Who are the fish really friends with? Fish friend. Aquarius Woman and Pisces Man Marriage Compatibility


They attract each other: Pisces is impressed by the passion of Aries, and Aries is attracted by the sensuality and tenderness of Pisces. For Pisces, this union is favorable, but for Aries in these relationships it is not easy because of the strong attachment to the partner. Next to Pisces, the partner changes - it becomes soft, gentle and faithful.

It is very difficult for them to understand each other, so the emergence of friendly and even friendly relations is unlikely. However, cooperation may well be fruitful.


They are so different, but still they are together: Taurus is hardworking, and Pisces are lazy; Taurus is strong, and Pisces is indecisive; the first is practical, and the second is dreamy. They do not conflict, but harmoniously complement each other. A very favorable union for both.

The patience of Taurus will help them establish relationships and make a wonderful friendly and business tandem.


They attract each other: Pisces - with dreaminess, sensuality and mystery, and Gemini - with activity, love of life and wit. However, this couple finds many reasons for confrontation. They are both followers by nature, but there is no one to lead them. This relationship is doomed because each of them needs a stronger partner.

Next to each other, they can get bored, so they are unlikely to want to communicate often. But they will surely like to engage in joint activities, especially creative ones.


They know how to please each other, as both are sensual and emotional. This lovely couples in which partners touchingly love each other. They complement each other: Rybka dreams, and Cancer does; Pisces want to tame Cancers, but they do not resist; Pisces are indecisive, but Cancers are responsible. In a word, this is an ideal union with a good prospect of a happy marriage.

They have a complete mutual understanding, so they easily establish any partnerships.


Pisces can make Leo happy, but Leo's bossiness and impulsiveness often offend and hurt Pisces. The resentment of fish begins to annoy Leo. These relationships are doomed to death, because the partners are as far apart as the earth and the sky. Marriage is not recommended for this couple.

Pisces in partnership with Leo is uncomfortable because of the rudeness, impudence and dominance of the “king of beasts”.


They have too different characters and temperaments - this prevents them from creating a strong harmonious couple. Virgo lives by the rules, the intellectual aspect is important for her. Pisces perceive the world through the prism of their feelings. Their union is a struggle of reason and feelings, and there will be no winner in this struggle! A short romance, most likely, will end in nothing.

Pisces evaluates Virgos as boring, petty and callous people, so the desire to make friends rarely arises.


Sympathy - more than enough, and physical attraction is clearly not enough. They should not be together - this is fraught with great difficulties, because Pisces do not know how to make money, and Libra loves to spend it. On this basis, conflicts will often arise. They will not be able to satisfy each other sexually. In general, it is better for them to be friends than to be in a pair.

Creativity will certainly unite them, and cooperation will certainly bring success.


They are very suitable for each other: Pisces love their partners, and Scorpios know how to appreciate it. Scorpio is the owner, and Pisces themselves are not averse to falling into dependence on a loved one. In return, Pisces get a strong and wise mentor and protector. They will try to always be faithful to each other. An ideal union with a good prospect of a long-term relationship.

Pisces and Scorpios can become both good friends and reliable business partners.


At first, they are connected by a pleasant pastime in the bedroom, but gradually the attraction subsides. Usually it becomes too little to continue the relationship. Pisces crave attention and declarations of love, while Sagittarius is looking for an opportunity to apply their energy outside of these relationships. An unfavorable prognosis regarding the continuation of the relationship.

Together with Sagittarius, Pisces can have fun, but it will be quite difficult to establish partnerships.


The coldness and closeness of Capricorn can hurt Pisces. At the same time, Capricorn makes Pisces feel secure. The fidelity of Capricorn will be highly appreciated by the partner. In general, this is a good union of two people connected by spiritual and intellectual interests.

Together they can achieve great success, especially in creative activities. Friendship will only work if Capricorn is interested in it.


Aquarians fall in love with Pisces, but are often unable to make them happy. Pisces is not satisfied with the coldness of Aquarius, their love of freedom. Conflicts on this basis can lead to discord. Although in rare cases it is possible to create a happy family if Aquarius wants to change himself at least a little for the sake of his beloved "fish".

It is difficult for them to surprise each other; Pisces are skeptical about many ideas of Aquarius. This prevents them from establishing any kind of partnership.


