Dried apples benefit and harm. The beneficial properties of dried apples for humans. Use of baked apples

Apples in our country are the most common fruits. Their benefit for a person is very large. Representatives of traditional medicine are recommended to include apples into the daily diet to people, with a reduced level of hemoglobin in the blood, are particularly relevant to these recommendations for pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Folk healers believe that these fruits need not only in the raw form, because the benefits dried apples It grows multiple times.

Dried apples are a kind of billet for the winter, but this type of storage of fruit has many advantages before rolling out compotes, jams or jams. Main a distinctive feature Dried apples are that with such a processing they absolutely do not lose their numerous valuable qualities. They can cause harm to man only under the condition that chemical compounds in this process are improper processing or use in this process.

What is the value of dried apples?

The dried fruit includes a huge amount of vitamins, micro and macroelements, which are necessary for a person for the normal functioning of all organs and systems. Vitamins K, E and B are needed to saturate the circulatory system; the benefits of ascorbic and other acids are invaluable for the brain; iodine, zinc, copper, magnesium, manganese, selenium, magnesium, iron and other elements must be present in the human body in due quantity.

Dried apples contribute to good digestion due to the high content of pectin, dietary fibers and fiber. Particular proteins, acids, essential oils and phytoncides are part of these fruits stimulate the metabolism and contribute to the formation of a favorable microflora in the intestine.

Who needs to eat dried apples?

The benefits of dried fruits are guaranteed to all lovers, but there are still people who are recommended to include this fruit in their daily diet.

  • People who have a tendency to constipate or inflammatory process in the field of rectum must necessarily have dried fruits on their table. The content of fiber in them contributes to the rapid and painless removal of slags and the normalization of digestion processes;
  • If a person has been observed high level cholesterol, the benefit of regular use of dried fruits is invaluable for him;
  • A urinary system that has certain disorders needs many elements that are part of dried apples;
  • The musculoskeletal system needs permanent calcium replenishment. Some diseases or the wrong way of human lifestyle are applied irreparable harm, calcium is washed out of the body. Dried apples are an excellent way to return the bone system what was lost without resorting to the help of drugs;
  • People suffering overweight, usually hardly driven out liquid from the body. Dried apples in abundance contain such a trace element as potassium, namely, it contributes to the process of getting rid of the body of a person from excess fluid. Regular use of dried fruits leads to a decrease and complete disappearance of edema, this is precisely the main use of apples when weight loss;
  • If immunity is weakened by the suffering diseases, then best tool For its recovery is the compote from dried fruits.

In addition to all of the above, dried apples have other features. They contribute to the speedy digestion of proteins and fats, protect a person from early aging and even contribute to improving mental processes, such as memory, attention and logical thinking.

The process of drying apples

Do not everyone know that it is very simple to dry apples at home. At the same time, purchased dried fruits can cause tremendous organism. The fact is that the production drying of fruit involves the fusion of their burning gray. It is produced to prevent darkening, because appearance Dark apples scares buyers. Manufacturers absolutely does not care what the use of apples after such processing is minimized, because for them the main thing is to implement your goods. To avoid unnecessary consequences, it is better to learn to dry fruit at home.

Dried apples

Dried apples have a pleasant taste and have a whole set of elements important to the body of the human body. They can be used as an independent dish, add to tea, porridge, cook compotes from them. Special value of dry apples are acquired in the winter and springtime, when stored fresh fruits lose the majority of beneficial properties.


Nutritionists advise to consume dried apples in a period of losing weight to those who hardly transfers the absence of sweet dishes.

These dried fruits are able to replace sweets, while ensuring a sense of satiety for a long time. They are rich in food fibers that play a crucial role in digestion processes.

Regular use of dried apples allows

  • provide a body with a large amount of energy (travelers and athletes are successfully used by this property);
  • improve the appearance: skin condition, nails, hair;
  • normalize intestinal emptying;
  • avoid constant snacks, thanks to which it is established right mode nutrition;
  • protect the body from infections, increase immunity;
  • improve brainwriting and functioning nervous system;
  • reduce the likelihood of cancer;
  • strengthen the heart and normalize the process of blood circulation;
  • reduce pressure;
  • prevent thrombophlebitis;
  • reduce the risk of developing dementia and worsening memory in the elderly.

Not only fresh, but also their dried apples can be prepared homemade cosmetics for daily care Behind the face and hair. Dried fruits are cleaned and tone the skin, contribute to cell renewal, stimulate hair growth.


Eating dry apples in large quantities can provoke bloating, colic, as well as a set of extra kilograms .

Care should be exercised if the apples are dried with bones. Seeds contain a hazardous substance capable of decaying the stomach onto a sinyl acid, which refers to the strongest poisons. In order not to choose, it is important to limit the use of bones of apples to 5 pieces per day.

Fruit acids and sugar, which are stored in apples after drying, are able to destroy the enamel of the teeth, so after the use of dried fruits should rinse with the mouth with water.

Dried apples do not have saturated fats in their composition. If not to abuse the product, the level of sugar in the body does not exceed.

Manufacturers of dried apples often use sulfur dioxide preservative. They process the product to improve the commodity type. Sulfur dioxide helps apples save a pleasant natural shade and appetizing appearance. However, this substance is highly toxic. The most sensitive people already after eating a small portion of the treated apples feel strong headache, nausea, rings. The strong concentration of the preservative can cause cough, suffocation, pulmonary swelling.


In 100 g of dried apples contain 253 kcal, which is 12.12% of the recommended norm per day. At home, the weight of the product is most convenient to measure with glasses.


The unlimited use of dried apples in the last weeks of pregnancy can cause an excessive increase in a woman in weight, which can complicate the process of childbirth. Pregnant women are contraindicated with dried fruits with artificial additives. In the diet of the future mom should be dried homemade apples.

Dried fruits are contraindicated to breastfeeding, as they can easily suppress. From 6 months you can offer a baby diluted compote from dry apples. If the baby has teeth, under the supervision of an adult, it is possible to give him a piece of dried apple, operated in water.

Because of the high caloric content and the large volume of sugar in the composition of the use of dried apples, it is necessary to limit in diabetes mellitus, obesity and inclinations to the rapid weight gain. Fully exclude from the diet, the product should be allergic to apples, during the disease of the teeth and exacerbation of the ulcers.

