What is useful for the health of the heart and blood vessels. Products, vitamins, folk remedies. Mineral Water Treatment What Mineral Water For Heart

The value of the cardiovascular system for the functioning of the body is not possible to overestimate. The problems arising with it affect all the vital processes.

The primary function of the vascular system is the transfer of blood and nutrition of organs and tissues. The role of the heart is comparable to the function of the pump that ensures the execution of blood supply processes. At the same time, the restoration of the heart and blood vessels is the process is extremely complex, long and not always successfully flowing. Therefore, it is important to take care of its normal functioning, maintain it and nourish it.

This is recommended not only by receiving medications, but mainly due to the maintenance healthy image Life, including proper nutrition and consumption of sufficient liquid daily.

According to the American Cardiology AssociationThe use of sufficient water is critical of heart health.

Why is it important to drink sufficient liquid?

According to the study of the American journal of epidemiology People who daily drink at least 5 glasses of water have a smaller chance of developing heart attacks and other cardiovascular diseases, compared with those who drink 2 glasses of water and less.

Clean water can not replace tea or juice, neither more coffeeSince these drinks (even with the preparation of them on spring water) are more difficult to split the organism and are not recognized as water. However, we talked about this in a separate article.

The body consists of water by more than 78%. It is dissolved with nutrients necessary for the healthy functioning.

It is very important to drink clean water, because the body absorbs not only useful substances from the liquid, but if there are harmful impurities.

What water is better to use: rigid or soft?

According to researchers, hard water is more useful for cardiovascular system.

It is determined by this paradoxical conclusion by the fact that rigid water is saturated with magnesium and calcium salts, We are necessary to ensure the transfer of heart pulses and increasing the adhesiveness of the walls of the vessels, while the soft water is oversaturated with sodium, the excess of which increases the pressure and the load on the heart muscle.

Potassium and magnesium are so important that there is even a key aspect of which is the increased use of these elements.

Mineral water in large quantities need to drink with caution. It is better to prefer dining water for daily use. Can be used as cold waterand warm.

The most optimal option is the water of medium hardness.

A heart hurts when I drink water: why and what to do?

Heart pain during water consumption can diagnose heart failure, as a result of which swelling, swelling, gravity in the hepatic region can manifest.

The appearance of these symptoms suggests that it is necessary to reduce the level of consumption. Water, as well as to take into account in the amount of liquid consumed liquid food (soups). This will allow to provide a close to normal circulation of fluid in the body.

In case of non-coming edema, it is necessary to refer to the doctor, which (with a high probability) will write diuretic.

Consumption rates for a healthy person

  • heredity, genetic predisposition;
  • seasonality;
  • the nature of professional activity;
  • lifestyle.

In general, the recommendations on water consumption are as follows: 1.5 - 2 liters per day. However, if, by the nature of the activity, a long time remains "on the legs" in uncomfortable shoes (relevant, for example, for servicemen), the consumption of such a quantity of water can cause the swelling of the lower extremities.

It is important to remember that the appearance of edema and other inconvenience caused by water intake is a marker indicating the need to reduce consumption.

Also about this can speak too abundant sweating or frequent urge bladder. The volume of fluid consumption is a subjective value that must be corrected according to concomitant factors.

In heart failure

With these symptoms, as well as in their absence, but with the presence of other signs of heart failure the volume of the fluid consumed is important to keep in the range of 0.75-1.25 liters per day. More detailed recommendations can give a doctor to which it is necessary to apply with symptoms talking about possible heart failure.

At elevated arterial pressure

At high arterial pressure Specialists tend to prescribe abundant consumption of pure water at the level of a healthy person, that is about 2 liters daily. However, with a progressive disease characterized by a drying of the kidneys, this amount may be excessive. In this case, water consumption should be from 1 to 1.5 liters daily.

What else needs to be included in the diet?

  1. Positive due to the high content of potassium and beta carotene. It is important for countering inflammatory processes, recovery and rejuvenation. - an indispensable fruit with a common effect for all processes in the body. - Another useful seasonal fruit rich in beta-carotene and iron.
  2. The importance of consumption and due to high content fatty acids, important amino acids and trace elements required by the cardiovascular system. - Rich Beta-carotene vegetable, an indispensable substance for "cores". - It has different properties depending on the season, winter is the most useful - green.
  3. It is capable of saturating oxygen organs that lack tissues in cardiovascular diseases. Consumption normalizes pressure. Eating in food provides extension of vessels and warns thrombosis.
  4. - a real storehouse of vitamins and nutrients for all systems of the body, including for cardiovascular.
  5. They contain elements similar to those contained in fish oil, and also well absorbed by the body.
  6. Some drinks. Green tea Contribute to improving the metabolic processes of the body. Coffee also has positive influence On the vessels, however, experts recommend drinking no more than 3 cups of espresso per day. Natural juices from pomegranate, grapes and vegetables are also very useful: carrots, pumpkins, beets and tomatoes.

We invite you to get acquainted with the video, which tells about the benefits of water for our body:

Thus, a correctly selected amount of daily consumed clean water in combination with saturation of the diet, certain products can help not only support the cardiovascular system in a healthy state, but also correct the problems caused by states of heart failure or high blood pressure.


So correctly, the feeling of what you want to drink is the easiest way to lose. Look at the young children, they are constantly asking to drink and asking water. We (parents) themselves begin to co-drink everything, but not water. Siliate juice, drinks, etc. etc. And over time - the child no longer wants to drink water. And problems begin.

Emley V. high pressure and You are not used to drinking, then immediately a lot of water can cause crisis, the volume of circulating fluid will increase, and nor "pump" - a heart nor the kidneys will be able to "puncture", these are dangerous tips, first need to clean the vessels, to return them elasticity, reduce the dense Blood, then you can drink water, water should be "good" cleaned and you need to drink a person depending on the weight of 2.5 - 3 liters per day, start small portions.

