Is it worth looking for a job before the new year. Should I start looking for a job before the New Year? Why most of them will never become reality

New Year holidays are just around the corner. Does it make sense now to continue active job searches or is it better to postpone them until “after the holidays”? Job for You asked HR managers of well-known companies about this.

Marina Lashtabega, HR Manager, window systems manufacturer PROPLEX:
Jobs are always worth looking for. It is a myth that on New Year's Eve the demand for staff is greatly reduced. But because of this misconception, most HR professionals face a serious shortage of applicants before the holidays. Therefore, candidates should take advantage of the situation in the labor market and the opportunity to be in a more advantageous position. In addition, the willingness to come to an interview on the eve of the holidays characterizes you as a purposeful and responsible person. So do not miss the chance to get the desired position.

Ekaterina Tikhvinskaya, HR Director, Uponor Rus CJSC:
They say New Year's Eve
Whatever you wish -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true...
But seriously, it all depends on how urgently the work is needed. In principle, December and January are considered "dead" months for employment or finding new employees. Therefore, it is hardly worth making serious plans. But if, due to circumstances, you find yourself without a livelihood, then look for a new place and look actively.
If you are thinking of changing jobs in February-March next year, you need to start now: make a competent resume, look at the relevant vacancies, decide on your desires. With such a responsible approach to business, you will then spend much less time to achieve the final result - successful employment.

Anna Koshkina, head of recruitment, adaptation and assessment of personnel at Delikatny Perezezd CJSC:
There is a widespread opinion that it is not worth looking for a job on New Year's Eve or, for example, in the summer, since there are few offers on the market, and in this regard, many job seekers suspend active work. But from my personal experience, I can say that the need for new employees before the winter holidays is exactly the same as during normal times, and often more. Indeed, often at the beginning of the first quarter, many companies launch new projects, and already now they are recruiting a team for them. Again, a relaxed New Year's Eve environment makes it easier and faster for a new employee to fit into the team. Continue active searches, because the competition in the labor market during the holidays and vacation seasons is reduced, therefore, the chances of those who remain active increase several times.

Read the answers of other HR managers in "Work for you" (No. 101 of 12/23/13). All newspaper issues are available

This important reminder for job seekers will tell you about the main traps of New Year's vacancies.

Every year the same thing. Two weeks before the New Year, clients, like mad, open new vacancies marked “urgent”. And after the New Year they are closed. But not because they found a person, but because the vacancies were not needed.

Why is this happening

Companies defended preliminary budgets, distributed expenses and incomes for the next year, defended development strategies on boards of directors, understood who was being fired and what was being developed, and immediately rushed to the hunters. Therefore, in the New Year's Eve weeks, top vacancies bloom so much.

Why most of them will never become reality

But because the shareholders and the owner will rest for two drunken New Year's weeks, then return to the office, having completely forgotten everything, and to the question: “What are we doing with the vacancy?” - a typical answer would be: “With what vacancy? What are you, I never ordered this, and in general, who are you?

How to distinguish such vacancies

Any top job opening two weeks before the New Year is not live. If it is not the fruit of hysteria after the annual board of directors, then it will be reopened after NG. If the fruit, then she will die during the drunken weeks of the New Year.

That is, you can respond to TOP vacancies that are open from today, but you need to understand: the likelihood that this vacancy will remain after the New Year is 50%. And the fact that you will pass in the "weeks of corporate parties" will be forgotten and after the New Year the marathon of your meetings with HR will go in the second round - 90%. So decide for yourself.

What jobs does this not apply to?

  1. To any linear, where main principle- “a person is urgently needed” and where they are looking not for the best, but for the first corresponding one. That is, the search for a seller on December 25 - living history. The search for the head of the sales department is not a living history.
  2. To vacancies in Western companies. Everyone works there until December 30 like damned.

What Can Applicants Do

Read vacancies, choose the best ones, in the “Favorites” folder and immediately after the New Year holidays see if they have been extended. If extended, apply immediately (I repeat, this does not apply to the two categories of vacancies indicated above).

With the beginning of the last marathon before the big crisis of corporate booze and congratulations to you, comrades!

Frame from the movie "Bridget Jones's Diary"

Draw a line, make a wish list, promise yourself to lose a couple of pounds - all these are traditional must-dos at the end of the year. But what to do if there is a desire to radically change life right here and now, and you decide to start with work ─ explains Natalya Koroleva, senior consultant for Lux & Media at the Hays recruiting company.

