What female names bring good luck. The happiest male and female names. Money male names starting with the letter P

Everyone knows that a good name is better than wealth, but nevertheless, some parents choose for their children the names of wealth, the names of luck and wealth, the names of happiness and wealth, the names of money. Money names have always been in demand among all peoples. And this has its reasons. Choosing money name, parents dream of a prosperous and rich life for their child.

The group of money names includes:

Names that bring wealth

Names that signify wealth

And as you can see, it's not the same thing.

Names that signify wealth are names with the meaning of wealth.

And the names that bring wealth- these are names that have the energy of wealth, that is, name programs (its qualities, characteristics) can help a person achieve material well-being.

We have selected for you a list of monetary male and female names - names meaning money, wealth, prosperity.

Money names for men

Money male names starting with the letter B:

Vanik(Armenian) - merchant

Vafik(mus.) - prosperous

Money male names starting with the letter G:

Gad(e.) - welfare

Gaynulla(Turk.) - the son of a rich man

Ganges(Chinese) - well-being

Ghani, Ganiy(arab.) - rich

Gayan(arab.) - noble

Gayar(Tat.) - from Arabic. Gayan- noble

Gage, Gage(eng) - usurer (pledge, guarantee)

Money male names starting with the letter D:

Davlet(arab.) - happiness, wealth

Darren, Darian(English) - possessing many, rich

Delyan, Deyan(glor.) - business, active

Jasper(English) – treasure keeper

Jauhar, Johar(arab.) - jewel

Giuseppe(Italian) - multiplying

Dovlet, Dovletmyrat(mus.) - wealth, wealth

Domn(glor.) - homely, economic

Domozhir(glor.) - homely, prosperous ("fat" - wealth, prosperity)

Dorozh(glory) - dear

Dragan, Dragos(glory) - precious

Money male names starting with the letter J:

Zhirovit(glor.) - conquering with wealth (“vit” - victory, “fat” - wealth)

Zhiromir(glor.) - increasing the wealth of the world (society)

Zhiroslav(glory.) - glorious wealth

Zhitovab(glor.) - advocating for prosperity

Zhitomir(glor.) - ensuring the well-being of the world (society)

Money male names starting with the letter Z:

Zaid, Ziyad(mus.) - abundance

Zinnat(arab.) - decoration

Zlatan(glory) - golden

Money male names starting with the letter I:

Joseph(e.) - multiplication, profit. Russian name - Osip

Money male names starting with the letter K:

Caspar(pers.) - treasurer

Kumush(Turk.) - silver

Money male names starting with the letter M:

Masterman(eng) – owner

Mezhko(glor.) - business

men(glor.) - changed

Muwafak(mus.) - prosperous

Musarali(Turk.) - rich, noble

Murtadi(mus.) - satisfied, satisfied

Money male names starting with the letter H:

Nachum(e.) - comfort

Nukrat(arab.) - pure silver

Money male names starting with the letter O:

Odilon(fr.) - rich

Odo(German) - rich

Onisius(Greek) - benefit

Onufry(Greek) - rising up

oraz(Turk.) - wealth, luck, happiness

Osip- wealth

Otto(German) - wealth, rich

Otes, Otis(fr.) - rich

Money male names starting with the letter P:

Pluto(lat.) - wealth

Prokosh(glorious) - thrifty (for future use)

Prokofy(lat.) - prosperous

Money male names starting with the letter P:

Richard(ancient German) - rich, strong, solid

Money male names starting with the letter C:

Sezhir(glory.) - rich

Sidor- precious, dear

Suleiman(mus.) - living in health and well-being

Money male names starting with the letter T:

Tryphon(Greek) - to live in luxury, living luxuriously

Trofim(Greek) - well-fed, pet

Money male names starting with the letter F:

Favuaz(mus.) - prosperous

Firuz(pers.) - successful

Friedrich(German) - rich

Ugh(Chinese) - rich

Fuhua(Chinese) - prosperous

Money male names starting with the letter X:

Javier(Spanish) - rich

Hotul(glorious) - thrifty

Money male names starting with the letter H:

Chengiz(Turk.) - rich

Money male names starting with the letter Sh:

Shukhrat(music) - fame, fame

Money male names starting with the letter E:

Edward, Eddie(English) - the guardian of prosperity

Edgar(German) - property, spear

Edmund(German) - property, protection

Edmund(eng.) - protector of prosperity

Edon, Edun(English) - rich bear cub

Money male names starting with the letter Yu:

Yutaka(Japanese) - in abundance, prosperous

Money male names starting with the letter I:

Yaniv(e.) - he will flourish

Yasar, Yaser(arab.) - wealth.

