Lilac bush main characters. Characteristics of the main characters of the work Lilac Bush, Kuprin. Their images and description. The Moral of the Lilac Bush: Key Findings

Year: 1894 Genre: story

Main characters: officer Nikolai Almazov, his wife Vera

Despite the small volume, the work "Lilac Bush" is very soulful, the author is A. I. Kuprin. The story was written in 1894, and in the same year, in the fall, it was published in the journal Life and Art. The story quickly fell in love with readers and earned a lot of positive feedback.

For the theme, you can take love and relationships in the family, what a wife is ready to do for the sake of her beloved husband.

The idea is to show selfless and sacrificial love, to reveal family relationships. Two main characters appear before the reader, these are the spouses Verochka and Nikolai. The author shows that Verochka is ready for anything for her husband. She does not sleep all night, and is ready to give away all the precious things, she is very good moral support for her husband, and does everything because she loves him. In his story, the author touched upon the problem of a somewhat unequal marriage, Nikolai Almazov is a weak character, when Vera, on the contrary, is a very strong, wise, woman ready for anything for her husband.

Read the summary of the story Lilac Bush Kuprin

Nikolai Evgrafovich Almazov, one of the main characters of the story, comes home to his wife, and barely waiting for her to open the door, quickly goes to his office. The wife immediately understood from her husband’s face when something happened to him, and this time, seeing his stern and frowning face, she realized that something was wrong.

She followed Nikolai into his office. Almazov, in turn, was an ordinary poor young officer. Now he was studying at the Academy of the General Staff, and on this ill-fated day he had just returned from the exam. Today Almazov handed over his last completed work to the professor, and this work was very important and contained a survey of the area. Before that, there were other exams that were very difficult for Nikolai, and only his wife knew how he suffered and tried to pass everything.

Yes, if we take only the admission itself, then only in the third year of attempts Almazov managed to enter. All this time, his wife was next to him and supported him, perhaps if it were not for her support, Nikolai would have given up long ago and dropped his hands. Vera constantly tried in every possible way to help her husband, to cheer him up. She even taught herself not to get upset because of failures and always smile. Verochka was ready to give up everything she wanted, if only to create comfortable conditions for her beloved husband, because she perfectly understood that he was at work with his head. She even helped him in every possible way at work and study, being his tutor, book, copyist and draftsman.

For about five minutes the couple sat in silence until Vera was the first to speak. She asked what happened to the job, if she was accepted, she wanted her husband to tell her everything. Nikolai reacted sharply, and in a nervous voice told his wife that the work had not been accepted. Almazov was very angry, because his work was not accepted because of the stain.

At first, Vera did not understand what had happened, after which her husband told her how he had been sitting at work until late in the evening, and was very tired. The plan turned out to be very good and neat, but at the very end, Nikolai's hands shook and he planted a stain on paper. I tried to clean it, but smeared it even more. Nikolai decided to draw trees in that place, and in the end everything turned out very well. At the check, the professor noticed the presence of bushes and began to ask where they came from in the drawing. So a dispute ensued, as a result, the professor was ready to go to that area to make sure that there were no bushes there.
Vera was probably even more upset than her husband. She thought about how to help him.

As a result, the wife goes to the pawnshop and rents there all the jewelry that she found in her. She wanted to use the money she received to buy vegetation and plant it in that place. Having come to the gardener, they start a conversation and the gardener recommends buying a lilac bush. The spouses, having listened to the man, buy a lilac bush and go to that area in order to plant vegetation there. The next day, the husband had to go back to hand over the work, Vera was very worried and was waiting for her husband. As a result, it turned out like this, the professor, who arrived at the place where the bush actually was, was very surprised and apologized. After that, he gave the go-ahead to this plan of the area. This case brought together and made the spouses happy, because it turned out the way they wanted. Now the lilac will truly become their favorite tree.

A young and poor officer named "Almazov" came home from a speech at the Academy of General. headquarters and sat down in his office without taking off his clothes. The wife immediately realized that a misfortune had happened. On this day, Nikolai defended his instrumental survey of the area to the professor. Nikolai Almazov was offendedly silent, but because of his wife's demands, he told his situation.

Last night, when Nikolai was already finishing work on the project, he planted a huge spot with ink. He wanted to clean it up, but it only made things worse. He did not think of anything better than to draw a bunch of trees in place of the spot. The scientist to whom Almazov handed over the work, of course, noticed this. Almazov wanted to argue, but the professor did not even want to hear that there were some trees there. The wife came up with an ingenious plan. They took all the jewelry from the house, and then went to the jewelry dealer. There they turned in a diamond ring and a bent bracelet, receiving 23 rubles for it.

Surprisingly, the diamond ring came out for only 3 rubles, and the old bracelet was priced much more expensive. Then they went to the gardener, it was already late, the gardener did not even agree to sell anything, but when Almazov's wife told this story, he sold them lilac bushes, and then they planted them in the right area. The next day, when Nikolai went to the professor to prove his case, the wife simply could not wait for her husband at home. She went out to meet him from work on the street. From afar, it was evident from his gait that everything went perfectly. They hugged, joined hands and happily went home.

