How to draw some kind of drawing for the camp. Drawing lessons with a simple pencil. Contour - show me your hands

The standard idea of ​​drawing for many is associated with an album and drawing accessories: paints, pencils, brushes and felt-tip pens. Meanwhile, there are many ways to make a lesson in unusual and exciting ways that will evoke positive emotions not only in children, but also in adults.

Unusual drawing techniques for children, using non-standard tools and materials, is a great opportunity to show your imagination and create spectacular, memorable crafts.

We draw with our hands

A very simple way to draw unusual and varied pictures using the tool that is always at hand, namely the hand of the artist himself. From a very young age, simple abstract pictures can be used, and when the child gets older, you can complicate the task. A child's hand provides ample opportunities for creating stories, here are two of the simplest.


Take a sheet of paper, lay it horizontally. Bend in half, fix the fold line well, then straighten the sheet. Type a little gouache on the brush (let the child choose the colors on his own), and paint the baby's palm. If a child holds a brush well and confidently, then he can paint his own palm, this will give him a lot of pleasure. It is better to paint the fingertips and palm in different colors, this will make the drawing more vivid.

The young artist puts a painted palm on a sheet of paper. The base of the palm should be at the fold line of the sheet. Since the butterfly wing consists of two parts, once the child puts his palm, slightly turning his fingers down the picture, the second time, on the contrary, turning his palm up with his fingers.

Then attach the second half of the sheet to the resulting handprint - and you will have a wonderful butterfly. For reliability, you can draw the torso and head of a butterfly by hand or cut them out of colored paper and glue them with glue.


An excellent version of the image of a tree using the same hand, however, now you will need not only a palm, but also a part of the arm above the hand.

The technique is simple: the child paints the palm and a piece of the hand just above the wrist with brown gouache, and applies it to a vertically lying sheet of paper. It turns out a tree trunk, which is left to draw foliage. Options are also possible here: you can draw it yourself, or you can glue real leaves collected in the autumn forest.

Pictures in stamps

A creative solution that will make any drawing unexpected and eye-catching is drawing its elements with stamps.

What is a stamp? This is a piece of the base on which the desired pattern is cut or fixed with improvised means.

Anything can be used for making stamps:

  • raw potato tubers;
  • small apples cut in half;
  • plasticine;
  • Lego constructor elements;
  • lids from small jars;
  • matchboxes and string.

A versatile and inexpensive impression material that everyone can find.

  • Choose small tubers, wash and clean them.
  • Cut the tuber in half. On the resulting surface of the stamp, draw the imprint that you want to get, let's say it will be a leaf of a tree.
  • Use a knife to make incisions that mimic the structure of the leaf. Then dip the finished stamp into the paint and make an impression on a pre-prepared piece of paper.
  • To create a complete composition, you can make the necessary blank, for example, an image of a tree branch, the leaves on which can be drawn with the resulting stamp.

Attention: potatoes quickly and well absorb paint, therefore, to obtain prints different colors, each time you need to use a new stamp (potato tuber).

Stamps on plasticine

One of the kids' favorite ways to make their own stamps. To do this, you will need: a piece of dense plasticine and a ballpoint pen (for small details). For larger details that need to be pressed into the print, it is better to use a pencil with a thick lead.

Making an impression:

  • We roll a sausage 2-3 cm long from plasticine. We make the bottom of the sausage smooth and even.
  • We take a ballpoint pen and set, deeply pressing inward, a point in the middle of the base of the print. This will be the center of the flower.
  • We apply a ballpoint pen to the stamp as follows: with the pointed end to the center, press well. We make several prints, forming petals around the core of the flower.
  • We fill the resulting recesses of the stamp with paint, it is better if it is acrylic paint or gouache. The watercolor will spill out, giving unsaturated colors.
  • We print on paper. The composition can be diversified by making several stamps with different patterns.

apple postcards

For this “delicious” drawing technique, you will need: several small apples, gouache or acrylic paints, two or three sheets of thick colored cardboard.

