakov. Exposure contains more than 6000 exhibits.

Introduction The Great Patriotic War of 1941 -1945 - Fair, liberation war of the Soviet people for freedom and independence of the socialist homeland against fascist Germany and its allies, the most important and decisive part of World War II 1939 -1945.

Martialctions 918 days continued. Nevertheless, taking the surrender, the Soviet Union did not sign the world with Germany, that is, formally remained with Germany in a state of war. War with Germany was formally ended on January 25, 1955 by the publication of the Presidium Supreme Council USSR Decree "On the termination of the state of war between the Soviet Union and Germany"

The Great Patriotic War was distinguished by a fierce armed struggle of multi-millionth armies and a decisive confusion of states in economic, diplomatic, ideological, spiritual and other fields. While for the Soviet Union, the final result was victory, for Nazi Germany it was a crushing defeat. The completed war presented each party to his account, the price of which was different in all respects, including in understanding its results, consequences and lessons.

The story does not know more monstrous crimes than those who have made the Nazis. Fascist hordes turned tens of thousands of cities and villages into ruins. They killed and defeated Soviet people, without sparing women, children, old people.

The price of Victory Hitler Germany war against the Soviet Union, as against other peoples, from the very beginning to its defeat, led a fearful, unfair, aggressive, which threatened to the Soviet people, as well as the peoples of other countries, destruction and slavery.

The Soviet Union did not want the war and he did not unleash her. The Soviet people were forced to rise to the fight against the aggressor. His war against fascism from the very beginning and to the end was fair, in defense of his fatherland, for the sake of liberation from the slavery of other peoples.

It was the Red Army who caused a mortal blow to the military machine of Germany and freed other countries from fascist Germany.

On the Soviet-German front, the main part of the Wehrmacht military equipment was destroyed: up to 75% of tanks and assault implements, more than 75% of aviation, 74% of artillery guns. Every day, the opponent lost here on average 55 aircraft, 118 artillery systems, 34 tanks and assault implements. According to historian calculations from the University of Cambridge D. Reynolds, between June 1941 and June 1944, i.e., before landing in the Anglo-American troops in France, 93% of the total losses of German troops suffered in battles with the Red Army.

The irrevocable human losses of the USSR in the war are not only killed in battle and those who died from the Russian Academy of Sciences in hospitals who miss the military who have not returned from the captivity of military personnel, partisans and militias. This sorrowful list includes the names of civilians who died from hunger and diseases killed in bombing and artillery shelling, who pretended their heads during punitive stocks of the occupiers, all shot underground underfielders, tortured in camps, as well as stolen in Germany and not returned from there.

The price of victory of the Soviet people is not expensive: more than 29 million dead (not only military and prisoners, but also civilians of the dead from hunger and disease). The price of victory was high, but the victims brought to the Altar of the Fatherland were not in vain. Soviet people showed massive work heroism, made a feud that the story had not yet known.

From the first hours and days of war in Kazakhstan, the formation of military units and units began. A total of 12 rifle, 4 cavalry divisions, 7 small brigades, about 50 separate regiments and battalions of various types of troops were formed. These were rifle divisions - 310th, 312th, 314th, 316th, 391th and others. Including 3 Cavalry Divisions and 2 Rifle Brigades were Kazakh National. The formulated compositions were mainly multinational. Thus, the Kazakh 36th separate rifle brigade included fighters of more than 30 nationalities.

During the war years, 1,196,64 Kazakhstanis were intended for the war in the operating army. 670 thousand people were mobilized to work in industry. At the same time, the territory of Kazakhstan has arrived evacuated and repressed about 1, 5 million people.

During the war years, 27 military educational institutions Prepared 16 thousand officers. More than 45,000 young Kazakhstanis were sent to military schools. Thus, Kazakhstan ensured the high mobilization readiness of the people to protect his fatherland.