So lilac became the favorite flower of the wife of Nikolai Almazov. This work teaches us that close people will often help us in a difficult situation, that such people should be greatly appreciated, because without them we cannot cope with this difficult life. The main thing in this life is support loved one, they are the most important thing that we have.

Title of the work: lilac bush

Year of writing: 1894

Genre of work: story

Main characters: Nikolai Almazov - officer, Vera - his wife


Nikolai Almazov is studying at the General Staff Academy. It was possible to enter there only on the third attempt. I wanted to quit everything, but my wife helped me not to give up. Arriving home, he tells his wife that he failed to turn in his job. And this is an instrumental plan of the area. Damn Nikolai accidentally put a green spot and made a bush out of it. The professor said that there were no bushes there. But Almazov proved his case, and the professor decided to go in the morning to inspect the territory. So that her husband would not be expelled, Vera came up with a plan - to plant bushes overnight. For this I had to pawn the jewels. The old gardener was hardly persuaded to plant lilacs in the dark. And the job did get done. The professor apologized. And the Almazovs could not get enough of a successful business. Vera said that from now on the lilac is her favorite bush.

Conclusion (my opinion)

The story shows the deep feelings of husband and wife. Vera was ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of Nikolai's success. Despite the night, she made a lot of efforts to save. In addition, she could not wait for the arrival of her husband at home, so she went out to meet on the street and was happy for him for a long time. The willingness to help and support means a lot to a loved one.

The story "The Lilac Bush" by the famous Russian classic Alexander Kuprin was first published in the printed edition "Life and Art" under the number 305 of October 17, 1894. Love and happiness have become artistic idea this work. For some, happiness lies in the material component or in freedom, for others - in scientific achievements in the professional field, in science or creativity. Third, happiness is known in love, well-being and mutual understanding with relatives and friends.

It was this important topic that Kuprin made the main one in his work “The Lilac Bush”. Summary says that the main character Vera and her husband Nikolai also had their own feeling of happiness. The author describes his characters with extraordinary warmth and tenderness. It seems that he admires their relationship.

"Lilac Bush" (Kuprin): Summary of the work

Let's go directly to the text of the work. Let us analyze the summary of Kuprin's story "The Lilac Bush": it all begins with the fact that a young and not very rich Russian officer Nikolai Almazov is studying at the General Staff Academy. He has almost passed all the current tasks, and there is only one left practical work, the most difficult, according to instrumental survey of the area. To pass the exam, Almazov needs to submit an accurate drawing of the terrain plan for verification.

But this is not the most exciting thing that a very short content can tell about. Kuprin lilac bush makes fatal for Nikolai Evgrafovich. It was because of him that he flunked the exam and returned very upset after class. As it turned out, the meticulous German teacher rejected his drawing, because, in his opinion, an inattentive officer drew some kind of bush on it, although it cannot be in this place, in any case, the teacher himself was one hundred percent sure of this .

The ill-fated spot

Here is such a somewhat incomprehensible incident that Kuprin describes in his work “The Lilac Bush”. Summary continues interesting facts: it turns out that Almazov, in the evening preparing for the exam, accidentally put a green spot on the drawing plan, and then he decided to finish the green bushes on it. But the professor was a very pedantic person, and this fact caused him great doubts and indignation (soon even a serious dispute broke out). The teacher of the academy claimed that he knew this area very well and that there were no bushes there and never were. He became very angry and promised that the next day he would definitely check if there was a bush on this site.

Kuprin fills the “Lilac Bush” with terrible intrigue. The summary further warns that Almazov was threatened with expulsion if he discovered the deception, because he entered the academy only the third time, and this is the great merit of his wife Verochka, who selflessly helped her husband, denied herself everything, was his tutor, copyist, draftsman , a reader, in general, created all the conditions for him to study at the academy.

Faith's cunning plan

Kuprin knew firsthand the complicated life of an officer. "Lilac Bush" (summary) continues with the following events. So, the expulsion of Nikolai Evgrafovich could mean a dot on his entire military career. Returning home, he completely drooped, felt like a worthless and lost person. But Vera decided to help her husband at all costs and went for a trick that cost her a lot of money. She pawns her modest jewelry in a pawnshop and for this money, which amounted to 23 rubles, she buys a lilac bush and hires a gardener who immediately felt sympathy for the lovely lady.

During the night, a luxurious lilac bush appeared at the indicated place. Almazov's wife personally followed this and did not calm down until the lilac was planted, and in such a way that it was not clear that she was planted recently.


The next day, Vera looked forward to her husband with great impatience and even went outside to meet him. And then from afar she noticed him - he walked with a cheerful bouncing gait. By his appearance, she immediately realized that the story with the bush ended happily, and now they should not be afraid of any revelations.

Nikolai managed to prove to the professor that the bush still grows in the place where he did not expect to see it.

This is how the lilac bush brought into the house that feeling of happiness and peace that the heroes so dreamed of.

Lieutenant Almazov was impressed and told his wife for a long time how the unusually surprised professor apologized to him, all the time referring to his old age, absent-mindedness and inattention. Verochka's husband was happier than ever in his life, which means that she is with him. It was on such a pleasant note that Kuprin finished “The Lilac Bush”. The summary, of course, cannot convey all this pleasant mood, so it is better to read this work in full.

