A work beyond the distance. “A.T. Tvardovsky "Beyond the distance - distance". The deep meaning of the concept of distances in the work

For a long time and difficultly, the poem of A. T. Tvardovsky “Beyond the distance - distance” (1950-1960) took shape. In it, the event plot is reduced to a minimum - just travel sketches, impressions, thoughts of a person following from Moscow through all of Siberia. And yet the poem is full of drama. All sharp

The contradictions that make up the conflict knot occur in the mind of the author traveling to the Far East. As a result, "Beyond the distance

– distance” can be called a poem of reflections. The lyrical-epic nature of the poem allows the reader to visually imagine the immensity and greatness of the Motherland:

And there is another distance,

What will turn into a new distance.

And finally, the ultimate goal of the trip:

Not just another, distant land,

And the Far East.

The Volga, the Urals, Siberia, the Angara, Baikal and other regions are capacious metaphors that reflect the historical fate of the people, with its difficulties and mistakes. That is why the reflections of the lyrical hero

So tense and dramatic. Events of the most narrow, private, personal nature are correlated with the historical past, full of tragic intensity. An unexpected meeting at the taiga station Taishet with a friend early youth, illegally repressed in the 30s and now returning back, gives rise to an image-symbol of a complex historical era:

And I remembered you, childhood friend,

And those years of dull pain.

In the central chapter “On the Angara”, connected with the theme of the stellar future, the poet recalls another friend, whose life has inseparably merged with history, revolution, literature, victories and mistakes, and the pain of whose loss still does not subside in the poet’s heart:

How I missed you

My friend who is gone forever.

Who is like you, still in the world

I could rejoice to tears at these speeches, eyes and people!

Personal memories are transformed into vivid pictures of the past, associated with the dramatic circumstances and consequences of the era of Stalin's personality cult:

So it was. Quarter of century

A call to fight and work

The person's name was

With the word Motherland in a row.

We called - will we dissemble? -

His father in the country - the family.

So it was on earth.

Without running away from the past, the lyrical hero appreciates and defends the pride of a person who, together with the people, has survived the harsh years and involvement in great deeds:

Yes, everything that happened to us -

That is with us here.

Already in these memories, next to the majestic and mournful past, the individual destinies of people, friends of childhood and youth, one can feel the extraordinary figure of the lyrical hero himself. The scale of his personality matches the epic events that he passes through his mind. On the soul of the lyrical hero additional

burden - he is a poet. And therefore, he bears a special responsibility for everything that happens in the world, his duty is to tell the truth in the name of the future, in the name of posterity:

To anyone else but a poet

The descendants will not be silent.

Him to a stern answer

The court will require a special one.

I am not afraid of such judgment

And maybe I've been waiting for him for a long time,

Let me not have that word

What is the most capacious of all, it is given to say.

Mine - from the heart - not to the wind,

It is ready for anyone;

I lived, I was - for everything in the world I answer with my head.

The author's journey, in which three images merge: a poet, a storyteller (narrator) and a lyrical hero, lasts ten days in the present tense. But it incorporates the last two centuries of the country, decades of heroes and the author, and prospects for the future are outlined.

The capacity and globality of time, the spatial scope, embodied in the poem "Beyond the distance - the distance", determined another feature - the type of companion of the lyrical hero.

Tvardovsky, according to the warehouse of his talent, always focuses on dialogue. In this poem, this direction takes on special significance. For the first time, a diverse reader appears here. Conversations with him are full of contrasting, sometimes ironic, sometimes playful, sometimes serious intonations. But in the end, the conversation with the reader reaches deep trust and revelation. The poet values ​​his opinion and expects the same from him.

On a high note of parting with a friend-reader, the poem ends:

Together we waited for the end of the road,

But there is no time to chill.

So goodbye. To a new distance.

See you soon,

And not tempting general tone,

Not at first, not later.

In his work, the author managed to “rise above everything that was before, without renouncing himself, his nature and breed, to find new colors and new compositional plots and opportunities for expressing the already accomplished fact of a new vision of the world” (A. Surkov).

