Practical and laboratory work on biology (grade 8). Reshebniki and ready-made homework (GDZ): how to use them? Practical work on biology 8

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Workshop on biology

The program on the electrical course

"Biology Workshop" (17 hours).

Explanatory note.

The program is designed for grade 8.

The workshop includes a variety of practical and laboratory works By the topics: "Musculoskeletal system", "cardiovascular system", "Respiratory system", "human performance", "metabolism and energy", "nervous system", "analyzers", "Higher nervous activity".

The program allows you to carry out heuristic samples and form the practical activity of schoolchildren in the learned area of \u200b\u200bknowledge.

Purpose: Reinforcement of theoretical knowledge obtained in biology lessons, practical special and subject skills.


1. To teach plan and conduct practical work, observe their results and fix observations;

2. To form skills independently acquire and apply knowledge;

3. Use anatomical material in the education of sanitary and hygienic skills of schoolchildren as one of the aspects of environmental education, taking into account the characteristics of the children's body.

Students should know:

1. Basic methods for studying the functions of the body;

2. Age and sex features of the human body;

3. Influence harmful factors and habits on the structure and functions of individual organs and the body as a whole;

4. Terms: Anthropometry, Somatometric Study, Functional Sample, Self Control Diary

Students should be able to:

1. To conduct human health research;

2. Monitor the assessment of human health;

3. process data and make out results in the form of tables, graphs, charts;

4. Use anatomical knowledge for the formation of a zhozh culture.

Themed plan of the course


Practical work




The cardiovascular system

Respiratory system system

Human performance

« »,


Practical work



Metabolism and energy

Nervous system


Higher nervous activity

Topic 1. Musculoskeletal system (2 hours)

Motor activity and physical development of man. The relationship of the skeleton and muscles to solve the human health problem. Anthropometric studies: somatometric, physiometric, somatoscopic.

Practical work: « Somatometric studies », "Evaluation of body flexibility", "determination of the degree of musculature development", "The proportions of the physique", "Right posture", "Definition of flatfoot", "Coordination of movements".

Topic 2. Cardiovascular system (2 hours)

Features of blood circulation and heart work. Nervous and humoral regulation of blood circulation. The main properties of the heart muscle. Dosed impact on the human body under standard conditions.

Practical work: "Definition of the pulse", "Regulation of the heart", "peripheral blood circulation", "orthostatic sample", "Measurement of the speed of blood flow of nail bed capillary".

Topic 3. Respiratory system system (2 hours)

Breathing is a set of physiological processes. Nervous and humoral respiratory regulation. Features of external breathing. The influence of the conditions of the outer and inner medium for human breathing.

Practical work: "Respiratory movements", "Little Life Capacity", "Delayed breathing at rest and after dosage load."

Topic 4. Human performance (2 hours)

Physical performance of man. Simple and complex methods for determining performance. Functional samples for cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Practical work: "Determination of physical performance by the breath", "Trial of Rufye-Dixon", "Harvard Step Test".

Topic 5.Metabolism and energy (2 hours)

The metabolism and energy between the organism and the external environment is an integral property of any body. The intensity of energy exchange in the body. Measuring the energy costs of the body.

Practical work: "Compilation edible rationa"," Calculation of energy consumption "," body temperature control during the day. "

Theme 6.Nervous system (3 hours)

The value of the CNS in the body. Role nervous system In regulation and coordination of vital activity. The property of the nervous system is excitability. Reflex reactions and complex behavioral acts.

Practical work: "Study of human reflex reactions", "Study of the state of the autonomic nervous system", "vegetative nervous system", "oblongable brain", "middle brain", "cerebellum", "intermediate brain", "big hemispheres of the brain", "unconditional braking "

Topic 7. Analyzers (2 hours)

The role of analyzers in the perception of external and internal information and transferring it and analysis to the highest brain departments. The structure of analyzers. Adequate and inadequate irritants receptors.

Practical work: "Eye muscles", "Changing the size of the pupil", "Structure of the retina", determination of visual acuity "," functional state of the vestibular analyzer "," study of tactile sensitivity ".

Theme 8.Higher nervous activity (2 hours)

Study of mental functions in humans. Manifestations of mental activity: feeling and perception, performance and thinking, attention and memory, feelings and will.

Practical work: "Detection of short-term memory", "figurative memory", "Attention", "Attention and performance", "scope", "logical thinking", "meaning memory", "performance", "The impact of posture on the result of activity."


Mash of experiments and observations on anatomy, physiology and human hygiene: KN. For teacher. - M.: Enlightenment, 1983.-160 s.

Laboratory work on human biology 8 class.

Laboratory work number 2

Self-observation of the blinking reflex and the conditions for its manifestation

Experience to clean hands, the use of pencils and other

items for skin irritation and eyelids are unacceptable.


1. Sea and touched by hand

a) to the outer corner of the eye,

b) to the inner corner of the eye,

C) to the eyelashes,

D) to the eyebrows,

E) to the skin of the eyelids,

Note those areas whose irritation causes an involuntary blinking, "+"

2. Premise as a table.

3. What is not observed by a blinking reflex when irritating some regions?

4. Remorately touch the inner corner of the eye from the nose side, not hurt eyelashes. What's happening?

5. Save the scheme of the reflex arc of a blinking reflex.

6. Make conclusions.

Laboratory work number 3

Ball Reflex

Explanation: (The knee reflex is a reflex, the center of which is in the spinal cord.)


1.Pake the test on the chair. Inconsider it to throw the leg to the leg, then hit the edge of the hand on the tendon of the four-chapted muscles under the knee cup.

2. Write your observations.

3. Save the scheme of the reflex arc of the knee reflex.

4. Specify the function of each link.

5. Make conclusions.

Laboratory work number 4.

Microscopic bone structure.

Equipment: microscope, constant drug "bone tissue".


1. Consider with a small increase in the microscope bone tissue.

2. Find the tubules for which vessels and nerves passed. In the cross section, they have a kind of transparent circle or oval.

3. Find the bone cells that are between the rings and have a kind of black spiders. They highlight plates of bone substances, which are then soaked with mineral salts.

4. Think why the compact substance consists of numerous tubes with durable walls. As it contributes to the strength of the bone with the lowest consumption of material and the mass of the bone substance.

5. Take the conclusion about the features of the microscopic structure of the bone.

Laboratory work number 5.

Muscles of the human body

Equipment: textbook


1. Using a textbook and an anatomical description (page of the textbook 65-68), determine the location of the muscle groups and the movement performed by them.

2. Premise in the table.

3. Relay several examples of muscles working as synergists and as antagonists.



4. Business conclusions.

Laboratory work number 6.

Detection of the disorders of the posture


1. Stand back to the wall so that the heels, shin, pelvis and blades

concerned the walls. Try between the wall and the lower back to cover a fist.

If he passes - there is a violation of the posture. If only palm

posture normal.