Cut the apples into halves, dilute a few colors in an additional bowl. In order for the prints to be saturated, do not dilute the inks too much. Having lowered the apple with the cut side into the paint, invite the child to make several prints on pieces of colored cardboard.

Let parents not be afraid that when they see bright and appetizing prints, children will have a desire to put them on cardboard in an incredible amount. Once the prints are dry, the cardstock can be cut to fit the postcard size, or you can cut out the apple print square and stick it onto a large piece of cardstock in a contrasting color. Tails of apples can be drawn separately. It turns out a wonderful picture for the kitchen!

thread stamps

This type of creativity attracts children with funny geometric patterns resulting from the use of ordinary threads.

The basic materials for this unusual technique are simple and affordable - these are boxes of matches (only boxes are needed, no matches), thick threads of woolen or synthetic yarn, and paints (all but watercolors).

In order to make a stamp, you need to take a small piece of thread and wrap it around Matchbox. The thread should not be too thin and should fit snugly around the box. We dip the resulting stamp into the paint and get a spectacular print with a geometric pattern.

Unusual drawing and natural materials

The most interesting drawing techniques for children are associated with natural materials of various textures: wood, stone, plant seeds, and, of course, tree foliage.

Collecting leaves with children in the autumn forest, we sometimes do not suspect what scope for a flight of fancy and unusual drawings lies in an ordinary dried oak or maple leaf.

Drawings with autumn foliage

Leaves for these works need any: large and small elongated and round, green, yellow with or without cuttings. Walking in the forest, focus the children's attention on the variety of shapes and colors of autumn leaves.

leaf prints

Option one

We take a sheet of not very thick white paper, put it in front of the children on the table. It is better to fix its corners with tape, for this type of work it is important that the sheet does not slide on the table. Lay out three sheets different shapes next to each other and “print” each sheet in turn, sketching it with colored wax crayon.

Second option

We “print” with leaves, having previously applied paint to them. This drawing method looks like this.

Take a few large sheets and invite the kids to work as autumn wizards. Have them color one side of each sheet on their own with the colors they like, in no particular order. Then let them put the leaves with the painted side to white sheet paper. Get bright, juicy prints.

This type of work will allow you to create interesting and bright collages on the autumn theme!

Making your own colored paper

Few people know that it is enough to simply create spectacular multi-colored paper at home on your own. As a result of this unusual technique, it will turn out to be a bizarre, unusual color, reminiscent of a marble stone pattern.

To create this type of colored paper you will need:

  • men's shaving foam;
  • watercolor or acrylic paints;
  • disposable paper plate for mixing paints;
  • paper;
  • a piece of thick cardboard.

We apply a uniform dense layer of foam on a plate. Lightly dilute the paints with water, the colors should be saturated and bright. Then we take a little paint of each color with a brush and “drip” a few drops of different shades onto a plate with foam in random order.

The next part is most loved by children of any age. Picking up a cotton swab (you can remove it from the cotton tip) or a toothpick, the child should dilute the colored drops in the foam. As a result, completely bizarre shapes are formed - blots, dots, stains and incredible combinations of colors.

Then you need to take a sheet of paper and attach it flat to the multi-colored foam formed in the plate. Turn the sheet over, lay it dry side down on the table. Now you need to scrape off the remaining foam from the surface of the sheet. To do this, just take a piece of thick cardboard, and holding it vertically, remove excess foam.

A sheet of the resulting colored paper in bright and cheerful colors can be used when it dries.

All of the listed variety of works made by children and adults in unusual drawing techniques is ideal for home art lessons, creating drawings using collage technique and decorating family albums using scrapbooking technique.

Lecturer, child development center specialist
Druzhinina Elena

Today we will talk about a creative topic, namely drawing. But do not think that we will analyze how to draw. There are art schools for that. We will be interested in the usual redrawing. Tell me why you need it? Imagine that a person does not know how to draw like experts do, but you want to draw something. Even just to have a good time. This is where drawings come to the rescue, which you can draw and color as needed.