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The poem "For the distance - the distance" was written in the post-war period, its author is an outstanding writer, lieutenant colonel and simply a person who is not indifferent to the Fatherland. His life was thorny and short. Creating this work, he did not spare himself, giving himself up to wanderings and setting out the tragedies of wartime on a sheet of paper.

A little about the author

In 1910 in the Smolensk region. His father earned his living as a blacksmith, often arranged reading evenings of the works of great poets: Pushkin, Lermontov, Nekrasov and others. This was the first decisive impetus in the literary development of the creator. Alexander Trifonovich's mother was very sensitive and caring, he repeatedly mentioned this in his poems and notes. The poet also graduated from the Institute of Literature in Moscow (MILFI). Tvardovsky's first poem was written back in early childhood. During the war he was in the ranks of the soldiers from the very beginning until the victory in the fight against the German fascists. For which he was repeatedly awarded orders and medals. The war in a special way touched the soul of the poet, which is impossible not to notice after reading at least one poem by Tvardovsky. V last years Alexander Trifonovich was the editor-in-chief of the literary magazine " New world", they tried to remove him from this position for a long time and by various methods. Alexander Trifonovich was unshakable until his deputies were fired, replacing him with enemies. After leaving the magazine, Alexander Trifonovich settled in the country with sadness about the past, and then decided to travel around his mother - The great poet did not live long, leaving an indelible mark in the memory of his readers and fellow writers.

"Per distance -far" ( Tvardovsky): summary

The work belongs to the lyrical genre of writing with an epic inclination. It consists of 15 chapters with a smooth transition from one to another. The inspiration for the poem was a journey through Russia, which includes Siberia, the Urals, the Far East. The poem has an autobiographical character, there are dialogues and a description of the landscapes of the homeland. At one of the stops, the author meets his childhood friend, to whom he dedicates one of the chapters of the poem. In short, the basis of the work is reflections, memories and a description of the views from the car window.

"Beyond the distance - distance" (Tvardovsky): the history of creation

The reasons for creating the work were the author's departure from the Novy Mir magazine and the difficult events experienced during the war. For a long ten years he wrote the poem "For the distance - the distance" Tvardovsky. Summary should be preceded by an explanation of the motives for its creation. The poet, in doubt and bitter memories, decides to travel across Russia, starting from the Urals, then to Siberia and the Far East. All these sensations from trips make up the travel diary "For the distance - the distance." On one of his trips, Tvardovsky meets a friend to whom one of the sections of the poem is dedicated. The author also does not forget to mention his small Motherland. After its publication, the work became the leader among modern poems. But no special criticism and discussion was awarded.

More about the chapters of the poem

The introduction and the first chapter tell about the motives of the writer's journey. Reasoning from the car window about the distances and the anticipation of the events ahead are bordered by the cheerful disposition of the author. Saying goodbye to Moscow, the lyrical hero joyfully expects something from this trip. The chapter "On the road" shows the author's mood and desire for new sensations in unexplored places of the motherland. Alexander Tvardovsky rejoices at every new travel companion and image outside the window. "For the distance - the distance" chapter by chapter describes the order of trips to different parts of the country.

Further, the writer describes the immense Volga, calling it "Seven thousand rivers". He writes about the Volga as an omnipresent river into which "half of Russia looked." Everyone is looking at the river with undisguised delight, even forgetting what they were doing. Calling her mother, the poet wants to convey the majesty and beauty of the Volga. Truly, it runs along a large part of the Russian land and fills many lakes.

The chapter "Two forges" reflects the author's memories of his youth in Zagorye, where he grew up in his father's forge, and his arrival in the Urals. Two forges as a reflection of the father-getter in the family and the Urals-getter, the blacksmith of the whole state. In the poem, the writer calls the Urals father, which also speaks of his motives to glorify and salute the Russian area.