Evacuation Kazakhstan accepted evacuated enterprises. In 1941-1942 220 factories and factories, shops and artels were relocated to the republic, mainly from Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Moscow, Leningrad, including 54 plants and 4 factories of light industry. During the war, 20 factories, factories, workshops, design bureaus were re-equipped. The main areas of accommodation of these enterprises are Alma. Ata, Uralsk, Petropavlovsk, Chimkent, Semipalatinsk. Karaganda, Aktyubinsk. In total in 1941-1945 Kazakhstan has 460 enterprises, including evacuated. The republic began to give 85% lead, 35% of copper, 60% of molybdenum, 65% bismuth, 79% of polymetallic ores. Miners of Karaganda abandoned 34 million tons of coal during the war years, oil production increased by 39%.

The evacuation of industrial enterprises was carried out by two streams: 1) in late 1941 - early 1942; 2) In the autumn of 1942. The first stream of evacuation. In the autumn of 1941, enterprises from the front-line band - the Ukrainian SSR, Moscow, Rostov, Taganrog were relocated to Kazakhstan. The equipment of about 70 factories, factories, power plants, depot, mechanical workshops relocated only one Ukrainian SSR to Kazakhstan. About 40 large factories and factories were relocated from Moscow and the region. The second stream of evacuation. In August and September 1942, 24 thousand tons of various evacuated equipment were transported. In the republic there were plants and factories of food (54), light and textile (53) industries.

In the ranks of the republic's working class, 3200 miners and 2000 builders of Donbass mines are strengthened; b) about 2,000 machine builders from Voronezh and Lugansk; c) textiles, appliances from Moscow, Kiev, Kharkov; d) thousands of railway workers; e) about 7 thousand engineering specialists.

During the years of the Great Patriotic War, Kazakhstan was the military-industrial base of the USSR. During the first year of the war, the weight of Kazakhstan in the extraction of copper ore and in the production of draft copper was significantly increased, and the production of manganese and nickel ore was organized. With the joining of the Jazkazgan mine, the proportion of the eastern regions in the production of manganese ore in the country has increased from 13, 7 to 84, 6%. Of every 100 tons of Molybdenum, mined during the war in the country, 60 tons gave the miners of the East Kowrarad mine.

In total during the war years, 460 factories, factories, mines, mines and individual industries were built, and 460 plants, including 300 evacuated enterprises were constructed. Continued construction railways, in 1942-1943. The construction of railway lines Makat Orsk and Akmolinsk-Magnitogorsk were completed. In just over the war years, the people of Kazakhstan for the construction of military equipment made 480, 3 million rubles. The workers of Kazakhstan from personal savings gathered in the defense fund 4, 7 million rubles, more than 2 million units of warm clothing, 1,600 gifts wars.

Many Kazakhstanis fought in the rear of the enemy as part of partisan formations. From the very first days of the Patriotic War on all fronts, Soviet soldiers, in the ranks of which thousands of Kazakhstanis fought, were fierce fighting with fascist invaders.

In the battle for Moscow, exceptional durability and heroism showed a battalion battalion under the command of Senior Lieutenant Bauyrzhan Momis-Ul. During the month, leading continuous battles on the approaches to Moscow, the Panfilovians defeated the 2nd tank, the 29th motorized, 11th and 110th infantry divisions of the Hitler's army. Legendary feats In the battle near Moscow, Motherhop noted the transformation of the 316th rifle division in the 8th Guards and awarding-Order of the Red Banner.

Forever will remain in the memory of the fighters of the feat of Towhelen Tukhtarov, who broke into the headquarters of the German part in p. Borodino and destroyed 5 German officers. He was posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

A group of machine gunners under the command of the Politrock of Malica Gabdulline's company, having having having enemy tanks, brought their units from the environment. For fighting feats in battles with the German fascists, Gabdullin was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

Leoni D IGA TEVEVICH Bed twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Honored Military Pilot of the USSR, General-Pilatenant Aviation. Talga T Yakuba Kovich Begeldi New Soviet pilot-attack aircraft, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Major General of Kazakhstan Aviation.