The nutritional value

Vitamins and Minerals

In order for the use of dried apples to bring only benefits, it is better to get them independently at home. To protect yourself from poisoning with toxic substances that can be part of the store product, you should soak it before use cold water For 30 minutes, then rinse.

The benefits of dried apples

Apples are one of your favorite fruits for many women. They are a source of vitamins and nutrients. However B. winter time Years to enjoy natural fruit is not always easy. In this case, useful dried apples will be excellent replacement.

Is it useful to eat dried apples

Dried apples, of course, do not have such a rich composition as fresh fruits, but the benefits of them can be obtained quite a lot. First, the dried product is kept much longer, and the amount of substances in it decreases very slowly. Secondly, the caloriciness of the dried fruit is only 253 kcal per 100 g of the product, proteins - 2.2 g, fats - 0.1 g, carbohydrates - 59 g, which is why apples recommend as an addition to the diet of losing weight women or those who are watching Behind the figure. Also useful to eat dried apples with anemia or a lack of iron.

Dried apples of dried apples

The dried product contains ash, starch, dietary fiber, mono- and disaccharides, organic acids (apple and lemon). From minerals, it includes calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, iron, as well as vitamins E, A, C, RR and group B, as well as beta - carotene.

Dry apples and diet

Dried apples are particularly useful when weight loss, as the organism from slags is very gently cleaned, while improving the operation of the digestion and the intestinal tract. With regular use, they contribute to the formation of their own beneficial bacteria. A decoction of dried apples is especially useful for these purposes. For its preparation, you need to pour a 200 g of the dried product with 1 liter of water, bring to a boil and keep 15 minutes on fire. Then strain and take 250 ml in the morning in the afternoon and in the evening before meals.

Damage to dried apples

Apples: benefits and harm, calorie. Baked apples and dried apples: Useful properties, indications and contraindications

All fruits are not only delicious delicacies, but also useful for the body.

The leader among them is an apple.

Due to the unique set of vitamins, trace elements, biologically active substances, this fetus is used in cooking, cosmetology, folk medicine.

The benefits of health apples were known for a very long time.

No wonder this fruit became the main attribute of many legends, myths, even a multi-billion dollar company Apple chose it with its logo of its products. Availability, rich taste, useful properties of apples are the main advantages that allowed him to be one of the most popular fruits in the world.

Composition Caloric

Beneficial features Apples are difficult to underestimate. The composition of the fruit includes 86% of the water, thirst quenching, in addition, it contains:

Potassium. This trace element is necessary for the work of the heart muscle, kidneys, has a slight diuretic effect. In 100 g of the product contains 270 mg of this macroelement.

Calcium Strengthens dental enamel, bone.

Iron It is necessary to prevent anemia, effectively in the fight against the Malokrovy. Fruit contains 2.2 mg of this substance, because the use of apples for the body is especially large for children, pregnant women.

Phosphorus, Zinc in sufficient quantities provides immune protection, improve brain activity.

More than 2 mg iodine Normalize the work of the thyroid gland.

Vitamin C (9mg) in greater quantities are contained in acidic fruits. It strengthens the vessels, reducing their permeability, binds toxic substances, takes part in the synthesis of collagen. Also known to the antiviral, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effect. Apples improve the body's resistance to infections, strengthen the immunity. One medium fruit contains the fourth part of the daily rate of vitamin C.

Pectin Accelerates removal from the body toxic substances, poisons, excess cholesterol.

Acid Normalize the intestinal work, do not allow fermentation, the development of putrefactive processes. The most useful is apple, citric acid.

Quartzetin It warns the development of Alzheimer's disease, the fracture of nerve cells slows down.

The fiber improves motility, prevents the suction of harmful substances.

Apples with leather or without?

Disputes on this issue exist for a long time, one side recommends consulating a fruit with a leather, the second - without. But if you want the benefit of health apples was maximum, cleaning the peel is not worth. It contains all useful substances: vitamins, trace elements, organic acids, pectin. This refers to homemade fruits. When buying in the store, especially in winter or early spring, is high, the likelihood that harm apples will be more than use. Because pesticides accumulate in the peelnitrates. To protect yourself, it is better to take small, not such beautiful fruits than large, with a glossy surface.

Attention! Often the situation happens when we eat and bone together with the pulp. Despite the high content of iodine, zinc, the core is a source of blue acid. This substance poisoned the body, in large numbers bones are harmful to health. Therefore, more than 3-4 pieces per day should not be used.

Calorie Apple

If you analyze the composition of all diets and recommendations on unloading days, it is possible to conclude that the apple meets most often. Such regularity is not in vain, because the calorie content of apples is 45 calories. Of course, there are small oscillations depending on the variety. Red and yellow are considered the most sweet, while green - juicy, with sourness, there are fewer sugars. The useful properties of green apples are more often used in medicine.

The energy value of this fruit is low, proteins and fats Minimum quantity (0.4g), carbohydrates - 10 g. This is a low-glycemic index product, it means that blood sugar levels rises slowly after drinking fruit. Food fibers prevent the suction of fructose, their number in one fruit equals 10% of the daily rate.

Apples: What is the benefit for the body?

Fighting cholesterol. This substance in excessive amounts causes the blockage of vessels, as a result, it leads to ischemia of the heart muscle, the development of heart attacks, strokes. The beneficial properties of apples, directly fiber, prevents the suction of bad fat in the intestine. At the same time, pectins are removed from the body endogenous cholesterol, which is formed in the liver.

Antioxidant action. Quartzetin, vitamins prevent oxidative processes in the body. Also the risk of milk, pancreas cancer occurs, the intestines decreases with regular use of fruit. These data were obtained by tests on rats, in which the percentage of tumors decreased by 45% after the appearance of apples in the diet.

Pectins activate intestinal motorcy, are prevention of constipation.

The use of apples for the body is a high content of iron, which helps in the treatment of anemia, Malokrovia.

Patients with gage, rheumatoid arthritis needs to eat several fruits per day. They contain biologically active substances that wash oxalic acid from the joints, thereby reducing pain and swelling.

Potassium and calcium useful for heart muscle, normalize blood pressure, tone of vessels.

Moderate choleretic action prevents the formation of stones in the gallbladder, stagnant. Also, the useful properties of apples are to reduce the amount of cholesterol, which is one of the main components of the bile stones.

This fruit is excellent assistant liver. Pectins, fiber bind and remove toxic substances, decay products, thereby performing a disinfecting function. Load on the liver decreases.