Comparison of "two distances"

In the "Two distances" section, the author says goodbye to the Urals and welcomes Siberia, describing its landscapes and everything that falls into it. Imagining one and watching the second distance, he simultaneously becomes delighted and sad. The poet invested in this chapter both the past and present of the country: the sorrows of war, tragic losses and the joy of new buildings, seething work, the restoration of the state. But the memory is overflowing with the grief experienced, about which Tvardovsky wrote quite emotionally.

A friend of youth as an echo of the past

Tvardovsky's poem "Beyond the distance - distance" is filled with colorful and sensual reflections. In each of the chapters, the author conducts a dialogue with the reader, which adds liveliness to the text. In "Literary Conversation" he talks about his fellow travelers, with whom he is already traveling for the third day: there is a major, and a young couple, and a lady in pajamas. Without losing sight of the external features of each of them, he adds his own conjectures and assumptions about their further actions. There is also a dialogue with the reader.

During the trip, Alexander Trifonovich meets his old friend, with whom he strikes up a conversation. They recall their childhood, how they grazed cattle together, burned fires in the forest, school and the Komsomol. Comrades of youth, having not seen each other for 17 years, have five minutes to talk at the Taishet station. With insane sadness, friends part. This meeting leaves a note of sadness in the soul of the author.

Fragments of memories of the war

The whole trip lasts ten days, but includes a century of the history of the people and a large-scale description of the territory of Russia. Here are the cold mighty Urals, and Siberia - "the factory and breadbasket of the state", and the Far East. Historical military moments are described in the chapter "Front and Rear". The poem "Beyond the Distance - the Distance" (Tvardovsky), playing with thoughts and images, the brief content of which is quite voluminous, because the work itself has a deep meaning and a long period of writing, combined the past and present life of the people.

He treated this work as the last one, put all of himself into writing the poem "For the distance - the distance" by Tvardovsky. The summary does not contain even a small fraction of all the charms and subtleties of the work. After reading at least one passage, the reader will be transported into deep reflections and memories of the author. V recent chapters about the journey back to Moscow, the writer on the sheet salutes fate for such a decisive step in his life.

The deep meaning of the concept of distances in the work

Analysis of Tvardovsky's poem "Beyond the Distance - Distance" is a story about the incredible skill of describing the forests and valleys, rivers and lakes of the great motherland, about the life and memories of the author, about fragments of the war taken from the memory of the poet. But the more important essence of the age-old work is the comparison of times, the sorrows and joys of the inhabitants of the era, and the awareness of the coming new age. The author seemed to carry memories through his whole life, harmoniously fit them into the lyrical-epic poem "Far beyond the distance", added the scale and beauty of the state. This is how the masterpiece of Russian poetry of the last century turned out.

I have known this person for a very long time.
Back in the early eighties, I read in the magazine "Youth" about a talented pupil of Professor Meshcheryakov - Alexander Suvorov.
Everything that connected Alexander with the outside world from childhood is only a sense of touch. In his world there is no light, no sound. But this world is very rich. This is a highly educated, talented, kind and cheerful person. He is a doctor of psychological sciences, a full member of the International Informatization Academy at the United Nations.
I never dreamed of ever meeting him. But on the blog of one of his friends he posted a photo of Alexander Suvorov, surrounded by children. I was given a link to his website: http://suvorov.reability.ru/ Friends supplied Alexander with a device with which he can read texts on a computer. I wrote, and I received a warm letter in response.
Recently, I received from Alexander Vasilievich a great work done by him. He collected the full version of Tvardovsky's favorite poem "For the distance - the distance." I remember how the poem was published in parts in a magazine. Before publication full version she was severely cut. There was such a time.
Alexander Vasilievich did a titanic work, and he did it completely disinterestedly. For all of us. As if he has more time and opportunities than we do...
Look, this is written by a very well-read, fluent in the language and absolutely literate person. There are no errors in the texts, not even typos.
Who knows how to put this work in one of the Internet libraries - do it!
My dad loved the lines from Tvardovsky's poem about Vasily Terkin, they have a deep meaning and life science:
"Cannons go backwards to battle.
It's not said in vain!"