On the one hand, changing jobs at the end of the year seems like a very logical decision: this is a good reason to draw a line in your career development and calculate your “final points”. In addition, the principle of “start new life from Monday". But there is one important point that should not be overlooked. By the end of the year, we accumulate fatigue, including from the current place of work. This is completely normal. Believe me, most of your colleagues go through similar experiences. If so, I would not advise you to immediately think about changing jobs - with the normal course of events, your apathetic mood will pass by the beginning of February. But if this desire has been brewing for more than a month, you can start looking for options and consider proposals.

Postpone until February

Frame from the movie "The Devil Wears Prada"

If you are serious about changing companies, it is better to think about looking for a new job in advance - in August-September. The selection stages are not a quick process, especially when we are talking about leadership positions. A series of tests and interviews with different levels management and headquarters (if we are talking about an international company) may take several months. No one will tell you the exact dates, but you should not rely on the fact that everything will be decided in a couple of weeks. Especially in January.

If we talk about the liveliness of the market by the end of the year, it strongly depends on economic situation and company results. Of course, the number of offers decreases by the time of the holidays, as top management often takes vacations, and Western colleagues leave for the holidays even earlier than we do. Therefore, if the goal is to watch the market, it is better to set yourself up that a new active period will begin in February. But nothing prevents you from monitoring the situation and keeping your finger on the pulse. If suddenly the “dream company” starts searching in December, you will have the opportunity to be the first to know about it.

Don't miss out on the annual bonus

Frame from the movie "Erin Brockovich"

With the transition to a new place in late December ─ early January, not everything is so simple, you can stumble upon pitfalls that you might not have thought about when you were in a hurry to enter the next year with new career opportunities. Many large companies pay out a fairly large annual merit bonus at the end of the year, which you can miss out on. If, despite this, you are not eager to stay at work and are in a hurry to transfer, this may be a wake-up call for a new potential employer: perhaps everything is not going well at your current place or you have not met the required indicators for receiving a bonus. If, when accepting an offer, you realized “What about my bonus?” Do not despair and talk to a potential employer. Host companies, as a rule, are sympathetic to the desire to receive a well-deserved bonus and start a new job in January.

Or still decide?

Frame from the movie "Shopaholic"

If there is no practice of annual bonuses in your company, it is still better to agree to go to work at the end of the year - in the December hurricane it will be easier to get involved in the business, get to know the team, make plans for the next year, understand the logic of decision-making in the company, and the New Year a corporate event can be a great step towards getting closer to future colleagues and immersing yourself in the corporate culture.

Usually, companies at this time conduct a review - sum up, discuss opportunities, plan a budget. The host company understands that the candidate may use the offer as an opportunity to discuss with the current employer their opportunities in the current company. Remember that a potential employer also weighs the risks and may be cautious about making an offer during this period.

A few important steps from Natalia Koroleva

Frame from the movie "Intern"

Step 1: Be honest with yourself about why you want to change jobs.

If you do not understand the reasons, you can find yourself in a situation where you received an offer and suddenly thought: “Maybe this is just a series of bad days?” My experience is that the impulse that drives you to look for a new job does not just happen, it is always the result of lack of motivation, dissatisfaction, career ceiling in the current company, etc. And if now it seemed to you that you were just tired, after a conditional six months this desire will most likely arise again.

Step 2 Decide what you need.

This applies to the sphere, and career development, and salary expectations, ─ everything. The more clearly you define all your goals, the more likely it is that in the new year you will finally enter your dream job.

Shot from the series "Force Majeure"

Step 3. Develop a search strategy.

The search itself is a methodical process. is one of the most common resources. If you have little experience, your position is intermediate or entry level, then be sure to update your resume. This will help to collect more information about different markets and offers, you will be found faster and interaction will be more effective.

If you are in a leadership position, it is worth contacting a familiar consultant from a recruiting company, so your request will be correctly understood, and hundreds of phone calls will follow with offers that are unlikely to interest you. In our age of digitalization, often the search and communication with candidates takes place through Facebook, this is very fast way connections. Therefore, I recommend that you indicate the current position on your profile page. This will increase the chances that you will be found and offered something worthwhile. LinkedIn was also popular until recently, but now there are limitations in its use. But it's better to create a page there.

It's best to end your relationship with your current employer on a positive note - you never know what might happen tomorrow. If you feel that you will let your colleagues down by leaving, talk to the host company. Most likely, they will meet halfway there, and this step will characterize you as a responsible employee, and will only once again convince the new employer of the correctness of his decision.

