Semolina groats name. Semolina. Meet semolina. She is wheat flour

Semolina - coarsely ground wheat groats with an average particle diameter of 0.25 to 0.75 mm. Produced mainly from durum wheat. It is used to prepare various dishes, in particular semolina and semolina dumplings.

Properly cooked semolina porridge can become your little ones' favorite meal. To do this, follow some rules during the cooking process, and your little manochka will surely please the crumbs to their liking and taste:

  1. Pour 1 cereal only into a hot liquid (milk or water), after adding salt, sugar and stir;
  2. 2 when the milk (water) boils, gently pour the semolina in a thin stream (you can use a sieve) and cook for about 2 minutes, stirring vigorously;
  3. 3 for cooking, you need to take so much cereal so that you can have time to add it and stir it well until the mass has thickened;
  4. 4 the finer the cereal, the faster the porridge becomes thick;
  5. 5 after the porridge is ready, close the pan with a lid and leave it for a while so that the cereal is completely swollen, and then you can improve its taste at your discretion by adding butter, jam, jam, etc.

Useful properties of semolina

Semolina is quickly boiled down, well absorbed, contains a minimum amount of fiber (0.2%). Liquid semolina is included in diets prescribed for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and after operations on the stomach and intestines.

Semolina is the only cereal that is digested in the lower part of the intestine and only there is absorbed into its walls. It fills the body with strength, is a beautiful remedy for the treatment of all diseases of the stomach. Semolina is good remedy treatment of all intestinal diseases, cleanses the body of mucus and removes fat.

Semolina is low in fiber, but it is rich in vegetable protein and starch. At the same time, the content of vitamins and minerals in this cereal is significantly lower than in others.

Semolina contains a lot of gluten. This protein is also called gluten. Many people are intolerant to gluten, and it causes celiac disease, a severe hereditary disease that affects about one in 800 Europeans. Under the influence of gluten in celiac patients, the intestinal mucosa becomes thinner and the absorption of all nutrients, especially fats, is impaired. Gluten can cause allergies. It also manifests itself as a stool disorder.

Semolina contains phytin, and phytin contains phosphorus, which binds calcium salts and prevents them from entering the blood. The level of calcium salts in the blood of a person should be constant - about 10 mg per 100 ml of serum. As soon as there are fewer salts, the parathyroid glands "remove" them from the bones. It turns out that semolina deprives them of calcium. Therefore, children who are heavily fed with semolina porridge (2-3 servings per day) often develop rickets and spasmophilia. Other cereals also bind calcium, but to a lesser extent than semolina. That is why doctors now recommend feeding babies with vegetable puree first.

Semolina porridge is nothing but a porridge made from coarsely ground durum wheat. Semolina contains all those elements that are in a wheat grain: it is rich in starch, to a lesser extent in proteins, vitamins and B1, B2, B6, PP. Semolina contains a lot of iron and very little fiber, which is why semolina is usually recommended in the postoperative period for seriously ill patients who need nutritious food, but the least irritating to the stomach.

Dangerous properties of semolina

Very often semolina porridge is prepared for children, however, it should be borne in mind that a high starch content is not required for the child's body and therefore children do not want to eat semolina porridge, intuitively feeling the trick. Moreover, the children's stomach is not ready to digest the starchy carbohydrates that semolina is rich in. The mucopolysaccharide gliodin, contained in semolina, causes the necrosis of the intestinal villi, and phytin changes the intestinal microflora so that it is unable to absorb vitamin D and iron, which are necessary for the growth of a child. All the troubles that semolina porridge conceals in early childhood, are not at all scary for an adult, and in old age, the disadvantages of cereals devoid of protein turn into advantages. Semolina is very useful for elderly people - it helps to avoid hypermineralization of blood cells, prevents colon cancer, does not irritate the stomach and perfectly saturates.

Semolina is one of the most popular cereals and is especially often fed to children in the kindergarten. But despite such a prevalence of the dish, many do not know at all what semolina is made of. Let's take a closer look at this.