Their relationship rarely results in anything serious. If life consisted of one sex, they would not part. But life is such that it is impossible to build a strong relationship on sexual attraction alone. Two weak, sensitive and dependent people begin to experience serious life difficulties. Each of them needs stronger partners. Union is hopeless.

They like to communicate and make friends. However, business cooperation will not work due to the indecision and laziness of partners.

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Surely you have always been surprised by the fact that it can be good with one person, but you don’t even want to see another. It is especially strange if a person is good in himself and there are no complaints against him, but, alas, there is no connection with him. Why do we choose some people as our friends and keep others out? This will help to understand the astrological view of this issue. In the end, each sign of the zodiac has its own traits, which become decisive in friendship.


friends with Gemini, Aquarius, Leo and Sagittarius.
Since this sign belongs to the element of Fire, its representatives have pronounced leadership qualities. Aries are quick-tempered and easily offended. This greatly affects friendship. In general, they are always ready to support a friend, but sometimes they can make the wrong choice and go in the direction of the material, not the spiritual.


friends with Pisces, Cancer, Virgo and Capricorn.

This is the second sign in the zodiac list. It is ruled by the element of Earth. Due to this, Taurus are known for their developed organizational skills. They have no separation between friends and family. They treat everyone equally warmly. You can always turn to them for advice and help. If they are friends with someone, they will not regret anything for a good friend.


friends with Aries, Leo, Libra and Aquarius.

This sign belongs to the Air element. Geminis are praised for their communication skills and friendly nature. As a rule, they have many friends. They are good listeners and quite flexible in communication, they can perceive completely different people. But most of all they value intelligence, their friends are not inferior to them in this.

friends with Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio and Pisces.

As a representative of the Water element, Cancer is rather hidden and prone to reflection. They can support their friends, but it is very difficult for them to make new acquaintances. Cancers will always be faithful and devoted in friendship, if you do not undermine their trust. Most of all they like to solve the problems of their friends, they consider it their moral duty.

friends with Gemini, Libra, Aries and Sagittarius.

A rather aggressive sign, since it belongs to the element of Fire. Lions have good organizational skills and strive to be absolute leaders in everything. However, it is not easy for them to make friends with anyone, although they love attention. Leos are very sensitive and afraid to let people get too close to them. They carefully choose their friends, but even with them they prefer to be in charge.


friends with Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus and Capricorn.

A typical representative of the Earth element. Virgos prefer to be inside themselves, are slightly mysterious and have strategic qualities. They are called "communicators". Virgos are not particularly self-confident, they have natural modesty. Most often, they find it difficult to make friends with people. If they begin to be friends with someone, then there is no doubt that Virgo will give useful and good advice in a difficult situation. Plus, they are reliable people.


Friends with Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini and Aquarius.

People of this sign belong to the element of Air. By nature they are idealists. They do not want to be absolute leaders, but strive to control everything in their lives. Libras attract people. They are pros at advising others. It is easy for them to identify all the pros and cons of the current situation. Libra can not stand loneliness and is constantly looking for contact with society.


friends with Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer and Pisces.

Scorpios are ruled by the element of Water. They belong to those people who prefer to be secretive. As a rule, they have a limited circle of friends. Scorpios are wise in matters of friendship. However, you should be careful with them, because with one wrong step, others run the risk of abruptly turning from friends into enemies. When there is care, respect and trust, friendship with a Scorpio can last for years.


friends with Libra, Aquarius, Aries and Leo.

This is a representative of the Fire element. They have excellent communication skills and are very Good friends. Sagittarians are open-minded and enjoy adventures with friends. They are easy to make friends with because they are charming and will never dictate their terms. In matters of friendship, Sagittarians are very bold and decisive.


Friends with Scorpio, Pisces, Taurus and Virgo.

A sign ruled by the element Earth. They have hidden leadership qualities that they prefer to hide. Capricorns are loyal to their friends and are ready to take care of them. They prefer stable and long-term friendships. There are no hidden implications in their desire to help, they do everything with pure intentions for their friends.


Friends with Sagittarius, Aries, Gemini and Libra.

