Quince for the night. Quince: useful properties and contraindications. Quince and dried fruit compote

Everyone is familiar with the wonderful fruit under the short name quince. The benefits and harms to the body can be obtained by consuming this product, so you should familiarize yourself with its properties.

Useful qualities of quince

The effect of the fruit on the body

The positive effects of quince are as follows:

  • natural sorbent;
  • immunity support;
  • strengthening of blood vessels;
  • nutrition with the energy of the brain and the whole body;
  • natural antidepressant;
  • bowel cleansing and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • diabetes benefits;
  • remedy for anemia and general tonic product;
  • help with pressure surges from meteosensitivity;
  • a useful product for the beauty and health of women.

Natural sorbent

Due to the high percentage of pectin components and valuable ascorbic acid in the fruit, they act as a high-quality sorbent. Substances help the natural cleansing of the body, traces of heavy metals are successfully removed from it, the body's defenses powerfully counteract the effects of poisoning. The product is indispensable for residents of ecologically unfavorable areas.

Strengthening immunity

Constantly including quince in your menu, you can notice a significant improvement in the state of the body. Improving health is that colds are less likely to bother, since there is no soil for the development of infections. Quince supplies impressive amounts of carotene and the aforementioned vitamin C, so the immune system gets enough nourishment to function properly.

Vascular protection

The delicious pear-shaped apple contains a whole spectrum of important minerals that help maintain the strength and elasticity of the vascular tissues. Juicy fruits with a tart taste should be consumed regularly, because in this way you can organize effective prevention of diseases such as thrombosis, atherosclerosis and prevent other problems with blood vessels.

Energy source

The presence of glucose in the composition of the product means that together with it we get a powerful energy supply. You need to know that glucose is an important element that contributes to the proper nutrition of the brain.

Prevent stress

Everyone knows about the anti-stress effect of bananas, quince acts like this product. At regular consumption quince, there is an improvement in the mental state, this can be seen in the improvement of mood, general uplift, normalization of appetite, elimination of sleep disorders and getting rid of chronic fatigue.

Colon cleansing and combating inflammation

It is known that quince contains a lot of dietary fiber, which means that the fruit helps to gently cleanse the human intestines. Due to the presence of tannins, the body can suppress the development of dangerous inflammatory processes.

Product for diabetics

Due to the presence of fructose and glucose, we can say that quince is rich in natural sugar substitutes - for this reason, this fruit is considered useful for patients with diabetes.

Relief for anemia and general strengthening of the body

By consuming fresh fruit, anemia can be quickly cured, since a 50-gram serving of fruit includes a daily requirement of iron. Quince is also useful for viral infections, as it helps to lower the temperature. The product acts as a general tonic, helping to successfully undergo rehabilitation after severe illnesses. When practicing treatment with any folk remedies, one should not forget about traditional treatment and doctor's advice.

Quince with meteosensitivity

Tea with quince jam is indicated for meteosensitivity. It happens that when the weather changes, the pressure rises in people and pain impulses in the head are noted. With the consumption of quince, you can slightly improve the condition with such ailments.

Quince: healthy southern product with a unique taste

Quince for women

Women of different ages can reap a lot of benefits if quince is constantly present on their menu. The benefits and harms to the body are unevenly combined in this fruit, there are definitely more benefits.

First, a 100-gram serving of the fruit contains no more than 50 calories, as well as an impressive percentage of important vitamins and valuable minerals. By consuming quince, you can get many benefits for the beauty and health of the body without gaining excess body fat. Based on these properties, we can conclude that quince is optimal for dietary nutrition.

Secondly, it should be mentioned about drinks based on this fruit. Quince tea is a natural remedy that helps in the treatment of cystitis and helps to stop uterine bleeding as soon as possible. True, it is necessary to use the fruit only as an adjuvant, focusing on traditional treatment under the supervision of a physician.

Thirdly, quince juice can be applied externally to refresh the skin of the face and mildly lighten freckles. A safe mask made from fruit pulp is able to neutralize the ugly oily shine of the skin on the face. If you prepare a decoction of quince leaves and use it to rinse your hair, you can organize effective prevention of gray hair.

Fourth, quince is a first-class food for pregnant women. Dishes based on baked quince pulp help eliminate nausea and relieve toxicosis, which worries many women when carrying a child.