IVA N FOMI C PA VILL Member of the Great Patriotic War, commander Sergey Danilovich Lugansk link 6 -to Guards Aviation Aviation Commander Squadron 270 -to Shelf 3rd Army of the Kalinin Front, Fighter Aviation Commander Squadron 6 -to Guards Storm Regiment, twice Hero of Soviet Aviation Regiment 3 "Air Army 1 -to Union. The Baltic Front, twice the hero of the Soviet Union, Major.

Ali I Nurmukhamba Tovna Moldaga Lov Soviet sniper, during the Great Patriotic War served in the 54th separate Rifle Brigade of the 2nd Army 2 -to Baltic Front, the Efreitor. Hero of the Soviet Union (1944, posthumously). Mom Mama Manshuk Zhiygaliyevna Marthercher 100th of a separate rifle brigade Kalininsky front, Guard Senior Sergeant. The first Kazakh woman who was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

Heroes. . . Feats. . . There were thousands of them, dozens and hundreds of thousands. Seventy years have passed since the terrible pore, when the fascists attacked. Remember the good word of your grandfathers and great-grandfather, all those who brought us victory. Will worship the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. Heroes great War With the fascists and honor the memory of the Great Patriotic War!

Monument of Alia and Manshuk, Almaty Monument I. V. Panfilov, Almaty Monument M. Gabdullin, Kokshetau

Time is constantly moving forward, and behind the extensible events remain both for each of us and for peoples. In the life of each people there are such holidays that cannot be forgotten about them, they just need to remember, to adequately celebrate and transmit to future generations. This touching and significant holiday is the Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War, who this year on May 9 - 70 years of victory.

70 years of victory in the Great Patriotic War has world historical importance. No matter how much time passed, this day will be remembered forever! Some call the Great Patriotic War of the Second World War, but such a concept is not correct, although it enters the notion of World War II and is an integral part of it.

Second world War It happened due to the capitalist management system, during its crisis. The struggle of the capitalist forces for new territories, for new markets for the sale of goods, for raw materials and much more. The Great Patriotic War was aimed at release the enslaved land and peoples of German-fascist invaders. The war acquired such a huge scope due to the fact that many peoples, equipment and material means were involved in it. Front line was from white to the Black SeaIts duration amounted to 6,000 kilometers. What a large-scale war in history has not been! Its participants were more than ten million people who participated both from the fascist invaders and from the Soviet army in hostilities. The purpose of the war was to get rid of fascist enslaversAnd then help free from them to the peoples of Europe. The Soviet people demonstrated humanity and humanity towards European culture and its material values. Eleven European countries were released by the Soviet Army. In combat actions, they took part from young people to the old people, all the peoples of the Soviet republics, so this war is called domestic. For 1418 days, bloody battles have grown.

The Soviet Union had to fight not only with the fascists of Germany, but also with all European resources that they captured. From the occupied Europe, we were exported (aircraft, tanks, etc.), from the captured military and metal plants, raw materials were exported. The fact that the War was involved in the countries of Europe, Hitler called the goddare. During the first two years, the Soviet army gained experience, therefore mainly foreign operations were conductedhappened, and defeats and had to retreat.

Large battles near Stalingrad and Moscow Steel the key battles and a decisive moment during the war, battle with capture Germany were won with the fact that the forces were not equal. And after the Soviet military won victory near Kursk, all the power of the armed forces of the Soviet country revealed.

The price with which the Soviet Army Nazi Germany won was very big - this 27 million dead soldiers and ordinary people who gave their lives for ensuring that their homeland became free and independent. What the Soviet people won is quite natural, because it happened due to public state system, All material and labor resources were involved in combating fascist invaders. Another important factor was education soviet man After all, starting almost from the birth of him, they taught to respect the elders, be friends, help and love their homeland. Starting from October and ending with a communist - so the ideological education of each person passed.