2. Take the conclusion: Do you have a wiring of posture?

If there is, suggest what causes?

Laboratory work number 7.

Detection of flatfoot (work is performed at home).

Equipment: pelvis with water, paper sheet, simple pencil.


1. Stand the wet feet on a sheet of paper. Contours trace circle simple pencil. Find the center of the heel and the third finger center.

2. Connect the two points found direct line. Rate your results. If the trace does not enter the line in a narrow part - there is no flatfoot (p.74, rice39).

3. Take the conclusion: Do you have a flatfoot?

If there is, suppose what is its causes?

Offer exercises warning flatfoot.

Laboratory work number 8.

Fatigue under static work

Equipment: Stopwatch, load weighing 4-5 kg.


1. The subject becomes face to class, pulls the hand towards horizontally. Chalk on the board marks the level on which the hand is located. Turn on the stopwatch.

2. Watch what time the muscles occurs.

3. Results Substitute in the table.

Statistical work

Signs of fatigue


Lack of fatigue

Hand with a load station

The first phase of fatigue

The hand goes down, then jerks rises to the previous place

Second phase of fatigue

Hand shake, enclosure, redness of the face, sweating

Maximum fatigue

Hand with cargo descends; Experience stops

4. Make conclusions.

Laboratory work number 9.

Microscopic structure of human blood and frogs

Equipment: ready-made painted human blood and frog microprets, microscope (300x).
Purpose: to study the structure of human blood and frogs.

2. Compare the structure of human blood and frogs and determine whose blood is capable of carrying more oxygen.


1. Consider the drug of human blood, pay attention to the shape, relative value and the number of erythrocytes and leukocytes in the drug, on the absence of the nucleus in the erythrocyte and the presence of it in leukocyte. Draw 3-4 erythrocytes and 1 leukocyte, mark the cells and leukocyte core.

2. Consider the drug of the frog, pay attention to the size, shape and number of erythrocytes and leukocytes in the preparation. Draw 3-4 erythrocytes and 1 leukocyte, mark the cells and their kernels.

The task:
1. Find the traits of similarity in the structure of human blood red blood cells.
2. Find differences in the structure of human and frog blood erythrocytes. Take output from this comparison.

3. Record in notebooks, erythrocytes, whose blood - a person or frogs are capable of carrying more oxygen. Explain the reason.

4. Record the conclusions:

Whose of blood or frogs - transfers more oxygen. Why?

In which direction was the evolution of erythrocytes of vertebrates?

Laboratory work number 10.

Function of venous valves

Explanation. If the hand is omitted, venous valves do not give blood down. Valves are revealed only after a sufficient amount of blood is accumulated in below the underlying segments to open the venous valve and skip blood up into the next segment. Therefore, the veins in which the blood moves against the strength of gravity, always swollen.


1.Dit one hand up, and the second drop down. After a minute

Put both hands on the table. Observations write down in the notebook.

2.Deople conclusions:

Why raised hand turned pale, and lowered - blushed?

In what hand venous valves were closed?

Laboratory work №11

Changes in fabrics in halves impellent


Equipment: pharmacy rubber ring or thread.Explanation. The prettier of the limb makes it difficult for blood outflow on veins and lymphs on lymphatic vessels. The expansion of blood capillaries and veins leads to redness, and then to the formation of a part of the organ, isolated a drawing. In the future, this part of the organ becomes white due to the release of blood plasma in the intercellular space. Tissue fluid accumulates, squeezing cells. The body becomes tight to the touch. Oxygen fasting fabrics begins, which is felt like "crawling goosebumps", tingling. The work of receptors is broken.


1. Screw the rubber ring on the finger or pull the finger thread.

Pay attention to the change in the color and shape of the finger.

2. Touch your finger to some item. Palee seems some kind of wadded.

3. Remove the reliever and massate your finger towards the heart.

What is achieved by this technique?

4. Make conclusions:

Why did the color of the finger changed when the color changed?

Why are the finger cloths are sealed?

How do signs of oxygen deficiency manifest? -

Why is it harmful to tighten the belt, wear close clothes?

Laboratory work number 12.

Determination of blood flow rate in nail bed capillaries Equipment: line, stopwatch or clock with a second arrow.


1. Measure the long-finger nail length from the root to the place where its pink part ends, and the transparent nail starts, which is usually cut off (p. 117, Fig.56.A). Write down the result.

2. Press the index finger to the nail so that it turns it. At the same time, blood will be ousted from the nail bed vessels. Remove the index finger. After some time, the nail begins to blush. Repeat the experience, fix the time to full finger reddening. This is the time for which the blood did its way.

3. Calculate the speed of blood flow in the capillaries of the nail bed on the formula

V \u003d S / T, where

The length of the path that the blood passes from the root of the nail to its vertex,

T- The time that it takes it for this.

4. Compare blood flow rate in large arteries, veins, capillaries.

5. Take the output:

What is the meaning of blood flow in capillaries?

Laboratory work number 13

Experiments that find out the nature of the pulse

Purpose: prove that pulseit is associated with the vibrations of the walls of the arteries, and not with the jolts arising when blood moves.

Explanation: To prove that the pulse is associated with the vibrations of the walls of the arteries, and not with the jerks arising from the movement of blood, it is necessary to stop the flow of blood on some kind of arteries, but so that the arteries walls continue to fluctuate.


1. Include the pulse on the radialartery. Note the point A. , nearest to the thumb of the study hand, and the pointb, the most remote from the thumb. Blood flows the pointb to point A ( Figure 56, b, p. 117). 2. Hold the artery at the pointa. . Blood movement on the plotbA. will be stopped. However, the artery wall at the pointb. will continue to fluctuate, and the pulse at this point will be forgiven.

3. Now hush the artery at the pointb. . You not only stopped blood, but also stopped the spread of the pulse wave, which will not be able to pass

Through section B. . In this case, at the pointbut pulse will not be felt.

Assessment of results.The pulse wave is transmitted over the wall of the arteries and does not depend on the presence or absence of blood flow. The pulse is tested above the place where the artery is pulled, and the bloodstream is missing below, and the pulse, because, pressing the walls of the arteries to each other, we not only stop the blood, but also stop the oscillation of the walls of the arteries.

Laboratory work number 14.

Cardiovascular reaction on dosage load



1. Find the pulse. It is usually customary to determine the pulse on the radial artery, at the base of the thumb, for which 2, 3 of the 4th fingers are layered slightly higher than the ray-taking joint, groped with the artery and pressed it to the bone. 2. Specify the number of shocks in a calm state in 10 seconds. This indicator multiplies six, and you will get your pulse in 1 minute. 3. ADD 10 squats in the fast pace, count the number of shocks in 10 seconds. Multiply this indicator by six, and you will receive a pulse in 1 minute. Determine the testimony in 1 minute. 4. The results place in the form of a table.