Money names for women

Choosing a money name for their daughter, parents dream that her life will be prosperous. Or they set their child a goal in life, focusing on material well-being.

Cash female names to the letter A:

aurelia(lat.) - golden

Aida(arab.) - benefit, reward

Altana(Kalmyk) - gold

Altyn(Turk.) - gold

Alfiza(arab.) - silver

Amber(arab.) - jewel

Argenta(lat.) - silver

aurica(Rom.) - gold

Money female names starting with the letter B:

Baibika(Turk.) - rich

Money female names starting with the letter B:

Waxes(Armenian) - gold

Money female names starting with the letter G:

Gauri(ind.) - goddess of gold

Gloria, Glory, Gloriana(English) - glory

Goldie(English) - gold

Money female names starting with the letter D:

Darian, Darin(English) - possessing many, rich

Danab(arab.) - gold

Delyan(glor.) - business

Jerusha(e.) - owning

Ging(Chinese) - abundance

Josephine, Joseph(English) - multiplying

Johar(arab.) - jewel


Blast furnace(Rom., Slav.) - homely, economic, mistress

Daria(lat.) - rich

Money female names starting with the letter E:

Eupraxia(Greek) - prosperity

Money female names starting with the letter J:

Zhiroslava(glorious) - glorious wealth

Money female names starting with the letter Z:

Zara, Zarina(pers.) - gold, golden

Zlata, Zlatana(glory.) - golden, golden. Literal translation of Greek. "krisa" (golden)

Zlatoslav(glory) - gold, glory

Money female names starting with the letter I:

Inara(arab.) - from dinar - gold coin

Money female names starting with the letter K:

Karina(lat.) - dear

Kumush(Turk.) - silver

Money female names starting with the letter L:

Lacretia(English) - rich

Laurica(lat.) - golden

Lucrezia(lat.) - rich

Money female names starting with the letter M:

Maysara(arab.) - wealth, abundance

Mira, Mirra(ind.) - prosperous

Money female names starting with the letter H:

Nadrat(arab.) - a grain of gold

Nubia(English, Spanish) - gold, golden

Nuzar(arab.) - pure gold

Money female names starting with the letter O:

Odelia, Odile(German) - rich

Odette(lat.) - rich

Odelis(Spanish) - rich

Oriana(lat.) - golden

Ottila, Ottilia(German) - rich

Money female names starting with the letter R:

Ragana(glor.) - precious

Radna(mus.) - jewel

radha(ind.) - successful

Rafa(arab.) - happiness, prosperity

Rogneda(glor.) - abundant ("horn" - abundance)

Money female names starting with the letter C:

Salome(e.) - peace, tranquility, well-being

Saraa(arab.) - wealth

Seagal(f.) - treasure

Simin(pers.) - silver

Money female names starting with the letter T:

Thacker(jap.) - treasure

Money female names starting with the letter F:

Fidda(arab.) - silver

fizza(arab.) - silver

firuza(pers.) - successful

Money female names starting with the letter X:

Khlatka(glor.) - golden, golden

Chris(Greek) - golden

Money female names starting with the letter H:

Charita(lat.) - dear

Money female names starting with the letter E:

Edwina(lat.) - a rich friend

ashvoya(ind.) - wealth

Elodie(Spanish) - foreign wealth

Money female names starting with the letter I:

Jadwiga(dr. germ.) - a rich warrior

Name your child any money name? Why not! But before finally deciding on a name, it is advisable for you to diagnose it - to identify the main programs of the name. So that the money name you have chosen not only means money and wealth, but also has the energy of money.