In the USA under the patronage of the Institute of Heart, Lungs and Blood, the Sar01A project was carried out, which lasted 15 years. During the experiment, features were detected life style And the behavior of more than 3 thousand men and women. The main conclusion that scientists did: a direct path to the development of hypertension is a hurry, which for many has become a way of life. Even the type of personality hypertension is defined: a pulsive person, hot-tempered, often strained and aggressive, showing the desire for competitiveness and competition.

Such character traits arise from hypertension not by themselves, they are a consequence of elevated

Continued. Start in №4-5 for 2005

the permeability of cell membranes and the lightweight discharge of nerve and muscle cells. Apparently, nature created hypertensive not for a long and quiet life, but for great cases. And they are hit by circumstances, hurrying to fulfill their mission.

Those who are inclined to hypertension is very important to rebuild their thinking.

The first thing you need to do is stop nervous and hurry. And in fact, where to rush? Carefully planning your affairs, you can avoid situations with a shortage of time. Go out of the house 15 minutes earlier - and you will not worry about late to work. Do not interfere with the dispute colleagues, knowing that this will affect your emotions. Relax after lunch to knock down the tension, - you will be rewarded with a hundredfold.

All problems must be divided into two categories. The first is the circumstances that do not depend on our will (bad weather, delaying transport, politics, behavior of other people). Worried about such reasons - it means it means it is meaningless to strain the cardiovascular system. But what we can and should control, so this is your own mood and behavior, work and recreation, efforts to self-treatment.

One of the ways to maintain health are dosage physical exercise. Man as biological view Created for movement, and the reaction of improving blood pressure was "programmed" by nature as a helping in the performance of muscle work. This indicates at least the fact that the blood flow in the muscles (components in the total mass of the body, by the way, from 30 to 50%) increases at 8 or more times! In order to drive the blood through the muscles at workload, and physiological blood pressure rises. Then, when the nervous centers receive a report on the work performed, it returns to the initial level.

Where the simple way of life has been preserved and the person lives in harmony with nature, that is, there is little nervous and moves a lot, hypertension is absent. But it is worth changing these conditions, and the prerequisites for the disease appear. For example, in China, the massive transition of people to the "sedentary work" led to a sharp increase in hypertensive: from 30 million in 1960 to 94 million in 1991.

Speaking about the need for physical activity for hypertensive, it should be emphasized that aerobic activity has the greatest value for them, that is, the one that is associated with the consumption of oxygen. Such movements are performed for a long time, without stopping and large muscle groups, most often the legs. This jogging, running on the spot, jumping through the rope, walking up the stairs, skiing, cycling, work on exercise bike, rowing, dance aerobics. I note that such prestigious sports as tennis, skiing, Snowboard, as well as football, volleyball, gymnastics are not useful in hypertension. I'm not talking about lifting weights.

With hypertension, strictly dosed loads of small and medium aerobic power are important. They should be assessed at a given heart rate (CSS) per minute depending on age. There is a formula for which each person can easily calculate the optimal frequency for itself: heart rate \u003d (220 - age) x (0.5-0.7). (Recent figures indicate a small or average airbone load.) So, young people under 40 can afford the heart rate at a low load - 98-117, with an average - 114-142. The limit for 50-year-old, respectively, is 85-102 and 102-127.

But if these counts, despite all their utility, seem to be time consuming to you, a "speech test" can be applied to an approximate load rating. If during the running of a coward or walk you can sing - it means that your load is smaller than the average aerobic power. If singing is predicted, but you can talk - the load is on average range. But if the breath is rapidly so much that the conversation is impossible - it is above the upper border.

Depending on the type of aerobic load, it is necessary to perform it from 12 minutes (jumping with a rope) up to 20 minutes (cycling, swimming, exercise bike). Do better 5 times a week. However, with hypertension, the most common walking is very useful for at least 3-4 times a week, with middle aerobic intensity - half an hour, with a small one - for 45-60 minutes. Studies have shown: Quick Walks of 30 minutes a day 5 times a week not only contribute to a decrease in blood pressure by 9-11 mm Hg. Art. But also reduce the risk of brain stroke by 24-46%.

An essential point: if the exercises stop, the pressure will quickly increase and from the "failed" cell power of the cells will remain alone memories. Thus, hypertension encourages a person for a permanent movement. But, of course, if you have been in hypodynamies for a long time, you can not immediately load yourself. Start with training at a slow pace, to reach the optimal load within 2-8 weeks.

For hypertensive, it is still very important in aerobic classes to take antioxidants. In addition, it is necessary to exclude such an extremely harmful factorLike smoking. The risk of death from the ischemic heart disease in smokers is much higher than non-smoking.

Life on Earth originated in salted water. Once on land, living organisms have developed a sophisticated ability to extract sodium from all food sources. Having access to the cheap salt, modern people It is clearly removing, using salts 6-10 times more than the norm, - everything salty seems tastier to them.

Let me remind you that with hypertension, cell membranes have increased permeability for sodium, the entrance of which in muscle cells leads to their discharge, reduction and vascular spasm. Excess salt in food, regardless of the increase in pressure, leads to the thickening of the heart muscle (left ventricular hypertrophy) and the change in the structural properties of the arteries, which increases the likelihood of strokes and heart attacks. In addition, sodium delays water in the body.

