17 amazing facts about mushrooms. The most interesting facts about mushrooms. Interesting mushrooms of the world. Engineers of transport routes

Of all the vast varieties of living organisms ever existed on the planet, the mushrooms not only managed to survive all the historical cataclysms that occurred, but also have every chance to survive all of us and all living in the future. The centuries-old disputes about what it is - an animal or plant ended in that they were allocated by a separate kingdom, recognizing the absolute uniqueness of their nature. These are special organisms that are not only not fully studied by a person, but still not even counted. Older than the oldest dinosaurs, more than the largest herd of elephants, the mysteriousness of deep-sea abode - these born in disputes of omnipresent creatures may be the most amazing and incredible on our planet.

Does the mushrooms have intelligence?

Do not rush to smile. Japanese Professor Akhakaya spent an amazing experiment with a yellow mold mushroom. After placing it at the entrance to the experimental labyrinth for rodents, at the opposite end, he put a piece of sugar. "Uuyukhav" Sweet smell, he began to actively produce hyphae processes in search of production. When entering dead-end branches, they unfolded back and searched for new ways. In just a few hours, the labyrinth was completely filled, and one of the threads still found the road to Sugar.

The second series of experiment was carried out with a piece of a cage, participating in the first experiment. He and a piece of sugar were laid on the initial positions of the exact copy of the first labyrinth. Further struck everyone. Mushroom instantly released only two threads. The first quickly and accurately found the way to sweets along the already known trajectory, without losing their forces on additional search, and the second rose around the wall up and paved the way straight, changing the rules of the game.

Engineers of transport routes

Increased by the experiment described above and thinking over an amazing ability to lay the best route, the professor proposed a new task "ward". Taking a detailed map of Japan, he posted a piece of sugar on the largest cities, the Mushroom himself was placed on the capital. A day later, the claws were laid to all "cities", almost exactly repeating the railway circuit around Tokyo. It's one thing - to connect a dozen points, and quite another - to do it in engineering efficiently and economically. Perhaps in the future mushrooms will help a person find the fastest and efficient infrastructure solutions.

Mind Lords

The fact that some of their kinds are able to cause auditory and visual hallucinations, panic and other strange states in humans, known for a long time. But it turns out, they know how to extract from their abilities and directly benefit. So, Cordyceps one-sided, falling with the food to the body in the body, zombies it, completely captivating his will.

Ahead of man in technical progress

A person still can not invent technology that allows you to organize a clean plastic to dispose of a disastrous damage to the planet. It turns out that it can make mushrooms. This type was discovered by chance in forest arrays in the Amazon area. Trying to grow the Pestalotiopsis Microspora Propener in a conventional plastic container, biologists were surprised to find that he simply used the plastic cup into the food without a residue.

The most gigantic living organism on earth

What is hiding under the leaf, and that we can see with our own eyes, to rip and even eat - not the whole mushroom, but only his breeding organ. The body of the body hides in the ground, and it is impossible to get it entirely due to the subtleties of the structure of mycelium. Nevertheless, studies allowed to determine that mushrooms can extend for many kilometers and have an incredible weight. The largest of the detected occupied the area in 90ga and weighed tons! The largest above-ground part was discovered in 1985 in the state of Wisconia. The fruit body had a weight of 140kg and had a hat with a diameter of 2m.


Representatives of the kingdom are able to live anywhere - in sulfuric acid, under pressure in thousands of atmospheres and even where there is nothing for life - in space. Meanwhile, they are capable of such conditions not only to exist, but even multiply. There are among them those who not only withstand fatal for any living organisms of dose of engagement, but even prefer to eat radioactively infected products.


Among the fungi there are also real killer predators who kill their victims are not a long and intricate way, like Cordyceps, but much easier and faster. For example, in France in a cup of amber, an instance was discovered, stamped into a stone directly on the "crime scene" - in the process of eating a worm. How do they hunt for their victims, not having a paw, nor mouth? Differently.

There are those who know how to shoot in their victims of disputes to a distance of several meters. Once on the body of the insect, they germinate and destroy from the inside. There are those that arrange sticky network traps. It is worth some worm to touch the edge of this network, as rings are instantly reduced and tightly hold their prey.