A.V. Suvorov, Doctor of Psychology


The author prefaced the first complete edition of the poem "Beyond the Distance - Distance" (GOSLITIZDAT, Moscow, 1960) with the following annotation:
"The present edition of the book "For the distance - the distance" is the first, upon completion of the author's work on it, a complete edition. Published in different time as the chapter was written, now in some cases supplemented and revised, they are presented here in a sequence determined by the general plan and content of the book as a whole.
It is customary to reckon with the author's will. Alas, this is not observed - especially after the death of the author, and especially in relation to the poem "Beyond the distance - the distance." Instead of the only correct one - the historical-philological one - a political-opportunistic approach prevailed to this poem. They try to "apply" Alexander Trifonovich to his posthumous readers, sometimes more or less "Soviet" than he really was.
And when I wanted to have an electronic version of this work, to read what was found on the Internet, it turned out to be impossible for a long-time admirer of Tvardovsky's poetry. In addition to the obvious political and opportunistic "corrections", the texts provided to me suffered from simply unacceptable negligence, for some reason some fragments turned out to be not where they were supposed to be according to the 1960 edition prepared by Tvardovsky himself.
And I set about restoring the text on the basis of the first complete lifetime edition, comparing the first chapters with a partial edition of 1953, and the rest with the most complete file found on the Internet.
The result is a text that does not exactly match the 1960 edition. But I didn’t sacrifice a single line from this edition, I treated it as a reference, and if there were discrepancies, I always preferred the version from the edition checked by the author. It's just that in the partial edition of 1953 fragments were found that were missing in the full edition, and I took the liberty of saving these fragments. In the Internet file, which on the whole is extremely careless, sinning rather with the absence of a number of fragments that are available in the full edition, and the distortion of others, nevertheless, there were individual stanzas that were not in the full edition. I couldn't donate them either.
So the resulting text turned out to be a little more complete than the full lifetime edition. Well, the reader, I hope, is not at a loss from this ... Rather, on the contrary.
Now at least I myself will be able to re-read my favorite work without falling into a deaf anguish about omissions and distortions.
I send the restored text to all my address book, and I ask everyone to do the same, first of all, send this file to all known to them digital libraries so that amateurs like me have at their disposal a complete text closest to the author's will.

Alexander Tvardovsky


one/. FOR DAL - DAL

It's time! Hit the departure
Station, flooded with lights,
And the life that has been lived since birth,
Already as if beyond the line.

I saw maybe half the world
And after a century he was in a hurry to live,
Meanwhile, this road
For so many years he did not;
Although he considered his dear
And to myself she shored,
Like a book to read before the deadline
Everything was going and could not.
Much more interfered
What's on everyone's mind these days.
I needed a reserve of peace
To surrender to her without interference.
But the book's front page
I open on time
When peace, as they say,
Retiring again...

I'm going. Small house with me
What everyone takes with them on the road.
And the world is huge behind the wall,
Like water overboard, roaring.
He sings over my bed
And the glass cuts grits,
Bad, untimely blizzard
Whistles and howls in discord.
He is full of stifled anxiety,
The trouble is that the queue is waiting.
He is even more audible here, on the road,
Lying right at the sunrise...

I'm going. Sleep for health
But I'm still not up to sleep:
More lights of the Moscow region
Outside, the night is lit up.
I still have enough of this shelf,
Another Moscow day is a pity.
Still such a distance to the Volga,
And there it will begin further
Beyond that great water line.
And this ladder of sleepers
Having passed the Volga region,
Will rise gently to the Urals.
Ural, whose workings with steel
The highway is ringing below us.

And beyond the Urals
And there is its own, a different distance.

And there is Baikal, beyond that distance, -
In half a day it’s hardly possible to go around, -
And beyond Baikal -
And there is another distance,
What will turn into a new distance.
And the one unknown to me
Another, big, harsh,
It will close and pass through the window...