Aquarius is ruled by Air. They have many friends, so it is difficult for them to maintain a stable relationship with everyone. Thus, they rarely develop close friendships with anyone. Aquarians have a free spirit and they do not like it when their opinion is imposed on them, and they themselves will not do this. The only thing that can serve as a strong link for maintaining strong friendships is intelligence.


friends with Capricorn, Taurus, Cancer and Scorpio.

The element that governs this sign is Water. In communicating with people, Pisces is helped by a creative mind and communication skills. By nature, they are quite secretive people. Nevertheless, Pisces are generous and helpful friends. They know how to listen and analyze incoming information. Friendship with them is very reliable.

Pisces themselves are very complex individuals. The union of such personalities can bring both complete understanding and complete failure for both. When meeting, Pisces will immediately feel a mutual attraction. They will be attracted by the similarity of personalities, common interests and hidden duality of nature. Few people can notice that Pisces always has a second side, it can be carefully hidden in the depths of consciousness, but it definitely lives there. No matter how hard the Pisces try to hide their second "I", they will not be able to hide it from other Pisces. The whole secret is not in the deep penetration of Pisces, but in the fact that they all have the second side and it is she who works like a magnet.

Pisces men and women have a lot in common, but the problem is that they have in common not only strengths, but also weaknesses. Pisces are kind and responsive, they are not hermits like Cancers, but they are not dependent on society, like Lions, they are something like a golden mean. Pisces do not strive for material prosperity, although quite often they manage to achieve it. They always and everywhere appear together, friends are accustomed to perceive them as a single entity. They are completely non-conflict people and in union with each other they find complete harmony.

But there are Pisces and disadvantages. They are too susceptible to bad influences. In fact, they are subject to any influence, but in this case, it is the bad that interests us. Paired with stronger signs, Pisces gets the support of a partner. on which they can rely, the partner helps them not to go downhill and choose the right path. But paired with Pisces, they get the same soft and driven partner as themselves and there is a big risk that both of them will go downhill. Pisces tend to go headlong into other worlds, they easily succumb to addictions and have a hard time parting with them, usually only with professional help. Pisces need to look after each other, because they have no one else to rely on. It is good if they have relatives who are worried about them and will help in case of trouble.

  • friendship compatibility

The friendly union of two Pisces often ends in a relationship. They are good friends, they have the same interests, views and habits. They will be happy to spend leisure time together, even to the detriment of relationships, if they have any. From this friendship, they receive almost kindred care, such friendship lasts a lifetime and does not fade away. Pisces are not prone to conflicts, and even more so with loved ones, because nothing threatens their relationship.

  • Work Compatibility

Pisces work well together, they are executive, not conflicted and easily converge in work. It is unlikely that they will achieve great heights in their work, for this they lack the fuse and, in fact, the desire. Pisces are essentially dreamers, because in business they are unlikely to succeed, they talk more than they do, they have no business acumen and passion. They are not adapted to emergencies, because if something happens and there is an emergency at work, Pisces remain at a loss.

The expansive imagination of Pisces distinguishes them from other representatives of the zodiac circle. The mystical mystery and extraordinary sensitivity of water signs is formed under the influence of the Moon: they are used to thinking intuitively. With whom can these unusual people get along? Consider compatibility: Pisces with other zodiac signs. How to find an approach to impressionable persons?

earth signs

Marriage compatibility with Taurus is not very good. Taurus does not like the impracticality of Pisces and the endless wandering in the clouds. Scandals can arise on financial grounds, as Taurus are used to counting every penny. The best harmony can be achieved by a couple where the Taurus woman and the Pisces man - she will help her husband gain confidence in his abilities. Relationships will only get stronger with age.

With Virgo in Pisces, an alliance can develop successfully if both partners agree to change in the name of common love. Pisces' tendency to have their heads in the clouds can annoy Virgo, but it can teach Pisces to be more practical. But this only applies to a couple where Pisces' wife is. If the wife is Virgo in a couple, then the union is categorically impossible - the spouse will begin to suppress Pisces and extinguish any desire to be together. Pisces do not tolerate criticism and nit-picking. Only a common goal can save a marriage.

