Propane - butane - excellent alternative to the main natural gas. An alternative to central heating in an apartment

With increased tariffs for electricity and gas, the price of public Utilities, especially for winter central heating, has risen significantly. Despite the gradual policy, the main problem of the current consumer is that when paying an increasing amount, he receives the same poor-quality service. After all, this money is not spent on repairing housing and communal services, not on new pipes, not on the re-equipment of boiler houses. They go ... to pay off the debts of a monopoly enterprise, Ukr. naftogaz". Can an ordinary citizen of Ukraine somehow deal with this? We have become . We have installed meters for gas and water. We conducted a study of apartments for heat leaks and thermal insulation. But what else is left when the payment for central heating takes up most of the rent, and the apartment is still treacherously cold? Turn on additional heaters and overpay for electricity? Walking around the house in warm clothes all winter? You can, of course, additionally put a couple of battery sections. But this is not entirely legal and, moreover, will not change the high cost of heating. There remains a radical method: cut off your home from central heating and take care of everything yourself. An alternative to central heating in an apartment is gas water heaters and electric heaters.

How to abandon central heating: a sequence of actions

First you need to learn everything that is in this regard in the legislation, and check with your living conditions. For example, you cannot do autonomous heating if you live above the 10th floor. You can not put a gas boiler in the basement and semi-basement (the basement floor can be attributed to the premises in which the boiler cannot be installed, a commission check is needed). Installing an electric boiler can be difficult in homes with old wiring.

In a multi-apartment standard house, it will not be possible to completely abandon heating *, if there is a central riser, then the batteries will separate you from it (and the payment will be minimal). There are more options in older houses. But you still have to look for a basis for a shutdown statement, prove that the temperature does not meet consumption standards, call a commission, wait and collect papers.

According to new changes in legislation, it is now possible to turn off only the whole house.

After finding out these nuances, you choose what you will drown with. It can be either a gas boiler, the most popular among the population, or an electric boiler, or a network of infrared heaters. When installing the first two, you will need the so-called "heating system plan", which is developed by the appropriate organization (gas workers or electricians). So, in addition to the cost of materials and installation of equipment, you will also have to tinker with papers (and they are also quite expensive to design).

Apartment heating options

The difference between heating an apartment and heating a private house is that in an apartment building, unfortunately, you can’t put a solar battery on the roof, and you can’t dig a heat pump next to the house. The only option to get heating cheaper and from alternative energy sources is an apartment in a new house, completely with a heating project based on new technologies. There are such construction projects (often in new houses, even if the boiler room runs on gas, the equipment will still be new).

So, electric boiler, gas boiler, or ... air conditioners and infrared heaters?

Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Gas double-circuit (also for heating water) boiler. Classics of the genre of old houses in the historical center of a big city. Old geysers are famous for the fact that it is impossible to wash with them: the water goes either hot, like boiling water, or immediately cold. These whimsical units, with which their owners have already become accustomed, require special handling skills: the oldest models are explosive. Fortunately, new models are free from such shortcomings. The main advantage of gas heating (until recently) is its price. Unfortunately, with new policy tariffs for gas, which is gradually abolishing feed-in tariffs for owners geysers, today this is a controversial advantage. Considering the fact that the cost of the project includes the installation of pipes and radiators, project design, the work of a gasman and the column itself, or a gas boiler (and new high-quality models are quite expensive), the benefits of an alternative replacement for central heating will not be felt immediately.

It requires everything the same as gas: a project, pipes, a full-fledged heating system. Plus new wiring (if the house is old and the wiring is aluminum). The fact is that the wiring that was done in the “Stalinka” and “Khrushchev” buildings is simply not designed for the energy consumption that is in a modern apartment. For comparison: an electric kettle consumes 2 kW, and the load norms for the power grid in the 60s were 5 kW per apartment. And until now, the norms of "Khrushchev" - 3.5-5 kW of consumption per apartment. In modern houses with an electric stove, this rate has been increased to 16 kW. Electric boilers have an average power of 3 kW. Although the right related equipment (thermostats and sensors) can significantly reduce consumption, preventing the boiler from working at full capacity all the time.