Apples - Dietary Product

The caloric content of apples allows them to include them in any dishes, even cook desserts. One medium fruit is only 5% of the daily norm even during a diet. You can easily forget about extra kilograms, replacing the intake of sweets with a raw or baked apple. As part of the fetus, water prevails, there is no fat, a small amount of carbohydrates smoothly increases blood glucose levels.

If there are no contraindications, unloading days on apples are often used. Per day allowed to eat 1-1.5 kg of these fruits in 4-5 receptions. But more often once a week, it is impossible to repeat this unloading. Despite the benefit of health apples, the organism needs proteins, fats for normal functioning.

Application in cosmetology

The high content of vitamins, minerals makes fruit an indispensable product, which gives beauty and youth. With regular use, the skin of the face becomes touched, more elastic. This is an excellent tool for fighting wrinkles, pigment stains. The fruit rubbed on a shallow grater or with the help of a blender whipped to a puree-shaped consistency. The finished mixture is applied to the face, zone neckline, wash off after 15 minutes. For oily skin Suitable green varieties of apples, for dry - sweet, you can also add olive oil, teaspoon of honey.

Apples: Is harmable to health?

Despite the benefit of apples for the body, in some cases it is better to refuse them. This applies not to all people. In the fruit there is a lot of fiber, coarse fibers, because, with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, apples can harm. They cause aggravation of ulcerative disease, gastritis, colitis.

There are some nuances regarding the grade of apples. People with increased acidity of the stomach should be preferred by sweet varieties. With a reduced function, on the contrary, red apples are harmful, it is better to choose green.

Buying this fruit in the store, especially in winter, it is possible to purchase a chemical "bomb" instead of an apple useful for the body. The fetus surface is processed by paraffin, other connections to extend the shelf life. In this case, you need to thoroughly rinse the fruit, it is better to cut the skin.

Red grades can cause an allergic reaction.If there is a tendency to allergies, it is worth using green fruits.

Use of baked apples

Apples cooked in the oven are a delicious delicacy, especially for people that diet hold. After thermal treatment, the fruit becomes soft, sweet, with a unique aroma. In this case, its composition remains the same, the amount of vitamins, minerals slightly decreases, but the benefits of baked apples are huge. They are softer affect the intestines, not irritating it, shown in gastritis, diseases of the digestion organs. Easy stimulating action helps to fight constipation. Such a product is well absorbed, normalizes the microflora.

Are dried apples?

When drying, water is evaporated, therefore such a product is more calorie. Dried apples can harm the figure if they use them in an unlimited quantity. After all, their caloric content - 250 kcal. It is 5 times more than fresh fruit.

Dried apples retain the benefit for the body longer, they activate the intestinal motorcycle, the metabolism, have an antitumor, a tumor action. The product normalizes the composition of the blood, lymph, is useful for the heart muscle.

It is not necessary to abuse dried apples, they can lead to bloating, gas formation. Patient S. diabetes It is necessary to limit them, as the sugar content is quite high - 60 g (for comparison, in raw frits only 10 g). Therefore, preference gives fresh fruit.

Kuraga - benefit and harm to human immunity

Kuraga is the halves of apricot fruits, as a rule, large-scale varieties dried without seeds. Apricot was brought to our country from China, where it was grown even 2,000 years ago. And now Turkey is considered the world leader in the production of Kuragi. The production technology of this product is simple: apricot fruits dried under the sun near the week. From one kilogram of fruits, it turns out somewhere 300 grams of kuragi. This product is incredibly useful and can be stored for a long time without losing its properties.

In the CIS countries for dried apricots, there is GOST, according to which three of their varieties are distinguished.

Make a stock of useful vitamins for the entire winter period is completely simple. To do this, you can put apples without adding any preservative additives, without heat treatment and even without sugar and other sweeteners. At the same time in the fruits are preserved pleasant taste qualitiesAnd the beneficial substances and vitamins are much larger than in juicy bright fruits laid out on the counters of supermarkets in winter. Apple dried fruits can be stored for a long time, and from all others they differ more affordable. However, they can also be prepared independently. The theme of our conversation today will be the benefits of dried apples for health and weight loss and harm possible from their eating.

What is the use of dried apples?

Due to the numerous beneficial properties of this product, it is worth making a sufficient stock for the winter, even if the prunes, dried and other dried fruits are already stored on the shelves. This is explained by the presence of a huge amount of useful properties of dried apples:

* Due to the presence of a large amount of fiber, digestive processes are normalized, and only a few robles allow you to quench the feeling of hunger, which helps to reduce excess weight;
* salts of heavy metals are derived from the body, which is the effective prevention of a number of diseases, including cancer;
* Pectins are neutralized in the body of accumulating cholesterol, vessels from plaques are cleaned;
* The content of potassium and magnesium favorably affects the work of the heart, strengthens the heart muscle and normalizes the process of blood circulation;
* The nervous system is strengthened, and due to this stabilizes emotional condition, the effects of stress are neutralized, fatigue decreases and efficiency increases;
* Preservation of vitamin C in dry fruits allows you to maintain the body's protective forces and always resist viral attacks and infectious diseases;
* Iron is necessary to improve the composition of the blood, to enrich the oxygen of each cell of our organism, as well as to maintain blood pressure;
* The memory improves and the work of the brain is stimulated, and all thanks to the buzz contained in dry slices.

By the way, the most vitamin C is maintained in acidic varieties, and in the drying of them there are also vitamin K, H, RR, groups V. And here is the largest number of antioxidants are present in the peel, therefore it cannot be considered in any case. Antioxidants naturally slow down the aging processes in the body, accelerate metabolic reactions.

And dried fruits are useful to organic acids contained in them, which are needed to maintain acid-alkaline balance: wine, apple, lemon, chlorogenic.

Than harmful dried apples?

Even the most useful product with its numerous properties and unique composition may not be useful. The same applies to dried apples. These dried fruits, unfortunately, are not suitable for the diet of diabetics, as well as those who suffer overweight. This does not mean that a categorical prohibition is superimposed on their use, but the quantity is to limit. When drying from fruits, moisture is derived, and the content of sucrose increases, so they become completely safe for diabetics.

The moderate use of dried apples is shown in pancreatitis - due to inflammation of the pancreas. Such a category of people is recommended to drink compote from dried fruits without adding sugar, it is softer affecting the pancreas.

The benefits of dried apples when weight loss

To combat overweight, nutritionists are recommended to completely abandon dinner and eat a few robs of dried apples instead. If you withstand such a power mode for 1 month (without changing the usual daytime diet), you can easily spread with 3-4 kilograms.