Explanation (The frequency of the pulse aged 13-18 years is normally 60-90 beats per minute. The results are good if the pulse rate after the squats rose by 1/3 or less from the results of rest; if half the results are average, if more than half - The results are unsatisfactory. The pulse rate after the squats is normalized after 2-3 minutes).

6. Take output:

The work of your own heart is at rest and under load. - Why does the pulse frequency increase increased after exercise?

Laboratory work №15Measuring girth chest In the state of inhalation and exhalation Equipment: tape measure.

Progress 1. The list is offered to lift your hands and apply a measuring tape so that it concerns the corners of the blades on the back. During the measurement of the hand should be omitted.

2. Measure the grumps of the chest on the breath. The subject must deeply inhale. Do not strain muscles, shoulders do not lift. Write down the result. 3. Measure the grumps of the chest on the exhalation. The subject must make a deep exhalation. Shoulders do not omit, do not slouch. Write down the result. 4. Follow your results.

5. Business output.

Explanation: (Normally, the difference in grumpling of the chest in a state of deep breath and in a state of deep exhalation is 6-9 cm).

Laboratory work number 16

Respiratory functional tests with breathing delay in the phase of inhalation and exhalation.

Equipment: Stopwatch.


Explanation (The sample is carried out in the sitting position).
1. Make a deep breath and deep exhalation.

2. After that, make almost maximum breath and hold your breath. Start the countdown.

3. Turn off the stopwatch when the breath resumes involuntarily and write down the result.

4. Relax 5-7 minutes.

5. Do not very deep exhalation, hold your breath and immediately turn on the stopwatch.

6. Turn off the stopwatch with an involuntary respiratory recovery and write down the result.

7. Rate your results.
Explanation: (The result of the breathing delay on the breath is considered satisfactory if the person was able to hold his breath at 16-55 seconds. Lower results should be considered bad, higher - good.
The result of the breathing delay on the exhalation is considered satisfactory if it is not lower than 12-13 seconds).

Laboratory work number 17.

Action of saliva enzymes on starch

Purpose: show that saliva enzymes are capable of splitting starch.

Equipment: a slice of starchy bandage, wool, matches (cotton sticks),saucer, water, iodine (5%).

Explanation. Starch with iodine gives intense blue staining.


1. Precede the reagent to the starch - iodine water. Pour water in the saucer and add a few drops of iodine to the color of the color of a firmly brewed tea.

2. Match the cotton wool (you can take a cotton wand), moisten it with saliva, and then write this cotton with saliva on the closer on the starchy bandage.

3. Alive bandage Hold in your hands and hold 1-2 minutes.

4. Put the bandage in iodine water, carefully placing it.

5. Apply how the bandage was painted. Write your observations in the notebook.

6. Take output.

Explain the results of experience.

Could the blue letter be happening on a white background during experience?

Will there be saliva to split starch if it boils it?

Laboratory work number 20.

Setting the relationship between load and level

Energy exchange based on the results of a functional test with

Breathing delay before and after load.

Equipment: stopwatch or Watch with a Second Arrow.

Proceedings 1. In the sitting position, hold your breath when inhaling for the maximum time. Turn on the stopwatch (pre-deep breathing before experience is not allowed!). 2. Include the stopwatch at the moment of respiratory recovery. Write down the result (a). Relax 5 minutes.

3.Translate and take 20 squats for 30 s.

4. Alive, quickly hold your breath and turn on the stopwatch, without waiting until the breath calms down, sit on the chair.

5. Include a stopwatch when restoring breathing. Write down the result (b).

6. The minute will repeat the first sample. Result Record (C).

7. Consider the percentage of B / A x 100% and C / A x 100% 8. Thread your results (Table 167 table).

9. Take output. 10.Cue to questions.

Why occurs involuntary respiratory recovery? - Why, when the breath is delayed in the blood, carbon dioxide accumulates?

How does carbon dioxide affect the respiratory center?

Why after work it is possible to detain the breath at a smaller time than at rest?

Laboratory work №19

Drawing up food rations depending on energy costs.

Equipment: Calculator

Explanations. In the preparation of the food diet, the following rules should be followed:

1) the calorie content of the edible diet must correspond to the daily energy flow;

2) It is necessary to take into account the optimal for persons engaged in these types of labor (and for children - age), the number of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;

3) The best power supply involves four-time meals (the first breakfast should be 10-15%, the second breakfast is 15-35%, lunch-40 - 50% and dinner 15-20% of the total calorie)

4) products rich in protein (meat, fish, egg), rational use for breakfast and lunch. For dinner, leave milk-vegetable dishes;

5) In the food diet, about 30% should be proteins and fats of animal origin.

The need of children in calories depending on age

Calorie food.


Calorie, kcal

Bread products, cereals, cute

Rye bread






baked pies


Cereals: oatmeal

buckwheat, manna, rice




Paustil, Marshmallow


Meat, Fish, Eggs




Sausage boiled


Sudak, Crack



Egg 1 pc.

Fat products





Milk, Prostokvash, kefir

Sour cream

Cottage cheese: fat


Cheese cottage cheese

Cheeses: Solid


Condensed milk with sugar

Vegetables, Fruits Mushrooms, Berries, Nuts






Bulb onions


Berries (cherry, strawberries, raspberries, gooseberry, currants, etc.)




Apricots, Oranges, Lemons


Sweet fruit waters

Bread kvass

Mineral water


1 . Make a daily food diet for your age group using food calorie table.

2. The results of the calculations bring to the table

3. Make conclusions.

Laboratory work number 20.

Palcepan sample and features of movements associated with the cerebellum function.


one). Close your eyes. Pull your hand forward with the exposed

finger. Touch the nasal tip index finger. Do it

the same with your left hand.

Explanation. (To make this movement and get into the target it is necessary to calculate the trajectory, determine the sequence

and the time of reducing certain muscle groups that move on a given trajectory. 33 participates in this movement

muscles, each of which should be engaged in a certain time

And get out of work).

2). Take conclusion:

What is the function of the cerebellum was detected in this experiment?

Laboratory work №21.

Towing skin irritation - a test defining

changes in tone of sympathetic and parasympathetic

autonomous nervous system when


Explanation. (It is known that the sympathetic nerves narrow the blood vessels of the skin, and the parasympathetic nerves are expanding them.)


1. Sick the skin on the skin. Why is the white strip first appear, and some time later - red? Explain why after some time this strip disappears and no traces of irritation remains.

2. Take output.

Laboratory work №22.

Experiments detectingillusions associated with

binocular vision.

Equipment: tube.

Progress. One end of the tube cut to the right eye. To the second end of the tube left So that the tube lay between big and index fingers. Both eyes are open and should look into the distance. If the images obtained in the right and left eyes fall on the appropriate sections of the bark big Hemispheres, there is an illusion of "hole in the palm".

Laboratory work №23

Development of skills of a mirror letter as an example of destruction

Old and the formation of a new dynamic stereotype.