And at that time, superbly accurate,
All the way, fulfilling the deadline,
The composition of the Far East will come
To the Far East, in fact,
Where before the last station,
At the border post
It seems to me, from the neighboring land
A muffled gunshot is heard.

But I'm still together with Moscow,
Still in time one.
And, as if at home before going to bed,
I'm waiting for the latest news;
She gives her voice
And me on my long journey.
And there, from behind the sea, the sunrise
Rises like a glow, sad,
And the day of war, merciless day,
Enters mountains and valleys
Where cities and villages
The ruins smoke again and again.
And sleepless work continues again,
The suffering of the defenders of Korea.
In the morning weary roar
Coastal battery...

Close, visible from the smoky haze
The armor of the sides and towers is gray.
- Fire, fire! - trunks roar
To protect the shore from the sea.

Under a fiery sky,
Wandering in the mountains, looking for families.
- Fire, fire! - anti-aircraft guns hit,
To protect the earth from the sky.

Ruin and captivity in the native land
And death is brought by the enemies of the people.
- Fire, fire! people in battle
To keep them free...

There are fights, the earth is on fire.
Not new, not new cruel experience:
He is in these mountains and fields
Moved from the walls of Europe.

And you brought grief
Reborn to this shore
From your own land
Separated by the whole ocean, -
Even so, even though you dress up,
But the world is hardly mistaken:
We met you at Moscow
And we were escorted to Berlin ...

No matter how we remember the war,
But in the days of thunder, struggle, suffering
We knew whose fault it was
Who will be punished.

People - ascetic and hero -
I met the weapon of evil with a weapon.
For the sin of war - punished by war,
For death - the sadness of death met.
In the struggle, full of new strength,
He is in the years of terrible trials
East and West awakened -
And here is half the world in our camp!

Well, or that lesson is forgotten,
And again, under a new flag only,
War threatens the living soul,
Goes to the world with a familiar step?
And, alien to life, this step,
Bursting into the speech of night news,
In humanity's ears
It stands as a reality and as a harbinger.
With him do not forget, do not fall asleep,
Do not get used to it and do not get used to it.
He is like earth in his mouth on his chest
Lies buried alive...

My long road
The surrounding world of a vast country,
Native Russian fields,
In the nights shimmering peacefully, -
Don't you remember the years
When on this highway
In the darkness from here to there
The trains ran without lights;
When they pulled inland
On this embankment and rails
Factories - war refugees -
And with them people are fire victims;
When, anti-aircraft guns up
Lifting over the "green street",
Rushed nonstop
There, to the west, trains.
And just maybe a glimpse
Longing mute and endless
From a company of marching soldiers
I threw it at a sanitary counter ...

That memory of endured torment
Alive, quiet, among the people,
Like a wound that no-no and suddenly
Will speak to bad weather.

But, people, our happiness lies in
That we want happiness stubbornly,
That for centuries we are building a house,
Your world is alive and man-made.

He is the stronghold of all human hopes,
It is available to all human hearts.
Will we succumb to his death?

It's midnight on the Spasskaya Tower...
It is not possible to put all the text in the message, apparently, there are restrictions on the number of lines.
The full text is in the Attachment:

The attachment:

Tvardovsky A.T. - a writer who, in his short life, left an indelible mark on the memory of readers, writing wonderful works. Among the written works is Tvardovsky's poem "For the Distance, the Distance", which is an autobiographical work that he began to write, inspired by his journey through our mother country.

Beyond the distance - distance Tvardovsky summary

The work consists of fifteen parts, where the author shares with us his travel sketches, his thoughts, impressions, telling us about his trip, which began in Moscow towards the Far East. In order to quickly familiarize yourself with all the small parts of Tvardovsky's work "Beyond the Distance - the Distance", we bring to your attention a summary.