Multiple studies have shown that reducing salt consumption from 9 g to 3 g per day (and this is 1.2 g sodium) leads to a decrease in blood pressure. Therefore, the US National Institute recommends people with hypertension and cardiovascular diseases to use no more than 6 g of the cooking salt per day - this is a little more teaspoon. To fulfill this recommendation, it is necessary to abandon most of the prepared industries, but the processed products, generously furnished with salt, - from ketchups, sauces, smoked and salt meat, fish smoked sausages, sausages, marinades, pickles and go to organic products. To give taste instead of salt, it is good to use spices, herbs and seasonings.

Since the body has a sodium-potassium balance, the more we consume the cooking salt, the higher the need for potassium. In addition, the reception of a large number of diuretic, usually appointed with hypertension, enhances the withdrawal of potassium from the body. The current needs of cardiovascular and other systems in potassium is better satisfied with the help of a diet, since Potassium is located in many foods (nuts, bran, mushrooms, kurage, prunes, beans, peas, sowing, cabbage, parsley, etc.). In extreme cases (after consulting the doctor), it is possible to take 250-500 mg of potassium asparaginate for six months.

Many hypertensive, based on the faithful kind of presentation, that the volume of circulating fluid increases pressure, make a typical error, limiting itself in drinking. It is not taken into account that the vascular spasm is caused primarily with an excess of sodium concentrating in liquid media. Therefore, in order to weaken its negative effect, it is necessary to dilute sodium with a liquid. And when using large quantities of salt - especially. According to a specialist in the cardiovascular issues of Professor E.E.Gu-Gin, for the prevention and treatment of hypertension, the daily reception of the liquid should be at least 2 liters. For the cardiovascular system, this mode is also favorable with the fact that blood viscosity decreases and the likelihood of blood cloves is reduced.

Well, now let's talk about how to drink. As a result of a long-term scientific study, which was attended by more than 30 thousand healthy people, it was found that with the use of five and more glasses of water on the day, the probability of a heart attack is reduced by 51% compared with the reception of two and less glasses. Another regularity turned out: among people suffering from coronary heart disease, diabetes and brain circulation disorders, the likelihood of death from stroke with up to 2 liters of water decreased by 44%. Of course, the water should be at least its profilt.

Juices are not only a good source of fluid, but also the source of many valuable substances. Hypertensive should be given preference to juice from red grapes, since its bioflavonoids protect the vessels and the heart is much more successful than, for example, grape fruit and orange.

But the caffeine contained in coffee excites the sympathetic nervous system and increases blood pressure. As for healthy people, the use of coffee does not increase their risk of developing hypertension.

The effect of influence on a cardiovascular system of tea is ambiguous. According to the results of some studies, both black, and green tea 30 minutes after taking pressure increases pressure. Other studies do not confirm this. At the same time, both black and green tea contain valuable antioxidants of polyphenolic nature. Therefore, for people who use little fruit, it is tea that is a source of bioflavonoids. Check your reaction, and if tea does not raise your pressure and does not increase nervous excitability, then drink it to health.

On the next page we will talk about vegetarianism and how the action is on hypertension of fats, carbohydrates and fiber.

Hypertension and lack of water

High blood pressure

Doctors believe that they help you, calling what you have, a disease.

Immanuel Kant

Heated blood pressure (arterial primary hypertension) is the result of adaptation to a serious shortage of water.

The vessels are designed to cope with changes in blood volume. When the volume of fluid in the body decreases, they also have to narrow holes; Otherwise, the body will not have enough fluid in order to fill the entire blood circuit system. If blood vessels are not able to adapt to the volume of water, gases are separated from the blood and the space is filled by creating gases.

Changing the direction of blood flow is a normal phenomenon. When we eat, the bloodstream is guided mainly to the intestinal tract, where, due to the closure of capillary blood circulation, a large number of capillaries opens in other places. Fully, only those areas where activity requires compulsory blood supply will be opened. In other words, it is the ability of a capillary bed that hold blood determines the direction and flow rate to a particular area at a particular point in time.

The task of this process is to cope with paramount work without having burdened itself to maintain an excess volume of fluid in the body. In the process of digestion, when a gastrointestinal tract does not require a lot of blood, the blood supply to other areas is amplified. Perhaps that, with so hard, we force ourselves to be taken for work right after meals and feel cheerful and active after a while. As we see, there is a special mechanism to establish the priority of the blood supply to one or another area: some capillaries open, while others are closed. The order is defined in advance - in accordance with the importance of functions. Brain, lungs, kidneys, liver and glands get an advantage in front of the muscles, bones and skin in the blood circulation process, unless other sequence is programmed in the system (this may occur if the constant activity of one part of the body will affect its blood supply; it looks like a development muscles by regular training).

Lack of water - the potential for the development of hypertension

If we do not drink a sufficient amount of water to satisfy all the needs of the body, some cells are dehydrated and give water into blood. Separate capillary beds are forced to close in order to compensate for the loss. In conditions of lack of water and dehydration, 66 percent of water is extracted from the volume of water contained inside the cells, 26 percent of the water surrounding the cell, and 8 percent of the water contained in the blood (Fig. 13). There is no other alternative for blood vessels, except to close the holes to cope with the loss of blood volume. The process begins with the closure of some capillaries in less active areas. After all, in the absence of balance, these capillaries cannot remain open. Insufficient quantity should be replenished either from outside, or taken from another part of the body!

Ultimately, an increase in the activity of capillary lies determines the volume of circulated blood. The larger the loads make muscles, the more their capillaries are opened and the greater the amount of circulating blood they retain. For this reason, the exercise should be an integral part of life for all suffering from elevated blood pressure. This is one aspect of hypertension physiology. The capillary bed should remain open and provide free blood access. When the bed is closed and prevents the free blood ingress, only blood pressure circulating out of the capillary will ensure the passage of a certain amount of fluid through the system.

