The topic "Greetings, acquaintances" in English for children: the necessary words, exercises, dialogue, phrases, songs, cards, games, tasks, riddles, cartoons for children in English with transcription and translation for independent study from scratch.

There are only a few days left until the new school year, which means it's time to think over games for meeting new students. First impressions and well-built relationships are the key to further productive work ․ To do this, we have prepared a selection of games that will help the teacher and students get to know each other and create a friendly atmosphere ․

For kids

The train of names

Children are standing in a circle ․ The teacher comes up to any player and says։“I am the train. What’s your name? ” The player says his name, and the teacher repeats it ․ After giving his name, the player joins the "train". With each new participant, all players in turn repeat all the names ․ To make the game fun, you can ask the students to make a gesture when they say their name ․ For example.

1 ststudent: My name is Jane. (jump)

2nd student:Her name is Jane. (jump) My name is Sam. (claps hands once)

3 rdstudent:Her name is Jane. (jump) Your name is Sam. (claps hands once) My name is Kate. (claps hands twice)

At the end, the teacher repeats the names of his students, consolidating the information for himself too ․

Line up

Divide the class into 5-6 groups ․ The teacher acts ascaller. For example, he says։

Everyone, please, now line up in first name alphabet order ․

The groups begin to look for the correct order and after completion they shout“Done”.

Tasks can be varied for any reason, height, birthdays, etc.., for example Everyone please now line up according to your birthdays - first in the year goes first ․


Participants are divided into two teams, located opposite each other. A blanket is stretched between them. From each team, one person comes up or sits closer to the blanket. As soon as the blanket is lowered, it is necessary to have time to pronounce the name of the one who is sitting opposite. Whoever called it faster takes the player to his team. The winner is the team that will "pull" more players, that is, the team that knows more names.

Sweet facts

Prepare bags of M & Ms or Skittles different color... Students, not seeing the color, pull out one candy and say a fact about themselves in accordance with the pulled out color.

Throwing a ball

Children stand in a circle, the teacher starts the game by throwing a ball to one of the students and at the same time asking a question։“What’s your name?”, “Do you have a brother or a sister?” etc. Whoever caught the ball must answer the question and then throw the ball to the other and ask their questions ․ It will be more interesting if you accelerate the pace of the game with each throw ․

You can also write several phrases on the ball in advance, for example, favorite color, game, or։your name / surname, your birthday date etc. Ask the students to stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other ․ The one who caught the ball should read the phrase on which the thumb is and respond to it ․

For teenagers

Snowball fight

Ask the students to write 3 facts about themselves on the pieces of paper (3 facts -3 pieces of paper) For example.

“I play football”, “I have a dog”, I have been to Italy ”and so on ․

Then “snowballs” are made from the leaves and the battle begins - students line up in two lines and throw snowballs at each other for a minute. When the teacher stops the battle, each student must unfold three pieces of paper, go around all the students, find the owners of these facts, and sign the names on the pieces of paper. This will help not only remember names, but also learn some facts or interests of students

Finding common ground

Divide the class into small groups (4-5 people), allow some time to interview each other and write a list of everything they have in common ․ Tell them to avoid writing the obvious. After the time runs out, ask each group how much in common they listed ․ The group that lists the most common wins ․

What's your name?

The rules of the game are simple: you need to say your name along with an adjective that begins with the same letter as the name ․ For example,

I am amazing Annie, I am strong Sam, I am clever Clay etc. ․

Never have i ever

Students sit in a circle and put their 10 fingers in front of them ․ One of them plays the host and, for example, says։“Never have I ever been on an airplane” or “Never have I ever worn pink” ․ If one of the participants did the named action, then he loses his life and must bend one finger ․ The game continues until someone has lost all 10 lives and exited ․

For adults


If you know some information about the students, you can create interesting list facts about them, for example։play the guitar, always do the morning crossword etc. But if no information is available, you can use more general descriptions, eg:drink coffee in the morning, drive a car etc.