It is not surprising that during the war the most brave and heroic feats were committed - communists and Komsomol members - this is the greatest manifestation of patriotism, dedicated love for debris. In the period of the Second World Wars, the feats were constantly accomplished on the front - the heroes were born. Such a massive heroism of young people committed in the name of Victory and Fatherland.

In the occupied territory led underground work partisansTheir contribution is important in victory over German invaders. The size of the political and military resistances, which carried underground workers and partisans, as well as mass reversing the population by the German fascists in their rear, all this was an important factor, which led to the defeat of the enemy army. For heroism and patriotism 234 underground agers and partisans were awarded the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

They also worked in the rear so that the front would not need anything and was provided with everything necessary. The burners of the rear did everything necessary for the victory to become closer: sowed bread, manufactured arms and equipment and others. Behind the machines were not only professional workers, but also old men, women and children, everyone helped.

Some "historians" are trying to distort the story, the Soviet past is in the dirt, and desetrate the great commander of the Soviet Army, Yu. And Kulchitsky S. Nationalism took part in this - this is hatred, intolerance and physical violence aimed at the destruction of whole nations, unless Can it be like? Some scientists conclude on the basis of large losses of the Soviet Union - victory at all and do not be considered a victory. But for each person, especially for the Soviet citizen, the protection of the Motherland was sacred, and those losses that were incurred could not be compared with the fact that entire peoples were liberated from the fascist occupation and tyranny. But for what did the German fascists die? About this "scientists" try not to spread. And should be. After all, Germany started this war in order to enslave and capture nations.

Schedules and the leaders of the fascist movement were executed on all rules of the Nuremberg Court. To the history of both science, there is one requirement, it must be objective and truthful.

Monuments established in all liberated countries soldiers of the liberators of the Soviet Union. In Berlin, a hall was located on all liberators from fascist Germany, at the top of the hall there is a bronze statue of the Soviet soldier who keeps in one hand saved childand the second hand breaks the swastika fascists. This historical monument is very honored by the Germans, as a sign that their people were released from fascism. The German legislation is prohibited by fascism in any of its manifestation.

On May 9, the anniversary of Victory is celebrated - 70 years of victory over fascism and this is the 70th anniversary of the Victory holiday for the peoples of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

70 years old Great Victory is celebrated with the great pride for making our ancestors for us and future generations. And we are grateful to them for gave us a calm, free and peaceful life. A hundred and thousands of years will pass, but we will always remember, honor and be proud of the victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

Coins of the series "70th anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945"

Throughout 2015, the celebrations associated with the onset of the Great Date were held on the territory of the former USSR - the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Second World War.

The Bank of Russia released a set of memorable money to the greatest event In the history of the country. Called the set "70 years of victory in Word 1941 - 1945".

Varieties of memorable monetary signs

The program for the manufacture of memorable metal monetary signs is provided for a chasing 21 of the varieties of this series. Coins are released in two nominal:

  • a set of 18 copies of 5 rubles;
  • a set of 3 copies of 10 rubles.

The price of the entire set is approximately 2 thousand rubles.

Jubilee coins are no advantageous than 5 rubles in size from ordinary five-pass signs. They are made of steel and nickel. The release was carried out by 2 million edition of each of the 18 options. The price for which it is possible to purchase any unit, which is included in the set fluctuates in the area of \u200b\u200b150 rubles.

Coins with a denomination of 10 rubles to the anniversary of the celebration of 70 years of victory in the Second World War Made of standard sizes. Jubilee 10 - ruble money are bimetallic: their ring is cast from brass alloy, and the mint is from Melchior. All three varieties of memorable Chervons were issued by 5 - million parties. The price of one copy that makes up the set is approximately 60 rubles.