Possible harm to quince

It is noticed that the negative effect of quince is noted only when it is misused, a similar situation can occur with other fruits and berries. It is unacceptable to abuse the product or eat it, despite the contraindications. In any form, quince is contraindicated in case of allergy to this fruit. If a person suffers from severe constipation, this product should also not be included in the diet. The fact is that the intake of tannins with constipation is extremely undesirable, since they can worsen intestinal obstruction. The fruit should not be consumed for pleurisy.

So, we got acquainted with what quince can give us, the benefits and harms for the body of this fruit were discussed in this article. You need to use fresh quince in small quantities, make jam and jams from it, or refuse the product in case of intolerance.

Hello! Anyone who has ever tasted the bright yellow fruits of the Japanese quince was probably disappointed when, instead of refreshing sweetness, cheekbones swelled from the abundance of acid and everything in the mouth seemed to have lost sensitivity, due to the bitter astringency. It is even possible that not very pleasant sensations discouraged the desire to eat this fruit. However, do not rush to give up the "golden apple" of Aphrodite, as the quince was called in ancient Greece. The fruit is not only beneficial for health and beauty, but also, when properly prepared, can diversify the menu, especially for those who are on a diet.

What properties of Japanese quince are useful for our body

The thing that suppresses the appetite is actually the main advantage of the fruit. The abundance of acid provides the presence of a powerful antioxidant vitamin C. It is four times more than other varieties of quince. It is believed that vitamin C helps the body produce a unique substance - interferon (a protein that performs a protective function and is produced by the cells of mammals and birds to fight viral infection). Combined with a high pectin content, this antioxidant also promotes the elimination of heavy metals from the body; it was not for nothing that the ancient Greeks baked slices of Japanese quince with honey as a favorite treat to maintain the health of the body.

The astringent taste inherent in the fruit is due to the incredibly high tannin level. Its combination with pectin and soluble fiber has been used since ancient times as effective treatment diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. With the help of "northern lemon", as the fruit is called because of the abundance of acid and green-yellow color, they treated inflammation of the stomach and intestines, got rid of vomiting and diarrhea.

The list of advantages should also include the high content of potassium, in 100 grams of the fetus - 144 mg, which is very useful for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. The use of quince and products from it allows you to reduce edema, improve blood circulation, to remove venous congestion with varicose veins. Pectin is extremely beneficial for diabetics to reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the blood.

In addition, Japanese quince brings carotene, vitamin A, as well as B vitamins into our body, seeds and pulp offer iron, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, phosphorus, nickel, boron, titanium and copper. In addition, the seeds contain gelling substances that are very useful in the production of marmalade, preserves and jam.

Medical Uses of Japanese Quince

Too sour and slightly bitter taste, discourages the desire to eat fresh quince, although in some countries, it is finely cut and eaten with salt. However, in medicinal purposes infusions and decoctions are made from Japanese quince, steamed, dried, and useful lotions for the eyes and skin, as well as for gargling the throat, are prepared from the seeds.

A small addition of sugar does not change medicinal properties fetus, but not recommended for diabetic patients. However, the easiest way to preserve all the fruit's richness is to cut it into slices, add sugar and refrigerate. The resulting juice is recommended to be added a teaspoon to tea or diluted with water, using it as a useful liquid for colds.

Japanese quince seeds can be of great benefit, which should be dried before use. They make a decoction useful not only for treating diarrhea, but also for fighting coughs and colds. To prepare the broth, you need to pour 100 grams of seeds with a glass of water and, after boiling, cook over low heat for another 15 minutes. Strain the resulting broth and drink one teaspoon 3 times a day.

To combat burns you can apply quince pulp cooked and mixed into a paste on the affected area, or prepare an infusion from one teaspoon of seeds filled with a glass cold water... Let the seeds steep for 4 hours, then strain and use as lotion or compresses to relieve pain and inflammation in the affected skin.

To combat anemia, and also to get rid of diarrhea and vomiting, you can prepare Japanese quince syrup. To do this, cut the fresh fruit into slices and put the gulf with a small amount of water on the fire. Cook until the fruit is tender. Then grind the pulp, stir with the broth in which the fruit was cooked and put it on the fire again. Let it boil and boil a little more, stirring occasionally, to form a thick syrup. You will need to drink it 50 grams 3 times a day.

A quick way to get rid of diarrhea. If it takes a long time to prepare the syrup, and you need help right now, take a couple of fresh fruits, cut into small pieces and mix well with a small amount of water in a blender. Drink the resulting liquid in small portions 3 times a day.

Hemorrhoid remedy. To relieve pain and inflammation with hemorrhoids, lightly fry small pieces of Japanese quince, refrigerate and apply to the hemorrhoidal lump.