Create bingo cardswhere one of these descriptions is written on each square ․ Example card։

This article provides examples of dialogs to help you get to know in English. Let's share everything for convenience " dating dialogs"Into 2 categories:

However, first, let's recall the questions that you can ask when meeting:

  1. How are you? - How are you?
  2. What's your name? / What’s your last name? - What's your name? / What's your last name?
  3. Where do you live? / Where are you from? - Where do you live? / Where are you from?
  4. Where do you study? - Where are you studying?
  5. What's your telephone number? - What's your phone number?
  6. How old are you? / When were you born? - How old are you? / When were you born?
  7. Are you married? - Are you married?
  8. What is your favorite activity? - What is your favorite activity?

Dialogue dating for adults

Dialogue1. Informal acquaintance

John Smith: Hello, I'm John. I don’t believe we’ve met. What's your name?

Megan Green: Nice to meet you, John. I'm Megan.

John Smith: Do you live here in New York? "

Megan Green: No, I'm just visiting. I'm from London. Do you live in New York?

John Smith: No, I'm also here visiting friends. What do you think about New York?

Megan Green: It's amazing.


John Smith: Hi, I'm John. I don't think we've met before. What is your name?

Megan Green: Nice to meet you John. I'm Megan.

John Smith: Do you live here in New York?

Megan Green: No, I'm visiting here. I'm from London. Do you live in New York?

John Smith: No, I'm here as a guest too. Do you like New York?

Megan Green: He's amazing.

Dialogue 2. Formalacquaintance

John Smith: Pleased to meet you. My name is John Smith. I am a programmer at Google.

Megan Green: Pleased to meet you too. My name is Megan Green. How can I help you today?

John Smith: I'm designing a new app, and I'm looking for people to help with my project.

Megan Green: My specialty is design. I'd be happy to help. Here’s my business card. Feel free to email me at the address listed here.

John Smith: Great. Here’s my business card. Thank you for your time today, and I appreciate your help.


John Smith: Nice to meet you. My name is John Smith. I am a Google programmer.

Megan Green: Nice to meet you. My name is Megan Green. How can I help you?

John Smith: I am developing a new application and I am looking for people who can be helpful in my project.

Megan Green: My specialty is design. I will be happy to help you. This is my business card. Feel free to write to the email address listed here.

John Smith: Great. This is my business card. Thanks for your time, I appreciate your help.

Beginner dating dialogues

Dialogue 1

Carmen: Hi! My name "s Carmen. What" s your name?

Paula: I "m Paula.

Carmen: Are you a new student?

Paula: Yes, I am. I "m from Brazil. And where are you from?

Carmen: I "m from Spain.

Paula: Nice to meet you.

Carmen: Nice to meet you, too.


Carmen: Hello! My name is Carmen. What's your name?

Paula: I'm Paula.

Carmen: Are you new?

Paula: Yes, me. I am from Brazil. And where are you from?

Carmen: I am from Spain.

Paula: Nice to meet you.

Carmen: Nice to meet you.

Dialogue 2

Sayad: Good afternoon. My name is Sayad. What "s your name?

Sayad: Are you from Germany?

Paul: Yes, I am. I "m from Kiel. And where are you from?

Sayad: I "m from Afghanistan.

Paul: Nice to meet you.

Sayad: Nice to meet you, too.


Sayad: Good afternoon. My name is Sayad. What's your name?

Paul: I'm Paul.

Sayad: Are you from Germany?

Paul: Yes, me. I'm from Kiel. And where are you from?

Sayad: I'm from Afghanistan.

Paul: Nice to meet you.

Sayad: Nice to meet you.

Dialogue 3

Carmen: Hi! My name is Carmen. How are you?

Robert: Hey, I "m Robert. How old are you?

Carmen: I "m eighteen. I was born in 1998. And you?

Robert: I am twenty years old.

Carmen: You are older than me.


Carmen: Hello! My name is Carmen. How are you?

Robert: Hi, I'm Robert. How old are you?