In the drying there are all the necessary vitamins and minerals, which are usually so lacking losing weight. The delicacy will help to satisfy the need for sweet, will replace the calorie dessert and at the same time will delight with a pleasant taste. Agree, it is precisely different snacks with snacks and interfere with getting rid of extra centimeters on the waist?

Apple slices can be added even to boning fresh oatmeal, they will swee the taste. Dried apples do not cause gas formation and bloating, in contrast to fresh fruits.

You can use more stringent diets if there are no contraindications for health. For example, within 5 days you need to eat 200 grams of drying, dividing the entire volume for all days evenly. During the day you need to make 10 meals, adding me to apple slices walnuts, peanuts or other nuts. It turns out that you need to eat every hour and a half. For 5 days, your body can become lighter than 4 kg. Do not forget to drink mineral water Or green tea without sugar.

Its one way of weight loss involves 1 unloading day per week. During the day it is necessary to eat 200 grams of dried apples and regularly drink clean water. Many kilograms will not reset at once, but when regular discharge, the weight will be kept at optimal limits.

And of course, dried fruit for weight loss can be combined with fermented dairy products. With an apple-kefir diet for 3 days there will be 3-4 extra kilograms. During the day at an equal period of time to eat 4-5 bits of dried fruits, then drink 1 cup of kefir (no more than 1.5 liters per day). By the way, kefir must be taking no low-fat. Site and be healthy!

Dried apples are a source of a huge number of vitamins and trace elements. With proper use, the product benefits the body and satures its necessary substances. With the right doha, the use of health harm products usually does not occur.

The composition of dried apples and their calorie

Dried apples are very useful delicacy. Doctors recommend include them in their daily diet to people with avitaminosis, reduced hemoglobin levels, as well as all women during pregnancy and lactation. 100 g of dried apples contains:

What benefits of delicacy

It is due to such a rich composition, dried apples have the following properties:

In addition, fruit contains pectin, due to which cholesterol levels decreases. Dried apples contribute to the absorption of calcium, which is the prevention of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, including osteoporosis.

For weight loss

Dried apples are an excellent assistant in the process of weight loss. They are used in various diets, but before they are used, it is recommended to pre-consult a doctor.

Apple diet

The diet lasts 5 days, during which it is necessary to eat 200 g of dried apples and any nuts every day. Day portion should be divided by ten parts and eat every hour. In addition, you need to drink a lot green Tea Without sugar and non-carbonated water. The diet allows you to reset 3-4 kilograms.

If you need to lose weight by 2-3 kilograms for a month, but there is no desire or opportunity to sit on a diet, use dried apples in your usual nutrition. For a month, eat 100 g of the product daily instead of dinner.

Kefir-apple diet

Kefir helps the body to cope with low-alterilla diets

To reset 1.5-2 kg in a few days, you can use a kefir-apple diet. It lasts three days. It is necessary to drink 5-6 times a day on one cup of kefir 1-2.5% fat and to eat four slices of dried apples. They should be very good, and not swallowing.

No need to drink skimmed kefir during a diet. Choose a drink with 1-2.5% fatness, otherwise the body will not be easy to cope with the restriction in nutrition.

If you want to eat hard, you can quench the feeling of hunger to another cup of kefir, but do not overdo it. The day it is recommended to drink a maximum of 2 liters of kefir.

Unloading Days

Very useful once a week to spend an unloading day with dried apples. Highlight one day and use 200 g of dried apple fruits throughout. Such a measure will allow you to maintain your weight.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

The dried fruits are useful to future mothers, but if you use them in large quantities, a woman can strongly add in weight that will negatively affect the process of childbirth. Keep in mind, it is impossible to eat purchased dried fruits, in which artificial additives are present. They can cause a strong allergic reaction, so it will have to dry apples alone.

Overweight during pregnancy will interfere, so do not overdo it with drying

To do this, cut apples on the loss with a thickness of a maximum of 1 cm, put on the baking sheet and dry about 6 hours. First place the temperature of 50 degrees, after two hours increase it to 70 degrees, and another two hours - up to 80 degrees. You can eat no more than 25 g of dried apples per day. The delicacy will help with strong toxicosis.

You need to brew in boiling water 1 tbsp. l. Rosehip fruits and dried apples, insist half an hour and drink. You can use 2-3 glass of Nalfia per day.

During period breastfeeding Also does not hurt an apple drying. That's just you need to gently enter it into the diet. To begin with, you should try a couple of poles and look at the reaction of the baby. If everything is fine, boldly use dried apples, but not more than 25 g per day.

Harm and contraindications

  • Dried apples contain a lot of sugar, so people who suffer obesity and diabetes should limit the use of this product. It is enough to eat a couple of poles a week, no more.
  • Also, doctors advise to abandon the gentlemen of Yazmennikov during the exacerbation of the disease.
  • You need to be neat with pancreatitis. A dried fruit can only eat after consulting a doctor. But for acute form Pathology Apples are prohibited in any form.

Note: If the package in the composition specified E220, apples are dried using sulfur dioxide

Even if you do not suffer from any diseases, you do not need to lean on dried fruits, especially on purchased. Manufacturers are often used by a sulfur dioxide preservative, which allows you to maintain an attractive appearance of the product, but this is a toxic substance. People with increased sensitivity to it may feel unpleasant symptoms:

  • sore throat;
  • headache;
  • cough;
  • nausea.

In the worst case, there is an ease of lungs and an attack of suffocation. 100 g of the product for one reception will be more than enough. In addition, dried apples contain a large amount of fiber, which can adversely affect the gastrointestinal tract. The uncontrolled use of the product can cause constipation, stomach spasms, or diarrhea.

If you include a delicacy in your daily diet, thereby increasing its calorie, there is a risk of gaining weight. You can lose weight only if you restrict the use of other products and replace them with dried apples.

Recipes from dried delicacy

Dried apples are a product ready for use. Also of them you can cook delicious compote, useful decoction or make a tincture.

Based on the dried apples, they also prepare the tincture, which they drink during the feast, but it does not bring any benefit to the body.

Health compote infants

Compote from dried apples is very useful for babies. It is recommended to give young children suffering from the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or colic. The drink will provide the organism of the crumbs necessary vitamins and microelements. Compote can be introduced into the kid's diet from six months.

