Foot sweating is a delicate, but eliminated problem. The reasons for which a person sweats the inner part of the hip in a woman sweats

At least every third woman sooner or later, an awkward feeling becomes known when in the summer in the heat rubbing between the legs.

What to do in this situation and how to get rid of the future from the unpleasant sticky feeling on the skin in the heat?

Irritation on the delicate skin of the thighs when walking, it always appears while compliance with two conditions:

Feet touch each other when walking;

The skin on the legs is wet.

Anatomical features when rubs between the legs: what can be done?

Most often, people with closely arranged rubbing skin does not depend on the weather. Of course, in the heat, irritation can intensify, but women wipe jeans to holes, and at the same time both the skin comes in contact with the inguinal seams and in winter and in cool weather. The Council on replacing skirts on thin pants will be inappropriate here.

In adulthood, it is impossible to fix or adjust the formed structure of the body, so you have to warn rubbing the skin between the legs, in a special way causing it.

Reduce the risk of irritation from the fact that it is not a less sensitive, more elastic and elastic skin in a problem area. This requires an integrated approach.

1. Powerful nutrition. The diet should contain a large number of seasonal vegetables and fruits, croup, meat and red fish. It is from the fish that will draw useful fat required for elastic leather, and the rest of the products will gradually bring toxins from the body, oppressing its condition. It is necessary to abandon the sweet, salted, sharp and in general from all unprofitable.

2. Drink a lot of water. No matter how tritely sounded, but most of the problems relating to our body can be corrected by entering the drinking mode of pure water. The skin of the inner surface of the legs is no exception. Thanks to the receipt of a large amount of water in the body, the skin will be faster to update, will become more elastic and, if you want, Tolstoy. And this in turn will warn it from abrasion to yasels during walking.

3. Hygiene and massage. The main place in care problem skin It occupies the right hygiene, especially during the heat. Skin elasticity well increases the massage with jets of water and the contrasting souls, and after the end of the water procedures, it is necessary to pretty lubricate the inner side of the hip with an oil with vitamin E. Special attention should be paid to the fact that the skin can be smeared by oil, only if it is no longer necessary to go to the oil Street. If you smear the skin before leaving, the sand grains and street dust can stick to fatty and street dust and, on the contrary, to increase the risk of grazing the skin between the legs, to do anything in this situation will be useless, it will be necessary to heal the consequences.

Ottero between the legs: what to do if there is overweight or fat deposits on the inner surface of the thigh?

Women with chubby legs are much more often complaining that rubbing the inner surface of the thigh, than thin. It depends on two main reasons.

1. The volume of hips. The larger the top of the top of the leg, the more friction occurs when walking.

2. Enhanced sweating. It may be due to both impaired metabolism, and with an increased load on the circulatory system, and with violations on the hormonal level, knocking the normal operation of sweat and sebaceous glands, and so that together with weight increases the number of calories spent on movement, and So, there is a greater emission of energy and heat.

The same problem may touch both rather slender women, but having problem areas on the inner surface of the thigh.

It is possible to get rid of rubbing between the legs only by changing the volume of the hips, in both cases it means to lose weight. However, you need to lose weight correctlySo that it is precisely fat from the problem part.

1. Remove all food garbage and sweets from the diet. Buns, chips, cupcakes and sauces have a property being delayed precisely in problem areas. So, no matter how a woman has lost weight, each sweetie will form a bag on the inside of the hip and on the sides. Anatomically, women are arranged in such a way that it is these places that are intended to store energy reserves for the future.

2. Exercises for strengthening the inner part of the thigh. Among the most effective exercise To pull up the muscles at home - compressing a large ball or an expander between the knees and running, skiing or sailing for burning fat.

3. Massage and wraps. You can remove a couple of extra centimeters using a professional massage or home wraps. Variations of wraps are set - with clay, with honey, with cocoa or chocolate. The main thing to choose feeding, and not drying the skin components so that it becomes more elastic and elastic.

