Energy drink at home. How to make a healthy energy drink. Classic recipe with ascorbic acid

Energy drinks are popular with the most different people: party-goers who need to stay up all night on their feet; workaholics who need to get up at 4 in the morning; athletes who want to train non-stop for many hours in a row. Obviously, different energy drinks are needed for each purpose, but these do not have to be purchased drinks in plastic bottles or cans.

homemade energy drink done quickly enough, but it turns out much more useful. You can also prepare an energy cocktail at home with an alcohol content if you want to cheer up the guests at the party. To know, it is enough just to navigate the chemical components of this drink.

If we are talking about vigor and recuperation, quick awakening and raising muscle tone, antioxidants, caffeine, B vitamins, sugar and glucose, taurine are used. If you need cocktails that support strength before and after grueling workouts, you will need vitamin C, plenty of fluids, salt and sugar.

Everyone who gets up early probably wants to know how to make an energy drink with caffeine. It's easy enough: an energy drink at home in the morning will only take a couple of minutes and very few ingredients.

Do-it-yourself energy drink with coffee and oil

This recipe is very popular in Latin America and in many southern countries, but has not yet spread so widely in Eastern Europe. Its taste is very delicate, and such a simple energy drink at home invigorates perfectly.

You will need:

  • two cups of brewed coffee
  • two tablespoons of butter (can be sweet, but not salty)

Coffee needs to be brewed and filtered. Soluble and from 3-in-1 bags will not work, such coffee does not invigorate, but only spoils the stomach. Put in a blender butter, and pour coffee in the same place, beat everything until you get a lush and appetizing foam. To make this homemade energy drink even more invigorating, you need to add sugar and a little cinnamon. Sugar is a great source of energy for the brain and muscles due to its high glucose content.

If you plan to actively engage in fitness, and after a hard day, then you need to know how to make an energy drink for yourself and your muscles in need of rest. If the workout lasts longer than two or three hours, the body will need a sufficient amount of water and sugar, even salts. In this case, you will need a homemade energy drink prepared in three types.

Three energy for fitness at home

You will need:

  • Clean cold water, about three liters
  • 600 milliliters orange juice (you can substitute fresh juice)
  • 3 grams of salt
  • 50 grams of regular sugar

You prepare the first cocktail: in a liter of heated water you put 50 grams of sugar and one gram of prepared salt. You stir everything and put it in a convenient container, because you will need to drink it all day. Such energy drink at home maintains the level of electrolytes in the body and helps to stabilize the composition of the blood.

Then you prepare the second energy drink that you need to drink during training: add 200 ml of orange juice to 700 milliliters of water and 1 gram of salt there, mix everything. Salt is not felt, it turns out a sour and very tasty drink.

If you mix everything else: a liter of water, 400 ml of orange juice and salt, you get a great drink to drink after a workout. The main thing is to ensure that the juice used has a minimum amount of sugars, otherwise, with such consumption of harmful sugar, training will go down the drain.

If you are serious about heavy varieties and want to get the most out of every workout, you can do energy shake at home according to the recipe recommended by many gym lovers.

If you do not want to feel overwhelmed all day long, do not rush to grab a cup of coffee. Better make yourself one of these energy drinks. They are able to naturally invigorate a person.

Sweet potato smoothie for breakfast

If you have leftover sweet potatoes from dinner. Prepare on its basis a useful energy drink. This vegetable is rich in plant fibers and vitamins A and C. For a smoothie, you will need the following products:

  • 0.5 baked sweet potatoes;
  • 0.5 cups of Greek yogurt;
  • 0.5 cups of whole milk;
  • 0.5 banana;
  • 1 teaspoon each of sweetened cocoa powder and flax seeds;
  • 3 ice cubes.

Preparation: Mix the above ingredients in a blender. You will get 3 servings.

Energy Smoothie Dr. Green Detox

This drink will come in handy when you need a huge burst of energy for your body. Take these ingredients:

  • 1 medium bunch of spinach;
  • half a peeled lemon;
  • 1.5 cm fresh ginger root;
  • half a peeled cucumber;
  • a small bunch of cilantro;
  • a small bunch of parsley;
  • a cup of coconut water (or filtered);
  • organic stevia, handful of ice (optional)

Mix all ingredients in a blender and enjoy.