Publication date 28.12.2010 Moscow

The labor market lives according to its own laws: there are periods of calm and phases of recovery. It is certainly useful for everyone to take these patterns into account when looking for a new job, but it is also worth dispelling some misconceptions ... For example, it is believed that at the end of December the “dead season” begins, which lasts until mid-January, when recruiters and personnel officers are busy with just that that decorate office Christmas trees and do not pay attention to incoming mail. We asked the representatives of the personnel departments of large Moscow companies what their current situation with the selection of personnel is.

Nadezhda Nenasheva,
HR Manager of the Capital Trade House "Milavitsa"

I think that now you should not stop looking for a job, but, on the contrary, intensify it. The last days of December and the post-holiday weeks are a good time to get a job: competition in the labor market is significantly reduced, as many postpone the search for a job, therefore, the chances of the most active and persistent job seekers increase.

We are currently recruiting Sales Consultants. If earlier we made certain requirements for candidates (one of the mandatory ones is having experience in working with non-food products for at least a year), then in the last two weeks the number of responses has significantly decreased. Therefore, if the vacancy is “burning”, then we are ready to reduce our requirements for candidates, we consider applicants with less work experience or with work experience in related fields, for example, an administrator, a call center operator. On the other hand, applicants with insufficient qualifications and work experience can now qualify for better offers compared to any other period.

It is not easy for HR workers now, because finding a worthy candidate on the eve of the holidays and until the end of January is a big problem. Therefore, when searching for an employee, it is necessary to cover much more publications and Internet resources (including using additional options on specialized sites: highlighting, auto-raising, placing a banner or company logo on the main page, etc.), use it to search for candidates social networks to attract as many candidates as possible and increase the number of responses. Of course, the costs become higher and do not always lead to the desired result, but if there is a hot vacancy, this is the only way out. Searching for employees for other vacancies may take longer, because the activity of candidates will increase, and the labor market will revive closer to February.

I would like to note that my job search period always fell on the post-holiday period: there were many interesting offers and job searches always took a fairly short time.

Ksenia Pirogova,
Head of the Human Resources Department of CJSC ""

There are many areas of business and activities in which the greatest activity is observed precisely in the pre-holiday and holidays. The leaders in this business, of course, are trade, customer support, logistics, tourism, etc. Therefore, it is natural that on New Year's Eve, when the majority of the population is busy looking for gifts and compiling annual reports, the personnel officers of the organizations indicated solve a different problem - where to find competent and trained personnel for efficient work.

However, the New Year requires not only temporary workers. After all, the onset of a certain date on the calendar does not at all mean the cessation of all work at the enterprise and does not eliminate the need to search, for example, for a process engineer. Recruitment is a permanent process, another thing is that before any holidays, the activity of the applicants themselves decreases, because an illusion is created that business activity is dying down.

In our organization, this is certainly not the case. Closer to the New Year (as well as to the summer), we are actively attracting applicants for the vacancies of "support operator", "courier", "driver". Many of those who came to temporary work after the holidays stay with us on a permanent basis or are transferred to other departments.

I do not consider it expedient to postpone the job search for the next calendar year. On the contrary, a fresh resume will stand out among its non-updated counterparts on recruitment portals. In addition, it will be easier for an applicant who got a job at the end of the year to join the team because of the atmosphere accompanying the holiday, it will be easier to adapt to it and start a new life in the new year. The only thing that can be advised to a candidate looking for a job in the New Year's bustle is to try to complete all negotiations with the company before the long holidays. Intermittent meetings in HR or with a line manager can get in the way of a complete picture of you as a professional. As for the staff of the personnel department, I recommend not to despair, even if it seems that all the candidates have “gone under the water”. On the contrary, the most stubborn and industrious remained on the surface, and it is precisely such that we are always trying to find. I wish both fronts to find their working "halves" in the new year: applicants - a favorite office, and personnel officers - dedicated employees.

Svetlana Kadyrova,
Recruitment Manager at Mobile Element

Traditionally, before the New Year, it is more difficult for an HR manager to find people for open vacancies, as there is a decrease in the number of people who want to get a job. At this time, we begin to place more advertisements in the media, on the Internet and connect additional search methods. The managers of our numerous communication salons support new employees in various ways, helping them to get used to the new place of work. Unfortunately, applicants often have the following mood on the eve of the holidays: I’d rather have a rest now, and go to work after the New Year. But sales managers are in demand before the New Year as well as at any other time. In addition, the New Year's consumer fever is a great way to cash in on sales. The sales consultant works for the result, that is, receives a percentage of the cost of the goods sold. Since at the end of December, sales increase, respectively, and the salary of sellers doubles. Yes, the pre-New Year's race will be followed by a slight decline in sales, but by mid-January, demand will recover, since cellular communications are always in demand.