Carmen: I'm eighteen. I was born in 1998. And you?

Robert: I'm twenty years old.

Carmen: You are older than me.

Robert: Yes.

Dialogue 4.

TEACHER: How are you?

NEW STUDENT: I'm fine, thanks. And you?

TEACHER: I'm very well, thank you. I'm Monica Gibson, your teacher. What's your name?

NEW STUDENT: My name is Paul Smith.

TEACHER: Pleased to meet you, Paul Smith.

NEW STUDENT: Nice to meet you, too.

TEACHER: How do you spell your last name?


TEACHER: Are you Russian?

NEW STUDENT: No, I’m not. I'm American.

TEACHER: Where do you live?

NEW STUDENT: I ​​live in the USA.

TEACHER: I see. Which city?


TEACHER: What’s your address? I need it to fill in the form.

NEW STUDENT: It's 20, Apple Street, apartment number 145.

TEACHER: Thank you very much. Do you work for a car company?

NEW STUDENT: No. I work for Microsoft.

TEACHER: What’s your job?

NEW STUDENT: I'm an engineer.

TEACHER: Are you married?


TEACHER: Oh, Have you got any children?

NEW STUDENT: Yes. I've got two daughters.

TEACHER: How old are you?


TEACHER: Really? And what month do you have your birthday?

NEW STUDENT: In November

TEACHER: Do you have any hobbies?

NEW STUDENT: Yes, I do. I like doing crosswords.

TEACHER: That's great! Do you do any sports?

NEW STUDENT: Yes, I ride a bike.

TEACHER: What time do you usually start work?

NEW STUDENT: At 9 a.m.

TEACHER: And when do you finish?

NEW STUDENT: At 6 p.m.

TEACHER: What days can you come to our French lessons?

NEW STUDENT: I ​​can come on Monday and Thursday. How much is one lesson?

TEACHER: It's $ 13.89 if you come twice a week.

NEW STUDENT: That's nice.

TEACHER: Can you give me your phone number, please?

NEW STUDENT: Of course. It's 1-234-567

TEACHER: And what’s your e-mail address?

NEW STUDENT: It's [email protected]

TEACHER: Thank you. Now let’s meet other students.

NEW STUDENT: With great pleasure.


Teacher: How are you?

NEW STUDENT: Okay, thanks. And you?

Teacher: Very good, thank you. I'm Monica Gibson, your teacher. What is your name?

NEW STUDENT. My name is Paul Smith.

Teacher: Nice to meet you, Paul Smith.


Teacher: How is your last name spelled?


Teacher: Are you Russian?

NEW STUDENT. Not. I am American.

Teacher: Where are you from?


Teacher: I see. What city are you from?

NEW STUDENT: From New York

Teacher: What is your address? I need to fill out the paperwork.

NEW STUDENT: Yablochnaya street 20, apartment number 145.

Teacher: Thank you very much. Do you work for a car company?

NEW STUDENT. Not. I work at Microsoft.

Teacher: What is your profession?

NEW STUDENT. I am an engineer.

Teacher: Are you married?


Teacher: Do you have children?

NEW STUDENT: Yes. I have two daughters.

Teacher: How old are you?

NEW STUDENT. I'm 34 years old.

Teacher: Really? What month is your birthday?

NEW STUDENT: In November

Teacher: What are your hobbies?

NEW STUDENT. I like solving crosswords.

Teacher: Great! Do you do any sports?

NEW STUDENT. Yes, I ride a bike.

Teacher: What time do you usually start working?


Teacher: And when do you finish?


TEACHER: What days can you take French lessons?

NEW STUDENT. Monday and Thursday. How much does one lesson cost?

TEACHER: $ 13.89 if you come to class twice a week.


Teacher: Could you give me your phone number, please?

NEW STUDENT: Of course. 1-234-567

Teacher: Your email address?

NEW STUDENT: [email protected]

Teacher: Thank you. Now let's get to know other students.