If you have already decided on a name, then you can order us to diagnose any name...

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

[email protected]

Our book "The Energy of Surnames"

The book "The Energy of the Name"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

Our address Email: [email protected]


Sites and blogs have appeared on the Internet that are not our official sites, but use our name. Be careful. Fraudsters use our name, our email addresses for their mailing lists, information from our books and our websites. Using our name, they drag people into various magical forums and deceive (give advice and recommendations that can harm, or lure out money for magical rituals, making amulets and teaching magic).

On our sites, we do not provide links to magical forums or sites of magical healers. We do not participate in any forums. We do not give consultations by phone, we do not have time for this.

Note! We are not engaged in healing and magic, we do not make or sell talismans and amulets. We do not engage in magical and healing practices at all, we have not offered and do not offer such services.

The only direction of our work is correspondence consultations in writing, training through an esoteric club and writing books.

Sometimes people write to us that on some sites they saw information that we allegedly deceived someone - they took money for healing sessions or making amulets. We officially declare that this is slander, not true. In all our lives, we have never deceived anyone. On the pages of our site, in the materials of the club, we always write that you need to be an honest decent person. For us, an honest name is not an empty phrase.

People who write slander about us are guided by the basest motives - envy, greed, they have black souls. The time has come when slander pays well. Now many are ready to sell their homeland for three kopecks, and it is even easier to engage in slandering decent people. People who write slander do not understand that they are seriously worsening their karma, worsening their fate and the fate of their loved ones. It is pointless to talk with such people about conscience, about faith in God. They do not believe in God, because a believer will never make a deal with his conscience, he will never engage in deceit, slander, and fraud.

There are a lot of scammers, pseudo-magicians, charlatans, envious people, people without conscience and honor, hungry for money. The police and other regulatory agencies are not yet able to cope with the increasing influx of "Cheat for profit" insanity.

So please be careful!

Sincerely, Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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According to the research of astrologers, all the peoples of the world have the happiest female names that endow their owners with prosperity and good luck. From time immemorial, about how to name a baby, parents began to rack their brains long before his birth.

It is believed that in many ways the name can contribute to how fate will develop, it is able to fill a person’s life with a certain meaning embedded in it. So, what are they, the names that bring girls happiness?

There are a couple of female names directly related in their meaning to success, victory. This is Daria and Victoria.


The girl begins to be lucky from birth, she often wins competitions, she has attentive parents. Whatever she suddenly wants to do, she will always easily reach the top. A very successful career, almost always ease in the business field. It's not just the name, but also the character traits.

Purposefulness and assertiveness are her main qualities. And at any moment, a woman Dasha will be able to fight back, protect herself and her loved ones, beat sluggish competitors and realize all her ambitions.

The one who always wants to be first. This is a stubborn leader, striding towards his goal with firm, wide steps, sometimes he can step on someone on his way, but having crossed, he will rush further. Despite this quality, people are still drawn to it. She herself is a magnet for those who fill their lives with a certain meaning and do not want to waste time.

As a girl, she already shows waywardness, strives for the fulfillment of her own desires. A distinctive quality is an unshakable faith in yourself, your talents and charm. Of course, this helps her a lot. professional activity, and in society they will always listen to her.

If there is a target. then you can’t turn Vika off the road. Always at work, rarely calls for help. Knows how to support friends in difficult times disinterestedly and from the heart. The fate of a woman depends on her actions. He makes a mistake very rarely, if that happens, then he analyzes everything and never blames anyone.

Peacemaker Tatiana

The ancient Greeks were sure that if a girl is called Tatyana, then she will always fix and equip everything. Leadership qualities from nature help to properly use their strong energy. He copes with any business, unravels even the most intricate situation and cracks all the puzzles in his path. Realistic about your abilities.

Gets along with people quickly and easily. Lots of friends and girlfriends. She never suffers from loneliness, even if she wants to be alone with her thoughts, she will not be able to stay alone, friends are always there. Very observant, can notice what eludes others. Intuition is incredibly developed, so it rarely does wrong actions for itself.