Matcha Collagen Tea

Japanese matcha tea is a natural energy drink. A cup of this drink contains as much caffeine as a similar serving of coffee. But matcha gives a calm concentration of attention, and does not stimulate additional activity of the whole organism. For the drink you need the following ingredients:

  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milk;
  • one and a half teaspoons of matcha tea powder;
  • 1 scoop of dietary collagen (dietary supplement).

Cooking process: Heat the almond milk. Pour tea powder and collagen into the dishes, pour warm milk. To get a foam, whisk additionally in a blender. If you need to sweeten, use honey.

Tea mushroom

Many people remember that my grandmother had this incomprehensible jar on the windowsill. We have wondered how this kombucha grows, but we never guessed how beneficial the drink it produces can be. But in fact, it is a storehouse of probiotics, vitamins and energy.

To prepare a drink, brew steep black tea, add sugar to it and let it cool. Pour the kombucha with a warm mixture and let everything brew under gauze for a couple of days. Over time, you will enjoy a pleasant, sour, refreshing and invigorating drink.

Apple Banana Energy Shake

Apples are sources of energy. Therefore, on their basis, you can prepare a delicious and healthy cocktail. The rest of the ingredients of this drink complement each other, making it as energized as possible. This recipe contains the following ingredients:

  • 2 medium sized apples, peeled;
  • 2 frozen bananas;
  • 3-4 dates;
  • a quarter cup of milk;
  • 2 tbsp. l. favorite nut butter
  • half a glass of crushed ice.

Preparation: Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth. Pour into glasses and serve chilled.

Energy drink "Berry Matcha"

This drink is great for breakfast or an afternoon snack. The berries contain natural sugars, which gradually enter the bloodstream, maintaining the body's energy level throughout the day.


  • 1 cup frozen berries;
  • 2 tsp matches;
  • juice of 1 lime;
  • 1 cup filtered water.

All this must be thoroughly mixed.

watermelon smoothie

The secret of this energy drink is an extract from green coffee beans. Scientists have already proven that this dietary supplement contains a lot of useful substances, which is why it is so often added to the diet menu for weight loss. And all because it can also suppress the feeling of hunger. For this liquid snack you will need:

  • one and a half glasses of natural lemonade;
  • 2 cups of watermelon;
  • 1 cup pre-frozen strawberries;
  • juice from half a lime;
  • 1 serving of green coffee bean extract.

The preparation is simple - mix everything and enjoy the taste.

Drink "Cherry-berry"

It is a combination of potassium-rich coconut soda and flavored cherry juice, which is high in polyphenols that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. To prepare a drink, you will need:

  • half a teaspoon of green tea with pomegranate flavor;
  • 3/4 cup coconut water;
  • 1/4 cup cherry juice;
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground turmeric;
  • 1/2 cup pineapple and cherry juice;
  • a handful of fresh strawberries, raspberries;
  • lemon slices.

Preparation: Combine all liquid ingredients and turmeric in a shaker and shake well. Add fruits and lemon slices to the drink.

Milk smoothie tea with spirulina

Spirulina stimulates energy production and contains many nutrients with a full spectrum of vitamins. It also helps detoxify the body with chlorophyll. This drink has a lot of ingredients, which makes it a real energy bomb.


  • 3 art. l. raw cashews;
  • 2 tbsp. l. hemp seeds;
  • 2 large dates;
  • 2 tbsp. l. crushed cocoa beans;
  • 1 st. l. chia seeds;
  • 2 tsp grated poppy;
  • 0.25 tsp spirulina powder;
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon;
  • 1 tsp ground dried ginger;
  • 0.25 tsp cardamom;
  • 2 cups of coconut water;
  • 1 frozen banana;
  • one and a half glasses of ice;
  • sweetener to taste (optional)

To prepare the drink, mix all ingredients except frozen bananas and ice until smooth. Add remaining ingredients and whisk again to make a cool drink. If you wish, you can add a little sugar substitute.

Moroccan refreshing mint tea

You will immediately feel rested after drinking this tea. It is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. And the mint in its composition gives real freshness. To implement this recipe, you need:

  • 1 cup brewed iced tea (green, white, or mint)
  • 1 glass of cold water;
  • 1 glass of ice;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • a few sprigs of fresh mint.

While preparing, combine all ingredients in a shaker and shake well to mix. Pour the finished drink into glasses.

Latte "Golden milk"

Regular coffee won't give you the same energy as this amazing decaffeinated drink, but with a burst of calm energy that can keep you energized for a long time.