If you first prepare the kid compote from dried apples, it is best not to add other ingredients to it. Let the child be accustomed to drink. After 2 months, gradually enter the prunes in the compote, grind, raisins.

Cook compote is completely easy. You will need:

It is necessary to choose not too risen apples, otherwise the compote will acquire a bitter taste. It is best to use the fruits dried in the sun, and not in the oven. Dried apples need to rinse in clean water and soak for 10 minutes. Then the grinding fruits must be rinsed to remove fine litter and dust, put in a pan and pour boiling water.

Compote should be boiled about 10 minutes on medium heat, then turn off the plate, cover the drink with a lid and leave it to half an hour. Compote is ready. Now it needs to be strain and cool to room temperature. If you want to sweeten the drink, you can add 1/3 teaspoon honey (be careful, the product can be allergenic!).

It is necessary to carefully enter the drink in the diet. First, give a child one teaspoon of a compote and look at his reaction. If there are no rashes during the day on the skin, you can increase the dose to two teaspoons for the reception. Maximum compotes: 100 ml per day. Drink need to be stored in a refrigerator in a closed jar.

Delicious tea with urolithiasis, rheumatism, gout

From painful symptoms urolithiasis, rheumatism or gout helps tea from dried apples. Take:

  • 2-4 tbsp. l. crushed apples;
  • 0.5 l steep boiling water.

It is necessary to mix the ingredients in the thermos and insist about 2 hours. The drug is accepted 2-3 times per day in 100 ml. Treatment to make it easier for symptoms. Also, tea reduces high temperature and heat.

From rheumatism

There is another recipe for drugs from rheumatism, but it needs to drink a minimum of 1.5 months twice a day on a glass. You will need:

  • 200 g of dried slices of apples;
  • 1 l of water;
  • liquorice root.

Apples need to be cooked in water 15 minutes, then cool to a comfortable temperature. One cup of beverage should add 1 tsp. Surope root licorice.

Broth of apple

A decoction of dried apples is also useful. It differs from the compote in that sugar, honey or fructose is not added to it. The decoction helps to cope with a variety of diseases, but it will have to drink for a long time. From one-time consumption of the effect will not be.

The decoction suits the body with the necessary vitamins

When bleeding, dysen, kidney stones, cold, cough

For cooking, you will need:

  • 100 g dried apples;
  • 1 l of water.

The dried product is placed in a saucepan, pour water and cook for 5 minutes after boiling. Then the drink should be insisted half an hour under the lid and cool. The remedy must be consumed 2-3 times per day one cup for 2 weeks.

The rich composition of dried apples makes them a very useful product. From this delicacy can be prepared delicious and useful compote, decoctions that will help with various diseases. But remember that excessive use of dried apples can cause degradation of well-being and obesity.

Drying is one of the simple, affordable and useful ways to prepare apples. At the same time, they do not need to add any preservatives, sugars, expose the product to heat treatment. In ripe and on time dried apples, vitamins are preserved much more than in a fresh fruit lying on the shelf of the store in the winter. This useful product It helps to keep beauty and health, it will be unlisted and for those who want to lose weight.

  • Useful properties of apple dried fruits
  • The composition of dried apples
  • The use of dried slimming apples
  • Apple harvesting at home
  • How to store dried apples
  • Contraindication to use

Useful properties of apple dried fruits

Dried fruits are available all year round. They will help to cope with the poor mood in winter and suppress spring avitaminosis. The advantage of apples in front of other recycled fruits is low cost. The cost of this product is much lower than the Kuragi, prunes, nuts. In this case, it is no less important substances.

The main properties and benefits of dried apples:

  1. The fiber contains in apples improves digestion, suppresses a sense of hunger, helps to remove heavy metals from the body. A cup of dried apples contains 1/3 of the fiber daily.
  2. In dried fruits there are pectins that help to remove bad cholesterol from the body, clean the vessels and prevent the formation of plaques, narrowing lumets.
  3. Improve memory, stimulate brain activity. All this is due to the content of boron in the dried fruits.
  4. Frequent use of a product rich in potassium and magnesium prevents the occurrence of heart disease. Beneficiously affects the state of the nervous system, helps to get rid of tension, poor mood, raises life tone and improves well-being.
  5. Vitamin C is saved in the fruits even after drying. The product will help to confront the cold illness, viruses, infections, will strengthen the body's protective forces, increase its stability before adverse factors.
  6. Prevention of anemia. It contains iron in the apples, it is preserved when drying the product. This trace element improves blood quality, helps to saturate the cells with oxygen, contributes to the normalization of blood pressure.

All these properties are inherent in dried fruits cooked from natural, fresh fruits. Solk should be fleshy, matured, fragrant. It is not necessary to harvest the imported fruits that moved the transportation, they survived numerous treatments not only at the stage of growth, but also storage.

The composition of dried apples

The energy value of the finished product depends on the variety, the degree of maturity and the quantity of sugar in fresh fruits. On average, the calorie content of dry apples is 253 kcal. It is five times more than in fresh fruits. Of these, 236 kcal are carbohydrates (59 g), 9 kcal per protein (2.2 g) and less than 1 kcal for fats (0.1 g).

The content of vitamins and minerals in 100 g of product

On average, 12% comprehensive sugar: sucrose, fructose and glucose. Fitoncides and apple tannins have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, suppress the development of pathogenic microorganisms. In the peel of dry fruit contain flavanoids that are neutralized negative influence free radicals. Organic acids (lemon, wine, chlorogenic, apple) make up about 2.3%. They help to struggle with infections, support acid-alkaline balance in the body.

The use of dried slimming apples

The energy value of dried products is several times higher than fresh. About the diet on dried apples can not be speech. Half kilogram will easily cover the daily calorie content, but at the same time the hunger is not quenched. However, the use of the product has a positive effect on the body of a losing weight man and even helps to lose weight:

  • are the source of vitamins, mineral and other beneficial substances that are so necessary to lose weight;
  • several pieces of dry fruit will get rid of the desire to eat candy, a cake or another forbidden product, suppressing craving to sweet;
  • help diversify the menu, because the boring oatmeal will become much delicious and useful if you add a few dry little lobes;
  • this wonderful ingredient for compote, allows you to prepare a delicious, sweet drink with minimal calorie and preserving all the benefits of the product;
  • unlike fresh fruit, recycled lobby do not cause active gas formation;
  • dried fruits are remarkably combined with kefir during unloading days, it is important only to calculate the calorie content of the daily diet.