To confess to yourself in the existence of a problem zone and you can even get rid of it if there is a good figure in general. You only need a couple of months of patience and you can forever forget that you need to do something in order not to rub between the legs.

Rubs between the legs: what to do with high sweating?

Increased sweating can be a symptom of a number of diseases. It is called:

Disorders of an endocrine or hormonal nature;

The initial stage of colds;

Neurological diseases;





Purulent processes in the body;

Most of infectious diseases.

If there is a feeling that sweating is not related to the weather or the body reacts too violently to the temperature rise ambient, this is a reason to consult a doctor. Indeed, in this case, irritation between the legs can be the smallest nuisance that will have to be transferred.

Most often, the problem can be solved in the gynecologist or endocrinologist. A number of analyzes are appointed by a woman on the basis of which drugs restoring normal hormonal background.

In women, there are also periods of sweating that you just need to wait. These include teenage age, pregnancy and climax. At this time, a powerful hormonal perestroika occurs in the body, affect which it is almost impossible, and not needed.

Sweats can increase during stress or against the background of taking antibiotics and some other drugs.

Ottero between the legs: What to do to quickly eliminate rubbing and remove inflammation on the skin?

The elimination of the reasons leading to rubbing between the legs takes not one day, so the need to use auxiliary means capable of temporarily solve the problem.

Child powder with antiseptic action. Apply the powder only on well wash and dried skin. Then, if the skin begins to sweat, the powder absorbs moisture and rolls into lumps, leaving the skin with dry and slippery. The duration of the action of the powder lasts until the entire powder becomes wet. For different peopleLiving in different climates, the duration of the rewriting will be very different, so how effective this tool needs to be determined individually.

Antipersterant. The fundamental difference of antipersperant from the deodorant is that he is struggling from later, and not with the smell. Antipersterant-aerosols are suitable for skin treatment between the legs. The aerosol is applied to the skin very thin layer, and for drying it will be required only a few seconds. It is best to cope with moisture antipersperats with the effect of powder, when drying, they turn into a thin layer of dry matter, due to which the friction is reduced between the legs.

Pasta Teymurova. This is a drug against excessive sweating. The paste has a sharp, unpleasant smell, but due to its composition it is precipitated on the treated area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. To get rid of sweating for a long time, sometimes enough of all of several applications, however, in the paste of Teymurova, like any medication, there are restrictions on use, so before treatment it is necessary to consult a doctor.

If it was not possible to do anything in time against the grace between the legs, the result becomes small abrasions and ulcers. Skin irritation delivers a lot of trouble and painfulness. In order to get rid of the effects of rubbing as quickly as possible, you need to wash well with antibacterial soap. The place where irritation appeared, wipe dry and handle the healing ointment or gel with an antiseptic. Among the most effective:


"Dr. Panthenol";



Until full healing, it is necessary to constantly monitor the freshness of the skin in this place and, if possible, exclude re-rubber.

If rubbing to pain is repeated from time to times, the skin on the inner surface of the thigh from constant inflammation loses its elasticity, becomes dark and the flabby on the form. Restoring such a running state requires a long daily careconsisting of thorough hygiene, massage, skin nutrition oils and bleaching agents.

In addition to cosmetics, there are folk skin lightening methods that are perfectly coping with their task, subject to regular use.


To make a lighter area between the legs, where it was ottero, you need to carefully grasp this place with the slices of lemon, after 10-15 minutes the juice can be washed with simple water.

Cucumber mask

Cucumber must be grateful and mixed with Lyme juice. This mixture is applied to the skin for 10 minutes and washed off with warm water.

Any skin associated problems are easier to prevent than to deal with their consequences. Therefore, no matter how much the path to the root elimination of the causes of rubbing the skin between the legs (treatment, weight loss, skin strengthening), it will be remembered simply as a necessity that led to a beautiful walking and healthy skin without fear of long walks in any weather and in any clothes. .