NEW STUDENT: With great pleasure.

Dialogue 4.

B: Hi! I'm Alex. What's your name?

A: Hello, Alex. I'm Kate.

B: How do you spell that?

B: How old are you?

A: I'm 12. And how old are you?

A: What’s your telephone number?

B: My telephone number is 1-234-567

A: Thank you! I will call you later. Bye-bye, Alex!

B: Good bye Kate!


A: Hello!

B: Hello! I'm Alex. What is your name?

A: Hi Alex. I'm Kate.

B: How is your name spelled?

B: How old are you?

A: I am 12 years old. And how old are you?

B: I'm 11 years old.

A: What's your phone number?

B: My phone number is 1-234-567

A: Thank you! I call you. Bye, Alex!

B: Goodbye, Kate!

Thank you for your attention, I hope you find these dating dialogs useful in English.

Teaching English is fun but challenging. Especially when it comes to children. To conduct a lesson for them, you need not only to know the subject well, but also the psychology of the children. Finding an approach to a child is the most important task for a teacher.

Conducting the first lesson is a crucial moment, it is from this lesson that the children's desire for language and knowledge will depend.

Before the lesson, you should think carefully about everything so that there are no incidents and surprises. It is necessary to study the methodology of teaching English for kids, child psychology. View sources that can help with this. For example: internet, books. Heed the advice of experienced teachers who know their subject inside and out.

The most important thing to do is prepare a lesson outline. Think in detail about what exactly should be conveyed to children in their first English lesson in their life. The synopsis should reveal the following components: the purpose of the lesson, methods and techniques, the course of the lesson, the plan.

How to give an English lesson to keep kids interested

Children are spontaneous and active people who love to learn something new and interesting while playing. To teach them something, you should try hard and interest them.

The approach for young children should be significantly different from that for older children.

The first English lesson for preschoolers can be done in different ways, but in order for it to be as successful as possible, you need to use the game. Training should take place in a playful way.

During this, oral speech is well practiced, since it is at this age that knowledge is deposited intuitively, from memory. Cards with words, all kinds of labyrinths, coloring books, quests are best perceived by them. Children love to move and sing. You can do exercises with them by vocalizing the exercises in English. Learn a verse, sing a song, which can serve as a greeting in the future.

To engage many children, you can act out all sorts of scenes in English, while learning about colors, numbers, products.
Usually the first lesson starts with learning the alphabet. It is necessary to prepare cards and words for each letter so that associative thinking is formed in the kids.

There are many different methods and ways of teaching the lesson. It is important to motivate the children so that in the future they want to learn the language.

For the lesson to be successful, first of all, you need to love the children and your subject, and then everything will definitely work out!

Objectives: to acquaint students with a new academic subject, to interest them, to tell about the benefits of learning a foreign language.

Main goals:


  • Introduce children to English-speaking countries;
  • Teach children to say hello and say goodbye in English: Hello (Hi), Goodbye (bye);
  • Introduce students to the speech pattern I am: (Sasha), the words Yes / No and practice their use;
  • Understand command words: Stand up! Sit down! Swim! Fly! Clap !; as well as expressions Good! Very good! Thank you! Please!
  • To acquaint students with individual English sounds: [d], [t], [m], [h], [w], [n] and some others.


  • To foster in children an interest in learning a foreign language, understanding and respect for another culture;
  • Create positive motivation for learning a foreign language.


  • To develop the linguistic abilities of students (phonemic hearing, imitative skills, language guess).
  • Train the mental functions of students related to speech activity (imagination, attention, memory, thinking)
  • To develop emotional, creative qualities of children, feelings of joy of knowledge and curiosity.

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, screen, tape recorder, discs, visual aids: toy Winnie the Pooh, ball, cubes.

Course of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

Greetings from the teacher in English followed by translation.

T .: Hello, my dear children! I "m glad to see you. My name is: I" ll teach you English.

T .: Hello guys! My name is Tatiana Yurievna. I will study English with you. Let's get acquainted.