You can draw with a simple pencil or with colored pencils. The picture will be of great help to you. For example, you imagine a cat, but you cannot draw it from memory. Then take finished picture and start sketching slowly. It is also painstaking and creative work.

Drawings for sketching are easy and beautiful in stages for beginners

Let's start with the fact that if you are just trying your hand at sketching, then you should start with a phased drawing. There are diagrams showing step by step how to draw this or that object. Let's take a cartoon minion as an example. It can be drawn like this:

Or take a very simple drawing, say a fish.

And this is how you can draw a hare from different angles.

A good option is a cow.

If you have already mastered the drawing. You can move on to more complex objects, such as a horse.

You can not draw it entirely, but make a portrait.

You can draw not only animals, but also flowers.

Returning to the portraits of animals, such a wonderful tiger. Try it.

And finally, in the theme of the upcoming year of the pig, the corresponding drawing.

If you have kids who love to draw, try doing it with them.

Drawings for sketching in stages for girls 12 years old

What can interest girls. Of course, various princesses, dolls, fairy-tale characters.

For phone lovers:

And here is a whole collection of beautiful drawings.

Fairly easy drawing "Best girlfriends".

And this good picture girl with a dog. The concept of the picture is interesting.

This drawing is in anime style.

Another one in the same style.

A simple drawing of a cat.

Portrait drawing.

And another drawing, quite simple technically. On it you can practice drawing a self-portrait.

Sketches of drawings for sketching for boys

For girls, we found what you can draw, now we will select drawings for boys. What could be better than machines? Just a lot of cars.

Military equipment, such as tanks, is also suitable.

For fans of martial arts, such a pattern with a ninja is suitable.

Another such car is a jeep. Maybe dreams will come true.

In addition to military equipment, you can draw the military themselves.

So the choice is also quite large.

Lungs and beautiful pictures for sketchbook

A sketchbook is an album for sketches and sketches. Every self-respecting artist should have such an album. But even if you are just fond of drawing, then such an album is also a must.

In this album, you can not only draw something you like, but also make your own sketches under the influence of emotions.

Portraits are popular in such albums.

A simple pattern, such as dandelions.

You can practice by drawing various talismans.

In addition to drawings, you can make logo pictures or sketches with text.

The sketchbook, therefore, is a kind of portfolio of the artist.

How beautiful to draw in the cells

If you find it difficult to draw any pictures on a blank sheet of paper, you can use the method. However, even experienced artists sometimes use this method. It consists in the fact that you draw cells or take a ready-made sheet into a cell and draw a picture you like on these cells.

These can be simple drawings, such as a dolphin.

Or this teddy bear.

And it may be more difficult.

These drawings are more like pixels, but they are good for practice.

Drawings for sketching in the form of a unicorn

For fantasy lovers, we can advise you to draw the most traditional creature of this genre - a unicorn.

You can also draw a unicorn in a classic style.

And you can make a drawing in a "cartoon" style.

Portrait of a unicorn.

And another rather artistic drawing.

We make beautiful drawings about autumn

Autumn. It's pretty romantic time. Here you can draw a lot of wonderful compositions.

Leaf fall.

Set of leaves and acorns for autumn design.

And this is a phased drawing of the autumn landscape

And another beautiful portrait in the leaves.

We draw in stages an owl with patterns

If you like to draw owls, then here are a few options for sketching.

Owl with patterns of flowers.

Owl portrait.

Owl in flight.

But drawing an owl can be somewhat easier. To do this, look at the step-by-step drawings and try to do the same yourself.

Or, for example, such a picture.

Or even such a very simple way of drawing. We make an oval in which we draw eyes and ears.

How to draw cartoon characters step by step

And the last. Drawings from cartoons. For children, they will be especially interesting. You can start with Luntik.

Portrait of a hare from "Just you wait."

The famous Winnie the Pooh.

wolf from mowgli

Picture from the cartoon The Smurfs.

The favorite of the kids is the pony.

Tutorial video - how to draw a simple and beautiful drawing

Such wonderful drawings you can try to make yourself. It is enough to take a pencil, a sheet of paper, be patient and start creating. Good luck!