Beneficial properties of quince for women

Exclusively for the beautiful half of humanity, Japanese quince is useful not only as a cosmetic product, but also as an opportunity to please your home with a variety of sweet dishes that are useful for both children and adults.

Recipes for women's health and beauty from quince

  • From cracked nipples and mastitis after childbirth. Boil one teaspoon of seeds in ¼ liter of water for 10 minutes. Cool the broth, soak cotton balls with it and apply to the nipple area.
  • Anti-wrinkle face mask. Grate the pulp of one fruit on a fine grater, stir with protein until a paste-like state, apply as a mask on washed face skin. Keep it on for 10 minutes, then rinse with water and use any moisturizer as a final step.
  • For shine and strengthening of hair. Pour a handful of quince grains with warm water and leave for 2 days until it turns into syrup. Strain, add 20% rose water, use as a lotion after washing.
  • Lotion for oily, porous skin. Grate the quince on a fine grater, drain the juice and wipe your face with this juice in the morning and in the evening.

Quince jam, preserves and marmalade

Quince dishes, not just sweets, they partially preserve beneficial features fresh fruit. Jam and marmalade make delicious sandwiches with toast, cheese and walnuts.

How to make marmalade

You will need 1.5 kg. already peeled from seeds and core of quince, 750 grams of sugar and a glass of water. Wash fruits well, peel and dry with a napkin. Cover with sugar, then add water and simmer over low heat, stirring for at least an hour. When the quince is boiled, it can be mixed in a blender to obtain a smooth consistency, poured into molds and stored in the refrigerator.

Quince jam

For jam, take quince, sugar and water in equal amounts. First, remove the seeds and core from the fruit. Then fill the seeds and the middle with plenty of water and cook for 45 minutes, so that the water is literally saturated with pectin. Strain the water and add the already peeled and chopped quince with an equal amount of sugar to it, put it back on the fire and cook for another hour. The jam is considered ready when the quince pieces acquire a beautiful translucent red color, and the syrup is thick and shiny.

Quince is a healthy fruit for everyone

Unlike most fruits known to us, which have both beneficial properties and contraindications for use, Japanese quince is good for everyone. The only exception is the presence of allergies to the components present in it. Quince dishes cooked with sugar are also not recommended for diabetics and those who are going to lose weight.

If you have high level sugar, in order to use the beneficial properties of the fruit, drink juice from it, diluted with water, or you can eat marmalade, but not more than 10 grams per day, excluding other foods with sugar from the menu.

So if you have a backyard, be sure to plant a Japanese quince. It is good both as a decorative ornament and as a source of beneficial elements for the health of the body.

Quince is a tree up to 4-5 meters high with entire, ovoid leaves, hairy below. The flowers are very large, mostly solitary. The fruits are hairy, almost spherical or pear-shaped.

In ancient times on the banks Mediterranean Sea quince was revered as a symbol of love and fertility and was dedicated to the goddess of love Venus.

In the wild, it is found in the east of Russia.

The quince is bred as a fruit tree that produces beautiful and fragrant fruits, and as a rootstock for grafting pears in a molded culture. The distribution area is the entire Caucasus, Crimea, Moldova and Central Asia. Propagation by seeds (strong wilds are obtained), cuttings, layering and grafting; fruits are used both raw and in compotes, jelly, jam and baked as a seasoning for meat.

Calorie content of quince

Low-fat dietary product containing only 40 kcal for every 100 g of raw fruit. People who care about their figure can also eat canned quince, the calorie content of which is only 42 kcal per 100 g.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of quince

Quince fruits contain many pectin compounds, fructose, glucose, potassium, iron, calcium, phosphorus and copper salts.

Quince fruits served drug even in ancient times. Traditional healers of many countries boiled fruits and a decoction of them were widely used for gastrointestinal diseases to improve the activity of the digestive tract. It has been established that quince has a beneficial effect on palpitations, jaundice, diarrhea.

Quince broth - 10 g of dry quince fruits pour 100 ml of boiling water. Take 1 tbsp. before meals in the absence of appetite, uterine bleeding.

Boiled quince fruits - mashed boiled fruits are used for liver diseases and as an antiemetic.