Another reason for the selective closure of the capillary bed can be lack of water in the body. The water that we drink should get into the cells - water regulates the volume of the cell from the inside. Salt regulates the amount of water contained outside the cell - the ocean surrounding the cell. Maintaining the body of blood composition due to fluctuations in water volume in some cells is a very thin balancing mechanism. In the event of a lack of water, some cells have to do without a normal norm, while others get exactly as much as it should be kept for the conservation of functions (as explained, the mechanism involves passing water through the cell membrane). However, blood, as a rule, retains its composition in immutability. She needs to do this to maintain the natural composition of the elements entering important centers.

It is here that a faction of the paradigm of solutions is given, according to which the functions of the body depend on the solid content of the blood and does not recognize the dehydration of certain organs. All blood tests may be normal, but still small capillaries of heart and brain will be closed, which will damage the cells of these organs due to prolonged dehydration. When you get acquainted with the head of cholesterol, this statement will become more understandable.

In the case when we lose the feeling of thirst (or we do not recognize the remaining dehydration signals) and drink less water than the daily rate requires, the closure of some vascular lies is the only alternative to the preservation of blood vessels filled. There is a lawsager question: how long can it last? Answer: long enough to get serious and die seriously. As long as we do not recognize the paradigm shift and the problems that are associated with violation of water metabolism, chronic dehydration will cause damage and our body, and our society!

Arterial primary hypertension must be treated primarily by increased water consumption. A modern way to combat hypertension is incorrect to the degree of complete scientific absurdity. The body is trying to keep as much water as possible, and we declare it: "Yes, no, you do not understand, you need to take diuretic products and get rid of the water!" If it happens, if we do not drink so much water, how much the body is needed, the only way to keep water is to start the sodium retention mechanism and include races. Only in the presence of sodium in the additional cell compartment is preserved water. From this compartment through the "Head of the Soul", the water is passed into the cells in accordance with their "status". Thus, the holding of sodium in the body is the last means of retention of water for passing through the "soul head".

The sodium deduction mechanism in the body is characterized by special sensitivity. The assumption that the cause of hypertension lies in the root incorrectly and is the result of insufficient knowledge of the mechanisms regulating the distribution of water in the body. When the patient takes diuretic to remove sodium from the body, the body is gradually dehydrated. The dryness level in the mouth is achieved, after which the person drinks a little water to at least somehow compensate for its absence. The use of diuretic facilities contributes to the launch of the mechanism of crisis regulation of water. They do not treat hypertension; They force the body to need water and salt, and this is not enough to get rid of the problem. But after some time, diuretics are not enough and additional drugs are prescribed enough and patient.

Another problem in the assessment of hypertension is the means of measuring. Anxiety accompanying increased pressure automatically affects the results of the survey. The instrument readings may not secure true blood pressure. An inexperienced or unscrupulous doctor, more concerned with legal proceedings than the accuracy of the diagnosis, will immediately assume the presence of high blood pressure in a patient, although in fact only the temporary fear of the examination is detected, which causes overestimated instrument readings. But another one, however, a less well-known problem associated with a pressure measurement is the injection of air until the pressure in the cuff does not exceed the systolic pressure, and then releasing the air until the pulse begins to listen.

Each large (and possibly small) aorta has an accompanying nerve that follows the flow of blood passing through the vessel. With a loss of pressure behind the cuff is stimulated by the opening process under pressure of clogged vessels. Thus, artificially stimulated high pressure turns out to be inevitable. Unfortunately, blood pressure measurements are so random and arbitrary that almost every person can be diagnosed with hypertension.

Water itself is an excellent diuretic. If people suffering from hypertension, which produce a sufficient amount of urine, will increase the daily rate of water, then they will not need any diuretics. If the long dehydration causing hypertension led to heart failure, then increase the weather rate is gradually. This will help prevent the amount of fluid in the body of excess and non-controlling the amount of fluid.

In such people, the sodium retention mechanism works in "exhausting" mode. When the volume of water consumed increases gradually and at the same time produced more urine, swelling, which contains many toxic substances, goes away, and the heart works in full force.

Dear Dr. Batmangheelidge!

I just ordered a second copy of your book about water, and the first one gave my son. I tell everyone about her and my impressions. You may be interested in my story.

My 58 Summer First Son Charles, who lives with me, suffers with deafness and autism. Three four times a week I hire it for surveys. As the son measured blood pressure and reported that he needs to take medicine - the pressure was 140 160/100 104. I just read your book and asked the doctor to allow me to experiment within two weeks. He agreed extremely reluctantly, warning me that it could be very dangerous.

I strictly followed your instructions, forcing Charles to drink more water and adding some magnesium and potassium.

Two weeks later, the nurse measured the son of the pressure; It turned out to be 106/80. "Doctor is now suitable," she murmured. Definitely the doctor did not believe her because it came to make sure the results. He did not ask me how I achieved it, and I myself did not say. But if the pressure remains at the same level, I will definitely inform him.

I myself also fulfill all your recommendations, although I do not have any health problems. After 10 days, I noted that I stopped the head to spin, if you quickly wind it from side to the side. Previously, I had to put several pillows under the head at night, because I could not lower the neck, now I am much better. I am 82 and a half years.

Thank you for your work - it is worth the work. May strength be with you.

Marjori Rammey.

If you manage to understand why this doctor was not interested in how Charles managed to normalize blood pressure, then you will understand why we encountered such a colossal healthcare crisis!

Michael Pek in the past held an administrative position, in "Foundation for the Simple. In Medicine. This is a medical research institution, which is a peculiar "brainstorm" and distributing the idea of \u200b\u200bthe shift of paradigm concerning water metabolism in the body. Michael Pek briefly tells about his problems, from whom he suffered from childhood. Who, tell me, could suggest that such different diseases are connected with each other? Who would have thought that after so many years, these diseases would disappear as a result of regular water intake? The solution to Michael Pek's problems was so unusual and simple that the wife "went on his footsteps."