  • 1 glass of milk;
  • half a teaspoon of turmeric;
  • half a teaspoon of cinnamon;
  • a pinch of black pepper;
  • 1/8 teaspoon ground ginger (or a tiny piece of fresh, peeled root)
  • a pinch of cayenne pepper;
  • half a teaspoon of fresh honey.

To prepare the drink, you need to warm up, stirring, all the ingredients in a steam bath, avoiding boiling. After that, you can drink it.

Energy drink "Coconut matcha"

Dehydration slows down the body's energy production. That is why it is so important to drink enough water. This drink will not only quench your thirst, but also fill the body with potassium, equal in quantity to 4 bananas. In addition, it does not have many calories, which is also important for people on a low-calorie diet.


  • 1 cup coconut water;
  • 2 teaspoons matcha powder
  • a slice of orange as decoration;
  • ice for serving (optional)

Mix tea and coconut water, let it brew a little. Garnish the drink with a slice of orange and enjoy its unique taste.

"Dirty" matcha

The combination of matcha and espresso is not the only source of energy in this drink. An important role here is played by dates, rich in proteins and vitamins, and cinnamon, which can thin the blood. But it is worth remembering that this drink must be consumed before 2 pm, otherwise you may experience insomnia in the evening.


  • 1 teaspoon ground matcha tea
  • half a cup of boiling water;
  • half a glass of almond milk;
  • finely chopped dates;
  • a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon;
  • the same amount of honey (optional);
  • 1 espresso.

Whisk matcha tea with enough boiling water until completely dissolved. Boil dates, honey and cinnamon in milk. Gently pour the milk over the tea in the cup. Add a shot of espresso. Sprinkle it all with cinnamon and enjoy a real energy drink.

Homemade energy drink. Economical + Qualitatively

Hello dear readers of the site site and

Today I will tell you how to prepare an excellent energy drink that will not be inferior to well-known brands, and sometimes even surpass them due to cost-effectiveness and quality.
First, let's examine the composition of some energy drinks.

Looking at the table above, we saw that the main components that make up energy drinks are: taurine, caffeine, various B vitamins, various flavor additives, and some energy drinks contain ethyl alcohol (alcohol). And now more about each ingredient...


2-aminoethanesulfonic acid is present in small amounts in the tissues and bile of animals, including humans.

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Role in energy

  • Has anticonvulsant activity
  • Helps improve energy processes
  • It is an excellent stimulant of the Central Nervous System (CNS)
  • Increases heart rate
  • Increases performance

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purine alkaloid

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Role in energy

  • Has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system
  • Accelerates heart activity
  • Blood pressure rises
  • Has a diuretic effect

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B vitamins

participate in tissue respiration and energy production, play important role maintaining both mental and emotional health.

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Role in energy​

  • Participate in maintaining the energy balance in the body
  • Participate in maintaining physical and emotional activity during the period of physical and mental stress
  • Support brain activity

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Ethyl alcohol (alcohol)​

C2H5OH, colorless flammable liquid with a characteristic odor. It is obtained by fermentation of food raw materials, hydrolysis of plant materials and synthetically (from ethylene). It is used to obtain synthetic rubber, ethyl ether, etc., as a solvent, for the preparation of alcoholic beverages.

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Role in energy

  • Enhances the action of all energy components
  • Affects the central nervous system by turning off some of the receptive compartments of the brain (reducing the perception of pain and light)

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Flavoring additives​

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C), Various plant extracts, etc.

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Role in energy

  • Enhance the perception of taste buds
  • Increase the amount of stomach acid
  • Enhance absorption of other ingredients
  • Give a pleasant taste

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Tasks of the energy components - excitation of the central nervous system, closing of pain and light-receptive (?) receptors, an increase in physical and mental activity, followed by a state of depression, depression and drowsiness. In some energy drinks, I don’t see the point of combining B vitamins and alcohol, since ethyl alcohol decomposes this group of vitamins very quickly. Many components in energy drinks are simply not needed, or can be taken from simple food.