The main types of electric boilers are heating elements, film, induction and cathode. Their difference in the method of heating water (coolant) affects their energy consumption. Heating elements heat a spiral with electricity, which gives off heat to water (as in a large electric kettle). Cathodic (they are also ionic) work by the method of ionization of the coolant. They work by heating water with an electromagnetic field. And film ones work on infrared radiation, like infrared wave heaters. They only heat not “any nearby objects”, but the coolant in the pipes.

Advantages: easy to install heating system, if necessary, replacing the gas boiler. Compact. Safe. High efficiency. When installing additional automatic sensors, a thermostat and program control, they are able to react sensitively to an increase or decrease in the temperature in the room, the departure of the owners (or just going to work). Maintain the optimum temperature without turning on at full power. Heating an apartment of 50 sq. m. with a modern boiler will cost about 17 kWh per day.

and air conditioners. Their main advantage is that they do not require a plan, paperwork, installation of pipes, batteries ... Bought, installed - use it. The air conditioner will still require installation and maintenance by the master, but it does not need paper from the RES. The main disadvantage of this method will be ... the absence of these very papers. As a result, payment for electricity will be carried out according to the tariff for an ordinary apartment, in which the norms of electricity consumption are significantly reduced. And all this electric heating equipment will certainly raise the consumption bar, and you will have to pay at the top tariff. Which is very costly.

The air conditioner will cope with heating more economically, but ... not in cold weather. In cold weather, due to the characteristics of the device, its efficiency will decrease and additional heating will be required. In general, the method is good for the most frost-resistant and economical. For example, heating with air conditioning is popular in Japan, where the climate is milder. In addition, there are traditional spot heating in the apartment, for example, devices such as a fireplace blanket for the dining table.

Which alternative replacement for central heating is the most beneficial for the consumer

To summarize: replacing central heating with individual is beneficial in the following cases:

  • You have an old central boiler house and winter never passes without a pipe bursting or a couple of poles with wires falling down, leaving the area without electricity.
  • You have a non-standard apartment that has a wood-burning fireplace (yes, there are many old houses in the city center with working fireplaces). And there is a desire to mess with firewood.
  • Again, you have a non-standard apartment, with which the central heating either cannot cope or copes too much (and the question arises, what do we pay for in the spring, when the batteries are working at full capacity).
  • You do not want to overpay for heating and hot water, which can also be provided by a double-circuit boiler (or boiler).

In any of these cases, autonomous heating in an apartment will have fewer options than in a private house, but even from those that remain, it will be possible to choose the most economical one.

For heating various housing facilities the best view The fuel is definitely considered natural gas. However, there are many different reasons for finding a certain alternative. The motives for such a search are a number of factors: the lack of highways near a residential building, the rather high price category of installation work that directly lays gas pipelines, as well as constant problems with the supply of natural gas. Therefore, to ensure a comfortable life in private buildings, the owners of houses and cottages are looking for alternative and effective solutions to this issue.

Numerous studies have shown that just the alternative that building owners are looking for is the use of propane gas as an autonomous gas supply to premises. This type of fuel replaces the main natural gas, which, as a rule, heats construction sites. And it doesn't matter if it's a modest dacha or a luxurious wooden palace. Autonomous gas supply is carried out thanks to special underground tanks - gas holders.

The main advantages when using a propane-butane mixture are the ability to not rust, environmental friendliness in use, efficiency, no emissions of harmful gas into the environment, as well as affordable delivery of liquefied gas. All these advantages make natural gas a highly efficient and environmentally friendly means of heating buildings with different functionality. This is a cafe and warehouses, gas stations and restaurants, services Maintenance and many others. For many compatriots, the propane-butane mixture is better known as bottled traditional gas, usually used for heating suburban buildings.

Despite the significant costs and increased attention that is simply necessary during the initial installation and the acquisition of important equipment for an autonomous gas supply system, they will soon pay off quickly enough. The volume of the gas tank has different scales from three to ten, and even more cubic meters. It depends on the calculation of the area of ​​​​the object where individual gasification will be carried out. As experience shows, it is necessary to fill the gas tank capacity two or three times a year, in general, it depends on the total heat consumption. This type of gasification system is most acceptable in those cottage settlements where, from the point of view of infrastructure, the location of buildings just falls on problem areas.