1. Measure how many seconds it will be necessary to write some word, for example, Psychology. On the right side, praise the time spent.

2. Invite the subject to write the same word with a mirror font: right to left. It is necessary to write so that all the elements of the letters are turned in the opposite direction. Make 10 attempts, near each of them on the right side. Slip the time in seconds..

3. Build a schedule. On axisX. set the sequence number of the attempt, on the axisW. - The time that the subject spent on writing the next word.

4. Count how many gaps between the letters were when writing a word in the usual way, how many gaps began with the first and subsequent attempts to write the word on the right left.

5. Those at what cases there are emotional reactions: laughter, gestures, an attempt to quit work, etc. 6. Name the number of letters in which elements written by the old way are found.

7. Analyze the resulting schedule. Are there any moments where the skill ceases to be produced when its results get worse? It always happens when the bonding system has exhausted and begins new search. This happens several times in addition to our consciousness and stops after the results become stable, and the dynamic stereotype developed.

Take conclusions:

What facts say that when the dynamic stereotype is destroyed, the collapse of the overall activity is occurring into separate elements, for example, a word written by one previously written is written by the letters now?

Whether in the formation of a new dynamic stereotype attempt to connect letters without additional instruction? Do these instructions need to master the rational letters?

What was the "struggle" between stereotypes - newly created and old, well fixed? This can be judged by the presence of elements of letters written in old age.

Laboratory work number 24.

Measurement of the number of vibrations of a truncated pyramid with involuntary, arbitrary attention and with active work with the object.

Equipment: stopwatch or clock with a second arrow.

Explanations. Try to imagine a truncated pyramid (Fig. 119, p. 293), facing the truncated end to you and from you. When both images are formed, they will replace each other: the pyramid will seem to be addressed to you, then from you. In terms of the number of oscillations of these images, you can judge the stability of attention. Usually measure the number of attention oscillations per minute. To save time, you can measure the number of oscillations for 30 s. And the result is to double.


Experience number 1.

Definition of stability involuntary attention

Look at the drawing, without breaking away from it for 30 s. Each time you change the image, make a barcode in the notebook. The number of vibrations of attention for 30 with double. Both values \u200b\u200bbring to the appropriate table graphs.

Experience number 2.

Holding an arbitrary attention.

Repeat the experience, observing the same methodology of the holding, but try as long as possible to hold the image that has developed. If he still has changed, it is necessary to hold new image as long as possible. Calculate the number of oscillations. Run results in the table.

Experience number 3.

Determination of stability of attention in active work
with an object.

Imagine that the drawing depicts the room. Little square - its back wall. Think how to arrange furniture: sofa, bed, TV, receiver, etc. Perform this work for the same 30 s. Do not forget to make a touch when you change the image, and come back to the original image every time and continue to "furnish" the room. "Out" the furniture should be mentally, without breaking away from the drawing. Receive the results to the table in the corresponding graphs.

Take conclusions:

Under what conditions does the largest number of oscillations of attention observed?

AMAKRAGAY HIGH SCHOOL named after N. Ostrovsky

Laboratory work on biology

8th grade

(in-depth study)

Manual for teacher and students

Compiler - Majara EG,

biology teacher


Laboratory work number 1.

Subject: Conducting anthropological measurements: growth, weight, establishing correlations of the sizes of individual parts of the body.

Purpose: establish the relationship of changes in physical development indicators

man with age.

Equipment:santimeter tape, ROSTER.


1. Growth measurement

Growth measurement is carried out using a wagist. The subject should stand

on the Platform of the Rostomer, touching the vertical rack heels, buttocks,

inter-opacpical area and population. Experimentator measures growth

the subject and writes the result.

2. Measure circle breast cells

An experimentator with a centimeter tape measures the trigger of the chest

cells. For this, the subject raises his hands, the experimenter imposes

tape so that it passes through the lower corners of the blades. Front tape must

pass on the middlewill point and fit tightly to the body. Then

the subject lowers hands. Chest circle is measured in three phases: during

conventional calm breathing (in pause), with the maximum breath and maximum

exhale. Determine the trigation of the chest - the difference between the values

circle breasts in exhalation and inhale. Record the result.

3. Determining body weight

Measurement is carried out using medical scales.

4. The results obtained are executed in the following form:




Chest circle

Body mass

5. Make a conclusion about changing the indicators of physical development

man with age.

Laboratory work number 2.

Topic: Studying the structure of the cell and tissues of the human body under a microscope.

Objective: To study the structure of the cells and tissues of the human body under the microscope.

Equipment:table "The structure of cells and organoids", tutorial.


. Consider the drawing. Fill in the corresponding lines of the "Cage" table:

Name of components and organoid cells


2. Fill in the table:

Structural core system



3. Compare the distribution charts of elements in the earth's crust and their maintenance in living organisms. Why are the most common elements in nature, except for oxygen, in living organisms are presented in a very minor quantity (less than 0.1%)?

aspaptation of elements in the earth's crust (A) and in living organisms (b)

4. Take the conclusion about the structure of the human body cell.

Laboratory work number 3.

Subject: The study of the knee reflex and monitoring the knee reflex at the experiment.

Purpose: observation of the occurrence of the knee reflex under mechanical exposure.

Equipment:hammer from the children's designer.


  1. spend an experiment: the first student, the subject, in the sitting position on the chair puts the right leg on the left. The second student, the experimenter, causes a light blow to the hammer on the tendon of the muscles of the right leg (knee listening). The experiment is repeated with the left foot.

  2. Compare the reflex reaction to the mechanical impact.

  3. Take output.

Laboratory work number 4.

Topic: Physiological tests illustrating the work of the cerebellum.

Purpose: to acquaint students with cerebellum functions.



1. Palcese Sample

The subject closes his eyes, pulls forward right hand With straightened index finger, the remaining fingers are compressed in a fist. After that, the tip of the index finger concerns its nose.

Assessment of results

Normally, a healthy person performs this task. If the cerebellum function is broken, this task is fulfilled only if the hand is lowered down.

2. Braking of movements arising from inertia

Work is carried out in pairs. The subject bends his hand in the elbow. The experimenter captures his forearm around the brush and suggests the subject pulling the hand on itself, overcoming resistance. Then unexpectedly for the test experimentator releases his hand. The test of the subject makes a short jerk and stops.

    What is the function of the cerebellum you determined using a palpal sample?

    What is the function of the cerebellum you determined by braking movements that have arisen due to inertia?

    Why, when a drowning man is trying to take one step, he often makes inertia a few steps in the same direction?

Laboratory work number 5
Theme: unconditional reflexes of the oblong, middle and intermediate brain.

Purpose: get acquainted with the unconditional reflexes of the oblong, middle and intermediate brain.

Equipment:table "Brain structure".


1. The oblong brain

The cutlets of the spoon experimenter touches the back surface of the tongue. The swallowing reflex occurs involuntarily.