Already at the beginning of the work, the author tells us about the journey and about the motives that prompted him to travel. The hero is all in anticipation of the train ride and what awaits him there ahead. We see in the part called "On the Road", the mood of the hero who wants to visit new places for himself. His mood is wonderful, he is glad to every fellow traveler. Next, we get acquainted with the part "Seven Thousand Rivers". That is how the hero speaks of the Volga. The author devoted a whole part to this river. He calls it “the middle of the native Earth”, “Mother Volga alone”, despite the fact that there are more powerful rivers. The writer sings of the river, talks about how people admire it, how “half of Russia looked into it” and how beautiful and big it is.

Next, we are transported to the memories of the hero, where he talks about his native land Zagorye, where he spent his youth in the forge, and then the passage through the Urals “I’m driving past, And something clenched in my chest: I leave you behind, as if my dear land”, and then “beyond the Urals - the Trans-Urals” and already another far

In the next part of "Two Distances", the author says goodbye to the Urals and meets a new land, Siberia, introducing us to the meeting landscapes that the hero observes from the window. Here the author is talking to us, the readers of “Reader! A friend of the very best" "let's continue the conversation." And the conversation is already continuing in the part “Literary Conversation”, where the writer introduces us to his companions, giving them brief characteristics. So the hero tells us about a young couple, a lady in pajamas, a major, and again the hero turns to the reader.

In Tvardovsky's poem "Beyond the Distance - the Distance", the lyrical hero also meets his childhood friend, recalling with him the past carefree times in the part "Childhood Friend". Also on the journey, the author tells us about the historical military events that took place in the country, which we learn about from the chapter "Front and Rear". Here the author talks about a dispute that began between fellow travelers on the topic of the front "there was a dispute about the front and about the rear, - Not what is more important, But where it is more difficult." Further Angara, Baikal, Vladivostok.

At the end, the author again turns to the readers, who in their imagination, together with the hero, comprehended the distance. The author writes about the desire of readers to know the hero of the poem, but as such there is no hero, or rather, the heroes of the work “You and I, yes we are with you”, that is, the author himself and the readers. The author concludes his work with farewell to the readers “Farewell. To a new distance”, calling the readers “Old friend”.

History of creation Beyond the distance far Tvardovsky

The history of the creation of "For the distance, the distance" by Tvardovsky begins in 1950. Auto decided to write a poem after he left the Novy Mir magazine and went to travel the country, writing everything down in his diary. The author wrote his work for ten whole years and completed it in 1960.
In my work on Tvardovsky's poem "For the Distance, Distance" and in my essay, I want to note the writer's great talent, which allowed us to imagine the greatness of our country.

"For the distance - the distance"

The poem "For the distance - distance", for which A.T. Tvardovsky was awarded the Lenin Prize in 1961, is one of the central works of A.T. Tvardovsky. It consists of 15 small chapters.

The main motive of the poem is the motive of the road. The lyrical hero sets off on a train journey through the expanses of his native country. At the very beginning of the work, we learn that he had planned this route through the Urals and Siberia for a long time. The lyrical hero recalls the war, devastation and wants to look at the new country that has rebuilt during the peaceful years.

Traveling gives the lyrical hero the opportunity to see new places, to feel a sense of belonging with other people, and awakens creative inspiration. characteristic feature poem is the presence of ironic intonation. “He overcame, climbed the mountain And became visible from everywhere. When he was greeted noisily by everyone, marked by Fadeev himself, provided with millet in abundance, marked by friends in the classics, Almost already immortalized, ”A.T. writes. Tvardovsky about his lyrical hero. Having achieved fame, a person should not break away from reality, from communication, from developing life. The hero of the poem admits that the land where he is not feels like a loss. He is in a hurry to live, he strives to be in time everywhere. Traveling in space becomes a powerful stimulus for memories - time travel.