Short list of coins series

Coins in honor of 70 years of victory in the Great Patriotic War 5 rubles

A series of 5 - ruble signs is minted in honor of the most significant military battles that influenced the course of the war and giving the hope of the exhausted people to get rid of the fascist fascist yoke.
The list includes such large-scale operations of the WWIA as Stalingrad and Kursk battles, the battle for Moscow, Leningrad, Dnipro and the Caucasus, Belarusian, Baltic, Viennese and Berlin operations. The entire list to the celebration of 70 years of victory in the Second World War with the full name, the date of chasing, the circulation and the metal alloy can be seen in the table below.

Coins "70 years of victory in the Second World War" nominal value of 10 rubles

Anniversary 10 ruble coins are executed only in three options and reflect the fact of victory in the Second World War, and not specifically any event of a historically important era.
Making memorable worms

  • Metal monetary sign "Emblem 70 years of victory in the Second World War"
  • Metal monetary sign "Liberation of the world from fascism"
  • Metal monetary sign "End of World War II"

Information in all parameters can be seen in the table. This includes the name of the sign, the date of Checan, the number of copies in the series and the name of the metal alloy.

The kit is not quite familiar with the name for the numismates of our country of the third on the list of coins. As a rule, the release of memorable metal money is associated with the end of the Second World War, and here the manufacture of monetary signs is timed to the end of World War II.

To quickly transition to the description, photo and auction prices of the coin, click on the link by clicking on the name of the coin in the Table Column "Name".

70th anniversary of victory "



Year of issue



up to 2 million

Steel with nickel galvanic coating; AC.


up to 2 million

Steel with nickel galvanic coating; AC.


up to 2 million

Steel with nickel galvanic coating; AC.


up to 2 million

Steel with nickel galvanic coating; AC.


up to 2 million

Steel with nickel galvanic coating; AC.


up to 2 million

Steel with nickel galvanic coating; AC.


up to 2 million

Steel with nickel galvanic coating; AC.


up to 2 million

Steel with nickel galvanic coating; AC.


up to 2 million

Steel with nickel galvanic coating; AC.


up to 2 million

Steel with nickel galvanic coating; AC.


up to 2 million

Steel with nickel galvanic coating; AC.


up to 2 million

Steel with nickel galvanic coating; AC.


up to 2 million

Steel with nickel galvanic coating; AC.


up to 2 million

Steel with nickel galvanic coating; AC.


up to 2 million

Steel with nickel galvanic coating; AC.


up to 2 million


up to 2 million

70th anniversary of Victory ", Denomination: 10 rubles

Name Metal Year of issue Circulation
10 rubles End of World War II Ring: brass,
Disc: Melchior; AC.
2015 5 million

Thanks to the shown heroism and the extraordinary courage of ordinary soldiers, who represented the entire national composition of the Soviet Union, large-scale military operations were successfully completed. Many of them gave life on the way to the long-awaited victory. In no case should not forget about the contribution to the great victory of the Supreme Commander Echelon, because this in their heads were developed by the plans of military battles, they were able to coordinate the actions of a huge army.
Over the past four years, there has been a huge number of bloody battles, many taut feats have been committed. The most famous battles were reflected in the release of memorable coins to the anniversary of 70 years of victory in the Second World War.

The war with the fascists was terrible. How many lives she interrupted! How many fate was crying! How many cities and towns destroyed the duck! Thanks to the valiant and fearless Soviet army, it was possible to expel this evil, not only from our lands, but also help free from the horrors of fascism to the occupied European countries. By giving tribute to the unparalleled dedication of Soviet people who fought on all the fronts of the Second World War, President of the Russian Federation Putin issued a decree "On the anniversary medal" 70 years of victory in the Great Patriotic War. " This Decree has a special position and instructions for its presentation. 70 years is a very long time. Now those who in 1945 were the insurrections of the junters, already deep old people. Every year of them, veterans of the Secondary War, remains less and less. The medal "70 years of victory" is a great opportunity for all of us to express our confession to these people and tell them "Huge thank you."