Micro Investments, Inc.

Foundation for the Simple in Medicine

Kings Garden, Way, 2146

Falls Cherch, Virginia, 22043

Dear Feredun!

This letter is evidence of the enormous role of water for health and the right diet.

When I first met your book, I suffered from overweight, high blood pressure, asthma and allergies, which pursued me since childhood. I had to make a huge amount of drugs. Today weighing and blood pressure in perfect order (I dropped about 13 kg, and the pressure decreased by 10 units). Thanks to your recommendations, allergic and asthmatic attacks have become not so frequent.

I feel less often with flu and cold, illness, as a rule, proceed in a very easy form. I gave your book to my wife, which takes a high-pressure medicine for four years, and thanks to the increased consumption of water, it was practically getting rid of medications.

Thank you so much for your work.

Michael Pek

Michael Paturis first met this work about the water, when a few years ago I was invited to speak with a speech in this club. As we dined together, and I explained in detail to Michael, why hypertension and fat deposits are, as a rule, the consequences of chronic dehydration. He followed without hesitation, followed by my advice to increase the amount of water drunk and in turn convinced that in his wife. You can read about the influence of an enlarged water rate on allergies and asthma in the two letters below.

Walter Burmayster observed the effect of water on its own blood pressure. As you learn from his letter, he managed to normalize the pressure, without resorting to medicines.

If water is a natural diuretic, why intelligent and seemingly educated people insist on the use of chemical drugs to get rid of the water in the kidneys? Personally, I consider it a manifestation of the most ordinary ignorance. Since such actions are harm to the kidneys, and ultimately - and the heart, this practice should be immediately stopped.

My colleagues are those that still insist on the use of diuretics for the treatment of increased blood pressure - relate to patients more than negligently. New information Removes people to people on absurd methods of treating hypertension using various diuretics.

Lawyer E. Michael Paturis

Do Street Square North Street, 431

Ould Town Alexandria, Virginia 22314

F. Batmangheliju, Doctor of Medicine

Foundation for the Simple in Medicine

Kings Garden Way, 2146

Falls Cherch, Virginia 22043

I again want to thank you for your kindness and help my wife and me, for learning how to appreciate the importance of water for the body.

We noted a noticeable weight loss as a result of regular use of water, from which we could not deliver respected doctors. The loss of 20 kg was so noticeably affected on low blood pressure, which I no longer accept drugs. The wife's weight loss has a positive way affected the problem with his back, which tormented her for many years. In addition, she is confident that the weakening of the manifestations of asthma and allergies is connected with weight loss.


Yours sincerely. E. Michael Paturis

F. Batmangheeliju. Doctor of Medicine

Fondation for The Simple in Medicine

Kings Garden Way. 2146.

Falls Cherge. Virginia 22043.

Dear Dr. Batmangheelidge!

Since my last letter and your subsequent phone call, I was engaged in moving. Here is my new address: Lieutenant Colonel Walter F. Burmayster, 118 Casitas Del Este, El Paso, Texas 79935.

But much more important than all these details are the following: I readily confirm how efficiently the usual water reduces the pressure. In accordance with your recommendations, leaving behind the years of treatment with diuretics and calcium blockers, for three months in a row, I drank at least eight glasses of water a day, and sometimes more. Previously, blood pressure was held exclusively using drugs, but gradually decreased from 150 160/95 98 to 130 135/75 80.

The wife measures me the pressure of the house, every time removing the testimony of two three times. Indications are rarely falling to 120/75 and rarely rise above 140/90. However, as a rule, pressure is normal.

In addition to vitamins and minerals free from drugs, the approach is based on the reception of ordinary water with a pinch of salt, helps to relax nervous system And keep confidence.

The heart is a real motor, which continuously works throughout the life, ensuring the vital activity of the whole organism. It is no wonder that such performance quickly displays the cardiovascular system, leading to various diseases and critical states that are threatened. This confirms the statistics according to which diseases of the heart and blood vessels are leading in the list of causes of mortality among all known diseases. And it is they who reduce the life of a person by 10, and sometimes for 20 years!

Heart health promotion measures have long been known. Physical activity should be maintained, avoid stressful situations, abandon the bad habits and comply with mild food. Moreover, it is known that it is the nutrition that is the most important factor in the development of these diseases. In this regard, nutritionists propose to take into account the useful drinks that support the work of the heart and can be a good help in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. And the speech here will not be about the popular "dietary" drinks now, in which sugar substitutes are added instead of sugar and this is only veiled by the malnutrition. We will tell about natural drinks that really carry the heart and strengthen the vessels.

9 healthy drinks for the heart

Clean water is simply necessary for the body, and, first of all, the cardiovascular system. Without this healing moisture, the blood begins to thicken, which means that the heart is experiencing an increased load, pushing blood according to vessels and capillaries. It is the lack of water that is a factor that significantly increases the risk of ischemic heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases.

To maintain the work of the heart of the heart, it is necessary to drink 2-2.5 liters of fluids per day, including water should be. The main thing is to take care that it is pure spring water or water, purified by filter.

2. Red wine

It has been proven that in dry grape fault there is powerful cardioprotective substances that have a beneficial effect on the heart muscle and strengthen the vascular walls. These most valuable compounds are called polyphenols (resveratrol is the most famous of them). They reduce the level of "harmful" cholesterol in the blood, and therefore prevent thrombosis and reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. In addition, dry wine is rich in antioxidants, which prevent the propagation of free radicals and protect the body from inflammatory and oncological diseases.