The subject makes a few swallowing movements in a row. When he does not have saliva in his mouth, there will be no swallowing reflex.

The subject makes 2-3 rapid and deep breaths and exhalations. After that, he stops breathing for a while.


    What are the functions of the oblong brain have been identified in these experiments?

    What other functions of this brain department are familiar to you?

2. Medium brain

The experimenter offers tasks subjects (for example, read a small text). As soon as all the subjects have begun to read, it is unexpected and badly knocking on the table with a pencil. At this point, most subjects will stop reading and involuntarily turn their head to the sound source (approximate reflex).

The subject looks at the burning lamp. One source of light is visible. Now he cautiously presses one of eye apples And again looks at the light source. The item begins bother, two light bulbs are visible. This happened because it was violated the correct installation of the eye controlled by the middle brain.

The subject closes his eyes, pulls forward his right hand with a dispel-to-index finger, the remaining fingers are compressed in a fist. After that, the tip of the index finger concerns its nose.

Answer the following questions.

    What functions of the middle brain managed to install with the help of experiments?

    You probably paid attention to the fact that in public places doors most often open out - with what function is the function of the middle brain it is connected?

3. Intermediate brain

The experimenter suggests the subject to engage in their affairs. And then suddenly gives a loud team: "Zamr!". The subjects freeze in different poses (late reflex intermediate brain).

4. Make conclusions by responding to the following questions:

    What are the reflexes whose centers are in the intermediate brain, the hypothalamus?

    What functions in the intermediate brain performs a hypothalamus?

Laboratory work number 6.
Determination of visual acuity.

Purpose:determine the visual acuity with the help of experiments.

Equipment:frames with a size of 15x20 cm. With well-strained gauze, a set of objects of different colors.


    Crash in pairs. One student places in front of the eyes at a distance of 29 cm. Frame with stretched gauze, followed by 50 cm. Another student puts the tutorial page. The first student on the team fixes the glance on the threads of gauze, then on the text. The experience is repeated several times. As a result, students are convinced that the letters and drawing of Marli simultaneously cannot be seen.

    One student sits on the chair and looks right in front of him. Another student alternately demonstrates a set of objects painted in different colors. The subject is shown in motion and a short time. Each demonstration must be accompanied by questions: what object was shown? What colour?

    Make conclusions.

Laboratory work number 7.
Determination of hearing acuteness.

Purpose:determine the hearing acute experience.

Equipment:table "Structure of hearing organs", centimeter tape.


    Consider the drawing and table "The structure of hearing organs.

    Slide on pairs. One student at a distance of 10 cm. Reads text from the textbook by a quiet voice, then the distance increases and fixed in the notebook, then the distance on which the student ceases to hear. Then change places.

    the teacher includes a music player and changes the sound strength. The height of the perceived sound is determined.

    Make conclusions.

Laboratory work number 8.

Subject: Study of the properties of decalcined and calcined bones.

purpose: Determine the difference in decalcinated and calcined bones.


    Try bend, and then stretch the natural bone of the animal. Was she bent? Were you able to stretch it?

    What happens when you try to bend the calcined bone? What properties does it have?

    Is it possible to stretch the bone located in hydrochloric acid? What properties do this bone possesses?

Output: What differ decalcinated and calcined bones?

Laboratory work number 9.
First aid for stretching, dislocation and fractures of bones.

Purpose:learn to provide first aid for injuries.

Equipment:tires, bandage, gauze napkins, cake.


  1. Learn to apply a squeezing bandage. When is it superimposed?

  2. Punch first aid with a fracture of the forearm, shoulder, leg, hips.

  3. At the fracture of the bones of the skull, in another spine, chest. Will be the first medical care.

  4. Take output.

Laboratory work number 10.
Topic: Determination of the location of bones and muscles with external inspection.

Purpose: determine the location of bones and muscles.

Equipment:tables, drawings.


1. Consider the schemes of bone and muscle systems.

2. Fill in Table

3. Make conclusions by answering the following questions.

    What makes a certain body shape?

    How are muscles fixed?

    Why is it possible to move the movement of individual parts of the body relative to each other?

    What muscles bend and extensible a man's brush?

    Where are the muscles, flexing your fingers?

    What muscle raises the heel?

    What movement does the deltoid muscle participate?

    What muscles bend and extend the leg in the knee joint?

    What muscles allow you to maintain the vertical position of the body?

Laboratory work number 11.
Anthropometric method for determining the level of growth and development of the body

Purpose:learn to measure and evaluate physical development.

Equipment: rOSTER, Outdoor scales, centimeter tape.


1. Growth measurement

Growth measurement is carried out using a wagist. The subject must stand on the Platform of the Rostometer, touching the vertical rack heels, buttocks, an inter-opacpid region and a population. The experimenter measures the growth of the test and writes the result.

2. Measure circle breast cells

The experimenter with a centimeter tape measures the trigger of the chest. For this, the subject raises his hands, the experimenter imposes a tape so that it takes place along the lower corners of the blades. In front of the tape should go through the middlewake point and fit tightly to the body. Then the subject lowers hands. The chest circle is measured in the three phases: during ordinary calm breathing (in a pause), with the maximum breath and maximum exhalation.

Determine the chest excursion - the difference between the values \u200b\u200bof the breast circumference in exhalation and inhalation. Record the result.

3. Determining body weight

Measurement is carried out using medical scales.

Note: The study must be carried out at least 5 subjects of different ages (preschooler, schoolboy, adult).

The results obtained are made in the following form:


Chest circle

Body mass

4. Take output On the change in the indicators of the physical development of a person with age.

Laboratory work number 12.
Topic: microscopic structure of human blood and frogs.

Purpose: compare the structure of human blood cells and frogs.

Equipment:microscope, blood frog and human blood products.


    Consider the microscope of the human blood microscope. Find red blood cells and sketch them.

    Consider the frog micro-blood. Draw erythrocytes of blood frogs.

    Find differences between human and frog erythrocytes.

    Answer the question: whose blood carries more oxygen - human blood or frogs. Why?

    Take output About the difference in the structure of human blood and frogs using table data:

Laboratory work number 13.
Immunity. Prevention of AIDS.

Purpose: Learn to distinguish the types of immunity.

Equipment:tutorial, drawings.


1. Answer writing to the following questions:

    What is immunity, what are the types of immunity?

    What cells in the body are responsible for immune responses?

    What is the difference between immunity in children?

    What is immunization and why is it carried out?

2. Requires the table:

Types of immunity




Ways of formation

3.Deople output.

Laboratory work number 14.

Subject: The external and internal structure of the heart.

Purpose: Examine the features of the external and inner structure of the heart.

Equipment:table, drawings.


    Consider the drawing and answer the question: where is the heart

and what structure has blood circulation system?