Jubilee awards

After completing any great and significant event, inevitably go through years. They discolor bright memories, dulp the sensations, make a lot to revise and rethink. In order not to be erased by the memory of the past, it was accepted for each anniversary to release memorable signs and awards, which are awarded to people who participated in the event. Such are the anniversary medals dedicated to victory over the fascists. The first one was released in 1965, when the 20th anniversary of the Great Victory was noted. Next, such medals began to produce every 10 years. That is, there are awards and signs of distinction to the 30th anniversary of this great event, to the 40th anniversary, of course, to the 50th anniversary. This anniversary was preparing especially carefully, since 50 years is a round date. The award of veterans was significant, presented in 1995. In 2000, who himself was an anniversary, a medal was released to the 55th anniversary of the victory. We can say that it has become a tradition of conducting awards not after 10, but after 5 years. Since in 2005 veterans awarded medals to the 60th anniversary, and in 2010 - to the 65th anniversary of this glorious event. Came a turn of 2015. It was approved on his eve and released a medal to the significant date - the 70th anniversary of our great victory. About 3 million veterans of the war living in Russia, including the Crimea, were presented to award.

Description of medals given by veterans in 1965-1985

Receive awards are always honorable and nice. They give people who survived the terrible years of war, confidence that their feat is not forgotten by the current generation. The jubilee medals, are presented since 1965, have a different design of both an obverse and reverse. In general, they only have that each has "UCHO". It connects with a ring. With it, the award is attached to the block, on which there is a pin on the reverse side. With the front side of the shoe covered with moored ribbon. Reverse medals are also almost identical. Each has an inscription in large convex letters, reporting how many years passed with the desired victory for all people. On the reverse side of some anniversary awards there are also additional signs. Let's spend short descriptionHow did the medal look at the jubilee anniversary of the Victory Day in different years:

1965 (20th anniversary of our great victory). Metal, from which the reward is brass. The diameter is 32 mm. Avers: depicted a monument set in the Trept-Park. It is a sculpture of the Soviet liberator soldier with a saved girl in his arms. Under the legs of the Soviet warrior two branches of Lavra. In the center of the medal figures "1945-1965". Reverse: In a circle, inscription in large letters, saying that since the Great Victory passed 20 years. In the center of a star with diverging rays. On her background, Roman numbers "XX". Tape: on red green and, black stripes.

1975 (the 30th anniversary of our great victory). Metal - brass. The diameter is 36 mm. Avers: on the background festive salutes Convex image of a well-known many sculpture of Vuchetich and Nikitin "Motherland Mother". On the left side of the star, the two branches of the laurel and figures "1954-1975". Reverse: at the top of the inscription "The participant of the war". In the center: "XXX Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." At the bottom on the background of the ribbon sickle and hammer. Ribbon: on red orange, black and greenish stripes.

1985 (40th anniversary of Victory). Metal - brass. The diameter is 32 mm. Avers: images of a soldier, worker and peasant on the background of a big star without rays, the Kremlin Tower, two laurel branches and the inscription "1945-1985". Reverse: at the top of the inscription "The participant of the war". In the center of convex letters inscription that from the date of our victory in the Second World War passed. Under this inscription, the image of the tape, and above it is a small sign of the sickle and hammer. Moir tape: on red green background, orange and black stripes.

Description of the 1995 award

There was a time when we were all citizens of one country, in which there was no division by national sign. Therefore, all veterans of the war, regardless of their place of residence, were awarded a single sample. Even in 1095, when the country began to tear into parts in favor of political and personal ambitions, the medal to the 50th anniversary of the nice victory over the fascists was one for all veterans. She became the last award that all participants of the war received, regardless of which corner of the Soviet Union they lived.