The undisputed leader outside the house, in the family prefers to yield to her husband. However, he can act as she wants without even noticing it.

Anastasia Bessmertnaya

With a name meaning resurrection, renewal simply cannot be unhappy. Even if you have to face troubles and problems, Nastya does not give up. rests confidently in the saddle. Happiness is given to her for two reasons:
can handle all challenges
owner of kindness and generosity

Often helping disinterestedly, he receives from people doubly for his efforts. It is characterized by diligence, diligence, the ability to choose the right path. In business, too, everything is fine, so it will always find mutual language with a partner, arrange him for himself, with his ability to listen and help with reasonable advice.

Nastena is a great psychologist, she is immediately able to figure out the interlocutor. She has her own unshakable ideals, she values ​​​​only her own opinion.

Lucky Maria

Luck loves Masha from a young age. One of the meanings is mistress, which manifests itself throughout life. Looking back at the past and past events is not her way. She lives with emotions, easily forgives her offenders, does not take failures to heart.

Thanks to the gaiety of character, he can easily achieve what he intended. Thoughts are always bright, and desires are simple. Maybe that's why Fortune loves her. Often Marias are creative people, thinking very originally, able to create something creative.

It is worth opening a history textbook or flipping through an encyclopedia, as it becomes clear. that the name very often belonged to ladies blue blood. It has always been believed that Lizonka is a magnet for good luck, and for those who are close to her, she is also often lucky in life.

Along with this, Elizabeth loves power, she can always influence the course of business, her ambitions are quite large. But this does not mean that the girl Lisa is selfish and cruel. She has generosity, decency. As a lover, she is very sensual, but as a mother, she is kind.

Anna attracting success

Not only good luck, but also good money, reliable work and creative talents constitute the existence of Nyura. Thanks to intuition, a clear memory, a penetrating mind, girls achieve recognition in society and successfully arrange their personal lives.

Another great quality is to bring everything to the end. The most strong-willed men can envy her perseverance. Anyuta is very patient, and for the sake of her goal she will endure a lot, but she will achieve it.

Wise Sophia

Sonya's prudence is the second happiness for her and her loved ones. If a girl learns to listen to her inner voice, her life will flow smoothly and without sad worries.

Personal life almost always develops successfully, which is the result of her natural mind and rationality. He always treats others with love, never betrays, knows his own worth and tries to realize his aspirations as brightly as possible.

A favorable existence is achieved by the fact that Sasha is always in defense of his own interests. She has a strong character that allows even the most transcendental dream to come true.

Always happy in the profession, because she chooses according to her heart. She loves to travel and meet new people and their way of life.

Other lucky names for girls

At different peoples their own ways to name children, but everyone has a certain list that parents resort to if they can’t decide on a name for a newborn daughter. Often they try to pick up some rare, not like other names. So, here they are.

Women's names for happiness
Rare In other peoples
Aglaida - smiling Alaya is happiness. luck (Spanish)
Veselina - giving joy Gilah - bringer of happiness (Heb.)
Helium - solar Letitia - lucky, happy fate
Darina - happiness Laima - lucky (lat.)
Euphrosyne - joyful Bahruz - fulfilling wishes (pers.)
Myrrh - fragrant Rina - bringing happy events (Heb.)
Rada - bringing joy Makena (African) - attracting good
Rosalia - blooming Sagida - enjoyment of life (pers.)
Yarina - luminous Hara - lucky (Greek)
Feliksana - lucky, prosperous Yukiko - happy child (Japanese)
Firuza is the name of a Persian princess.
Shreya - auspiciousness (Sanskrit)
Monifa - good luck ahead (niger.)
Asgadia - boundless happiness

Mankind has a huge number of beautiful words in its reserve, in any case, from this piggy bank you can always choose exactly the name that, according to loving parents, is most suitable for their newborn and will help you become successful in life without knowing sorrows.

Each human name has its own unique energy. And also it affects the fate and character of its owner. Our ancestors took this issue extremely seriously. For example, male names were given in order to strengthen strength and masculinity. And women's were supposed to bring happiness, health and well-being to their owners. Lucky female names are characterized by a special power that brings happiness to their bearers.