2. Consider the drawing. Draw the inner structure of the heart (Fig. 80)

and mark the structural components:

3. Take output, answering the question: what adaptations in the structure of the heart provide blood movement in one direction?

Laboratory work number 15

Subject: Self-surveillance. Functional samples.

purpose: To get acquainted with the functional samples, allowing to find out the degree of training of your heart.



1. Measure the pulse at rest. To do this, make 3-4 measurements for
10 C and the average to multiply by 6.
2. Make 20 squats in the rapid pace, sit right there, measure the heart rate for 10 s.
3. Repeat measurements every 20 s. Determine the heart rate for 10 s. (When measuring 20 s counts from the end of the preceding measurement.)
4. In the form of the table below. It gives exemplary values \u200b\u200bthat may not coincide with yours.

CSS in rest

Dynamics of EFS recovery in seconds after work (20 squats)

average for 10 s



5. Take output.

Note: The results are good if the heart rate after the squats rose by 1/3 or less on the results of rest; If half - the results are average, and if more than half - the results are unsatisfactory.

Assessment of results

The pulse rate at the age of 15 - 20 years is normally 60 to 90 shots per minute. In the position of lying the pulse, on average, 10 beats per minute less than in the standing position. In women, a pulse at 7 - 10 blows per minute more often than men of the same age. The pulse frequency during operation within 100 - 130 beats per minute indicates a small load intensity. The frequency 130 - 150 of the blows per minute characterizes the load of the average intensity. Frequency 150 - 170 beats per minute - load above average intensity. The frequency of 170 - 200 shots per minute is characteristic of the maximum load.

Laboratory work number 16

Subject: Fractional pressure measurement before and after dosage load.

purpose: Learn to measure blood pressure.



1. Measure arterial pressure using a tonometer. Compare the data obtained in an experiment with the range of arterial pressure for your age. Take output.

2. Calculate the values \u200b\u200bof the pulse (PD), the average arterial (ADSR) and its own blood pressure (Adsist and addiast). It is known that normally in a healthy person, the pulse pressure is approximately 45 mm Hg. Art.

Arterial (Hell):

Adsist. \u003d 1.7 x age + 83
Addiast \u003d 1.6 x age + 42

Pulse (PD):

PD \u003d adsist. - Addiast.

Average arterial (ADSR):

ADSR \u003d (Adsist. - Addiast.) / 3 + Addiast.

Assessment of results

Compare the calculated data obtained in the experiment with the data presented in the table.

3. Take the output, nhisimally answering questions:

    What danger to a person represents constantly high pressure?

    In which vessels of our body the maximum low pressure and why?

The task:

For the first time, the heart of man was briskly 20 hours after the patient's death in 1902 by Russian scientists Alexey Alexandrovich Kulyabko (1866-1930). The scientist sent a nutrient solution enriched with oxygen and containing adrenaline, in the heart through the aorta.

    Could the solution be in the left ventricle?
    2) Where could he penetrate, if it is known that the entrance to the Crown Artery is located in the wall of the aorta and during the disclosure of blood is covered by the semi-short valves?
    3) Why, in addition to nutrients and oxygen, adrenaline was included in the solution?
    4) What feature of the heart muscle allowed to revive the heart outside the body?

Laboratory work number 17
First aid for bleeding.

Purpose:learn to recognize the types of bleeding, provide first aid in damage to the vessels.

Equipment: Bandage, harness, napkins.


1. I suffered severe bleeding from the wound on the right forearm, blood is joking,

blood color - scarlet. Publish the first help and explain what kind of bleeding.

2.U of the injured skull injury: the forehead dissected, the bleeding is abundant, the bone is not damaged. Publish first aid. Explain.

3. At the injured abandon on the knee, the bleeding is weak, the wound is dirty. Publish first aid. Explain.

4. Take output.

Laboratory work number 18
Methods for measuring the frequency and depth of respiratory movements.

Purpose: Set the effect of breathing delay at the respiratory frequency.

Equipment: Stopwatch (clock with a second arrow).


1. Determine the respiratory delay time on the breath in the sitting position. The test for 3-4 minutes in the sitting position is calmly breathing, and then by the team after ordinary exhalation makes a deep breath and delays the breath how much can, closing the nose at the same time. The experimenter using the stopwatch determines the time from the moment of breathing delay until its resumption. The result is fixed.
2. Do 20 squats for 30 s and again determine the breath delay time on the breath.
3. Relax exactly 1 min and repeat item 1.

Assessment of results

5. Take output.

Laboratory work number 19
Topic: Studying the action of saliva enzymes on starch.

purpose: ensure that in saliva there are enzymes capable of splitting starch.

Equipment: A piece of starchy dry bandage with palm, a Petri dish or a saucer with a weak iodine solution, cotton wands.


1. Moisten a cotton wand saliva and write a letter in the middle of a piece of starchy bandage.
2. Helm marla between palms for 2-3 minutes, and then lower the iodine solution.
3. Watch how the piece of gauze was painted.

4. Take output What happened and why.

Laboratory work number 20.

Topic: Drawing up a teenager's edible diet.

Purpose:learn to make a daily food diet for teenagers.

Equipment: Tables chemical composition Food and calorie, daily energy needs of children and adolescents of various ages, daily norms of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the food of children and adolescents.


In the preparation of the food diet, the following rules should be followed:

the calorie content of the edible diet must correspond to the daily energy flow;
- It is necessary to take into account the optimal for individuals involved in these types of labor (and for children - age), the number of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
- the best power supply involves a four-time meal (first breakfast should be 10-15%, the second breakfast is 15-35%, lunch - 40 - 50% and dinner 15-20% of the total calorie);
- Products rich in protein (meat, fish, egg), rational use for breakfast and lunch. For dinner, leave milk-vegetable dishes;
- In the food diet, about 30% should be proteins and fats of animal origin.

With mixed nutrition, a person is absorbed on average about 90% of food.

1. Make a daily food diet teenager 15-16 years

2. The result of calculations will be in the table.

3. Make conclusions: - On the caloric content of the edible diet, the optimal diet, the performance of daily norms in the consumption of nutrients.

The composition of the daily food diet


Name of dish

Products necessary for its preparation

Mass, G.

Calorie, kcal.




1st breakfast

2nd breakfast



General conclusions:

    The calorie content of the edible diet must correspond to the daily flow of energy.

    When selecting the optimal edible ration, it is important to take into account not only calorie content, but also the chemical components of food.

    It is necessary to take into account the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet, their features in food products of various origin.

Calculation of energy costs and determination of calorie content of the diet.

Calculations can be carried out after performing any physical exertion. The formula allows you to install energy consumption performed by a person in 1 min, in the frequency of heart cuts (heart rate). Formula for calculating human energy consumption in 1 min with any exercise

Q \u003d 2.09 (0.2 x Czech-11.3) KJ / min

Example . Suppose you have been skiing 30 minutes, the heart rate reached 120 shots per minute. Calculate energy consumption for 1 minute:

Q \u003d 2.09 (0.2 x 120 - 11.3) \u003d 2.09 (24 - 11.3) \u003d 26.5 kJ / min.