Scientists have established that the greatest concentration of useful compounds is contained in dry red wine. However, considering that this is an alcoholic drink, it is extremely dangerous to abuse them for the body. In terms of maintaining the heart of the heart, the doctors admit 50 grams of dry wine per day, with the condition that it should be high-quality natural grape wine.

3. Grape Sok.

Antioxidant grape juice carries an undeniable benefit of the entire cardiovascular system. Scientists confirm that this juice, from which the red wine actually produces, is not worse than the latter protects the heart and vessels from damage and sticking cholesterol plaques. The value of both beverages lies in the elevated content of polyphenols that are maintained in the normal blood pressure and block the activity of protein compounds leading to the development of vascular diseases.

What is interesting, the largest amount of polyphenols is contained in the peel of grapes of Pinot Noir. Other varieties of blue grapes also contain this polyphenolic compound, albeit in smaller quantities, and therefore a glass of freshly squeezed grape juice, diluted 1: 1 with water, will only benefit you.

4. Green tea

Green tea is a well-known source of antioxidants, which means one of the drinks recommended to combat inflammatory diseases, as well as pathologies of the heart and blood vessels. Antioxidants present in green tea are perfectly expanding the vessels, make their walls elastic, which means less vulnerable to blockage. This is confirmed by research, according to which the use of 4 cups of green tea per day is associated with a decrease in the likelihood of the development of ischemic heart disease by 43%.

The black tea also contains antioxidants, but they are significantly less than in green or semifornized teas (ooluns). That is why the doctors strongly recommend that 3-4 cups of fragrant green tea per day are strongly recommended to drink blood pressure on the blood and normalization of pressure.

5. Pomegranate juice

Researching pomegranate juice for antioxidants, scientists experienced real delight! It turned out that this unique juice contains 3 times more antioxidants than in red wine! Moreover, the pomegranate juice contains potassium and magnesium necessary for the health of the heart and blood vessels. In this regard, pomegranate juice can be called a valuable natural biostimulator, which increases the body's tone, preventing hypertension, atherosclerosis and many other heart disease and vessels.

Five different studies confirmed that the daily use of a glass of pomegranate juice diluted with water improves blood flow to the heart, increases the oxygen level in the blood, reduces blood pressure and prevents sedimentation of cholesterol plaques on the vessels walls. It is only important to remember that the benefit will bring freshly squeezed pomegranate juice, but the packet juice from the supermarket will only worsen the state of the cardiovascular system.

6. Tomato Juice

Tomato juice is one of the most useful liquids, to purify the blood and strengthen the heart muscle. These properties of this vegetable drink are provided by the presence of potassium, nicotine acid (vitamin B3), folic acid (vitamin B9) and pyridoxine (vitamin B6). But the main use of tomato juice for the heart and blood vessels is to regulate the level of homocysteine. High level This "chemical" present in our blood is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular pathologies, including the development of thrombosis, increased pressure and stroke.

Drinking tomato juice can be almost every day, but not more than half a glass, since this drink is rich in sodium, the excess of which can harm the body.

7. Soybean milk

The use of soy juice is an excellent way to replenish protein reserves in the body. But what is even more valuable, this vegetation protein helps to reduce the content of "harmful" cholesterol in the blood. American researchers from Mayo Clinic confirmed this theory, proving that regular use of soy milk makes it possible to reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases by 25%. In addition, this drink increases endurance during exercise, reduces the severity of menopause symptoms and helps control the weight. For this, it is enough just to drink 3-4 glasses of soy milk per week.

Despite the statements of doctors that caffeine is harmful to the heart and is associated with the risk of hypertension, modern researchers have proven that coffee can be a product of long-livers. Scientists from the Brooklyn University conducted a study without a small 5 years, in which 7,000 people participated. During the study, it was proved that the use of 2-3 cups of coffee on the day by persons over 65 years old, which did not have problems with the cardiovascular system, reduces the risk of stroke and infarction by 30-40 percent. For the sake of justice, it is worth noting that people are under the age of 65, as well as people suffering from hypertension or IBA, this protective effect was not observed.

9. Cranberry juice

Cranberry juice is often called "pantry health" and a real assistant organism in the correct functioning of the cardiovascular system. With a large number of antioxidants (anthocyanov), this drink reduces low-density lipoprotein levels, and therefore prevents the development of atherosclerosis. Moreover, cranberry juice expands the coronary vessels, maintaining blood pressure in the norm, copes with vascular spasms and helps the heart to enrich the brain with oxygen. Drink cranberry juice stands in the form of horses, as well as spreading juice with water in a 1: 1 ratio and taking 1-2 tablespoons per day.
Health to your heart!

The heart of man as a car engine, works continuously, rhythmically and all his life. Whatever strong and healthy our "motor", time and active work wear this muscular organ, acquiring and accumulating diseases of various kinds.

Violation of cardiac activity leads to a critical state of our body, causing severe consequences. These statistics show that cardiovascular diseases occupy the first place among the causes of the mortality of the world's population. The risk factors of the occurrence of these diseases may be a lot: smoking, alcohol abuse, insufficient physical activity, increased body weight, hypertension, constant stress and improper nutrition.

Both harmful habits are very easy, and it is very difficult to deal with the result. Proper and balanced nutrition, useful drinks, physical activity and nutritional advice will help get rid of many symptoms of heart diseases. It is the useful drinks, the basis for which the mother's nature offers us, will bring huge benefit to the engine of our organism, strengthen the walls of vessels, and not synthetic "goodies" from chemical laboratories that hissing in a glass. Analyzing the advice of nutritionists, cardiologists and therapists, we will introduce you to the most useful drinks to normalize the work and the vital activity of your heart.

1. Water

The person consists of about 80% of the water, so the lack of it in the body of stress and catastrophe for the heart and blood vessels. Without it, blood is thick, the heart gets the load to pump blood, it begs a failure in his work. Specialists argue that the use of water reduces the risk of infarction to 70%, in addition, it burns fats and displays toxins than it helps to reduce excess weight.