You are still tormented by the question, what is the semolina made of? Wheat, of course! After collection, it goes through several stages of processing., before reaching the state in which we are used to seeing the discussed cereal.

Semolina - coarsely ground wheat groats.

  • First of all, the selected grain is checked for gluten content using a special laboratory analysis.
  • After checking, the grains are sent to the workshop, where a tempering process is carried out, which gives the grains their density. They are immediately cleaned and washed.
  • Next, it is necessary to free the core from the layers covering it. This is done by coarse grinding.
  • The resulting mass is sieved, crushed by machines and processed.
  • At the last stage, the groats are separated from the shell, polished and quality control is carried out.

A good, really high quality product should be snow white. Of course, semolina can be yellow or cream - the color depends on the type of grain.

Composition and calorie content

So, figuring out which cereal semolina, it's time to find out its properties and composition. In the process of grinding, the cereal loses a certain percentage of fat and fiber. By the way, just a low fiber content contributes to easy digestion of porridge, and in addition, starch relieves the stomach of mucus. Also, many useful substances are stored in semolina: zinc, potassium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins (E, PP, B).

Semolina contains a lot of magnesium and potassium.


  • proteins - 10.5 grams;
  • fats - 1 gram;
  • and carbohydrates - 70 grams.

In addition to its rich composition, semolina is also generous in calories - 328 units per 100 grams of dry product. But after boiling, that number drops to just 100 calories per 100 grams. And nevertheless, you should not abuse such porridge. One small portion is enough for breakfast, and even then not every day.

The benefits of semolina for men, women

First of all, this porridge is ideal for those who have stomach problems. This is due to its low fiber content and easy absorption.

Semolina porridge is used to seal a healthy stomach and intestines.

But besides this, the use of semolina has other positive aspects:

  • the cereal contains thiamine, which is not produced by our body, which means that it must be taken with food;
  • for the health of blood, a person needs folic acid, it can also be obtained by sometimes consuming semolina;
  • a large amount of iron in cereals makes up for its deficiency in human blood.

As for the benefits of cereals for men, first of all, it is a simple and quick saturation of the body. That is, having breakfast with this porridge, you can not think about hunger until lunchtime. It is also recommended for those who are actively involved in sports and want to dial muscle mass, because it is high in calories and contains a sufficient amount of protein.

And semolina, cooked in milk, and even with sugar, will be an excellent remedy against fatigue and nervous tension for men engaged in physical labor.

For women, semolina is recommended for weight loss, but of course the portions should be small. Some people think that oatmeal will be more effective, but it is not - it is much more difficult to digest, and this is especially true if there are problems with digestion.

Regular consumption of porridge has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair due to many microelements. And, of course, some women actively use cereals for various cosmetic purposes.

Beneficial properties for children and during pregnancy

It is not for nothing that semolina is given to children in almost all kindergartens, this speaks of its necessity and benefits for a growing organism.

Semolina during pregnancy is the most optimal way to satisfy hunger.
  • A large number of vitamins and minerals have a beneficial effect. Calcium and silicon strengthen bones, while magnesium and potassium strengthen the cardiovascular system.
  • It is recommended to eat porridge for kidney failure.
  • It is used for depletion due to the small amount of fiber.
  • Carbohydrates are good for filling and energizing.

But sometimes it turns out that this is one of the few products from which a woman does not feel sick and therefore has to be included in the diet.

The use of semolina

Usually they eat semolina for breakfast, but there are several other areas where it can be used with benefit.


A diet on semolina for weight loss will allow you to lose extra pounds and improve the functioning of the body.

This porridge is perfect for losing weight for people with stomach problems and slagging of the body. It can also be used as the main component of a mono diet (a diet where only one product is used). Semolina for breakfast several times a week will improve digestion, which will also have a positive effect on the rate of weight loss.

Facial masks

Some semolina face masks can replace expensive creams.

The rejuvenating effect can only be compared with professional salon procedures.