Increased foot sweating brings a lot of trouble for adults, especially if it comes to the legs. The sweatstops cause discomfort, spread the unpleasant specific smell. The reasons for which the legs are very sweating. It is bad that with a long wear of closed shoes or boots, the permanent humidity provokes the appearance of non-calling corns, rigid housing and creates an ideal environment for the emergence and development of skin fungus. Hydrome does not affect the skin, so it is necessary to deal with similar manifestations.

Symptoms of the problem

The fact that an increased sweating takes place, the following signs will be told:

  • feet sweating when wearing good leather shoes and even in the summer, when sandals exercise;
  • the feeling of humidity in the footsteps does not leave even after hygienic procedures;
  • as a result, the skin has an unusual species, change began to be observed.

The reverse side of the problem is hypiothidrosis, insufficient sweating.

Basic causal factors

Men and women have the reasons for the same:

  • the reason may be in the disease of the endocrine system;
  • pathology of the central nervous system;
  • skin diseases (provoke an unpleasant odor);
  • chronic stress;
  • oncology;
  • obesity.

Household factors

  • the feet are very successful when wearing a warm non-seasonal or synthetic shoes, closed narrow shoes, sneakers;
  • when walking in the summer in stockings, pantyhose, synthetic socks;
  • insufficient observance of hygiene;

Prevention of sweating legs is to revise external circumstances that are not related to health. Often the elimination of at least one of the listed factors stops the problems.

Exist simple rulesBy observing which you can lose sweating.

Violation of the natural process of sweating - hydrace - must be treated. To begin with, follow the diet:

  • limit coffee consumption, black chocolate, strong hot tea;
  • refuse alcohol, energy and low alcohol drinks;
  • reduce the number of cigarettes dropped per day;
  • abundant sharp, oily, spicy food - under the ban.

Maybe the high sweating of the legs is a consequence of the inattention. Pay more time to personal hygiene. Be cooked cool water several times a day, use a bactericidal or arable soap. Heels need to be constantly delivering from the cooler skin, do not wear wet shoes or boots, always dry them and ventilate them.

Features of treatment

If a diagnosis is diagnosed - hyperhydrosis stop, treat treatment seriously. It will save you not only from excess sweating, but also from the psychological problems associated with it, because there is no comfortable and wet feet. To remove sweat, use low-cost medicines:

  • "Borozin" - produced in the form of a powder, which you need to fall asleep into the boots.
  • "Formagel" is a formaldehyde active substance, as a gel. When applied to problem areas, forms a film that is flushed after some time. Disposable use will save from excess sweat at least 7-10 days.
  • Boric acid in powder. Carefully sweep between your fingers. Remove with cool water in the morning.

Preparations called "Bellaid" or "Bellaspon" are also available. After their application, increased sweating stop is worried about less. From unpleasant sensations, when the legs are preferred, deocontrol creams will get rid of "Calmers" creams. Try also take advantage of the folk remedies, they will not be supplied.

What doctor to contact?

The family doctor will help determine the problem of sweating and give direction for treatment.

Hydrosis of the limbs is an indicator of the disease or pathology of the endocrine or central nervous system. With hypergidrosis, the treatment of sweating legs requires time and patience. To begin with, describe the symptoms of the family doctor, which after the inspection will assign the necessary assays to find out why the feet sweat.

If the reasons for increased sweating in the disease, a narrow specialist (endocrinologist, a neurologist, a phthisiar or cardiologist) will eliminate the sweat problem by appointing the corresponding drugs. If health is not very worried about health, but feet sweating does not give rest, contact a dermatologist, which will prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures. Consult the surgeon. Remember that insufficient release of sweat - hyphydrosis - also requires medical intervention.

Medical methods

Prescribed when the electrophoresis feet sweated. The impact of weak discharges inhibits the operation of sweat glands, thus excessive sweating decreases or comes back. The action remains approximately a month.

If there is a fungus, the treatment of the hyperhydrogen stop is postponed and all the forces are primarily sent to getting rid of the disease of the fourth. There are cases when hydrosis is treated with the appointment of antibiotics. Effectively treats the drug, which contains bootolotoxin ("Botox", "Distport"). After injection in the problem zone, foot sweating stops for half a year. Contraindications are absent.