Answer : 795 kJ spent in 30 minutes.

Calculate human energy consumption that floated in the pool for 15 minutes, after which the heart rate of heart abbreviations reached 130 beats per minute.

Based on the result obtained, make a conclusion about the dependence of the amount of energy spent from the heart rate.

Food composition and their calorie

The product's name




Calorie per 100g. Product, kcal.

in percents

Buckwheat grain



















Rye bread



Wheat bread











Cabbage fresh




Green onion







Fresh cucumbers




















Rafinated sugar












Sunflower oil








Sour cream








Cottage cheese




Cream ice cream








Meat beef




Meat Barans



Meat, pork non-fat











Amateur sausage
























Red caviar









Eggplant caviar



Daily norms of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the food of children and adolescents

Age, years

Proteins, G.

Fats, G.

Carbohydrates, G.



















Daily energy need for children and adolescents of different ages (kcal)

Age, years

Just at the average body weight

1603 – 1804

1804 – 2305


2355 – 2906


2806 –3307


3207 - 3508

Laboratory work number 21
Outdoor and internal kidney structure

purpose: To study the peculiarities of the external and inner structure of the kidney of a person.

Equipment:tutorial, table "Structure of excretion organs, micro-treatment, microscope.


    Consider the microscope of the kidney microscope.

    Using the textbook material fill in the table:

Selective system.







Stages of urica

Where is happening





    Take output.

Laboratory work number 22
Studying the back and palm surface of the brush.

purpose: Compare the structure of the back and palm side of the brush.

Equipment: Pictures.


    Consider the back and palm face of the brush.

    Compare the skin on the back and palm side.

    Consider the location of the folds of the skin, drawings.

    Take outputon the peculiarities of the back and palm side of the brush.

Laboratory works

to the course "Biology 8 class"

Laboratory work number 1

on the topic "Catalytic activity of enzymes"

Purpose: To observe the catalytic function of the enzymes of living cells.

Equipment: 1) 2 test tubes

2) water bottle

3) raw and boiled potatoes

4) hydrogen peroxide (3%)


1. In the tubes, pour water to a height of about 3 cm.

2. In one add 3-4 pieces of the magnitude with the pea of \u200b\u200braw potatoes, to another - as much boiled.

3. In each pour 5-6 drops of hydrogen peroxide.

Registration of results:

Describe what happened in the first and second test tube. Schematically draw experience.

What is the name of the substance accelerating the chemical reaction?

What is an enzyme? In what conditions does he work?

Makeoutput, explaining the results of experiments.


on the topic "Man's fabric under a microscope"

Purpose: get acquainted with the microscopic structure of some tissues of the human body, learn to identify them distinctive features

Equipment: 1) Microscope

2) MicroPreparations:

* For 1 option: "Irony Epithelium", "Hyaline cartilage",

* For 2 options: "nervous fabric", "Smooth muscles"


Prepare a microscope to work and consider the microspections.

Registration of results: Draw in the notebook seen.

Make output , Listing the distinctive features of the fabrics you saw (the view and location of the cells, the shape of the kernel, the presence of the intercellular substance)


on the topic: "Building of bone tissue"

Purpose: get acquainted with the structure of tubular and flat bones.

Equipment: 1) Distribution material "Spiel bones"

2) vertebral sets


1. Consider sleeping flat and tubular bones, find the spongy substance, consider its structure, in which bones there is a cavity? What is it needed for?

Registration of results:

draw in a notebook seen, make a signature pattern.

Makeoutput By comparing flat and tubular bones.

How to prove that bone is a kind connective tissue?

Compare the structure of cartilage and bone tissue.


on the topic: "The structure of the spine"

Purpose: Get acquainted with the features of the structure of the human spine.

Equipment: 1) human vertebrate sets


Consider a vertebral pillar and its departments.

How many vertebrae in each department?

Consider the vertebrae from the set. Determine what kind of departments they are. Take one of the vertebrae and orient it as it is located in the body.

Using the drawing of the tutorial, find the body of the vertebral, arc, vertebrate, rear and front processes, place of connection with the overlying vertebra.

Fold several vertebrae and watch the spine and the vertebral channel.

What is common to all vertebrae and what do they differ?

According to the results of observations, fill in the table:

The structure of the spine.

Spinal departments

The number of vertebrae

Features of the structure


on the topic "Microscopic structure of human blood and frogs"

Purpose: Get acquainted with the microscopic structure of human erythrocytes and frogs, learn to compare them and relate the structure with a function

Equipment: 1) Microscope

2) MicroPreparations "Human Blood", "Blood

frogs »


1. Prepare a microscope to work.

2. Consider the microspections, compare seen.

Registration of results:

source 2-3 erythrocyte of man and frogs

Makeoutput By comparing the red blood cells of a person and a frog and responding to the questions: whose blood transfers more oxygen? Why?


on the topic: "Composition of inhaled and exhaled air"

Purpose: Find out the composition of inhaled and exhaled air

Equipment: 2 flasks with lime water


Remember the percentage of air. What is% oxygen and carbon dioxide in the air of the classroom?

Consider the device. Is liquid transparent in both test tubes?

Make a few breaths and exhale through the mouthpiece, determine which test tube is inhaled and exhaled air? Which test tube water is poorelled?

Take a conclusion from experience.


The rapid development of society has led to a significant complication of school programs and general education reforms. The information burden on a modern schoolboy is constantly growing, and today to learn all the necessary material, the child has to be held at the desk for 8 hours: a whole working day, and this is without taking into account the time spent on the preparation of homework. Such a load leads to fatigue, decrease in efficiency, loss of motivation. Help to cope with the increasing amount of information, learn to analyze and logically think, improve the performance will help GDZ - ready-made homework.

GDZ, or "Reshebnika" is tutorials, actively used as a methods that complement the educational program in such subjects as Russian, mathematics (algebra), chemistry, physics and a number of others. Currently, there are many resources created for the help of schoolchildren and their parents: Stackar,, GDZ from Putin and others, but how to use them for real knowledge?

"RESIS" for parents

Methodical benefits called GDZ are developed by experienced teachers, first of all, to help parents. Throughout the whole school life, many adults seek to control the educational process to be aware of the success and failures of the child, help him in mastering new knowledge. However, this is not always possible.

First, due to the fact that the modern educational program has undergone significant changes - it is easy to note by visiting such a website as Megabotan, GDZ Putin. Secondly, not every parent will be able to recall theoretical knowledge laid at school, and therefore, and control the correctness of their child's homework. Thirdly, adults may simply miss the time to disassemble homework independently with the child (especially in large families). But this does not mean to let educational process "On Samotek": sometimes parental care is simply needed so that the child does not lose interest in the subject, acquired knowledge, figured out in a difficult material for him. And this will fully help GDZ. With their help:

  • Parents will quickly understand in solving a complex task and explain to her child;
  • Adults can monitor the correctness of their homework to the schoolboy;
  • A student of medium and high schools can independently test themselves and in case of detection of errors to analyze the reason for their occurrence, it is better to learn the material and not allow the appearance of errors in the future.