Fresh fruits and juice - taken for anemia, diseases of the digestive tract, which are accompanied by diarrhea and bleeding, as a diuretic, for diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Quince fruits have astringent, diuretic, hemostatic, antiseptic effect, help to stop vomiting, and quince seeds - enveloping, emollient, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. That is why a mucous broth from quince seeds is used in medical practice - for hemoptysis, uterine bleeding, diarrhea. A decoction of quince seeds is also used externally: in cosmetics, as a means to soften the skin, as well as lotions for eye diseases, for rinsing with tonsillitis.

In the form of syrup, quince fruits are indicated for anemia. For its preparation, they are cut into small pieces, poured with water, boiled until softened, squeezed out the juice and boiled until the syrup is thick.

Due to its high iron content, fresh quince fruits are used for the prevention and treatment of iron deficiency anemia, after a long debilitating illness, high body temperature. And the high content of pectin compounds has determined the use of quince since ancient times for intestinal diseases accompanied by diarrhea. Quince or juice poultices are one of the most effective means with cracks anus... A decoction of fresh or dried fruits of quince has long been used to stop profuse uterine bleeding - 3 times a day to drink tea with finely chopped quince.

When the seeds are shaken with water (5-100), mucus is obtained, which is used as an external enveloping, expectorant, antitussive and enveloping (for bronchitis, especially in children), emollient (for colitis and diarrhea), a sedative (for gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer intestines).

In dentistry, quince mucus is used for applications with glossitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease. The mucus is prepared from whole seeds to avoid dissolution of the amygdalin contained in the seed endosperm.

An aqueous infusion of quince leaves (5 parts of leaves per 200 ml of boiling water) has the ability to weaken and even stop an attack bronchial asthma.

A decoction of quince seeds is an excellent remedy for heavy uterine bleeding, especially during menopause. 3-4 times a day, take dried quince seeds on the tip of a teaspoon. Reception to begin a week before menstruation.

Quince seeds contain mucus, so they can be used as an emollient and coating agent. Pour 10 g of seeds with 1 glass of warm water. Shake for 7-9 minutes. The resulting mucus is used orally in 1 tbsp. 3-4 times a day 20-30 minutes after a meal with gastritis, as an expectorant for diseases of the upper respiratory tract. And externally - for burns and skin irritation.

Quince seeds cannot be crushed, as this leads to the extraction of the poisonous substance amygdalin from them, which gives the quince the smell of bitter almonds.

Ancient healers left the recipe for the treatment of infertility with fresh quince juice. You should drink juice - from a young month to two-thirds of it, every evening 1 tbsp.

An aqueous infusion of quince leaves has the ability to weaken and even stop attacks of bronchial asthma. For its preparation, 5 g of quince leaves are poured with 1 tbsp. hot water. Boil in a water bath for 15 minutes, squeeze out and bring the volume to the original with boiled water. Take 2 tbsp. 3-4 times daily before meals. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.

Tea made from quince leaves and seeds is a good diuretic for kidney disease. Take 1 tbsp. dried leaves and seeds in equal amounts, pour 200 ml of boiling water, boil over low heat for 5-6 minutes, cool, strain, add honey to taste. Take 1 tbsp. 3-4 times a day.

Quince fruit tea serves as a diuretic for edema of cardiovascular origin. Quince seed tea is used in folk medicine for coughs, acute respiratory diseases. Fresh quince fruits contain 30 mg / kg of iron, so the extract from them is prescribed for anemia and other ailments.


  • used:
  • with gastrointestinal diseases
  • with kidney disease
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • bronchial asthma
  • with anemia
  • when stopping heavy uterine bleeding
  • with glossitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease
  • with cracks in the anus
  • for burns and skin irritation
  • improves the activity of the digestive tract
  • diuretic
  • hemostatic
  • antiseptic action
  • expectorant, antitussive
  • sedative for peptic ulcer

Quince is a bushy tree. It can grow up to five meters. The fruits are harsh, the surface is embossed, the pulp is viscous, sweet, tart. They are similar in shape to a lemon-colored apple or pear. Ripen in mid-summer and August. The taste is very unusual, it is better not to eat them raw. The material will consider why quince is so useful, for whom exactly, how to use it, what to make from it.

The fruit has a rich, varied composition:

  • organic acids - malic, citric, tartaric;
  • monosaccharides - glucose, fructose;
  • tanning compounds;
  • vitamins - C, groups B, A, PP;
  • protopectins;
  • gum;
  • dextrins;
  • organic compounds - glycine, lysine, arginine, proline;
  • elements - iron, sodium, nickel, potassium, manganese, cobalt, phosphorus, copper;
  • flavonoids;
  • triglycerides.