Having studied the theoretical course, we can conclude that the main ingredients for our energy drink will be caffeine and taurine.
We go to the pharmacy and buy the following items:

Caffeine-sodium benzoate- the approximate price is 13 rubles for 600 mg (6 tablets of 100 mg each)
Taufon 4%- approximate price is 48 rubles per 10 ml (1 ml contains 40 mg of taurine)

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Attention! ​

The recipe will be different from the industrial one. The composition of our energy drink will include 1 tablet of caffeine-sodium benzoate (100 mg) and 1/2 bottle of taufon (5 ml or 200 mg of taurine). This is due to the fact that taurine from eye drops (taufon) is much cleaner than its counterpart from industrial energy drinks. It remains only to crush the caffeine, mix with taufon (taurine) and add lemon juice (citric acid), sugar to taste.

If you don't get hooked on these proportions, then increase the ingredients, either caffeine or taufon (taurine), or both. After a while, you will calculate the correct proportions for yourself.

There are dozens of reasons why popular energy drinks don't work for professional athletes. A horse's share of sugar, a war charge of dyes and preservatives, and an unbalanced formula - these are the three points on which the power engineers noticeably lose. So it’s more rational to completely abandon soda in the bank in favor of professional products from sports nutrition manufacturers, but it wasn’t there. A high-quality sports nutrition is not produced in Russia and is strictly tied to the dollar, which grows much faster than a chemist's biceps. But there is a solution. We invite you to play all-in and become a sports nutrition manufacturer yourself, and today we will prepare a pre-workout complex at home. You will need 5-10 minutes of time, a free kitchen and a few ingredients.

Cocktail “Biorobot”

Of course, this version of the cocktail will not make you a full-fledged biorobot capable of lifting the entire Smith machine, but it will definitely help you cheer up after a working day. It tastes like cold tea, and in action - a couple of cups of strong coffee.

How to cook?

To prepare an energy drink at home, you will need a few bags of black tea and an ordinary ascorbic acid,

  • Brew 3 black tea bags and let steep for 10-15 minutes.
  • Pour the tea into a 1.5 liter bottle and fill with cold water.
  • Add about 20 tablets of ascorbic acid, 50 mg each.
  • Refrigerate the drink, pour and take with you to training.

How does it work?

Caffeine in tea will help you cheer up, water will help you stay hydrated, and vitamin C will have a positive effect on muscle fiber synthesis and will interfere with catabolic processes by suppressing the secretion of cortisol.

Cocktail “Fourth speed”

This version of energy stimulates better than the previous one. In addition, it will help you recover better after a workout and provide your muscles with energy during exercise.

How to cook?

To make your own energy drink, you will need a few bags of black tea, Eleutherococcus tincture and BCAA (essential amino acids) in powder form.

  • Take the finished cocktail from the previous recipe and add 10-20 drops of Eleutherococcus tincture. The tincture can be bought at the pharmacy in a bottle with a dispenser.
  • Add 10 grams of glucose. You can also get it in a pharmacy in the form of tablets, which then need to be crushed and added to a cocktail.
  • The final ingredient is 5-10 grams of BCAA powder, which is available at any sports nutrition specialty store.

How does it work?

Eleutherococcus tincture and tea will give a tonic effect, glucose will feed the muscles with energy, BCAA and vitamin C will protect against catabolism and help you recover faster between workouts.

Cocktail “Assemble yourself”

This option is suitable for those who are nostalgic for chemistry lessons. For a drink, you will have to get all the necessary ingredients. You can find them in powder form in specialized sports nutrition stores, individually they are inexpensive, and together they will not be inferior to a mediocre pre-workout complex.

How to cook?

To create an energy drink at home, you will need caffeine, creatine and beta-alanine. All ingredients must be in powder form.

  • Add to cold water 100-300 mg of caffeine powder.
  • Mix with 5 g.
  • Finally, add 4 g of beta-alanine.
  • To prevent your cocktail from tasting like powdered water, add an isotonic drink from any of the manufacturers to your drink. For example, Gatorade.

What else can be added?

Here are a few more ingredients to help make your cocktail even more advanced:

  • BCAA - 5-10 g. Will prevent muscle catabolism and help you recover faster.
  • Citrulline-malate - 3 g. Improves muscle nutrition and provides during training.

How does it work?

Caffeine will work as a stimulant and help you recharge your batteries, creatine will increase strength and provide blood flow to the muscles. On top of that, beta-alanine will improve your stamina, and isotonic will save you from dehydration.

After taking the drink, you may feel a slight tingling of the skin. This effect is caused by beta-alanine, it is temporary and will not harm your health.

How to take a homemade "pre-workout"?