Description of the medal released to the 50th anniversary of our Great Victory:

Metal - Tompac (brass with copper and zinc impurities). The diameter is standard - 32 mm. Avers: depicts the Spasskaya Tower, famous to the world Cathedral of Cathedral on the Ravy, part of the Kremlin Wall, Salute. At the bottom of the convex image (monochrome) Order of the Patriotic War, two branches of Lavra, the inscription "1945-1995". Reverse: downstairs laurel branches. On them with large fonts, which since the long-awaited victory over the fascists has passed 50 years. Ribbon: Red wide strip, narrow black (3 pcs.) And orange (4 pcs.) Strips.

The Soviet Union collapsed. The baltic countries came out of its composition, becoming independent countries. In them, the victory in the Second World War began to be considered in another perspective. All rewards were canceled by its participants.

XXI Century

In the new century and millennia, some countries formed from the USSR republics continued to be a glorious tradition to reward their veterans of the Second World War. Dedicated to the 55th anniversary, the 60th anniversary and the 65th anniversary of the greatest victory were made and presented. All of them have the same diameter, equal to 32 mm. They looked in different years like this:

2000th (55th anniversary of the victory). Metal - tampack. Avers: An image of a climax in the Victory Parade, held on Red Square in 1945, Mausoleum, Kremlin Wall, the famous Spasskaya Tower, the inscription in the volumetric letters "55 years". Reverse: In the center of the inscription "The victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945". At the bottom of the laurel branches, at the intersection of which - sickle and hammer. Ribbon: a combination of red, white, blue, black and yellow stripes.

2005 (60th anniversary of our great victory). Metal - tampack. AVERS: The center is depicted by the Order of Victory. At the bottom of the numbers "1045-2005". Reverse: laurel branches in a circle. In the center there was a convex inscription that 60 years have passed since the victory. Tape: in the center of the red strip, bordered by orange and black stripes.

2010 (65th anniversary of our great victory). Metal - tampack. AVERS: The center is depicted by the Order of Glory I degree. At the bottom (under the Order) numbers "1945-2010". Reverse: here only the inscription that from the date of our victory in the war with the fascists passed 65 years. Ribbon: in the center of black and orange stripes, along the edges of red stripes.

Analogs of this medal issued in Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

70 years of significant victory over the fascists

In 2015, all civilized people of the world celebrated 70 years of the greatest and very long-awaited victory over the fascists. To this date, several anniversary awards were issued, including the medal "70 years of victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.". A decree was released on the establishment of this award signed by Putin. This document is registered under No. 931. He came into effect on December 23, 2013. The situation was also signed about this medal, which indicated the categories of people worthy of awarding, the manufacturers and persons responsible for execution of the decree were determined.

In 2014, on June 4, the disposal of the president was approved, in which the instructions for serving the award. The lists of the awarded should have been the heads of municipalities in the field (in the settlements where veterans live), and in foreign countries - ambassadors of the Russian Federation. They were prescribed to send lists in the Russian Foreign Ministry. Award the award and the certificate attached to it was only in a solemn atmosphere. Awarded medal "70 years of victory" no additional benefits are provided.

The basis for awarding

Work on the compilation of lists is not as easy as it may seem. Responsible persons are required to revise a lot of information, check hundreds of documents.

The basis for entering the list of awards is:

  • Military ID.
  • Certificate of disabled personality.
  • Employment history.
  • Help about finding in military service or work during the Great Patriotic War, issued in the military unit or in the archive.
  • Red Army book.
  • Certificate of injury or other serious injury in the years of the OG or the war with Japan.
  • A certificate of veteran or participant of the Second World War.
  • Certificates of awarding commemorative medals in honor of previous anniversaries of victory over the fascists, as well as / or Germany.
  • Documents indicating awarding and valiant work, shown during the Military Liphetye, for the defense of Moscow, Leningrad, Sevastopol, Odessa, Stalingrad, Caucasus, Kiev, Soviet Polaria.
  • The sign "A resident of the Blood Leningrad".
  • Documents confirming stay in concentration camps and ghetto.
  • Help on rehabilitation confirming citizens' finding at least six months in a link, in prison, in the colonies of the NKVD during the Great Patriotic War.