With Capricorn, the union is very prosperous. Pisces just lacks a confident and reliable partner in all respects. Capricorn takes on the solution of all life's problems, Pisces can only calmly follow him. This alignment of forces suits everyone. Capricorn surrounds Pisces with complete comfort, and they fill him with the necessary romance and play of feelings. Both signs have a positive effect on each other.

air signs

With Gemini, relationships depend only on the desire or unwillingness of partners to change and adapt to each other. In practice, partners quickly end relationships, seeking to hurt each other more painfully. Gemini consider Pisces to be too intrusive in the manifestation of feelings, and Pisces lacks attention from Gemini. Sometimes unusual married couples can be found, where the Pisces man takes on the role of housekeeping, and the Gemini woman provides for the family financially.

Pisces has nothing in common with Libra, and they do not even try to find common ground. The union is possible only temporarily - for romantic meetings. In conditions family life any romantic notes that sounded during dates will fade away. Firstly, both signs are characterized by uncertainty in their abilities and do not have a clear position in life. Secondly, each partner will try to shift the responsibility to the other.

With Aquarius, an alliance is possible with mutual concessions. A conflict between them may arise on the basis of misunderstanding - both have non-standard thinking and are not able to adapt to each other. Problems await a couple in everyday matters - none of them knows how to properly manage a household. Both are carried away by dreams, hover in the clouds and cannot land on the sinful earth. A union can be harmonious only in business or creative relations.

fire signs

Pisces has such a different temperament with Aries that relationships are hardly possible. Aries Pisces seem passive and too slow. In fact, Pisces simply do not keep up with the active Aries, their life rhythms do not match. Despite the harmony in sexual terms, in everyday life, these signs do not correspond at all to each other. In relationships, Pisces suffer from the pressure of the temperamental Aries, and their coldness is not to their liking.

Relations with Leo are so difficult that an alliance is hardly possible. The rhythm of movement of Cancer and Leo is so opposite and multidirectional that they are simply not able to understand each other. The Pisces woman tends to throw tantrums about jealousy, makes attempts to manipulate her husband - this is categorically not tolerated by the royal person of Leo. A Pisces man can negotiate with his wife Leo if they jointly distribute responsibilities and conscientiously fulfill each of their roles.

An alliance with Sagittarius is impossible, since the straightforwardness of the fiery sign hurts the impressionable Pisces. Sagittarius is not used to prevaricate, expresses everything on the forehead and does not care about the feelings of a person. In addition, both partners begin to compete in manipulation - who will outplay whom. Only a common goal or spiritual ideal can unite this pair.

Friendship with Pisces

In friendship, Pisces demonstrate positive traits loyalty and compassion. These are excellent interlocutors who are able to sensitively listen to a friend. They, like no one else, can truly empathize with a friend. Pisces can not only sincerely listen to the interlocutor, but also sincerely admire him. This ability of Pisces is explained by the constant wearing of pink glasses - they do not see shortcomings point-blank. Unfortunately, Pisces is constantly wondering how they could not notice the deceit of a friend.

The strongest friendships are formed with representatives of their element - Scorpions and Cancers. Pisces know how to calm the expressive Scorpio, and he will protect his friend to the last drop of blood.

Pisces get along very well with earth signs. Pets of the earth element give Pisces confidence in their abilities, and they envelop them with tender feelings and warmth of the heart. Pisces with earth signs have no reason for conflict.

Pisces and Aquarius get along well with each other - these are two dreamers and idealists who perfectly understand each other. Attracts Pisces and the fiery temperament of Aries, whose cheerfulness can dispel any sadness. Leo can provide patronage to insecure Pisces.

With whom is friendship impossible? Relations with Libra and Aquarius, Virgo and Sagittarius do not go well.

On the way to happiness, these signs of the zodiac are waiting for painstaking work on the harmonization of relationships. Although it all depends on the couple - their individuality. It is important to find out the main problems in the union in order to eliminate them in time and increase overall compatibility. Knowledge is power if applied at the right time.

The good news is that these zodiac signs have a lot in common and this has a beneficial effect on their relationship. Sincerity, emotionality, as well as a great fantasy are the qualities that make their world multifaceted, make them enjoy life.

Pisces and Aquarius believe in the same standards - they are idealists. The whole world for them is like the Emerald City, whose inhabitants looked at their city through special glasses. Although they have a lot in common, it can be difficult for them to understand each other, which makes it difficult for them to be compatible. This is especially noticeable when a guy and a girl meet before marriage.