Note: From dry apples you can prepare useful candy. For this, the slices twisted in the water twisted through the meat grinder, honey, nuts, other fruits are added. From the resulting mass, balls are formed, collapsed in cocoa powder and cooled.

It is important to remember that when cooking, dried apples are preferably not to cook: so many useful substances are destroyed, which are contained in them. It is enough to soak dried fruits for half an hour in hot boiled water so that they soften.

Video: The beneficial properties of dried apples

Dried apples in traditional medicine

Fresh and dried apples are actively used in folk medicine for the treatment of anemia, stool disorders, heartburn, atherosclerosis and other diseases. From the product prepare chasters, water infusions, vitamin masses, consumed independently either in combination with therapeutic herbs, honey, nuts, and other dried fruits.

The benefits of dried apples are explained by a balanced set of valuables. The product is not a panacea from all diseases, to any treatment should be approached comprehensively and after consulting with a specialist.

Apple harvesting at home

To dry the fruit, you can use the oven or electric dryer. The fruits are washed, wipe, cut with neat slices. It is very important to observe the same thickness of pieces so that they lose moisture evenly. In the oven, dried slices are prepared at temperatures up to 65 ° C. The process takes from 5 to 8 hours. Periodically, the oven door must be opened to leave the evaporating moisture. In the electric dryer, apples are prepared from 5 to 12 hours depending on the parameters of the device.

How to store dried apples

Food mole is the main pest of dried apples. Also on the product may appear mold, a shadle smell. To protect the workpiece from all these troubles, you need to take a number of simple measures:

  1. Dryness. The product needs to prepare efficiently. If apples are wet, sticky, they will not lay over two weeks.
  2. Tightness. Capacity should be closed tightly so that insects do not get into it. Polyethylene storage bags are undesirable, it is better to give preference to glass cans.
  3. Ventilation. Dried apples are recommended to be periodically ventilated. For this, the product is shrinking into linen bags, suspended in air.

Cunning. To protect dried apples from insects, you can use citrus crusts, bay leaf, soul or lavender. Fragrant additions are placed near the product, but in no case laid it.

Contraindication to use

Despite all the benefits, dried apples are allowed to use not all. The product is contraindicated by people suffering from diabetes mellitus. Doctors recommend refusing appetizing poles during the exacerbation of the ulcer of the stomach. It is worth careful to use the product to people with overweight. In no case to turn a treat in food during diets or maintaining body weight.

Dried apple - useful, affordable, delicious product. He must be present on the man's desk who watches his health.

Since fresh apples today are available all year round (organic or not - another question), dried usually ignore. And in vain, because most nutrients are preserved in them after dehydration. And the couple of dried fruits, which fit on the palm of the palm, is much easier and more convenient than melting two fresh apple.

Nutritional value and beneficial properties

Do not hurry to refuse dried fruits, as they inherited the entire spectrum of the beneficial properties of apple peel caused by the high concentration of antioxidants.

This is a rather satisfying product: 1 cup accounts for 209 calories. For comparison: the apple is generally contained about 80 calories.

Dried apples are a storehouse of insoluble fibers, which are beneficial affecting the digestive system and help control the level of cholesterol. While one apple of the average size contains 4 g of fiber or about 15% of the daily norm, only 1/3 cup of dried fruit will enrich your body by 2.5 g of fiber.

With moderate consumption, digestion is normalized, cholesterol and sugar levels are reduced, they go to the past constipation and unbalance.

On the other hand, in fresh apples a lot of vitamin C, while dehydrated fruits are practically deprived of this valuable connection.

Thanks to the vitamins of the group B, this product maintains metabolism, nourishes liver and epidermis cells. Vitamins B5 and B6 in the composition of dried apples participate in the synthesis of neurotransmitters - chemical substancesnecessary to work the brain.

It is also worth noting the following trace elements:

  • potassium: useful for nervous and cardiac systems;
  • iron: Participate in blood formation and helps to saturate oxygen cells;
  • copper;
  • manganese;
  • selenium.

And the low glycemic index of the product (26), especially in comparison with other dried fruits, no doubt will be involved in diabetes patients.

Yet interesting article: What is useful to baked apples in the oven?

Culinary ideas

They are well combined with unsalted nuts (for example, almond flakes) and raisins - such a mixture (affordable, by the way, all year round) is useful to sprinkle a savory yogurt or oatmeal for breakfast.

Dried apples in a pair with dried cranberries (also home production) plus pinching cinnamon - unmatched seasoning for marinating low-fat pork and chicken breasts. Harbor!

Side effects

Some specific side Effects This dehydrated product has no, and all unpleasant phenomena that can be caused by dried apples are characteristic of other dried fruits.

  1. Violations in the work of the GCT. The dried fruits are rich in useful tissue, but its oversupply for the organism unusual to such a diet is a real test. There is a possibility of gases, pain and spasms in the stomach, constipation or diarrhea are possible. If you set out to increase fiber intake using dried apples, you need to do it gradually, within a few weeks.
  2. Increased weight is another trouble that lies towing dried fruit lovers. Of course, your figure will suffer only if you enable dehydrated fruits into your diet without changing the other components of the menu. In other words, just increase the daily calorie.
  3. The damage to dried apples spreads to the teeth. Fans of this product generous to fruit sugar increases the likelihood of caries. His negative contribution is also a sticky consistency of dried fruits. Their pieces are sticking to the teeth, causing the growth of devastating bacteria for dental enamel. Therefore, dentists advise to drink dried apples with water, and after eating food - carefully the usual brushing teeth, using not only the brush, but if possible, and dental thread.

Sweet - does not mean useful

Even in the fresh form, apples contain many natural sugars, and dried still sweetened (apple chips - especially). That is why the most healthy dried fruits are cooked at home without adding sugar and salt.

Dry fruit yourself quite simple. For this, even the most common oven is suitable.

I wish you successful blanks!

The most common fruit views are apples. At the same time, they are very useful for human health. Fruit is a real storeroom vitamins we need, substances and trace elements. It is widely used by folk nature. Confirms the favor of fruit and traditional medicine.

Used apples not only fresh. For long-term storage, they are subjected to culinary processing. Beautiful with them jams and jams, juices and compotes, as well as jumped. In winter, dried apples are good. The benefits of them are also invaluable to human health. Keep healing fruits in this form for a long time. Dried apples, the benefits and harm of which are known for a long time, harvested for the winter with almost every mistress. At the same time, they do not lose the beneficial properties that are endowed with fresh fruit.