For creativity A.I. Kuprin is characterized by special attention to the concept of love. What is true love? What is it like? The same story is dedicated to one of the types of love - between husband and wife. Therefore, it seems to give the reader the opportunity to think about what family relationships can be called deep, sincere, and what they are built on.

“Lilac Bush” - a story by A.I. Kuprin, written in 1894 and published in October of the same year in the journal Life and Art. It belongs to the author's early prose. A great thematic variety and a humane, sensitive attitude towards the characters are characteristic of this writer's pen test.

The work immediately fell in love with reviewers and ordinary readers. It can be said that it made the author a name in the literary world. Not surprising, because the writer began his creative way with descriptions of human virtues. Only then did he begin an active journalistic activity, which brought him to the social bottom. The plots of that period no longer pleased the public, but confused it.

The meaning of the name

Why did Kuprin call his story that way? The image of lilac is found more than once in Russian literature and, in particular, in prose. So, in " spring waters» I.S. Turgenev, lilac symbolizes the emerging love and at the same time separation, just as in the novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov" with a branch of lilac is associated with the beginning of the relationship between Oblomov and Olga, and the same image is associated with parting.

In the story of A.I. Kuprin, the image of lilac is also associated with a love theme: it symbolizes true marital affection and love, sincere participation and mutual assistance, which is the main problem, the semantic center of the work. In addition, this bush means the beginning of spring, and in the context of the work, it indicates that the spouses have not cooled off towards each other, on the contrary, a wonderful time has opened in their relationship, where mutual warmth enlivens everything around.

Genre and direction

The story of A.I. Kuprin's "Lilac Bush" refers to the method and direction of realism. Kuprin is one of the most famous representatives of this trend in Russian literature. His works are very bright and detailed descriptions everyday life (daily conversations, events), filled with the feeling of a kind of living participation in them of the author-narrator.

In the story, as a rule, one or several events in the life of the hero or heroes are depicted, one story line- these features are characteristic of the work "The Lilac Bush", and therefore, we can define it as a story (the plot is built around how Vera and Nikolai Evgrafovich solve the problem successful delivery exam).


Compositionally, the work can be divided into three parts:

  1. The return of Nikolai Evrgafovich from work and a message to his wife about the failure;
  2. Verochka's energetic help to her husband - every effort to rectify the situation;
  3. Happy ending - Vera meets Almazov again, and he tells her the good news about success.

Such a composition is called a mirror composition: both at the beginning and at the end of the story, Vera's husband returns with news from work.

About what?

The story "Lilac bush" about marital love. This theme is revealed in the relationship between Vera and Nikolai Evgrafovich. So, Verochka takes an ardent part in everything that happens in her husband's life. She constantly supports him, denying herself everything, even the necessary, for the sake of his success. Thus, a woman pawns her jewelry to get money for a gardener who can plant bushes so that her husband can pass an exam. The fact is that he accidentally put a blot on the drawing, and instead of it, in order not to redo it, he drew a bush. The professor got angry and did not credit the work, as he knew the area by heart. But the heroine planted a lilac in that place, and the embarrassed teacher, seeing him, changed his grade. At the end of the story, the happy spouses laugh and share their joy and mutual love with each other. In this short episode, which reveals the essence of the story "The Lilac Bush", the writer showed a recipe for getting rid of life's problems. Alone, a person has a hard time, he loses faith in himself, but in marriage he gains not only emotional attachment, but also a faithful ally in the person of a lover or beloved. The main thing is to learn to put common interests above personal ones.

The other side of the story is the theme of life values. For Vera and her husband, this is love, prosperity, mutual understanding. Professor Nikolai Evgrafovich, for example, is shown as a person who devoted himself, his whole life, to his beloved work.

Main characters and their characteristics

  1. Nikolai Evgrafovich Almazov- a young poor officer who only the third time entered the Academy of the General Staff. All exams were given to him very hard, costing a lot of work. He is described as the strong man, but the failure at the last exam hit his self-control very hard, and he was so upset that he almost wanted to cry from resentment. In a difficult moment, he listens to his wife, does not resist her desire to help, fulfills her short instructions.
  2. His wife supported him in everything. Verochka, capable of deep sympathy, able to take on the role of the head of the family in difficult times, resolve a difficult situation, become a peacemaker.
    So, she addressed her husband very carefully and affectionately, her quick decisive actions were caused by sincere concern about the state of mind of her husband, his possible future failure.


The main themes of the story, closely related to each other, are love and happiness. What's happened true love? Does it contain happiness? True feeling is based on mutual trust, on the ability to sacrifice for the sake of a loved one, on the ability to understand the pain and joy of a loved one, and real happiness, spiritual and elevating a person, can be in its possession. That is why we can call Vera happy: she is capable of such deep love, and her husband cherishes her just as much as she does them.

In the story are given short descriptions details of everyday life, the environment in which the action itself takes place, and sketches of nature convey a special feeling at one time or another, such as the silence and beauty of the late evening:

When the Almazovs arrived at the gardener, the white St. Petersburg night had already spilled over the sky and in the air with blue milk.