Thus, the use of reshebniks is directed, first of all, to the aid of schoolchildren in the assimilation of complex material.

Supplement to the school program

As you know, the school program is aimed at the "middle student", and what about those who for any reason behind the program (for example, because of the long-term disease) or, on the contrary, develops faster than the vast majority of his classmates? In both cases, the "decishers" will become a universal answer.

Loading the student with the help of GDZ will be able to figure out the whole of the rest of the material and "catch" the rest of them, and for students, whose level above average, GDZ will become a "magic wand", with the help of which he can move in its development further, absorbing material, leading School program. Moreover, often such resources like Megabotan and the are used by parents to give their child knowledge over the school program, expand the horizon of the child.

To help the tutor

GDZ is also a unique tool for tutors and teachers. It is no secret that the complication of the school program led to the fact that almost every student for preparing for graduation and tests visits tutors. Reshebniki are actively used by teachers in order to help master their students all the school course, as well as check the knowledge of schoolchildren and control their successes.

By the way, since the resources of the type "Ipell online" or "write" are studied and used by teachers, students cannot simply write off homework From Reshebnik - the teacher will immediately notice this. Therefore, GDZ cannot be used in such a way.

Opinion of specialists

Despite the foregoing, the opinions of specialists regarding the finished homework were divided. Part believes that such benefits are harmful than the benefit. Therefore, numerous studies have been conducted on the influence of decishes on the general education process. And the conclusions are amazing: American scientists Stevens and Fellon proved that when using GDZ, the child's brain works almost two times more actively for analyzing the information being studied, which increases the material assimilation coefficient 1.4 times and, accordingly, increases the studios of the student.

The positive effect of GDZ is, first of all:

  • Development of child's analytical abilities: ready-made homework teach a schoolboy to analyze your own homework and the answers given in a methodological manual, search for errors, choose from several options for solutions optimal.
  • Development of independence: GDZ contribute to developing the skill of learning and independent search for information.
  • Permanent inquisitive inquisitiveness: if the material is too complicated or too simple, the child quickly loses motivation to learning - as a rule, it is precisely that even the student who succeeds in the past suddenly "rolls" for twos. The use of GDZ allows you to keep interest in the child to the learning process, protects it from overwork, facilitates the perception of complex material and does not allow to lose faith in its forces.

It is for these reasons that every year more and more decishes are becoming the most popular among which are collected for the convenience of teachers, students and their parents on this resource.

Many teachers of the "old hardening" and a significant part of young educators of the Mid-Educational Schools, Gymnasiums, Lyceum, as well as the impressive army of parents of schoolchildren (concerned about the level and knowledge of their children) tasty for solely independent fulfillment of homework to the younger generation.

But there is another opinion, which is straightened from the classical, generally accepted. Part of the authoritative teachers and no less impressive part of the parents are not against the periodic use by children of the so-called GDZ (books with ready-made homework). Their main counterproof - the load on students rapidly growing every year and as a result is the overworkability of children, the lack of a sufficient number of time to high-quality homework. They also argue that it is often a quick, superficial passage of those in the walls of the school (due to the limited volume of hours allocated to the new material), does not contribute to the assimilation of the disciples of objects.

Unfortunately, the realities of modern life are such that not only adults, but also to children, teenagers have to adapt to the requirements of dynamic life, as in Kaleidoscope, replacing every other every other business and problems. Today, it is rare anyone daily, serenely managed to lie on the couch for hours and read the fascinating books or in relaxation to spend time in front of the TV.

Most parents are tightly loaded themselves, including in the evening hours of day, provided for allegedly on vacation, leisure, family communication. Not in the smaller, and sometimes, and significantly at a higher pace are forced to dare and children. Many schoolchildren after studying are visited by mugs, sections, often get homework from their mentors.

Large volume of oral material necessary to absorption, numerous written, creative works We take away from schoolchildren on weekdays and weekends almost all free time. But the growing body regularly requires a full-fledged rest, and a change of activities. And just every child I want to have every day a little free time on my favorite extracurricular activities.

How to do everything, combine and not break? How not to lose interest in learning, getting good marks for your knowledge and at the same time here and now live a full life, experience all charms, advantages children's age? The gdz can serve as a chopstick chopstick or as they are also called otherwise - Reshebniki.

GDZ: a friend or enemy of the student?

No one claims that the reshebnik's help must be resorted daily, thoughtlessly writing off the proposed answers. Taking care of their children to parents, his level and quality of knowledge, of course, it is worth controlling the process of study, not to allow a superficial study by the child school subjects, somewhere to suggest, explaining the themes not quite understandable to him and, of course, instill skills independent study and the development of a new material.

However, unfortunately, not all parents because of their employment or existing gaps in knowledge can in difficult situations to help their child to cope with their homework. But at the same time, most of them want to work out in their children responsibility, the ability to bring any work started to the end. GDZ are designed only in extreme cases to help the student get out of difficult situation, understand the complexity of the assigned tasks. They allow in a matter of minutes to solve abandoned mathematical tasks, examples, disassemble the exercises in Russian, foreign language, give faithful answers to difficult questions about oral objects or accurate sciences.

Someone may seem that there are practically no shortcomings from ready-made homework. After all, they help properly and quickly perform homework, contribute to clarifying and consolidating the material passed. But the GDZ has its own minuses.

To the main one can be attributed:

  • Unconsciously, automatically with the help of the reshebnik rewriting answers, the student gets minimal benefit, superficial knowledge. Being in the class, performing the control, independent workHe will not be able to clarify the teacher and classmates the progress of his thoughts, will not be able to solve such a task, correctly apply spending spells.
  • In addition, the method of solving the problem proposed, for example, in GDZ in mathematics does not always coincide with the method, which is dealt with in the classroom under the guidance of the teacher.
  • An experienced teacher is easily disassembled by the student homework Or performed independently. As a rule, many students have home and enjoy GDZ, which means they are issued with the help of reshebniks are absolutely the same as under the copy, answers (especially these are subject to objects such as literature, history, social studies).

Of course, a ready-made homework in mathematics, Russian, english languages, physics and other subjects are useful to schoolchildren to have at hand. Reshebnik can help out in situations when on objective reasons the student did not have time to prepare for lessons.

However, both parents and, of course, their children should be remembered that it is necessary to use GDZ only in exceptional cases. Then the smart book-tip, which knows the answers to all the questions of the school program, will not harm, does not contribute to the sharp decline in progress, but only occasionally will perform the role of a rescue circle, a faithful friend who can rely on the difficult situation.