Socks from sweating

Almost everyone knows how sweaty shoes are stinking by the end of the working day. One of the ways to combat excessive sweating - walking in special cotton socks with antiseptic and deodorizing impregnation. They do not interfere with air exchange, the antiseptic does not give to develop bacteria. They can be worn all day and feel comfortable. Impregnation does not cause allergies. They erase as ordinary, dressed on washed and dry legs.

Promotional methods

Folk remedies Not only reduce sweating, but also treat the problem.
  • The baths from the decoction of oak or willow bark are considered the most effective.
  • The alcohol tincture of birch kidneys must be used every morning, thoroughly wiping the foot with a cotton swab.
  • You can slightly beat the egg yolk and smear the sweating sections in the evening. After some time, after drying, washed off with cool water.
  • Cold soda baths and powders also give a good result.
  • Sometimes wipe the legs with lemon juice and apple vinegar.

Folk remedies can reduce discomfort. High probability and fully cure hydraulic limbs.

The sweating of the buttock is found in both men and women.

This causes inconvenience, shame and constraint:

  • the sharp unpleasant smell is coming;
  • with a strong sweating, the pants become so wet that it can be seen.

Such a trouble may happen even with an eight-year-old child, and with age only aggravate.

Permanent humidity contributes to the formation of scuffs, diaper disposals and ulcers, as well as the development of bacteria, which leads to infectious complications.

In fact, such a notch is rare enough:

  • he may occur during obesity;
  • in people who have undergone a sympathetomy operation. In this case, we are talking about the side effect (compensatory hyperhydrosis), which has developed after the sympathectomy operation.

There are cases when sweating priests decreased after holding lumbar sympathectomy due to the plantar hyperhydrosis.

What you need to take first

What if the priest sweats?

There are simple home methods that are available to any person:

  • Take a cool shower;
  • Do this at least twice a day. Swimming in warm and hot water increases the body temperature, and you sweat more. Regular water procedures help also get rid of bacteria that cause an unpleasant odor.

    It is quite normal to wash the body at first warm water, and at the end - cool.

  • Use soap or shower gel;
  • They help get rid of dirt, smell and microbes on the body. So They destroy the environment, which appears an unpleasant odor when you sweat. Be sure to use the washcloth and make sure that the groin thoroughly washed, the pubic area and the ass. Do not forget to disinfect the washcloth. Make it can be placed in a solution of chlorine or vinegar;

  • Hygiene during the day;
  • Even if you are at work, it is easy to wipe the problem of wet children's or special antiseptic napkins as much as possible;

  • Break between the buttocks;
  • If it sweats very much, it is recommended to regularly steal the hair in a brine area. They are a seating for bacteria and fungi and absorb an unpleasant smell. Such hygienic events will help gain freshness and comfort;

  • Rubbing vinegar.
  • This method is very simple. After the adoption of water procedures are well dried by a towel. Then impregnate your cotton disk with a small amount of natural apple vinegar and wipe between the buttocks. Vinegar kills bacteria and fungi it also contains probiotics, i.e. "Useful bacteria", which normalize skin flora.

What medicinal and cosmetics can help

If it constantly sweats, then deodorants for intimate hygiene will be a good addition to the above methods. These funds will help support freshness and prevent the development of bacteria and fungi.

Some patients note the positive effect of sage basis. Tablets or infusions reduce the sweating of the whole organism. They may help you cope with the problem.

Sproves are simply necessary:

  • such simple waysAs the processing of the Talc region between the buttocks will reduce moisture. Talc absorbs sweat well and has antimicrobial activity. Good adsorbing properties are inherent in ordinary starch. After the shower, carefully drain the skin and apply the powder;
  • hygienic powder for intimate places Milkydress Lady Tok Secret - blocks the development of strong unpleasant odors. It is produced on the basis of plant components and does not contain in its composition talc, parabens, synthetic dyes, etc. Such a soft composition is ideal for female representatives;
  • powder for intimate hygiene vagizyl - has high adsorbing properties. The composition includes corn starch, vitamins and aloe extract;
  • Biosea intime - contains starch, kaolin, zinc oxide, jojoba oil and chamomile. This powder in addition to protection against moisture prevents the appearance of diameters and irritations.