This state of evening peace is also continued by the fact that at this time people are already returning home to their families.

The gardener, a Czech, a little old man with golden glasses, had just sat down to dinner with his family.


The work raises, first of all, the problem of love and the related problem of happiness. In particular, this is the difficulty of true, sacrificial love, and the ability to sincere participation, sympathy. This is both a lack of fortitude in the main character, and a difficult task on the shoulders of Vera - to take on the role of the main one and resolve a difficult situation when a loved one is at a loss.

One way or another, the problems of the work are connected with moral categories. love relationship between people. What are the properties of true love, and how does it manifest itself? Is it capable of making a person truly happy and spiritually free in his happiness? Moral problems also affected Vera's husband, when he realized his deceit and realized that he had not acted very well towards the professor.


The main idea of ​​the work is that deep affection, mutual love, trust and respect of spouses are built on the ability to sacrifice oneself for the sake of a loved one, to support, sympathize - to be near. Life in harmony can only be born if both people treat each other very carefully and with love. It is such a marriage that can make a wife and husband happy, elevate them above the routine and everyday life.

It is interesting that the main idea of ​​Kuprin focuses on the role of a woman in marriage. The weather in the house largely depends on it. If she had not shown due understanding and only attacked her husband for lack of attentiveness, then Nikolai would have broken down completely, and the family would have turned into mutual torture. But the support, sympathy and love of Vera, who sacrifices her interests for the good of her husband, saved the situation and rescued the hero, who is again ready to conquer the granite cliffs of science.


So, the story of A.I. Kuprin's "Lilac Bush", presenting a certain ideal of marital relations, and completely realistic, inspires the reader with the natural beauty of human feelings: mutual respect, trust, sacrifice, participation. Thus, our consciousness can absorb this ideal, accordingly, rise and approach it, understand its essence and unconsciously reach out to its beauty.

You need to learn to love. Many people think that this feeling falls from the sky or depends entirely on the mysterious compatibility of hearts, but the writer draws our attention to the fact that he needs to study, overcoming difficulties together. True love is not a gift, but an achievement that comes to moral and virtuous people who are ready to work on themselves to achieve harmony in the family. This is what Kuprin teaches in his story.


The story of A.I. Kuprin "Lilac Bush" I perceived as something very solid, organic, natural. The relationship between Vera and Nikolai Evgrafovich, everyday, seemingly everyday, is described so intently and truly that it is easy to be enchanted by the mutual friendship and love of the spouses. The impression from the story is a certain example of marital relations that appeared somewhere in the memory, natural, completely close to real life and at the same time very noble and beautiful.

The writer's contemporaries took the story enthusiastically. So, I. V. Terentiev wrote that "A. Kuprin's work has the healing power of the purest moral source." In his article, he especially praised the image of Vera, as the most successful discovery of the author.

Interesting? Save it on your wall!

Frolkina Oksana Vladimirovna,

teacher of Russian language and literature,

Gorlovskaya secondary school І-ІІІ stages No. 40

with the provision of preschool education



1. The analyzed text is a combination of third-person narration and direct speech of the characters artwork(A.I. Kuprin's story "The Lilac Bush"). A.I. Kuprin wrote his small, but such a heartfelt story “The Lilac Bush” in 1894 within the framework of the realistic trend that dominated literature at that time. It was published in October of the same year in the journal Life and Art. The audience greeted the work with affection, critics wrote only positive reviews.

2. The theme of the story is unequivocal - love: sacrificial, giving all of itself without a trace to a loved one. Vera knows no other worries, how to help her husband in the service, in his studies - most likely, in everything in life. She sincerely rejoices at his success and is infinitely happy to see him happy.

The main idea of ​​the story "The Lilac Bush" is the great power of love. It is the love, tenderness, devotion and loyalty of Vera Almazova to her husband that helps to do everything for him to overcome adversity.

3. The composition of the story is three-part: the failure of the work, its defense and happy outcome.

A clear line is drawn between parts 1 and 2, neutral in emotional mood - the night when the lilac bush was planted.

4. The meaning of the title is inextricably linked with the theme of the work. The lilac in Kuprin's story is an image-symbol, since it is the lilac bush that brings happiness to the heroes. Lilac is a plot-forming detail.

There is a legend that tells that the goddess of flowers Flora decided to decorate the earth with the advent of spring. She mixed the sun's rays with the rainbow and began to generously scatter them on the ground. Flowers bloomed everywhere - red, yellow, orange, blue. But as we moved north along with the spring, the colors began to run out, and when Flora reached the northern lands, she had only white and lilac colors left. The goddess sprinkled them on a small shrub of the northern lands, and small white and lilac flowers appeared on it.

In Russian lyrics, lilac is a symbol of the early flowering of nature. This beautiful flower that blooms in spring. Spring is the time for lovers. It can be assumed that lilac is the flower of lovers. In addition, lilac has four petals. In mythology, four is a symbol of the universe. And there is also a five-petal lilac, which brings happiness.

Thus, the main emotional characteristic of the story is happiness. It is the lilac bush that brings happiness to the heroes. At first, the young spouses are oppressed by the failure that befell Almazov. He did not enter the Academy, and all because of the stain on the blueprint. They are looking for a way out, and Verochka finds it. A lilac bush planted outside the city helped Almazov enter the Academy. The lilac bush brings happiness and peace to the Almazov family.