If you have ever had to deal with digging holes for pools, of course, you have already gained experience. Therefore, there will be absolutely no need to build boiler houses, lay insulated heating mains, build boiler rooms, and constantly carry out work related to repairs. The heating system, where propane-butane is used as the source gas, is characterized by long-term operation, environmental friendliness, less wear and tear, which keeps pace with European standards and standards.

Have any of you thought about what a person would do if the gas completely disappeared? Yes, probably, we would all freeze, besides, we would not be able to heat food, and this is also a kind of discomfort. People are used to the fact that it is always warm in their homes, there is hot food on the stove. Today, as it turned out, it is not at all worth worrying about the disappearance of gas as a heat source, because in the age of new technologies, the newest, alternative heat sources are being developed. By switching to alternative heating, that is, to heating without gas You will notice a lot of its benefits. By the way, in the West it has long been found and widely used. It's about about biomass boilers and pellet boilers.

The fact that renewable energy sources are used as fuel, of course, cannot but rejoice, because this is not only saving non-renewable fossil fuels (gas, coal, oil), but also improving the environmental situation. There are a sufficient number of biofuel options. Thus, energy can be obtained from waste generated during woodworking, from illiquid wood, from residues and excess straw that remains on the fields after harvesting, from logging residues. Wood chips, shavings, olive pits, pellets, crushed nuts, sawdust are used. Renewable energy resources are simply huge, which means we don't have to worry about spending them. In addition, heating without gas can significantly reduce pollution. environment. As we have already indicated, the fuel for boilers is biomass, which looks like granules (pellets). Wood pellets are produced on special production lines by drying, pressing high pressure. There is an alternative to gas heating today, which means that you can heat private houses, industrial enterprises, agricultural enterprises, greenhouses, and farms without gas.

It is quite simple to manage the fuel system without gas, automatic control allows you to achieve maximum combustion. The efficiency of boilers reaches 95%.

By purchasing products D"ALESSANDRO TERMOMECCANICA, You can create an alternative heating system. Such a system does not require the presence of main gas, does not require a constant supply of liquid fuel.

In the arsenal of the company today there are several varieties of products that are an alternative to electric and gas heating. So, heating without gas and electricity can be provided with pellet boilers, pellet fireplaces, pellet burners. We are also pleased to offer you biofuel boilers, combined boilers, solid fuel boilers, wood pellet boilers, hot air generators, and wood pellet fireplaces.

As you know, today the need for energy resources outstrips the pace of gasification, so the search for alternative sources of heat is not a whim, it is an urgent need. Those sources that are effective, as well as economically attractive, are popular today, among these, of course, biofuel boilers, pellets. It's worth saying that alternative to gas heating– boilers for pellets and biofuels – an environmentally friendly system. This system does not give any dangerous emissions into the atmosphere.

In the West, waste compressed into granules, that is, pellets, has been used for a long time. As a raw material for pellets, chips, sawdust, agricultural processing waste, that is, husks and various bones are used. If we compare pellets as an energy source, for example, with oil, it becomes clear that pellets have more advantages. Firstly, pellets are an inexhaustible source of energy, because the reserves of raw materials for them are not limited by anything. Secondly, by burning pellets, harmful substances do not go into the atmosphere. Thirdly, no adhesives are used in the production of raw materials, which means that when they are burned, no smoke comes out of the pipe, and the amount of ash is several times less than from burning firewood. Fourthly, those small residues that remain from the burning of pellets can be used as fertilizer for plants, for the soil. Modern man, after analyzing the existing advantages, he will certainly give preference to new technologies, he will choose heating without gas and electricity.

Pellets should be loaded into the bunker (into the furnace) from once every seven days to once a season. You do not have to report pellets every day, their bulk density is 650 kg/m3. It should be noted the efficiency of this type of fuel. So, when burning one ton of pellets, as much thermal energy will be released as when burning 1.6 tons of wood or 475 cubic meters of gas, or 685 liters of fuel oil, or 500 liters of diesel fuel. Ash content in percent is 1% of the total volume of granules. In coal, the ash content is equal to 40% of the burned raw materials.

Company D"ALESSANDRO TERMOMECCANICA, supplying boilers and other equipment, will be happy to develop an individual heating system for you. The company's experts will assess the needs of your premises, carry out the selection of equipment, optimize the process to obtain the best effect. In addition, experts will try to minimize operating costs.