Have a cocktail 20-30 minutes before workout and try to do this no earlier than 4-5 hours before bedtime. Caffeine activates the nervous system, which can cause sleep problems. In turn, this will impede recovery and can cause a release of cortisol, which leads to muscle tissue catabolism and fat accumulation.

Before taking any energy drink, we recommend that you consult your doctor. Stimulants in their composition can cause an increase in blood pressure and an increase in heart rate, which is undesirable for people with diseases of the heart and circulatory system.

A person takes energy and strength not only from food. There are a huge number of recipes for drinks that give energy and a sense of cheerfulness to a person: teas, infusions, cocktails.

This is very convenient, as drinking is absorbed faster, supplies the body with nutrients and at the same time serves to quench thirst.

They are prepared from plants: herbs, seeds, root crops, vegetables, fruits, water, juices, milk or liquid fermented milk products. All of the following are invigorating for a person, but it is important to know their specific properties and rules for preparation and use.

Top 6 invigorating drinks

The most famous energy drink is coffee, teas, decoctions and infusions on water. They are convenient in that you can cook them very quickly at home: you always have raw materials at hand, you can choose what you like best in taste and are suitable for health reasons.

So, what is the best drink to boost energy levels for men and women? Here is a list of 6 effective drinks that give vitality and motivation.

1. Coffee

This is one of the most popular drinks on the planet, which are legendary: some endow coffee with fantastic properties to give a person energy and strength, while others believe that coffee tones up only for a while, after which an energy decline occurs.

In fact, there can be an individual reaction to any tonic drink, and you need to select a drink based on this reaction of the body and the state of health.

In general, coffee is useful in that it:

  1. raises slightly arterial pressure, so it is good to drink it at the beginning of the working day;
  2. removes headache with hypotension;
  3. improves blood circulation, which are located in the heart and muscles;
  4. helps digestion;
  5. prevents the appearance of oncology;
  6. and improve performance;
  7. it has also been proven that, since it reduces the risk of developing many cognitive diseases.

After coffee, fatigue can really set in. Most often it is associated with excessive use and violation water balance . If you follow the rules, then coffee can only bring benefits and give pleasure.

Recall that in the last article we considered.

The following factors influence the effect:

  1. Kind of coffee. Only natural brewed coffee, which is obtained by brewing ground coffee beans, can tone up without harm to health. Granulated, freeze-dried and powdered drinks contain many flavors and other additives that worsen well-being and cause many health problems.
  2. The amount drunk. Without harm, you can drink 1-3 cups of coffee a day: only this amount invigorates; increasing the dose leads to the opposite effect.
  3. Maintaining water balance. Drinking coffee is best in the morning. But since it is a diuretic, it is best to consume it after a glass of water. After half an hour, it is rational to drink water again. In this case, the work of the urinary system will not have disturbances, and the brain will not be dehydrated.

2. Black and green teas

Black and green tea are also known for their tonic properties. But they are used in different ways.

It is believed that black tea is better to drink in winter and in the cold, and green tea in hot weather. Black should be preferred in hypotonic patients, since it increases blood pressure, and green in hypertensive patients, since after the initial increase in pressure, it has a subsequent hypotonic effect.

Thanks to caffeine, minerals, vitamins, catechins and other beneficial substances, both black and green tea:

  1. improves blood circulation in general and, in particular,;
  2. contains a large amount of antioxidants, thanks to which it retains youth and energy;
  3. prevents oncological diseases;
  4. and improves mood, is an excellent antidepressant;
  5. increases speed mental operations etc.

3. Ginseng

Ginseng root is brewed as an independent drink and added to other teas. It is one of the most effective herbal remedies that helps quickly increase the overall tone and add strength.

Biologically active substances ginsenosides help produce hormones that activate brain cells. Thanks to this, as well as vitamins, a special set of micro and macro elements, ginseng tea:

  1. stabilize energy exchange;
  2. relieves chronic fatigue;
  3. helps you get enough sleep in a shorter time;
  4. positively affects the properties of memory;
  5. sharpens attention and reactions.

4. Eleutherococcus

Eleutherococcus is close in composition and action to ginseng. It is also useful to brew as a tea and take for:

  1. increase of working capacity;
  2. increase physical and mental endurance;
  3. elimination of symptoms of overwork;
  4. aggravation of hearing and vision.

Eleutherococcus is considered a good adaptogen applied when nervous stress and physical stress.