5. The lexeme "lilac" has the following meaning: "A large garden shrub with purple or white fragrant flowers." The name of the plant is associated with the name of the color - "lilac". In the Encyclopedia of Symbols, lilac means "the first feeling of love."

Establishing the lexical and symbolic meanings of this nomination makes it possible to identify the features of the author's textual associations, in the formation of which the word "lilac" is involved. Note that the nomination "bush" in its second meaning means "group association", which, in our opinion, has its own semantic load in A. Kuprin's story.

The hero of the story is Nikolai Almazov, a young poor lieutenant, a student of courses at the Academy of the General Staff, the successful completion of which would allow him to get a promotion and no longer serve in the regiment.

The image of Almazov's wife, Vera, is created by the writer with the help of verb constructions, which makes it possible to judge a young woman as an active nature, able to sacrifice, help in difficult times, selflessly love:

But Verochka did not let him lose heart and constantly supported there is vivacity in it .... She accustomed to meet every failure with a clear, almost cheerful face. She denied herself everything she needed , to create for a husband, although cheap, but still necessary comfort.

Almazov, performing the most difficult practical work - instrumental survey of the area - "planted a spot" with green paint on a perfectly drawn plan. In order to somehow correct his oversight, he decided to go for a trick.

I thought, I thought what to make of it now, and I decided to depict a bunch of trees in that place .... It turned out very well, and it’s impossible to make out that the stain was And he (Professor. - N.Ch.)says: "No, I know this area like the back of my hand, and there can be no bushes here."

Almazov had to insist on his own, and then the professor suggested checking the next day whether there were bushes in this place or not. To save her husband, Verochka suggested: "... if there are no such stupid bushes, then they should be planted right away." Having pawned earrings, a ring, and a bracelet in a pawnshop, thus gaining twenty-three rubles, the young people went to the gardener.

The nomination "bushes" gets its specification in the text - "lilac bushes". Other florisms appear ( turf, grass ), the functional purpose of which is to mark the process of implementing Verochka's plan to save the honor of her husband.

She went with her husband to the countryside, all the time while the bushes were being planted, she fussed hotly and interfered with the workers, and only then agreed to go home when she made sure that the turf near the bushes was completely indistinguishable from the grass that covered the entire saddle.

The florisms “leaf”, “tree”, “birch”, “bushes” are involved in marking the emotive dominant of that fragment of the text when the professor saw bushes of a plant on a wasteland that he knew well:

"What is this tree?" he asks. I say: "I don't know, yours." - "Birch, it must be?" - is talking. I answer: “It must be, birch, yours. Then he turned to me and even extended his hand. “Excuse me, he says, lieutenant. I must be starting to get old if I forgot about these bushes.

Thus, the florism "bush" in the semantic space of A. Kuprin's story really acquires an additional, symbolic meaning. "The grouping of people together to perform certain actions."

At the end of the story, the nomination "bush" is no longer used. The florisms "lilac", "flower" appear, which in the text are a symbol of camaraderie and love. A kind of "evolution" is observed: just a bush "turns" into a flower, which is called the heroine's favorite:

husband and wife suddenly laughed at the same time and looked at each other.

- What are you? Vera asked.

- What are you doing?

- No, you speak first, and I then.

- Yes, that's nonsense. I remembered the whole story with lilacs. And you

- I, too, nonsense, and also - about lilacs. I wanted to say that lilac will now forever be my favorite flower ...

The study of the semantic and functional potential of florisms in the work of A. Kuprin allows us to say that they play a regulatory role in the perception and understanding of characters' images.

6. In the story "The Lilac Bush" Kuprin shows the family happiness of the Almazov family. The names of the heroes already contain an assessment of what is happening, since the diamond is gem, brilliant, multifaceted. This is a hint of a clean, bright relationship between spouses. It can be assumed that, endowing his heroes with such a surname, Kuprin emphasizes that, in essence, they are very good people with rare spiritual qualities, including the ability to love. And overcoming life's difficulties will “polish” their characters and relationships to a “diamond shine”. The name Vera is also no coincidence (female name Faith has Slavic roots, however, it spread only with the advent of Christianity, has the same meaning as the word "faith"): this is faith in one's strength, confidence in the future. Nicholas -translated from Greek means "victor of nations", and the patronymic Evgrafovich is from the name Evgraf, which in Greek means "writing well." The choice of the name of the protagonist suggests that, although with the help of his wife Vera, Almazov emerges victorious from this situation:

- Good! Wonderful! he shouted ten more paces away in response to the worried expression on his wife's face. "What is this tree?" - asks. I say, "I don't know, yours." - "Birch, must be?" -is talking. I answer: "It must be, birch, yours." Then he turned to me and even extended his hand. "Excuse me, he says, lieutenant. I must be starting to get old, if I forgot about these bushes." He is a nice professor, and such a clever one. Really, I'm sorry that I deceived him.