Children take turns calling themselves.

2. Conversation about family and foreign languages, about different countries.

T .: Guys, what country do we live in? That's right, we live in Russia. Our country is very large and beautiful. What language do we speak? What language do you speak at home with your mom? What language is spoken on the radio, on television?

Children tell that they live in Russia, speak Russian.

T .: There are many other countries in the world in which people speak not Russian, but other languages. What countries do you know?

Children name different countries.

T .: Well done, guys, they named a lot of countries. And now I will tell you the countries where people speak English.

The teacher, using a multimedia presentation, tells the children about English-speaking countries, shows them on a map displayed on the screen.

T .: The first country where English is spoken is Great Britain. It's a very beautiful country. It is surrounded on all sides by water - after all, Great Britain is on the islands. The main city of Great Britain, its capital is London<Рисунок 1>... This is a very beautiful city. Such wonderful double-decker buses go there.<Рисунок 2>

And it is in England, in Great Britain, that the cheerful bear Winnie the Pooh lives. In fact, he speaks to his friends in English, because the English writer A.A. Milne wrote the tale about him.<Рисунок3>.

The next country where English is also spoken is the United States - the United States of America<Рисунок4>... This is a wonderful country with high mountains and fast rivers, deep lakes and dense forests. In America, there is the famous Statue of Liberty, which is visible from afar to all people who sail to America by sea. The height of the Statue from the ground to the tip of the torch is 93 m: the Statue itself is 46 m, i.e. almost with a 16-storey building! And the pedestal is even higher!<Рисунок5>.

It was in America that the famous director Walt Disney lived, who created more than 300 cartoons.<Рисунок6>.And all of his characters speak English. And what cartoons of W. Disney do you know?

Guys, there are many good people in America who want to live in peace. In what language will we tell them that we also do not want war, we want to live in peace? That's right, in English!

Not far from the United States is another country where English is also spoken - Canada. This is a country with a very beautiful nature. Canada is home to the world's widest Niagara Falls<Рисунок7>... They also love to play hockey in Canada, and the coach gives the athletes commands in English.<Рисунок8>.

Very far from us is the country of Australia, which occupies an entire continent. This is an amazing country, which is often called - "The world upside down" - "the world upside down". When we have winter, Australia is summer, and when we have summer, Australia is in the middle of winter. AND New Year with Christmas they celebrate in 40-degree heat.

There are amazing animals in Australia that you will not see anywhere else: these are such funny koala bears<Рисунок9>, marsupial foxes, wolves and even squirrels and of course a huge number of kangaroos different types <Рисунок10>... And parrots fly down the street in Australia - 300 species of different parrots! And the trainer in the circus gives commands to kangaroos and parrots in English.

3. Primary consolidation of the acquired knowledge about English-speaking countries.

T .: And now, guys, we are going on a plane trip across countries and continents. Your task is to tell what language people in each country speak: if in English - you raise your hands up, in any other - your hands down. Stand up, please! Let's fly! Let "s fly!

The teacher names English-speaking countries interspersed with non-English-speaking ones.<Рисунок11>.

4. Conversation about the benefits of learning English.

T .: As you can see, guys, in many countries people speak English: this is their native language. In other countries, people learn English to understand each other. And we are starting to learn this language. Why do you think we need to learn English? ( Children's answers). Quite right. English is widespread in the world as the language of international communication, so if we know it, we will be able to get to know better the people of other countries, with their culture and traditions. English can be useful to you in your future profession. English is the language of the computer and the Internet through which you can meet children from different countries and correspond with them. You will be able to read English books and watch films in English. For example, this cartoon.

Watching a video clip of W. Disney about Winnie the Pooh. The appearance of the toy Winnie the Pooh. <Рисунок12>.

5. Introducing children to the Hello! Hi! and practicing their use in a dialogue mode.

T .: Winnie the Pooh came to us from England and really wants to make friends with you! But he can only speak English! Let's listen to how Vinnie will greet us, and learn to greet each other on his native language!