There are among predator mushrooms and underwater residents who are hunting in a similar way on the small simplest water inhabitants - Ameb, Kratovrats, Nehohvostok, Cyclops. Further, everything goes according to the usual scenario - gifs are discarded into the body of the victim, which rapidly grow up. The defeat takes a second, after which even the victim escaped to the will still dies. After a day inside the insect from him, nothing remains nothing, but the fact that it has managed to escape or float away, the hunter is only on hand - a new mushroom will grumble in the place of death.

On contract basis

It is not always an invasion of mushrooms to someone else's territory is undesirable and dangerous. Much more often in nature, mutually beneficial unions, called the name of mycorrhov. No wonder many names are associated with trees - booms, boomes, poddboviki. Yes, and the name was originally "abandoned." All of them are simply created for each other. The fungitus grow up at the roots of the tree, running his gifs in it (Special Ceatinki Processing) and is powered by photosynthesis products. The tree receives its benefit from this - moisture, scarce phosphorus and something else that these underground living organisms can be much more successful to produce from the soil and atmosphere.

For example, wonderful orchids could not multiply without their help. Their seeds falling on Earth are completely helpless without this union, without being able to protect themselves from bacteria, nor find the nutritional mixture in order to germinate. All this gives them good allies that are with them in Mikoriz. Because of this, lovers of orchids were mistaken for a long time, considering the seeds of these plants with sterile.

Incutors do not multiply?

The person still learned to grow "in captivity" strongly inferior to the taste of wild relatives of weems and champignons, but he did not pass this number with the most valuable truffles. French cooks are already half a century a lot of money to the Mikod, who will be able to solve the secret of their mycorrhosis, for at the price of the truffles compete with gold. They grow in the beech forests almost underground, and find them - a whole story with the involvement of trained pigs. But it is possible to plant how many letters of beaks, stuff the land under them disputes of truffles and at least a hundred years to sit and wait for the harvest (such experiments were really conducted). Sitting on the ears in the nutrient medium near the favorite trees, the mysterious truffles did not want to expand cooperation and did not pay for the care of a single tuber! This is all the more hurt that even termites have learned to grow for themselves the necessary types of mushrooms.

And how to live in the light without mushrooms?

With truffles, though it is going on a complete disgrace, but you can live without them at least a thousand years. But we would be very hard to do without some yeast and mold representatives. The first of them give us not only bread and kefir, but also beer with wine. The second of the participation in the food and alcohol program for the most part is leaning (except for gourmet crumpled mold with an exquisite mold), but worry tirelessly on guard of our health. On their basis, almost all modern antibiotics and mitotoxins are manufactured - preparations that help fight the fungal pathologies themselves.

What do we do not know about chanters?

  • Mushrooms are able to walk. Not all, but at least one of their representative, meeting in Russia. The speed of moving the mucus, however, is small, up to 3 cm / hour, but in his kingdom it is just a sprinter.
  • Microscopic species can fly. That is how mold appears on the products and other subjects. Spores can be found in almost any room.
  • One small pale leaf can be poisoned by four people.
  • The mushroom with the cheerful name "Vesel" grows strikingly quickly, up to 5 mm / min, but not long - only 2 days.
  • In South America, Africa and even progressive Japan, wild mushrooms are not accepted.
  • The raw, which can be without harm to health, is even raw, in Germany and France are listed in a number of inedible.
  • One Russian Tsar Alexander I, two Roman emperors - Claudia and Tiberius, Roman Dad, Clement VII and the French king of Karl Vii were victims of poisoning with mushrooms.
  • According to sociological polls, independently collected forest gifts use half of Russians, 36% of the population buys them in the store and on the market. If you believe the remaining 14%, then they never tried forest mushrooms in their lives and do not collect it.