Despite the similarity of the action of ginseng and eleutherococcus, they affect the processes associated with weight in different ways: if ginseng helps to reduce it, then eleutherococcus, on the contrary, contributes to weight gain.

5. Schisandra chinensis

This is also a well-known adaptogen, which can be easily used by brewing in the form of regular tea. Organic acids, flavonoids, anthocyanins, minerals:

  1. help relieve fatigue;
  2. regulate reflexes;
  3. help to concentrate;
  4. contribute to the improvement of performance.

But with hypertension, with heart disease, epilepsy and in a state of strong excitement chinese lemongrass do not use to avoid exacerbation. It is also not recommended to take it during pregnancy and lactation.

6. Ginger tea

Ginger tea is best brewed using fresh root, although an infusion of powder will also have its effect. Ginger can be infused, cut into pieces or ground in a blender, alone or in a mixture of lemon and honey.

Ginger tea often used as an anti-inflammatory and anti-cold remedy. But he also:

  1. well tones;
  2. from cholesterol growths, which means it improves the activity of all the cardiovascular system;
  3. normalizes blood pressure and improves blood circulation in the brain.

Ginger is best brewed grated or ground, directly with the peel, since it contains the largest amount of gingerol - the substance responsible for effect of ginger on mood and performance.

2 recipes to improve performance

A variety of smoothies and shakes are a good option to boost your energy levels. They are nutritional mixtures that taste good, are quickly absorbed and saturate the body with moisture, the presence of which also affects the tone of the body.

Tonic smoothies

A smoothie is a whipped mixture of healthy herbal ingredients and some liquid: milk, yogurt, juice, or just water. There are a lot of smoothie recipes: you can experiment with their ingredients.

  1. With banana and dates. One banana, four dates and a glass of milk are enough to make an energy drink, which is especially useful before outdoor activities or playing sports.
  2. With raspberries and beets. A good energy drink in the morning is a smoothie of one medium boiled beetroot, one banana, half an orange, half a glass of raspberries and 50 ml of milk.
  3. From avocados and berries. A fragrant and concentrated smoothie will well raise the tone of the body at any time of the day. To do this, grind in a blender half a peeled avocado, 125 g of berries, 2 teaspoons of honey and one and a half glasses of any milk: cow, almond or coconut.

Energy cocktails

To prepare an invigorating cocktail, it is enough to mix several energy-rich liquids. It can be juices, milk, liquid dairy products.

  1. Carrot, apple, parsley. If accumulated chronic fatigue and nervous tension, you can do a course lasting 1-2 weeks, when in the morning you drink a mixture of freshly squeezed apple and carrot juices, taken in half, as well as a bunch of parsley. Such a cocktail is especially useful for hypertensive patients. If desired, you can grind the parsley in a blender and add to the cocktail. This will not spoil its taste, but will make the cocktail healthier.
  2. Apple, orange, berries. You can raise the tone by drinking a cocktail with a high content of vitamin C. To do this, the juices of one apple, one orange and a handful of any berries are mixed. If the berries are not hard or rough skinned and have tender flesh, then you can add them to the cocktail in the form of puree, not juice.
  3. Oats, strawberries, banana. A mixture of 200 ml of milk, 40 g of pre-soaked milk will help to cheer up and relieve fatigue. oatmeal, one banana and about 10-15 fresh or frozen strawberries.

To keep yourself in good shape, it is not enough to drink healthy teas or make smoothies from time to time. Other rules for maintaining energy must also be observed.

  1. Everyday. In addition to tea useful plants, energy supports and other food. These are all vegetables, fruits and greens, nuts, vegetable oils direct pressed, spices, dark chocolate, lean meat, cereals, whole grain bread, fatty sea ​​fish and seafood.
  2. An exception . There is a category of dishes and products that, instead of supplying energy to the body, take it away from it. These are too fatty meat and dairy products, refined oils and sugar, spreads, margarine, confectionery, muffins, convenience foods, chips, salted peanuts and other snacks.
  3. Proper drinking regime. To maintain cheerfulness, an adult needs. Otherwise, all connections in the body are broken and the energy goes into decline.

Now let's take a look at the video:

A proper diet means a lot for those who intend to get maximum energy and strength from nutrition. It is essential for both men and women. Drinks play an important role in supplying the body with energy, so you need to carefully consider their use and use them to the maximum in the daily menu.