Winnie-The-Pooh (W.): Hello, Tatiana Yurievna!

Teacher (T.): Hello, Winnie!

W .: Hello, children!

Ch .: Hello, Winnie!

Winnie the Pooh greets each child in English in English.

W .: Hello, Sasha!

Pupil (P.) 1: Hello, Winnie! Etc.

Then the children greet each other.

6. Acquaintance of children with the prospects of work on the educational program "Speak English". Motivation for success. Viewing a video clip from the fairy tale "Teremok".

T.:Vinnie-the-Pooh will be our constant and faithful companion in the English Fairy-Land, where we will go with you. There are many funny songs, games and laughter ahead of us. Together with Winnie we will visit Carlson and Dunno, look into the cheerful Zoo and Animal Theater, meet the forest wizard and Santa Claus, play the Magic Shop and other wonderful games<Рисунок13>... We have a lot of new and interesting things ahead. We will even visit ourselves in the role of artists, we will perform on stage and participate in the production of a fairy tale.

Now we will see a small excerpt from the fairy tale "Teremok" - "The House in The Wood". Children are performing on the stage - your peers, students in grades 1-2. And you too will learn to speak and sing in English just as well if you try. Let "s see our Fairy-tale" The House in The Wood "!

Viewing a video clip from the fairy tale "Teremok".

7. Introduction of the speech sample I am: (Sasha) and its development. Listening to the song "I am Nick".

T .: Guys, Vinnie really wants to teach you to call yourself in English. Hear how he will do it.

W .: I am Winnie.

T .: I am Tatiana Yurievna.

We say "I (lay out the cube)- Masha, I (another cube)- Sasha. "How many words do we say each time? That's right, two. And to introduce yourself in English, you need to add one more word: I (cube) there is (cube) Sasha (cube)... How many words have we named? That's right, three. And in English it will sound like this: I (cube) am (cube) Sasha (cube).

Let's now listen to how English children get to know each other.

Audio recording sounds. Children listen and then repeat after the announcer.

Please tell Vinnie in English what your name is.

W .: I am Winnie.

W .: I am Winnie.

P2: I am Sasha. Etc.

Now let's listen to a song about how English children get to know each other<Рисунок14>.

8. Demonstrating to students how many English words that surround them in everyday life, they already know. Motivation for success.

T .: In fact, guys, you already know a lot of English words, you hear them every day on radio and television, you use them in everyday communication without knowing it. Of course, in English these words sound a little different, but they can be easily recognized. Guess the meaning of the words: football, volleyball, tennis, basketball, doctor, etc.

Now, please find in the picture the objects that I will name<Рисунок15>: flag, piano, cap, vase, lamp, telephone, radio, racket, TV, cassette, computer, sofa.

Children listen to the names of objects pronounced by the teacher, which sound similar in English and Russian, compare linguistic phenomena (sounds, words), guess the Russian equivalent and find an image of this object on the screen.

9. Dynamic pause. Acquaintance of children with the words-commands: Stand up! Sit down! Clap! Step!

T .: Winnie the Pooh wants to play a little with you and introduce you to new English action words.

W .: Children, stand up, please! Sit down! Stand up! Clap! Step! Good! Well done!

10. Phonetic charging. Acquaintance of children with the tale of Mr. Tongue - English. Practicing the pronunciation of certain English sounds: [d], [t], [m], [h], [w], [n] and some others.

T .: Guys, Vinnie wants to tell you one secret: it turns out that we have a funny tongue in our mouth, in English Mr. Tongue that will teach us to pronounce correctly english sounds... Our mouth is his cozy house with walls (teacher shows, children repeat), floor and ceiling (tongue - on the alveoli)... Mr. Tongue loves to sit there and play with his cubes: [d], [t], [l], [n]<Рисунок16>.