Categories of awarded participating in battles

According to the presidential decree, the reward should be awarded:

  • Servicemen and Wolnonamet, who participated in combat operations during the Second World War.
  • Partisans.
  • Underfooters whose groups acted in the occupied lands.
  • Persons with anniversary awards in honor of the victory over Germany and / or Japan.

Categories of persons who did not participate in battles

According to the decree signed by President Putin, the Medal "70 years of victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" Citizens were awarded, in battles did not accept participation. Their categories are as follows:

  • Prisoners of concentration camps and ghetto.
  • People who "the came" victory in the rear and rewarded with medals for their selfless work.
  • People who worked during the war and received a reward for labor difference.
  • Having a reward for labor valor during the war years.
  • Residents of the Blood Leningrad.
  • Persons who were awarded medals for the defense of some cities (Moscow, Sevastopol, Kiev, Leningrad, Stalingrad, Odessa, the Caucasus, the Northern Polar region.
  • Foreign citizens who fought in the ranks of the Soviet Army, partisan detachments, underground organizations (this is not about the inhabitants of the CIS).


Circulation medals "70 years of victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" There was more than 3 million, according to the census conducted in 2015.

This award looks like this: it is made of a silver alloy. The diameter is standard for the awards of this type and is 32 mm. Avers: There is an image (multicolor) Order of the Patriotic War I degree. Below (under the Order) figures "1945-2015". Reverse: in the circumference of the branch of the Laurel, the ribbon. In the center of the circle of the word "70 years of victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945". All images are made embossed. On the edge of the medal there is a side. Ribbon: Includes a red strip in the center. On both sides, the brown stripes and alternating orange and black stripes are bold.

Such appearance Medals have not received all states. So, in Moldova on the front side there will be no sickle and hammer. In Ukraine, they approved their medal by adding national attributes to its design.

You need to wear a reward on your chest on the left side, after the medal, handed over to the 65th anniversary of a significant victory.

Medal "70 years of victory over Germany"

She was also released for the anniversary. Approved it by the decision of the Commission on Memorable Signs and Public Awards. The document was adopted in 2015 on February 4. The chairman of the commission was M. M. Moiseyev. In the provisions about this award and the medal "70 years of victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" much in common. Almost identical and the list of categories of people who were presented to her. The difference is that this reward was additionally handed:

  • Persons contributing huge contribution in the activities of the veteran movement.
  • Search activities.
  • People popularizing military history.
  • Members of military historical societies and clubs who adhere to the active position in their work.


Metal - light bronze. The diameter is 32 mm. Avers: In the center, the image of Stalin in the profile, the face is turned left. Dressed in the shape of Marshal USSR. Above the convex letters: "Our business is right," and at the bottom: "We will win." Reverse: In a circle, the inscription "For the victory over Germany", smaller letters in the center of distinct letters: "In the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945", at the very bottom of the sprocket. The tape is represented by alternating black and orange stripes.


Veterans award not only commemorative medals. "The 70 years of the Great Victory" is an ordinance mark, also released to a significant anniversary. He looks almost identical with the Order of the Patriotic War. He is like this: a five-pointed red star against the background of diverging golden rays and crossed sabers with a rifle. In the center of the star Sickle and hammer sign framed in a white circle. On him, the inscription "Patriotic War", below the little yellow asterisk. The difference between award-winning is that the Order is screwed into clothes, and there is an eye on the memorial sign as on medals. With its help, the award is attached to a covered ribbon block, on the back of which there is a pin.

In the authenticity of this sign, many doubt, because in state registers about the awards of information about him there is no.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the anniversary medals for the Victory Day over the Nazis are important not only for veterans. These awards are needed and to us as a reminder of how the price this victory got that we never allow the revival of fascism again.