"What's in a name…"

Astrologers say that any person has a lucky name. Therefore, it is very difficult to say that one name will bring happiness to a person, and the other will not. But, in spite of everything, you should choose a name for your child very seriously.

What makes names happy is the meaning and meaning that is embedded in it. How the fate of a woman will turn out depends on the meaning laid down by our ancestors when creating a name. The five strong female names in life look like this:

  1. Victoria.
  2. Tatyana.
  3. Anastasia.
  4. Maria.
  5. Elizabeth.

And now more about each of them. After all, it is so interesting to know what good fate has prepared for the owners of such names, which of them is considered to be money, and which is actually unlucky.

Victoria - "victory"

Name means winner. Women who bear this name always strive for leadership, they are purposeful and persistent. The owners of this name have not only a strong character, but also unimaginable magnetism. Because of this, they attract useful people.

A girl named Victoria from childhood has a masterful character, and this helps her achieve a lot. Such qualities as perseverance, perseverance, faith help them reach certain heights in any business and career.

These ladies always achieve their intended goal, no matter what it costs them. They achieve everything on their own, very rarely turning to anyone for help. Although they themselves often help other people. The fate of Victoria depends entirely on her decision. She practically does not make mistakes, but if this did happen, in no case will she blame anyone for this.

Tatyana - "organizer"

Translated from ancient Greek, this is the name means "organizer", and if you turn to the ancient Roman dictionary - then "peacemaker". Tatyanas have extremely strong energy and are leaders. They can cope with any task, and are also able to solve the most intricate issues. In addition, Tatiana quite adequately assess themselves.

These women easily contact almost all people. They have many friends and just acquaintances, so they rarely remain alone. Tatyanas have excellent intuition, which comes to the rescue in situations where it is necessary to make the right decision, so they rarely make mistakes.

Despite her leadership qualities, in relationships with the opposite sex, Tatyana gives the right to primacy to a man.

Anastasia - "returned to life"

This name translates as "immortal", "resurrected". Its owner is not afraid of any adversity. In any life troubles, she does not give up. Anastasia has a happy share not only because of her ability to withstand life's difficulties, but also because of her kindness and activity, as well as her nobility. The good that she brings to people is returned.

Nastenka has outstanding abilities, talent and extraordinary diligence. They set goals for themselves and successfully achieve them. As a rule, they do not care about the opinions of other people. They have amazing luck both in business and in their careers. And all thanks to its flexibility and ability to find a common language with different people. They also know how to listen carefully to the interlocutor and are known as excellent psychologists who read their interlocutor like an open book.

Previously, wondering what the happiest name for a girl is, people confidently answered: "Nastenka"

Maria - "lady", "desired"

The owners of this name are truly lucky. Refers to female names that bring happiness in all countries, only it sounds differently: Maria, Marie, Mary and so on. This name means "lady". And it really is. The owners of this name are actually able to control their own destiny. Masha lives without looking back at the past, very soon she forgets the wrongs done. It has a cheerful character and love of life. These qualities help her achieve all her goals.

Mary attract good luck. And this is all because the owners of this name are great optimists and never ask. Achieve success, thanks to the easy nature and quickness. It also helps in life with creativity and the ability to make non-standard decisions.

Elizabeth - "God's Oath"

This name was extremely popular among female aristocrats, as well as persons of royal blood. This is because this is a noble name, it attracts good luck into the life of its owner. Such women are ambitious and like to command. In addition, they are generous, affectionate and decent.

Lisa walks along life path with an open heart, receiving both good and bad from life. And he always thanks fate for the joy, as well as for the experience. She is calm, peaceful, strives to change the world for the better. By the way, Elizabeth also belongs to the names that attract money.

In addition, good names include:

Women with such names cannot be unhappy. All of them are successful and lucky, every year they will only get prettier. In life, they will certainly be accompanied by spiritual or material wealth.

It is important to understand that when wondering which female name is the happiest, it is worth considering the region of residence. After all, each locality has its own lucky names.