When Mr. Tongue gets up in the morning, he looks out the window and rejoices -. Then he starts cleaning, shakes out the dust from the rug [t] - [t] - [t] -, and then from the sofa [d] - [d] - [d] -. Then our tongue went for a walk, went to the lake and began to throw stones at it [b] - [p], [b] - [p], -, -. And then suddenly he decided to swim, jumped into the water and swam [w] - [w] - [w] -. And the water is cold. The tongue jumped out of it and ran home to warm up sooner. Crawled under the covers and fell asleep, sniffed [h] - [h] - [h] -<Рисунок17>... Let's not bother him.

11. Dynamic pause. Training children in listening comprehension of words and commands: Stand up! Sit down! Swim! Fly! Clap! Step! New Swim Commands Introduced! Fly!

W .: Children, stand up, please! Sit down! Clap! Step! Sit down! (Shows with gestures what to do). Swim commands are entered one at a time! Fly!<Рисунок18>. (Shows with gestures what to do).

W.:Good! Well done!

12. Acquaintance with new English sounds, which are not in their native language, with the concept of long and short sounds.

T .: English is an amazing language that contains sounds that are completely different from Russian sounds. These are the sound of the "pipe" [w], the sound of the "English bee" [D] and the sound of the "good English snake" [T].

In English, there are long and short sounds, for example [i] and. is a lamb<Рисунок19>, and [Sip] is a boat<Рисунок20>.

13. Acquaintance with new words yes, no and training children in their use.

T .: Vinnie wants to introduce us to two small, but very important words, without which we cannot do: Yes (nod our head) and no (shake our head from side to side). Have you guessed? That's right, these are the words "yes" and "no"<Рисунок21>.

T .: Now let's play the ball game "Yes-no". Let "s play our" yes-no "game! Children, stand up, please!

The teacher throws the ball to the children in turn, calling the word in English and translating it if necessary. Children catch the ball and say "yes" for an edible item and "no" for an inedible item.

T .: a banana, a lamp, a flag, jam, a zebra, a crocodile, a lemon, chocolate, etc.

14. Dynamic pause. Listening to the song "Clap-clap". Performing actions with music.

T .: Guys, Winnie the Pooh is a very funny bear cub. He loves to sing and dance to music. He wants you to listen to his favorite song. Let "s sing and dance!<Рисунок22>.

15. Consolidation of the studied material and quality control of its assimilation.

T .: Now let's see how you remember the countries where English is spoken. Let's guess them<Рисунок23>... Well done boys! Very good!

16. Summing up the lesson and farewell.

T .: Today we have learned a lot of new and interesting things. We got to know the countries where English is spoken. What countries are these? We figured out why you need to learn English. We learned how people greet and introduce themselves in English, we also learned some other English words: "Yes", "no", command words.

And now our lesson has come to an end, and it's time to say goodbye. Hear Vinnie say goodbye to us in English.

W .: Goodbye, Tatiana Yurievna!

T .: Goodbye, Winnie!

W .: Goodbye, сhildren!

T .: Our first lesson is over. Our lesson is over. Goodbye, my dear сhildren!<Рисунок24>.

List of literature.

  1. Vereshchagina I.N., Pritykina T.A. A teacher's book for an English textbook for grade 1 - M., "Education", 2007.
  2. Biboletova M.Z. and others. The book for the teacher to the English textbook "Enjoy English-2 class." - Obninsk, Title, 2007.
  3. Negnevitskaya E.I., Nikitenko Z.N. A book for a teacher for a textbook of English for grade 1 (1-4) - M., "Education", 2003.

The beginning of a new academic year or semester, meeting a new group, or the first lesson with an old one after a long break are both exciting and frightening events. No matter how many years you have been teaching, feeling "butterflies in the stomach" before September 1 is a good and commendable thing, because it means only one thing - youDO care ☺.

Each meeting with a new group is preceded by a huge number of questions: what kind of students will be in my class, what are their interests, what do they like, why they learn English, and, of course, will they like me ?!

I am sure that any teacher wants to get on the same wavelength with the students in the first lesson, to win them over and make a good impression.