What is their value consist? Dried apples, the benefits of which lies in their healing composition, include vitamins E, K, and also belonging to the group V. is present in them and ascorbic acid. In addition, there are zinc and iodine, magnesium and copper, potassium and selenium, manganese and iron, magnesium and sodium prepared for long-term storage.

Dried apples whose benefits are also manifested in connection with numerous useful components present in their composition, rich in fiber and pectin, various acids and protein, phytoncides and food fibers, essential oils and catechos. Fruits have a beneficial effect on the nervous and blood, as well as the digestive system. They stimulate and metabolism.

Eating apples contributes to the occurrence of useful microflora in the intestines. Dried fruits helps remarkably in eliminating constipation. Use them and with inflammatory processes in the colon. This influence of healing fruits is possible due to the cellular contained in them, which displays slags from the body and normalizes the digestive process.

Dried apples whose benefits are concluded in pectin present in them, reduce the level of harmful cholesterol blood levels, and also neutralize poisonous compounds. The use of healing dried fruits is favorably reflected at the work of the urinary system.

Dried apples, the benefits of which are enclosed in their help to absorb calcium, is recommended for osteoporosis and other pathological processes in the musculoser. The use of a valuable dried fruit contributes to the fastest digestion by the body of fats and proteins. Compatible apples with meat and many other dishes.

The use of healing dried fruits is the magnificent prevention of obesity. Due to the fetal potassium, an excess fluid is derived from the body. Great apple ability to raise immune forces. The use of them in food contributes to improving the memory and protection of the body from premature aging. At the same time, the risk of cancer appearance is significantly reduced.

There are cases when you can bring dried apples harm. They are not recommended to use in obesity and diabetes. In these cases, reception in food dried fruits can negatively affect human health.

Since fresh apples today are available all year round (organic or not - another question), dried usually ignore. And in vain, because most nutrients are preserved in them after dehydration. And the couple of dried fruits, which fit on the palm of the palm, is much easier and more convenient than melting two fresh apple.

Do not hurry to refuse dried fruits, as they inherited the entire spectrum of the beneficial properties of apple peel caused by the high concentration of antioxidants.

This is a rather satisfying product: 1 cup accounts for 209 calories. For comparison: the apple is generally contained about 80 calories.

Dried apples are a storehouse of insoluble fibers, which are beneficial affecting the digestive system and help control the level of cholesterol. While one apple of the average size contains 4 g of fiber or about 15% of the daily norm, only 1/3 cup of dried fruit will enrich your body by 2.5 g of fiber.

With moderate consumption, digestion is normalized, cholesterol and sugar levels are reduced, they go to the past constipation and unbalance.

On the other hand, in fresh apples a lot of vitamin C, while dehydrated fruits are practically deprived of this valuable connection.

Thanks to the vitamins of the group B, this product maintains metabolism, nourishes liver and epidermis cells. B5 and B6 vitamins in the composition of dried apples are involved in the synthesis of neurotransmitters - the chemicals necessary for the brain.

It is also worth noting the following trace elements:

  • potassium: useful for nervous and cardiac systems;
  • iron: Participate in blood formation and helps to saturate oxygen cells;
  • copper;
  • manganese;
  • selenium.

And the low glycemic index of the product (26), especially in comparison with other dried fruits, no doubt will be involved in diabetes patients.

Culinary ideas

They are well combined with unsalted nuts (for example, almond flakes) and raisins - such a mixture (affordable, by the way, all year round) is useful to sprinkle a savory yogurt or oatmeal for breakfast.

Dried apples in a pair with dried cranberries (also home production) plus pinching cinnamon - unmatched seasoning for marinating low-fat pork and chicken breasts. Harbor!

Harm and side effects

There are no specific side effects of this dehydrated product, and all unpleasant phenomena that can be caused by dried apples are also characteristic of other dried fruits.

  1. Violations in the work of the GCT. The dried fruits are rich in useful tissue, but its oversupply for the organism unusual to such a diet is a real test. There is a possibility of gases, pain and spasms in the stomach, constipation or diarrhea are possible. If you set out to increase fiber intake using dried apples, you need to do it gradually, within a few weeks.
  2. Increased weight is another trouble that lies towing dried fruit lovers. Of course, your figure will suffer only if you enable dehydrated fruits into your diet without changing the other components of the menu. In other words, just increase the daily calorie.
  3. The damage to dried apples spreads to the teeth. Lovers of this product generous to fruit sugar, the probability of caries increases. His negative contribution is also a sticky consistency of dried fruits. Their pieces are sticking to the teeth, causing the growth of devastating bacteria for dental enamel. Therefore, dentists advise to drink dried apples with water, and after eating food - carefully the usual brushing teeth, using not only the brush, but if possible, and dental thread.

Sweet - does not mean useful

Even in the fresh form, apples contain many natural sugars, and dried still sweetened (apple chips - especially). That is why the most healthy dried fruits are cooked at home without adding sugar and salt.

Dry fruit yourself quite simple. For this, even the most common oven is suitable.

I wish you successful blanks!

Alexander Gushchin

For the taste, I do not pass, and it will be hot :)

7 mar. 2017


To charge the body with vitamins during the cold season will help drink dried fruit, as in the photo. In addition to famous kuragi and prunes worth paying attention to apples. In dried form, they retain all vitamins, so they will become an excellent basis for a delicious beverage. Also fruits are harmoniously combined with other berries and fruits.

Compote from dried apples - benefit and harm

In the process of drying, fruits do not lose their vitamins, but only waters. If the billet is done correctly, the fruits will be stored for a long time. To understand what the use of dried apples and damage is to pay attention to the composition of the product. It is not a leader in the content of any beneficial substances, but harmoniously combines such components in itself:

    vitamins A, C, E and B;

  • niacin;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium.

The use of dried apples is obvious to people who suffer problems with the heart system. The drink dilutes blood, helps to keep pressure in normal, reduces cholesterol levels. With regular use there is a stabilization of the nervous system, brain, prevention of occurrence various diseases. In addition, with the help of fresh fruits or drinks based on them, it will be possible to clean the intestinal and gastric tract from toxins.

For a child dry fruit can become excellent alternative Candies, lollipops. Even in dried form, they retain sweetness, but they do not lose vitamins. The baby will be able to increase immunity without receiving an extra share of sugar, which childhood Always affects the state of the teeth. Regular use of dried fruits and compotes based on them is able to improve the overall condition of the child's body.