100 grams of fruit contains 0.6 grams of protein, 0.5 grams of fat, 9.6 grams of carbohydrates. The number of kilocalories is 48 per hundred grams.

Useful properties of the fruit

Golden apples are packed with nutrients. Their benefits are invaluable. They contain beta-carotene, which helps to improve vision. Also, the substance is useful for the prevention of serious diseases - glaucoma, cataracts.

Common quince

Fruit juice and pulp have a softening and regenerating effect. It is indicated for constipation, poisoning of the body, since it is a laxative with a mild effect.


The variety was bred by the French. She keeps up quickly. It is used as a medicine - the juice helps to get rid of a sore throat. Also, the juice cleanses the respiratory system from mucus. The fruits are indicated for cleansing the intestines from toxins and toxins. The broth fights bleeding gums, stomatitis. Relieves heartburn during pregnancy.


The variety is rich in pectin content. They contribute to the removal of salts of heavy metals, toxins from the internal organs.

Quince is recommended for people with reduced immunity. It is able to increase the protective functions of the body, resists infections. The iron content increases the hemoglobin in the blood. The fruit is useful for dizziness, weakness, fatigue.


The variety is distinguished by large fruits reaching 1.5 kilograms. The composition contains vitamin C, iron, calcium, pectin. After heat treatment, useful qualities are not lost. Fruits normalize the psychological background of a person, increase resistance to stress, and improve sleep.

How to choose and store quince

The product has a dark yellow or lemon color. The aroma is unusual, but pleasant. It resembles the smell of an unripe pear with admixtures of spices, flowers and tree bark. How to choose and preserve golden apples:

  • take large hard copies in the store;
  • the color should be of a uniform yellow tint;
  • an important criterion for ripeness is the absence of green spots;
  • if the fruit is dented, you need to eat it right away, otherwise it will go bad;
  • at home, fruits are washed to remove the cannon from the surface;
  • wrapped in polyethylene and stored in a cold place for up to 60 days;
  • pears should not be placed close, as the product will quickly begin to sing and will soon deteriorate.

General effects on the body

It is irreplaceable and useful for the health of men, women and children.

On blood vessels and heart

Fruit juice is indicated for cardiovascular pathologies. It strengthens the vascular walls, increases the endurance of the heart muscle, purifies the blood and reduces the fragility of blood vessels.

For the digestive system

In 1 month, thanks to the daily consumption of the fruit, the intestinal microflora is restored after antibiotic treatment. Tannins and catechins can help relieve chronic constipation. They also get rid of carcinogens and toxins.

For the genitourinary system

The product is used for cystitis, as it has pronounced diuretic properties.

For the nervous system

Due to the concentration of antioxidants, quince has a positive effect on nervous system, calms, relaxes. Helps to resist stress, cheers up, invigorates.

In the form of cancer prevention

Phenols, antioxidants increase the body's resistance and fight the proliferation of cancer cells.

The benefits of quince for women

Golden apples are able to support female body toned.


While carrying a child, a woman is advised to eat the fetus. It contains pyridoxine. This is the best measure to prevent heart attack. The substance is able to remove puffiness, prevents ischemia, and normalizes metabolism. The product contains a high content of vitamin C. It helps the iron to be absorbed, improves immunity.

Boiled fruits help fight toxicosis. Due to the diuretic properties, unnecessary fluid leaves the body, and swelling decreases.

With menopause

During the period of hormonal disruptions, heavy menstruation occurs. Because of this, hemoglobin decreases sharply. The fruits help to stop bleeding, strengthen the vascular walls, and replenish the supply of red cells. Also soothes the nerves.


The fruit contains a lot of fiber. It is beneficial for weight loss. There is no cholesterol in the fruits, the minimum amount fatty acids... They improve digestion, suppress appetite and nourish the body.

For men

For children

The product is especially necessary for a young, growing body. Quince contains a lot of pectin, organic acids, and enzymes. All vitamins directly affect the development of the child.

Regular consumption of quince improves mental activity, enhances immunity, and has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. It is recommended to give to children with viruses and colds.

Consider what quince is used for. It is unique because it has a strong restorative effect on the entire body.


This is one of the few fruits that can be consumed for diabetes. It is low in sugar and low on the glycemic index. The product helps to overcome pathology. Quince has a rich composition that cannot be compared with other fruit crops. Fiber slows down the absorption of glucose and its entry into the blood. Quince is versatile for diabetics because it does not lose its usefulness during heat treatment.

With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Quince broth acts as an enveloping preparation for any deviations in the normal functioning of the stomach.