Its regular use for cosmetic purposes:

  • help tighten the skin;
  • relieve acne and blemishes;
  • removes dryness;
  • will make the skin softer;
  • protect from ultraviolet rays
  • and will start natural regeneration processes.

In cooking

If you think that semolina can only be boiled, then you are wrong. It is used to make doughs, casseroles and pancakes. And also as a breading for cutlets, meatballs and zraz. From it you can make a very popular pie - manna, and it is also good to add such cereal to mousse, soufflé and puddings.

It would seem, what can be bad from ordinary porridge?

This product can bring harm in addition to benefits.

But in fact, this cereal should be used with caution:

  • phytin and gliodin, which are part of the cereal, can disrupt the absorption of nutrients in the body;
  • some people may have gluten intolerance, and, of course, there is it in semolina;
  • it is undesirable to give porridge to children under one year old, since there is a lot of starch in the cereal;
  • excessive consumption of the product can contribute to weight gain.

Like any other product, semolina has positive and negative properties. It is enough to observe the measure and then there will be no harm from its use. Against! There will only be benefits that you will definitely appreciate by including a plate of semolina in your weekly diet.

Every young mother or housewife has repeatedly asked questions: what kind of cereal is this - semolina? What properties of semolina are useful? With what and how is it eaten? Before eating semolina, you need to know better about its benefits and possible dangers.

What is semolina

Semolina is wheat grits of accurate and medium grinding, with a diameter of 1 grain of 0.30 - 0.80 mm. Produced from durum wheat. Mainly porridge and dumplings are prepared from semolina. It is the favorite porridge of young children. Semolina is obtained from several varieties of wheat, each of which is marked with its own label:

  • "T" - semolina from durum wheat.
  • "M" - soft grades semolina.
  • "MT" - mixing semolina of 2 varieties, the advantage is given to the "soft" variety with a content of up to 85%.

Semolina, marked with a "T" marker, has a translucent appearance, small grains that are poorly boiled and retain their shape well.

The benefits of semolina

Semolina is beneficial - it is very rich and quickly absorbed in the lower intestine. Ready-made cereal itself is nutritious, rich in vitamins and microelements, very useful

  • vitamin B1;
  • starch;
  • a lot of iron;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • sulfur;
  • a small percentage of fiber (0.3%).

The effect of semolina on certain systems and organs

The benefits of the microelements contained in semolina on the human body are great:

  1. B vitamins help maintain a healthy state nervous system, cheerfulness and activity of a person.
  2. Starch, as a slow-digesting carbohydrate, is beneficial for people suffering from diabetes mellitus and athletes.
  3. Iron is involved in the transport of oxygen, metabolic processes, in the synthesis of hormones, is built into connective tissue and transmits impulses from the brain, supports immunity.
  4. Magnesium participates in metabolism, in interaction with calcium relaxes the musculature of blood vessels, maintains the electropotential of cell membranes, increases the production and absorption of insulin.
  5. Phosphorus is essential for the formation of healthy bones and teeth, and for maintaining their integrity throughout life.
  6. Zinc takes part in enzymatic reactions, forms immunity, sets the synthesis of proteins, determines the metabolism of nucleic acids, ensures the growth of the child and further puberty, is important for the health of men.
  7. The mineral sulfur is a part of the skin, provides respiration and cell cleansing, promotes the synthesis of proteins and vitamins, removes toxins from the body, and lowers insulin levels.

Semolina is high in protein, gluten, or gluten. This protein is not suitable for all people, as it is harmful and provokes an allergic reaction and celiac disease, which is a rare hereditary congenital disease. Celiac patients who eat semolina receive only harm - thinning of the mucous membrane of the intestinal walls. The intestines do not absorb nutrients into the bloodstream, which prevents their synthesis into building molecules and harms the body.

Possessing great energy value and high digestibility of the lower intestine, semolina is prescribed for people suffering from chronic and acute ailments of the entire digestive system, prescribed in the postoperative period, which is beneficial. Porridge is indicated for the first feeding of infants if they were born with a genetic disease of the body, in which breast milk mother is not assimilated by the baby's body, but is rejected by it.