How to cook compote

There are several ways of cooking a delicious drink from dried fruits: in a slow cooker or on fire with a pan. The simplest is the last. Serve such a compote from dried apples can be warm or in the coolest form. Glass vitamin Drink It is able to improve the overall condition of the person, raise the mood. If you do not know how to boil the compote from dried apples, then a simple step-by-step recipe will help everything right.

Recipe compote from dried apples

It is possible to prepare the Uzbar based on one fruit or with the addition of other fruits. In addition to dry mixture, lemon acid, sugar, sufficient amount of water. After the cooking process is completed, the drink must be broken, then his taste will be more saturated. In addition, in a hot form, it will not be possible to enjoy the beauty of drinking. The presented compotion recipe from dried apples will help to charge vitamins, warm up in the cold period.

From dry apples

  • Number of portions: 5 persons.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

Simple compote from dry apples is distinguished by light fruit flavor, pleasant aroma. He can drink adults and children. It improves the metabolism, removes toxins, will become an excellent substitute for sweet carbonated waters. The shelf life of the obtained Uzvar is very long: just recover it into a glass jug and store it in the refrigerator.


    Dried fruits - 300 g;

  • Sugar - 1 cup;
  • Citric acid - 1 g;
  • Water - 2 liters.

Cooking method:

    Fruits go through, rinse, dunk for an hour in clean water.

  1. In the pan typing required amount Water, turn on the fire.
  2. After 10 minutes, lay drying, sugar.
  3. Cook another 35 minutes.
  4. Cool the drink, add lemon and mix thoroughly.

For infant

    Cooking time: 30 minutes.

  • Number of portions: 1 person.
  • Calorie dish: 30 kcal.
  • Purpose: For breakfast, lunch, dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Preparation complexity: Easy.

If you want to cook useful drinking for the baby, you must follow all the rules. Fruits are better to prepare on their own: remove the bones, cut on the slices and dry well. Then you will be sure that the poultry apples compotes are fully made on a natural basis, will not harm your child. If you buy a finished drying, follow its quality. It is allowed to use a mixture of different fruits.


    Drying - 100 g;

  • Water - 500 g.

Cooking method:

    Singing drying, pour water for 3 hours.

  1. Fold out the fruits in a pan, pour clean water once again.
  2. Bring to a boil, then drop fire and leave for a couple of minutes.
  3. Remove from the stove, give cool.


    Cooking time: 30 minutes.

  • Number of portions: 5 persons.
  • Calorie dish: 80 kcal.
  • Purpose: For breakfast, lunch, dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Preparation complexity: Easy.

A spicy spice will add a drink of divine aroma and a special taste. Just one cinnamon stick to a whole pan is able to completely transform drink. If there is no such spice, you can use the carnation. Act step by step according to the plan, and you will have a delicious, useful compote from cinnamon apples, which has a long shelf life.


    Drying - 350 g;

  • Water - 2 l;
  • Cinnamon - 1 wand;
  • Raisin - 1 handy;
  • Sugar - 100 g

Cooking method:

    Prepare fruits: Wash, clean, pour boiling water for softening.

  1. Pour the water into the pan, put on fire.
  2. Without waiting for the boil when steam begins from the water, pour the mixture of fruits and raisins.
  3. When the content boils, pour sugar, cook another 10 minutes.
  4. In a brown liquid, a couple of minutes before removal from the fire, add cinnamon sticks.
  5. Cool, serve in glasses.

In a slow cooker

    Cooking time: 30 minutes.

  • Number of portions: 5 persons.
  • Calorie dishes: 62.9 kcal.
  • Purpose: For breakfast, lunch, dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Preparation complexity: Easy.

Such an umbar will be a pleasant addition to any meal. It is perfectly combined with essential dishes or desserts. A variant of dry fruits like many more than a drink made of fresh green apples. If you use a moderate quantity of sugar, it can be used even to small children. Compote from dried apples in a slow cooker goes tastier and brighter than cooked on the stove.


    Dried fruits - 200 grams;

  • Water - 2 liters;
  • Sugar is 1 cup.

Cooking method:

    Wash drying, pour water if slices are very tight.

  1. In the bowl of the multicooker, stop the fruit, add sugar, pour water to the mark.
  2. Set the "quenching" mode for 2 hours.
  3. Getting ready to leave cool, then use.

With pears

    Cooking time: 30 minutes.

  • Number of portions: 5 persons.
  • Calorie dishes: 70 kcal.
  • Purpose: For breakfast, lunch, dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Preparation complexity: Easy.

If you want to make a familiar drink even more rich and fragrant, then pears can be introduced into the usual recipe. A glass of such a cold drink is not only quenched thirst, but also charges the body with vitamins in winter. There is a dark beverage preparation options, but classic recipe Compote from dried apples and pears remains the most popular among our owners. Its color can be both brown and golden. It all depends on the drying preparation process. Recipe:


    Dry apples - 150 g;

  • Dry pears - 100 g;
  • Water - 2 l;
  • Sugar is 1 cup.

Cooking method:

    Sleep the fetus slices, get rid of garbage.

  1. Pour dry fruit with water, put on fire.
  2. When the contents come to a boil, pecking for a few more minutes, pour sugar.
  3. Leave a saucepan on fire for another 10-15 minutes.
  4. It is important to give a drink to breed and get enough of about 5 hours, then it will be even tastier and fragrant.

The advantage of such a beverage is that it can be prepared all year round. Cooking the compote from dried apples will be able to buy blanks in the store or on the market or making them yourself. For drink to be delicious and weld, it is necessary to comply with the correct proportions, take into account the cooking time of different fruits. Follow these tips:

    Compotes from dry pears and apples are boiled at least 30 minutes.

  • It is not worth exceeding the cooking time: fruits can weld, useful substances will disappear, flavoring qualities will change.
  • If drying large sizesThe time of cooking should be enlarged for 10 minutes.
  • In order for the drink not to be applied to the 2-liter pan, no more than 1 cup of sugar must be used. If sweet fruits are added to the drink, then this quantity can be reduced.
  • If you want to add acids, you can use apricot or currants, strawberries or lemon, orange or strawberries.
  • You always need to give drinking, then the taste will be more pronounced.

Video: Apple Compote

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Compote from dried apples - benefit and harm. How to cook apple compote from dried fruits in a saucepan and multicooker