Pisces is a zodiac sign that will always show concern for their neighbor. Gentleness and kindness are the pillars of character on which this sign rests. Aquarius is pleased with such qualities and will accept them with gratitude. Aquarius is also a zodiac sign that loves independence. Other signs are against it, but not Pisces. This is exactly what they like.

Since the character of Pisces is softer, Aquarius decides everything in most families. It is in such pairs that compatibility is good. What if Aquarius is a girl?

Pisces man and Aquarius woman

The Aquarius woman is an individual who is difficult to surprise or shock with something. She is always ready for something extreme, for any antics. Impulsive woman. She will easily do something that can shock her man or her inner circle. So that her husband should not let her get bored.

Pisces men have a strong logic and completely forget about romance. Walking under the moon is not their hobby. They are good with fantasy, so they can always surprise their woman. Their character is soft, they are easy to convince. Family for Pisces is in the first place in the list of life goals. Softness and suppleness make Pisces good family men. Although this is not enough to keep such a woman near him. A love union requires many sacrifices on the part of the husband.

The union of partners is not particularly passionate - no, love is present here, but without fanaticism. Yes, they do not need it, this man and woman have other ideals - spiritual closeness. We can say that they have the compatibility of souls, kinship at the cosmic level.

The Pisces man does not like to lead, that is how he was born. If an Aquarius woman is prone to obedience, then he simply has nowhere to go - he will have to take the “first violin” in the family upon himself. He will do well in this role.

The characters in these zodiac signs are a bit similar. Although this seems to be a plus, in fact, this is precisely what drives a wedge into the overall compatibility of the pair. Because money is needed, but where to get it? If a man and a woman live in a fictional world. Take off the glasses of Goodwin, the wizard of the Emerald City, then enlightenment will come - reality. Otherwise you can be upset love relationship forever.

Also, partners in such unions experience not only love, but also a great creative upsurge. They are each other's muse, zodiac signs who have found their inspiration. Although the diversity of this union is quite large - it is creativity that can keep a man and a woman married until old age. A couple can give out brilliant creations - masterpieces.

Aquarius man and Pisces woman

Although there are many positive emotions, everything is not always smooth in a couple. A man and a woman cannot endure household chores. Life is disrupted because of this, which affects overall compatibility. Love is a good thing, but when you want to eat, you will not be full of love alone. One of the partners will still have to take care of household chores in order to maintain the relationship.

This couple needs to learn how to sacrifice their interests for the sake of joint goals, then the union of a man and a woman will be successful. The husband should spend more time in the family, and his wife should do everything to make her want to return to their house.

If we take the sexual life of Aquarius and Pisces in this pair, then it is rather difficult to predict any results for these signs of the zodiac. A man is always looking for something and will go into a relationship only when he is sure of the reciprocity of feelings. Love flirting is not for him.

Love and passion fill the hearts of partners in this union.

Rescues a difficult sexual compatibility- wild fantasy and imagination. The couple gets an excellent platform for their experiments. Their creativity and creative potential is fully realized there. How many conflicts have subsided after such violent experiments. Here fantasy played an important role, eclipsing even the Kama Sutra.

Pisces and Aquarius in friendship, work and business

If you have a chic project, then do not create a team of Pisces and Aquarius, because these zodiac signs have poor work compatibility. These signs of the zodiac work in different rhythms, and they also have different business qualities. There are no complementary qualities that would be able to bring success to the joint business. If they work together, then Pisces always fall under the influence of Aquarius, who is always ready for risky experiments. Unfortunately, they are not always successful.

In business, as in business partners, they also have poor compatibility. Aquarius will always offer his partner a transcendent goal - utopia. The softness of Pisces can provoke a positive response and vain work, as well as loss of finances. So it is better for these signs of the zodiac not to start joint projects. The exception is creative projects. They will always bring their material to perfection when it comes to creativity.

Good friends, excellent compatibility in friendship. Many common interests will make them great friends. Friendship is also possible between a man and a woman. They especially like to discuss creativity, novelties, classics. All that is ingenious and out of higher worlds. Aquarius in friendship is looking for similarities of interests, and Pisces - emotions. If they find what they were looking for, real friendship turns out.