The high content of starch in semolina makes given view porridge is most suitable for athletes who expose their body to strong regular stress: starch is absorbed more slowly than glucose and fructose, leaving a feeling of fullness.

The benefits of semolina dishes are an excellent alternative to a hearty breakfast for people with elevated level blood sugar: Eating fructose harms the entire body. Thanks to the slowly breaking down carbohydrate, a person will not want to eat too much food before lunchtime.

Semolina is useful for losing weight, but you need to cook porridge correctly. 200 grams of semolina cooked in milk contains 660 kcal, and this set of calories covers half the daily intake of an adult during weight loss. To avoid harm during a diet, porridge must be boiled in water with a small addition of dried fruits. You won't need to take a snack before lunch.

Can semolina be unhealthy?

People who are careful about their health take into account the harm caused by semolina to the body. In general, healthy people who do not suffer from metabolic disorders in the body are shown to eat semolina, boiled in water or added to the main dishes.

Restrictions on the use of decoys

There are a number of contraindications to the use of semolina in food for such categories of users:

  • overweight people;
  • babies in the first months of life to avoid loss of calcium from the bones;
  • people with celiac disease.

How can you cook semolina

Methods for preparing semolina are quite varied. The simplest type of preparation is the preparation of semolina porridge. It is good to combine semolina with milk and water. The principle of cooking "the longer, the better" does not work in this case: it is necessary to cook semolina for no more than 15 minutes, stirring constantly. Pour cereals into boiling water or milk, not all at once, but in a thin stream, stirring the liquid in a saucepan. If the hostess pours the entire mass of cereal into boiling water, it will immediately stick together - the benefit will be minimal.

Semolina gains incredible taste qualities when adding ingredients such as:

  • cinnamon;
  • butter;
  • dried fruits.

The choice depends on individual preferences. In the East, the famous couscous dish is prepared, consisting of vegetables and fruits with the addition of semolina. It is difficult in terms of cooking technology, but it has a very pleasant taste. Semolina is usually found in many table mixes. Semolina pies, or manniks, are very tasty, satisfying, have a sweetish, but not sugary taste. Dough for pancakes, casseroles does not spread in the pan thanks to the gluten in the semolina, which is beneficial and gives baked goods an even appearance.

  1. First meal:
  • backfill;
  • dumplings.
  1. Second courses:
  • porridge;
  • pancakes;
  • casserole;
  • meatballs;
  • cutlets.
  1. Sweet dishes:

  • sweet porridge;
  • souffle;
  • pudding;
  • mousse;
  • pie.

In some cases, semolina is added with benefit to meat or minced fish to give it an elastic consistency.

Semolina is made from wheat. In fact, this is the same wheat groats, characterized by a higher purification and degree of grinding. In the process of grinding wheat, about 2% of the waste remains, slightly larger grains than the flour itself (grains). These grains are screened out and sold as semolina. The size of the semolina granules is 0.25 - 0.75 mm, which provides a very high speed cooking.

There are three brands of semolina:

Durum wheat (grade "T"),
- from soft wheat (brand "M"),
- from soft wheat with an admixture of hard up to 20% (MT brand).
Semolina brand "M" contains a minimum amount of fiber, protein and is very rich in starch. Durum wheat semolina (grade "T") has more high level fiber and protein and slightly less starch.

How is semolina useful and what disadvantages does it have?

Semolina contains proteins, vitamin E, vitamins gr. B (1,2 and 6), minerals, starch (almost 70%), as well as potassium and vitamin E.
Semolina is suitable for patients with digestive disorders, due to its enveloping effect, it relieves spasms in case of ulcers and gastritis. The same phytin is good for the elderly. It prevents excessive mineralization of the body and promotes bowel function. Especially nutritious is semolina porridge with honey and dried fruits, cinnamon or vanilla.

The cereal also contains gliodin, which interferes with the intestines' ability to absorb nutrients. Therefore, it is not recommended to give semolina to children under one year old. Semolina also contains a large amount of gluten, which can cause allergies.