With bronchitis

The golden apple has an expectorant effect. It is useful for colds, dry cough syndrome. Essential oils contained in the peel, fight microbes, prevent the spread of viruses.

For colds

A high concentration of vitamin C increases the protective functions of the body, helps to resist infections. 100 grams contain the daily requirement of vitamin C.

With bronchial asthma

The infusion of the leaf can reduce and delay seizures. It is prepared as follows: 5 grams of leaves are poured into 250 milliliters of water, boiled in a water bath for 20 minutes. Drink 4 times a day, 2 tablespoons. They are taken to the refrigerator and kept for no longer than 3 days.

With anemia

The syrup saves with anemia. A ripe golden apple is cut, water is poured in and boiled until the pieces are soft. Then squeeze the juice and boil it.

With periodontitis

Seed mucus relieves gum inflammation. 10 grams of seeds are poured with 200 milliliters of warm water and shaken for 7 minutes. Lotions are made from the resulting mixture. The seeds must be whole.

With kidney disease

The product has a diuretic effect, therefore it is indicated for kidney pathologies. A decoction is prepared from the leaves, which is drunk three times a day, 1 large spoon.

What can be consumed

They eat not only fruits, but also leaves and seeds.

The benefits of quince leaves

Fresh or dried leaves are brewed and drunk like tea or decoction. Leaves help with liver diseases, pathologies of the digestive tract, pancreas. Helps stop blood from cuts. Fight colds, flu, bronchitis. Rinsing the mouth with a decoction restores the gums.

Fruit seeds

Their usefulness is valuable to women. The mucus contained on the surface stops uterine bleeding.

Fruit pulp

It copes well with the elimination of excess fluid, relieves swelling in heart and kidney failure.

Popular recipes for traditional medicine

There are many options for preparing the fruit.

Quince and dried fruit compote

The fruits are crushed, dried fruits are washed. Pour boiling water, add a little sand and boil for 25 minutes. Then they insist for 1 hour.

Quince juice

When the fruit is boiled, the juice is separated from the pulp and granulated sugar is added. The combination of quince juice with apple juice turns out to be interesting.

Quince tea

You will need dried fruit, apples and raspberries in a 1: 1 ratio. The mixture is stirred. For brewing, take half a tablespoon and pour a glass of boiling water, add honey.

Quince jelly

The chopped slices are sent to a saucepan and boiled in water until soft. The pulp is passed through cheesecloth. Sugar is added to the resulting juice - 750 grams per liter. Put on fire and cook until the mass thickens. At the end, add citric acid, pour into molds and cool.


Quince is baked, passed through a meat grinder. Pour in sand and beat until smooth. Then boil until the mixture thickens. Spread out on a flat surface, wait for cooling and cut into pieces. Store in glass containers.

Quince jam

Cut golden apples, boil for 10 minutes, pour sugar syrup and leave for 4 hours. Then cook until tender.

Infusion of leaves

1 tablespoon is poured with 500 grams of boiling water and allowed to stand for 1 hour. Drink half a glass three times a day. This saves coughs, pneumonia. The effect is noticeable after 2-5 days.

Hemostatic decoction from fresh or dried seeds

Pour 1 tablespoon of seeds with a glass of water and cook for 5 minutes.

Quince in cosmetology

Fruits are used not only for medicinal purposes, cooking, but also as cosmetic components and masks.

Lotions and masks for face and hands

Recommended for oily skin faces and people with enlarged pores. For the lotion, beat the chicken protein, drip a little camphor alcohol, cologne and quince juice in equal amounts. This tool is used to treat the skin every day. As a result, the skin will become refreshed, soft, velvety, pores will shrink.

The mask is prepared as follows: fresh fruit is crushed into gruel. This mixture is put on the face, neck, left for a quarter of an hour and washed off with warm water. You need to apply the mask 15 times.

Infusion against seborrhea

A decoction of the leaves stains gray hair and relieves dandruff. 200 grams of leaves are poured with two liters of boiling water and left for 1 hour. Then the hair is rinsed three times a week.

Contraindications to the use and harm of the fruit

If you have problems with the stomach or intestines, you cannot eat raw quince. If there is a constant load on the vocal cords, then you need to limit the use of golden apples.

It is forbidden to eat fruits with pleurisy and chronic constipation. This will only make the disease worse. Quince is one of the healthiest fruits around. Has a broad beneficial effect for humans. It strengthens the immune system, has a beneficial effect on the genitourinary system, heart, blood vessels.