One of the reasons why the ass will sweat, is the wrong choice of clothing and linen.

Carefully review your wardrobe. Pi swelling It is important to pay attention to every little thing.

This refers to both quality and size:

  • for example, too tightly tight pants or pants prevent the air flow. As a result, the skin sweats greatly. Pick up dark loose pants. So the air will freely pass and cool the problem zone;
  • clothing should be made of natural fabrics, such as cotton, flax, silk, etc. These materials allow air well to circulate. Synthetics literally clogs skin breathing;
  • if you need one hundred percent protection, purchase special underwater underwear for such cases. It produces, for example, the company Kleinert (USA). It is intended for people with incontinence of urine, women during critical days, used in postpartum, postoperative periods, etc. Why not apply it to solving this problem? You will be sure that no moisture drops outside.

We analyze all possible direct contact items.

Most people spend the bulk of the time in the sitting position. If you are no exception, but pay attention to the quality of your chair, chairs, etc.

They can be made of a material that does not transmit air. This leads to the fact that it sweats not only the ass, but also a back, as well as hips.

What can be advised:

  • purchase a "breathable" chair - backs and seats are a grid that does not create barriers to air circulation. You can put a fan to the floor, it will create the necessary coolness at the bottom of the chair;
  • the reason why the ass feels in men who spend a long time driving a car is also a seat. The optimal option in this case will be special capes with cooling function and blowing, or some other seating ventilation systems.

What steps to take on

If the sweating will be disturbed with the former force, then it is better to consult a doctor about treatment.

Do not ignore high sweating. It may be a sign of a serious illness. Consult a doctor if you have sweat more than usual. Make sure that your health status causes fears.

What can offcome medicine:

  • anticholinergic drugs;
  • botinotherapy;
  • endoscopic sympathectomy.


Often patients ask a question - is it possible to make injections on the pope? Botinotherapy is not approved as a method for treating the sweating of the buttocks. But many foreign doctors actively and successfully apply it to correct the heavy hyperhydrosis of any body departments.

The intimate zone is not a contraindication. Botox works everywhere. The effect of the drug is to block the relationship between nerve endings and sweat glands.

The effectiveness of the procedure is sufficiently high. The duration of the dry period is individual - from 6 to 10 months.

Endoscopic sympathectomy

Currently this is a minimally invasive operation. It is safer than before, and is well tolerated by patients.

I would like to say that not all cases are suitable for such treatment. Areas that are well amenable to correction is the head, face, hands and armpits (endotocal sympathectomy).

An lumbar sympathectomy is used to combat hypergidrosis of the lower half of the body. But this operation is not highly popular.

Its essence is the cut or patching of the sympathetic barrel at the level of 3-4 lumbar vertebrae.

Frequent by-effect Surgical intervention is compensatory sweating on other parts of the body. It cannot be said that it becomes a big problem. Many patients consider it as a kind of compromise.

Performing an experimental surgeon minimizes the risk of complications. But they still can be - bleeding, infection, neurological disorders, etc.

Opinions of doctors about this issue

Krasnoselsky V.I.

Most effective method - Botoks.

Pottedness of priests (or in crotch hyperhydrosis) The phenomenon is not very frequent. Much more patients suffering from high sweating of legs, hands or armpits.

Experienced doctors have already sufficient experience in treating hyperhydroposis by Botox drugs. In principle, there is no significant difference between where to make injections - on buttocks or on the palms. The result will be in any case.

My opinion regarding treatment is the following - if it is impossible to remove the problem of homework, do not postpone the visit of the doctor "for later." It is necessary to be examined and pick up the most effective method of treatment for you.

Yakubel S.M.