The author calls the main character none other than Verochka. This gentle name contains all the sincere love and tenderness that reigns in this family. She also supports emotional calm: " Without a wife, he, perhaps, not finding enough energy in himself, would have given up on everything. But Verochka did not let him lose heart and constantly kept him cheerful ... She learned to meet every failure with a clear, almost cheerful face. ". Verochka was as needed."scribe, draftswoman, reader, tutor and memorial book "husband.

The tone of this text is also decided at the lexico-semantic level. Kuprin uses vocabulary that shows a calm, happy and cheerful emotional tone: " And they walked home as if there was no one else on the street except them: holding hands and constantly laughing. Passers-by stopped in bewilderment to take another look at this couple ... ".

The emotional tone of the story "The Lilac Bush", like many other early works of Kuprin, we define as major.

7. The basis of the narrative is the reception of antithesis. The author uses it in the image of the characters.

Opposite personality traits of the main characters

“Verochka did not let him lose heart and constantly kept him cheerful ... She taught to meet every failure with a clear, almost cheerful face ...

Vera stood two steps away from him, also silently, with suffering on her beautiful, nervous face.

Annoyed, dissatisfied

Calm, restrained, patient, gentle, affectionate

Helpless, passive, throws up his hands in amazement, wrinkles his forehead

Resourceful, active, active, accurate, fast

Sees no way out, does not believe in success

Believes in the success of the case, hopes for a positive outcome

Submits to his wife, acts according to her plan, the face shines with "the triumph of victory" . Almazov is transformed: from a gloomy unsuccessful person he turns into a happy person

In a difficult situation, he feels like the head of the family, responsible for her husband, for his future

Persistent, purposeful, but due to previous failures, he became nervous and unsure of his abilities

Kind, sympathetic, selfless, loves her husband very much, can find a way out of any situation

Reception of antithesis helps to reveal the idea of ​​the work. The author makes it clear that the main thing for happiness is not the similarity of characters, but patience, work, perseverance and love, understanding and mutual assistance. Thanks to these qualities, people overcome difficulties and not only keep love, but also strengthen it. In place of grief, failure comes happiness, success, you just need not to lose faith, not to succumb to despondency, to support each other. The author does not give us external description heroes. Kuprin focuses his attention on the inner world of the characters, which is much more important than appearance.

The narration comes from the author's point of view and one can trace how the author himself relates to his characters: Kuprin openly expresses his feelings, treats Vera with great sympathy. Let's see how the author calls the hero: Nikolai Evgrafovich, Almazov (and only Vera calls him Kolya). And the heroine for the author is Vera, Vera. But both heroes are dear to Kuprin. He writes about them warmly, with interest. The author admires them, does not even condemn the professor for a little deception.

8. Episodic, but no less vivid characters appear in the story: an appraiser, a gardener and a professor. The appraiser is accustomed to the daily spectacles of human misfortunes, methodically and for a long time examines the brought things, answers with an air of tired indifference, the gardener was at first very surprised and dissatisfied with what happened, refused to send workers at night to such a distance, he listens to Vera at first incredulously, almost hostilely, but then , having learned about the desire to plant a bush, becomes more attentive and smiles sympathetically several times. It can be seen that the author sympathizes with this "little old man with golden glasses."

The union of the heroes of the story "The Lilac Bush" by Nikolai and Verochka passed the test of strength. Lilac becomes the embodiment of this union, love, readiness for mutual assistance, to overcome difficulties for the good of a loved one. After the story of planting lilac bushes ended happily, Almazov and Verochka go home happy. At home for tea, they again return to the conversation about lilac bushes and Vera admits that from now on lilac will be her favorite flower. One cannot help but believe that Verochka and Nikolai will be happy, will go through their entire life path holding hands, and fragrant lilac flowers will be a guarantee of happiness for them.

9. This seemingly unpretentious work of Kuprin hides deep meaning. The author managed to show the essence of special human relationships that manifested themselves in an ordinary everyday situation. At the moment of marriage, all future spouses hear about how it is necessary to support each other in all sorts of conflicts of fate. However, many subsequently forget about it, or they simply do not have enough time to lend a helping hand to their spouse once again. The example of Faith shows how important such support can be. The ability to find the right words, and sometimes to force them to act in a certain way, helps to save not only the cause, on which a lot of time has been spent, but also relationships between people. As for the heroes of this story, you can be sure that their further living together sure to be happy.

1894, in the newspaper "Life and Art" in No. 305. Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin wrote it in 1894.

Encyclopedic YouTube

    How to reduce the height of a lilac bush

    Drawing lessons (No. 94) with oil paints. We draw a lilac bush in the park on canvas

    [Story Theatre] A.Kuprin "Lilac Bush"