  • Of the 2 million known people, no more than 100 thousand are more or less studied by the species of the fungal kingdom, while not all of them are classified.
  • The same types of mushrooms in European territory have a more pale appearance than bright relatives in Asia.
  • Depending on the place and conditions of growth, the edible representative of the group can become poisonous.
  • One raincoat can throw up to 7 trillion disputes.
  • The speed of movement dispute in the air is such that they can overtake the car - up to 25m / s.
  • At the time of the growth of the fruit body, its tour pressure is comparable with a pressure of a 10-tonner dump truck. A completely soft on the touch cap is capable of breaking not only asphalt, but even iron and marble slab. If she fails to do it on his own, mycelium comes to help in the destruction of the barrier.
  • In the tundra, where the village has a dwarf growth, and the mushrooms are standard, the latter often grow up above the trees, which has a very spectacular look and gives the great pleasure of deer who eaten their hats.
  • Mushrooms growing on rotten stumps can transmit phosphorus formed in them into fruit bodies, thanks to which they glow in the dark. For example, phosphorescape can be conventional autumn sides. The spectacle is not for nervous, because the flicker is not constant, but changes with any movement of the head.

  • Favorite entertainment of Evenkov was to feed the agricultural deer to the deer, after which the pitcher was laughed in a circle with a cheerful deer urine. If the participants of the hallucinations seemed to be not relieving, the process was re-started, but already with her own urine, since the secondary distillation did not greatly weakened the functionality of toxic hallucinogen. Sometimes it ended in foolly, but most often the victim of fun fell in anything did not have obey deer.
  • The considerable part of the ancient prophecies is nothing but the wonderful nonsense recorded from the words of the Priest, which has shook mushrooms. Not even all of them tried to give these revelations at least some significant meaning. All this mushroom Vakhanali managed to stop grapes, and more precisely the opening of its distillation products with all their pleasant and less dangerous consequences.

Scientists consider mushrooms by the most diverse living beings on our planet. There are so many of them that each type of plants accounts for 6 types of mushrooms, with the most approximate calculation it turns out that mushrooms are about 2 million species. It has been studied with only 100 thousand, and classified and less.

FACT number 2: mushrooms have a kingdom

Long disputes about what mushrooms are: plants or animals ended in 1960, when they were allocated to a separate kingdom of mushrooms. According to the content of mushrooms, the mushrooms closer to the animals, and in the composition of carbohydrates and minerals - to plants.

Fact number 3: most of the fungus are not visible to us

The mushroom body is mycelium located in the ground. He can stretch for huge distances. And directly mushroom is a fruit designed to implement the breeding program.

Fact number 4: Mushrooms are very lively

If the mushrooms were less absensed, they would not save their diversity. As far as they can imagine anyone who at least once sick fungus infection or fought with fungal damage to the walls. Remove the fungus is extremely difficult.

Still would! Mushrooms survive at an altitude of 30 thousand meters above the ground, withstand high irradiation (in the center of the Chernobyl accident mushrooms survived) and pressure of 8 atmospheres. They can live even on the surface of sulfuric acid!

Fact number 5: Mushroom grows with bamboo speed

In Russian forests, you can meet a mushroom with the name "Merek", which was entering the Guinness Book of Records as a growth rate record holder. Every 2 minutes he grows on a centimeter! On the first day, he looks like a grayish egg, the second becomes an umbrella on a high leg, and it is not already visible on the third.

Fact number 6: Mushroom - the most giant living creature on Earth

Do not believe? Very big white mushroom found in America (Wisconsin) in 1985. He weighed 140 kg and had coverage two meters. But, as we remember, this is only the visible part. The state of Oregon found a mushroom, which occupies 900 hectares and weighing several hundred tons! But in Switzerland, they found a mushroom at the age of about 1000 years - fees, dimensions of 800 x 500 meters. His mushroom occupies 35 hectares of the Square of the Swiss National Park of the city of Offenpass.

Fact number 7: Mushrooms - predators and killers

The mushrooms feed with nonmatods, setting on them traps from mycelium rings. If the worm is touched by such a trap, it sticks to it and immediately turns out to be hung up the threads of the mushroom. There are no chances to be saved. Spores of mushrooms can germinate inside living beings. But if a person is ill, then the caterpillar, for example, dies. And the mushroom develops.