1. Musicconnects people . Before class, create a welcoming atmosphere with… .music!

For students, meeting a new teacher is also stressful. To cross the threshold of an empty and quiet classroom in anticipation of a new, unfamiliar teacher (what if he turns out to be an evil and terrible gray wolf? :) reallynerve-racking... If, just before the lesson, you turn on pleasant, joyful, quiet music in English, this will help relieve tension and defuse the situation.

2. Transform your classroom. It would be great to decorate the audience with posters, catchy and inspiring quotes in English, funny pictures - in other words, anything that will be entertaining and useful for your students. Rest assured, they will be looking at and discussing these posters with great interest.

3. Smile and positive attitude. Remember to smile, be calm and relaxed. Today is the rare case when you don't need to introduce a new grammar and explain the difference between Present Perfect and Past Simple.

Just have fun and get to know your students

The purpose of the first lesson

The main goal of any first lesson is to introduce the teacher to the group, to establish that very first contact, as well as to introduce students to each other.

When developing materials for lesson 1, keep the following points in mind:

- give up grammar exercises - leave the repetition of grammar for the next time;

- choose activities of a communicative nature, aimed at conversation, exchange of opinions, communication;

- alternate individual, group and pair assignments.

Lesson start

- Hello, my name is Nana and I will be your teacher this term. And what is your name?

- My name is ...

-Nice you meet you,…! How are you today?


Walk up to each student, smile, greet him / her and ask his / her name, how are you. Give everyone at least a little attention☺


Naturally, you will not be able to immediately remember who's name. So are your students. Therefore, ask your students to write their names on the cards you have prepared in advance.

Nametags you will be useful not only in order to remember who is who. It is a great tool for forming groups and pairs.

Ideas for 1st lesson in a new group

You and your students need to get to know each other better, right? I would like to make it interesting and creative, so catch the following tasks:

# 1. Acquaintance

Prepare sheets of paper with a star drawn in advance.

Ask your students to write their name in the center of the star. Everyone has itstar graduation students should write an interesting / unusual / funny fact about themselves.

Complete this task with your students - they will nice to know something about their teacher☺

If you are working with children, give them the task not to write, but to draw what they like (subject, hobby, etc.)

# 2. Tell us about yourself

Ask each student to write their own full name in English, then for each letter of your name, come up with a word that in some way characterizes him / her.

For example, my full name is Narine:

N - nice

A - apple (cause it´s my least favorite fruit)

R - runner (i am into running)

I - introvert

N - Nizhny Novgorod (my hometown)

E - English teacher

# 3. Get to know each other

Divide the class into pairs. To do this, place the cards with names in one place (for example, in a box), shuffle and pull 2 ​​cards each without looking. The ones you pulled out will work together.

For a certain time, each couple will have to learn as much information as possible about each other (you can briefly outline the topics they can talk about). Then each student should introduce their partner to the new group.

# 4. Truth or lie

It's time to find out how your students spent summer vacation... For this task, you will need small pieces of paper with “truth” or “lie” written on them. Each student draws a piece of paper and briefly tells how he spent the summer - depending on what is written on the card, the student speaks either the truth or a fiction.

Others ask additional questions to guess if he / she is telling the truth or not.

# 5. Final part

I think that in the end it will be great if the students take the initiative into their own hands and take part in organizing their educational process.

To do this, divide the class into groups. For each group, highlight whatman paper, pencils, felt-tip pens, that is, everything that is needed for creativity. Ask them to come up with and write classroom rules ( for example: listen to others), their responsibilities ( for example: clean up the space after the class is over), set the goals that they would like to achieve ( by the end of this term I will ...). Then ask them to present their work, and then allocate a place of honor in the class for each work.

At the end of the lesson, be sure to thank your students for their activity, praise them, ask if they have any questions, etc. Don't forget to praise and reward yourself for a great first lesson - you deserve it! And after such a great start, I am sure that the whole academic year will be just as successful!