When applying for a new job, any employee faces a number of difficulties: a new company, a new team, for many even new sphere activities. The adaptation period is present in any field of activity, and the tasks of the personnel manager include helping a new employee to get used to the new team, understand the numerous assortment of salon products and increase sales.

Thus, it's time for sales managers to get hired before the New Year and make big profits. Purposeful people who do not lose hope to find for themselves Good work no matter what day it is on the calendar, you can easily find the right vacancies. It is precisely these: result-oriented, not lazy, positive applicants that we want to see at the interview and then at the position of the seller.

The material was prepared by Olga Lebedeva

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The person was left without a job or just wants to change it. And ahead of December-January - almost "dead" months for employment. Why is it difficult to find a job during this period? Or, perhaps, on the contrary, this time is quite even in the hands of the applicant?

The second half of this month is considered extremely inactive. Almost everyone who was going to find something new postpones this decision until January. However, not all job seekers and employers think this way - the job search and recruitment, although sluggish, is still going on. What are the pros and cons of trying to find a job during this period? Here's what our experts say.

Editor-in-Chief of the newspaper “Work for You”, editor of the portal SPB.RABOTA.RU, recruiter Igor Abramov: “December is the month of the lowest activity on the labor market, both on the part of employers and job seekers. The choice of vacancies is less, and this is a minus for the applicant. But in conditions of reduced competition, it is easier for an employer to catch right person on their own, perhaps not very attractive terms.

Anastasia Dmitrieva, Human Resources Manager at BANKO: “Some companies reduce expenses in December due to corporate events. They reduce open vacancies in order to save money and fill them with existing workers. Yes, and among personnel officers, the desire to find new employees is approaching zero at this time.

Margarita Bragina, recruiting consultant for the AVICONN recruiting company: “Of the minuses of finding a job in December, I can note the fact that the employer can postpone the decision on the candidate (especially the final one) to the period after the holidays. And in New Year the applicant can remain "at zero", without paid days off.

Vladimir Volkov, General Director of the Successful Manager recruiting company: “From the point of view of the employer, it is most profitable for the latter to find an employee in December, but with his release to work only in January, after the holidays. Indeed, in this case, the employer does not lose money during the New Year holidays. Therefore, the applicant has a chance.

Anastasia Dmitrieva: “When an applicant decides to start looking for a job in December, he is guided by the thought: “I will start looking now - I will bypass competitors while they are resting.” And this is quite likely, because the number of applicants is really declining.”

Margarita Bragina: “The advantage of finding a job in December is that there are more chances to successfully pass the competition. In the pre-New Year bustle, the employer is in a hurry to close the vacancy as soon as possible and calmly go on vacation. And many candidates are in no hurry to enter the labor market (again, on the eve of the holidays), so there are fewer competitors.”

The long holidays are over. Companies are starting to make plans for the current year, including revising the staffing table. The activity of both sides of the labor market participants is increasing sharply. The number of applicants is increasing. However, there are more vacancies. And it's hard to say which is growing faster: supply or demand...

Vladimir Volkov: “Of course, it is very difficult to “swing” after long holidays, but nevertheless, those who have firmly decided to change their lives purposefully begin the search. And there are many. So the competition is very high.”

Igor Abramov: “Yes, in January there are a lot of vacancies. But the January competition among applicants can no longer be compared with the December one - after all, most people begin their “new life” with the New Year.”

Margarita Bragina: "Of the advantages of finding and going to work in January, one can note exactly psychological aspect: "In the new year - with a new job!".

Igor Abramov: “The second half of January is the time of market recovery. Already at the end of the month comes the first peak of the year in activity. The second such happens only in the beginning of autumn. During this period, you can catch something that is more difficult to find at other times: after all, there are more vacancies not only in terms of number, but also in terms of assortment.

Search whenever you need it

In general, it is necessary to monitor the emergence of new vacancies constantly. Quite a worthy offer can come at any time - regardless of the season. Therefore, you can search for a job even in seemingly unfavorable moments for this.

Anastasia Dmitrieva: “I believe that it is worth starting to look for a job at any, even inappropriate, time and not inventing any excuses for yourself. After all, in any case, you win in almost everything.