Panther Amanita and Pale Radin, are the most poisonous mushrooms in the world. One little pale loyal is enough to kill 4 people. But mumorov will need a few pieces. In this case, no types of processing eliminate toxic effects. Mushrooms prepared potent poisons and were actively used to eliminate opponents

Fact number 8: Mushrooms - Healers

Mushrooms with deep antiquity were used as medicinal products. And now in many homes grows in the banks "Tea" or "Milk" mushroom, a drink from which increases immunity and fights with inflammatory diseases. In 1940, A. Fleming from yeast mushrooms allocated Penicillin, opening the era of antibiotics. Champignons, robes are purple, rogue and autumn, milkman, chaga and govari, possess therapeutic properties. And the skin of the raincoats is used instead of the leukoplasty - the inner part of it is sterile and has bactericidal properties.

Fact number 9: Mushrooms - valuable nutritional product

Mushrooms are a source of protein and, to a lesser extent, carbohydrates, at the same time do not contain cholesterol. By the way, precisely because mushrooms do not contain animal saturated fats they cannot be attributed to the class of animals. In addition to protein and carbohydrates, mushrooms are rich in vitamins B1, B2, D, Selenium, potassium, niacin and antioxidants. The most expensive mushrooms in the world are truffles - their cost is currently from 3 to 7 dollars per 1 gram, on average.

About 70% of all mushrooms delivered for sale in the world are grown in China.

Fact number 10: Mushrooms - hallucinogens

Many mushrooms contain substances causing the state of euphoria and hallucination. It was knew the ancient shamans and vikings. Shamans used this property of fungi for rituals, and Vikings - to give themselves the courage and attack the enemy with all fearlessness and power.

At least 144 types of mushrooms contain psychoactive substances that can cause hallucinogenic and other sensations in humans similar to sensations from drug use. Moreover, more than a hundred of them are growing only in South America, in particular, in the territory of the Caribbean countries.

Mushrooms are interesting to people on many reasons - nutritional value is not at all the main point in this regard. So, despite all the achievements of science, scientists could not solve the simplest question: what are these mushrooms, and to which kingdom they are attributed. After all, mushrooms can not be considered plants nor animals. As a result, it was decided to attribute to the individual kingdom of fungi, and such a classification is supported to this day. But despite the fact that the issue of classification decided, amazing moments in the study of the fungi did not become less.

A lot of interesting facts can be brought to surprise any person - to learn about the mushrooms, a new one can be infinite.

The most poisonous and most useful mushrooms

Perhaps every person who sent for mushrooms is concerned about the possibility of an unpleasant find - a dangerous, poisonous mushroom. There are many such a lot, and the most poisonous on the entire planet are the Pantic Amanita and the refining pale. Both mushrooms can be found in Russian forests, they need to know "in the face", only so it will be possible to avoid risk. After all, no processing of the poisons from fruit bodies are not output, even the temperature will be powerless. And only the pale grinding of small sizes is enough for poisoning 3-4 people. However, people still collect mushrooms, or buy them, because the useful properties of fruit bodies are extremely high.

Materials on the topic:

Why are mushrooms helpful?

It is worth leading as an example at least these moments:

  • Chanterelles are able to bring radiation from the body and contain a mass of rare vitamins;
  • White mushroom is not inferior in nutrition to meat;
  • Iron content in the boletus approximately as much as meat;
  • Gudget, white mushrooms and boosts can completely replace the meat in the human diet;
  • All mushrooms can produce vitamin D under the sun - this property is characteristic of animals. But at the same time, they follow the sun, grow and stretch to him, focus on his light like plants, and scientists do not yet know why;
  • In the mushrooms there is practically no cholesterol.

And it is also worth noting that some mushrooms are highly appreciated worldwide. So, the truffle depending on its variety will cost the buyer at $ 3-7 per gram product, although in some cases the price turns out to be much higher. And the largest volumes of mushrooms for sale are supplied by China - it is from this country to 80 percent of fruit bodies that turn out to be in the shopping packages in restaurants. In China, they confidently cultivate both local mushrooms and many others who are in demand in the global market.

Materials on the topic:

Why do not the plants mushrooms?