An integrated approach is important

Not the first time I am convinced that many patients want to get the result quickly and immediately. The correction of increased sweating should occur in several directions. And it's not always everything turns out as fast as we would like.

Changing lifestyle, nutrition, day mode, getting rid of bad habits - All these are important factors that cannot be paid. Without this, the likelihood of success is minimized.

Of course, such techniques like botulinity therapy, for example, can quickly give the necessary effect. Yes, the result of treatment will last a few months. Everything will be fine. But, unfortunately, sweating then gradually returns.

Potting is a physiological process, in which excessive liquid and toxins are removed through sweat glands, thermoregulation occurs. A person sweats very much because of the hot climate, during a workout or stressful state. Increased sweating can be related symptom diseases such as cancer, endocrine, renal and cardiovascular diseases. It is important to establish the cause of sweating and begin treatment of the main disease from the beginning.

Causes of sweating: pathological and nonpatological

It can signal a serious disease that passes in a hidden form.

Potting in the human body is constantly, but abundant becomes with conducive factors. Physical exercise Or an increase in ambient temperature is the natural reasons for which sweating occurs. In a calm state at a comfortable temperature, it is not observed. However, the selection of sweat can be a disease signal. Bowl of all parts of the body: limbs, armpits, the inner side of the hips, face. The cause of such a pathological state is infections, the dysfunction of the endocrine system, a decrease or increase in blood pressure.

8 ailments as the reason for excessive sweating


The body poisoning occurs due to poisonous substances with medications, food, alcohol, when working with chemical toxins. Such intoxication causes the strengthened work of the sympathetic department of the nervous system, which is responsible for the operation of respiratory, digestive and circulatory systems. Their organs begin to function rapidly, which is why the body temperature rises. As a result, abundant sweating appears.

Cardiovascular diseases

With any violations of the heart or blood vessels, cardiac rhythm and breathing are disturbed, which is why the brain is poorly supplied with blood. Under the defeat of the sympathetic department of the autonomic nervous system, reinforced removal occurs. Hypotension and hypertension are also the cause of hyperhydroposis. The main diseases under which excessive sweating appears, is:

  • coronary artery disease;
  • resistant elevated or low arterial pressure;
  • heart attack or stroke;
  • cardiac arrhythmia;
  • vegeth vascular dystonia.
Harmful habits provoke increased sweating.

An abstitent state occurs in people, a long time dependent on narcotic or drug substances. Most often develops from alcoholics and drug addicts when refusing drugs that caused addiction. Received substances have a big impact on all organs and systems. Therefore, when dyspnea, arrhythmia, tremor, and as a result, severe sweating appears. The condition may cause a refusal to such substances:

  • alcohol;
  • nicotine;
  • drugs;
  • sleeping preparations;
  • psychotropic stimulants.

Neurological diseases

Neurological ailments affect all nervous system And reflected on its activities. In such cases, excessive sweating is observed if the sympathetic department of the CNS or spinal cord is affected, as well as peripheral nerve endings. Intensive sweating is observed in case of such diseases:

  • parkinson's disease;
  • damage to nerve fibers syphilis;
  • riley-Dai syndrome.

Malignant education

The sweating here is considered as a symptom.

The appearance of cancers always entails abundant sweating. The tumor growth provokes a violation of metabolic processes and dysfunction of endocrine and cardiovascular systems. As a result, the temperature rises. With this condition, excessive sweating of the armpits, limbs, faces are observed. The appearance of hyperhydrosis causes such neoplasms:

  • lymphogranulomatosis;
  • carcinoma;
  • feochromocytoma.

Kidney disease

The causes of increased sweating in renal diseases are due to the presence of foci of infection. The affected kidneys work weakly and do not cope with the load. Most of the excess fluid is excreted through sweat glands, and not with urine. In addition infectious diseases The kidneys can rise high temperature. These factors provoke a strong sweating. Hyperhydrosis is observed with such a hareach of the kidneys:

  • stones in the kidneys;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • glomerulonephritis.