Nikolai Evgrafovich Almazov, a young poor officer, attended classes at the Academy of the General Staff. He passed all the previous exams quite successfully and approached the most difficult task - "instrumental shooting of the area." One day he returned home from a lecture and told his wife, Vera, that the area plan drawn by him was rejected by the professor. It turned out that Almazov, during the drawing of the plan, accidentally put a green spot on it, and in order to correct his oversight, he depicted green bushes in place of the spot. When Nikolai presented his work at the academy, the professor doubted the correctness of the facts, since he knew that on this place bushes never existed. A dispute ensued between the young officer and the professor, during which the professor promised to check the facts the next day, which threatened Almazov with expulsion. And he already entered the Academy of the General Staff only the third time, and then thanks to the constant moral support of Vera. Having told everything to his wife, Nikolai Evgrafovich wilted completely. Suddenly Vera jumped up and began to dress. She answered her husband’s questions: “If these stupid bushes are not there, then they should be planted right away ... Yes, they should be planted. If you already told a lie, you need to correct it. Having collected her jewelry, Vera, together with Nikolai, went to a pawnshop, where she pawned her earrings, an old solitaire ring and a bracelet, with the proceeds of twenty-three rubles she hired gardeners who planted lilac bushes at the indicated place. The next day, Vera could not sit at home and went out into the street to meet her husband. Even from a distance, from only a lively and slightly bouncing gait, I learned that the story with the bushes ended happily ... For a long time Lieutenant Almazov told his wife how the professor apologized, what was the expression on his face, what tone he spoke about his old age, that at the same time Kolya felt.

Artistic idea of ​​the story "The Lilac Bush"

The artistic idea of ​​the story "The Lilac Bush" is love and happiness. What is happiness? Each person understands this differently. For some it is wealth, for others - their own achievements in science or creativity. For the third - love, well-being in the family and the presence of a loved one. Someone believes that happiness is freedom, someone - that it is understanding ... The heroine of the story by A. I. Kuprin "The Lilac Bush" by Vera Almazova has her own happiness!

Story title

The meaning of the title is inextricably linked with the theme of the work. Lilac for the Almazov family is characterized by a new stage in life. The story has such a name, since it is the lilac bush that brings happiness to the heroes. Nikolai Almazov studies at the Academy of the General Staff. It is very difficult, there are difficult exams, and due to an accidental mistake, the young officer found himself in a difficult situation. He and his wife Vera are looking for a way out, and Vera finds it. A lilac bush planted outside the city helped Almazov. It is the lilac bush that brings happiness and peace to the Almazov family.


In the center of Kuprin's story "The Lilac Bush" there are two heroes - a young officer Almazov and his wife Verochka. We learn that Almazov has been trying to enter the General Staff Academy for the third year. For the hero, this is very important - Almazov is passing exams at the limit of his abilities, because he does not want to return back to his regiment, and even with a complete defeat. This is a very ambitious person with great ambitions. But, at the same time, Almazov is weak, his support, "strong hand" is his wife Verochka.

This woman is stronger, bolder and brighter than her husband. However, the heroine does not live her own life, she is all in the cares and affairs of her husband. His admission to the Academy is the work of her life. That is why Vera decides to deceive the professor, who took the last exam from Almazov - the plan of the area. Due to accidental negligence, a blot, the pedantic German did not accept the drawing. The desperate officer comes home almost crying. Of course, Verochka could not see her husband in such a state. Therefore, she decides on a daring, but ignoble act - to deceive the professor, plant bushes in the place where they were on Almazov's plan.

Having pawned the last jewels in the pawnshop, at night, the heroine convinces the gardener to send his people out of town, she goes along with them and her husband, controls the whole process to the end. And only when Almazov receives a long-awaited assessment, Verochka calms down. The hero is also satisfied - his dream has come true, he will finally enter the Academy.

None of these heroes think that they committed an immoral act. For Almazov, this does not matter, the main thing is that he achieved his goal, satisfied his ambitions. For Vera, this is also unimportant, because she did everything she could for her beloved husband.

Thus, the heroes of the "Lilac Bush" are very different, but complement each other perfectly. Almazov is weak and cowardly, but overly ambitious, and Verochka is strong, resolute, bright, but completely absorbed in love for her miserable husband.

The story "The Lilac Bush" by the famous Russian classic Alexander Kuprin was first published in the printed edition "Life and Art" under the number 305 of October 17, 1894. Love and happiness became the artistic idea of ​​this work. For some, happiness lies in the material component or in freedom, for others - in scientific achievements in the professional field, in science or creativity. Third, happiness is known in love, well-being and mutual understanding with relatives and friends.

It was this important topic that Kuprin made the main one in his work “The Lilac Bush”. The summary tells that the main character Vera and her husband Nikolai also had their own sense of happiness. The author describes his characters with extraordinary warmth and tenderness. It seems that he admires their relationship.

"Lilac Bush" (Kuprin): Summary of the work

Let's go directly to the text of the work. Let us analyze the summary of Kuprin's story "The Lilac Bush": it all begins with the fact that a young and not very rich Russian officer Nikolai Almazov is studying at the General Staff Academy. He had almost passed all the current tasks, and there was only one practical work left, the most difficult one, on instrumental surveying of the terrain. To pass the exam, Almazov needs to submit an accurate drawing of the terrain plan for verification.

But this is not the most exciting thing that a very short content can tell about. Kuprin lilac bush makes fatal for Nikolai Evgrafovich. It was because of him that he flunked the exam and returned very upset after class. As it turned out, the meticulous German teacher rejected his drawing, because, in his opinion, an inattentive officer drew some kind of bush on it, although it cannot be in this place, in any case, the teacher himself was one hundred percent sure of this .