Idea generator for the artist suggests drawing this:

many-eyed boy
sick at the bar

"Can you give more details?" Yes Easy:

fragrant many-eyed boy in shackles
sick in a bar on an ancient fresco

“What about flowers, which ones to choose?” Perhaps these:

Too lazy to draw right now?
Then read selected issues of the No Jam Today comic:

The idea generator for the artist selects plots for drawing on fairy tale, fantasy and sci-fi themes in a completely random way. Any matches with real people and events or total lack of common sense are random. The idea generator for drawing is not responsible for moral injuries or mental disorders resulting from the use (or non-use) of this script.
And no, we are not Virink - we are better! :)

Remember: an idea generator can help an artist,
who does not know what to draw and is looking for inspiration,
but it will not replace a real living human fantasy!
The best plots for illustrations and the most beautiful art
are obtained when the idea of ​​the artist is close to the author,
and the viewer, and therefore finds a response in their souls.

They will give you 642 creative ideas and help develop your creativity. Filling out 1-2 pages a day, by the end of the year you will receive your own book of author's drawings or stories.

642 pencil ideas

If you draw everywhere and always, or your sketches are scattered in notebooks and notebooks and it seems to you that you have already drawn everything that is possible, and there are no new ideas left, then this book is definitely for you.

On its pages - 642 original and witty ideas of what to draw ... and, of course, a place for drawings.

10 ideas for unusual drawings

And here's what can come of it:

Cat in a bag:

Crystal ball:

Draw in a notebook yourself, practicing the technique and testing your abilities (can you draw everything that is written?). Or invite friends and family to draw in your book - and then you will receive an invaluable notebook with drawings as a keepsake from the most beloved and dear ones.

642 super ideas for those who love to compose

This book is a creative "simulator" for practicing creativity. It will come in very handy for anyone who wants to develop their imagination and learn how to express their thoughts succinctly.

There are 642 beginnings of stories on its pages - funny, funny, sad, fantastic and even a little strange ... They need to be developed and turned into complete stories.

Unusual characters, unexpected situations, funny circumstances… What kind of continuation to come up with? What will come of it? You will be surprised how fun the creative process can be.

Sherlock and Prince Myshkin

How would you answer, for example, the following question: “Imagine that two of your favorite characters from different books, films or series met. How and what can they talk about? Write a dialogue.

This can be done, for example, like this:

Sherlock plays a gentle melody on the violin.

Prince Myshkin(thoughtfully): "Beauty will save the world."

Sherlock:"Boredom! You're stupid".

Prince Myshkin:“I must tell you that before I really was so unwell that I really was almost an idiot; but now I've recovered a long time ago... Is it possible to smoke here? That’s why I’m used to it, but I haven’t smoked for three hours.”

Sherlock:“Try a nicotine patch. Kislovodsk or Switzerland?

Prince Myshkin:“Switzerland, you guessed it. Whose portrait is this? I see a lot of suffering in that face."

Sherlock: This is Mrs Hudson. Her husband was sentenced to death three years ago. I was able to help her."

Prince Myshkin:"Did you save him from the death penalty?"

Sherlock:"On the contrary, he accelerated it."

Prince Myshkin:“Such flour! Soul abuse! Isn't it horror? No, that's not possible."

Sherlock:“He deserved it. And it was fun, by the way.”

Prince Myshkin:"Crazy!"

Sherlock: « No, a highly active sociopath».

Write about a person who loves yellow

Here's what you might end up with:

An easel with work in progress stood in the middle of the room. The picture, although it was not finished, shocked to the core. It seemed impossible to look at these fabulous yellow elephants, golden firebirds, a sunny fairy with a kind, unearthly face - and not experience happiness.

It was not only the picture that was amazing in the room. Lemon wallpaper, a mustard-coloured sofa, a canary table, and an amber chandelier dazzled everyone who entered. There were many visitors that day.

The black suits and dull pale faces contrasted strangely with all the objects, and the hostess of the room would probably laugh if she saw this discrepancy.