Quince is a monotypic genus of trees in the Pink family. The well-known common quince (or oblong quince) is the only representative of this genus. This ancient fruit crop has been used by people for over 40 centuries. Initially, the fruit was discovered in the Caucasus, and then spread to the territory of Asia Minor, Ancient Greece and Rome. At the beginning of the 10th century BC, quince was widely cultivated on the island of Crete. According to some historical sources, the name of the genus Cydonia comes from the Cretan city of Sidon. The fruit was mentioned in writing already in the 7th – 8th century BC: the famous golden apple, presented by Paris to the goddess Aphrodite, was precisely a quince. The ancient Greek philosopher Plutarch wrote that sweet and tart quince was considered a symbol of family and marriage.

In ancient Greece, the fruit was called melon kydaion, which gives grounds for the second version of the formation of the genus name. From this country, quince was brought to the Apennine Peninsula. Its characteristics and descriptions of medicinal properties are found in the writings of the ancient Roman writer Pliny the Elder (already in 75 BC, 6 varieties of this plant were cultivated). The first Italian cookery book, created by the famous Apicius, tells the recipe for quince desserts. Drawings of scenes with quince were found in the buildings of destroyed Pompeii, images of culture are also found in the paintings of that time.

A quince tree or shrub sheds its leaves during the season. The height of the trunk reaches 1.4–5 meters, the branches of the crown rise obliquely. The thin scaly bark grows brownish gray on young trees and turns dark brown on older branches. The shoots of the plant have a gray-green tint. The alternate elliptical or circular leaves are pointed at the apex and wedge-shaped at the base. Top part dark green in color, and the tomentose pubescence underneath gives the reverse side a grayish tint. The length of the leaves is 4.8–10 cm, the width is up to 8 cm, and the petiole can be extended up to 2 cm. The falling stipules have glandular hairs.

Single regular flowers are fixed on small pubescent pedicels. The quince retains a five-part cup as it ripens. The pale pinkish or white corolla of flowers is quite large - from 2.2 to 2.5 cm in radius. Quince blooms in late spring and June, and fruit ripening begins in September. The fruits are false apples with five polyspermous nests. Outwardly, the quince is very reminiscent of a rounded lemon-colored pear, half of the peel of which sometimes has a reddish tint. The radius of wild fruits does not exceed 2 cm, and the diameter of the garden quince can reach 15 cm. The flesh with a pleasant smell is a little tough due to the presence of stony cells. The tart sweet taste of quince sometimes seems a little astringent.

Quince is common in flat areas, on the shores of reservoirs and in the lower zones of mountainous areas. The most comfortable growing conditions for fruit are loose and moist soils. Quince can be found in black soil, flooded lands, alluvial and sandy soils. In the Caucasian foothills, the plant has taken root well on dry soil, like oak, medlar, dogwood, and wild rose. Quince prefers to develop in the vicinity of overgrown reservoirs near Persian Parrotia. The plant tolerates both a prolonged lack of moisture and its excess (for example, during high water). A high fruit yield is observed in quince growing on heavy loam, and early fruits appear on sandy soils. In trees from dry soils, the fruits are smaller, and from wet soils, juicy and astringent. The fruits of wild quince weigh 50-100 grams, and farmers manage to get fruits weighing up to 2 kg. At the same time, in its natural form, the tree bears no more than 7-10 fruits.

Nutritional and vitamin value of quince fruits

Quince contains many of the most important components of a healthy diet. 100 g of fruit pulp contains almost 26% of the daily value of ascorbic acid, 18.7% of the norm of vitamin A and 2.8% of the norm of vitamin E.

The nutritional value 100 g of quince:

  • 0.65 g protein
  • 0.49 g fat
  • 9.58 g carbohydrates
  • 3.61 g dietary fiber
  • 84.5 g water
  • 0.88 g of organic acids
  • 0.11 g unsaturated fatty acids
  • 0.11 g saturated fatty acids
  • 7.64 g of monosaccharides and disaccharides
  • 0.82 g ash
  • 2.03 g starch

Vitamins in 100 g of quince:

  • 0.42 mg beta-carotene (vitamin A provitamin)
  • 167.4 μg retinol equivalent (A)
  • 23.05 mg ascorbic acid (C)
  • 0.023 mg thiamine (B1)
  • 0.042 mg riboflavin (B2)
  • 0.21 mg niacin equivalent (PP)
  • 0.13 mg vitamin PP
  • 0.42 mg tocopherol (E)

Energy value of fresh quince

Quince contains a lot of carbohydrates, water, monosaccharides and disaccharides, as well as fiber and ash in its pulp. The absence of fats and cholesterol makes the fruit a healthy and attractive dietary product.