Endocrine diseases

Endocrine hyperhydrosis appears as a result of hormonal failure. For the disease thyroid gland There is an excessive generation of thyroid hormone. It provokes overheating of the body and increased sweating. For sugar diabetes Many organs and systems are affected, especially the sympathetic department of the CNS, which also causes hyperhydrosis. In addition, with endocrine diseases, obesity often arises. When overweight, sweat glands work with interruptions, because full people Highly sweat. The hormonal background is influenced by adrenal glands and pituitary. The appearance of neoplasms on them causes excessive mining of hormones, which causes reinforced sweating. The main hormonal diseases affecting high sweating:

Infectious diseases

Bacteria and viruses enter the body causes the immune system reaction. Active imminent resistance to increase temperature increase. To cope with the excess of inner heat, the person begins to sweat. In addition, hyperthermia provokes a violation of blood flow and metabolic processes, as well as oxygen starvation of the brain. At the same time, the divisions of the CNS regulating heat exchange are affected, due to which the sweat is highlighted. However, sweating may be present at illness not accompanied by high temperatures. This is due to the dysfunction of many systems and the weakness of the organism under the influence of bacteria toxins. The reason for the occurrence of sweating may be such infectious diseases:

  • respiratory viral;
  • tuberculosis;
  • ailments caused by streptococci, staphylococci, intestinal wand and other microorganisms;
  • helmintoses.

What are the nonpatological causes of sweating?

Excitement and stress

When a person is in a stressful condition, a large amount of adrenaline comes into the blood. This hormone increases blood pressure, increases the heart rate, expands the brain vessels. Sweet glands of limbs quickly react to such a state, the armpits are very sweat. In this case, the sweating cools the skin.

The fact that the temperature of the person is 36.6 degrees - all famous fact. This temperature is maintained at the expense of sweating. But it should be noted that the intensity of the discharge and the composition of the sweat in each person is somewhat different.
If the legs sweat greatly - this is alarm signal. The problem should be treated with all seriousness and seek medical attention.

Leisure for feet.

As mentioned above, sweating is a natural body reaction. The first thing is to sweat palm, feet and armpits. If in different time years feet sweat equally strongly, it is already considered medical problem, not personal. Often, sweating is accompanied by an unpleasant smell. To the question why the legs are very sweating there is an answer.

The reasons may be reduced hygiene, incorrectly selected shoes, as well as the reasons that do not directly depend on us. If legs sweat, it can cause various fungal and mineral diseases or colds.

If there is suspicion of hyperhydrous legs, you can spend a little testing. To do this, you need a few drops of iodine, which should be added to the water. Then this composition is applied to the foot and sprinkle them with corn starch. If the skin has acquired a blue color, there is a problem with sweating.

With excessive sweating of the feet, there is also a feeling of humidity and a bad smell, the legs begin to hide. These symptoms are inherent in the following diseases:

  • oncological diseases;
  • emotional disorders and violation of the CNS function;

Since these diseases are quite serious, doctors should be treated with the treatment of swelling of the legs. They will be able to determine the real cause of sweating of the legs and compose competent treatment.

If suddenly the legs began to sweat and smell, then at the initial stages you can try to solve the problem yourself. The mass of enough harmless causes can cause hyperhydrosis. For example:

Shoes from unfulfilled materials provokes the development of hyperhydroposis

  1. Does not breathable shoes from artificial materials does not allow sweat freely evaporate, which provokes a strong smell inside the boot.
  2. Wrong footwear care.
  3. The choice of close or excessive closed shoes preventing normal air circulation.
  4. Violation of the rules of care for legs.
  5. Socks, dressed not within the season, provoke a strong sweating, and therefore, the scent.
  6. Stockings or socks from artificial tissues do not allow sweat to evaporate. Also, artificial materials create favorable conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria.
  7. Intensive physical work causes an elevated part of the sweat. Typically, the athletes suffer. With regular sports, the body gets used to highlight the sweat. Therefore, in ordinary life with the slightest overvoltage, the feet of the athletes begin to sweat.