On that day, she was presented with many yellow bouquets, which could no longer please her.

Fairy tale in reverse

« Retell any fairy tale from the point of view of a minor character » - such a task for those who love fairy tales:

“The day did not portend anything remarkable until the planet was attacked ...” - and this is for those who love fantastic stories:

And some last ideas

1. You meet a girl who can close her eyes and see the entire universe. Tell me about her.

2. Try to fit the whole life of a person in one sentence.

3. Take an article from a fresh newspaper. Write down ten words or phrases that caught your eye. Using these words, write a poem that begins: "What if..."

4. Your cat dreams of world domination. She figured out how to switch bodies with you.

5. Write a story that begins like this: “The odd thing started when Fred bought a house for his miniature pigs…”

6. Explain to a gold miner in 1849 how e-mail works.

7. An unknown force threw you inside the computer. You need to get out.

8. Choose any item on the desk (pen, pencil, eraser, etc.) and write him a note of thanks.

Creativity, like a dog, must be constantly engaged, otherwise it will run wild and run away into the forest. Start creating right now.

Drawing lessons in pencil step by step are activities that will help you master the technique of drawing, regardless of your ability or age. Drawing is really easy!


Do not believe that you can draw beautifully? Of course, only a real artist will really write a magnificent oil portrait, but even Small child will soon be able to repeat the hero of his favorite cartoon on paper if he takes drawing lessons for children on our website.

Just think how happy your baby will be when you tell her that from today we are learning to draw with a pencil! Why pencil? You have to start simple. And the easiest way to start is with light pencil drawings. Gradually, you will comprehend more and more complex skills. And, in the end, you can move on to working with paints. Drawing for children will become a favorite pastime, gradually introduce the kids into the wonderful world of vivid images and favorite characters.

You and your child will learn the basics of pencil graphics that are taught in an art school much faster if you go through the pencil drawing lessons step by step on our website. We have managed to create activities that even toddlers can handle! With us, learning is simple and fun, step by step you will understand that drawing is very interesting.

Learning to draw with a pencil

The first drawing lessons for children are designed to help adults. Help the kid to take the pencil correctly, support his pen, drawing the very first lines. The little artist needs to get a better feel for the amount of pressure to apply to get a line of the right thickness. Then let him draw simple line segments in different directions. After that, you can move on to simple shapes such as a circle, a rectangle, etc.

Gradually, the child's drawing skills will be fixed, he will be able to come up with more complex plots himself, fantasize and embody his fantasies on paper. But you need to start with the baby with the simplest objects or characters well known to him. When buying everything you need, please note that for the first lessons, the young artist will need a thick soft lead, which leaves a bright mark with little or no pressure.

Drawing lessons with a pencil in stages for children

Talent is given to every person by nature, only to develop any abilities you need to start with early childhood. By helping children learn to form images into images, you are doing them a great service. Drawing with a pencil in stages is not only interesting, but also very useful for young children. The influence of the development of fine motor skills of the hands on mental abilities and the psycho-emotional sphere in the very early age. Working with a felt-tip pen or pencil, the baby becomes more calm, balanced, he develops a wonderful aesthetic taste, develops a sense of harmony in relation to the whole world around him. This is also true for adults: when we learn to draw with a pencil - our nervous system resting. Is this not the best medicine from endless stress?

Why is it so important that parents also master drawing lessons for children? Help your child! Your baby, most likely, will not be able to cope with the first tasks on his own, because he is very small and, most likely, has not yet mastered many skills. It is difficult for him to hold a pencil in his pen, he has not yet learned how to calculate the force of pressure on the paper, to navigate correctly within the boundaries of the paper sheet. The started drawing may not fit on paper, and the baby will start to get nervous. It is important not to miss this moment, but to help the child skillfully organize classes, then drawing will become a favorite pastime.

Lessons of drawing with a pencil are gradually selected in such a way that the child sees only objects familiar to him. They systematize the already existing experience of the little man and gradually expand his worldview, introducing new phenomena of nature and life. Perhaps now the baby will take a fresh look at the world and you will help him.