  • The calorie content of 100 g of quince is 48 kcal.
  • The calorie content of 1 fruit (approximately 170 g) is 81.6 kcal.

The copper and fiber in the quince pulp help speed up the digestive process and burn excess fat.

Minerals in quince

Quince contains many of the most important micro and macro elements. In particular, 100 g of this exotic fruit provides 5.9% of the daily value of potassium, 3.6% of magnesium and 3.1% of phosphorus. The iron content is even higher: quince covers 16.8% of the daily requirement of this trace element.

Macronutrients in 100 g of quince:

  • 23.04 mg calcium (Ca)
  • 200.02 mg potassium (K)
  • 14.02 mg magnesium (Mg)
  • 24.05 mg phosphorus (P)
  • 14.03 mg sodium (Na)

Trace elements in 100 g of quince:

  • 3.03 mg iron (Fe)

Useful properties of quince

  • Quince has been used as a medicine since ancient times. Traditional medicine it was known that boiled fruits and a decoction of them cure gastrointestinal diseases and improve metabolic processes in the body. Currently, such a remedy is obtained from 10 g of dry quince and 100 ml of boiled water; 1 tablespoon of this broth before meals promotes a healthy appetite and also relieves uterine bleeding... Mashed boiled quince is used as a remedy for vomiting and for treating liver problems.
  • Quince has a positive effect on heart rhythms, helps with diarrhea and jaundice.
  • Fresh fruits and juice are an effective diuretic and anemia and cardiovascular remedy.
  • Quince fruits have antiseptic and hemostatic effect and the seeds of the fruit fight inflammation. A decoction of seeds treats sore throat (2-3 rinses a day are enough) and is used in cosmetology: this composition softens the skin and is applied as a lotion for eye diseases.
  • From small pieces of quince, boiled until softened, a thick syrup is boiled, used for anemia.
  • High iron content combined with ascorbic acid makes quince an effective way to combat iron deficiency anemia... Fruit will also be useful after prolonged debilitating illness, especially with fever.
  • Pectin compounds actively solve intestinal problems. Poultices from fruits or juice are excellent remedies for diarrhea and fissures in the colon.
  • If you shake quince seeds in a vessel with water, you get a solution with mucus, which can be used as an enveloping, antitussive and expectorant agent. This medicine helps with childhood bronchitis, reduces discomfort with colitis and diarrhea, soothes internal tissues with stomach and duodenal ulcers. You can apply this mixture topically against burns and skin irritation.
  • Dentists know that mucus prepared from whole quince seeds can be used for applications with glossitis, periodontal disease and gingivitis. It should be remembered that quince seeds cannot be crushed, since in this case the poisonous compound of amygdalin is extracted from them, which gives the quince the smell of bitter almonds.
  • From the leaves of quince, an aqueous infusion is obtained that has the ability relieve or even stop attacks of bronchial asthma... This product is made as follows: 5 grams of leaves are poured with one glass of boiling water. The mixture should be boiled in a water bath for 15–20 minutes, then squeezed out and diluted with boiled water to its original volume. The cooled mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for 3-4 days. The medicine is taken in doses of 2 tablespoons before meals.
  • In the writings of Avicenna, it is said that quince juice in combination with honey strengthens the stomach and liver, and fresh fruits stabilize the work of digestion. Already in those days, quince masks were used to improve the condition of the skin of the face and its color. Ancient healers have preserved a recipe for combating infertility: 1 tablespoon of quince juice is drunk in the evening for 1-2 weeks.
  • Quince leaves and seeds, brewed as tea, help against kidney disease and cardiovascular edema. One tablespoon of dried leaves and seeds in an equal ratio is poured with a glass of boiling water and kept for 5-7 minutes over low heat. Then the mixture is filtered, honey can be added to taste. One tablespoon of the product is taken 3-4 times a day.
  • Fruit seed tea is used to fight coughs and acute respiratory infections, as it soothes bad conditions of the body and soothes the throat.

Contraindications to the use of quince

Quince contains many useful ingredients, but if used incorrectly, it can be harmful. It is important to remember that quince seeds must be kept intact, in no case crushed or gnawed... Amygdalin, released during the destruction of bones, can cause poisoning, and under the influence of vitamin C, its activity increases. There are several other restrictions as well.