The first major event of the trip is the meeting with the Volga: “She! - And on the right, not far, Not seeing the bridge ahead, We see its wide reach In the gap of the field on the way. Russian people perceive the Volga not only as a river. It is at the same time a symbol of all of Russia, its natural resources and expanses. A.T. Tvardovsky emphasizes this more than once, describing the joyful excitement of the hero and his fellow travelers at a meeting with the mother of Russian rivers. The Kremlin walls, domes and crosses of cathedrals and ordinary villages have long looked into the Volga. Even dissolving in the ocean waters, the Volga carries in itself "the earth's native reflection." The patriotic feeling of the lyrical hero takes him to the memorable war years, especially since his neighbor in the compartment fought for this Volga near Stalingrad. Thus, admiring the view of the river, the hero of the poem admires not only the natural beauties of the Russian land, but also the courage of its defenders.

Memories transfer the lyrical hero to his small homeland - in Zagorye. Childhood memory characterizes life in this region as meager, quiet, not rich. A symbol of heavy, but honest and people need labor in the poem becomes the image of the forge, which has become for the young man a kind of "academy of sciences".

In the forge "everything was born with which they plow the field, uproot the forest and cut down the house." Interesting conversations were also held here, from which the first ideas of the hero about the world were formed. Many years later, he sees the "major sledgehammer of the Urals" at work and recalls his native, familiar village forge from childhood. By comparing two artistic images, the author correlates the theme of a small homeland with conversations about the fate of the entire state. At the same time, the compositional space of the chapter "Two Forges" expands, and the poetic lines reach the maximum effect of artistic generalization. The image of the Urals is noticeably enlarged. The role of this region in the industrialization of the country is perceived more clearly: “Urals! The supporting edge of the state, Its earner and blacksmith, The same age as our ancient glory And the creator of the present glory.

Gallery of regions and regions native land Siberia continues. And the lyrical hero again plunges into memories of the war, of childhood, then examines his fellow travelers with interest. Separate lines of the poem are addressed to fellow writers, pseudo-writers, who, without delving into the essence of events, write production novels on the order according to the same basic plot scheme: “Look, a novel, and everything is in order: , growing before And going to communism grandfather. Tvardovsky opposes simplifications in literary work. He urges not to replace the image of true reality with on-duty schemes and templates. And suddenly the monologue of the lyrical hero is interrupted by an unexpected exclamation. It turns out that along with the poet, his editor is traveling in the same compartment, who declares: “And you will come out into the world, like a picture, What I thought of you.” This comical plot device helps the author to raise a painful problem for him. After all, A.T. Tvardovsky, as you know, was not only a poet, but for a long time he headed one of the best Soviet magazines - Novy Mir. He had the opportunity to look at the problem of the relationship between the author and the editor from both sides. As a result, it turns out that the editor only dreamed of the poet, like a "bad dream."

Siberia in the perception of the author appears as a desert land, fanned by "severe denseness". This is a "deaf land of bad glory", "the eternal wilderness". Looking at the fires of Siberia, the lyrical hero talks about how "from afar they brought here Whom the order, Whom the merit, Whom the dream, Whom the trouble...".

In the taiga at the Taishet station, the lyrical hero meets an old friend. Once upon a time, life separated these two people. Their fleeting meeting at the station becomes a certain symbol of the irreversibility of the passage of time and human life. Barely having met, the heroes part again and disperse in different directions of a huge country.

Carriage disputes, pictures of road life create the necessary background in the poem, against which the author tries to raise the most topical issues of the era. He talks about careerism and encourages young people to explore the uninhabited land. An example of such an ascetic act is the fate of a young couple who, at the call of their heart, travels from Moscow to work in Siberia. Further, emphasizing the scale and grandiosity of the projects for the development of Siberia, Tvardovsky talks about the construction of a hydroelectric station on the Angara.

At the end of the poem, the lyrical hero brings his bow to Vladivostok from mother Moscow, from mother Volga, from father Ural, from Baikal, from Angara and from all of Siberia. Repetitions and diminutive suffixes give the stanza a folklore sound. The poet confesses his love for the motherland, for the people and says goodbye to the reader until a new meeting. The author managed to embody his grandiose idea in the poem: to present a generalized portrait of his native land and convey the ascetic spirit of the thaw era, the scope of industrial plans and the breadth of the soul of a Russian person.