If it was not possible to understand independently, due to the sweating of the legs, you should contact a specialist who will make diagnostics and prescribe the necessary treatment.


Initially, the doctor dermatologist verifies what the hyperhydrosis is caused. In the presence of fungal infections, suitable treatment is assigned. If the sweating is caused by other reasons, the dermatologist gives the direction to other specialists, for example, to an endocrinologist or neurologist. To reveal why the legs smell badly and sweat, you should pass diagnosis and only then make a decision what to do in the current situation.

The doctor asks you already familiar questions and looks, whether sweat glands are amazed, eliminates various diseases. The overall blood test is surrendered, urine analysis, glucose test, fluorography, blood on sugar. Additionally, the doctor may prescribe the CT of the head, the X-ray of the skull, testing for tuberculosis and cardiography.

Diagnostics can be assigned in the form:

  1. Sample Minor - iodine-starch test.
  2. Gravimetric method - identification of the average volume of discharge.
  3. Chromatographic method - is determined by the type of hyperhydrogen and the composition of sweat.


Treatment directly depends on the diagnosis. Most often appointed inexpensive pharmacy ointment or home remedies. If the diagnosis has shown more serious problems, the following procedures are assigned:

  1. Ionophoresis. Effective procedure, but not too pleasant. Its essence lies in the fact that a person lowers his legs into a pelvis with water, and weak current let go to the water. This procedure must be done regularly, since the effect is saved for a short time.
  2. Botulin injections. Simple I. effective procedure, eliminates sweating, about half a year. The procedure is quite painful and expensive, has contraindications.
  3. Surgery. Nervous fibers associated with sweat glands are removed surgically and clarified with a clip. This method is fraught with various complications.
  4. Laser treatment. Sweet glands are heated, and then destroyed through microprocries using a laser tube. The procedure is carried out under anesthesia. The effect is preserved 3-4 months.


You can try to take advantage of the pharmaceutical agents when swelling the legs. It may be:

It is worth considering that such funds do not help in the treatment of hyperhydrosis, but only mask the smell.


To legs do not sweat, they need to be treated. This will help folk remedies.

Birch buds

5 tbsp. Birch kidneys poured 0.5 liters. Vodka and put in the refrigerator for 10 days. Periodically, the mixture should be shaken. The finished solution is applied to the cotton swab, which is rubbed between the toes and the feet itself. The procedure should be made daily at least two weeks.

Oak bark

3 tbsp. Add to 0.5 liters. Water and boil for 20 minutes. Then it is cool and focused on the grass. 0.5 liters are added to the basin. Water and the resulting solution. Then the pure washed legs are kept in the pelvis for about 20-30 minutes. The procedure is done daily for 1.5-2 weeks.

Eggs with butter

1 Egg is mixed with 1 tbsp. vegetable oil blender or mixer. The resulting mixture is applied to the feet for 10 minutes before bedtime. At the end of this time, socks from natural material all night are put on. The mixture must be applied to your feet daily for two weeks.

Boric acid

Dry boric acid powder is poured into the pelvis. According to this powder, it is necessary to shine before bedtime until the powder is between the fingers. At the end of the procedure, the tool is not washed away, wear socks from natural material all night are put on. The effect appears after 10-15 procedures.


In 2 liters. 0.5 liters are added boiling water. Any beer. The legs are soared in this solution of 10-15 minutes before bedtime. Course of procedures - 3 weeks.

Apple vinegar

In the morning and in the evening, the leg is wiping with apple vinegar applied to a cotton disk. You can also make a bath with the addition of apple vinegar. Per 1 l. Warm water is taken by 100 ml of vinegar. Legs soaring in this solution for 15-20 minutes. Feet after the procedure do not wipe, you need to wait until they are dried.


Any disease is better prevented than eliminating. When swelling the legs, prevention is necessary for preventing fungus or eczema and to preserve self-esteem and good relationships with surrounding people.

It is as follows:

Beautiful and pleasant smelling legs are an indicator of care. Satisfy the needs of the body is to be successful in society and have good self-esteem, and also not to attract extra diseases.