For the normal function of the heart, an adult person is supposed to consume 2-2.5 liters of fluid, where 8 glasses are necessarily pure and non-carbonated water.

2. Red wine

Dry wine - the first alcoholic drink of humanity, it is not only a powerful antioxidant, but also a good cardiological protector. Dry wine polyphenols strengthen the walls of the vessels and normalize the work of the heart muscle. The main effect of polyphenols is aimed at reducing the level of poor cholesterol, so the risk of heart attacks, strokes and blood cloves decreases.

As a strong antioxidant, dry red wine struggles with viral diseasesDisplays toxins from the body, strengthens the immune system. Wine is an alcoholic drink, it is not desirable to use it in large quantities. For good heart activities, 50 grams per day of good quality wines are allowed.

3. Grape Sok.

The best assistant and leakage for the heart and vessels - grape juice. Wine, like a derivative of grapes, useful for their chemical substancesAnd grape juice reveals its healing properties completely differently. The maximum concentration of polyphenols has a positive effect on the walls of the vessels, stabilizes the blood pressure, is a prophylactic agent of cardiovascular diseases.

Polyphenols accumulate as much as possible in the skin of this solar berries. Therefore, grapes are better to eat with skin, but a fresh squeezed drink diluted with water 1: 1. The compound of grape nectar with water will bring more benefits for the work of the heart, the vascular system, and does not harm its concentration of the gastrointestinal tract.

4. Green tea

Why exactly green tea, not fragrant and tonic black? Green tea is a miracle drink, an antioxidant source and a better means to prevent cardiovascular and acute inflammatory diseases. From the antioxidants of this beverage of the vessel walls become elastic, and are not subject to blockage.

It has long been known that by using 4 cups of this pleasant drink for a day, you protect your heart from the risk of diseases by 43%. This amount of tea drunk diluted blood and stabilizes blood pressure. This is healing, energy and vitamin drink, product of youth and longevity.

5. Pomegranate juice

Studying the properties of a grenade juice, scientists received a stunning result about the presence of antioxidants, their three times more than in wine. In addition, the garnet drink is rich in potassium and magnesium, they feed the heart muscle, strengthen the walls of the vessels. Natural biostimular preventing hypertension and sclerosis, pomegranate juice - invaluable gift for our organism from nature itself. No synthetic analogues can be compared with the results of this natural wealth.

A person who is used every day a glass of pomegranate juice, diluted with water, visiting the cardiologist will be very rare. You can not put on one stage of fresh squeezed juice and packaged. The juice of industrial preparation passed a number of technological processes, and no benefit will bring any use, but will only cause a deterioration in the body's work.

6.Toatful juice

Delicious and pleasant vegetable drink. It cleans blood, strengthens the heart muscle, provides the body of potassium and folic acid, microelements of selenium, molybdenum, iodine, cobalt and phosphorus. Tomato juice contributes to the development of serotonin, hormone of happiness, thereby removes the consequences of stress, negatively affecting the heart activity of the human body.

The greatest value of tomato juice is that it regulates the level of homocysteine. Exceeding the norm of this amino acid in the blood is developing atherosclerosis and blood thickening. The juice reduces its level and protects the walls of vessels from thrombosis, hypertension, stroke. Tomato juice increases hemoglobin in the blood, removes harmful cholesterol and is actively preventing the development of sclerosis.

The presence of still sodium in this vegetable juice obliges it to drink it no more than half a cup per day not to increase the acidity of the stomach. It is not recommended to mix tomato juice with products containing protein and starch. Bread, cottage cheese, egg, potatoes in connection with use juice will not bring, and problems with excretory system Start. Combine juice with greens, make vegetable mixes based on tomato juice and get a good result.

7. Cranberry juice

A valuable source of fructose, glucose, pectins and other beneficial substances. Cranberry juice is an excellent assistant and lifeguard for the body in improving the work of the vascular system. It reduces the level of development of atherosclerosis, stabilizes blood pressure, eliminates the spasm of the vessels. Juice is a liquid acting on the human body in the cell level.

Satisfying useful properties The berry itself, cranberry juice brings great benefits to the body, and most importantly, it helps to saturate the brain cells with oxygen. The drink from the marsh berries of drinking in large quantities is not worth it, it is enough to use it in a divided form of 2 tablespoons or enjoy a crank moss and a kissel

We all read the "Little Prince" of Antoine de Saint Exupery as a child. This is a story about a boy with thinking, different from a simple town man, from which everything turned into. An adult baby logic has revealed the essence of things over which it cost to reflect. What am I so? The little prince somehow said: "Water is needed and heart." Of course, he meant spiritual food for a thirsty heart.

Today, in an attempt to invest in these words, physical meaning is speculating how drinking water is needed for our fiery motor.

In the dispute between rigid water and soft wins, oddly enough, the first!

The quality of water consumed is an integral attribute of a healthy heart. That's just in the dispute between rigid water and soft wins, oddly enough, the first.

British scientists have proven: rigid water tap water (compared to soft) reduces the risk of die from heart disease and vessels for 4%!

(Morris R.W. New Evidence From the British. Regional Heart Study / R.W. Morris, M. Walker, L.T. Lennon, A.G. Shaper and p.h. Whincup // European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehability. - 2008. - Vol. 15, №2. - R. 185-189.) Similar results (5%) Noted in the United States (Monarca S, Donato F, Zerbini I, Calderon RL, Craun Gf. Review of Epidemiological Studies on Drinking Water Hardness and CardiovascularDiseases. EUR J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil 2006 ; 13: 495-506).