Other interesting facts about mushrooms

In addition to the nutritional qualities of mushrooms, you can tell a lot of other interesting things. After all, among them there are long-livers, and organisms with accelerated growth, and other remarkable varieties. So, it is worth leading the following facts as an example:

  • Some mushrooms can rain. In American rainforest, the mushrooms create a huge number of spores that rise into the air and circulate there until they are falling in the form of rains. It is worth noting that it is these disputes that become centers of steam condensation, stimulate precipitation;
  • Mushrooms are exclusively ancient creatures. The oldest found from the age of 420 million years, he was found in one of the fossils in 1859;
  • Mushrooms multiply disputes, and they differ in the solid shell of all existing on the planet. Protected by chitin, which is also available in the structure of insect shells;

Surely many inquisitive people would like to know which mushroom can be considered the largest in the world. It is worth reminding that the mushroom is not only a fruit body, but also the whole system of mycelium, which is attached to it. And therefore, the largest such education scientists call the largest living organism of the planet. This is a honey mushroom in Oregon, is in the mountainous area. It takes 2384 acres, and there are no less than 2.5 thousand years.

  • Thanks to the excellent protection of the dispute, can be stored for decades and centuries, waiting for a convenient case to appear. At the same time, they remain capable of producing a new fungouncing throughout this time;
  • And even the mushrooms that appeared on the light have amazing vitality. So, in the study of the Chernobyl reactor in 2002, the presence of fungny was found - they are perfectly withstanding radiation;

Mushrooms are unusual representatives of the living world allocated in a separate kingdom of nature. They are used for eating, in medicine, industry and many other areas of life.

Mushrooms occupy a special place between plants and animals. Consider the most interesting facts about them.

  1. Approximate calculations indicate the existence of two million species. Scientists have studied only one hundred thousand, and classified even less.
  2. Some of the most ancient inhabitants of the planet along with fern.
  3. According to the method of nutrition, more like animals. Do not have chlorophyll and are incapable of photosynthesis, feed on an exclusively finished organic.
  4. The ground part is only a fruit, and the present body is located underground and is called the fungal (or mycelium).
  5. There are male and female individuals, characterized by the structure of DNA. After sexual maturity, general offspring is capable of playing.
  6. Bodies are composed of the finest fibers-gifs forming mycelium.
  7. Caught to join the symbiosis with trees.

We bring to your attention interesting facts about mushrooms. It's amazing, but for a long time there were disputes between scientists about how type in the classification of living organisms should include mushrooms.

And all due to the fact that the mushrooms combined signs like plants and. Truly amazing and rich in the world! Here it is worth noting that mushrooms are a wide variety of living beings on our planet, and one of the most ancient (along with ferns).

As a result of long research, scientists adopted an unusual solution. They identified mushrooms in a separate class of organisms, and called it the kingdom of mushrooms. From the point of view, they did absolutely correctly.

In this selection you will learn a lot of interesting facts that you will probably surprise.

  1. Honeymill is considered the largest organism around the world. His mycelium covers an area equal to about 900 hectares of land, and age reaches approximately 2500 years.
  2. Most of the body of the fungus falls on mycelium (vegetative body of mushrooms), which is located in the ground. Mycelium can spread to huge distances. The mushroom itself, located above the surface of the Earth, is its fruit.
  3. Mushrooms multiply disputes.
  4. Mushrooms grow in the jungle, the disputes of which rise highly up. This creates the effect of condensation, as a result of which it starts to go with time. So we can safely say that these mushrooms affect the weather, changing it at their discretion.
  5. The most expensive mushrooms are truffles. Interesting the fact that the price of 1 kg of such a delicacy can be equal to $ 7,000!
  6. Panthene and pale custodia are the most poisonous mushrooms. One such mushroom is enough to poison several people. By the way, no processing, including thermal, can not destroy the toxicity of these organisms. Therefore, it is better not to joke with mushrooms.
  7. It is reliably known that the ancient Roman emperor Claudius was poisoned by his own wife Agrippina, which fed it with a pale loyal soup.
  8. In mushrooms, as in humans, vitamin D is produced under the influence of sun rays.
  9. The science is known more than 140 types of mushrooms that cause hallucinogenic sensations in people. It is interesting to notice that this is why there is a well-known: "Did you like mushrooms?".
  10. Most mushrooms grow in the direction of sunlight, but the biologists are still not clear, in connection with which it happens. Probably, they also like warmth.

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