The ill-fated spot

Here is such a somewhat incomprehensible incident that Kuprin describes in his work “The Lilac Bush”. The summary continues with interesting facts: it turns out that Almazov, in the evening preparing for the exam, accidentally put a green spot on the drawing plan, and then he decided to draw green bushes on it. But the professor was a very pedantic person, and this fact caused him great doubts and indignation (soon even a serious dispute broke out). The teacher of the academy claimed that he knew this area very well and that there were no bushes there and never were. He became very angry and promised that the next day he would definitely check if there was a bush on this site.

Kuprin fills the “Lilac Bush” with terrible intrigue. The summary further warns that Almazov was threatened with expulsion if he discovered the deception, because he entered the academy only the third time, and this is the great merit of his wife Verochka, who selflessly helped her husband, denied herself everything, was his tutor, copyist, draftsman , a reader, in general, created all the conditions for him to study at the academy.

Faith's cunning plan

Kuprin knew firsthand the complicated life of an officer. "Lilac Bush" (summary) continues with the following events. So, the expulsion of Nikolai Evgrafovich could mean the end of his entire military career. Returning home, he completely drooped, felt like a worthless and lost person. But Vera decided to help her husband at all costs and went for a trick that cost her a lot of money. She pawns her modest jewelry in a pawnshop and for this money, which amounted to 23 rubles, she buys a lilac bush and hires a gardener who immediately felt sympathy for the lovely lady.

During the night, a luxurious lilac bush appeared at the indicated place. Almazov's wife personally followed this and did not calm down until the lilac was planted, and in such a way that it was not clear that she was planted recently.


The next day, Vera looked forward to her husband with great impatience and even went outside to meet him. And then from afar she noticed him - he walked with a cheerful bouncing gait. By his appearance, she immediately realized that the story with the bush ended happily, and now they should not be afraid of any revelations.

Nikolai managed to prove to the professor that the bush still grows in the place where he did not expect to see it.

This is how the lilac bush brought into the house that feeling of happiness and peace that the heroes so dreamed of.

Lieutenant Almazov was impressed and told his wife for a long time how the unusually surprised professor apologized to him, all the time referring to his old age, absent-mindedness and inattention. Verochka's husband was happier than ever in his life, which means that she is with him. It was on such a pleasant note that Kuprin finished “The Lilac Bush”. The summary, of course, cannot convey all this pleasant mood, so it is better to read this work in full.

Kuprin is very close to the theme of human relations, happiness, love. The story of a separate family, where they are used to solving problems together, pushed the author to the idea of ​​the work. In Kuprin's story "The Lilac Bush", the characters are faced with a serious problem, which is solved thanks to the wisdom and love of Verochka, the wife of the protagonist. Description of the main character, her quick balanced decisions, desire to achieve the perfect result, dedication - the most important scenes in the story, they reveal the secret of a happy relationship. The author does not give a direct description of Verochka, her actions very clearly reveal the inner world and spiritual qualities of a woman.

Characteristics of the heroes “Lilac Bush”

main characters

Almazov Nikolay Evgrafovich

For two years in a row, a young officer has been trying to enter the academy. In the third year, having passed all the exams, he failed the last project. The professor turned out to be a good connoisseur of the landscape, and Nikolai's tricks did not help correct the mistake. Thanks to his wife, he proves to the professor the presence of bushes the next day after the failure. He apologizes, and Almazov is accepted into the academy. A hardworking, persistent, diligent young man wins thanks to his wife's faith in him and her wisdom and resourcefulness.

His wife, Vera

Wife Verochka a true friend and Nikolai's assistant. She believes in him, helps in preparing for exams, makes drawings, spends family funds based on the needs of her husband. Smart, kind, selfless woman. Her wisdom rescues her husband when his latest project fails. She suggests planting bushes where he indicated them on the drawing (due to a spot of green ink, Nikolai depicted bushes, but the professor argued with him that there was no vegetation in that area). A wise wife sells the last expensive things to a pawnshop, the spouses buy lilac bushes from the gardener and plant them that same night.


German, an excellent specialist, an excellent teacher, a principled, honest person. Almazov calls him a monstrous pedant. The professor apologizes to the young officer, referring to his age. He tastes the lilac leaf, wondering how he didn't notice the bushes before. Lilac becomes - a symbol of a young family, the favorite flower of Nikolai's wife.

Minor characters


The main characters of "The Lilac Bush" are united by a common goal, but morally and intellectually the woman prevails. She is spiritually stronger, calmer, wiser than her husband. She is the guardian angel of the family, its foundation. It is noteworthy that the man himself is to blame for the problem with the delivery of the project. His wife helped him with the theory, with the drawings, but he put a “blot” with green ink, tried to erase it, which completely ruined the work. At this moment, one feels the irresponsibility and immaturity of the young officer's act: such an attitude to the final work is unacceptable. Nikolai is exhausted by exams, nervous tension, and an unbearable study load. Only the faith and perseverance of his wife save him from a breakdown, he cannot betray her hopes. Kuprin writes about true, sacrificial love, capable of devoting oneself to another person, dissolving in him. Such a family is doomed to be happy, because the idea of ​​the story is taken by the writer from personal experience.