The starting point in this story turned out to be an increased content of magnesium salts and calcium in rigid water and only sodium salts - in soft.

Magnesium and calcium need a heart and vessels for proper transmission of cardiac pulses, compliance with vascular wall. Sodium in excess delays water in the body, which increases the load on our engine and provokes pressure increase.

What is better: drinking water or eat

The fluid in our daily diet is usually given a key place.

Only we drink without disaster, not realizing that the water drinking and the rest of the drinks are different concepts. In modern megalps, the use of ordinary drinking waterUnfortunately, minimized. It is replaced with tea, coffee, at best, milk, and often, alas, and sting with Phanto. Only that's what's the thing:

tea and coffee are food, they do not saturate the body with liquid fully, do not penetrate into the cells, and transit pass through the body. To compensate for the fluid that did not receive them, the cells spend their "personal" and are gradually dehydrated.

Worse is the case with carbonated drinks, they generally increase appetite, blood sugar and body weight.

Another problem is a little pure water.

So it turns out that it seems like a liquid consume a lot of difficulty and often, and there is little use at the exit. So, the water in which our cells need will not come to them. Moreover, water will begin to go out of them to fill the fluid deficiency outside the cells.

Photos from Russia-Now.com

Advantages of drinking water

Drinking water perfectly helps in the fight against overweight.

It satures the cells with a useful liquid. Replacing a simple carbonated water, we deprive themselves opportunities to help the body maintain the balance between its intake and elimination, and load unnecessary, empty calories.

Drinking water suppresses appetite, which you can not say about the carbonated.

Drilled 6 glasses of water per day by 41% reduce the risk of cardiac strike compared to 2 glasses. (Water, Other Fluids, And Fatal Coronary Heart Disease: The Adventist Health Study Jacqueline Chan Synnove F. Knutsen Glen G. BLIX JERRY W. Lee Gary E. Fraser American Journal of Epidemiology, Volume 155, Issue 9, 1 May 2002, Pages 827-833.)

True, there is one small "but": your heart and vessels should be healthy!

When the emerging fluid deficit is 1-2% of the body weight, it causes obsessive fatigue, weakness and headaches.

So, physical exertion will be transferred worse.

Clean water - clean skin.

First, due to moisturizing the skin from the inside, secondly, by improving digestion (water extends excess hydrochloric acid in the stomach, helps to absorb food and prevents constipation).

Timely shoes and other harmful substances do not give rise to multiply in the intestine of cancer cells.

Distribution of fluid on the day for a healthy person

For a healthy person, there are 2 glasses of water in the morning. One drink half an hour before meals, the other - 2.5 hours after. It is believed that this compensates for the loss of fluid during sleep.

During meals, it is better not to drink: the liquid fills the stomach, mixed with food and increases the total amount of food eaten.

During the day, it is better to drink water in the interruptions between meals (2-3 cups).

But after 18 hours it is better to temper your dust, because not all sorts of kidneys will say thanks for the additional burden at all-working time. And then "Morning in the Chinese village" will certainly spoil the mood.

The total amount of fluid per day (not per day - do not drink at night!), Thus, it is better to leave at the level of 1.5-2 liters.

How many drinking water with elevated arterial pressure (hell)

People with elevated blood pressure are vital to constantly monitor the amount of drinking liquid. A sufficient amount of water helps them maintain:

  • optimal chemical composition blood (dilutes it),
  • smoothness of vessel walls,
  • proper work of the heart.

When water is not enough, a lot of sodium is collected in the cells. He, in turn, tightens all the nearby water. This is a direct mechanism to increase hell.

Therefore, 1.5-2 liters of water per day hypertensive is desirable to drink.

And again one "but". In hypertensive with many years of experience, the kidneys decrease in size (wrinkled) due to the constant narrowing of the vessels and, as a result, insufficient oxygen flow. They lose the ability to filter a sufficient amount of urine. Then drunk 2 liters of fluids overload.

Better stop by 1.5 liters.

How many drinking water in heart failure

Heart failure (as a complication of a number of heart disease) - another reason to think about the water. This time in the sense of restrictions.

The main cause of heart weakness is the incorrect work of the heart, which does not allow to cope with the normal amount of fluid. Therefore, there are edema on legs, shortness of breath, the severity in the abdomen on the right (due to the stretching of the sheath of the liver fluid). Plus, the work of the kidneys is broken due to pressure overload and fluid - bags under the eyes appear. Man simply flogs. Ball with ball, just take off can not ...

As for the amount of water a day - the question is complex. 2 l clearly a lot, 0.5 l little. I think 1-1.5 l - just right. Only at edema, sufficient doses of diuretic drugs are required (they are included in the obligatory treatment of such patients).

And do not forget about the indispensable thirst from diuretic drugs (we train the power of the will), as well as the uniform distribution of the drinking liquid during the first half of the day.

And remember:

the cores have their own feature of the absorption of fluid. They eat it or drink it, with improper work of the heart, the excess liquid will accumulate in the legs, liver, lungs.

For such people, products originally containing liquid (ice cream, soup, yogurts, etc.), always plunder to the daily limit.

For curious: how to track liquid

If you want to evaluate how much your body absorbs and processes water, especially in hot summer days, the perfect combination of options - count the drunk and eaten (with food) water throughout the day and measure the body weight in the morning after sleep (before meals) and in the evening before bedtime.

If "before" and "after" balance each other - continue to enjoy the sun and rest. But if in a week your weight steps steadily a kilogram of five (even with a decrease in the amount of liquid drunk), it's time to be alarming.

... So I still wanted to tell us the phrase "Water is needed and the heart" Little Prince? Maybe the fact that water for the heart should be in moderation. And the measure is determined by his health ... In any case, this is just one of the interpretations of the literary masterpiece.

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